Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Brave: 1/10 (in a typical horror movie, I'd be that person who'd just break down, cry and be useless)
Romantic: 4/10
Curious: 8/10
Sociable: 5/10
Hm... My stats are looking more like Josh's.
Edit: Funny how most of us are low in romantic. Edit 2.0: As for the three words they would be~ Logical - Creative - Introverted
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
* Honest 9/10
* Charitable 4/10
* Funny 7/10
* Brave 8/10
* Romantic 10/10
* Curious 3/10
* Sociable 6/10
As for thr… moreee words I would use to describe myself, probably complex, ambitious and persuasive. I suppose I'm most similar to Michael in some ways.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Had a crazy nightmare with wendigos. I was walking down an isolated street and saw a wendigo (Hannah). I knew what to do but I couldn't stay still and my head was squished like Josh's. Then I could start again but boom there were 2 wendigos, even better. It was scarier than the game x)
I had some Until Dawn nightmares, too. Seeing wendigos killing my friends in front of me and later, killing me. And everytime I woke up from those nightmares, I was afraid of going back to sleep. I was really scared x(
Had a crazy nightmare with wendigos. I was walking down an isolated street and saw a wendigo (Hannah). I knew what to do but I couldn't stay… more still and my head was squished like Josh's. Then I could start again but boom there were 2 wendigos, even better. It was scarier than the game x)
Welcome to my world, bruh xP
I had some Until Dawn nightmares, too. Seeing wendigos killing my friends in front of me and later, killing me. And everytime I woke up from those nightmares, I was afraid of going back to sleep. I was really scared x(
Had a crazy nightmare with wendigos. I was walking down an isolated street and saw a wendigo (Hannah). I knew what to do but I couldn't stay… more still and my head was squished like Josh's. Then I could start again but boom there were 2 wendigos, even better. It was scarier than the game x)
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
I understand the reason why Josh had set up the whole horror prank, since the prank that everyone else did last year caused both his twin sisters to disappear. But there's one part I'm having trouble understanding. During his whole prank in the game, he targeted Chris, Ashley and Sam. But why didn't Josh target Emily, Jessica and Mike instead? I mean, those three were the most involved, and conspirators, of the cruel prank.
Alright, here we go. I recently picked up Until Dawn from EB Games, and I fell instantly in love with it, and it's characters (even if they are overtly archetypical). I immediately knew I was to like Chris during my first scene with him; he is actually my favourite character in the game. As I went through my second playthrough of the game, I also came to like Ashley enough to have her put Sam (God forbid it) into the place of my third favourite character.
Yet, as I soar over forums and the Until Dawn wiki, I have found that a decent amount of people actually see her as a bitch, some going so far as to name her a worse example than that of Emily. What pisses me off is that these evaluations tend to be superficial at best. Let me, in the absence of these people's efforts, do so now and delve into an evaluatory rant.
Let us start of with the most pointed out instance of her "true nature": her failure to let Chris into the lodge as he was being pursued by a wendigo. I would say that her reaction is simply an instance of hyperarousal, or as it is better known: fight or flight, and not a result of hatred towards Chris. Allow me to point out the reasoning behind this.
