nah man, i dont think telltale will make this as being Felix, i wont lie, i would be upset..... because i killed the guy! i think the stranger reveal should be the same in all playthroughs, meaning = not another traitor situation like the one on GOT. i hated that they did that... i think from all the things they can do to make our choices matter, THIS (the stranger) situation should NOT be it. it will take away from the mystery and feel cheap.. tbh.
Unfortunately after listening to the clip, Felix seems to be it. (Unless they were mid-way into Episode 4 and decided to change the Stranger to someone else, and that's why it was cut. I highly doubt it, as they seem to have set it up enough - and left in the Stranger's 'losing someone' line - that it would be changed now.)
It seems to be one of those cases where easiest answer is, in fact, the correct answer. It feels like a bit of an anti-climax! I think I was hoping for literally any other character besides Felix. Claptrap, even!
nah man, i dont think telltale will make this as being Felix, i wont lie, i would be upset..... because i killed the guy! i think the strang… moreer reveal should be the same in all playthroughs, meaning = not another traitor situation like the one on GOT. i hated that they did that... i think from all the things they can do to make our choices matter, THIS (the stranger) situation should NOT be it. it will take away from the mystery and feel cheap.. tbh.
Unfortunately after listening to the clip, Felix seems to be it. (Unless they were mid-way into Episode 4 and decided to change the Stranger… more to someone else, and that's why it was cut. I highly doubt it, as they seem to have set it up enough - and left in the Stranger's 'losing someone' line - that it would be changed now.)
It seems to be one of those cases where easiest answer is, in fact, the correct answer. It feels like a bit of an anti-climax! I think I was hoping for literally any other character besides Felix. Claptrap, even!
Unfortunately after listening to the clip, Felix seems to be it. (Unless they were mid-way into Episode 4 and decided to change the Stranger… more to someone else, and that's why it was cut. I highly doubt it, as they seem to have set it up enough - and left in the Stranger's 'losing someone' line - that it would be changed now.)
It seems to be one of those cases where easiest answer is, in fact, the correct answer. It feels like a bit of an anti-climax! I think I was hoping for literally any other character besides Felix. Claptrap, even!
What if...
now stick with me here.
What if...the stranger is actually...
Please choose your response
A: A human suit mad… moree out of kittens
B: YOU the actual player!!!
C: Someone we somewhat already kind of know, but not well enough to actually determine at the current time
Is it just wishful thinking on my part or do the unused voice clips not say anything to imply he's The Stranger - just that he comes back?
From the sound of it (to me, at least) it seems like we meet up with him at some point in the past scenes, (so that if this appeared in the episode it would be us telling the story to The Stranger). If I were to hazard a guess I'd say we find him on Helios (maybe somewhere in the jail?) and have to make the decision whether to let him come along with us, or leave him to rot.
I absolutely adored it - I think it's the best episode TT have released out of any series!
As to how it fits in with my myriad of Stranger theories, god, I just don't even know. It definitely provided way more questions than answers...
The Conference Call in Jack's office, Fiona saying the suit reminded her of something (which feels like Telltale's way of teasing us and saying, "guys, you're missing something"), and The Stranger saying they've lost someone - NONE OF THOSE ARE ANY HELP AT ALL!
I will say that I've gone off Timothy being The Stranger quite a bit. I just think they would have had to have alluded to Jack having a double at least once by now (so that new players weren't confused), and if there were ever a time to do that it would have been on Helios.
But that makes me sad, because it makes me think we won't get any reference to Tim because ep 4 was kind of perfect for it, and knowing how much ground they have to cover for the finale I don't think even an extra second can be spared.
Also, I reeeally hope it isn't Scooter, I saw a few people theorise that, and it would completely trivialise that amazing final scene with him.
That's an extremely good point! FINGERS-CROSSED. Maybe taking him with you is an option you get only if you chose not to kill him. But, wow, a lot going on in the next episode. There are a lot of plots to be resolved - Sasha/Fiona, Rhys/Jack, Vaughn's still on Pandora, Vallory's sub-plot still hasn't been resolved, Gortys, the Stranger, the Vault. Let alone how Felix fits into any of it!
It does seem that one of the clips is Felix talking to a dying Vallory. If Vallory dies, that could give August someone to lose re: the Stranger's line. Argh, too many variables. I'm going with Claptrap as the Stranger until further notice!
Is it just wishful thinking on my part or do the unused voice clips not say anything to imply he's The Stranger - just that he comes back?
