[Calm him down] There's no guarantee he'll actually be knocked out. He has a rifle and would probably only be angrier and more panicked if he punched him. Let's also not discount the fact he could very wall press charges against Nick lol.
Nick Archer
I had punched him straight in the face. I only had a short time to react. I decided i could use my skill and explain without … morerevealing my true intentions.
"And that, Curtis, is what happens when you aren't focused on your surroundings" i said with a smile on my face. I got that one straight from Ellie's book.
The guys shocked looks quickly turned into smiles and after a while even Curtis joined in.
"Fine, you got me this time but just you wait. Next time you won't even see it coming." He said with a grin on his face. Wait how won't i see it coming when he basically just told me it could happen any time?
Howard looked at the others. "It seems Robin Hood wants to follow in El's footsteps"
Nicholson quickly replied. "Yeah, i bet hes trying to impress her"
Curtis immediately took his chance to get back at me. "Well after his last try i bet he'll take any chance he can get."
Oh it's on now. I looked at him strai… [view original content]
Nick Archer
I had punched him straight in the face. I only had a short time to react. I decided i could use my skill and explain without … morerevealing my true intentions.
"And that, Curtis, is what happens when you aren't focused on your surroundings" i said with a smile on my face. I got that one straight from Ellie's book.
The guys shocked looks quickly turned into smiles and after a while even Curtis joined in.
"Fine, you got me this time but just you wait. Next time you won't even see it coming." He said with a grin on his face. Wait how won't i see it coming when he basically just told me it could happen any time?
Howard looked at the others. "It seems Robin Hood wants to follow in El's footsteps"
Nicholson quickly replied. "Yeah, i bet hes trying to impress her"
Curtis immediately took his chance to get back at me. "Well after his last try i bet he'll take any chance he can get."
Oh it's on now. I looked at him strai… [view original content]
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of school just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only saw what was inside. It was my psycho ski mask with the costume i wore to Donnie's halloween party. It looked brand new, even the fake chainsaw still looked nice. I suddenly remembered how fun that had been to use it. Almost everyone thought it was real, Mr. Griffin even called the police saying i had brought a weapon to his son's party. I picked it up and pressed the button. It still sounded like a real chainsaw. Man it would be hard to top this costume next year. Too bad everyone saw it. I really would have liked to scare the living hell out of one of the girls. Especially that bitch Sadie. Wait.......Sadie wasn't at the party.....she hates parties, it's one of her loner freak things. A very fun thought crossed my mind. How about i introduce Sadie and her siblings to PTSD? I had a camera on my bag i could make it my own personal horror movie. The perfect payback.
Yes.........wait no, no, no. I can't do that. I would never be able to convince Pierce i can change after that. My parents would never forgive me either. Only my brother would be proud but he's an asshole. But.....this could be my only chance. I might never be able to convince Pierce, but i KNOW i could give that girl some mental scars....stop it, no i'm not fucking doing that. I threw my saw to the floor and turned around. Then i walked away. But suddenly i stopped.........i turned around. The temptation was there. One choice that could change my life.
Samuel......Just Samuel.....This Was Going To Hurt
The words barely came out of my mouth. "Y-You can hit anything, but you can't kill me" i said hoping he would agree.
"Ahhh, a clever one ain't you" He answered in mocking tone "I make no promises, but i will admit you are smart. Sadly, you're not smart enough!" He said i he slammed the bat straight between my legs. I yelled out in pain. Then he did it again. The he swung it into my chest and then my head. He hit it so fast that for a minute i saw three of him and one of my ears temporarily popped. Then he hit me in the right knee so hard i thought it was broken. After a while he dropped the bat and he started to just beat my chest with his own hands. Then suddenly his partner, who had been holding me this whole time, spoke up.
"Ok that's enough Louie, you've had your fun. It's my turn now" He said in a deep voice. His partner, Louie, looked up and answered him.
"Be my guest. Though by the look of things i didn't leave you with much. There's only so much pain the human body can take before it becomes numb." He said walking away.
The other guy dropped me to the side towards the field. I should have thanked god he didn't throw me towards the cement street, but i couldn't think straight. Everything hurt.
"Oh, don't worry" he said after dropping me "I always find a way"
I looked to my side to see if the homeless guy was still there. He was gone. Probably ran away when they were distracted beating me. I guess at least i saved his life even if he didn't give me the same kindness. I looked up to see the face of my next torturer. He looked at my face then smirked.
"Hey, that kind of looks like an eyepatch. You know like the type they have in pirate movies." He said looking back to his partner. Louie was looking down at my trip bag. I had dropped it down before i tried to rescue that guy.
"Heh," he replied "Well let's see what type of treasure this sea rat has." He knelt down and began to search my bag. The other guy grabbed his own bat and prepared to strike me with it. Then suddenly Louie stopped him.
"WAIT!" He said almost screaming. His partner and i looked back at him. He was holding that pamphlet they gave us for the tour. The one that had critical information about the facility we couldn't let anyone have yet.
"Morton" he continued "This is one of the guy's. The ones that got selected to go on that field trip to that huge research base thing. Look this thing even has a map so we can drive there." He said in shock as he showed it to us.
Morton, i guess his name was, looked at it closely. After what seemed like a while he took his eyes of it. "Seems legit." he finally said.
Louie looked surprised by his lack of reaction. "Don't you see? That place will be open. There's a whole bunch of kids there we could kidnap and punch the hell out of. I'm sure those spineless scientists would rather give up thousands of government secrets than to watch those children get tortured"
Morton still showing no emotion quickly argued. "And what about the protection squad they have, we can't deal with them."
"Those idiots will be too occupied with that psycho bomber they have to guard. 'sides they won't be expecting us. By the time they notice we will have enough firepower to kill them all. First we take a few hostages with those guns we stole from that drug dealer. Then we finally set those two mines we've been dying to use. Worst case we use those grenades my uncle kindly left us. They won't be expecting any of it. Well take the entire facility and get all that government tech they have!" he said with a wide grin.
