What in the actual...Uh, okay! I don't know if it's sarcasm or not since I said jk (jk means just kidding). If it is sarcasm then GOOD, U 2 WEAK TO UNDERSTAND THE LOVE FOR BAE CLAPTRAP. If not, it was a joke. Clearly.
Look people are different. what you like is your business. DO NOT force your opinions on to other people. that's not cool that's internet bu… morelling. I will not take that abuse.
Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. if you take it further then I will flag your comment. this is your only warning.
Look if your really like Clap Trap then great. Just don't expect people to follow your opinion. you ask why people didn't like this character and I give you my answer and my opinion. I was civil, now your gang up on me.
What in the actual...Uh, okay! I don't know if it's sarcasm or not since I said jk (jk means just kidding). If it is sarcasm then GOOD, U 2 WEAK TO UNDERSTAND THE LOVE FOR BAE CLAPTRAP. If not, it was a joke. Clearly.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
As one of the people who loathes him, for me it's because he's dumb as bricks, annoying, has a grating voice, and there's no chance we can be rid of him because he's the series mascot. If TFTBL manages to go its entire duration without him it'll be a strong contender for my favorite Borderlands game.
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
skags. they are simple creatures, it's easy to dodge their attacks, and killing feel just so...right. it feels like borderlands, you know what I mean? but I reeeeeally hate the varkids. little asshole-nopes...
Alright, new question...
What's your favorite creature type from the series, I don't just mean bosses, I mean the Species as a whole.
… moreFrom any of the games and dlcs, however not including assault on dragon keep, no zombies,no skeletons, no creatures created by either dr zed or dr ned.
My favorite species is easily the Stalkers, they are just completely brilliant, with a really great design and great attacks and stealth.
best way to fight them is with gaige, her close enough skill when fully upgraded causes 50% of missed bullets to ricochet and hit enemies, e… moreven cloaked stalkers, use a purple rarity Jakobs Coach Gun and the damage to them is usually enough to kill them in like 1 or 2 shots.
yeah they're really fun to kill and farm for cash, I loved fighting these as Zer0 and Maya, but Gaige is useless against them, her action skill has no effect on them, and while everyone else can take them out with 3 melee hits, Gaige's melee is crap and takes forever, if you get a bladed weapon then you can melee them, but still, as gaige when I go against them I generally use a Jakobs Coach Gun.
You know Telltale, it would be a great birthday gift if you gave any sort of news about Episode 4 today. Screenshots, release date, surprise trailer, something would be nice.
You know Telltale, it would be a great birthday gift if you gave any sort of news about Episode 4 today. Screenshots, release date, surprise trailer, something would be nice.
You know Telltale, it would be a great birthday gift if you gave any sort of news about Episode 4 today. Screenshots, release date, surprise trailer, something would be nice.
They are most likely waiting on Sony and Microsoft to finish certifying the game before they can announce a release date, if they announced one before the certification process had finished and there was a problem that needed to be fixed they would need to change the release date and resubmit the episode which would cause a delay and everyone would get angry.
i think he only said that because the majority (including me) dont actually live in the US. so there is no point or shall i say, the 'live' play is not something i would care about. its dope tho! i would've gone if i live in the US.
No my warning wasn't a joke I mean what I said. but I didn't realise you were joking. I didn't get the JK, I didn't know meaning.
I took as and insult. Sorry I misunderstood you. I will take back my warning. Sorry. -_-
there is more to ''dates'' than just saying it. yes, it sound easy.. but its not. telltale have their games on MANY platforms, so they have to get the ''OK'' from all of them. maybe sony said go ahead its done, but microsoft is not. so they have to wait to avooid people complaining and lashing. remember we all (most) of us paid the same to get the same product, so saying the release date for only sony users will piss off people who play on xbox etc... i know i get kinda effy because i have the game on steam, so i get the episde later than most people even tho they officially release the dates and its confirmed! imagine if its not for some other platform? i think they gave us enough by saying that its this week. usually they dont say anything! so we should be supportive so that they do this again and not think we will complain because there is no date!:)
Players need to chill and know it's coming out and just let the process roll along. I can imagine when it comes to the different approvals and platforms, Telltail is herding cats, and herding cats can't be rushed unless you have a lot of neosporin on you.
I'm hoping for the 24th National Waffle Day AND Episode 4?!?! What a great day that would be!
there is more to ''dates'' than just saying it. yes, it sound easy.. but its not. telltale have their games on MANY platforms, so they have … moreto get the ''OK'' from all of them. maybe sony said go ahead its done, but microsoft is not. so they have to wait to avooid people complaining and lashing. remember we all (most) of us paid the same to get the same product, so saying the release date for only sony users will piss off people who play on xbox etc... i know i get kinda effy because i have the game on steam, so i get the episde later than most people even tho they officially release the dates and its confirmed! imagine if its not for some other platform? i think they gave us enough by saying that its this week. usually they dont say anything! so we should be supportive so that they do this again and not think we will complain because there is no date!:)
You know Telltale, it would be a great birthday gift if you gave any sort of news about Episode 4 today. Screenshots, release date, surprise trailer, something would be nice.
