With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against the table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
However, now Ser Joran Storm walked next to Myke as well. Against three the deserter had no hope, so he quickly turned around and ran away from the door of the tavern. Myke noticed the young boy letting out a sigh of relief, but the young soldier was still in shock.
As Myke looked around him in the tavern he saw three bodies on the floor – two deserters and the older soldier. There was also the unconscious deserter that Myke had knocked out. Myke gave a grim glance at the young soldier.
“Out! Now!” The innkeeper shouted with his wheezy voice. Ser Joran gave the old man an angry glare, but they all – Myke, Joran, the young soldier, and the redhead boy with plated armor – walked out without complaints. As they stepped outside an awkward moment of silence followed.
“Th- thanks for saving me.” The soldier finally managed to stutter. “My name is Seban, I serve in the city guard of Gravesend.” He explained, and Myke turned to look at him. “And have you been in a situation like this before, Seban?” Myke asked, keeping his voice calm and gentle. “No, not really.” Seban answered with a nervous look in his eyes. “I mean, there are brawls in Gravesend’s taverns now and then, b- but nothing like this.” The boy’s words were shaky, most likely this was the first time he had seen death.
“Well, I am Ser Myke.” He introduced himself with weary tone. “And he is Ser Joran Storm. We come from the Nightsong, and we are looking for a young noble lady named Kortney Caron. She has a long wavy auburn hair, emerald green eyes, delicate facial features, thinly built body. She might be moving with a foreign man.” Myke looked at Seban and the other young boy as he spoke, but neither of them looked like they recognized the description.
“I’m afraid I haven’t seen such girl, I’m sorry.” Seban answered shyly, and Myke nodded. “It’s alright.” He said with a sigh, and turned to the other boy. “How about you?” He asked, eyeing this thin boy who couldn’t be much more than sixteen years old.
“No, I can’t say I’ve seen her.” He answered, his voice muffled and barely audible. Myke narrowed his eyes, taking a better look at this boy. “Who are you?” He asked quietly, looking at the thin and dirty face with bright blue eyes. “Ser Rai.” He answered shortly, avoiding eye contact.
“You are a girl, aren’t you?” Myke asked bluntly, his lips forming a small and gentle smile. This clearly caught Rai off guard, and she gulped and couldn’t find words. “Don’t worry, I have seen woman warriors before, nothing wrong with that.” Myke assured calmly. “And I assume you can fool most people, but I have a keen eye. Why are you posing as a boy, Rai?” This question made the girl take a deep breath.
“My real name is Raina… Raina Serviene.” Now the girl spoke much more audibly, and she had a sweet and beautiful voice. “I used to be part of a small noble family, vassals of the Yronwoods. However, my family was butchered by the Marcants, a rival house of ours. Since then I’ve been posing as a knight, travelling around, learning how to fight properly.” Myke gave the girl an understanding nod, though Ser Joran looked less understanding.
“I’m sure there would have been plenty of noble houses who would have gladly taken you under their protection. Why live such a hard life? You are a lady after all.” Joran spoke with bafflement in his words, and this made Raina frown. “Marcants are in good relations with the Yronwoods, and Yronwoods are the strongest house in Dorne – there is no safe place for Raina Serviene. However, Ser Rai can live freely.” She spoke with feisty words, and Ser Joran let out a small chuckle. “As you say, girl.” He replied with an amused tone.
“Excuse me.” Seban interrupted them with his shy voice. “Could you please come with me to Gravesend? I must report about what happened here to Septon Kevan, and I’d be glad if you could be there to confirm my story.” Myke and Joran gave each other a short look.
“Gravesend is on the way to Blackmont, right?” Ser Joran asked with a relaxed tone, and the soldier nodded. “Well, then it should be alright.” Joran turned to Myke as he said this, and he gave him an approving nod.
“I’m on my way to Blackmont as well.” Raina said casually. “I suppose we could travel together.” She suggested, and Myke nodded again. “Sounds like a good idea.” He replied with a smile.
The newly formed group of travelers slept that night in the bushes, in the style of hedge knights. In the morning they made their way to the road again, and continued towards Gravesend. There were lot of people on the road. Couple knights rode past them to south with haste, and they saw many people traveling to north, some of them most likely deserters. They were all armed so they felt somewhat safe, but just by looking at the faces of people they met on the road one could tell these were hazardous times on these lands.
The road took them right next to the river, where they saw a small village. “Sharpstone.” Seban said, a touch of relief in his voice. “It’s only a couple hours ride from here to Gravesend.” Myke was glad to hear this, as it meant they’d most likely have a comfortable place to sleep at this night.
“You said earlier that you’d be reporting to a Septon.” Ser Joran stated suddenly, and Seban nodded. “Doesn’t Gravesend have a Lord?” Seban shook his head to Joran’s question. “No, the King has named Septon Kevan to be the mayor of the town.” He explained.
“Interesting.” Myke said dryly. “And how does ruling and being the messenger of the gods go together? Sounds like a dangerous pairing to me.” Seban shrugged casually to Myke’s words. “Gravesend is a peaceful town, well, at least it was. The call to arms has made the situation a bit… Unstable.” The young soldier let out a sigh as he said this. “But the point is, so far Kevan has done a good job ruling the town.”
“It’s not hard to do good job during peace time.” Ser Joran grunted. “The hard times are the ones that show who is fit to rule and who isn’t.” Seban didn’t answer to this, and neither did anyone else, so they continued to ride into the small village of Sharpstone in silence.
“I guess we should just keep riding towards…” Myke stopped his sentence as he noticed something familiar, or rather someone. The deserter with the axe. The man who had escaped yesterday from the tavern was leaning against a fence, not paying attention to Myke and his group. The man still had his axe, but he looked to be exhausted, as if he had been running away from something or someone. He was staring at the ground, mumbling something to himself. Myke was the only one who had spotted him, and he didn’t know if this man deserved death or not, but he knew that if he’d point out his presence to Joran or Seban they’d want him dead.
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
Voting is closed!
Ser Yandry of Olivegrove will attack from the east in sunrise. We will see this battle fairly soon, but not from Yandry… more's PoV. This was a nice part to write, even if I was a bit unsure how interesting Ser YawnDry could really be as a PoV character Anyway, I don't have anymore parts planned for this character, so from now on he'll only be seen from other people's perspective.
Well then, the next part will finally take us back to Ser Myke's storyline. The part is like 99% ready, so I'll probably post it within an hour. But now, especially since his last part was so long ago, a recap is needed: Ser Myke of the Marches and Ser Joran Storm were sent by Lord Trevas Caron to seek his lost daughter, Kortney Caron. On the Wide Way they passed a village that had been attacked by knights carrying Manwoody banners. After this the knights decided to head towards Blackmont, and the road there is called the Shepard's Path. On their … [view original content]
This is awesome, I can't say I was expecting a Malcolm portrait but I am glad you decided to draw him! Just like with all of the other characters, this is just as imagined. Great job!:)
[Stay quiet] I can't really say this is a route that I would typically go but the deserter has had plenty of trouble already and at this point I don't think he is any threat to them so I figure we may as well spare him this time around.
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
Really, this war is something that Myke and Joran should not get dragged into. They've been given a mission from their liege to find his daughter, and I feel like this deserter is only going to lead them into more issues if they pursue the matter. Ser Myke and Ser Joran are Stormlanders, and Dorne is not the safest region of Westeros at this point. I think, being foreigners to the land, they should avoid public matters like deserters of a Dornish army and so on...
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
That guy is not only a deserter, which is one of the highest crimes in the Westerosi society, he also had absolutely no problem with killing a soldier who was little more than a child. I don't know if he truly deserves to die, but considering what nasty folk most deserters are, it is not unthinkable that he actually did more than just deserting. He is a dangerous criminal and dangerous criminals shouldn't be allowed to run around freely
By the way, I have heard reply notifications are supposed to work again. Hope this is true. Private messages seem to work again as well
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
Deserters are men who are too scared to fight but will terrorize the innocent and weak best to take him out now before he causes trouble to the party or other people, besides we would be executing the law so what is wrong with doing one good thing.
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
[Point out the deserter]
That guy is not only a deserter, which is one of the highest crimes in the Westerosi society, he also had absolu… moretely no problem with killing a soldier who was little more than a child. I don't know if he truly deserves to die, but considering what nasty folk most deserters are, it is not unthinkable that he actually did more than just deserting. He is a dangerous criminal and dangerous criminals shouldn't be allowed to run around freely
By the way, I have heard reply notifications are supposed to work again. Hope this is true. Private messages seem to work again as well
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is more buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and less talented tailors with my mother. I don't even remember her name. My life has just changed so much that I simply forgot. I think it was Elyana, but no promises.” The Purple Ocelot smirked subtly as he said this. “Yes, it was definitely Elyana. My mother Elyana and I were merchants just as everyone from her family. We never really had a home. We were moving constantly from place to place on our caravan, in which we also slept. It had two horses who were always ready to ride. There were situations in which bandits wanted to get our goods, so they were also ready for that. This caravan also had a job to be a movable stall, so we sold goods from there, too. We bought food from stores, we were living like hedge knights. The summer fairs were the best times to sell anything, and we decided to attend at Lord Martell's summer fair that year.”
“The scenery was beautiful. Multiple markets were set up, music was being played by musicians who clearly enjoyed what they were doing, sun was shining up in the sky, Lord Martell's vassals came to just have fun.” There was a touch of sadness in the Purple Ocelot’s words, but he smiled. “I was pretty confident in making some coin. Our goods were excellent quality, after all. There was this woman who bought a dress for her upcoming wedding, a mayor of some wasteland town bought robes for his son who stayed at Martell's court, we were just overflowing with clients. And so, the day was nearing an end and rarely anyone attended to our part of the market and we were thinking about closing our caravan, but decided to still wait for a moment. And then I saw him.” Darkness took over the assassin’s eyes.