… more From the sound of it (to me, at least) it seems like we meet up with him at some point in the past scenes, (so that if this appeared in the episode it would be us telling the story to The Stranger). If I were to hazard a guess I'd say we find him on Helios (maybe somewhere in the jail?) and have to make the decision whether to let him come along with us, or leave him to rot.
Fiona can determinantly comment on the Stranger's outfit looking familiar. That's a pretty big hint for Telltale to drop.
So, I think he's either Cassius due to the similar coloration of their clothes, the Tour guard due to the shared voice actor and cyclops eye (I kinda doubt it but maybe Gortys peaked his interest, and he asked Fiona enough questions for him to be able to track them down later), or Vaughn due to that little shoulder piece that they both share.
Fiona can determinantly comment on the Stranger's outfit looking familiar. That's a pretty big hint for Telltale to drop.
So, I think he'… mores either Cassius due to the similar coloration of their clothes, the Tour guard due to the shared voice actor and cyclops eye (I kinda doubt it but maybe Gortys peaked his interest, and he asked Fiona enough questions for him to be able to track them down later), or Vaughn due to that little shoulder piece that they both share.
I HOPE NOT. i hated that they did that... its a shame, because the overall episode was good, but that just ruined it for me... t felt cheap. so i hope they dont do that to TFTBL!!!
We all know that the stranger's voice is not AT ALL the same one that he originally have. its like the whole bossanova voice thingy, i think the mask makes his real voice not identified.. Cassius is too old man xD, plus we dont know how far exatly are between the ''past'' and ''future'' scenes? that would be interesting.. plus i wonder if athena did kill cassius anyway, maybe tracked him down again? which i doubt, but you never know..
Fiona can determinantly comment on the Stranger's outfit looking familiar. That's a pretty big hint for Telltale to drop.
So, I think he'… mores either Cassius due to the similar coloration of their clothes, the Tour guard due to the shared voice actor and cyclops eye (I kinda doubt it but maybe Gortys peaked his interest, and he asked Fiona enough questions for him to be able to track them down later), or Vaughn due to that little shoulder piece that they both share.
i dont think that it means anything too, because we all know that they both including ''bossanova'' who wear masks or whatever to hide their real voice. the stranger does NOT talk like that normally, he's hiding his real voice..
I personally think it's all part of the 'protocol' Jack speaks about. That the second Jack was uploaded it sent a distress signal to Helios to find him and get him to his office so he could be uploaded into Helios - I think it's why Jack says "looks like that tracker's working" before Vasquez arrives.
The Traitor was whoever wasn't your Sentinel. I picked Duncan as my Sentinel and sided with Royland 100% yet Royland was the Traitor and claimed I was weak. when i was reckless. Not saying it was handeled badly, it was just a lousy way of determining the traitor since it was one choice in the beginning as opposed to multiple choices throughout, they did it before in the Walking Dead season 1 with Kenny in Episode 4.
plus regarding fiona recognizing the stranger outfit, i think its the same as EP3 the campfire scene, she knows that the stranger knows them. and dont plan on killing them, plus the whole TELL ME ABOUT THE DOME part makes me think that he's a very close person to fiona, every hint that was made, rhys dont have a clue, while fiona is the ONLY one who think she knows the guys. i wholeheartedly think that the stranger is pandoran and was/is a person that FIONA knows.
oh, timothy... i told ya, if by EP4 they have not mention him or AT LEAST forshadow something, it aint him.. and i still its not him.
the stranger is a person who dislike hyperian, but maybe worked with them? hence the conference call legendary, but i highly think its a pandoran who had to work with hyperian or make a deal with them, and IS connected to Fiona and not rhys.
scooter is dead. i dont think they will make a joke out of our emotions, i had to pause in that scene and went to the NOPE land, i will be very upset if they made a joke out of my emotions. it seems LEGIT, even rhys went into '''serious''' mode when scooter scene was mentioned.. even fiona's face.. she seem truly sad, in that moment. i dont think telltale OR gearbox will make a joke out of our feelings and how we felt in that scene, saying goodbye to my favourite character, i dont think they are cruel enough to joke about this.
I absolutely adored it - I think it's the best episode TT have released out of any series!
As to how it fits in with my myriad of Strange… morer theories, god, I just don't even know. It definitely provided way more questions than answers...
The Conference Call in Jack's office, Fiona saying the suit reminded her of something (which feels like Telltale's way of teasing us and saying, "guys, you're missing something"), and The Stranger saying they've lost someone - NONE OF THOSE ARE ANY HELP AT ALL!