Firslty, she is not by any standard what one could call brave. In fact, bravery is one of Ashley's lowest traits and it would be accurate to call her a coward. Ashley's failure to open the door happens if you choose to shoot her in the russian roulette style social experiment; Chris, the person of whom she had known for a long time, developed a crush on and had heard say that he felt the same way, was willing to shoot her to save himself (I can already hear you asking THAT question to me, but I will address that later). Ashley had seen Chris, who had said that he had fallen in love with her, was psycologically capable of shooting her for his own sake. She would have been unsure if to allow Chris entry, potentially putting her in danger further down the track (The brave thing, or the fight response) or if she should leave him out for her own sake (the cowardly thing, or the flight response). In such a state, it is not uncommon for the person involved to literally become immobile in a state of confusion, as if they were paralised. Now, hyperarousal is a common reaction among victims of trauma when they are put in stressful situations or dilemas, and she had been put through some very traumatising shit that night up to that point (having herself kidnapped twice and put in percieved mortal danger each time at the mercy of someone whom she was close with who was also capable of shooting her for his own sake), not to mention her already lacking courage. Those who saved her at the end of the game with Chris dying in this fashion will remember her citing an innability to move at the end of the game, thus resulting in Chris' death, further atesting my theory of hyperarousal. You will also remember that her expression was that of a daze, still registering what she had seen and allowed to happen through her inaction. If Chris choose to shoot Ashley and had died while being pursued by the wendigo before reaching the porch, the wendigo shall toss his decapitated head upon the porch for all to see, right before Ashley's eyes. In this scene, she is very visibly upset by this development (not as much as if you had chosen to not shoot her, but she was disturbed and upset nontheless).
As for your question that I suspect some of you are asking - "Why does she still not let Chris in even though she asked Chris to shoot her" - here is your answer: even though if you point the gun at yourself for Ashley to then plead that Chris take her life instead, for you to then shoot her, she will still not allow you entry. Simply, she is still going through the hyperarousal. Remember that she has little courage to begin with, and has been put through very traumatic situations (kidnaped, put in percieved mortal danger, crush shooting her). Trauma inhibits premeditation and reason in stressful situations, especially in the mind of a teenager with little courage and a wild imagination like Ashley's. Chris pointing the gun at himself caused to her to speak impulsively without thought, and being a profoundly fearful person, experiencing psycological trauma, this was understandable, as was her pleas to be spared had been should Chris have pointed it at her first.
With her trauma, wild imagination, and cowardice taken into account, her catastrophisation and paranioa in reaction to Emily's bite was also completely typical of someone of her mindset. They had been told by the Flamethrowing Stranger that people are overtaken by the wendigo spirit through cannibalisation. This could have meant three things in Ashley's mind: The Wendigos, being human in origin, could be counted as cannibalising if they bit a human (I know this sounds far fetched, but remember that trauma affects thinking and that Ashley has a broad and wild imagination), the curse occurs if you eat another human ot both. Thus, she freaked out at the prospect of Emily being a wendigo.
Also, those who say that Ashley was still a bitch for taking Mikes side when he threatened Emily with the revolver should remember that she never pressed Mike on to shoot Emily and that she only suggested that Emily leave. Plus, she feels genuinely remorseful towards Emily after discovering that the bites are indeed not infectious at all. In fact, she even breaks down if Mike chose to shoot Emily.
Ashley is not an action hero like Mike, or witty or confident like Chris, or even a cold and calculating bitch like Emily, but a scared, wild minded 18 year old girl put through a traumatising experience. That is actually the main reason why I like her, in that she reacts and acts how I feel like most of us here, myself included, would react in these situations should we go through them ourselves. And while some might say this makes her boring, in that she does not really have a hero moment like the other characters. this makes it all the better for me, for I find her more relatable and human than most of the others (Chris excepted). Some may also argue that she may have been wrong in her thinking, but this is not a normal situation for most people to be in. In a normal situation, free of stress and trauma acting upon her lack of courage and abundance of fear, I think it would be fair to say that she would not react as she did in the game.
"Anything done out of fear has no moral value." - Alan Moore.
EDIT: I was very tired at the time of writing this, and hence made many spelling errors in my essay/rant. I have now gone through it once more.
Josh is revealed to be suffering from some form of psycosis and having stopped taking his medication for it by the time of the prank. Who knows what he was thinking?