Morton still emotionless noded. "And then?"
Louie looked him in the eye and smiled. "We slaughter them one-by-one"
Morton looked at the map again. "Well then we just have one problem"
Louie looked so surprised his grin faded. "What?"
Morton looked back at him. "There's two buildings. Alpha and Beta. Only one of them can be authorised to tour. If we pick the wrong one to strike it's game over"
Louie looked at the map. "Shit you're right. How are we supposed to....." Then he looked emptily at space. Then suddenly his eyes looked at me. He grabbed me by the shirt.
"Listen to me you disgusting pile of self-righteous shit. I am only going to ask this once. Which of these two buildings is that tour shit happening? You have ONE fucking chance. I'll know if you lie and IF you lie to me i'm sorry to say i will end your pathetic life in the most painful way i can imagine. And trust me when i say i'm VERY creative and have TONS experience"
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"]
[Tell the Truth, "It's going to Alpha"]
Sadie Robbins
I was playing COTC 9 again. Such a good game. One of the best. Then finally reached the end. My favorite part. Time to chose an ending, then again it didn't matter i liked them all. Except for Doomsman i loved this beautiful universe too much to destroy it. Then suddenly someone appeared out of nowhere. It was......Zack, from school. What?! Why was that jerk in my game?.
"This is the worst game EVER. It ruins everything about COTC and proves that all the games are garbage. I want to burn them all." I was about to defend the game when suddenly more Zacks came out of nowhere. All saying such horrible things about it. I tried to scream but i couldn't hear my voice. I couldn't hear anything but them. I tried to run away but they were too many. I ran faster and faster and faster and....then i fell out of the bed.
I suddenly realised it had all been a nightmare. But it had been so weird. Then i suddenly realised why i had it. I had spent all night defending COTC 9 on the internet. Why did so many people hate that game. It was starting to get to me. Then i remembered. Today was the day. Weirdly enough i had a very vague memory of a dream where i woke up earlier. Ah, never mind i had to go prepare, the bus came in an hour.
Emma Archer
I didn't want listen to Steve anymore but i couldn't stop.
"Then he told the kid he would see fireworks coming out of both buildings and that people inside would scream of joy. Then he told the boy to look as closely as he could to the windows so he could through the windows so he could see the people inside dying of joy. The boy is still suffering from various mental scars and a severe fear of anything burned. Another of his crimes involved posing as an ice cream vendor and poisoning the ice cream of anyone above twelve that ordered. He is quoted as telling them to "be careful, too much sugar is bad for your health...."
I nervously stood up and tried to make an excuse. "I-I think i heard enough. I ne-need to go back to the project" i said as well as i could. I was stuttering. Just talking about normal murders made me nervous, i couldn't handle this. How could anyone be this much of a monster?
"No worry my dear, i think we all heard enough." He said with a saddened look. He was right. Almost everyone else looked like they were about to pass out and just wanted to leave. Only Lucios remained calm. But he was much stronger than any of us.
"Well then" he continued "With no further need to detail why you should avoid any contact with this individual. I hear by call this meeting adjourned."
We all started to leave when suddenly he called out.
"Not you Herntz i need you for something. Come here please" Lylain turned around to look at him. Then he asked me with his face if i knew what was up. I shook my head and went back to my room. I needed a shower after this.
Lylain Herntz
I walked up to Doctor Stevens. By the time we started talking everyone was gone. He then started talking very quietly.
"Listen Lylain. It might have come to you as a shock that i chose Marlone to lead the group instead of Emma." 'Shock' was an understatement. "But trust me i had good reason to. Have you noticed anything different about him lately?"
"Yeah, he's being more of....aggressive than usual"
"Exactly. He's always had this attitude of his, but now he's not holding back and i can only think of one logical reason for it."
"What?" i asked curiously.
"He is compleatly convinced his project is so great it will convince the Commander to promote him to leader of the entire institute."
"Well, you know sir he's always had this ego...."
"Yes, that is true. But think for one moment he isn't exaggerating. Think on it. None of us have seen his project nor has he ever talked about it with the exception of vague greatness. If it's actually capable of it. We must, against my better judgement, never allow it to see the light of day" he said with his hand grasping my shoulder.
I was shocked to see a man like him even suggest that. But then i realised he was right. "So what are we going to do?"
"Sadly 'we' cannot do anything. I am too occupied with Project Prime's introduction to try anything. And even if i could Marlone would see me gone and immediately suspect something. No, it must be you who does this."
"Why me sir?"
"You and Emma are the only two i can trust with this. But in my heart i know she would not be capable of any evil act and she would sway me to renounce the idea compleatly. I am sorry but it can only be you"
"But what would i do?"
He pulled a keycard out of his pocket. "Use this. It is a master card. It will allow you to unlock any door in this facility. No one but me, you and the Commander himself knows of it's existence. And for the sake of this institute no one can know it does, especially Marlone. Use it to go into his room and if you do see something that you even suspect is something that would impress, use this" He said as he handed me a small bomb and a detonator. I could not believe he had those on him. Had he had them all this time? Had he ever used one before? Where did he even....
"Do not ask how i obtained these. If and when the time comes press this button on the side. That will activate it. Then press the detonator. Do not worry, all the walls of the building can stand the 30 times that explosion. I will not lie to you, this is dangerous. I have no idea what mad machination he has built. You may be risking your life. I will not blame you if you refuse. But please consider this. If our suspicions are correct and you refuse. By the end of this day Marlone will own this institution and do with us as he pleases."
I was scared. I could be risking my life. Was making sure Marlone lost that important?
As much as I'd like for Zach to go full Until Dawn mode, I like Sadie, so let's not traumatize her, yeah?
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"]
As Lord said, pretty much every important character seems to be in the Alpha building. I definitely don't want these psychopathic terrorists to get their hands on Emma, but neither do I want to endanger the kids. I just hope they won't kill Just Samuel when they find out he lied to them.
