Tales From the Borderlands Wins Best Comedy, 2nd in Adventure.



  • I think we all know the real reason LiS is winning.

    enter image description here

  • I just voted! Tales gets a best adventure and a best comedy vote from me. Especially comedy because just about every episode had me rollin'. LIS got a best story vote. Why are the episodic games being based on the first episode and not as whole?

  • Because technically the game is called blablabla episode 1. Once when I was playing GOT episodes my friend said "I love how it says episode 1: Iron From Ice no matter what episode you're on"

    JustVerde posted: »

    I just voted! Tales gets a best adventure and a best comedy vote from me. Especially comedy because just about every episode had me rollin'. LIS got a best story vote. Why are the episodic games being based on the first episode and not as whole?

  • how in the fuck is Lis beating TFTBL????

  • How the fuck LiS is winning The best Story with Witcher ?

    jamex1223 posted: »

    how in the fuck is Lis beating TFTBL????

  • i voted tftb for best comedy

  • But wot if Xx_ttg420_xX is not kill?

    I think we all know the real reason LiS is winning.

  • yeah that too! i just didnt post it here just cuz we are posting about TFTBL vs LIs in adventure, if that was the category, but really thats the biggest joke.

    SzymeG posted: »

    How the fuck LiS is winning The best Story with Witcher ?

  • Voted tftb for best comedy, definitely. But Life is Strange is also good, so I still have to decide which one to vote for best adventure.

  • Now that you mentioned that, I really wish for Game of Thrones to win for the Best Story :(

    SzymeG posted: »

    How the fuck LiS is winning The best Story with Witcher ?

  • Tfw LiS wins for best Adventure and best Story >:(

    Are you shitting me? Tales is x1000 better than LiS. Even Game of Thrones is better than LiS ;-;

  • i read just first book of GoT So i dont like it like witcher- i read every book and played every game ...

    You think i should read second book of GoT ( ofc if you read GoT )

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Now that you mentioned that, I really wish for Game of Thrones to win for the Best Story

  • edited November 2015

    Blame the lis comunity is very big only with girls and only a few boys. Maybe if we vote 5 times per day we can beat lis.

    SzymeG posted: »

    How the fuck LiS is winning The best Story with Witcher ?

  • edited November 2015

    Blame the lis comunity lel. If they will came here, they will say the same, tumblr with reddit are making this up(the votes). They vote like 4 times.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw LiS wins for best Adventure and best Story >:( Are you shitting me? Tales is x1000 better than LiS. Even Game of Thrones is better than LiS ;-;

  • mfw the butthurt/circlejerk in this thread

  • I get why people are disappointed that Life is Strange is getting so much hype from people who haven't even played Tales, and I agree that Tales is the better series and deserves all kinds of awards. That being said, I feel LiS is getting a bit too much Flak here. I actually liked it, and it's not like they simply copied the Telltale concept - instead they kinda built on it and tried to do something a bit different with it, which might offer some inspiration to future TTG projects in return.

  • I'm pretty sure that Tales would get the same hate on the LiS forum.Plus LiS is overrated af.

    enter image description here

    SpineLine posted: »

    mfw the butthurt/circlejerk in this thread

  • edited November 2015

    Plus LiS is overrated af.


    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that Tales would get the same hate on the LiS forum.Plus LiS is overrated af.

  • I mean it's Square Enix afterall, duh :3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Plus LiS is overrated af. That! THAT! TRUE WORDS RIGHT THERE!

  • edited November 2015

    To be honest I think one of the reasons LiS is wrecking Tales in that vote is because wayyyyy more people played LiS in comparison to Tales. I can use Steam reviews as an example, I know they're inconsistent :( anyway:


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    TWD S1:

    enter image description here

    I know reviews are inconsistent, so I found this site which shows the all-time peak for any Steam game (sadly you can't check how many people own a game in Steam, only top played games I think), here are pics comparing LiS with Tales:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I think it's one of the main reasons LiS is wrecking Tales in best adventure.

  • Tales From the Borderlands is better than LiS

    Green613 posted: »

    The only reason LiS is winning is because Square Enix, let's be real here.

  • It looks like the Saint's Row fandom has noticed the Comedy nomination as of today. Keep at it guys!

