Time zones are Magic ir you just mmastered Max's time travel with the only difference you go forward :P
But I also believe it's still Sunday for Trolltale
damn, that's a tough question...I loved the battle at the control core angel, the location felt sci-fi-like and dark at the same time. finks… more slaughterhouse was always fun, but I think my ultimate favourite location is...opportunity. this comment took me 10 minutes, but I've made my decision. the endless amount of hyperion-soldiers and loaders made it that you never ran out of fun, and it felt much better than just killing some bandits. I felt like I was taking over the whole city, terrorizing it's people, destroying the peace and spreading the message of pandora. there is no such thing as peace or order on pandora. only chaos.
edit: add lynchwood to the list. all the missions were funny and awesome, and I got my favourite sniper-rifle there
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
From any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
I use snipers for every single character. it's just the only kind of weapon I'm good with I kinda suck at borderlands, but I still love it, and the buffalo just makes me feel like ultimate badass since it doesn't has a target-seeing-thingy, too tired to look up the word, you know what I mean anyways
buffalo sniper?
I didn't really like opportunity, I don't know, I just felt bored.
The buffalo was a really good sniper for zer0, but now the only character I use is Gaige, and snipers aren't exactly her expertise.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
In my first playthrough I used Maya, and in my second I used Zer0, I used that sniper against everything with both of them, it was a great sniper, but gaige's accuracy really sucks, I use shotguns and smgs all the time, but that's pretty much it.
I use snipers for every single character. it's just the only kind of weapon I'm good with I kinda suck at borderlands, but I still love it,… more and the buffalo just makes me feel like ultimate badass since it doesn't has a target-seeing-thingy, too tired to look up the word, you know what I mean anyways
best way to fight them is with gaige, her close enough skill when fully upgraded causes 50% of missed bullets to ricochet and hit enemies, even cloaked stalkers, use a purple rarity Jakobs Coach Gun and the damage to them is usually enough to kill them in like 1 or 2 shots.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
Look people are different. what you like is your business. DO NOT force your opinions on to other people. that's not cool that's internet bulling. I will not take that abuse.
Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. if you take it further then I will flag your comment. this is your only warning.
Look if your really like Clap Trap then great. Just don't expect people to follow your opinion. you ask why people didn't like this character and I give you my answer and my opinion. I was civil, now your gang up on me.
Ep4 uploaded.
Well, it's Sunday so doubt it x3
Lel for me it's Monday.
Time zones are Magic ir you just mmastered Max's time travel with the only difference you go forward :P
But I also believe it's still Sunday for Trolltale
So... That's it. We're in the dark now?
Almost 9 hours for them to be monday for them.
Tomorrow is Monday.
Monday has 6 letters.
We still haven't played 2 episodes.
6 - 2 = 4.
Episode 4 news confirmed for Monday, you heard it here first.
A18. Calling it.
Shhh, just go with it...
just come on
buffalo sniper?
I didn't really like opportunity, I don't know, I just felt bored.
The buffalo was a really good sniper for zer0, but now the only character I use is Gaige, and snipers aren't exactly her expertise.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
From any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
I use snipers for every single character. it's just the only kind of weapon I'm good with
I kinda suck at borderlands, but I still love it, and the buffalo just makes me feel like ultimate badass since it doesn't has a target-seeing-thingy, too tired to look up the word, you know what I mean anyways
ok yeah, everyone has different tastes
Skrakks (part skag, part rakk)
i hate the stalkers... ANNOYING! i bet the devs knew that they were, so they did it anyways lol... plus i dont have a 'fav creature' ...
Can't wait to play episode 4!
what part of "no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned" confused you?
In my first playthrough I used Maya, and in my second I used Zer0, I used that sniper against everything with both of them, it was a great sniper, but gaige's accuracy really sucks, I use shotguns and smgs all the time, but that's pretty much it.
best way to fight them is with gaige, her close enough skill when fully upgraded causes 50% of missed bullets to ricochet and hit enemies, even cloaked stalkers, use a purple rarity Jakobs Coach Gun and the damage to them is usually enough to kill them in like 1 or 2 shots.
Loot Midgets! They shower you with money.
creatures, not humans (midgets are people too y'know:)
Does eridians count? Cuz i loved them in the first game
ok. i need to slleep now! here's hope for us to get news tomorrow!
goodnight awesome people!
Callin it! Watch out for screenshots today...
Naw, they are like leprechauns. People don't explode into money and ammo when you blow them up, as much as I wish they would. :-(
Nah, not happening. They typically have at least a week of build up before hand.
But, why have a week of hype... when you can have 3?
I'm reading some of the teasing tweets on the top of the page, and looking at Laura's, I'd say we have an Aug. 18 release.
they're basically organic robots, so no, but I did enjoy them, I actually enjoyed seeing them again in pre-sequel
Whoops, my bad, didn't read that part. In that case, skags.
Actually get the 1st...
Why limit your shipping? Rhyvette-iona-asha-aughn and Rhyack every other weekend and major holidays!
I know, I know. Your opinions are valid EVEN WHEN YOU'RE WRONG
Look people are different. what you like is your business. DO NOT force your opinions on to other people. that's not cool that's internet bulling. I will not take that abuse.
Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. if you take it further then I will flag your comment. this is your only warning.
Look if your really like Clap Trap then great. Just don't expect people to follow your opinion. you ask why people didn't like this character and I give you my answer and my opinion. I was civil, now your gang up on me.