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Well sadly Emma is in Alpha with Mattew Herntz and Marlone. Since shes one of the priority scientists so shes in the building where the best in the squad (The group with Nick) are.
As much as I'd like for Zach to go full Until Dawn mode, I like Sadie, so let's not traumatize her, yeah?
[Tell a Lie, "I… moret's going to Beta"]
As Lord said, pretty much every important character seems to be in the Alpha building. I definitely don't want these psychopathic terrorists to get their hands on Emma, but neither do I want to endanger the kids. I just hope they won't kill Just Samuel when they find out he lied to them.
[Accept the Mission]
Yeah... fuck Marlone.
Well, that's good to know. I'm going to change my vote then, since that means that most of the characters are in the Alpha building. My main reason for choosing to tell the truth has been to keep Emma away from these psychopaths, but now I see a possibility to keep her and the kids and even the squad away from them as well. As long as these fuckers get no one to torture, I'm happy.
Well sadly Emma is in Alpha with Mattew Herntz and Marlone. Since shes one of the priority scientists so shes in the building where the best in the squad (The group with Nick) are.
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of … moreschool just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only … [view original content]
Well good news is you just saved Hertnz from his first determinant death. If he had gone to Marlones room there would be 3 choices and TWO of those would immediately kill him.
Bad news is one of the other two choices that won this vote you will probably regret and continue to regret as this episode goes on. And maybe even after that.
All three Votes closed
Well good news is you just saved Hertnz from his first determinant death. If he had gone to Marlones room there wo… moreuld be 3 choices and TWO of those would immediately kill him.
Bad news is one of the other two choices that won this vote you will probably regret and continue to regret as this episode goes on. And maybe even after that.
Next part is probably later tonight
Now I got a bad, baaad feeling about lying to these psychopaths. It looked like a good decision, but in retrospect, I have to say it looks almost too good, especially as I just realized we don't know what kind of stuff they keep in the Beta building. I deeply hope that we haven't doomed Emma and the teens to a horrible fate with this choice Also, Herntz got lucky and that's good I bet one of these instant deaths would have involved the owlman.
All three Votes closed
Well good news is you just saved Hertnz from his first determinant death. If he had gone to Marlones room there wo… moreuld be 3 choices and TWO of those would immediately kill him.
Bad news is one of the other two choices that won this vote you will probably regret and continue to regret as this episode goes on. And maybe even after that.
Next part is probably later tonight
Now I got a bad, baaad feeling about lying to these psychopaths. It looked like a good decision, but in retrospect, I have to say it looks a… morelmost too good, especially as I just realized we don't know what kind of stuff they keep in the Beta building. I deeply hope that we haven't doomed Emma and the teens to a horrible fate with this choice Also, Herntz got lucky and that's good I bet one of these instant deaths would have involved the owlman.
"It's going to Beta" i answered. I was risking everything, but i just couldn't. I tried my best to make it sound genuine.
Louie smiled "Thank's for that." then he began to walk off. "Beta it is" I tricked him, i thought in joy. I saved my friends.
Then suddenly Morton started laughing. Both of us looked at him in shock. it was the first time i saw him with any emotion on his face and by the way Louie reacted i guess it was a rare thing. "Are you serious?" he asked "I mean i knew you were stupid but this is just ridiculous"
"Wha...what do you mean?" Louie said weakly he was clearly lost.
Morton went back to his 'normal' face and looked at him in the eyes."This guy just took a beating for a guy he didn't even know, and before that he tried to save his life by attacking us knowing he was unarmed and outnumbered. He risks his own life for some random person and yet you actually expect him to honestly tell us where his friends are gonna be when we said we would torture and KILL them. Really man?"
Louie's confused look suddenly changed as the argument finally made sense to him. Oh, no.
"Alfa then?" he asked. Morton noded in reply. "Fantastic well go there in a sec. But first i believe i made our little friend a promise." He said as he walked towards me with a smile. No, please no. Not like this. "You know i've always wanted to see what a squashed head looks like in a grassy field." He said as he raised his bat up. "Thanks in advanced for helping me find out."
Then suddenly a siren came. We could hear it halfway down the street. "Shit" Louie said as he and Morton ran off. When i stood up they were already gone. It was the police. I couldn't let them see me all beat up they would take me to the hospital or questioning or something. And i couldn't do that , i had to go and warn the others about those two psychos. The police didn't know where the buildings were so they literally couldn't help. Lucky for me i had a hoodie jacket. I covered myself as much as i could.
Two police cars stopped in the street to look at me. The police in the first car had a passenger. I looked at him, he seemed familiar. Then it hit me, it was that guy i saved. The brown haired officer next to him was wearing sunglasses and had a mustache. His tag read "Jonas" so i guess that was his name. "Is this one of them?" he asked the man. The homeless man looked at me and then recognised me. Before he could say anything i sent him a look saying 'please don't talk'. He seemed confused but then noticed the bag next to me and apparently he understood. "No officer he's not" he answered finally. The officer looked disbelieving at first but then started his car again. However, as i turned to walk to the side he suddenly called me. "Hey kid." i looked back at him. "Be careful out there, Morsensville can be a dangerous place." And with that ominous warning he drove down the street as the other car followed him.
'What the hell was that about?' i wondered for a while, but i eventually stopped caring. Silicon Valley up north was more dangerous than this place and a lot cooler too. Heck if it wasn't for Mr. Pierce telling me never to go there i would have left years ago. Come to think about it i never asked him about those 'strange things' that made him leave that town. Then i suddenly felt the pain again. It took more energy that i could possibly describe to ignore it. I would never let those assholes do that to my friends. Next time we met, it would be different.
