The Vent/Help Thread



  • Thanks! That means a lot. I was actually considering writing a letter to the vice principal about this, but some people told me not to and that it wasn't worth it. But now that I see it's becoming a bigger problem and, with the way things are now, could potentially be harmful to students' health, I think I might. Just because I'm graduating this year doesn't mean I've stopped caring. My school is great when it comes to other things; its reputation doesn't have to be ruined by a few disgusting bathrooms.

    it's quite possible that there are some who are taking extras

    I thought about that too, but I'm not really sure how you could go about preventing that. I'm sure we all know how bad it would suck to be caught without a tampon, so maybe that would make people less likely to take more than they need. Tampon "tokens" seems like a lot of unnecessary effort for such a necessary thing. Even if tampons were 10 or 25 cents, that would be much better than not having anything at all.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Know what? You're a good enough writer that you could write a letter to the principal, or superintendent, or heck, even the local newspaper

  • All of my sister's friends are just gone, even her boyfriend.

    I watched a lot of people pass in my own family, friends, whatever and its a very hard thing to deal with. These people were young children, they didn't know how to deal with it. You should let all that anger go, and give it to god. It will make you feel so much better trust me. Is this what your sister would want for you?

    Prepare for a very deep conversation and a lot of depression ahead 4 years ago, when I was 16, my older sister was diagnosed with maligna

  • No i mean, if you people are afraid of public restrooms, avoid 3rd world countries all together.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Squat toilets are awesome though! Human bodies aren't designed to shit sitting down.

  • They just like you. That is why people talk to people, if they didn't they wouldn't bother.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm not really one to vent to other people, but I just wanted to say I hate people who love to constantly bother you. Y-Y

  • In all honesty I haven't seen any of them in 4 years believe or not. But remember, my sister was 18 at that time, and they weren't really kids. How they all just chose to ignore angered me, but I moved on, I won't hold a grudge against them but at the same time I won't forget what they have done. My sister would have wanted me to let go. And I'm sorry you had to go something similar to me.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    All of my sister's friends are just gone, even her boyfriend. I watched a lot of people pass in my own family, friends, whatever an

  • It sucks this happened so early in your life. I understand, and no problem. I wish you luck.

    Yes, that's true. Well I used to be anyway, this happened 4 years ago and I was at my teenage years, so I was very sensitive about it. My fr

  • You never saw it?

    Death threats over two fictional characters? I'm ashamed to call myself a human being.

  • Wait, isn't that thread like, super old? But why does it say all that stuff was posted this month of this year????

    FauDeef posted: »

    Hey, there. If this thread is becoming to "sad" (or whatever) for you, I'm just announcing that I've already made an happier thread to make

  • edited May 2015

    Trust me, you will worship these public lavatories after seeing one example of a school's mens toilets. That is ANY example of such.

    I honestly don't know how long this is gonna be, but I'm kind of mad and need to get this out so meh. This rant is probably gonna be a bit d

  • I would just suggest not dwelling on it, anymore. People make mistakes in life, especially when their young. I don't really consider a eighteen year old an adult who makes the right choices all the time. They don't think about the consequences, or how to do things right. I am sure they wanted to, but they didn't know what to say, it was just a terrible situation to deal with. Sometimes people feel its easier to say nothing, than something, that is true. It is easier, you don't upset people, you grieve in silence.

    Life is hard, and its only going to get harder, i sincerely hope you can find some peace in life, don't let it consume you because you will waste those years feeling that way. Just my advice.

    In all honesty I haven't seen any of them in 4 years believe or not. But remember, my sister was 18 at that time, and they weren't really ki

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    Tries desperately not to imagine it looks like a face with eyes attempting to stare into your soul.

    I honestly don't know how long this is gonna be, but I'm kind of mad and need to get this out so meh. This rant is probably gonna be a bit d

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    Well, I guess it's some GTA Online Stupid Bullshit Venting Time! One day was filled with stupid shit.

