Tales From the Borderlands Wins Best Comedy, 2nd in Adventure.



  • enter image description here

    I can tell you...nothing.

  • In all seriousness, are you guys really salty over a fucking user voted contest? Save the salt for something like the VGAs, or betfer yet, ignore them and make your own damn GOTY list with different cattegories.

  • Apology accepted, process of sending doge.apology.exe.....

    doge.apology.exe has been sent

    Armorchin posted: »

    First, I must apology for misunderstanding, and seemingly offended you. Honestly what are they saying...? Your word could go i

  • ok must be terrible

    I can tell you...nothing.

  • edited November 2015

    You're better off watching a playthrough and forming your own opinion from there.

    Life Is Strange seems to be one of those games that falls into the polarizing category(fits well with episode 5's title, Polarized). You'll either like/love it or hate it. I personally really liked the game, but as you can see above, there are those that well.. hate it.

    ok must be terrible

  • i wouldn't go that far, it is a good game... just very overrated's all

    ok must be terrible

  • I wouldn't say it's terrible, but to each their own. It's a good game with decent characters. But overall it's pretty damn overrated. The main character (Max) is fairly bland, but her friend Chloe-who Max basically obsesses over the whole game-is an interesting character. Honestly, it's a little too weepy hipster white girl-y for my taste, but it was fine. Nothing special.

    ok must be terrible

  • Characters, atmosphere, soundtrack, story.

    Then again, depends on the taste.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

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    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

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    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Shot, insult, rewind.

    Deltino posted: »

    The part with David and Mr. Jefferson also went on for far too long and became both hilarious and tedious DAVID KICK THAT TABLE Y

  • Its really just "ok" it fell super flat in some areas, to put it simply its super overrated.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • MGSV really disappointed me in a lot of aspects. Really, the best thing is the gameplay itself, and Sutherland, Downes and Randolph's performances as Venom Snake, kaz and Huey were good. Troy was just bad as Ocelot, imo. Maybe it's not just him, but also his script and how horribly bland Ocelot is in V, but even then, there's something about his Ocelot voice that didn't quite feel right. It just pales in comparison to Zimmerman's and Keaton's performances as Ocelot, but then again they had a far better script.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    How is Metal Gear in 6th, and under Life is Strange?

  • Great idea:

    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    In all seriousness, are you guys really salty over a fucking user voted contest? Save the salt for something like the VGAs, or betfer yet, ignore them and make your own damn GOTY list with different cattegories.

  • There is a far better Adventure game than both LiS and TFTBL. And that's Tri-Force Heroes. But that's just my opinion.

  • It's pretty awesome. A relatable story (Other than the whole time travel thing) beautiful art style, fun characters, and a very unique story.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • It's more or less that there were hardly any horror games this year. SOMA, FNAF 3, FNAF 4, Dying Light and Until Dawn were the only true horror games. And while SOMA was fucking amazing for me, not many people understood the meaning of the game, which made people hate the story. Where-as Dying Light was... mediocre at best. It's clear to see why FNAF 3 and 4 won't make it to number 1, yet Until Dawn was very clever, entertaining, and focuses on the one thing a lot of people wanted to see. All horror cliches wrapped into one. Plus, Until Dawn looks beautiful.

    Deltino posted: »

    To shift away from Life is Strange: Until Dawn winning best horror game? I mean, Until Dawn is pretty great, but it's about as run-of-the

  • Bloodborne is UNDER Fallout 4? Blasphemy!

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • In an unrelated note, MCSM is kicking every children game's ASS on the voting poll. Even the Lego Games. And that's hard to do.

  • It's actually overrated. It had 2 episodes that felt like fillers, 2 good written episodes and the finale was fucking horrible. It had so many flaws that I don't even want to mention them. And the characters are just... oh god... the dialogue is not so good and the voice acting needed lots of work. I don't know why it had a GOTY nomination in the first place.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • How is Tri-Force Heroes? I've been meaning to get it for a while now.

    There is a far better Adventure game than both LiS and TFTBL. And that's Tri-Force Heroes. But that's just my opinion.

  • It's very charming. Lovely imagery, beautiful music, and a TON of references to the rest of the franchise. Fantastic game.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    How is Tri-Force Heroes? I've been meaning to get it for a while now.