Adam Pierce
I was watching the news trying to relax. But then i remembered the type of 'news' they liked to show off lately. It seemed they were trying to reignite the frenzy they had with the psycho bombings. All the news were about murders or kidnappings or disappearances. I kept switching the news channels only catching little glimpses of their stories ".....the witnesses state they saw 80 year old Fred Guilbert get into a van and..........Members of the local community are claiming that supplies of narcotics are a arriving from the neighboring town of Silicon Valley............. The police believes the five unidentified victims were beaten to death by the use of bats and hammers. This makes these murders some of the most violent crimes in...............The famous arsonist Jacob Finch escaped three days ago from ..................Isabel Ottranto's latest conference has made her one of the most mocked people on the inter..........." That was enough, what time was it anyway? Hm, only 30 minutes left..............ONLY 30 MINUTES LEFT. I went as quickly as i could to call the buss driver.
A Man Who Smiles
It was getting a bit boring waiting so long, so i started whistling. The guards didn't like that at all. "You make those sounds one more time..." one clearly paranoid said.
I smiled and politely answered. "There is no need to be so violent. I was just trying to entertain myself"
"Well fucking stop!" he answered back. He was so scared, if only i could make sure he knew he had no reason to be scared. An idea struck me. I turned my back to them as much as i could. As i thought the same guard got up and came closer to see what i was doing. I quickly grabbed him by the neck with my chains. I made sure to control my strength so i wouldn't immediately brake his neck. The other guard raised his gun but he looked too scared to shoot. The guard i was choking slowly turned red, i let him go. He was so out of breath he dropped his gun trying to catch air. I then grabbed it and pointed at the other guy. He was sweating. I aimed straight for his big fat head.
"Bang" i said. The guard closed his eyes and turned aback as he heard that word. After a few seconds he opened his eyes. I smiled and waved 'hello' at him. Then i threw him the other guard's gun. Both of them looked half dead and in shock. I sat down and started to whistle again. And to my pleasant surprise nobody interrupted me.
Well, damn. I knew these psychopaths are stupid, but I never thought they could be too stupid to be tricked. However, I am not quite sure if I understand why the police wouldn't be of any help. Why don't they know where the institute is located, if even two random street terrorists know about it? Other than that, I am intrigued by this man who smiles. I mean, he is apparently evil, but pretty entertaining at the same time.
Samuel.....Just Samuel.....Tempting Fate
"It's going to Beta" i answered. I was risking everything, but i just couldn't. I tried my best … moreto make it sound genuine.
Louie smiled "Thank's for that." then he began to walk off. "Beta it is" I tricked him, i thought in joy. I saved my friends.
Then suddenly Morton started laughing. Both of us looked at him in shock. it was the first time i saw him with any emotion on his face and by the way Louie reacted i guess it was a rare thing. "Are you serious?" he asked "I mean i knew you were stupid but this is just ridiculous"
"Wha...what do you mean?" Louie said weakly he was clearly lost.
Morton went back to his 'normal' face and looked at him in the eyes."This guy just took a beating for a guy he didn't even know, and before that he tried to save his life by attacking us knowing he was unarmed and outnumbered. He risks his own life for some random person and yet you actually expect him t… [view original content]
The psychos stole a pamphlet that only the students had and weren't allowed to share with the threat of government lawsuits. It had a map showing the location of the facility to make sure the students got there if they missed the buss. The only other way to get there was to get there was throught the buss. Who also had some of these pamphlets. After the trip back all the students had to give them back to the institute in order to preserve its location.
The fact that no law enforcement officers know where it is is one of the reasons they had to issue military trained squad officers to act as a security squad. Samuel could have given the police the pamphlet....but like i said they stole it.
Well, damn. I knew these psychopaths are stupid, but I never thought they could be too stupid to be tricked. However, I am not quite sure if… more I understand why the police wouldn't be of any help. Why don't they know where the institute is located, if even two random street terrorists know about it? Other than that, I am intrigued by this man who smiles. I mean, he is apparently evil, but pretty entertaining at the same time.
Well, damn. I knew these psychopaths are stupid, but I never thought they could be too stupid to be tricked. However, I am not quite sure if… more I understand why the police wouldn't be of any help. Why don't they know where the institute is located, if even two random street terrorists know about it? Other than that, I am intrigued by this man who smiles. I mean, he is apparently evil, but pretty entertaining at the same time.
Yes you did It definitely makes more sense now. But wouldn't it be a possibility to take a squad of police officers with them to the institute? I mean, as much as I doubt that these two dumb bastards pose any kind of threat to such a tightly guarded building, wouldn't it be safer to involve the police here?
Yes you did It definitely makes more sense now. But wouldn't it be a possibility to take a squad of police officers with them to the instit… moreute? I mean, as much as I doubt that these two dumb bastards pose any kind of threat to such a tightly guarded building, wouldn't it be safer to involve the police here?
Samuel.....Just Samuel.....Tempting Fate
"It's going to Beta" i answered. I was risking everything, but i just couldn't. I tried my best … moreto make it sound genuine.
Louie smiled "Thank's for that." then he began to walk off. "Beta it is" I tricked him, i thought in joy. I saved my friends.
Then suddenly Morton started laughing. Both of us looked at him in shock. it was the first time i saw him with any emotion on his face and by the way Louie reacted i guess it was a rare thing. "Are you serious?" he asked "I mean i knew you were stupid but this is just ridiculous"
"Wha...what do you mean?" Louie said weakly he was clearly lost.
Morton went back to his 'normal' face and looked at him in the eyes."This guy just took a beating for a guy he didn't even know, and before that he tried to save his life by attacking us knowing he was unarmed and outnumbered. He risks his own life for some random person and yet you actually expect him t… [view original content]
Samuel.....Just Samuel.....Tempting Fate
"It's going to Beta" i answered. I was risking everything, but i just couldn't. I tried my best … moreto make it sound genuine.
Louie smiled "Thank's for that." then he began to walk off. "Beta it is" I tricked him, i thought in joy. I saved my friends.