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Rel… moreationships Status):
* Honest: 8/10
* Charitable: 8/10
* Funny: 4/10
* Brave: 8/10
* Romantic: 2/10
* Curious: 6/10
* Sociable: 3/10
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
To an extent, Chris and Ash were involved as well. Ash was right alongside Emily, Jess, Mike and Matt and she enjoyed it, although later admitting to Chris that she feels guilty about it. I think Josh focuses on Ash as well because he knows how much she means to Chris so he wants to bring them together. Chris got Josh drunk, leaving him unable to intervene. Sam is the odd one out here, as she's the only one who opposes the prank and tries to stop Hannah. It's pretty clear that in Josh's mental state. he could have been thinking anything, maybe even blaming Sam for guilt by association. Although he could have been trying to bring himself and Sam together.
Let's imagine the Wendigo never exists.
I think Josh had the intention of bringing Chris and Ashley together and maybe even him and Sam together, as in his way of telling his friends "Look at how great I am. I pulled a prank, AND I got us closer together." With Mike and Jess canooodling in the cabin and Matt and Em searching for her bag, that leaves only Chris, Ashley and Sam at the lodge, the three most sympathetic characters towards Josh. Sure, initially, they all would yell at Josh (Ash: "OMG OMG JOSH YOU TRIED TO KILL US." Chris: "What the hell bro? That wasn't funny, man." Sam: Josh, what were you thinking? People could have been hurt.") But in the end, they would forgive him, because Josh explains that no one gets hurt and Chris and Sam are his best friends.
No Wendigo=No pissed off Mike coming back to the lodge to ruin Josh's prank.
I think he was saving the others for last, because like you mentioned, they were the most heavily involved, so he was saving the best for last.
Token black guy overlooked again. (Ashley too, oddly enough)
I tried but it's kinda blurry ;-;
thx, Steam made the original one blurry anyways.
Anyone up for your own personal character info status just for a bit of fun?
I'll do mine first (added Sociable as a trait to replace Relationships Status):
Judging by my stats, mine is pretty similar to Sam all around.
So guys and gals, what about yours?
Edit: Also, don't forget about the Three Words that describes you best.
As for mine? I'm probably best described as Introverted, Rational, and Sincere.
Sure I guess
At that moment i knew he had to survive
Hm, try running the gif through this:
It might help. If it doesn't work tell me I might know another free online program I can fish out.
[Edit] wait nevermind somebody did it ^_^' w-well um at least you have a free gif maker program now, yaaaay.
EDIT: Oops, I forgot the three summarising words.
Truthful - Generous - Intelligent
Sociable: 5/10
Hm... My stats are looking more like Josh's.
Edit: Funny how most of us are low in romantic. Edit 2.0: As for the three words they would be~ Logical - Creative - Introverted
Honest 9/10
Charitable 4/10
Funny 7/10
Brave 8/10
Romantic 10/10
Curious 3/10
Sociable 6/10
As for three words I would use to describe myself, probably complex, ambitious and persuasive. I suppose I'm most similar to Michael in some ways.
Darn, I forgot about the three words to describe myself. Better go and add them to my stats.
● Honest: 5/10
● Charitable: 7/10
● Funny: 9/10
● Brave: 7/10
● Romantic: 8/10
● Curious: 5/10
● Sociable: 4/10
Compassionate, childish & shy. I kinda have a feeling I'd be most similar to Hannah.
At this moment
Michael realized he would not get that puss tonight
Caring, determined and brave
And the 3 words would be Sensitive, Indecisive, Realist I think..
Had a crazy nightmare with wendigos. I was walking down an isolated street and saw a wendigo (Hannah). I knew what to do but I couldn't stay still and my head was squished like Josh's. Then I could start again but boom there were 2 wendigos, even better. It was scarier than the game x)
Welcome to my world, bruh xP
I had some Until Dawn nightmares, too. Seeing wendigos killing my friends in front of me and later, killing me. And everytime I woke up from those nightmares, I was afraid of going back to sleep. I was really scared x(
Not at this moment. He realized when elevator with Jess dropped down, in mines.
I know the feeling.
I just realized that Until Dawn takes place in my province, and my city was mentioned once or twice ^-^
Why did you put everything so high?