I will say that I've gone off Timothy being The Stranger quite a bit. I just think they would have had to have alluded to Jack having a double at least once by now (so that new players weren't confused), and if there were ever a time to do that it would have been on Helios.
But that makes me sad, because it makes me think we won't get any reference to Tim because ep 4 was kind of perfect for it, and knowing how much ground they have to cover … [view original content]
i did not notice that.. since EP2, i knew that yvette was shady, i always thought she was the one who's been giving up our locations. but i did not know that she knew about Jack's AI
I personally think it's all part of the 'protocol' Jack speaks about. That the second Jack was uploaded it sent a distress signal to Helios … moreto find him and get him to his office so he could be uploaded into Helios - I think it's why Jack says "looks like that tracker's working" before Vasquez arrives.
mee too xD poor vaughn. but i told fiona and sasha tho, becayse if anything bad happens on helios and jack betrays me, i did not want them to think that i, maybe, did it...
Honestly, I had no solid theories of who Stranger might be until EP4, but now I think I would bet my money on Cassius. I might be mistaking tho, but there are some hints:
Both Stranger and Cassius share similar design of clothing, not exactly the same of course but somewhat similar
Obviously Cassius is much more fit than the Stranger, but it simply might be that the suit is just big or stuffed inside... or maybe he just ate a lot of drakefruit inbetween episodes?
(crossed off) As a lot of people already noticed, there is same shotgun model in Jack's office. I would like to remind that it was located in Jack's Atlas' Trophies... And who did Cassius worked for? I don't think it's exactly the same shotgun, but I think that it was a strong hint that Stranger might be ex-Atlas, it would explain why he has this weapon
At the beginning of EP4, Fiona remarks that his suit looks kinda familiar but she can't place it tho... they didn't spent a lot of time with Cassius after all so I guess it would be one more to the suit theory
I know that Cassius looks like an old harmless man but... in EP4 there were hints that it might have been just a cover. He captured Vaughn and held him at gunpoint, which would add to his "holding people at gunpoint" skills. Also if I'm not mistaking, in one gameplay I remember that when Vaughn tried to contact Rhys-ques just before the infamous shootout, he said something like "(...)Cassius showed up and rescued me! We're eating drakefruit- ..." This would reveal that Cassius is in fact perfectly Combat-ready
He ran a facility which was a part of the Gortys project, so after all he had some knowledge about it, it would explain why he was trying to track down the scattered parts of Gortys, maybe he in fact wants to open a Vault of the Traveller? It would also explain why he needs Fiona and Rhys, as they know about all of the parts of Gortys, including those which Cassius had no access to before they showed up
Again, I might be mistaking but I feel like this episode left a whole lot more clues about Strangers identity than any other... So if we will be placing bets about that before EP5 release, consider my bet being put on Cassius.
We all know that the stranger's voice is not AT ALL the same one that he originally have. its like the whole bossanova voice thingy, i think the mask makes his real voice not identified..
We all know that the stranger's voice is not AT ALL the same one that he originally have. its like the whole bossanova voice thingy, i think… more the mask makes his real voice not identified.. Cassius is too old man xD, plus we dont know how far exatly are between the ''past'' and ''future'' scenes? that would be interesting.. plus i wonder if athena did kill cassius anyway, maybe tracked him down again? which i doubt, but you never know..
Good points, but the Conference Call (the weapon The Stranger has/is in Jack's office) is a Hyperion model, not Atlas - he has stuff in that cabinet other than Atlas gizmos.
Honestly, I had no solid theories of who Stranger might be until EP4, but now I think I would bet my money on Cassius. I might be mistaking … moretho, but there are some hints:
* Both Stranger and Cassius share similar design of clothing, not exactly the same of course but somewhat similar
* Obviously Cassius is much more fit than the Stranger, but it simply might be that the suit is just big or stuffed inside... or maybe he just ate a lot of drakefruit inbetween episodes?
* (crossed off) As a lot of people already noticed, there is same shotgun model in Jack's office. I would like to remind that it was located in Jack's Atlas' Trophies... And who did Cassius worked for? I don't think it's exactly the same shotgun, but I think that it was a strong hint that Stranger might be ex-Atlas, it would explain why he has this weapon
* At the beginning of EP4, Fiona remarks that his suit looks kinda familiar but she can't place it tho... they didn't … [view original content]
Sorry, I've never played any other BL games myself so I'm not that familiar with the rules of it's world of guns. Anyway, I still think this there are lot of hints pointing to him nontheless. At least he's a strong contender in my opinion.
