Also,there's been pictures of the main menu screen circulating, and the TLOU Subreddit is allowing them to be posted? Seems counter-intuitive to how anti-spoilers and no-unofficially-revealed-details they've been the past few months.
Also, allegedly, most spoilers that weren't in the leaked video are not true. Just to reassure those who read/were told something about Part 2.
I knew it! Someone's muddying the waters.
Honestly, this kind of wins back my hype for the game but I still don't agree with the way Naughty Dog handled the copyright strike. I hope that what @Dex-Starr spoiled in Whatever thread is completely fake because it's too fucking ridiculous for Naughty Dog to add in the story.
Further proof that high replayability is confirmed with someone discovering lots of new things the second time through.
https://twitter.c… moreom/ChildAlfie/status/1265647872755863552
Aaaand even further proof of fake leaks.
(Seems their tweet got deleted. They claimed that the leaks from 4chan and reddit were either fake or taken way out of context.)
Ok. There. Now I'm done posting so much about this thing today.
See y'all in 4 hours for the State of Play.
The game looks gorgeous. Animation quality is really good.
Sound quality is amazing, too.
On those points: Holy Shit! I'm going to be so unsettled while playing this game. The spurts of blood when stabbing someone in the neck. The scissor-wrapped 2x4 impact. The sounds of death. The sounds of a DOG'S DEATH.The sounds of the DOG'S OWNER'S GRIEF. WTF!
Ellie can swim now, so that's cool. Though about the swimming: does anyone else feel the camera change between above water and below water to be a bit jarring? It's not a smooth pan shot, it felt more like a camera change between two locations in this demo.
Names. Isaac: probably the leader of the WLF? Nora: someone who wronged Ellie maybe? Or she's high up in the WLF at least?
We'll be going across snow-capped areas, lush forests, and much of the action will take place in overgrown Seattle, apparently.
We know Stalkers will play a bigger part and will be a bigger threat to someone of Ellie's stature (that's good, since they only appeared in two areas of Part 1. And we know there's a new infected enemy: The Shambler. An explosive pus-filled zombie.
BUT. We know there is at least one more new infected type. Luckily (or unfortunately for the feint of heart) Naughty Dog is keeping that one close to its chest.
The new gameplay showcase was very impressive. Ok, let's talk about some certain things.
Nora is one of Ellie's targets. Something tells me she used to be a part of the Jackson community and left a few years before Ellie went on a revenge quest or she is one of those people who tortured Ellie and either stole or took someone from her.
It looks like Ellie can't go deeper underwater. Maybe it's because she is still practicing her swimming skills or is the camera kinda out of place?
We get more sequences where infected and human enemies can confront each other. That was easily one of the best parts of Left Behind DLC.
They added licensed music. I don't think that's a good idea because Youtube's garbage copyright strike is going to mess up everyone's playthroughs.
Honestly, I think the best thing about the game is going to be the gameplay itself. It looks pretty smooth and pacing will probably be even better than the first game. But I'm still worried how the story is going to play out. I'm pretty sure many people will have different thoughts on the plot.
@AronDracula They added licensed music. I don't think that's a good idea because Youtube's garbage copyright strike is going to mess up everyone's playthroughs.
I think that they might add an option in settings where it turns the licensed music into some not-licensed music. (Like TTG did with GOTG and other games)
@AChicken Ellie can swim now, so that's cool. Though about the swimming: does anyone else feel the camera change between above water and below water to be a bit jarring? It's not a smooth pan shot, it felt more like a camera change between two locations in this demo.
I noticed that it's not too annoying. But, it triggered my perfectionistic brain cells. lmao
@AronDracula Did they really add licensed music that was popularized by GTA San Andreas first?
Ehhh, Ice Cube was definitely popular before SA came out. It did very little to his career, but it's cool that people think of a good game when they hear that song. Some people at least.
The new gameplay showcase was very impressive. Ok, let's talk about some certain things.
* Nora is one of Ellie's targets. Something te… morells me she used to be a part of the Jackson community and left a few years before Ellie went on a revenge quest or she is one of those people who tortured Ellie and either stole or took someone from her.
* It looks like Ellie can't go deeper underwater. Maybe it's because she is still practicing her swimming skills or is the camera kinda out of place?
* We get more sequences where infected and human enemies can confront each other. That was easily one of the best parts of Left Behind DLC.
* They added licensed music. I don't think that's a good idea because Youtube's garbage copyright strike is going to mess up everyone's playthroughs.