Three Words: Sarcastic, Pessimistic and ambitious.
Unpopular Opinion: Emily is the 2nd best character in the whole game.
Inquisitive, Loving and Adventurous.
Sensitive, Caring, Sarcastic.
Emily IS the best character in the game.
I'd put Emily as my 3rd, right below Chris and Sam.
I understand the reason why Josh had set up the whole horror prank, since the prank that everyone else did last year caused both his twin sisters to disappear. But there's one part I'm having trouble understanding. During his whole prank in the game, he targeted Chris, Ashley and Sam. But why didn't Josh target Emily, Jessica and Mike instead? I mean, those three were the most involved, and conspirators, of the cruel prank.
How about Wendino.
Ha, I'm hilarious.
Fuck yeah, I love Emily.
Alright, here we go. I recently picked up Until Dawn from EB Games, and I fell instantly in love with it, and it's characters (even if they are overtly archetypical). I immediately knew I was to like Chris during my first scene with him; he is actually my favourite character in the game. As I went through my second playthrough of the game, I also came to like Ashley enough to have her put Sam (God forbid it) into the place of my third favourite character.
Yet, as I soar over forums and the Until Dawn wiki, I have found that a decent amount of people actually see her as a bitch, some going so far as to name her a worse example than that of Emily. What pisses me off is that these evaluations tend to be superficial at best. Let me, in the absence of these people's efforts, do so now and delve into an evaluatory rant.
Let us start of with the most pointed out instance of her "true nature": her failure to let Chris into the lodge as he was being pursued by a wendigo. I would say that her reaction is simply an instance of hyperarousal, or as it is better known: fight or flight, and not a result of hatred towards Chris. Allow me to point out the reasoning behind this.
Firslty, she is not by any standard what one could call brave. In fact, bravery is one of Ashley's lowest traits and it would be accurate to call her a coward. Ashley's failure to open the door happens if you choose to shoot her in the russian roulette style social experiment; Chris, the person of whom she had known for a long time, developed a crush on and had heard say that he felt the same way, was willing to shoot her to save himself (I can already hear you asking THAT question to me, but I will address that later). Ashley had seen Chris, who had said that he had fallen in love with her, was psycologically capable of shooting her for his own sake. She would have been unsure if to allow Chris entry, potentially putting her in danger further down the track (The brave thing, or the fight response) or if she should leave him out for her own sake (the cowardly thing, or the flight response). In such a state, it is not uncommon for the person involved to literally become immobile in a state of confusion, as if they were paralised. Now, hyperarousal is a common reaction among victims of trauma when they are put in stressful situations or dilemas, and she had been put through some very traumatising shit that night up to that point (having herself kidnapped twice and put in percieved mortal danger each time at the mercy of someone whom she was close with who was also capable of shooting her for his own sake), not to mention her already lacking courage. Those who saved her at the end of the game with Chris dying in this fashion will remember her citing an innability to move at the end of the game, thus resulting in Chris' death, further atesting my theory of hyperarousal. You will also remember that her expression was that of a daze, still registering what she had seen and allowed to happen through her inaction. If Chris choose to shoot Ashley and had died while being pursued by the wendigo before reaching the porch, the wendigo shall toss his decapitated head upon the porch for all to see, right before Ashley's eyes. In this scene, she is very visibly upset by this development (not as much as if you had chosen to not shoot her, but she was disturbed and upset nontheless).
As for your question that I suspect some of you are asking - "Why does she still not let Chris in even though she asked Chris to shoot her" - here is your answer: even though if you point the gun at yourself for Ashley to then plead that Chris take her life instead, for you to then shoot her, she will still not allow you entry. Simply, she is still going through the hyperarousal. Remember that she has little courage to begin with, and has been put through very traumatic situations (kidnaped, put in percieved mortal danger, crush shooting her). Trauma inhibits premeditation and reason in stressful situations, especially in the mind of a teenager with little courage and a wild imagination like Ashley's. Chris pointing the gun at himself caused to her to speak impulsively without thought, and being a profoundly fearful person, experiencing psycological trauma, this was understandable, as was her pleas to be spared had been should Chris have pointed it at her first.