“A man dressed in blue and yellow, accompanied by several soldiers, his personal guard. From the way he walked, I could only assume he was drunk. His soldiers were carrying round shields, on which a golden leopard holding an axe in a bend azure-silverish background was painted. It was House Santagar's coat of arms, as I quickly learned.” The Purple Ocelot closed his eyes for a second before continuing the story. “The man was gross.” He said with hateful words. “He started laughing and waving his arms around when he saw my mother. She left the caravan thinking he wants to buy something. Instead, he approached her closely and asked if she wanted to be fucked by the great Arthur Santagar, lord of Spottswood. Those really were his words; I remember it clearly. He never stated his nickname, the Drunkard, apparently known in all of Eastern Dorne. We had never really heard it though. Elyana and I were from Central Dorne, my father I'd rather not speak about - all I know that he was a coward lordling from the Stormlands who ran as fast as he could when he learned his ''girlfriend'' became pregnant.” The assassin let out a dry chuckle and continued. “Anyway, I digress. My mother refused and so he threw her against the wall of nearby building, started ripping her clothes apart, I... don't want to get into details. Anyway, when I heard screaming, I left the caravan, I yelled. Santagar noticed me and screamed ‘What?! You've got someone else in there? Was that your fucking plan, bitch? To expose me? Guards, KILL HIM!'. Those are the exact words, I remember.”
“My mother cried, but of course the Drunkard wouldn't stop. Nobody came to our help. She yelled for me to run away. I quickly entered the caravan when I saw Arthur's guards running towards me. I immediately jumped at the driver's seat and ordered the horses to move. I was gone before they knew it. I only saw how the ''lord'' killed her after being done with her.” The Purple Ocelot stopped talking for a moment, breathing in and out with a sharp gaze in his eyes. “I wasn't even thinking straight. It was my instincts that made me go to Spottswood. I was blinded by rage. I wanted to murder him. I wanted to repay him, I wanted to get my fucking revenge, but when I arrived there I realized I never really had a plan to begin with. I looked around and bought myself a nice little dagger from the local blacksmith with the coin I had made in the fair. I was thinking of a sword, but that wouldn’t have worked since I have a small dysfunction in my arms. I can't really carry heavy objects, you know? But don't worry, m'lord - this won't affect my mission.” The assassin assured, and the lord nodded calmly. “Anyway, I came up with a plan right after a feast was announced to be held in Santagars' castle. As if the fucking lord didn't have enough festivities. I dressed myself in some robes I was supposed to be selling - the ones you see me in right now. I entered the castle as a nobleman with new trade offers to House Santagar. The feast was fabulous. It amused me that they served more ale and other alcohols than food. This was no feast, it was a ''drink-until-you-fall-under-the-table'' party. After a few hours, everyone was already drunk, including the Drunkard himself. I approached him slowly, and put the dagger right through his heart. He was dead. I removed the dagger and ran away. The guards were outside the hall, because Arthur felt they're making feasts unpleasant if they're inside. Fool. They suspected nothing.” The Purple Ocelot let out a small chuckle as he said this, shaking his head in amusement.
“Before I left Spottswood though, I was approached by a man who wanted me to kill his wife, who was cheating on him. He said he'd pay. He told me the tale of “the Purple Ocelot”. Apparently one of the guests wasn't too drunk and noticed me killing the Drunkard, but didn't recognize me. '‘I saw him plunging a dagger into Lord Arthur's heart, but I was too slow to intervene. Like an ocelot, he ran away before anything could be done’' The legend was born, so to say.”
“I accepted the job, I was in need of money anyway, and I knew I couldn't live as a travelling merchant anymore. It wasn't safe. As a merchant, they'd want my head for witnessing Santagar's evil deeds. They would be too scared to screw with a so-called Purple Ocelot. I've been getting better and better ever since. And now I'm here, Lord Alaric'' The Purple Ocelot finished his story. He sat comfortably in his chair, tying his blue scarf a bit tighter.
''I understand.” Alaric grunted. “Well, looks like I found the right man. I accept your deal, Ser. I only hope Albin won't hear of this'', Alaric said in a worried tone. They shook their hands.
''He won't. I know what I'm doing.'' The Purple Ocelot replied and left the room, leaving Alaric looking somewhat satisfied.
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is mo… morere buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and… [view original content]
I will have to agree with Wildling on this one. The Purple Ocelot is one of the most mysterious characters in the story so learning more about him through this H&L part is pretty awesome, great job!
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is mo… morere buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and… [view original content]
I'm not closing the voting yet (I'll close it the same time with the next one), but I have another part ready! It's a Missy part, and it should be quite exciting. Oh, and do check out the Histories & Lore part of the Purple Ocelot by Crips above^^ It's a good one!
Anyway, here's a small recap: After saving Shana Sand from the torture cells with the help of Queen Sofina, the King's brother Alaric Manwoody and his assassin the Purple Ocelot, she was surprised by Ronny who was waiting for Missy in her room. This lead to Ronny threatening Missy and reminding her of her past, which triggered Missy to stab him straight to the throat. After that Missy rolled Ronny's body under her bed and hid it with some rags. The following days she was nervous, just waiting when would someone come to her for what she had done. At the throne room she saw two men from the Iron Islands pleadging loyalty to King Albin, and after that she was confronted by Larry the Kind. Larry obviously suspected that Missy was somehow behind Shana's escape, Matt's death, and Ronny's disappearance. He was baffled why would Missy save Shana, as she was the kind of person who despised the likes of Missy and Larry. Missy claimed she did the right thing, but Larry strongly disagreed. Finally Missy had enough of the conversation and stormed away. She ran to her room in the cellars, where King Albin was waiting for her. The King wanted to hear what had happened to Ronny, and Missy immediately admitted she had killed him and hid him under her bed. This amused the King, who then wanted to hear why exactly had she killed him. As she told that it was because he threatened her, the King suspected there was more to it and demanded Missy to tell the truth about what happened before Missy killing Ronny.
As I said, the part is ready, so I'll post it as quickly as I can!
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Great King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.” He said finally, and Missy nodded nervously.
“As I described the handmaiden to her, she told me who she was. Later she asked help from your brother, Alaric, and we decided that Shana should be freed from those cells, to make sure your vassals wouldn’t find out about this.” Missy turned her gaze to Albin now. “We did it to help you, Your Grace.”
“What exactly did you do?” The King asked quietly, almost whispering. “Alaric sent his man to the cells, to kill Matt and free Shana.” Missy answered, trying to keep his voice strong. She saw Albin clenching his fists. “His man?” His voice was questioning. “You mean the Purple Ocelot?” Missy gulped and nodded to the question.
“Yes.” She said quietly. “The Purple Ocelot informed me later that he had saved Shana and killed Matt. He took me to see the Queen and Shana. Apparently the plan was to move Shana away from Kingsgrave in secret, but I had no part in that. Later that day I returned to my room and Ronny was waiting for me there.” Missy stopped talking, she felt her heart starting to beat faster as the memory returned to his mind.
“And you killed him.” Albin stated with monotone words. “Yes… He was upset about Shana escaping, and he knew I had something to do with it.” Missy remembered the screams of Ronny, and the memory still brought him some kind of twisted feeling of happiness.
“What you’ve told matches with what Larry has told me.” Albin said calmly. “I’m certainly not happy with everything that happened, but I have to say you’ve impressed me, my sweet Missy.” The King’s lips formed a smile now, and Missy replicated it. “You have grown stronger, and that demands a reward.”
“A reward?” Missy asked shyly, and the King nodded. “Yes. I think your days of living here in the basement are over.” Albin kissed Missy on the forehead after saying this. “I’ll find a new room for you. Expect someone to fetch you from here tomorrow morning.” With these words the King walked away from the corridor. Missy let out a sigh of relief and walked into her dark room, feeling conflicted. Her life was about to change – she would be living amongst the ladies of the court soon. She didn’t know whether to be happy about it or not. Perhaps she could clean herself more often again, perhaps she’d get finer clothes. All of that was meaningless though, if what she had just told would bring trouble to someone else. Especially Sofina. Missy sighed and walked to her bed, reminding herself to be thankful that at least she had survived – for now.
Missy was already awake and dressed up when the door was knocked in the morning. “Come in.” She said with lazy tone, and the door was opened with a creak. At the door stood Tom the Animal. There was something weird in the way Tom looked at Missy, but she couldn’t put a finger on what it was. But when she stood up Tom noticeably tensed up. Is he afraid of me?
“The King sent me.” Tom said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet and humorless. Missy nodded, and quietly walked past Tom to the corridor. They walked in silence to the stairway. “How did you do it?” Tom finally asked, keeping his voice down, and Missy turned to look at him. “How did I do what?” She asked calmly.
“Kill Ronny.” Tom’s words were tense, and Missy wasn’t sure whether he was angry or frightened. “I stabbed him to the throat.” She replied with monotone words. “And then I gutted him, like a fish.” Tom shook his head to this. “But how? Ronny was a strong guy, and you… You are a crazy bitch, but still just a bitch.” Now there was clearly a touch of anger in Tom’s words, and Missy stopped. They were in the middle of a hallway, people casually walking around them.
“I surprised him.” Missy narrowed her eyes as she said this. “I hope I don’t have to surprise you.” With these words Missy continued walking and Tom caught her up, now keeping his mouth shut again.
Tom was leading Missy towards a tower where many small lordlings, ladies and knights resided. The thought of living amongst them was weird. Already she had to endure the cold stares in the court, but now she would always be in the middle of them. However, before they reached the tower they were interrupted.
In front of them stood now a tall young man with scarred face and dark brown hair that fell on his face. He was Willem, the Ironborn warrior who had just pledged his alliance to Albin yesterday. The look on Willem’s face was expressionless as he eyed Missy and Tom. Tom narrowed his eyes angrily. “Out of the way, scumbag.” He said bluntly, but the Ironborn didn’t move.
