Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • edited March 2018

    As i said before i hoped John and Bruce team up against agency.
    In my opinion agency is worse than Joker and they need to be stopt.
    It is Agency that made Joker go crazy and Waller tried to even shoot John after he has done his services to them i guess same will happen with Avesta soon, she even said something odd is going on and she doesnt like it.
    Waller is going to force you to do their dirty jobs, if you refuse she will threat you by exposing your identity.
    I did everything i could for Catwoman and Tiffany so i hope they stay with me regardles of having John on my side.

  • Yea. I personally got the villain ending. But for the vigilante half of the episode they'll probably give you the choice to turn on him and bring him in or you both fight Waller and the agency.

    Bruno113 posted: »

    As i said before i hoped John and Bruce team up against agency. In my opinion agency is worse than Joker and they need to be stopt. It is


  • Hell yeah

    L-dog posted: »


  • edited March 2018

    John's worth the loss. You think Selina walking away is going to bother me? Lol. Choosing John as a friend over Selina as a partner is one of the reasons why I turned her over in episode three. Rather have John's company over Selina's any day. Tiffany? She already saw me being super friendly with John and taking selfies with him at her own dad's funeral. If that didn't drive her away nothing will.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Well, guess what? You have chosen a maniac who kills both federal agents and innocent people in his rampage (at the carnival and at the brid

  • edited March 2018

    Good thing I have a very large limit on what's considered too far.

    No point reasoning with these people I'll be quietly laughing when Vigilante Joker goes too far again. Then the forums will be full off people crying about John.

  • I need the trailer

  • Good thing I have a very large limit on what's considered too far.

    Pretty much same here.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    John's worth the loss. You think Selina walking away is going to bother me? Lol. Choosing John as a friend over Selina as a partner is one o


    Hell yeah

  • Blowing up the bridge was screwy, but no blame from me on the stabbing Waller thing. Didn't kill her despite the attempt to blow his head off, just held her hostage and wounded her to help him escape. He didn't slit her throat even after we took out the guy pointing a gun at him, so, I'm even a little proud. I mean, it's not like batarangs give paper cuts either.

  • I think John was the one who killed riddler because at the funeral John said he wanted to rip his eyeballs out. And was rude to him. Also when riddler died he says He then I

  • So close. Need trailers to keep me going towards the game.

  • edited March 2018

    EDIT: Two trailers Thursday. ?

    I'm really glad they waited until the Thursday before release to drop the trailers. If they'd dropped them sooner, I would've had a lot more trouble waiting. ?

    Vetominer posted: »

    So close. Need trailers to keep me going towards the game.

  • Today's Tuesday tho

    EDIT: Two trailers Thursday. ? I'm really glad they waited until the Thursday before release to drop the trailers. If they'd dropped them sooner, I would've had a lot more trouble waiting. ?

  • I’m so excited tho! I wana play until I get every variation.

  • Our moustache savior will save us from the joker with his mouestachebamaragan

    L-dog posted: »



    Our moustache savior will save us from the joker with his mouestachebamaragan

  • You're right. Why did I think it was Wednesday? ? My bad.

    Today's Tuesday tho

  • I wish it was Wednesday. That way the trailer would be tomorrow.

    You're right. Why did I think it was Wednesday? ? My bad.


    L-dog posted: »


  • You're a monster.

    No point reasoning with these people I'll be quietly laughing when Vigilante Joker goes too far again. Then the forums will be full off people crying about John.

  • I wish it was Thursday so that we would get the trailers. Hell........I wish it was Tuesday of next week so that we would get the actual episode lol

    Vetominer posted: »

    I wish it was Wednesday. That way the trailer would be tomorrow.

  • edited March 2018

    Telltale retweeted a tweet linking to an article with Kent Mudle, Season Lead Director giving some new information on episode 5 such as that "each Joker gets his own unique climactic action sequence" and other information on the series overall.