    Okay so I joined the Human Labs Raid Heist for someone. I thought it was gonna go smoothly (what was I on?) At first I was ground team, and I preferred that. Then the leader made me pilot, I suck and hate flying. So anyway we got to the chopper with the cannons. One of the partners starting shooting the cannon, and I told him to stop cuz we might get the cops on us and fail. The other two were spread out so I picked them out. The leader was the gunner and guess what? He starting to shooting stupidly as well. Neither would listen to me. They have to be trigger happy. Then we got to the place, I found out I wasn't high enough. So I started to go up, and the stupid gunner jumped out before I got there! Real bright. So I had go all the way down and picked him up, he almost got chopped up by the propellers cuz of the hill. Now we finally made it all the way up and the two ground team guys jumped.... including the gunner for the flight team! I told him he's not supposed to but he says he is. Like, uh, dude... How can I shoot the guns with this particular kind of chopper?! So I had to go all the way down and land on a roof, support the team. It was alright until I fell off the damn roof and got shot down shortly afterwards. Then we restarted, I flew and they started shooting before we get there. We got to the point and the two on the guns jumped out and the gunner... was on the passenger seat. -_____- Oh, hey bud, nice to see you enjoying the joystick to the controls. I landed so he can change seats but... he ditched the chopper entirely. And the entire ground team died. Restarted, flew up there, he JUMPED with the ground team the second time! So I had enough of the stupidity and left.

    Okay the second heist I joined was The Pacific Standard one, only the hack setup mission. We all had to go to Lester's warehouse by a bridge. I was a passenger for one guy's car. One the way, one as ramming at us. I told the guy to stop doing that and focus on the job (turns out I messaged the wrong guy, oops.) Anyway we got there, I was the driver for the van. We waiting for the two others, and those two rammed into the van. They got in, and on the way was shooting at citizens, risking the cops on us (deja vu?). We got to the alley way, and we all got killed (one used an rpg and killed himself). We restarted, now two punks were hijacking each other for the driver seat. I was in the back seat, with the guy next to me shooting out the back, when we got there, I didn't die but we ran out of lives and failed. Tried again, now all three are continuously hijacking each other over and over (yeah I got hijacked first when I just got in). One almost got left behind and ran over too, who then shot an rpg at the van and try to blow the van up but killed himself. He got killed again and we failed. So there was one option.... SEE YA! AND GOODNIGHT!

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    This is why I prefer I being a lone wolf on GTA. You're surrounded by stooges who can't do a job right. Working by myself is like paradise on this game. Well, time to eat and watch tv. lol

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  • edited May 2015

    I'm not afraid of public restrooms. I feel like people deserve better.

    I'm not trying to sound rude, and these aren't really "first world problems", as some of these complaints are cause for health issues.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    No i mean, if you people are afraid of public restrooms, avoid 3rd world countries all together.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    playing Heists with randoms isn't worth it, in my opinion. The lack of proper communication is crippling.

    An example of my own...

    I was doing the jailbreak heist with randoms and everything was going wrong. I was Demolition (hijack/torch the bus and do air support with the Buzzard). I was fine with that role, but everyone was on different wavelengths. The pilot got up in the air long before I could support him and kept getting shot down by jets. Meanwhile, the ground started attacks on the jail without warning us and kept getting killed. Eventually I said fuck it and gave up.

    Fast forward a couple weeks and I did the same heist in the same role, this time with friends. They let me dictate the timing of the mission, which was vital, because everything depends on well-timed chopper support. The ground team consisted of two veterans who work great together and the pilot was well practiced with his plane and smart enough to avoid the jets altogether, rather than trying to play chicken with their heatseekers.

    In short, the job came together flawlessly and everyone ended up feeling pretty fucking awesome.

    I did the humane labs heist with people I found on the heist crews subreddit and found the same level of success. They were strangers but we easily talked it out and developed a plan, which we were able to execute because we were all on the same page.

