Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Mike didn't know when he was abandoning Clementine he was actually leaving part of himself behind, literally.

    Clementine is Mike confirmed!

  • Then we know that Javier and Kate are fucked!

    The awkward moment when Javier and David have been in the same girl.

    Rishfee posted: »

    Then we know that Javier and Kate are fucked!

  • I don't think so.Wouldn't be worth it for just a minute.

    Then we know that Javier and Kate are fucked! The awkward moment when Javier and David have been in the same girl.

  • Had to make a gif set about this. Clem's gotta have her apples :p

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Clementine still loves apples! (sorry for the russian captions, can't find a screenshot with english ones)

  • If only Gabe didn't open the god damn pudding, we wouldn't be in this mess with the New Frontier

  • edited December 2016

    Mariana didn't eat any pudding?
    Because they will probably do nothing to Javi if they discovered he didn't eat pudding?
    Do you think the pudding is the cause of the whole situation?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If only Gabe didn't open the god damn pudding, we wouldn't be in this mess with the New Frontier

  • edited December 2016

    Hope this isn't a repeat! The decision to accept Conrad's deal can cause Clem to react in different ways. In most playthroughs I've seen, Clem says, "But you said..." and looks genuinely confused and upset.

    enter image description here

    But in one playthrough I saw, Clem cusses you out lol. I think it depends on whether or not you chose to cover for Clem when she shot Eli. Here's a video.

    enter image description here

    ETA: Correction, Clem's response changes depending on Javi's response to Conrad's plan to trade Clem for medical help for Kate.

  • Mkay sir, I've located an "Ruined Good Things Anonymous" group just a few streets down from you. Sending the coordinates now.
    enter image description here

    Mariana didn't eat any pudding? Because they will probably do nothing to Javi if they discovered he didn't eat pudding? Do you think the pudding is the cause of the whole situation?

  • Oh snap, I thought only the "Fucking traitor" one happens. She looks so hurt in the first one! Noo!

    And so if you throw her under the bus both times she calls you a fucking traitor. Interesting!

    Hope this isn't a repeat! The decision to accept Conrad's deal can cause Clem to react in different ways. In most playthroughs I've seen, Cl

  • edited December 2016

    Is that her wedding ring? Wouldn't she have it on the left hand?

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    During Javi's flashbacks, we can see that Kate doesnt usually wear her wedding ring, but David does. In the present Kate wears her wedding ring but David doesnt.

  • edited December 2016

    I think what Javi can say to Kate about David in the beginning is going to be VERY important
    enter image description here

    "He'd try and make you see that way too"
    What a coincidence he is the leader of the bad guys... That brand his own people and it seems that if you leave them, they hunt you (Or so it seems because Clem hides from them and tries to kill a NF every time she sees one, hell she even wanted to get out of the place because the NF was there)

  • She took it off, 'cause she was doing dishes.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    During Javi's flashbacks, we can see that Kate doesnt usually wear her wedding ring, but David does. In the present Kate wears her wedding ring but David doesnt.

  • edited December 2016

    Agghh, I fucking hate that car right now.

    But at the end of E1 when they throw the grenade at you, you can choose to grab it and throw it, or let the timer run out so Clementine grab it and throws it. But I didnt know that you can actually click on Clementine to make Javier tackle her to protect her.

    I'm the one who said this before you.

    When clementine is going through your backpack and you stay quiet ( ... ) when she grabs the candy bar, she won't put it back. She takes it

  • I think it's the former, but let's go with the latter.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wonder if Telltale was just lazy and reused the model, or it was suppose to be like because Kenny knows how to fix cars and trucks that they found it.

  • edited December 2016

    She took it off and kept it off for 4 years? That kitchen scene happens before all of them got split up or even left the house, so she would have most likely put it back on right after the argument.

    Celestia posted: »

    She took it off, 'cause she was doing dishes.

  • Building on from @AronDracula's post. David is voiced by Alex Hernandez. Who voiced Lincoln Clay, the main protagonist and crime boss of the game, Mafia 3.

    What a coincidence that David is also the leader of the New Frontier. :D

  • Also, Max and Rufus were played by the same VA. Sean Lynch is very talented.

    Building on from @AronDracula's post. David is voiced by Alex Hernandez. Who voiced Lincoln Clay, the main protagonist and crime boss of the game, Mafia 3. What a coincidence that David is also the leader of the New Frontier.

  • Ok? Congrats.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Agghh, I fucking hate that car right now. But at the end of E1 when they throw the grenade at you, you can choose to grab it and throw

  • Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed they were voiced by the same person.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Also, Max and Rufus were played by the same VA. Sean Lynch is very talented.