“I just wanted to ask you something.” Willem said, keeping his voice calm. “Have you seen a man, a sellsword, with long black hair, brown eyes, large forehead and a nasty burn right under his left eye?” The Ironborn’s question made a small smirk appear on Tom’s face. “You’re talking about Carsen.” He said with a sly tone. “That bastard hasn’t been here in months.”
“So, where is he then?” Willem’s words were stern; he was clearly disappointed at the answer he got. “The last I heard he was heading towards Yronwood.” Tom answered half-heartedly, and Willem turned his look down in disappointment. “Why are you asking anyway? What do you want from Carsen?”
“It’s a personal matter.” Willem muttered, hardly paying attention to Tom. “Oh, so you two have bad blood?” Tom asked with slightly mocking tone. “You could say so.” Willem replied coldly, and walked away without waiting for an answer. As he walked past them he gave a brief look at Missy, and for a split second their eyes met. Missy recognized something familiar in those green eyes – the same desperation she had felt herself, but also the same will to keep fighting. But the moment was quickly gone, as Missy turned her eyes to Tom again, who gave her just a glare and kept walking.
They continued their walk, until finally they arrived to a finely crafted door in the third floor of the tower. “This is it.” Tom said dryly. “Have fun.” He added, gave the key to Missy, and walked away. Missy turned her eyes to the door now, clenching to the key. For some reason she was nervous. I should be thankful, not nervous, Missy thought, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
The room was beautiful. It was lavishly decorated, with carpets, curtains, chests, small tables and chairs. There was also a large bed and a desk. Then Missy noticed there was a quite large box sitting on the desk. She walked to it with careful steps. The box was made of finely crafted timber, and it opened with hinges. The box was locked, but the shiny key had been left on top of it.
“Open it.” A mysterious voice called from behind, frightening Missy. Instinctively she spun around and grabbed the knife from her sleeve. “You can put that down, it’s no use to you.” The voice said, and now a man stepped from behind one of the silky curtains. The man was dressed in simple black robes, and his hood prevented Missy from fully seeing his face. “Open it.” The man repeated.
With a gulp Missy turned back towards the box. She entered the key to the keyhole and delicately turned it. Then she opened the box, and what she saw almost made her scream, but she managed to suppress it. It was a severed head – a head with tanned skin, brown eyes, puny black mustache and purple turban. The Purple Ocelot.
“H- how?” Missy’s voice was weak, and she couldn’t control her body from shaking. She hadn’t known the Purple Ocelot for long, she didn’t really even consider him a friend, but he had helped her, and even more importantly he had seemed like someone who could survive all this madness around him. Another broken illusion.
“How do you kill an assassin you ask?” The man’s voice said behind Missy. “Quite simple, you hire a better one.” Missy turned around in a fit of rage, clenching to her knife. Letting out a scream of rage she ran towards the hooded man, trying to stab him, but with a smooth move he dodged her and pushed her to the floor.
“Wh- who are you?” Missy stuttered, letting go of her knife, tears running down her face. “The name is Zereth.” The man answered smoothly, still hiding his face. “Though my name doesn’t matter, I have been tasked to give you a message.”
“A message?” Missy was slowly getting back up on her feet, and she could see Zereth’s lips forming a small smirk under the hood. “Yes.” He replied dryly. “Stay away from the Queen and Lord Alaric. That's it.” After these words the assassin turned his back to Missy, walking towards the door. Missy looked at the box on the desk again, and she could feel anger rising inside her. She glanced at her knife while Zereth put his hand on the door handle. He has his back turned, perhaps I could do it.
[Try to kill Zereth][Let him go]
PS. Sorry @Crips (This was the first submitted character that I killed)
He isnt worth the trouble, if she fails it will go really badly with Missy, so it is best to let him go and if it is the King's assassin then it would be very dangerous to attempt anyway.
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
Haha! Wow, wasn't that perfect timing for me to write Histories & Lore about him. I'm not even mad, that was superb. I have a feeling Albin's behind this. He didn't like Missy messing around where she shouldn't have been.
[Try to kill Zareth] An eye for an eye! Or a head for a head, in this case...
EDIT: Hey, I got notified that you mentioned me. I don't know if it was always a thing after the site update.
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
Haha! Wow, wasn't that perfect timing for me to write Histories & Lore about him. I'm not even mad, that was superb. I have a feeling Al… morebin's behind this. He didn't like Missy messing around where she shouldn't have been.
[Try to kill Zareth] An eye for an eye! Or a head for a head, in this case...
EDIT: Hey, I got notified that you mentioned me. I don't know if it was always a thing after the site update.
Wow, wasn't that perfect timing for me to write Histories & Lore about him.
Exactly He could've lived longer with different cho… moreices, but since he didn't I'm glad we got your H&L -part to bring some depth to him.
Hey, I got notified that you mentioned me. I don't know if it was always a thing after the site update.
I think that was already a thing before the update, IIRC.
Well I can say that Alaric at least will not be pleased. And what comes to who hired Zereth, well, obviously someone who can afford a highly skilled assassin
And now I'm having another weird bug: I got four notifications from this one reply by you Oh, telltale...
Ah, well, then I was wrong. I was getting hopeful over nothing xD
Yeah, his death is definitely a surprise. I wonder who ordered Zareth to kill him. Or how Alaric and Sofina will react.
Just want them to know of his presence, just in case the deserter eventually spots them later, possibly when their vulnerable, and tries to get revenge. By the way, you still have Raina in the waiting to be introduced section of characters.
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against th… moree table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
Howeve… [view original content]
My goodness, characters in kingsgrave/Missy's parts seem to be in the most danger. All the character deaths have been there, but that's is partially why Missy's parts are so intriguing. Anyways, if this Zareth assassin is strong enough to kill the Purple Ocelot, then Missy has no chance in trying to kill him. Even, if she tries to take him by surprise. It is best to let him go for now.
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
[Point out the deserter]
Just want them to know of his presence, just in case the deserter eventually spots them later, possibly when the… moreir vulnerable, and tries to get revenge. By the way, you still have Raina in the waiting to be introduced section of characters.
Well I can say that Alaric at least will not be pleased. And what comes to who hired Zereth, well, obviously someone who can afford a highly… more skilled assassin
And now I'm having another weird bug: I got four notifications from this one reply by you Oh, telltale...
Let him go] Truthfully I am not sure what to choose here but I suppose I will vote to let Zereth go. I would imagine that Zareth knows what he is doing by turning his back to Missy, he expects her to try something and this assassin is no doubt really skilled to have killed The Purple Ocelot so quickly so Missy should probably wait for a better opportunity to kill him. Plus we don't know the exact relationship Zereth has with King Albin, he could be one of Albin's full time hired killers so Albin could potentially care more about his life than he does his freaks like Matt and Ronny so if Missy were to somehow succeed in killing him, she could very well anger Albin even more which is not a good thing for her right now.
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
Wow, this was fantastic! Really got a feeling for the man who is working with my insane little creation I do wonder what Alaric's plans are, if we don't already know? I presume you do, however :P
Also, @WildlingKing I need to talk to you in PM (if it's fixed) about the Histories and Lore I have planned :P
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is mo… morere buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and… [view original content]
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
I just made a doc for the Histories & Lore -parts, link is also in the OP (right under the books/above the characters). I'll be adding all the new H&L -parts there in the future, so you don't have to search them from this thread if/when you want to read them
Edit: Apparently the link now goes to a version where you have to ask my permission to read it - I'll try to fix that!
Wow, this was fantastic! Really got a feeling for the man who is working with my insane little creation I do wonder what Alaric's plans are… more, if we don't already know? I presume you do, however :P
Also, @WildlingKing I need to talk to you in PM (if it's fixed) about the Histories and Lore I have planned :P
That is a very interesting H&L part! Never expected one from the Purple Ocelots PoV, but that is great, giving some super cool insight into his character and backstory. Well done
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is mo… morere buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and… [view original content]
Rest in peace, Purple Ocelot. What a timing, right after his H&L part Certainly going to miss him, he was... pretty good. And his purple turban was amazing. I definitely did not expect such a mysterious guy to be the first submitted character to die. In general I did not expect anyone to die so early and if you aimed at making me paranoid for everyone else, you succeeded.
[Let him go]
The thing is, Zereth just killed the Purple freaking Ocelot. I doubt a half-mad girl can get any sort of advantage over him, even if he has his back turned on her. He just left her alive after a very stern warning and I think in a way she got lucky. If she tries to kill him, I'm sure she pushes her luck too hard and while I don't think Zereth would kill her, he could hurt her very badly.
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Gr… moreeat King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”… [view original content]
In general I did not expect anyone to die so early and if you aimed at making me paranoid for everyone else, you succeeded.
Well this death was purely determinant of the choices - it actually took three choices to go "right" to have this outcome. I would've gladly kept the Purple Ocelot alive longer, but I also want the choices to really matter. I certainly wouldn't kill any major character this soon though... I think
Rest in peace, Purple Ocelot. What a timing, right after his H&L part Certainly going to miss him, he was... pretty good. And his purpl… moree turban was amazing. I definitely did not expect such a mysterious guy to be the first submitted character to die. In general I did not expect anyone to die so early and if you aimed at making me paranoid for everyone else, you succeeded.
[Let him go]
The thing is, Zereth just killed the Purple freaking Ocelot. I doubt a half-mad girl can get any sort of advantage over him, even if he has his back turned on her. He just left her alive after a very stern warning and I think in a way she got lucky. If she tries to kill him, I'm sure she pushes her luck too hard and while I don't think Zereth would kill her, he could hurt her very badly.
