Garrus and Grunt, cause I'd have raw strength and someone who could snipe/be able to drive better than me. But also cause I only ever pick Garrus + krogan/whoever is going to be most useful in game. (Their pop figurines are next to all my borderlands ones right now, heheh.)
I just saw it
.@mariomadluke @mikeyface @Borderlands there are no laughs to be had at all, it's COMPLETELY serious, and definitely not the best ep yet.
— Job J Stauffer (@jobjstauffer) August 4, 2015
Nice to see the Episode coming along so well. I hope that if this is the episode they are referencing that they will play live at PAX, that they only play it a short time before release - or after.
No, ep 4 will end on a cliff hanger, and it will go.
Next Time on Tales From the Borderlands:
And it will just be that clip of Tector and then it will end
It's going to have to be after it comes out, since the episode comes out this month, and Pax Prime starts after the last Tuesday of this month, unless of course they release it on a day other than Tuesday :P
Nice to see the Episode coming along so well. I hope that if this is the episode they are referencing that they will play live at PAX, that they only play it a short time before release - or after.
Phew, that's good (I don't know the dates of PAX). I'm guessing Episode 1 of Minecraft might also be a possibility seeing as how that episode is surprisingly much sooner than we all expected (with the trailer, ratings, etc).
It's going to have to be after it comes out, since the episode comes out this month, and Pax Prime starts after the last Tuesday of this month, unless of course they release it on a day other than Tuesday :P
Phew, that's good (I don't know the dates of PAX). I'm guessing Episode 1 of Minecraft might also be a possibility seeing as how that episode is surprisingly much sooner than we all expected (with the trailer, ratings, etc).
yeah but how long could garrus last on pandora without any food, remember, this isn't just an in and out mission, this would be for the forseable future, but yeah grunt'd be great to have with you
Garrus and Grunt, cause I'd have raw strength and someone who could snipe/be able to drive better than me. But also cause I only ever pick G… morearrus + krogan/whoever is going to be most useful in game. (Their pop figurines are next to all my borderlands ones right now, heheh.)
jacks biotics would be great for tossing things around and zaeed has incendiary grenades and disruptor ammo, so he'd be good against shielded enemies and stalkers, but what about non-shielded fire resistant enemies, like badass pyre threshers? or scorch?
They Said the Same about GoT E5 And they released it in the Following Week.
Tector is the Vault Monster in the Vault of the Traveler confirmed.
Maybe in the post-credit scene of Episode 5.
Garrus and Grunt, cause I'd have raw strength and someone who could snipe/be able to drive better than me. But also cause I only ever pick Garrus + krogan/whoever is going to be most useful in game. (Their pop figurines are next to all my borderlands ones right now, heheh.)
enter link description here
Ohhhh boy.....
guess who's gonna end up like Luke
No, ep 4 will end on a cliff hanger, and it will go.
Next Time on Tales From the Borderlands:
And it will just be that clip of Tector and then it will end
So, I guess we gonna cry, or someone is gonna cry?
Update on Twitter on Jobs replies. :-)
I just saw it
I wished he replied to me
but it's OK glad to see people hyped for the episode and me?I'm also hyped too
Ye I was screaming and hyping so much lol! And a gearbox person replied! Like aaahhhhh!!!
"Jesus Christ, Bigby, is that you!?!"
Yesss!!! Wow, they were actually fast with this one, it has been far less than three months
Nice to see the Episode coming along so well. I hope that if this is the episode they are referencing that they will play live at PAX, that they only play it a short time before release - or after.
It'd be funnier if his machine gun ran out of ammo during the preview clip.
It's going to have to be after it comes out, since the episode comes out this month, and Pax Prime starts after the last Tuesday of this month, unless of course they release it on a day other than Tuesday :P
Phew, that's good (I don't know the dates of PAX). I'm guessing Episode 1 of Minecraft might also be a possibility seeing as how that episode is surprisingly much sooner than we all expected (with the trailer, ratings, etc).
Did you see the tweet Job made that hinted it was going to be Tales there? Here it is if you haven't :P
Didn't see that one. So, it is Borderlands. Thankfully they will be doing it after the Episode as you pointed out, then, it seems.
Look at my beautiful blue face at the bottom there XD
Need this at the beginning of the month for once . And no more forced Disney romance
moments please
^ When mods have to act professional and hide their hype screeches
Victory Screech
i think they did it once, when episode 1 was about to release. i remember them doing the same. t was even before the episode was released!
yeah but how long could garrus last on pandora without any food, remember, this isn't just an in and out mission, this would be for the forseable future, but yeah grunt'd be great to have with you
So is August 11 pretty much confirmed then?
edit: nevermind I thought they'd be doing the playthrough at gamescom, not pax prime. So pretty much the very end of the month
jacks biotics would be great for tossing things around and zaeed has incendiary grenades and disruptor ammo, so he'd be good against shielded enemies and stalkers, but what about non-shielded fire resistant enemies, like badass pyre threshers? or scorch?
you can sort of see those two eating skag steaks... or skag on a stick
... that gif is getting worn out and annoying
aw man I miss lilo and stitch... man that "stitch" spin-off was crap
You just said nothing is happening.