Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Capricorn Farm might just be the McCarrol Ranch, where AJ is said to be. We'll know in episode 5 I guess. I was always expecting the slaughterhouse to show up at one point.

    Let's establish that the building on the official A New Frontier poster—the one with the Capricorn Farm symbol—is in fact this slaughterhouse. Oh my God. Capricorn Farm might've been scrapped. I don't need to hear this shit.

  • But your name is Sif, that's a norse goddess. Can't get whiter :D

    LordSIF posted: »

    I was thinking the same xDDDD i cant imagine myself with a white name lmao i guess AJ works tho

  • edited May 2017


    LordSIF posted: »

    I was thinking the same xDDDD i cant imagine myself with a white name lmao i guess AJ works tho

  • She was with them less than a month. 1 month after the Kenny flashback she lost AJ to them

    DabigRG posted: »

    They obviously didn't know that at the time--David even admits this. Plus, I was under the impression that Clementine had been with the New

  • Well, that escalated quickly. So when exactly did she meet Ava then?

    She was with them less than a month. 1 month after the Kenny flashback she lost AJ to them

  • Thats just a username...

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    But your name is Sif, that's a norse goddess. Can't get whiter

  • Eurgh this is so stupid lmao

    Its only a theory but it's an unique way to look at the first game. ()

  • Yeah right!

    LordSIF posted: »

    Thats just a username...

  • Maybe the episode 2 flashback was a couple days after since she was still on the road by herself and trying to hunt but that means they were driving to Florida. However Richmond was never their base at the time so maybe they had an area close to Florida for the scene with Ava to work. But then the other flashbacks mean that Clem would have walked a really long time compared to the Kenny ending

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, that escalated quickly. So when exactly did she meet Ava then?

  • Lee is an Asian name but you know

    DabigRG posted: »

    See my reply to fallandir. It's not like this doesn't happen all the time, but still you'd expect two black people to come up with less white-sounding names(again, friggin Kirsten or Dennis?).

  • True. Though, from my research, it may just be an Italian name that spread around due to popularity and thus became multicultural.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Lee is an Asian name but you know

  • Fuck... the feels.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

  • I'm from Italy and Lee is not an italian name.

    DabigRG posted: »

    True. Though, from my research, it may just be an Italian name that spread around due to popularity and thus became multicultural.

  • Eleanor mentions him likely being wasted after dark when Javi and Clem make it back in episode 4, probably wasn't much of a secret if a newbie knows this after being there only a few days.

    My guess is, TNF tolerate it as long as he's fit to work when called upon.

    bloop posted: »

    I think it was a secret, David does tell him to get a hold of himself before the others see. Still makes David a hypocrite though.

  • Really love that detail of Clem and Javii not being parents prior to the outbreak.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

  • Judging by the fact that it was still snowing, it´s unlikely that Kenny, Clem and AJ even got out of Virginia before they crashed.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Maybe the episode 2 flashback was a couple days after since she was still on the road by herself and trying to hunt but that means they were

  • Because he is the ONLY doctor.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Yes! This is one of the main reasons that i think the New Frontier are a terrible group and want fuck all to do with ANY of them. What ki

  • oh well, i guess your name is pretty white too!
    after all it is "-11"
    dash eleven!

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Yeah right!

  • **that lowkey sounds sick**
    LordSIF posted: »

    oh well, i guess your name is pretty white too! after all it is "-11" dash eleven!

  • Shutdown

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    I'm from Italy and Lee is not an italian name.

  • Oh, you're right: it's English. My bad.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    I'm from Italy and Lee is not an italian name.

  • Clem not being parent prior to the outbreak.

    Clem was eight though.

    I'm just messing around.
    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Really love that detail of Clem and Javii not being parents prior to the outbreak.

  • When they mentioned Lee starting with handcuffs then ending with handcuffs actually made perfect sense

    Eurgh this is so stupid lmao

  • This may be kind of obvious to some fans:

    At the end of Season 1, just as the screen turns black after you choose the final choice (shoot Lee or let him turn) you can hear a slight whimper or something similar to that. That is the actual voice actor of Lee Everett crying after seeing the ending. I've looked back at that part and looked at some other forums and this was true which I liked because it shows us that even the voice actors have emotions for this game. The Walking Dead Season 1 will always be my favourite Telltale game.

  • They look like fire butterflies.

    Like the "fire is hope" symbolism

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

  • I would love an Assassin's Creed game with zombies.

    ravve posted: »

    Sorry if this has been discovered before(which I could not find). Determinately, Clementine's left ring finger is almost if not exactly l

  • Dennis sounds pretty neutral though, I can imagine a Black/Asian/whatever person named Dennis. But yeah, Kirsten does sound... whiteish, Scandinavian-like, similar to Astrid or Gerda.

    DabigRG posted: »

    There are just some names you'd associate with one race before another. I know Alvin is already in that ball park, but friggin Kirsten or Dennis?

  • Hold on... I hear no whimper.

    And I got my volume turned up to the max.

    UltimateDT posted: »

    This may be kind of obvious to some fans: At the end of Season 1, just as the screen turns black after you choose the final choice (shoot

  • No matter how often I watch this, it fucks me up.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hold on... I hear no whimper. And I got my volume turned up to the max.

  • Was Eleanor even a newbie or really just a New Frontier spy in the beginning?

    Eleanor mentions him likely being wasted after dark when Javi and Clem make it back in episode 4, probably wasn't much of a secret if a newb

  • Typical overanalyzing, sorry.

    Its only a theory but it's an unique way to look at the first game. ()

  • She's new. She didn't know anything about Richmond or vice versa.

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Was Eleanor even a newbie or really just a New Frontier spy in the beginning?

  • It only happens in the ending where Clem shoots Lee.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hold on... I hear no whimper. And I got my volume turned up to the max.

  • Also a fun thing to point out, Clem stepping in for AJ's parents is a little similar to Javier stepping in to be a parent for David's kids after the ZA kicked off

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

  • Okay, for that one, yes I heard it. Thanks.

    Shaboomm posted: »

    It only happens in the ending where Clem shoots Lee.

  • So, like, Dying Light?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I would love an Assassin's Creed game with zombies.

  • x

    Also a fun thing to point out, Clem stepping in for AJ's parents is a little similar to Javier stepping in to be a parent for David's kids after the ZA kicked off

  • So @Deltino found some interesting things earlier today:

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here
    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Max scrapped death

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Javier beta model

    enter image description here

    Javier with trip textures looks like pewdiepie

    enter image description here

    Javier + David

    enter image description here

    Javier + Joan

    enter image description here

    Javier + Clementine

    enter image description here

    GetInMyVan + IHaveCandy

    enter image description here

  • Da fuck?!

    What's wrong with poor Max's eye?

    So @Deltino found some interesting things earlier today: Max scrapped death Javier beta model Javi

  • He was supposed to get stuck in the slaughterhouse and you could either mercy him or let him get eaten. I'm assuming the bullet went through his eye.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Da fuck?! What's wrong with poor Max's eye?

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