Oh, that makes sense. I guess it really wasn't the best idea to go with Alaric's plan to free Shana. And perhaps it wasn't good to tell Albin the full truth about the event, even if he might have found out about it either way. But really, I guess allowing the Purple Ocelot to kill one of the freaks was the biggest mistake we made. Or, in a more pragmatic way, getting involved altogether in this situation.
In general I did not expect anyone to die so early and if you aimed at making me paranoid for everyone else, you succeeded.
Well thi… mores death was purely determinant of the choices - it actually took three choices to go "right" to have this outcome. I would've gladly kept the Purple Ocelot alive longer, but I also want the choices to really matter. I certainly wouldn't kill any major character this soon though... I think
First of all, Myke will point out the deserter to his traveling companions. This is mostly a moral choice of whether Myke wants to take part in this war or not. More about that in the future...
And Missy will let Zereth go. Probably a wise choice, considering that this man managed to kill the Purple Ocelot, and despite being quite stabby Missy isn't really that much of a fighter.
RIP Purple Ocelot It took three choices to make this happen, so you could say that the man with the turban was very unlucky. Someone pointed out that all the named characters that have died so far have been in Kingsgrave, and that's true. It has been a dangerous place and will continue to be, but we are starting to get closer to some other storylines getting bloody as well (well, Myke has already had a small taste, even if no named characters died).
The next part is almost ready, and it's a Gwendis part. I'll be posting it tonight, and here's the recap: The last time we saw Gwendis she had sent her brother Naemon to the mission of asking help from Daynes. In the council she had kept managing Benedict's war, with complaints flooding in about the soldiers and deserters. In the evening Maester Mortin sent a servant to Gwendis, asking her to come and meet him by the council chamber. Gwendis went there, though she was interrupted by the priestess Aisha, who told her she had dreamed of her, and that her dreams were a message from her god. After this odd confrontation Gwendis kept walking to the council chamber, where the maester was waiting for her. The news that the maester had were about King Garrison's marriage offer to Naemon. Gwendis thought they should agree to the offer, but they would need to handle the matter with the council and the King. After this Gwendis made her way back to the tower where her chamber was, and Benedict was waiting her there with Lyla Sand and a sorcerer with white hair and red eyes. Benedict accused Gwendis of sending Naemon away behind his back. Gwendis answered with accusing the King of loving his sorcerers more than his children, which clearly offended Benedict. He said he was disappointed in Gwendis, removed her from the council, locking her into her chambers until he'd find her a husband worthy of their name.
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her with her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, giving Gwendis a clumsy bow. Gwendis nodded to him approvingly, and they sat around the table. “Forgive me for not coming earlier.” The plump man said with heavy breathing, apparently exhausted from walking up to the tower.
“I understand.” Gwendis said and smiled. “My father wouldn’t let you, right?” She asked, and Braddock nodded awkwardly. “I had to promise not to talk with you about the council business.” He said and swiped sweat from his forehead.
“He is afraid I could ruin his plans from here?” Gwendis asked, her voice half amused and half mocking. Braddock shrugged. “I guess he wants to make clear you have no role in managing the Kingdom anymore.” He spoke with uncomfortable tone.
“So, who is managing the Kingdom? Not Benedict, I can guess that much.” Gwendis spoke with dry tone, feeling extremely frustrated of the situation. “Well… I am the one who sits at the head of the table for now.” Braddock said shyly, avoiding eye contact with Gwendis. “Only as long as you are absent of course.” Gwendis let out a chuckle for this. “My father intends to keep me locked here as long as he finds me a husband, didn’t he tell that?” Braddock sighed as he heard this.
“I’m sorry this had to go this way, Gwendis.” He said with genuine tone of regret. “You truly had talent for politics… Wherever you go next, I hope you get to use your skills.” Gwendis gave Braddock a nod and a kind smile, even if his words did little to cheer her up.
“So… Have there been any news of Naemon?” Gwendis asked, and Braddock shook his head. “Nothing.” He said quietly. “But Lord Blackadder arrived today, bringing his army with him.” Braddock looked unsure whether he could tell anything more, so he decided to just shrug off the topic clumsily. Before Gwendis managed to say anything the door was opened again. This time there stood Lyla Sand.
“I’d say that’s enough of chatting.” She said with a fake smile on her face. Braddock sent a glare at the girl. “Are you ordering me, bastard?” He asked with strict words, and Lyla let out a sweet chuckle. “Of course not, my Lord, I’m just following the orders of my King.” Braddock gave one more stern look at Lyla, before turning to Gwendis again.
“I’m afraid I must go now, my Princess.” He spoke with polite tone, and Gwendis nodded to him. “It’s okay.” She said with hollow words, as Braddock stood up, looking at her with a touch of concern in his eyes. “I’ll come meet you again soon.” He said, turning towards the door, and walking out. Lyla stayed inside and took a couple steps closer to Gwendis.
“Is everything alright, Princess?” She asked. “Have your chamber pots been changed? Are you satisfied with your meals?” Gwendis could easily spot the mockery in the assassin’s words, so she settled to just smiling back at her. “I will tell you if there is anything I’m not happy with. You can leave now.” The Princess spoke these last words politely, but with power. For a second Lyla narrowed her eyes, perhaps considering to say something mocking, but then she just turned around, walked out and shut the door behind her.
As the silence fell to the room again Gwendis felt like screaming from the bottom of her lungs, but she had to keep her dignity. I can’t show weakness.
Gwendis was laying in her bed, nothing but silence around her. The sun was already setting, and Gwendis had ate her dinner. During the day she had chatted with her handmaidens, kept on her smile and polite tone, and looked out to the distance from her balcony. She was surprised how much she missed sitting at the council table – even if she had hated managing her father’s war.
Gwendis turned around in the bed, letting out a sigh. She thought about her brother, and wondered whether he had already arrived to Starfall. I should’ve gone with him. Gwendis pictured in her mind the situation of Naemon asking help from Vorian. It will go just fine, she thought, but somehow the positivity felt forced. Naemon wasn’t the best at this kind of things, but the Daynes were family to them. Of course they will help.
Gwendis’ thoughts were interrupted as she heard something. It sounded like a step, but it was extremely soft and quiet. Gwendis sat up in the bed, glancing around herself. She saw nothing, so she stood up, walking closer to the door in her dressing gown. She saw a dark and curvy figure of a woman in the corner of the dimly illuminated room. Before she could ask who it was, the figure walked towards her, and as the light of the candle showed her, Gwendis recognized it was Aisha. For a moment Gwendis just stared at the priestess, who stared back at her with emotionless expression, her purple eyes shimmering.
“Why are you here?” Gwendis asked quietly, and Aisha took another step closer. “I wanted to see you, my Princess.” The priestess spoke softly, eyeing Gwendis from head to toe. “You have been in my dreams, it is a sign from the god.”
“I don’t care about your dreams, and I don’t care about your god.” Gwendis kept her voice down, but spoke the words strictly. Aisha let out a small sigh, once again taking another step closer. She was now only two steps away from Gwendis. “I told you my dream about you earlier, and it came true.” The priestess looked straight into the eyes of the Princess as she spoke. “I told you that you’d be locked in a cage of gold, that you’d cry and scream in rage.”
“Perhaps my father had just told you that he’d do this to me.” Gwendis said, turning her eyes away from Aisha, who subtly shook her head. “No.” She said quietly. “You have to trust me.” This made Gwendis chuckle. “Why would I ever trust someone like you?” The Princess asked coldly, and for a moment the priestess stayed quiet.
“You are right.” Aisha said calmly. “Many of the King’s sorcerers, fools like Noctis, would feed you Shade of the evening, or some other potion, and tell you that your fever dreams are a message from their false gods. Others would demand your blood to do their tricks. I demand none of that, I only need you to trust me.” Gwendis looked at Aisha with suspicion in her eyes.
“And what is it that you want from me?” She finally asked, and Aisha shook her head. “Nothing.” She said with a very small smile on her face. “I only follow the signs of my god, and they have led me to you. The truth is, I need you to show me what my god wants.” The priestess spoke with a touch of desperation in her words, and Gwendis raised her eyebrow for this.
“I’m sorry but I can’t help you.” Gwendis said with calm tone, but Aisha just shook her head. “You can, you just don’t know it.” She replied, her words were now passionate and full of excitement, and she offered her hand for Gwendis. “Just grab my hand and I will show you.” Aisha said, and Gwendis looked at the hand with suspicion. “Show me what?” She asked quietly.
“The one true god.” The priestess answered, a piercing look on her eyes.
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
Aaaah, this is a hard choice for me. I don't trust Aisha at all and I don't think I ever will. I mean, she is called 'Dark Priestess' and I doubt she got that name because she's such a nice and trustworthy person. Then there is her rambling about the one true god, which gives me serious Melisandre vibes, and Melisandre is the kind of person that should be forbidden by law to get near any sort of royalty ever again. I mean, her god is probably not R'hllor and she doesn't seem to be into fire, but that does not mean that I trust her. The last thing I want is for Gwendis to become some sort of one-true-god-fangirl, because a god that employs a dark priestess does not sound like a nice guy. On top of that, I'm still not entirely convinced that Aisha doesn't plan to murder her, or anything like that, stuff like stabbing her the moment she grabs her hand or doign all kinds of other nasty fanatic stuff.
That said, even if I just gave some very good arguments against grabbing her hand, I still choose to do so. First of all, I am curious and I can imagine Gwendis is curious as well. As a matter of fact, I am so curious that I'm willing to risk it. There is the possibility that she sees something fascinating about her own future and the story in general that could keep me speculating for months. Second, Aisha is clearly completely nuts and slightly desperate. A desperate religious nutjob is not the kind of person one should refuse to help, because otherwise they might choose to do something drastic to get the help they want. And third, even if I don't trust or like Aisha at all, I still find her marginally more sympathetic than the other prominent people at court. She has been more or less honest with Gwendis, in her own way, she never mocked or insulted her and despite her apparent insanity, she seems to be convinced of her own good intentions. This sets her apart from that irritating bitch Lyla, that spineless sycophant Braddock and that total weirdo Noctis. It's not much that speaks in her favour, but enough that I am open for the possibility that I might be wrong about her.