Honestly, I think the best thing about the game is going to be the gameplay itself. It looks pretty smooth and pacing will probably be even better than the first gam… [view original content]
Would've figured that the built in battery would stop taking a charge by 2020 and probably have a cracked screen by the way it's currently being cared for. Also, wouldn't this thing be a priceless artifact by now? It should be in some apocalypse museum, not in the hands of a dumb bitch that lost a shanking contest.
Did they just feature an NPC holding a PS Vita?! Yes! They didn't forget about it! (Though maybe that's Playstation killing it off for good lol)
(Good to know these things can survive a 25-year Post Apocalypse)
Man, it's kinda immersion breaking seeing Joel kill 20-30 trained and equipped Fireflies in their own camp, or Ellie similiarly killing 10-20 WLF members in the video. And these are just small parts of the game, these guys are murder-machines lol. One thing I don't like about TLOU is how unrealistic it feels at times, especially because of all the emphasis on realism and creating a grounded world. Feels so game-y. Of course it is still far more grounded than the vast majority of games out there. I get that ND has to offer an exciting and engaging gameplay loop, but still. It would be better if she had more people fighting alongside her, and instead of taking on dozens of weak NPCs, there's just a few challenging members that you need to be smart about to defeat.
I gotta say, this game will probably share the same fate with Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain. TLOU2 will have one of the most satisfying gameplays in recent gaming era but the story is going to be the one that divides the whole fanbase.
I had a hell of a fun playing MGS5 but it's no secret that I never liked the story at all. It was confusing and couldn't care for any characters, apart from my sidekicks.
Idk. Stealth killing a group isn't really outside the realm of possibilities. Besides, Joel and Ellie aren't killing machines at all in the aptly named Grounded Mode. A few hits are enough to put them down even with maximum health. And with the limited bullets and supplies in this difficulty, you can't just go in guns blazing. You actually have to be smart in your approach.
Man, it's kinda immersion breaking seeing Joel kill 20-30 trained and equipped Fireflies in their own camp, or Ellie similiarly killing 10-2… more0 WLF members in the video. And these are just small parts of the game, these guys are murder-machines lol. One thing I don't like about TLOU is how unrealistic it feels at times, especially because of all the emphasis on realism and creating a grounded world. Feels so game-y. Of course it is still far more grounded than the vast majority of games out there. I get that ND has to offer an exciting and engaging gameplay loop, but still. It would be better if she had more people fighting alongside her, and instead of taking on dozens of weak NPCs, there's just a few challenging members that you need to be smart about to defeat.
Think that's my take on this too. TLoU 1 finished it's story on a really good strong point, but besides that it wasn't the "amazing!?!?" game people made out it was for me. Remember seeing one guy on youtube play a chunk of it one handed out of bordem 😂
Either way, the first was pretty good and this seems decent too. I kinda hope we see a move in the story to after the monsters are mostly gone and they're trying to restart living again. It's something rarely touched on in stories.
I gotta say, this game will probably share the same fate with Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain. TLOU2 will have one of the most satisfyin… moreg gameplays in recent gaming era but the story is going to be the one that divides the whole fanbase.
I had a hell of a fun playing MGS5 but it's no secret that I never liked the story at all. It was confusing and couldn't care for any characters, apart from my sidekicks.
Between last year and now, ND has still been upgrading things in their game. Here's a comparison pic of a Outbreak Day 2019 (September) vs yesterday's State of Play 2020 (May)
Well, ever since yesterday, the Special Edition and Collector's Edition of Part II have appeared alongside the Base game on Amazon's Top 5 PS4 Bestseller list, all surpassing Ghost of Tsushima.
It's interesting how hype works.
(I'm not hating on Tsushima, It's just that since the leaks, I've been hearing a lot of "Tsushima would be the bigger seller this summer compared to TLOU".)
I've personally had zero interest in it since I heard about (not a fan of pointlessly big worlds), but I've not seen/heard much hype even with all the trailers etc.
I'm not buying it at launch (since I'll have just bought TLOU a month earlier. I usually space out my must-buy-day-one games), but I'll definitely pick it up later if there's a nice sale on it.
Sucker Punch's motive to make the game as HUD-less as possible looks really appealing, especially with how they seem to have incorporated tons of in-game guiding markers. Whisps of wind guide you to marked points. Foxes lead you to upgrade stations. Birds do similar things, too.
There's also a cool dual combat system where you can raid enemy camps intent on sword-to-sword samurai combat or go in stealthy and Batman-like.
Not to mention how gorgeous the game looks. My god, those shots of flowery fields or wilting trees is awesome. I'm half worried of this running smoothly enough on a Base PS4.
Out of interest, who's actually buying Tusuhima?