What in the actual...Uh, okay! I don't know if it's sarcasm or not since I said jk (jk means just kidding). If it is sarcasm then GOOD, U 2 WEAK TO UNDERSTAND THE LOVE FOR BAE CLAPTRAP. If not, it was a joke. Clearly.
Ew, no Vallory please, she shouldn't be shipped unless Felixory
No my warning wasn't a joke I mean what I said. but I didn't realise you were joking. I didn't get the JK, I didn't know meaning.
I took as and insult. Sorry I misunderstood you. I will take back my warning. Sorry. -_-
I like Spiderants because I like insects. Eridians also get an honorable mention for being vaguely bug-like, even though you don't count them.
I need another Telltale tease, please.
As one of the people who loathes him, for me it's because he's dumb as bricks, annoying, has a grating voice, and there's no chance we can be rid of him because he's the series mascot. If TFTBL manages to go its entire duration without him it'll be a strong contender for my favorite Borderlands game.
Crystalisks. One whack with my tomahawk and I'm swimming in money while my foe is swimming in agony. It's like my wildest dreams come true.
skags. they are simple creatures, it's easy to dodge their attacks, and killing feel just so...right. it feels like borderlands, you know what I mean? but I reeeeeally hate the varkids. little asshole-nopes...
i dont play as gaige often. i enjoy axton, zer0 more!
me too man! is there any new one that i missed?
There have been no new teasers since Laura's last tweet, hopefully we get more this week
when is it coming out?
i hope so OzzyUK </3
yeah they're really fun to kill and farm for cash, I loved fighting these as Zer0 and Maya, but Gaige is useless against them, her action skill has no effect on them, and while everyone else can take them out with 3 melee hits, Gaige's melee is crap and takes forever, if you get a bladed weapon then you can melee them, but still, as gaige when I go against them I generally use a Jakobs Coach Gun.
this month, but no date given yet.
You know Telltale, it would be a great birthday gift if you gave any sort of news about Episode 4 today. Screenshots, release date, surprise trailer, something would be nice.
Happy birthday and i hope for 25 august as a gift for my birthday
I honestly don't give a shit about the damn crowd play. I care about the release date.
On my birthday (july 16) GOT episode 5 got news ._.
The crowd play it's special because ttg plays and cast.This might be the reason.
Thanks, and happy early birthday to you.
I wish that they did it after the episode gets released not before...
The episode will be out before the crowd play
Exactly so why not fucking say "Oh by the way the release date is a week before"
They are most likely waiting on Sony and Microsoft to finish certifying the game before they can announce a release date, if they announced one before the certification process had finished and there was a problem that needed to be fixed they would need to change the release date and resubmit the episode which would cause a delay and everyone would get angry.
i think he only said that because the majority (including me) dont actually live in the US. so there is no point or shall i say, the 'live' play is not something i would care about. its dope tho! i would've gone if i live in the US.
Lol don't worry, I don't hold grudges and you made me giggle ;D
there is more to ''dates'' than just saying it. yes, it sound easy.. but its not. telltale have their games on MANY platforms, so they have to get the ''OK'' from all of them. maybe sony said go ahead its done, but microsoft is not. so they have to wait to avooid people complaining and lashing. remember we all (most) of us paid the same to get the same product, so saying the release date for only sony users will piss off people who play on xbox etc... i know i get kinda effy because i have the game on steam, so i get the episde later than most people even tho they officially release the dates and its confirmed! imagine if its not for some other platform? i think they gave us enough by saying that its this week. usually they dont say anything! so we should be supportive so that they do this again and not think we will complain because there is no date!:)
Players need to chill and know it's coming out and just let the process roll along. I can imagine when it comes to the different approvals and platforms, Telltail is herding cats, and herding cats can't be rushed unless you have a lot of neosporin on you.
I'm hoping for the 24th National Waffle Day AND Episode 4?!?! What a great day that would be!
Happy birthday, MetallicaRules!
Because it's insanely obvious the episode is coming before then? Why are you so angry about it?
Thanks Pipas
GUYS! I'm downloading a TFTBL update on Ps3!!!!
Edit : Might have been episode data. Episode was not added to PSN
I got an update too on ps4.
Share with us please !
I dunno how to screenshot on ps3
it was only a 3 minute update