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
With determination Myke stepped closer and grabbed the deserter with kitchen knife from behind. He smashed the man’s head against the table and left him there, turning against the other deserter. The deserter with the axe had made the young soldier back into a corner. He raised his axe, ready to make the final swing, Myke had to act fast. With quick steps he rushed towards the man with the axe, and stabbed him on the side. The man let out a growl of pain let his axe down. Myke pulled out his dagger, and saw the young soldier shaking from fear, unable to make a move. The man with the axe turned against Myke now, clenching his teeth in pain, but still able to fight.
Just as the deserter was about to rush towards Myke with his axe, the red-haired young boy came to help Myke. He parried swing of the axe, but there was so much power in that swing that it made the boy step back, hardly being able to held the sword in his hands.
However, now Ser Joran Storm walked next to Myke as well. Against three the deserter had no hope, so he quickly turned around and ran away from the door of the tavern. Myke noticed the young boy letting out a sigh of relief, but the young soldier was still in shock.
As Myke looked around him in the tavern he saw three bodies on the floor – two deserters and the older soldier. There was also the unconscious deserter that Myke had knocked out. Myke gave a grim glance at the young soldier.
“Out! Now!” The innkeeper shouted with his wheezy voice. Ser Joran gave the old man an angry glare, but they all – Myke, Joran, the young soldier, and the redhead boy with plated armor – walked out without complaints. As they stepped outside an awkward moment of silence followed.
“Th- thanks for saving me.” The soldier finally managed to stutter. “My name is Seban, I serve in the city guard of Gravesend.” He explained, and Myke turned to look at him. “And have you been in a situation like this before, Seban?” Myke asked, keeping his voice calm and gentle. “No, not really.” Seban answered with a nervous look in his eyes. “I mean, there are brawls in Gravesend’s taverns now and then, b- but nothing like this.” The boy’s words were shaky, most likely this was the first time he had seen death.
“Well, I am Ser Myke.” He introduced himself with weary tone. “And he is Ser Joran Storm. We come from the Nightsong, and we are looking for a young noble lady named Kortney Caron. She has a long wavy auburn hair, emerald green eyes, delicate facial features, thinly built body. She might be moving with a foreign man.” Myke looked at Seban and the other young boy as he spoke, but neither of them looked like they recognized the description.
“I’m afraid I haven’t seen such girl, I’m sorry.” Seban answered shyly, and Myke nodded. “It’s alright.” He said with a sigh, and turned to the other boy. “How about you?” He asked, eyeing this thin boy who couldn’t be much more than sixteen years old.
“No, I can’t say I’ve seen her.” He answered, his voice muffled and barely audible. Myke narrowed his eyes, taking a better look at this boy. “Who are you?” He asked quietly, looking at the thin and dirty face with bright blue eyes. “Ser Rai.” He answered shortly, avoiding eye contact.
“You are a girl, aren’t you?” Myke asked bluntly, his lips forming a small and gentle smile. This clearly caught Rai off guard, and she gulped and couldn’t find words. “Don’t worry, I have seen woman warriors before, nothing wrong with that.” Myke assured calmly. “And I assume you can fool most people, but I have a keen eye. Why are you posing as a boy, Rai?” This question made the girl take a deep breath.
“My real name is Raina… Raina Serviene.” Now the girl spoke much more audibly, and she had a sweet and beautiful voice. “I used to be part of a small noble family, vassals of the Yronwoods. However, my family was butchered by the Marcants, a rival house of ours. Since then I’ve been posing as a knight, travelling around, learning how to fight properly.” Myke gave the girl an understanding nod, though Ser Joran looked less understanding.
“I’m sure there would have been plenty of noble houses who would have gladly taken you under their protection. Why live such a hard life? You are a lady after all.” Joran spoke with bafflement in his words, and this made Raina frown. “Marcants are in good relations with the Yronwoods, and Yronwoods are the strongest house in Dorne – there is no safe place for Raina Serviene. However, Ser Rai can live freely.” She spoke with feisty words, and Ser Joran let out a small chuckle. “As you say, girl.” He replied with an amused tone.
“Excuse me.” Seban interrupted them with his shy voice. “Could you please come with me to Gravesend? I must report about what happened here to Septon Kevan, and I’d be glad if you could be there to confirm my story.” Myke and Joran gave each other a short look.
“Gravesend is on the way to Blackmont, right?” Ser Joran asked with a relaxed tone, and the soldier nodded. “Well, then it should be alright.” Joran turned to Myke as he said this, and he gave him an approving nod.
“I’m on my way to Blackmont as well.” Raina said casually. “I suppose we could travel together.” She suggested, and Myke nodded again. “Sounds like a good idea.” He replied with a smile.
The newly formed group of travelers slept that night in the bushes, in the style of hedge knights. In the morning they made their way to the road again, and continued towards Gravesend. There were lot of people on the road. Couple knights rode past them to south with haste, and they saw many people traveling to north, some of them most likely deserters. They were all armed so they felt somewhat safe, but just by looking at the faces of people they met on the road one could tell these were hazardous times on these lands.
The road took them right next to the river, where they saw a small village. “Sharpstone.” Seban said, a touch of relief in his voice. “It’s only a couple hours ride from here to Gravesend.” Myke was glad to hear this, as it meant they’d most likely have a comfortable place to sleep at this night.
“You said earlier that you’d be reporting to a Septon.” Ser Joran stated suddenly, and Seban nodded. “Doesn’t Gravesend have a Lord?” Seban shook his head to Joran’s question. “No, the King has named Septon Kevan to be the mayor of the town.” He explained.
“Interesting.” Myke said dryly. “And how does ruling and being the messenger of the gods go together? Sounds like a dangerous pairing to me.” Seban shrugged casually to Myke’s words. “Gravesend is a peaceful town, well, at least it was. The call to arms has made the situation a bit… Unstable.” The young soldier let out a sigh as he said this. “But the point is, so far Kevan has done a good job ruling the town.”
“It’s not hard to do good job during peace time.” Ser Joran grunted. “The hard times are the ones that show who is fit to rule and who isn’t.” Seban didn’t answer to this, and neither did anyone else, so they continued to ride into the small village of Sharpstone in silence.
“I guess we should just keep riding towards…” Myke stopped his sentence as he noticed something familiar, or rather someone. The deserter with the axe. The man who had escaped yesterday from the tavern was leaning against a fence, not paying attention to Myke and his group. The man still had his axe, but he looked to be exhausted, as if he had been running away from something or someone. He was staring at the ground, mumbling something to himself. Myke was the only one who had spotted him, and he didn’t know if this man deserved death or not, but he knew that if he’d point out his presence to Joran or Seban they’d want him dead.
[Point out the deserter] [Stay quiet]
[Point out the deserter]
No witnesses!
Oh, I forgot, another character portrait!
This time Malcolm Dayne, heir to Kingdom of Torrentine.
This is awesome, I can't say I was expecting a Malcolm portrait but I am glad you decided to draw him! Just like with all of the other characters, this is just as imagined. Great job!:)
[Stay quiet] I can't really say this is a route that I would typically go but the deserter has had plenty of trouble already and at this point I don't think he is any threat to them so I figure we may as well spare him this time around.
[Stay Quiet]
Really, this war is something that Myke and Joran should not get dragged into. They've been given a mission from their liege to find his daughter, and I feel like this deserter is only going to lead them into more issues if they pursue the matter. Ser Myke and Ser Joran are Stormlanders, and Dorne is not the safest region of Westeros at this point. I think, being foreigners to the land, they should avoid public matters like deserters of a Dornish army and so on...
[Point out the deserter]
That guy is not only a deserter, which is one of the highest crimes in the Westerosi society, he also had absolutely no problem with killing a soldier who was little more than a child. I don't know if he truly deserves to die, but considering what nasty folk most deserters are, it is not unthinkable that he actually did more than just deserting. He is a dangerous criminal and dangerous criminals shouldn't be allowed to run around freely
By the way, I have heard reply notifications are supposed to work again. Hope this is true. Private messages seem to work again as well
[Point out the deserter]
Deserters are men who are too scared to fight but will terrorize the innocent and weak best to take him out now before he causes trouble to the party or other people, besides we would be executing the law so what is wrong with doing one good thing.
[Stay quiet]
For me they don't
They worked 6-7 hours ago and stopped, I think.
I was asleep the whole time
Hahaha, oh telltale XD
With the help of WildlingKing himself, I wrote another entry in Histories & Lore. Gotta say, working with him even though the site is more buggy than a Ubisoft game, was a pleasure.
Histories & Lore – The Purple Ocelot – Assassination of Lord Arthur the Drunkard
''Have you ever wondered what do people mean when they say they've started a new life, m'lord?” Asked the assassin who went by the name Purple Ocelot. “I've always thought they're foolish.” He continued casually. “The gods only grant you one. But I think there was one time when I understood them more than ever. When was it? Around ten years ago, I guess. It was around the time people started hearing about me.”
“If you want to understand how good I am with assassinations and how much can you trust me with my job, you need to know how I started.” The assassin said this with a small sigh. “I was but a simple merchant once. I was selling beautiful clothes made by more and less talented tailors with my mother. I don't even remember her name. My life has just changed so much that I simply forgot. I think it was Elyana, but no promises.” The Purple Ocelot smirked subtly as he said this. “Yes, it was definitely Elyana. My mother Elyana and I were merchants just as everyone from her family. We never really had a home. We were moving constantly from place to place on our caravan, in which we also slept. It had two horses who were always ready to ride. There were situations in which bandits wanted to get our goods, so they were also ready for that. This caravan also had a job to be a movable stall, so we sold goods from there, too. We bought food from stores, we were living like hedge knights. The summer fairs were the best times to sell anything, and we decided to attend at Lord Martell's summer fair that year.”