  • I'll be damned if Tales doesn't win something, especially if it's Best Comedy. Come on people, VOTE! If you already used your computer, vote on your phone, tablet, your parents computer, vote as much as you can. JUST DO IT!

    Linnet posted: »

    It looks like the Saint's Row fandom has noticed the Comedy nomination as of today. Keep at it guys!

  • Or, ahem, clear your cookies.

    I'll be damned if Tales doesn't win something, especially if it's Best Comedy. Come on people, VOTE! If you already used your computer, vote on your phone, tablet, your parents computer, vote as much as you can. JUST DO IT!

  • Oh. I have a feeling that's why Life is Strange has so many votes.

    Linnet posted: »

    Or, ahem, clear your cookies.

  • Would explain a lot.

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh. I have a feeling that's why Life is Strange has so many votes.

  • Huh ... Its going to be LONG day ...

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh. I have a feeling that's why Life is Strange has so many votes.

  • We are on a TTG forum mostly talking about another game trying to trash it.

    Yeah, I fully understand why LiS is winning now.

    Also, I voted for LiS over Tales.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, I fully understand why LiS is winning now.

    So... Why?

    But anyway, people aren't bashing this game without a reason. Actually, even if they are, that's their opinion and you will have to deal with it.

    We are on a TTG forum mostly talking about another game trying to trash it. Yeah, I fully understand why LiS is winning now. Also, I voted for LiS over Tales.

  • I think there's two big reasons Tales has a smaller fan base than Lis (and therefore less votes)

    1. It's a franchise game, and many people who haven't played the previous Borderlands games might have passed on the assumption it wasn't marketed for them (which is why I almost never picked it up). Additionally, the existing borderlands fandom that it was targeted for might have passed the story-based game in a fps universe. LIS is an original story, which appeals to first-time players who all start out with the same context, which was a smart move on Dontnods part.
    2. The game did not get the same kind of visibility as LiS in the gaming community that I can tell. As far as I know, bigger names like pewdiepie played LiS but not tales from the borderlands, possibly because of reason number 1. So less people were interested or knew about it.

    I agree Tales, especially comparing early episodes, is more worthy than LiS for the award, but I also think there are pretty tangible reasons that it would win. Maybe not entirely fair, but understandable.

  • I hate people like that, it's not even an opinion, it's just hate. :/

    I respect his opinion, even though he is fucking wrong

  • edited November 2015

    Thread: Can a Mod Please delete this

    You know if ya want too...I mean it would be nice, but I'm not gonna force ya. The options there...Take your time...I'll just be here (not) judging you...


  • You can't vote in this, right?

  • edited November 2015

    Most of the categories, best narrative included, are decided by a jury, not by viewers. So yeah, no voting involved for us. :P

    Still, super happy to see Tales nominated! I really hope it wins.

    Edit- Since the thread has been merged, just to be clear, this is in regards to @freelancepolicefan11 post about The Game Awards.

  • BOO! Sorry about this. I just assumed. Can a Mod delete this thread now since it's pretty pointless.

  • Probably if TT had half the budget Squar Enix has,Tales would have put LiS to the ground (which it already did)

    I hate people like that, it's not even an opinion, it's just hate.

  • The chances, that TftBL wins are bigger, now that there is a Jury. But i think it will lose anyway, Because they probably think that a good narrative needs to Be emotional.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Most of the categories, best narrative included, are decided by a jury, not by viewers. So yeah, no voting involved for us. :P Still, sup

  • Yeah, comedy always has a harder time being treated as Art. On the bright side, that lets you get away with more.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    The chances, that TftBL wins are bigger, now that there is a Jury. But i think it will lose anyway, Because they probably think that a good narrative needs to Be emotional.

  • You gotta be fucking kidding me :(

  • I think Tales will beat Life is Strange, if the jury actually looks at choices impacting the story. In LiS you can literally undo any major choice there on the spot making everything pointless. Tales have so many golden dialogue choices and eventful huge game changing choices. I've only seen Bro Team play it (Life is Dranks) and from what I can tell, I think it's kinda bad (with all of its cringe-worthy "cool teen" language), but the jury may think otherwise. I will be legitimately sad if LiS beats TFTB.

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