Good points, but the Conference Call (the weapon The Stranger has/is in Jack's office) is a Hyperion model, not Atlas - he has stuff in that cabinet other than Atlas gizmos.
no need proof for that. he clearly hiding his voice....... just like the Yvette situation, i keep telling people since EP2 she was SHADY and going to betray us, but they keep telling me, ''no proof of that'', but ya know? sometimes it does not take a lot to figure things out. That was not the stranger REAL voice. WHY would he go all the way to disguise himself, just to keep his voice normal? clearly that mask changes his voice. its not about ''proof'' in those things, its about LOGIC.
We all know that the stranger's voice is not AT ALL the same one that he originally have. its like the whole bossanova voice thingy, i think the mask makes his real voice not identified..
No proof of that.
I don't remember, but did Yvette actually mention Jack specifically at any point? Or was she like Vasquez in ep.2, talking about needing Rhys' head? Because if so I'd assume she may not have known about Jack at all, and someone else, higher up, knows, and is the person requesting Rhys' noggin.
And I guess it kinda doesn't matter anymore, since Jack announced both his and Rhys' presence to the whole station anyway.
At this point TT could make the Stranger anyone..this reveal could either be the most disappointing thing ever or the most glorious. I'm just hoping that there was proper lead-up to who the Stranger was. I want to be able to replay the entire season and pick up on clues as to who the Stranger was (the wager comment, losing someone you care for). Just hoping it's not some random person that we could have never guessed.
Ep 4 Spoilers!
I also find it odd how there was practically no Stranger in this episode...
For me, the funniest bits are when we get the commentary from the present. In the entire episode the Stranger only comments on Scooter's death. As I replayed the episode I was kinda surprised how the Stranger (Rhys and Fiona too) never commented on the Handsome Jack tour or the shootout part. I don't know if parts were cut or if they purposely made the Stranger quiet after Scooter's death, but the episode seemed short to me in this aspect.
Sorry, I've never played any other BL games myself so I'm not that familiar with the rules of it's world of guns. Anyway, I still think this there are lot of hints pointing to him nontheless. At least he's a strong contender in my opinion.
I'm not saying his voice is normal, I'm just saying that his fake voice could sound close to his original one. It could just be a voice changer that applies a simple filter to distort his voice, rather than replacing it with a new one.
Also, I don't think that part of his mask is a voice changer. It's probably just a modified gas mask, judging by its shape, and that's where the filter would be.
You correctly guessing that Yvette would betray us doesn't do anything to help prove your point, by the way. No need to act high and mighty about that.
no need proof for that. he clearly hiding his voice....... just like the Yvette situation, i keep telling people since EP2 she was SHADY and… more going to betray us, but they keep telling me, ''no proof of that'', but ya know? sometimes it does not take a lot to figure things out. That was not the stranger REAL voice. WHY would he go all the way to disguise himself, just to keep his voice normal? clearly that mask changes his voice. its not about ''proof'' in those things, its about LOGIC.
nah man, i dont think telltale will make this as being Felix, i wont lie, i would be upset..... because i killed the guy! i think the stranger reveal should be the same in all playthroughs, meaning = not another traitor situation like the one on GOT. i hated that they did that... i think from all the things they can do to make our choices matter, THIS (the stranger) situation should NOT be it. it will take away from the mystery and feel cheap.. tbh.
Unfortunately after listening to the clip, Felix seems to be it. (Unless they were mid-way into Episode 4 and decided to change the Stranger to someone else, and that's why it was cut. I highly doubt it, as they seem to have set it up enough - and left in the Stranger's 'losing someone' line - that it would be changed now.)
It seems to be one of those cases where easiest answer is, in fact, the correct answer. It feels like a bit of an anti-climax! I think I was hoping for literally any other character besides Felix. Claptrap, even!
Could I possibly listen to those clips?
Maybe it IS Clap Trap! Think about it:
In BL:TPS, who gets the stranger skin? CLAPTRAP.
Who ELSE has one eye? CLAPTRAP.
B: YOU the actual player!!!
...there better be some dancing.
Ohhh. I totally didn't think of that - EVERYONE'S BACK ON THE TABLE!
Could you imagine it?
Turns out, he's only rebuilding Gortys because he wants a girlfriend!