“The scenery was beautiful. Multiple markets were set up, music was being played by musicians who clearly enjoyed what they were doing, sun was shining up in the sky, Lord Martell's vassals came to just have fun.” There was a touch of sadness in the Purple Ocelot’s words, but he smiled. “I was pretty confident in making some coin. Our goods were excellent quality, after all. There was this woman who bought a dress for her upcoming wedding, a mayor of some wasteland town bought robes for his son who stayed at Martell's court, we were just overflowing with clients. And so, the day was nearing an end and rarely anyone attended to our part of the market and we were thinking about closing our caravan, but decided to still wait for a moment. And then I saw him.” Darkness took over the assassin’s eyes.
“A man dressed in blue and yellow, accompanied by several soldiers, his personal guard. From the way he walked, I could only assume he was drunk. His soldiers were carrying round shields, on which a golden leopard holding an axe in a bend azure-silverish background was painted. It was House Santagar's coat of arms, as I quickly learned.” The Purple Ocelot closed his eyes for a second before continuing the story. “The man was gross.” He said with hateful words. “He started laughing and waving his arms around when he saw my mother. She left the caravan thinking he wants to buy something. Instead, he approached her closely and asked if she wanted to be fucked by the great Arthur Santagar, lord of Spottswood. Those really were his words; I remember it clearly. He never stated his nickname, the Drunkard, apparently known in all of Eastern Dorne. We had never really heard it though. Elyana and I were from Central Dorne, my father I'd rather not speak about - all I know that he was a coward lordling from the Stormlands who ran as fast as he could when he learned his ''girlfriend'' became pregnant.” The assassin let out a dry chuckle and continued. “Anyway, I digress. My mother refused and so he threw her against the wall of nearby building, started ripping her clothes apart, I... don't want to get into details. Anyway, when I heard screaming, I left the caravan, I yelled. Santagar noticed me and screamed ‘What?! You've got someone else in there? Was that your fucking plan, bitch? To expose me? Guards, KILL HIM!'. Those are the exact words, I remember.”
“My mother cried, but of course the Drunkard wouldn't stop. Nobody came to our help. She yelled for me to run away. I quickly entered the caravan when I saw Arthur's guards running towards me. I immediately jumped at the driver's seat and ordered the horses to move. I was gone before they knew it. I only saw how the ''lord'' killed her after being done with her.” The Purple Ocelot stopped talking for a moment, breathing in and out with a sharp gaze in his eyes. “I wasn't even thinking straight. It was my instincts that made me go to Spottswood. I was blinded by rage. I wanted to murder him. I wanted to repay him, I wanted to get my fucking revenge, but when I arrived there I realized I never really had a plan to begin with. I looked around and bought myself a nice little dagger from the local blacksmith with the coin I had made in the fair. I was thinking of a sword, but that wouldn’t have worked since I have a small dysfunction in my arms. I can't really carry heavy objects, you know? But don't worry, m'lord - this won't affect my mission.” The assassin assured, and the lord nodded calmly. “Anyway, I came up with a plan right after a feast was announced to be held in Santagars' castle. As if the fucking lord didn't have enough festivities. I dressed myself in some robes I was supposed to be selling - the ones you see me in right now. I entered the castle as a nobleman with new trade offers to House Santagar. The feast was fabulous. It amused me that they served more ale and other alcohols than food. This was no feast, it was a ''drink-until-you-fall-under-the-table'' party. After a few hours, everyone was already drunk, including the Drunkard himself. I approached him slowly, and put the dagger right through his heart. He was dead. I removed the dagger and ran away. The guards were outside the hall, because Arthur felt they're making feasts unpleasant if they're inside. Fool. They suspected nothing.” The Purple Ocelot let out a small chuckle as he said this, shaking his head in amusement.
“Before I left Spottswood though, I was approached by a man who wanted me to kill his wife, who was cheating on him. He said he'd pay. He told me the tale of “the Purple Ocelot”. Apparently one of the guests wasn't too drunk and noticed me killing the Drunkard, but didn't recognize me. '‘I saw him plunging a dagger into Lord Arthur's heart, but I was too slow to intervene. Like an ocelot, he ran away before anything could be done’' The legend was born, so to say.”
“I accepted the job, I was in need of money anyway, and I knew I couldn't live as a travelling merchant anymore. It wasn't safe. As a merchant, they'd want my head for witnessing Santagar's evil deeds. They would be too scared to screw with a so-called Purple Ocelot. I've been getting better and better ever since. And now I'm here, Lord Alaric'' The Purple Ocelot finished his story. He sat comfortably in his chair, tying his blue scarf a bit tighter.
''I understand.” Alaric grunted. “Well, looks like I found the right man. I accept your deal, Ser. I only hope Albin won't hear of this'', Alaric said in a worried tone. They shook their hands.
''He won't. I know what I'm doing.'' The Purple Ocelot replied and left the room, leaving Alaric looking somewhat satisfied.
This was a great H&L part, bringing some depth into a minor character. It's also very timely considering what I've got planned for Missy's story.
I will have to agree with Wildling on this one. The Purple Ocelot is one of the most mysterious characters in the story so learning more about him through this H&L part is pretty awesome, great job!
I'm not closing the voting yet (I'll close it the same time with the next one), but I have another part ready! It's a Missy part, and it should be quite exciting. Oh, and do check out the Histories & Lore part of the Purple Ocelot by Crips above^^ It's a good one!
Anyway, here's a small recap: After saving Shana Sand from the torture cells with the help of Queen Sofina, the King's brother Alaric Manwoody and his assassin the Purple Ocelot, she was surprised by Ronny who was waiting for Missy in her room. This lead to Ronny threatening Missy and reminding her of her past, which triggered Missy to stab him straight to the throat. After that Missy rolled Ronny's body under her bed and hid it with some rags. The following days she was nervous, just waiting when would someone come to her for what she had done. At the throne room she saw two men from the Iron Islands pleadging loyalty to King Albin, and after that she was confronted by Larry the Kind. Larry obviously suspected that Missy was somehow behind Shana's escape, Matt's death, and Ronny's disappearance. He was baffled why would Missy save Shana, as she was the kind of person who despised the likes of Missy and Larry. Missy claimed she did the right thing, but Larry strongly disagreed. Finally Missy had enough of the conversation and stormed away. She ran to her room in the cellars, where King Albin was waiting for her. The King wanted to hear what had happened to Ronny, and Missy immediately admitted she had killed him and hid him under her bed. This amused the King, who then wanted to hear why exactly had she killed him. As she told that it was because he threatened her, the King suspected there was more to it and demanded Missy to tell the truth about what happened before Missy killing Ronny.
As I said, the part is ready, so I'll post it as quickly as I can!
Missy looked into the eyes of King Albin, and those eyes were oozing of strength and determination. Missy could never lie to the Great King, that would be foolish – she had to tell the truth.
“It started with me finding Matt, Ronny and Larry keeping Sanya Purell’s handmaiden as a prisoner in the torture cells.” Missy started with uncertain words, now looking at the floor. “And did you recognize this handmaiden?” Albin asked, his voice calm and deep.
“I had seen her before, yes, but I didn’t know her name back then. Later I found out she was Shana Sand – bastard daughter of Lord Mors Littlemill.” As Missy said this the King raised his eyebrow, but stayed quiet. “I decided to inform Queen Sofina about the situation.”
“Why?” Albin asked coldly, and Missy gulped. “I- I don’t know; she had said earlier that I could ask for help if I ever needed it.” Missy’s words were shaky and nervous, and the King narrowed his eyes. “Continue.” He said finally, and Missy nodded nervously.
“As I described the handmaiden to her, she told me who she was. Later she asked help from your brother, Alaric, and we decided that Shana should be freed from those cells, to make sure your vassals wouldn’t find out about this.” Missy turned her gaze to Albin now. “We did it to help you, Your Grace.”
“What exactly did you do?” The King asked quietly, almost whispering. “Alaric sent his man to the cells, to kill Matt and free Shana.” Missy answered, trying to keep his voice strong. She saw Albin clenching his fists. “His man?” His voice was questioning. “You mean the Purple Ocelot?” Missy gulped and nodded to the question.
“Yes.” She said quietly. “The Purple Ocelot informed me later that he had saved Shana and killed Matt. He took me to see the Queen and Shana. Apparently the plan was to move Shana away from Kingsgrave in secret, but I had no part in that. Later that day I returned to my room and Ronny was waiting for me there.” Missy stopped talking, she felt her heart starting to beat faster as the memory returned to his mind.
“And you killed him.” Albin stated with monotone words. “Yes… He was upset about Shana escaping, and he knew I had something to do with it.” Missy remembered the screams of Ronny, and the memory still brought him some kind of twisted feeling of happiness.
“What you’ve told matches with what Larry has told me.” Albin said calmly. “I’m certainly not happy with everything that happened, but I have to say you’ve impressed me, my sweet Missy.” The King’s lips formed a smile now, and Missy replicated it. “You have grown stronger, and that demands a reward.”
“A reward?” Missy asked shyly, and the King nodded. “Yes. I think your days of living here in the basement are over.” Albin kissed Missy on the forehead after saying this. “I’ll find a new room for you. Expect someone to fetch you from here tomorrow morning.” With these words the King walked away from the corridor. Missy let out a sigh of relief and walked into her dark room, feeling conflicted. Her life was about to change – she would be living amongst the ladies of the court soon. She didn’t know whether to be happy about it or not. Perhaps she could clean herself more often again, perhaps she’d get finer clothes. All of that was meaningless though, if what she had just told would bring trouble to someone else. Especially Sofina. Missy sighed and walked to her bed, reminding herself to be thankful that at least she had survived – for now.
