I have wait through three games and currently waiting for this one as well as Game of Thrones. Sometimes it is better to stay optimistic rather than submit to darkness, disease and dryness.
If possible could you please refrain from positing spoilers for a while to give others a chance to play it first, the majority of forum users are from Europe and America and it won't released in these locations for another 12-24 hours and they won't want to be spoilt.
ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
Enjoy the game
If possible could you please refrain from positing spoilers for a while to give others a chance to play it first, the maj… moreority of forum users are from Europe and America and it won't released in these locations for another 12-24 hours and they won't want to be spoilt.
Oh snap. Well unfortunately for me, that link only works if you have a PSN account under EU or AU. But I'll keep an eye out on the NA store! Typically updates about an hour from now. Hopefully the NA store messes up too... :P
Enjoy the game
If possible could you please refrain from positing spoilers for a while to give others a chance to play it first, the maj… moreority of forum users are from Europe and America and it won't released in these locations for another 12-24 hours and they won't want to be spoilt.
There is a release date but they didn't write it in the tweet and they haven't added any release dates to their blog yet, i could try and guess one but if i get it wrong it might upset some people so i am going to wait for a official date first.
Edit: It looks like European PS4 users are able to download it now.
I have wait through three games and currently waiting for this one as well as Game of Thrones. Sometimes it is better to stay optimistic rather than submit to darkness, disease and dryness.
have no clue O.O looking it up right now-- yup, its on the Ps3 PSN- AU/EU account it seems x.x but yup, its been released on ps3 too- just gotta press see all again
have no clue O.O looking it up right now-- yup, its on the Ps3 PSN- AU/EU account it seems x.x but yup, its been released on ps3 too- just gotta press see all again
There is a release date but they didn't write it in the tweet and they haven't added any release dates to their blog yet, i could try and gu… moreess one but if i get it wrong it might upset some people so i am going to wait for a official date first.
Edit: It looks like European PS4 users are able to download it now.
I don't know about PS3 dates, the last episode of Game of Thrones released on the Friday after the Tuesday release so the same thing could happen again.
Well I'm in the EU on PS4 and it's not here for me, as far as I can see... But that's ok since I need to go to bed now to be able to function at work tomorrow anyway. But seriously, shouldn't the EU PSN update all over the EU simultaneously..? I'm confused.
Those dates came from Telltale's twitter so i think they might be in American times, the European Android store might release it earlier so check on the release date.
Well I'm in the EU on PS4 and it's not here for me, as far as I can see... But that's ok since I need to go to bed now to be able to functio… moren at work tomorrow anyway. But seriously, shouldn't the EU PSN update all over the EU simultaneously..? I'm confused.
LOOL it is released;I'm downloading it.
Darn, not seeing it in the NA store. You in Australia too like the op, or is it also showing up for other countries?
I have wait through three games and currently waiting for this one as well as Game of Thrones. Sometimes it is better to stay optimistic rather than submit to darkness, disease and dryness.
Here you can get episode 3 if you have a ps4 ^^
Enjoy the game
If possible could you please refrain from positing spoilers for a while to give others a chance to play it first, the majority of forum users are from Europe and America and it won't released in these locations for another 12-24 hours and they won't want to be spoilt.
Hail to Episode 3, have a good time playin' it!
THERE SHALL BE NO SPOILERS FROM ME! internet pinkie promise!
Oh snap. Well unfortunately for me, that link only works if you have a PSN account under EU or AU. But I'll keep an eye out on the NA store! Typically updates about an hour from now. Hopefully the NA store messes up too... :P
I'm not a spoiler bomb and thank you 87% haip.
There is a release date but they didn't write it in the tweet and they haven't added any release dates to their blog yet, i could try and guess one but if i get it wrong it might upset some people so i am going to wait for a official date first.
Edit: It looks like European PS4 users are able to download it now.
Well i'm from eu and right now i'm downloading it.
Yeah, it's better than go insane due to the looong wait :P
What about Ps3? And thats almost 8 dollars! o.O
PS4 users got it earlier? Ah, whatever, the masterrace users will get it tomorrow anyway, it's not like a week diference or something ;>
have no clue O.O looking it up right now-- yup, its on the Ps3 PSN- AU/EU account it seems x.x but yup, its been released on ps3 too- just gotta press see all again
hail the master race! o: -bows down to my laptop-
I guess it's not here in US. My tales doesnt load and I was hoping downloading Ep. 3 would help somehow
Rip iOS and Android users xD
that sucks alot :c im sorry to hear that D':
Welp, time to evacuate from the forums.
-pets the iOS and Android users on the back, then proceeds to hand them a cookie, for comfort- ;o;
It does suck. I posted in support forums but no response.
thats weird.. and a mystery! >~<
(also, sorry for like, being super active on this forum- it might seem like spam
It's alright! Here's a complimentary limited edition Stress Cube! []
I already got spoiled. Fuck some of the PS4 users, seriously
EDIT: I don't mean it, but seriously, guys, pls.
Any info on PS3?
Once European and Australian PS4/PS3 users were the last to get the episode, now we're the first. Thank you Telltale
Badass.And i have a game capture that allows me to play episode on pc and look in the forums in both times.
No fucking way PS4 got the episode a day early?!
Sh** I totally forgot us xbox users don't get it till Wednesday Dx. Guess I'll play batman till then.
I don't know about PS3 dates, the last episode of Game of Thrones released on the Friday after the Tuesday release so the same thing could happen again.
I'm going to just take a nap or something and hopefully wake up when the episode is out on steam.
That nap is going to be like 16/17 hours... lel
Well I'm in the EU on PS4 and it's not here for me, as far as I can see... But that's ok since I need to go to bed now to be able to function at work tomorrow anyway. But seriously, shouldn't the EU PSN update all over the EU simultaneously..? I'm confused.
16/17, not 23??
Thanks OzzyUK , will check it too
Idk i'm from eest Romania and i'm the only one from here who plays it for first time and i know it for sure.
...I WANT THE TRAILER! T_T who the hell gets pissed at a trailer coming out?