  • Thank you. :) I felt like some of the "professional reviewers" were being too harsh. It looked a pretty charming and fun little spin-off, to me. I'll get it after Xenoblade X, which is finally out next week.

    It's very charming. Lovely imagery, beautiful music, and a TON of references to the rest of the franchise. Fantastic game.

  • Well that is impressive, does that mean Minecraft succeed with its target audience?

    In an unrelated note, MCSM is kicking every children game's ASS on the voting poll. Even the Lego Games. And that's hard to do.

  • I think the fanbase connected based on the writing of the two main characters, and certainly the narrative is not one that shows up in games very often. They took the unique mechanic from Remember Me and ran with it instead of incorporating awkward fighting elements to make it more maintstream.

    I haven't seen a dev interested in story rich time paradox adventures since Junko Kawano's Shadow of Destiny and Time Hollow.

    I really did not like where they took the plot, but I also really want them to keep making games, so I'm happy this experiment worked out for them critically/commercially. I've watched too many good devs finally sort out what works by the second or third iteration, only to have the money run out and the studio close.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • edited December 2015

    First of all, Yes. it is impressive. Second of all, It's for all ages, numb skull. Third of all, You've gotta admit, It's impressive. The Lego games have reigned supreme in childrens games for a long time. And if kids who played MCSM episode 1 were expecting a Minecraft game, they would have stopped playing. So any kids who are still playing the game and not angry about the fact that it isn't Minecraft are officially appreciating Story telling in games. Which is excellent, and it's great to see what a positive impact MCSM is having.

    Edit: Sorry for calling you a Numbskull. Kind of a rude thing to say, I admit.

    Well that is impressive, does that mean Minecraft succeed with its target audience?

  • Here's a little tip, Professional Reviewers don't know shit. They're either too harsh on fantastic games, or Too soft on Awful games or overrated games such as Fallout 4, Ocarina of Time or Sonic Adventure.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Thank you. I felt like some of the "professional reviewers" were being too harsh. It looked a pretty charming and fun little spin-off, to me. I'll get it after Xenoblade X, which is finally out next week.

  • I can kinda forgive some of OOT's faults, seeing as it was the first 3D game in the series, but the ones that came after it were a lot better, imo.

    Sonic Adventure has aged really badly. Sonic's stages are still kinda fun, Knuckles aren't that bad, but the rest... ehhh, Tails' gameplay style can really break some of the stages, Amy is a slower, crappier Sonic, Gamma is nothing special, and Big... ugh.

    I haven't played Fallout 4 yet, so don't really have an opinion on that.

    I felt like MGSV was really overrated. As a long time MGS fan, the game disappointed me in a number of things, some of which were things that they promised that aren't actually in the game, the story being unfinished, which is obvious by one plot point being left unresolved and Chapter 2 being horrible and having nothing to do with its name, Mother Base and the Open World maps are all pretty dead.

    Here's a little tip, Professional Reviewers don't know shit. They're either too harsh on fantastic games, or Too soft on Awful games or overrated games such as Fallout 4, Ocarina of Time or Sonic Adventure.

  • I can kinda forgive some of OOT's faults, seeing as it was the first 3D game in the series, but the ones that came after it were a lot better, imo.

    I agree with this so much.

    Sonic Adventure has aged really badly. Sonic's stages are still kinda fun, Knuckles aren't that bad, but the rest... ehhh, Tails' gameplay style can really break some of the stages, Amy is a slower, crappier Sonic, Gamma is nothing special, and Big... ugh.

    My problems exactly. Also there's the horrible diolouge, awful controls, garbage voice acting, and music that sounds like a monkey with a de-tuned slide guitar made it.

    I haven't played Fallout 4 yet, so don't really have an opinion on that.

    It's basically a re-skinned Fallout 3 with a shittier story. However, I will say that I enjoyed playing it.