I've personally had zero interest in it since I heard about (not a fan of pointlessly big worlds), but I've not seen/heard much hype even with all the trailers etc.
Idk. Stealth killing a group isn't really outside the realm of possibilities. Besides, Joel and Ellie aren't killing machines at all in the … moreaptly named Grounded Mode. A few hits are enough to put them down even with maximum health. And with the limited bullets and supplies in this difficulty, you can't just go in guns blazing. You actually have to be smart in your approach.
The HUD-less idea sounds good and from what I've seen it does indeed look pretty. I'm just not a fan of big open worlds. Rather have something more linear and story focused personally. I think Sony's internal studios tend to focus on the base PS4 first, so it should run fine.
Open world games are a cool idea, but put in motion I find you spend most of the game holding a direction to get from A to B for ages to trigger an action or collecting pointless meh stuff. When I do play them, I tend to just ignore it all and go for the objectives.
We get more sequences where infected and human enemies can confront each other. That was easily one of the best parts of Left Behind DLC.
Considering the story in this game revolves around a war between two factions in Seattle, I'm sure there'll also be moments of Human NPC vs. Human NPC combat.
Heck, maybe there'll even be a three-way fight with both factions vs. the Infected, and if any members of the factions remain after the fight, they start fighting each other again!
Damn it, I really hope that happens now.
Also, that new Details video is awesome.
They can make veins pop on character models, control their eye redness, control the way tears flow... they've really built lots of cool new features to help their characters better emote.
NPCs needing to feel more "human" is interesting. We know that if someone sees their friend's dead body, they'll immediately yell out their name. Owners will grieve the death of their dogs, and vice-versa if the dog is left alive I wonder how big the NPC script is for this game, since I'm sure there's plenty of ways they'll be able to call out how they're searching for you and are aware of your presence. Not to mention what conversations NPCs might have before combat is initiated.
ND also sent people to research Seattle landmarks and "walk Ellie's journey". That's not really new for this industry (ND has been doing it since Uncharted 3 with deserts, and plenty other companies travel elsewhere for game research -- Santa Monica, Ubisoft, KJProductions, etc.) But it's still nice to hear that the in-game Seattle will resemble the real thing. Though all overgrown and dilapidated.
The new gameplay showcase was very impressive. Ok, let's talk about some certain things.
* Nora is one of Ellie's targets. Something te… morells me she used to be a part of the Jackson community and left a few years before Ellie went on a revenge quest or she is one of those people who tortured Ellie and either stole or took someone from her.
* It looks like Ellie can't go deeper underwater. Maybe it's because she is still practicing her swimming skills or is the camera kinda out of place?
* We get more sequences where infected and human enemies can confront each other. That was easily one of the best parts of Left Behind DLC.
* They added licensed music. I don't think that's a good idea because Youtube's garbage copyright strike is going to mess up everyone's playthroughs.
Honestly, I think the best thing about the game is going to be the gameplay itself. It looks pretty smooth and pacing will probably be even better than the first gam… [view original content]
Friendly reminder that today was the first delay date -- May 29th 2020 -- and we would all have been playing the game by now had COVID not hit, slowing down things at ND and Sony.
So many films that were supposed to release in the past 2 months have shifted their dates drastically because of the virus, moving it to the Fall or even Early next year.
Unfortunately I feel that we're getting a second wave later this year, and they'll have to either delay again or go with a digital release.
(C'mon, Marvel! Gimme that Black Widow film!)
Honestly, from what I seen the gameplay of TLOU part 2 playing as Ellie from the E3 2018 gameplay and state of play gameplay of this year, I have feeling I'm gonna like to play as Ellie more than Joel, I liked playing as Ellie in the first game (especially 'left behind' story) but this time... Holy cow
Well actually it’s the second delay date. The game was originally scheduled for February, but was delayed until May, and then was delayed again to June because of Covid.
Friendly reminder that today was the first delay date -- May 29th 2020 -- and we would all have been playing the game by now had COVID not hit, slowing down things at ND and Sony.
Sony/ND must be reeeeally confident in this game if the review embargo is June 12th.
Also,there's been pictures of the main menu screen circulating, and the TLOU Subreddit is allowing them to be posted? Seems counter-intuitive to how anti-spoilers and no-unofficially-revealed-details they've been the past few months.
Also, allegedly, most spoilers that weren't in the leaked video are not true. Just to reassure those who read/were told something about Part 2.
I knew it! Someone's muddying the waters.
This is interesting, I guess we'll have to see if these allegations are true when the game comes out.
My God, Sony is ramping up the promotion of this game like crazy.