Missy was already awake and dressed up when the door was knocked in the morning. “Come in.” She said with lazy tone, and the door was opened with a creak. At the door stood Tom the Animal. There was something weird in the way Tom looked at Missy, but she couldn’t put a finger on what it was. But when she stood up Tom noticeably tensed up. Is he afraid of me?
“The King sent me.” Tom said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet and humorless. Missy nodded, and quietly walked past Tom to the corridor. They walked in silence to the stairway. “How did you do it?” Tom finally asked, keeping his voice down, and Missy turned to look at him. “How did I do what?” She asked calmly.
“Kill Ronny.” Tom’s words were tense, and Missy wasn’t sure whether he was angry or frightened. “I stabbed him to the throat.” She replied with monotone words. “And then I gutted him, like a fish.” Tom shook his head to this. “But how? Ronny was a strong guy, and you… You are a crazy bitch, but still just a bitch.” Now there was clearly a touch of anger in Tom’s words, and Missy stopped. They were in the middle of a hallway, people casually walking around them.
“I surprised him.” Missy narrowed her eyes as she said this. “I hope I don’t have to surprise you.” With these words Missy continued walking and Tom caught her up, now keeping his mouth shut again.
Tom was leading Missy towards a tower where many small lordlings, ladies and knights resided. The thought of living amongst them was weird. Already she had to endure the cold stares in the court, but now she would always be in the middle of them. However, before they reached the tower they were interrupted.
In front of them stood now a tall young man with scarred face and dark brown hair that fell on his face. He was Willem, the Ironborn warrior who had just pledged his alliance to Albin yesterday. The look on Willem’s face was expressionless as he eyed Missy and Tom. Tom narrowed his eyes angrily. “Out of the way, scumbag.” He said bluntly, but the Ironborn didn’t move.
“I just wanted to ask you something.” Willem said, keeping his voice calm. “Have you seen a man, a sellsword, with long black hair, brown eyes, large forehead and a nasty burn right under his left eye?” The Ironborn’s question made a small smirk appear on Tom’s face. “You’re talking about Carsen.” He said with a sly tone. “That bastard hasn’t been here in months.”
“So, where is he then?” Willem’s words were stern; he was clearly disappointed at the answer he got. “The last I heard he was heading towards Yronwood.” Tom answered half-heartedly, and Willem turned his look down in disappointment. “Why are you asking anyway? What do you want from Carsen?”
“It’s a personal matter.” Willem muttered, hardly paying attention to Tom. “Oh, so you two have bad blood?” Tom asked with slightly mocking tone. “You could say so.” Willem replied coldly, and walked away without waiting for an answer. As he walked past them he gave a brief look at Missy, and for a split second their eyes met. Missy recognized something familiar in those green eyes – the same desperation she had felt herself, but also the same will to keep fighting. But the moment was quickly gone, as Missy turned her eyes to Tom again, who gave her just a glare and kept walking.
They continued their walk, until finally they arrived to a finely crafted door in the third floor of the tower. “This is it.” Tom said dryly. “Have fun.” He added, gave the key to Missy, and walked away. Missy turned her eyes to the door now, clenching to the key. For some reason she was nervous. I should be thankful, not nervous, Missy thought, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
The room was beautiful. It was lavishly decorated, with carpets, curtains, chests, small tables and chairs. There was also a large bed and a desk. Then Missy noticed there was a quite large box sitting on the desk. She walked to it with careful steps. The box was made of finely crafted timber, and it opened with hinges. The box was locked, but the shiny key had been left on top of it.
“Open it.” A mysterious voice called from behind, frightening Missy. Instinctively she spun around and grabbed the knife from her sleeve. “You can put that down, it’s no use to you.” The voice said, and now a man stepped from behind one of the silky curtains. The man was dressed in simple black robes, and his hood prevented Missy from fully seeing his face. “Open it.” The man repeated.
With a gulp Missy turned back towards the box. She entered the key to the keyhole and delicately turned it. Then she opened the box, and what she saw almost made her scream, but she managed to suppress it. It was a severed head – a head with tanned skin, brown eyes, puny black mustache and purple turban. The Purple Ocelot.
“H- how?” Missy’s voice was weak, and she couldn’t control her body from shaking. She hadn’t known the Purple Ocelot for long, she didn’t really even consider him a friend, but he had helped her, and even more importantly he had seemed like someone who could survive all this madness around him. Another broken illusion.
“How do you kill an assassin you ask?” The man’s voice said behind Missy. “Quite simple, you hire a better one.” Missy turned around in a fit of rage, clenching to her knife. Letting out a scream of rage she ran towards the hooded man, trying to stab him, but with a smooth move he dodged her and pushed her to the floor.
“Wh- who are you?” Missy stuttered, letting go of her knife, tears running down her face. “The name is Zereth.” The man answered smoothly, still hiding his face. “Though my name doesn’t matter, I have been tasked to give you a message.”
“A message?” Missy was slowly getting back up on her feet, and she could see Zereth’s lips forming a small smirk under the hood. “Yes.” He replied dryly. “Stay away from the Queen and Lord Alaric. That's it.” After these words the assassin turned his back to Missy, walking towards the door. Missy looked at the box on the desk again, and she could feel anger rising inside her. She glanced at her knife while Zereth put his hand on the door handle. He has his back turned, perhaps I could do it.
[Try to kill Zereth] [Let him go]
PS. Sorry @Crips
(This was the first submitted character that I killed)
[Let him go]
He isnt worth the trouble, if she fails it will go really badly with Missy, so it is best to let him go and if it is the King's assassin then it would be very dangerous to attempt anyway.
Haha! Wow, wasn't that perfect timing for me to write Histories & Lore about him. I'm not even mad, that was superb. I have a feeling Albin's behind this. He didn't like Missy messing around where she shouldn't have been.
[Try to kill Zareth] An eye for an eye! Or a head for a head, in this case...
EDIT: Hey, I got notified that you mentioned me. I don't know if it was always a thing after the site update.
He could've lived longer with different choices, but since he didn't I'm glad we got your H&L -part to bring some depth to him.
I think that was already a thing before the update, IIRC.
Ah, well, then I was wrong. I was getting hopeful over nothing xD
Yeah, his death is definitely a surprise. I wonder who ordered Zareth to kill him. Or how Alaric and Sofina will react.
Well I can say that Alaric at least will not be pleased. And what comes to who hired Zereth, well, obviously someone who can afford a highly skilled assassin
And now I'm having another weird bug: I got four notifications from this one reply by you
Oh, telltale...
[Point out the deserter]
Just want them to know of his presence, just in case the deserter eventually spots them later, possibly when their vulnerable, and tries to get revenge. By the way, you still have Raina in the waiting to be introduced section of characters.
[Let him go]
My goodness, characters in kingsgrave/Missy's parts seem to be in the most danger. All the character deaths have been there, but that's is partially why Missy's parts are so intriguing. Anyways, if this Zareth assassin is strong enough to kill the Purple Ocelot, then Missy has no chance in trying to kill him. Even, if she tries to take him by surprise. It is best to let him go for now.
Thanks for the heads up, it's fixed now!
I got notifications too! Two for the first reply and one for second!
Let him go] Truthfully I am not sure what to choose here but I suppose I will vote to let Zereth go. I would imagine that Zareth knows what he is doing by turning his back to Missy, he expects her to try something and this assassin is no doubt really skilled to have killed The Purple Ocelot so quickly so Missy should probably wait for a better opportunity to kill him. Plus we don't know the exact relationship Zereth has with King Albin, he could be one of Albin's full time hired killers so Albin could potentially care more about his life than he does his freaks like Matt and Ronny so if Missy were to somehow succeed in killing him, she could very well anger Albin even more which is not a good thing for her right now.
Wow, this was fantastic! Really got a feeling for the man who is working with my insane little creation
I do wonder what Alaric's plans are, if we don't already know? I presume you do, however :P
Also, @WildlingKing I need to talk to you in PM (if it's fixed) about the Histories and Lore I have planned :P
[Let him go]
[Try to kill Zareth]
Perhaps unpredictable Missy can get him down too.
I just made a doc for the Histories & Lore -parts, link is also in the OP (right under the books/above the characters). I'll be adding all the new H&L -parts there in the future, so you don't have to search them from this thread if/when you want to read them
Edit: Apparently the link now goes to a version where you have to ask my permission to read it - I'll try to fix that!
Edit2: Should be fixed now.
I answered the pm, hopefully it reached you ;D
That is a very interesting H&L part! Never expected one from the Purple Ocelots PoV, but that is great, giving some super cool insight into his character and backstory. Well done
Rest in peace, Purple Ocelot. What a timing, right after his H&L part
Certainly going to miss him, he was... pretty good. And his purple turban was amazing. I definitely did not expect such a mysterious guy to be the first submitted character to die. In general I did not expect anyone to die so early and if you aimed at making me paranoid for everyone else, you succeeded.
[Let him go]
The thing is, Zereth just killed the Purple freaking Ocelot. I doubt a half-mad girl can get any sort of advantage over him, even if he has his back turned on her. He just left her alive after a very stern warning and I think in a way she got lucky. If she tries to kill him, I'm sure she pushes her luck too hard and while I don't think Zereth would kill her, he could hurt her very badly.
Well this death was purely determinant of the choices - it actually took three choices to go "right" to have this outcome. I would've gladly kept the Purple Ocelot alive longer, but I also want the choices to really matter. I certainly wouldn't kill any major character this soon though... I think
Oh, that makes sense. I guess it really wasn't the best idea to go with Alaric's plan to free Shana. And perhaps it wasn't good to tell Albin the full truth about the event, even if he might have found out about it either way. But really, I guess allowing the Purple Ocelot to kill one of the freaks was the biggest mistake we made. Or, in a more pragmatic way, getting involved altogether in this situation.