  • Yep, my words exactly

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed they were voiced by the same person.

  • She called me "Fucking traitor.". I chose to cover for her and stayed with her in Episode 1.

    Hope this isn't a repeat! The decision to accept Conrad's deal can cause Clem to react in different ways. In most playthroughs I've seen, Cl

  • And Javi has the option of being a complete dipshit and hurt Clem's feelings even more after that!

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Good luck redeeming yourself on that one boy, I don't even think a crate of apples will do it.

    Hope this isn't a repeat! The decision to accept Conrad's deal can cause Clem to react in different ways. In most playthroughs I've seen, Cl

  • Wow... I feel so bad for her... Shit, that hurt me.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And Javi has the option of being a complete dipshit and hurt Clem's feelings even more after that! Good luck redeeming yourself on that one boy, I don't even think a crate of apples will do it.

  • He didn't help my Lee protect Clementine in any way of note. He even refused to save her from her abductor.

    Yellowsno posted: »

    Kenny did get the car started and helped Lee protect Clementine throughout Season 1. I would say her commentary on him is reasonable.

  • Who would've thought!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Also, Max and Rufus were played by the same VA. Sean Lynch is very talented.

  • I think it's when you agree with Conrad's plan. She first say "Screw both of you. I'm not doing this". Then when you agree with Conrad she says this.

    She called me "Fucking traitor.". I chose to cover for her and stayed with her in Episode 1.

  • With the number of times where we see that "Clementine will remember that", her come back will be absolutely glorious. Be prepared Javi, she is more able than what you may think. ;)
    Can't wait to see this.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And Javi has the option of being a complete dipshit and hurt Clem's feelings even more after that! Good luck redeeming yourself on that one boy, I don't even think a crate of apples will do it.

  • Yeah, you're right.

    I think it's when you agree with Conrad's plan. She first say "Screw both of you. I'm not doing this". Then when you agree with Conrad she says this.

  • Implying 'x will remember that' often leads to us seeing any actual results from that, most we can hope for is one different line :P

    With the number of times where we see that "Clementine will remember that", her come back will be absolutely glorious. Be prepared Javi, she is more able than what you may think. Can't wait to see this.

  • The fact the guy specifically mentioned Clementine's reaction with Carver's death on reddit makes me believe we'll see some outcome of that choice. Will she bash Conrad's head with a salt lick? Will she be revengeful toward Javier and his family for using her as a bargaining chip? I really hope we some of that. I'm trying to stay hopeful that we'll see hints of our Clems, if he was lying then why even bother to make a story generator with 42 starting points. That doesn't make any sense.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Implying 'x will remember that' often leads to us seeing any actual results from that, most we can hope for is one different line :P

  • Because illusion of choice sells the game :p

    The fact the guy specifically mentioned Clementine's reaction with Carver's death on reddit makes me believe we'll see some outcome of that

  • edited December 2016

    In the gambling scene in the bar in episode 1 the cards Francine is holding are aces and eights also called the dead man's hand because those were the cards "Wild" Bill Hickok was holding when he was killed in Deadwood in 1876.

  • Rebecca was always... awkward. Her first impression was a cold-hearted bitch, then when you meet her again, she's talking about 'please let the baby be his', seeming to hit all those terrible stereotypes. The whole first episode she's being mean to Clem or shouting at everyone. Sure, she's nice in ep 2, and later you learn why she was acting out, but first impressions are the most important.

    Plus, they never did make it clear what happened between Carver and her (aside from the obvious part), or if the baby was even his.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I've seen quite a few people say that.

  • Yeah I think we know by now that most of our choices are pretty much inconsequential and will have pretty much the same outcome anyway. Still, I'm trying to stay optimistic and so far I like the interaction between the characters.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Because illusion of choice sells the game

  • Poor Clem.... Clementine is thinking like "I should have shot him when I had a chance"

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And Javi has the option of being a complete dipshit and hurt Clem's feelings even more after that! Good luck redeeming yourself on that one boy, I don't even think a crate of apples will do it.

  • Javi's parents had a reaaaaall twisted taste in art o_o

  • If Clementine does remember this act of dickery, I hope it actually makes for a genuinely negative impact on their relationship that isn't resolved in just 10 minutes.

    It would feel a little cheap if Clementine quickly forgives Javier for this.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And Javi has the option of being a complete dipshit and hurt Clem's feelings even more after that! Good luck redeeming yourself on that one boy, I don't even think a crate of apples will do it.

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