Then suddenly Morton started laughing. Both of us looked at him in shock. it was the first time i saw him with any emotion on his face and by the way Louie reacted i guess it was a rare thing. "Are you serious?" he asked "I mean i knew you were stupid but this is just ridiculous"
"Wha...what do you mean?" Louie said weakly he was clearly lost.
Morton went back to his 'normal' face and looked at him in the eyes."This guy just took a beating for a guy he didn't even know, and before that he tried to save his life by attacking us knowing he was unarmed and outnumbered. He risks his own life for some random person and yet you actually expect him t… [view original content]
Hi there guys. Sry for not posting lately, i had to sacrifice last week for grades and this week was.......chaotic. Also i have been recently catching up with Nohope's amazing story Silicon Valley. However i have two good news about the story:
At least one more person will join very soon, which is good since due to story reasons the main cast has to be introduced in the first ep (Which so far is not at halfway-point yet) with so far only one exception. Hopefuly no newly introduced character will break my pre-established continuity by existing or i will have to rewrite to add them.
I have come up with some HUGE story threads i'm excited to explore (Can't wait till we get there). And i have finally solved the biggest (and so far only) story problem i have had since this whole thing came up.
Anyway thanks to everyone for their support and with any luck this story will continue soon.
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the stress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hour had passed. I picked up my book bag and went outside to wait for the buss.
Saddie Robbins
I was finishing my ceral when i noticed Valentino had texted me. "Call u later".
Gus Menton
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the … morestress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hou… [view original content]
Gus Menton
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the … morestress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hou… [view original content]
Gus Menton
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the … morestress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hou… [view original content]
Gus Menton
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the … morestress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hou… [view original content]
[Calm him down] There's no guarantee he'll actually be knocked out. He has a rifle and would probably only be angrier and more panicked if he punched him. Let's also not discount the fact he could very wall press charges against Nick lol.
This is was awesome :'D
[Knock him out]
Lets have a little fun this could end badly but it will be fun to read
Hey guys. I just came to say i'm going to post some parts sometime later this week (yes i'm that busy). So as a heads up look forward to it
Awesome. I can't wait for this to be back!
I know that feeling, can't wait though
Ok sry THIS week 100%
Zack Sheen
It took me a while but i finally realised i was crying. T-this was it, my life was over. Now mom and dad would kick me out of school just when i was getting a new friend. And bro would beat me up for being 'sloppy'. All in just one call. How the hell did it even happen so fast?......Sadie. Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. I always suspected about her talking to Mr. Pierce after class 'Discussing Homework'. She set this all up. She must have made up a bunch of bs and told it to Pierce. That slut, she fucking ruined me. All because i annoyed her a couple of times. She wouldn't get away with this. I had to fix it. I looked at my watch. I still had one hour left. It was more than enough to think of a plan to make things up with Pierce.
I grabbed my bag and the closet door opened. One of the hinges was loose since the repair, so it was hard to keep it closed without something blocking it. I looked at it by instinct but instead i only saw what was inside. It was my psycho ski mask with the costume i wore to Donnie's halloween party. It looked brand new, even the fake chainsaw still looked nice. I suddenly remembered how fun that had been to use it. Almost everyone thought it was real, Mr. Griffin even called the police saying i had brought a weapon to his son's party. I picked it up and pressed the button. It still sounded like a real chainsaw. Man it would be hard to top this costume next year. Too bad everyone saw it. I really would have liked to scare the living hell out of one of the girls. Especially that bitch Sadie. Wait.......Sadie wasn't at the party.....she hates parties, it's one of her loner freak things. A very fun thought crossed my mind. How about i introduce Sadie and her siblings to PTSD? I had a camera on my bag i could make it my own personal horror movie. The perfect payback.
Yes.........wait no, no, no. I can't do that. I would never be able to convince Pierce i can change after that. My parents would never forgive me either. Only my brother would be proud but he's an asshole. But.....this could be my only chance. I might never be able to convince Pierce, but i KNOW i could give that girl some mental scars....stop it, no i'm not fucking doing that. I threw my saw to the floor and turned around. Then i walked away. But suddenly i stopped.........i turned around. The temptation was there. One choice that could change my life.
Samuel......Just Samuel.....This Was Going To Hurt
The words barely came out of my mouth. "Y-You can hit anything, but you can't kill me" i said hoping he would agree.
"Ahhh, a clever one ain't you" He answered in mocking tone "I make no promises, but i will admit you are smart. Sadly, you're not smart enough!" He said i he slammed the bat straight between my legs. I yelled out in pain. Then he did it again. The he swung it into my chest and then my head. He hit it so fast that for a minute i saw three of him and one of my ears temporarily popped. Then he hit me in the right knee so hard i thought it was broken. After a while he dropped the bat and he started to just beat my chest with his own hands. Then suddenly his partner, who had been holding me this whole time, spoke up.
"Ok that's enough Louie, you've had your fun. It's my turn now" He said in a deep voice. His partner, Louie, looked up and answered him.
"Be my guest. Though by the look of things i didn't leave you with much. There's only so much pain the human body can take before it becomes numb." He said walking away.
The other guy dropped me to the side towards the field. I should have thanked god he didn't throw me towards the cement street, but i couldn't think straight. Everything hurt.
"Oh, don't worry" he said after dropping me "I always find a way"
I looked to my side to see if the homeless guy was still there. He was gone. Probably ran away when they were distracted beating me. I guess at least i saved his life even if he didn't give me the same kindness. I looked up to see the face of my next torturer. He looked at my face then smirked.
"Hey, that kind of looks like an eyepatch. You know like the type they have in pirate movies." He said looking back to his partner. Louie was looking down at my trip bag. I had dropped it down before i tried to rescue that guy.
"Heh," he replied "Well let's see what type of treasure this sea rat has." He knelt down and began to search my bag. The other guy grabbed his own bat and prepared to strike me with it. Then suddenly Louie stopped him.
"WAIT!" He said almost screaming. His partner and i looked back at him. He was holding that pamphlet they gave us for the tour. The one that had critical information about the facility we couldn't let anyone have yet.