With her trauma, wild imagination, and cowardice taken into account, her catastrophisation and paranioa in reaction to Emily's bite was also completely typical of someone of her mindset. They had been told by the Flamethrowing Stranger that people are overtaken by the wendigo spirit through cannibalisation. This could have meant three things in Ashley's mind: The Wendigos, being human in origin, could be counted as cannibalising if they bit a human (I know this sounds far fetched, but remember that trauma affects thinking and that Ashley has a broad and wild imagination), the curse occurs if you eat another human ot both. Thus, she freaked out at the prospect of Emily being a wendigo.
Also, those who say that Ashley was still a bitch for taking Mikes side when he threatened Emily with the revolver should remember that she never pressed Mike on to shoot Emily and that she only suggested that Emily leave. Plus, she feels genuinely remorseful towards Emily after discovering that the bites are indeed not infectious at all. In fact, she even breaks down if Mike chose to shoot Emily.
Ashley is not an action hero like Mike, or witty or confident like Chris, or even a cold and calculating bitch like Emily, but a scared, wild minded 18 year old girl put through a traumatising experience. That is actually the main reason why I like her, in that she reacts and acts how I feel like most of us here, myself included, would react in these situations should we go through them ourselves. And while some might say this makes her boring, in that she does not really have a hero moment like the other characters. this makes it all the better for me, for I find her more relatable and human than most of the others (Chris excepted). Some may also argue that she may have been wrong in her thinking, but this is not a normal situation for most people to be in. In a normal situation, free of stress and trauma acting upon her lack of courage and abundance of fear, I think it would be fair to say that she would not react as she did in the game.
"Anything done out of fear has no moral value." - Alan Moore.
EDIT: I was very tired at the time of writing this, and hence made many spelling errors in my essay/rant. I have now gone through it once more.
Josh is revealed to be suffering from some form of psycosis and having stopped taking his medication for it by the time of the prank. Who knows what he was thinking?
“They just need like... a traumatic event to bond over, you know?”
Looks like GCN released a sin video about Until Dawn:
enter link description here
Edit: Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers, blah blah blah.
I am late in doing this, but as the proverb goes: better late than never.
"i'm a healer. I bring people together."
To an extent, Chris and Ash were involved as well. Ash was right alongside Emily, Jess, Mike and Matt and she enjoyed it, although later admitting to Chris that she feels guilty about it. I think Josh focuses on Ash as well because he knows how much she means to Chris so he wants to bring them together. Chris got Josh drunk, leaving him unable to intervene. Sam is the odd one out here, as she's the only one who opposes the prank and tries to stop Hannah. It's pretty clear that in Josh's mental state. he could have been thinking anything, maybe even blaming Sam for guilt by association. Although he could have been trying to bring himself and Sam together.
Let's imagine the Wendigo never exists.
I think Josh had the intention of bringing Chris and Ashley together and maybe even him and Sam together, as in his way of telling his friends "Look at how great I am. I pulled a prank, AND I got us closer together." With Mike and Jess canooodling in the cabin and Matt and Em searching for her bag, that leaves only Chris, Ashley and Sam at the lodge, the three most sympathetic characters towards Josh. Sure, initially, they all would yell at Josh (Ash: "OMG OMG JOSH YOU TRIED TO KILL US." Chris: "What the hell bro? That wasn't funny, man." Sam: Josh, what were you thinking? People could have been hurt.") But in the end, they would forgive him, because Josh explains that no one gets hurt and Chris and Sam are his best friends.
No Wendigo=No pissed off Mike coming back to the lodge to ruin Josh's prank.
I think he was saving the others for last, because like you mentioned, they were the most heavily involved, so he was saving the best for last.