    I felt like MGSV was really overrated. As a long time MGS fan, the game disappointed me in a number of things, some of which were things that they promised that aren't actually in the game, the story being unfinished, which is obvious by one plot point being left unresolved and Chapter 2 being horrible and having nothing to do with its name, Mother Base and the Open World maps are all pretty dead.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    I can kinda forgive some of OOT's faults, seeing as it was the first 3D game in the series, but the ones that came after it were a lot bette

  • This. Stick with reviewers from non-profit reviewing sites, like RPGamer or RPGFan if you're going for good reviews. In the case of RPGamer, often times one reviewer will give a score something average, and a different reviewer will review the same game as a Second Opinion, oftentimes liking and disliking different things than the original reviewer. Far more reliable IMO and you get to see how reviewing truly should be, where people review games based on completing them and their own views on likes/dislikes. Rarely will you see a game get the same review from 2 different reviewers, and even rarer see them agree on what was liked/disliked.

    I long for the days where the reviewing was simply a scale with Horrible, Bad, Okay, Good, and Great as the review scores for a game. Was a far easier system to use and the people reading the reviews got the general gist without complaining on numerical scores like they do nowadays.

    Here's a little tip, Professional Reviewers don't know shit. They're either too harsh on fantastic games, or Too soft on Awful games or overrated games such as Fallout 4, Ocarina of Time or Sonic Adventure.

  • I never understood why OOT gets put on such a high pedestal, when the 3D ones that came after it improved on pretty much everything.

    Yep, the VA, dialogue and cutscenes are just laughable, and the controls and camera... ugh. The character body and facial animations were pretty bad even for the time. Crash Bandicoot 3, for example, a PS1 game had much smoother animations in cutscenes. You can't even really go fast, because once you do, you'll likely hit a wall, and the speed disappears.

    Oh, well that's disappointing. At least it's fun to play, I guess? That's the best thing I could say for MGSV, tbh.

    5 years in development, an 80 million dollar budget, and the game was still incomplete. Aside from Chapter 2 being awful, the easily breakable scripting makes it a pain to listen to the conversations needed to complete all tasks in a mission, Skull Face was the most underwhelming antagonist in the series, and the Man on Fire was so disappointing, due to how underutilized he was, and how you don't get much of a proper boss fight with him. The lack of side ops variety makes them a chore to get through, heck it has less variety than PW. And the boss fights,,, what happened? I thought 1-4 bosses were great, but the ones in V are terrible. Most of them are just bullet sponges. Quiet is a much easier version of The End, who gives away her position like an idiot, because she loves humming when murdering people. The only decent fight was agains the Metal gear.

    I can kinda forgive some of OOT's faults, seeing as it was the first 3D game in the series, but the ones that came after it were a lot bette

  • I just want to say thank you for saying something negative about MGSV. That game was pretty bad and I don't understand why it was received as a masterpiece.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I never understood why OOT gets put on such a high pedestal, when the 3D ones that came after it improved on pretty much everything. Yep,

  • edited November 2015

    Me neither. The game, in my opinion, is the weakest in the series. No way would I give it a 10 or 9. Not even an 8. Maybe a 7, and that's because the gameplay, with how Venom controls and handles, plus production values helping it.

    I actually liked the story's twist, but everything else is just so meh, and it never really properly developed any of its themes, especially not race. Where the hell was all the taboo stuff Koima was talking about that could get the game banned? Probably removed beacause of the rating boards. Sure, there are child soldiers, but it's not like you can even harm them, even if you wanted to. The removal of scenes such as Venom walking through the destroyed village or the prisoner being tortured and killed at Camp Omega were sad losses, but they can't compare to a certain important plot point being left unresolved.

    I hated what they did with PW's cast, with the exception of Paz, I hated that they turned Ocelot into a fucking human encyclopedia, I hated how underwhelming Skull Face and MoF were. And where the hell was the stuff of "In Outer Heaven, men become demons"? That doesn't happen at all. Venom is far too nice, which makes him calling himself a demon ridiculous, tbh.

    Also, loved how they teased the Battle Gear, making it seem as if it would be useable, but you never can. Good job KP. At least if you're not going to bother making it useable, remove the fucking cutscenes rather than teasing us. :I

    armis37 posted: »

    I just want to say thank you for saying something negative about MGSV. That game was pretty bad and I don't understand why it was received as a masterpiece.

  • I don't even remember these details like you do, I forgot the game quite quickly. My overall opinion can be described as: fun gameplay, meh/bad everything else. It's just that kind of game you turn on when you want to have some mindless fun. The story didn't click, the character were bleh, even the fun gameplay gets repetitive.

