This game truly affected me more than I would have ever imagined. I got rid of my art block, I made friends with awesome people like you and honesty, I have never enjoyed any TTG game as much as Tales. And that's saying a lot since legendary walking dead game exists.
Those music intros always make me feel so hyped!! At the moment this first intro started playing, I knew that this series is gonna be good. (But I think I'm gonna cry so much during the last intro)
News already... cool beans, awesome sauce...
you can't get enough
I bought this game on Steam winter sale and couldn't wait to finally… more play it. I knew what I should've been expecting another amazing journey from TT, but I've never anticipated how much it'd change my life... I found a courage to join the community, I met so many wonderful people and friends here, I began drawing again... I can't describe how eternally thankful I am for all that.
When I first heard that song I felt so happy. That was a glorious experience. Thank you TTG, from all my heart.
Now let's take a moment and remember the first time each and everyone of you run this game. How did you feel when you heard the intro music? What were you guys expecting?
I guess I've said it before in our thread, but anyway...
When I was about to start the game, I was a bit worried if it will still feel like a Borderlands game, even when it's a point and click adventure.
But then I got to the intro and the awesome song and I felt... home. Suddenly I was sure the game is gonna be amazing and that I'm going to enjoy it. And I did. c:
News already... cool beans, awesome sauce...
you can't get enough
I bought this game on Steam winter sale and couldn't wait to finally… more play it. I knew what I should've been expecting another amazing journey from TT, but I've never anticipated how much it'd change my life... I found a courage to join the community, I met so many wonderful people and friends here, I began drawing again... I can't describe how eternally thankful I am for all that.
When I first heard that song I felt so happy. That was a glorious experience. Thank you TTG, from all my heart.
Now let's take a moment and remember the first time each and everyone of you run this game. How did you feel when you heard the intro music? What were you guys expecting?
i am going to say octobe 20th release alot that games i really want to get are coming out this year but arent out yet minecraft story mode,tftb ep5 yakuza 5 fallout 4 it really makes me hyped
i am going to say octobe 20th release alot that games i really want to get are coming out this year but arent out yet minecraft story mode,tftb ep5 yakuza 5 fallout 4 it really makes me hyped
What if she was just kidding? Lol. That would be horrible
Go on and calculate the time between the steamdb, and the play test time until is released, then come to me and say i lie.
Hear hear bunting!!
[insert a celebration GIF here]
This game truly affected me more than I would have ever imagined. I got rid of my art block, I made friends with awesome people like you and honesty, I have never enjoyed any TTG game as much as Tales. And that's saying a lot since legendary walking dead game exists.
Those music intros always make me feel so hyped!! At the moment this first intro started playing, I knew that this series is gonna be good.
(But I think I'm gonna cry so much during the last intro)
I am extremely excited for the news today.
Yeah, but the thing is it has been confirmed to come out AFTER Minecraft which releases on 13th October.
I actually dreamed that they announced tales season 2 lol.
But any news is a good news...unless they are bad news..which I doubt. :]
I guess I've said it before in our thread, but anyway...
When I was about to start the game, I was a bit worried if it will still feel like a Borderlands game, even when it's a point and click adventure.
But then I got to the intro and the awesome song and I felt... home. Suddenly I was sure the game is gonna be amazing and that I'm going to enjoy it. And I did. c:
New trailer is up
Yep, release date confirmed, October the 20th. Get the hype ready!!!
P.S. Episode one is also free on some platforms.
Reading the trailer description made me VERY happy.
Sneak peek makes me even happier
Holy Shit that trailer was awesome. i can't believe that kissing scene they showed off between Rhys and Loaderbot
We had a sneak peak at the end of the trailer AND a confirmed release date!
Where is everyone???? This is so strange...
i am going to say octobe 20th release alot that games i really want to get are coming out this year but arent out yet minecraft story mode,tftb ep5 yakuza 5 fallout 4 it really makes me hyped
Uh.. The new trailer just confirmed that it's the 20th.
Sir, I think your going into denial. Everything will be fine the episode is coming soon
Wellll it HAS been confirmed! xD
Like, in the new trailer. And it had a preview!
fuck sorry just noticed i pressed the wrong number and didnt notice hang on im going to fix this im on ps vita and my touchscreen is crap
Where is this magical Trailer. Is it because your from the future?
At the end
That trailer was awesome.
New trailer!!! 20!!!! HYPE!!! GORTYS!!!
Key art?
I'm sorry I've ever doubted you. It's only 3:07 AM here so Telltale hasn't released the trailer as Public in my region yet.
Holy fuck! Look at Gortys!
Guess she is the vault.
Oh and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That teaser reminds me so much of Mass Effect.
Looks like everyone's sleeping. Usually this thread explodes when we get news.
sees background
Where can i find it?
HOLY...SHIT. That sneak peak was just, wow. I can't wait.
Well, I was here, but I had no clue where to find the teaser until now... xD
Since so many people have trouble finding the teaser...
Trailer + teaser
Dayum, new Gortys looks freakin' awesome!
This might be the best TT series ever.
That Vallory cameo though:
Oh my god.. Did anyone see gortys?! She Looks so Badass and 2 days delay for iOS again?! wow..