He can dance with her too or something.
The funny thing is they're both voiced by the same actor:
But that doesn't mean anything, as The Stranger's voice is assumedly not their actual voice.
Is it just wishful thinking on my part or do the unused voice clips not say anything to imply he's The Stranger - just that he comes back?
From the sound of it (to me, at least) it seems like we meet up with him at some point in the past scenes, (so that if this appeared in the episode it would be us telling the story to The Stranger). If I were to hazard a guess I'd say we find him on Helios (maybe somewhere in the jail?) and have to make the decision whether to let him come along with us, or leave him to rot.
I absolutely adored it - I think it's the best episode TT have released out of any series!
As to how it fits in with my myriad of Stranger theories, god, I just don't even know. It definitely provided way more questions than answers...
The Conference Call in Jack's office, Fiona saying the suit reminded her of something (which feels like Telltale's way of teasing us and saying, "guys, you're missing something"), and The Stranger saying they've lost someone - NONE OF THOSE ARE ANY HELP AT ALL!
I will say that I've gone off Timothy being The Stranger quite a bit. I just think they would have had to have alluded to Jack having a double at least once by now (so that new players weren't confused), and if there were ever a time to do that it would have been on Helios.
But that makes me sad, because it makes me think we won't get any reference to Tim because ep 4 was kind of perfect for it, and knowing how much ground they have to cover for the finale I don't think even an extra second can be spared.
Also, I reeeally hope it isn't Scooter, I saw a few people theorise that, and it would completely trivialise that amazing final scene with him.
This dialogue doesn't really confirm that he's the stranger. I think that we could have met up with him at one point, but it was scrapped.
That's an extremely good point! FINGERS-CROSSED. Maybe taking him with you is an option you get only if you chose not to kill him. But, wow, a lot going on in the next episode. There are a lot of plots to be resolved - Sasha/Fiona, Rhys/Jack, Vaughn's still on Pandora, Vallory's sub-plot still hasn't been resolved, Gortys, the Stranger, the Vault. Let alone how Felix fits into any of it!
It does seem that one of the clips is Felix talking to a dying Vallory. If Vallory dies, that could give August someone to lose re: the Stranger's line. Argh, too many variables. I'm going with Claptrap as the Stranger until further notice!
Fiona can determinantly comment on the Stranger's outfit looking familiar. That's a pretty big hint for Telltale to drop.
So, I think he's either Cassius due to the similar coloration of their clothes, the Tour guard due to the shared voice actor and cyclops eye (I kinda doubt it but maybe Gortys peaked his interest, and he asked Fiona enough questions for him to be able to track them down later), or Vaughn due to that little shoulder piece that they both share.
He looks just a bit too tall to be Vaughn..
Maybe the Stranger's identity is determinant based on our actions, like the identity of a certain character in the Game of Thrones game?
So that's why he sounded familiar, hah!
I HOPE NOT. i hated that they did that...
its a shame, because the overall episode was good, but that just ruined it for me... t felt cheap. so i hope they dont do that to TFTBL!!!
Id' just like to know how Yvette knows about Handsome Jack inside Ryhs's head.
The only one that knows about it is Vaughn....
mmm.... wait...
We all know that the stranger's voice is not AT ALL the same one that he originally have. its like the whole bossanova voice thingy, i think the mask makes his real voice not identified.. Cassius is too old man xD, plus we dont know how far exatly are between the ''past'' and ''future'' scenes? that would be interesting.. plus i wonder if athena did kill cassius anyway, maybe tracked him down again? which i doubt, but you never know..
i say that all the time xD
i dont think that it means anything too, because we all know that they both including ''bossanova'' who wear masks or whatever to hide their real voice. the stranger does NOT talk like that normally, he's hiding his real voice..
I personally think it's all part of the 'protocol' Jack speaks about. That the second Jack was uploaded it sent a distress signal to Helios to find him and get him to his office so he could be uploaded into Helios - I think it's why Jack says "looks like that tracker's working" before Vasquez arrives.
The Traitor was whoever wasn't your Sentinel. I picked Duncan as my Sentinel and sided with Royland 100% yet Royland was the Traitor and claimed I was weak. when i was reckless. Not saying it was handeled badly, it was just a lousy way of determining the traitor since it was one choice in the beginning as opposed to multiple choices throughout, they did it before in the Walking Dead season 1 with Kenny in Episode 4.
I didn't tell Vaughn, but she still knows. It's a mystery.