    Tl;dr: Communication = Payday. Silence = Misery

    Well, I guess it's some GTA Online Stupid Bullshit Venting Time! One day was filled with stupid shit. Okay so I joined the Human Labs Rai

  • Yeah, I should probably communicate with my mic more often but I get nervous using it. I really communicate through messages instead.

    In the prison break one, the gaurd and prisoner proxies will either way get noticed by one actual gaurd when in there soon after you leave the bus. I'm familiar with this job (I almost always have do that job lol) and when I do it, I never died and just demolished all the forces. Most of the time I get most of the kills. I get so nervous on the other dying so I just plow through intensely (I do take cover and take snacks every once in a while).

    But yeah, I don't really have friends to play with these days except for one who still plays it but he LOVES to drive around mostly. Randoms indeed almost always spell trouble.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    playing Heists with randoms isn't worth it, in my opinion. The lack of proper communication is crippling. An example of my own... I w

  • Online isnt very fun for me. I only got the game last week, so everyone else is much higher level than me. I get kicked from all heists immediately and the only jobs I can connect to are races. Just really seems like Rockstar didn't care about the new player curve, which is a shame because it seems like it could be a lot of fun. Also I'm a little sad that cannonball run isn't a race mode in 5.

    Well, I guess it's some GTA Online Stupid Bullshit Venting Time! One day was filled with stupid shit. Okay so I joined the Human Labs Rai

  • Yeah that is pretty stupid. I hate it when they kick out someone joining a heist, like you NEED people to complete them after all. I don't judge a person by the name, look of their character, or rank. As long as they know how to kick some ass and get the job done, I'm cool.

    Cannonball mode? Never heard of that one before. :?

    Online isnt very fun for me. I only got the game last week, so everyone else is much higher level than me. I get kicked from all heists im

  • Cannonball Run is an older movie, kind of like the movie Rat Race if you've seen that. In GTA4 it was an online race mode where all the players started on foot and had to get through three checkpoints to win. You could use whatever vehicle you could steal to get there, and whatever weapons you could find to kill other players. It was basically a scramble.

    Yeah that is pretty stupid. I hate it when they kick out someone joining a heist, like you NEED people to complete them after all. I don't j

  • I really don't get it, i'm more of a Bear Grylis kind of guy.

    Click here

    I'm not afraid of public restrooms. I feel like people deserve better. I'm not trying to sound rude, and these aren't really "first world problems", as some of these complaints are cause for health issues.

  • Remember the "100 years" thread? I predicted something along the lines of point two, America will wane and China shall become the largest and strongest economy. At this rate, the western world will decline in influence to the point that these so-called third world countries will progress and become nearly (if not) as advanced as the West.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Ok i got a bunch of mini Rants. * So i am trying to create a bank account in India. I never thought it would be something would be so

  • Dood, add me, i'm like lvl 5. I need help. My Psn is Klerold.

    Yeah that is pretty stupid. I hate it when they kick out someone joining a heist, like you NEED people to complete them after all. I don't j

  • edited May 2015

    I'll have to think about it. My brother owns the psn account and the ps3 that has access to online is his, so I don't play on it that often. His system/account, his rules. :/

    papai46 posted: »

    Dood, add me, i'm like lvl 5. I need help. My Psn is Klerold.

  • I was tilling the soil in the field, and I hit an underground wasp nest. While they were swarming the tiller I was running my ass off. No stings luckily, but the tiller is left in a precarious location.

  • Does anyone else hate it when someone or a group shoves an ideal of theirs down your throat? It's a pain in the ass to me. It be like wearing a PlayStation T-shirt and hat everywhere.

  • Do you not like band shirts then?

    Does anyone else hate it when someone or a group shoves an ideal of theirs down your throat? It's a pain in the ass to me. It be like wearing a PlayStation T-shirt and hat everywhere.