"Morton" he continued "This is one of the guy's. The ones that got selected to go on that field trip to that huge research base thing. Look this thing even has a map so we can drive there." He said in shock as he showed it to us.
Morton, i guess his name was, looked at it closely. After what seemed like a while he took his eyes of it. "Seems legit." he finally said.
Louie looked surprised by his lack of reaction. "Don't you see? That place will be open. There's a whole bunch of kids there we could kidnap and punch the hell out of. I'm sure those spineless scientists would rather give up thousands of government secrets than to watch those children get tortured"
Morton still showing no emotion quickly argued. "And what about the protection squad they have, we can't deal with them."
"Those idiots will be too occupied with that psycho bomber they have to guard. 'sides they won't be expecting us. By the time they notice we will have enough firepower to kill them all. First we take a few hostages with those guns we stole from that drug dealer. Then we finally set those two mines we've been dying to use. Worst case we use those grenades my uncle kindly left us. They won't be expecting any of it. Well take the entire facility and get all that government tech they have!" he said with a wide grin.
Morton still emotionless noded. "And then?"
Louie looked him in the eye and smiled. "We slaughter them one-by-one"
Morton looked at the map again. "Well then we just have one problem"
Louie looked so surprised his grin faded. "What?"
Morton looked back at him. "There's two buildings. Alpha and Beta. Only one of them can be authorised to tour. If we pick the wrong one to strike it's game over"
Louie looked at the map. "Shit you're right. How are we supposed to....." Then he looked emptily at space. Then suddenly his eyes looked at me. He grabbed me by the shirt.
"Listen to me you disgusting pile of self-righteous shit. I am only going to ask this once. Which of these two buildings is that tour shit happening? You have ONE fucking chance. I'll know if you lie and IF you lie to me i'm sorry to say i will end your pathetic life in the most painful way i can imagine. And trust me when i say i'm VERY creative and have TONS experience"
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"]
[Tell the Truth, "It's going to Alpha"]
Sadie Robbins
I was playing COTC 9 again. Such a good game. One of the best. Then finally reached the end. My favorite part. Time to chose an ending, then again it didn't matter i liked them all. Except for Doomsman i loved this beautiful universe too much to destroy it. Then suddenly someone appeared out of nowhere. It was......Zack, from school. What?! Why was that jerk in my game?.
"This is the worst game EVER. It ruins everything about COTC and proves that all the games are garbage. I want to burn them all." I was about to defend the game when suddenly more Zacks came out of nowhere. All saying such horrible things about it. I tried to scream but i couldn't hear my voice. I couldn't hear anything but them. I tried to run away but they were too many. I ran faster and faster and faster and....then i fell out of the bed.
I suddenly realised it had all been a nightmare. But it had been so weird. Then i suddenly realised why i had it. I had spent all night defending COTC 9 on the internet. Why did so many people hate that game. It was starting to get to me. Then i remembered. Today was the day. Weirdly enough i had a very vague memory of a dream where i woke up earlier. Ah, never mind i had to go prepare, the bus came in an hour.
Emma Archer
I didn't want listen to Steve anymore but i couldn't stop.
"Then he told the kid he would see fireworks coming out of both buildings and that people inside would scream of joy. Then he told the boy to look as closely as he could to the windows so he could through the windows so he could see the people inside dying of joy. The boy is still suffering from various mental scars and a severe fear of anything burned. Another of his crimes involved posing as an ice cream vendor and poisoning the ice cream of anyone above twelve that ordered. He is quoted as telling them to "be careful, too much sugar is bad for your health...."
I nervously stood up and tried to make an excuse. "I-I think i heard enough. I ne-need to go back to the project" i said as well as i could. I was stuttering. Just talking about normal murders made me nervous, i couldn't handle this. How could anyone be this much of a monster?
"No worry my dear, i think we all heard enough." He said with a saddened look. He was right. Almost everyone else looked like they were about to pass out and just wanted to leave. Only Lucios remained calm. But he was much stronger than any of us.
"Well then" he continued "With no further need to detail why you should avoid any contact with this individual. I hear by call this meeting adjourned."
We all started to leave when suddenly he called out.
"Not you Herntz i need you for something. Come here please" Lylain turned around to look at him. Then he asked me with his face if i knew what was up. I shook my head and went back to my room. I needed a shower after this.
Lylain Herntz
I walked up to Doctor Stevens. By the time we started talking everyone was gone. He then started talking very quietly.
"Listen Lylain. It might have come to you as a shock that i chose Marlone to lead the group instead of Emma." 'Shock' was an understatement. "But trust me i had good reason to. Have you noticed anything different about him lately?"
"Yeah, he's being more of....aggressive than usual"
"Exactly. He's always had this attitude of his, but now he's not holding back and i can only think of one logical reason for it."
"What?" i asked curiously.
"He is compleatly convinced his project is so great it will convince the Commander to promote him to leader of the entire institute."
"Well, you know sir he's always had this ego...."
"Yes, that is true. But think for one moment he isn't exaggerating. Think on it. None of us have seen his project nor has he ever talked about it with the exception of vague greatness. If it's actually capable of it. We must, against my better judgement, never allow it to see the light of day" he said with his hand grasping my shoulder.
I was shocked to see a man like him even suggest that. But then i realised he was right. "So what are we going to do?"
"Sadly 'we' cannot do anything. I am too occupied with Project Prime's introduction to try anything. And even if i could Marlone would see me gone and immediately suspect something. No, it must be you who does this."
"Why me sir?"
"You and Emma are the only two i can trust with this. But in my heart i know she would not be capable of any evil act and she would sway me to renounce the idea compleatly. I am sorry but it can only be you"
"But what would i do?"
He pulled a keycard out of his pocket. "Use this. It is a master card. It will allow you to unlock any door in this facility. No one but me, you and the Commander himself knows of it's existence. And for the sake of this institute no one can know it does, especially Marlone. Use it to go into his room and if you do see something that you even suspect is something that would impress, use this" He said as he handed me a small bomb and a detonator. I could not believe he had those on him. Had he had them all this time? Had he ever used one before? Where did he even....