Looks like no more votes coming...
Voting is closed!
First of all, Myke will point out the deserter to his traveling companions. This is mostly a moral choice of whether Myke wants to take part in this war or not. More about that in the future...
And Missy will let Zereth go. Probably a wise choice, considering that this man managed to kill the Purple Ocelot, and despite being quite stabby Missy isn't really that much of a fighter.
RIP Purple Ocelot
It took three choices to make this happen, so you could say that the man with the turban was very unlucky. Someone pointed out that all the named characters that have died so far have been in Kingsgrave, and that's true. It has been a dangerous place and will continue to be, but we are starting to get closer to some other storylines getting bloody as well (well, Myke has already had a small taste, even if no named characters died).
The next part is almost ready, and it's a Gwendis part. I'll be posting it tonight, and here's the recap: The last time we saw Gwendis she had sent her brother Naemon to the mission of asking help from Daynes. In the council she had kept managing Benedict's war, with complaints flooding in about the soldiers and deserters. In the evening Maester Mortin sent a servant to Gwendis, asking her to come and meet him by the council chamber. Gwendis went there, though she was interrupted by the priestess Aisha, who told her she had dreamed of her, and that her dreams were a message from her god. After this odd confrontation Gwendis kept walking to the council chamber, where the maester was waiting for her. The news that the maester had were about King Garrison's marriage offer to Naemon. Gwendis thought they should agree to the offer, but they would need to handle the matter with the council and the King. After this Gwendis made her way back to the tower where her chamber was, and Benedict was waiting her there with Lyla Sand and a sorcerer with white hair and red eyes. Benedict accused Gwendis of sending Naemon away behind his back. Gwendis answered with accusing the King of loving his sorcerers more than his children, which clearly offended Benedict. He said he was disappointed in Gwendis, removed her from the council, locking her into her chambers until he'd find her a husband worthy of their name.
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her with her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, giving Gwendis a clumsy bow. Gwendis nodded to him approvingly, and they sat around the table. “Forgive me for not coming earlier.” The plump man said with heavy breathing, apparently exhausted from walking up to the tower.
“I understand.” Gwendis said and smiled. “My father wouldn’t let you, right?” She asked, and Braddock nodded awkwardly. “I had to promise not to talk with you about the council business.” He said and swiped sweat from his forehead.
“He is afraid I could ruin his plans from here?” Gwendis asked, her voice half amused and half mocking. Braddock shrugged. “I guess he wants to make clear you have no role in managing the Kingdom anymore.” He spoke with uncomfortable tone.
“So, who is managing the Kingdom? Not Benedict, I can guess that much.” Gwendis spoke with dry tone, feeling extremely frustrated of the situation. “Well… I am the one who sits at the head of the table for now.” Braddock said shyly, avoiding eye contact with Gwendis. “Only as long as you are absent of course.” Gwendis let out a chuckle for this. “My father intends to keep me locked here as long as he finds me a husband, didn’t he tell that?” Braddock sighed as he heard this.
“I’m sorry this had to go this way, Gwendis.” He said with genuine tone of regret. “You truly had talent for politics… Wherever you go next, I hope you get to use your skills.” Gwendis gave Braddock a nod and a kind smile, even if his words did little to cheer her up.
“So… Have there been any news of Naemon?” Gwendis asked, and Braddock shook his head. “Nothing.” He said quietly. “But Lord Blackadder arrived today, bringing his army with him.” Braddock looked unsure whether he could tell anything more, so he decided to just shrug off the topic clumsily. Before Gwendis managed to say anything the door was opened again. This time there stood Lyla Sand.
“I’d say that’s enough of chatting.” She said with a fake smile on her face. Braddock sent a glare at the girl. “Are you ordering me, bastard?” He asked with strict words, and Lyla let out a sweet chuckle. “Of course not, my Lord, I’m just following the orders of my King.” Braddock gave one more stern look at Lyla, before turning to Gwendis again.
“I’m afraid I must go now, my Princess.” He spoke with polite tone, and Gwendis nodded to him. “It’s okay.” She said with hollow words, as Braddock stood up, looking at her with a touch of concern in his eyes. “I’ll come meet you again soon.” He said, turning towards the door, and walking out. Lyla stayed inside and took a couple steps closer to Gwendis.
“Is everything alright, Princess?” She asked. “Have your chamber pots been changed? Are you satisfied with your meals?” Gwendis could easily spot the mockery in the assassin’s words, so she settled to just smiling back at her. “I will tell you if there is anything I’m not happy with. You can leave now.” The Princess spoke these last words politely, but with power. For a second Lyla narrowed her eyes, perhaps considering to say something mocking, but then she just turned around, walked out and shut the door behind her.
As the silence fell to the room again Gwendis felt like screaming from the bottom of her lungs, but she had to keep her dignity. I can’t show weakness.
Gwendis was laying in her bed, nothing but silence around her. The sun was already setting, and Gwendis had ate her dinner. During the day she had chatted with her handmaidens, kept on her smile and polite tone, and looked out to the distance from her balcony. She was surprised how much she missed sitting at the council table – even if she had hated managing her father’s war.
Gwendis turned around in the bed, letting out a sigh. She thought about her brother, and wondered whether he had already arrived to Starfall. I should’ve gone with him. Gwendis pictured in her mind the situation of Naemon asking help from Vorian. It will go just fine, she thought, but somehow the positivity felt forced. Naemon wasn’t the best at this kind of things, but the Daynes were family to them. Of course they will help.
Gwendis’ thoughts were interrupted as she heard something. It sounded like a step, but it was extremely soft and quiet. Gwendis sat up in the bed, glancing around herself. She saw nothing, so she stood up, walking closer to the door in her dressing gown. She saw a dark and curvy figure of a woman in the corner of the dimly illuminated room. Before she could ask who it was, the figure walked towards her, and as the light of the candle showed her, Gwendis recognized it was Aisha. For a moment Gwendis just stared at the priestess, who stared back at her with emotionless expression, her purple eyes shimmering.
“Why are you here?” Gwendis asked quietly, and Aisha took another step closer. “I wanted to see you, my Princess.” The priestess spoke softly, eyeing Gwendis from head to toe. “You have been in my dreams, it is a sign from the god.”
“I don’t care about your dreams, and I don’t care about your god.” Gwendis kept her voice down, but spoke the words strictly. Aisha let out a small sigh, once again taking another step closer. She was now only two steps away from Gwendis. “I told you my dream about you earlier, and it came true.” The priestess looked straight into the eyes of the Princess as she spoke. “I told you that you’d be locked in a cage of gold, that you’d cry and scream in rage.”
“Perhaps my father had just told you that he’d do this to me.” Gwendis said, turning her eyes away from Aisha, who subtly shook her head. “No.” She said quietly. “You have to trust me.” This made Gwendis chuckle. “Why would I ever trust someone like you?” The Princess asked coldly, and for a moment the priestess stayed quiet.
“You are right.” Aisha said calmly. “Many of the King’s sorcerers, fools like Noctis, would feed you Shade of the evening, or some other potion, and tell you that your fever dreams are a message from their false gods. Others would demand your blood to do their tricks. I demand none of that, I only need you to trust me.” Gwendis looked at Aisha with suspicion in her eyes.
“And what is it that you want from me?” She finally asked, and Aisha shook her head. “Nothing.” She said with a very small smile on her face. “I only follow the signs of my god, and they have led me to you. The truth is, I need you to show me what my god wants.” The priestess spoke with a touch of desperation in her words, and Gwendis raised her eyebrow for this.
“I’m sorry but I can’t help you.” Gwendis said with calm tone, but Aisha just shook her head. “You can, you just don’t know it.” She replied, her words were now passionate and full of excitement, and she offered her hand for Gwendis. “Just grab my hand and I will show you.” Aisha said, and Gwendis looked at the hand with suspicion. “Show me what?” She asked quietly.
“The one true god.” The priestess answered, a piercing look on her eyes.
[Grab her hand] [Ask her to leave]
[Grab her hand]
Yes, yes, yes...! Let's see what Gwendis will see!
[Grab her hand]
Aaaah, this is a hard choice for me. I don't trust Aisha at all and I don't think I ever will. I mean, she is called 'Dark Priestess' and I doubt she got that name because she's such a nice and trustworthy person. Then there is her rambling about the one true god, which gives me serious Melisandre vibes, and Melisandre is the kind of person that should be forbidden by law to get near any sort of royalty ever again. I mean, her god is probably not R'hllor and she doesn't seem to be into fire, but that does not mean that I trust her. The last thing I want is for Gwendis to become some sort of one-true-god-fangirl, because a god that employs a dark priestess does not sound like a nice guy. On top of that, I'm still not entirely convinced that Aisha doesn't plan to murder her, or anything like that, stuff like stabbing her the moment she grabs her hand or doign all kinds of other nasty fanatic stuff.
That said, even if I just gave some very good arguments against grabbing her hand, I still choose to do so. First of all, I am curious and I can imagine Gwendis is curious as well. As a matter of fact, I am so curious that I'm willing to risk it. There is the possibility that she sees something fascinating about her own future and the story in general that could keep me speculating for months. Second, Aisha is clearly completely nuts and slightly desperate. A desperate religious nutjob is not the kind of person one should refuse to help, because otherwise they might choose to do something drastic to get the help they want. And third, even if I don't trust or like Aisha at all, I still find her marginally more sympathetic than the other prominent people at court. She has been more or less honest with Gwendis, in her own way, she never mocked or insulted her and despite her apparent insanity, she seems to be convinced of her own good intentions. This sets her apart from that irritating bitch Lyla, that spineless sycophant Braddock and that total weirdo Noctis. It's not much that speaks in her favour, but enough that I am open for the possibility that I might be wrong about her.