  • That article only made me more excited.

    Telltale retweeted a tweet linking to an article with Kent Mudle, Season Lead Director giving some new information on episode 5 such as that "each Joker gets his own unique climactic action sequence" and other information on the series overall.

  • "Kent also says there are a few other moments for us to get excited for, “There’s a particular “dinner” scene in one of the branches of episode five that I anticipate being a big fan favorite. It’s an absolute pressure cooker of all your favorite faces, and I can’t wait to see players squirm and laugh and scream all at the same time."

    This episode is going to be so exciting.

    Telltale retweeted a tweet linking to an article with Kent Mudle, Season Lead Director giving some new information on episode 5 such as that "each Joker gets his own unique climactic action sequence" and other information on the series overall.

  • Thanks for finding this!

    Interesting note:

    "I’ll give a special shout-out to the action scenes (created in tandem with our friends at LBP Stunts Chicago), which have been fantastic all season but are at their most intense and exciting in Same Stitch."

    We'd better get stunt footage of those guys after the premiere, 'cause it's always some impressive and fascinating work they do.

    Telltale retweeted a tweet linking to an article with Kent Mudle, Season Lead Director giving some new information on episode 5 such as that "each Joker gets his own unique climactic action sequence" and other information on the series overall.

  • Calling it now... it will be a Batfamily dinner with Alfred, Batgirl, Catwoman, and vigilante Joker.

    "Kent also says there are a few other moments for us to get excited for, “There’s a particular “dinner” scene in one of the branches of epis

  • edited March 2018

    Telltale have also posted two more blog posts in the news section describing Villain Joker and Vigilante Joker.

  • That’s so cool!

    Telltale have also posted two more blog posts in the news section describing Villain Joker and Vigilante Joker.

  • I hope, this is going to be hilarious.

    Calling it now... it will be a Batfamily dinner with Alfred, Batgirl, Catwoman, and vigilante Joker.

  • That's exciting. The waiting becomes harder and harder, lol. And spoilers are harder and harder to avoid, guess soon it will be the time to avoid these forums, haha.

    Telltale have also posted two more blog posts in the news section describing Villain Joker and Vigilante Joker.

  • edited March 2018

    This is going to be the most awkward dinner of all times.
    But I want Gordon to be present too.

    I hope, this is going to be hilarious.

  • I can just imagine it.
    "Would you pass the potatoes, John?" Classic.

    Calling it now... it will be a Batfamily dinner with Alfred, Batgirl, Catwoman, and vigilante Joker.

  • So. Does anyone think we’re gonna get that save him or let him die choice with John?

  • Im dying on the inside

  • I thinking it will be send John to Arkham asylum or black gate prison choice

  • edited March 2018

    His enthusiastic pronouncements about justice are his misguided interpretation of how a hero should talk.

    I. Am. THE SILVER SHROUD. Fear my wrath, evil doers!
    Oh, it's going to be funny. With plastic jokerangs and stuff.

  • "Death has come for you, evil doer!"

    Tiefling posted: »

    His enthusiastic pronouncements about justice are his misguided interpretation of how a hero should talk. I. Am. THE SILVER SHROUD. Fear my wrath, evil doers! Oh, it's going to be funny. With plastic jokerangs and stuff.

  • Sooo, siding with a maniac, huh? Your batman seems to lack principles. At the funeral she did not know he was a member of the Pact, know that she knows I doubt she will stick around. But again as was said before, see ya when John goes too far.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    John's worth the loss. You think Selina walking away is going to bother me? Lol. Choosing John as a friend over Selina as a partner is one o

  • Yeah and where did your principles get you? You created one of the most dangerous criminals Gotham will ever see. Nice one, bats.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Sooo, siding with a maniac, huh? Your batman seems to lack principles. At the funeral she did not know he was a member of the Pact, know that she knows I doubt she will stick around. But again as was said before, see ya when John goes too far.

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