"Do not ask how i obtained these. If and when the time comes press this button on the side. That will activate it. Then press the detonator. Do not worry, all the walls of the building can stand the 30 times that explosion. I will not lie to you, this is dangerous. I have no idea what mad machination he has built. You may be risking your life. I will not blame you if you refuse. But please consider this. If our suspicions are correct and you refuse. By the end of this day Marlone will own this institution and do with us as he pleases."
I was scared. I could be risking my life. Was making sure Marlone lost that important?
[Accept the Mission]
[Refuse the Mission]
As much as I'd like for Zach to go full Until Dawn mode, I like Sadie, so let's not traumatize her, yeah?
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"]
As Lord said, pretty much every important character seems to be in the Alpha building. I definitely don't want these psychopathic terrorists to get their hands on Emma, but neither do I want to endanger the kids. I just hope they won't kill Just Samuel when they find out he lied to them.
[Accept the Mission]
Yeah... fuck Marlone.
[Tell the Truth, "It's going to Alpha"]
[Refuse the Mission]
Marlone is an asshole, plain and simple, but for the sake of fairness, I don't think we should sabotage him.
Well sadly Emma is in Alpha with Mattew Herntz and Marlone. Since shes one of the priority scientists so shes in the building where the best in the squad (The group with Nick) are.
Well, that's good to know. I'm going to change my vote then, since that means that most of the characters are in the Alpha building. My main reason for choosing to tell the truth has been to keep Emma away from these psychopaths, but now I see a possibility to keep her and the kids and even the squad away from them as well. As long as these fuckers get no one to torture, I'm happy.
Let's not add more trouble than we have to.
[Tell a lie, "It's going to Beta"]
Fuck em, they'll kill us anyway.
[Refuse the mission]
Again, don't make things any worse.
Tell a lie, "It's going to Beta"
REFUSE The Mission
Good to see this again
[Redemption] If there is such a thing as redemption for a nearly irredeemable person like Zach.
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"] Yeah, no.
[Refuse the Mission]
Great part!
[Tell a Lie, "It's going to Beta"]
[Accept the Mission]
Yay finally! I was waiting for you bro.
All three Votes closed
Well good news is you just saved Hertnz from his first determinant death. If he had gone to Marlones room there would be 3 choices and TWO of those would immediately kill him.
Bad news is one of the other two choices that won this vote you will probably regret and continue to regret as this episode goes on. And maybe even after that.
Next part is probably later tonight
No comments on that first bit?
Now I got a bad, baaad feeling about lying to these psychopaths. It looked like a good decision, but in retrospect, I have to say it looks almost too good, especially as I just realized we don't know what kind of stuff they keep in the Beta building. I deeply hope that we haven't doomed Emma and the teens to a horrible fate with this choice
Also, Herntz got lucky and that's good
I bet one of these instant deaths would have involved the owlman.
Samuel.....Just Samuel.....Tempting Fate
"It's going to Beta" i answered. I was risking everything, but i just couldn't. I tried my best to make it sound genuine.
Louie smiled "Thank's for that." then he began to walk off. "Beta it is" I tricked him, i thought in joy. I saved my friends.
Then suddenly Morton started laughing. Both of us looked at him in shock. it was the first time i saw him with any emotion on his face and by the way Louie reacted i guess it was a rare thing. "Are you serious?" he asked "I mean i knew you were stupid but this is just ridiculous"
"Wha...what do you mean?" Louie said weakly he was clearly lost.
Morton went back to his 'normal' face and looked at him in the eyes."This guy just took a beating for a guy he didn't even know, and before that he tried to save his life by attacking us knowing he was unarmed and outnumbered. He risks his own life for some random person and yet you actually expect him to honestly tell us where his friends are gonna be when we said we would torture and KILL them. Really man?"
Louie's confused look suddenly changed as the argument finally made sense to him. Oh, no.
"Alfa then?" he asked. Morton noded in reply. "Fantastic well go there in a sec. But first i believe i made our little friend a promise." He said as he walked towards me with a smile. No, please no. Not like this. "You know i've always wanted to see what a squashed head looks like in a grassy field." He said as he raised his bat up. "Thanks in advanced for helping me find out."
Then suddenly a siren came. We could hear it halfway down the street. "Shit" Louie said as he and Morton ran off. When i stood up they were already gone. It was the police. I couldn't let them see me all beat up they would take me to the hospital or questioning or something. And i couldn't do that , i had to go and warn the others about those two psychos. The police didn't know where the buildings were so they literally couldn't help. Lucky for me i had a hoodie jacket. I covered myself as much as i could.
Two police cars stopped in the street to look at me. The police in the first car had a passenger. I looked at him, he seemed familiar. Then it hit me, it was that guy i saved. The brown haired officer next to him was wearing sunglasses and had a mustache. His tag read "Jonas" so i guess that was his name. "Is this one of them?" he asked the man. The homeless man looked at me and then recognised me. Before he could say anything i sent him a look saying 'please don't talk'. He seemed confused but then noticed the bag next to me and apparently he understood. "No officer he's not" he answered finally. The officer looked disbelieving at first but then started his car again. However, as i turned to walk to the side he suddenly called me. "Hey kid." i looked back at him. "Be careful out there, Morsensville can be a dangerous place." And with that ominous warning he drove down the street as the other car followed him.
'What the hell was that about?' i wondered for a while, but i eventually stopped caring. Silicon Valley up north was more dangerous than this place and a lot cooler too. Heck if it wasn't for Mr. Pierce telling me never to go there i would have left years ago. Come to think about it i never asked him about those 'strange things' that made him leave that town. Then i suddenly felt the pain again. It took more energy that i could possibly describe to ignore it. I would never let those assholes do that to my friends. Next time we met, it would be different.