...But really I don't think this is relevant to the topic of this thread.
i would agree on that!
plus regarding fiona recognizing the stranger outfit, i think its the same as EP3 the campfire scene, she knows that the stranger knows them. and dont plan on killing them, plus the whole TELL ME ABOUT THE DOME part makes me think that he's a very close person to fiona, every hint that was made, rhys dont have a clue, while fiona is the ONLY one who think she knows the guys. i wholeheartedly think that the stranger is pandoran and was/is a person that FIONA knows.
oh, timothy... i told ya, if by EP4 they have not mention him or AT LEAST forshadow something, it aint him.. and i still its not him.
the stranger is a person who dislike hyperian, but maybe worked with them? hence the conference call legendary, but i highly think its a pandoran who had to work with hyperian or make a deal with them, and IS connected to Fiona and not rhys.
scooter is dead. i dont think they will make a joke out of our emotions, i had to pause in that scene and went to the NOPE land, i will be very upset if they made a joke out of my emotions. it seems LEGIT, even rhys went into '''serious''' mode when scooter scene was mentioned.. even fiona's face.. she seem truly sad, in that moment. i dont think telltale OR gearbox will make a joke out of our feelings and how we felt in that scene, saying goodbye to my favourite character, i dont think they are cruel enough to joke about this.
i did not notice that.. since EP2, i knew that yvette was shady, i always thought she was the one who's been giving up our locations. but i did not know that she knew about Jack's AI
mee too xD poor vaughn. but i told fiona and sasha tho, becayse if anything bad happens on helios and jack betrays me, i did not want them to think that i, maybe, did it...
Honestly, I had no solid theories of who Stranger might be until EP4, but now I think I would bet my money on Cassius. I might be mistaking tho, but there are some hints:
Again, I might be mistaking but I feel like this episode left a whole lot more clues about Strangers identity than any other... So if we will be placing bets about that before EP5 release, consider my bet being put on Cassius.
No proof of that.
Good points, but the Conference Call (the weapon The Stranger has/is in Jack's office) is a Hyperion model, not Atlas - he has stuff in that cabinet other than Atlas gizmos.
Sorry, I've never played any other BL games myself so I'm not that familiar with the rules of it's world of guns. Anyway, I still think this there are lot of hints pointing to him nontheless. At least he's a strong contender in my opinion.
no need proof for that. he clearly hiding his voice....... just like the Yvette situation, i keep telling people since EP2 she was SHADY and going to betray us, but they keep telling me, ''no proof of that'', but ya know? sometimes it does not take a lot to figure things out. That was not the stranger REAL voice. WHY would he go all the way to disguise himself, just to keep his voice normal? clearly that mask changes his voice. its not about ''proof'' in those things, its about LOGIC.
I don't remember, but did Yvette actually mention Jack specifically at any point? Or was she like Vasquez in ep.2, talking about needing Rhys' head? Because if so I'd assume she may not have known about Jack at all, and someone else, higher up, knows, and is the person requesting Rhys' noggin.
And I guess it kinda doesn't matter anymore, since Jack announced both his and Rhys' presence to the whole station anyway.
Oh no. Please no. No no no no no
At this point TT could make the Stranger anyone..this reveal could either be the most disappointing thing ever or the most glorious. I'm just hoping that there was proper lead-up to who the Stranger was. I want to be able to replay the entire season and pick up on clues as to who the Stranger was (the wager comment, losing someone you care for). Just hoping it's not some random person that we could have never guessed.
Ep 4 Spoilers!
I also find it odd how there was practically no Stranger in this episode...
For me, the funniest bits are when we get the commentary from the present. In the entire episode the Stranger only comments on Scooter's death. As I replayed the episode I was kinda surprised how the Stranger (Rhys and Fiona too) never commented on the Handsome Jack tour or the shootout part. I don't know if parts were cut or if they purposely made the Stranger quiet after Scooter's death, but the episode seemed short to me in this aspect.
Don't apologise, it was just an FYI. Sorry if it came off kinda dickish, though - definitely not my intention!
I'm not saying his voice is normal, I'm just saying that his fake voice could sound close to his original one. It could just be a voice changer that applies a simple filter to distort his voice, rather than replacing it with a new one.
Also, I don't think that part of his mask is a voice changer. It's probably just a modified gas mask, judging by its shape, and that's where the filter would be.
You correctly guessing that Yvette would betray us doesn't do anything to help prove your point, by the way. No need to act high and mighty about that.