  • Eh, as long as isn't overdone. If someone was full band attire, like a guy having tattoos, the shirt , the hairstyle etc, that would be something I wouldn't like.

    My example wasn't very good cause it's hard to think of good ones .

    Do you not like band shirts then?

  • I get you now. It's overdoing it that you don't like, makes sense.

    Eh, as long as isn't overdone. If someone was full band attire, like a guy having tattoos, the shirt , the hairstyle etc, that would be something I wouldn't like. My example wasn't very good cause it's hard to think of good ones .

  • I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight.

    First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all against it saying it was a choice and God is against it. I ignored the God comment because I rather not talk about religion but I offered up the question of "If it's a choice then while would people willingly undergo attacks and other stuff by being gay than just be the socially acceptable straight?". Well for some reason that pissed him off and I left that argument pissed.

    Next I was texting my next friend about the gay argument. I calmed down then she told me she wanted to either smoke weed and get high or drink till she's drunk. I told her neither and informed her of all the effects it will have on her body. She then insults me and tells me I need to chill out and that I'll never experience anything fun in high school if I'm so "Me". This upsets me but I keep my cool and say "If fun equals dumb then i'm good not doing it."...She then tells me it's my fault that she now wants to get high, that she wants to get so fucked up just to forget me. Then we stop talking.

    Now I'm depressed so I text my other friend and tell him what's happened so far...He says it's my fault because I'm bad at helping people. I tell him to stop because I don't need this shit when I'm so depressed. He goes on to say it's my problem that causes all this shit and I don't help anyone. I tell him to fuck off.

    Now I text my last friend who's awake...I tell him everything and he comforts me telling me I've been right all night. Then he says he needs to sleep.

    So I'm sitting alone extremely depressed.

  • No offense or anything, but how can you be friends with such jerks? Do they always act like that? :p

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • Not gonna lie, your friends are dicks, minus the last one. I suggest not talking to them anymore and finding people that are a more positive influence in your life.

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • Sometimes...I don't know, everyone has bad times and I guess I'm just the person people take it out on.

    Green613 posted: »

    No offense or anything, but how can you be friends with such jerks? Do they always act like that?

  • They're not always dicks...I am usually most people's punching bag, I don't hold against them.

    Green613 posted: »

    You should probably drop those people, you shouldn't be their punching bag for whenever they're having a bad time. Everyone goes through bad

  • You should probably drop those people, you shouldn't be their punching bag for whenever they're having a bad time. Everyone goes through bad things yes, but I don't think keeping people around who give you a bad time for them having a bad time is a good idea, you know? :P

    Sometimes...I don't know, everyone has bad times and I guess I'm just the person people take it out on.

  • Well, I don't like to hold one bad night against someone too much.

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't hold against them. Well you should, just sayin bruh >.>

  • The funny thing is that I'm friends with a lot of people and these were some of my best friends.

    Not gonna lie, your friends are dicks, minus the last one. I suggest not talking to them anymore and finding people that are a more positive influence in your life.

  • I agree with the other comments here, some, not all of your friends seem rude. You should take your jerk-ish friends out of you life.

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • Again, they're not always rude and I can't just drop them...

    I agree with the other comments here, some, not all of your friends seem rude. You should take your jerk-ish friends out of you life.

  • I don't hold against them.

    Well you should, just sayin bruh >.>

    They're not always dicks...I am usually most people's punching bag, I don't hold against them.

  • Well, just like in Telltale games, movies, and all other media, people do change. In this case it seems like they're changing for the worst, so sometimes you just need to weed out people that make you feel so bad.

    The funny thing is that I'm friends with a lot of people and these were some of my best friends.

  • You can just drop them, it's easy. Tell them to fuck off and stop talking to you. Lose their numbers, delete them from any social media you might use, and don't talk to them in person. Just because they aren't always rude doesn't make it acceptable for them to make you depressed and be complete assholes to you other times.

    Again, they're not always rude and I can't just drop them...

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