Adam Pierce
I was watching the news trying to relax. But then i remembered the type of 'news' they liked to show off lately. It seemed they were trying to reignite the frenzy they had with the psycho bombings. All the news were about murders or kidnappings or disappearances. I kept switching the news channels only catching little glimpses of their stories ".....the witnesses state they saw 80 year old Fred Guilbert get into a van and..........Members of the local community are claiming that supplies of narcotics are a arriving from the neighboring town of Silicon Valley............. The police believes the five unidentified victims were beaten to death by the use of bats and hammers. This makes these murders some of the most violent crimes in...............The famous arsonist Jacob Finch escaped three days ago from ..................Isabel Ottranto's latest conference has made her one of the most mocked people on the inter..........." That was enough, what time was it anyway? Hm, only 30 minutes left..............ONLY 30 MINUTES LEFT. I went as quickly as i could to call the buss driver.
A Man Who Smiles
It was getting a bit boring waiting so long, so i started whistling. The guards didn't like that at all. "You make those sounds one more time..." one clearly paranoid said.
I smiled and politely answered. "There is no need to be so violent. I was just trying to entertain myself"
"Well fucking stop!" he answered back. He was so scared, if only i could make sure he knew he had no reason to be scared. An idea struck me. I turned my back to them as much as i could. As i thought the same guard got up and came closer to see what i was doing. I quickly grabbed him by the neck with my chains. I made sure to control my strength so i wouldn't immediately brake his neck. The other guard raised his gun but he looked too scared to shoot. The guard i was choking slowly turned red, i let him go. He was so out of breath he dropped his gun trying to catch air. I then grabbed it and pointed at the other guy. He was sweating. I aimed straight for his big fat head.
"Bang" i said. The guard closed his eyes and turned aback as he heard that word. After a few seconds he opened his eyes. I smiled and waved 'hello' at him. Then i threw him the other guard's gun. Both of them looked half dead and in shock. I sat down and started to whistle again. And to my pleasant surprise nobody interrupted me.
Well, damn. I knew these psychopaths are stupid, but I never thought they could be too stupid to be tricked. However, I am not quite sure if I understand why the police wouldn't be of any help. Why don't they know where the institute is located, if even two random street terrorists know about it? Other than that, I am intrigued by this man who smiles. I mean, he is apparently evil, but pretty entertaining at the same time.
The psychos stole a pamphlet that only the students had and weren't allowed to share with the threat of government lawsuits. It had a map showing the location of the facility to make sure the students got there if they missed the buss. The only other way to get there was to get there was throught the buss. Who also had some of these pamphlets. After the trip back all the students had to give them back to the institute in order to preserve its location.
The fact that no law enforcement officers know where it is is one of the reasons they had to issue military trained squad officers to act as a security squad. Samuel could have given the police the pamphlet....but like i said they stole it.
Hope i answered your doubt
Yes you did
It definitely makes more sense now. But wouldn't it be a possibility to take a squad of police officers with them to the institute? I mean, as much as I doubt that these two dumb bastards pose any kind of threat to such a tightly guarded building, wouldn't it be safer to involve the police here?
Samuel didn't consider that. Let's just say he's a bit dissy.
Well damn. Sam just got kinda saved, and Pierce is apparently running behind schedule, and this smiling man is as insane as ever.
Wow. Excellent chapter!
Thank you bro
Hi there guys. Sry for not posting lately, i had to sacrifice last week for grades and this week was.......chaotic. Also i have been recently catching up with Nohope's amazing story Silicon Valley. However i have two good news about the story:
At least one more person will join very soon, which is good since due to story reasons the main cast has to be introduced in the first ep (Which so far is not at halfway-point yet) with so far only one exception. Hopefuly no newly introduced character will break my pre-established continuity by existing or i will have to rewrite to add them.
I have come up with some HUGE story threads i'm excited to explore (Can't wait till we get there). And i have finally solved the biggest (and so far only) story problem i have had since this whole thing came up.
Anyway thanks to everyone for their support and with any luck this story will continue soon.
So again................................... more waiting. Ok i will try as hard as i can to make a part tomorrow. You guys earned it
Don't worry, you're still really far off from my record for not writing a part, looking forward to more
Yeah but i've been meaning to write. I just haven't found the time till now.
Cool. I haven't really been reading this, so I binge read the entire story. Took me an hour and a half :P. Great story, BTW.
Wow really that is somewhat satisfying. Glad you caught up
Gus Menton
Well, i was standing 'round, waiting for Adam to call me. Poor fella always seemed paranoid about this trip. My guess was the stress caught him and he slept in. God thanks for that, he needed it. My phone rang. Adam Pierce, well speak of the devil....
"Hey Gus, get the buss ready now and pick me up. The nightmare started."
"Roger that" i answered. I turned it on and drove to his house. Silently praying to god that the kids wouldn't drive me insane.
Adam Pierce
Gus arrived and picked me up. I got in the buss and sat on my chair.
" Step on it." i ordered a bit harshly. He turned aroud and looked at me.
"What route?" he asked.
Damn, i almost forgot. There were two different routes to get the kids. Route 318 would start with Charles and end with Donnie. Route 317 would Start with Valentino and end with Samuel.
[Take Route 317]
[Take Route 318]
Riley Peters
Done. I closed my draw pad. About an hour had passed. I picked up my book bag and went outside to wait for the buss.
Saddie Robbins
I was finishing my ceral when i noticed Valentino had texted me. "Call u later".
That was half an hour ago.......
[Call Valentino]
[Wait till he calls]
[Take route 317]
[Wait till he calls]
Great chapter!
[Take Route 318]
They definitely shouldn't take the route that ends with Samuel. He has to warn them about these bastard terrorists as soon as possible.
[Call Valentino]
Well, uh... why not?
[Take Route 318]
[Call Valentino]
[Take Route 318] 18, my luckily unlucky number.
[Call Valentino] Yeah. Why not?