    Seriously, how did it even end up on Game of the Year votes...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Me neither. The game, in my opinion, is the weakest in the series. No way would I give it a 10 or 9. Not even an 8. Maybe a 7, and that's be

  • It was the hype train, plus the game got reviewed at an event held by Konami. The best thing about the story, for me, was honestly the twist. Everything else was just meh. The structure of the single-player itself was also bad, imo. You get a story mission with actual cutscenes, and then get a bunch of missions that are completely unrelated to the plot. They should've replaced some of the side ops, at least then it could've added to the side-ops variety, somewhat. Chapter 2 is just pathetic.

    armis37 posted: »

    I don't even remember these details like you do, I forgot the game quite quickly. My overall opinion can be described as: fun gameplay, meh/

  • I never understood why OOT gets put on such a high pedestal, when the 3D ones that came after it improved on pretty much everything.

    My point exactly. Especially Wind Waker and Link Between Worlds.

    You can't even really go fast, because once you do, you'll likely hit a wall, and the speed disappears.

    And sometimes you disappear with the speed as sometimes you can phase through the wall and die.

    Oh, well that's disappointing. At least it's fun to play, I guess?

    Oh absolutely. It's really fun, it just doesn't live up to the hype. Just like MGSV and OoT.

    I completely agree with you on the topic of MGSV. However, I thought it felt good to play any MGS game again at that point, So I wasn't hating at the time. I thought MGS4 was awful, and It was so long ago that I played MGS3. So MGSV felt right to me, even though I did see the blaringly obvious mistakes.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I never understood why OOT gets put on such a high pedestal, when the 3D ones that came after it improved on pretty much everything. Yep,

  • Yep, those 2 were far better than OOT. I felt like Twilight Princess was almost sort of a remake of it, possibly because how many of its locations were in TP, but it was still better in a number of aspects.

    Yeah, that too. :I The general glitchiness of SA1 just makes things worse.

    That tends to be a thing. Which is why I feel like slapping myself sometimes, for getting on the hype train for a game. This may be controversial, but Bioshock Infinite is a game that disappointed me far more than MGSV. I just expected far better after the 2010 and 2011 gameplay videos of the game.

    MGSV, imo, has the best gameplay in the series. Snake controls and handles better than in any of the past games, and they do give you a lot of room on how to complete the missions, and the production values are pretty high. It's just really lacking in terms of story, side-op variety and boss fights.

    I never understood why OOT gets put on such a high pedestal, when the 3D ones that came after it improved on pretty much everything.

  • Tales won best comedy which I am happy about. Can't believe all the hate on LiS for winning though. I know people loved tales( I did too) but to crap all over LiS because Tales didn't win is really pathetic.

    Also, I voted for LiS in all categories and I played a majority of the games nominated. Every medium has those "crazy loyal fans" that will blindly vote no matter what(including tales/ttg). Though, just like most of them you will find those that come to a decisive conclusion as to why they preferred one over the other.

  • I don't crap on LiS because it won, I crap on it because I thought it sucked balls.

    Tales won best comedy which I am happy about. Can't believe all the hate on LiS for winning though. I know people loved tales( I did too) bu

  • You thought it sucked which is fine. Though, I think those that constantly try and crap on those that say how they liked/loved it are being very petty. When I see someone say "I love LiS!" followed by a comment saying it sucks and then trying to support another game. It's kinda sickening to watch.

    I don't know...I actually came to like LiS, Tales, and GoT. I'm looking forward to a new season from them when/if it happens. Those that love the game will constantly support it. If you hate the game then maybe constantly bringing it to people's attention isn't a good idea. Trust me...I've had had people tell me a game suck balls and I went on to play and enjoy it.

    enter image description here

    I don't crap on LiS because it won, I crap on it because I thought it sucked balls.

  • Until Dawn devs admitted their game were a bunch of stereotypes, so keep that in mind xD

    Deltino posted: »

    To shift away from Life is Strange: Until Dawn winning best horror game? I mean, Until Dawn is pretty great, but it's about as run-of-the

  • What this guy said is so true.

    Some of us here seem to have made it their personal mission to let everyone know how much LiS sucks everywhere they go. Quite pathetic.

    You thought it sucked which is fine. Though, I think those that constantly try and crap on those that say how they liked/loved it are being

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