It's just been announced that there's going to be a Podcast all about recapping TLOU and giving insight into behind-the-scenes for both games. First episode is out June 9th.
Also, this is the current size of the game reviewers have been getting: 78GB

Further proof that high replayability is confirmed with someone discovering lots of new things the second time through.
Aaaand even further proof of fake leaks.
(Seems their tweet got deleted. They claimed that the leaks from 4chan and reddit were either fake or taken way out of context.)
Ok. There. Now I'm done posting so much about this thing today.
See y'all in 4 hours for the State of Play.
Honestly, this kind of wins back my hype for the game but I still don't agree with the way Naughty Dog handled the copyright strike. I hope that what @Dex-Starr spoiled in Whatever thread is completely fake because it's too fucking ridiculous for Naughty Dog to add in the story.
Here we go. Deep dive time.
It started.
She learned how to swim. NO MORE WOODEN PALLETS!!!
Did they just feature an NPC holding a PS Vita?! Yes! They didn't forget about it! (Though maybe that's Playstation killing it off for good lol)
(Good to know these things can survive a 25-year Post Apocalypse)
Did they really add a licensed music which was popularized by GTA San Andreas first?
... Ice Cube was popular before San Andreas. GTA had no affect on his career or the song like... in anyway.
Still doesn't change the fact that I heard it from the game first. I can never not think of San Andreas while listening to that song.
So... Wow. I'm excited for this game, man!
BUT. We know there is at least one more new infected type. Luckily (or unfortunately for the feint of heart) Naughty Dog is keeping that one close to its chest.
I mean yeah but It Was a Good Day was 100% not "popularized first by GTA."
The new gameplay showcase was very impressive. Ok, let's talk about some certain things.
Honestly, I think the best thing about the game is going to be the gameplay itself. It looks pretty smooth and pacing will probably be even better than the first game. But I'm still worried how the story is going to play out. I'm pretty sure many people will have different thoughts on the plot.
I think that they might add an option in settings where it turns the licensed music into some not-licensed music. (Like TTG did with GOTG and other games)
I noticed that it's not too annoying. But, it triggered my perfectionistic brain cells. lmao
Ehhh, Ice Cube was definitely popular before SA came out. It did very little to his career, but it's cool that people think of a good game when they hear that song. Some people at least.
The hype is real lol
But the wooden pallets were the true hero of the first game. Without them, what’s even the fucking point?
Would've figured that the built in battery would stop taking a charge by 2020 and probably have a cracked screen by the way it's currently being cared for. Also, wouldn't this thing be a priceless artifact by now? It should be in some apocalypse museum, not in the hands of a dumb bitch that lost a shanking contest.
Man, it's kinda immersion breaking seeing Joel kill 20-30 trained and equipped Fireflies in their own camp, or Ellie similiarly killing 10-20 WLF members in the video. And these are just small parts of the game, these guys are murder-machines lol. One thing I don't like about TLOU is how unrealistic it feels at times, especially because of all the emphasis on realism and creating a grounded world. Feels so game-y. Of course it is still far more grounded than the vast majority of games out there. I get that ND has to offer an exciting and engaging gameplay loop, but still. It would be better if she had more people fighting alongside her, and instead of taking on dozens of weak NPCs, there's just a few challenging members that you need to be smart about to defeat.
I gotta say, this game will probably share the same fate with Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain. TLOU2 will have one of the most satisfying gameplays in recent gaming era but the story is going to be the one that divides the whole fanbase.
I had a hell of a fun playing MGS5 but it's no secret that I never liked the story at all. It was confusing and couldn't care for any characters, apart from my sidekicks.
Idk. Stealth killing a group isn't really outside the realm of possibilities. Besides, Joel and Ellie aren't killing machines at all in the aptly named Grounded Mode. A few hits are enough to put them down even with maximum health. And with the limited bullets and supplies in this difficulty, you can't just go in guns blazing. You actually have to be smart in your approach.
Think that's my take on this too. TLoU 1 finished it's story on a really good strong point, but besides that it wasn't the "amazing!?!?" game people made out it was for me. Remember seeing one guy on youtube play a chunk of it one handed out of bordem 😂
Either way, the first was pretty good and this seems decent too. I kinda hope we see a move in the story to after the monsters are mostly gone and they're trying to restart living again. It's something rarely touched on in stories.
Inside the Details is out
One more featurette to go
Between last year and now, ND has still been upgrading things in their game. Here's a comparison pic of a Outbreak Day 2019 (September) vs yesterday's State of Play 2020 (May)
Huh, so this confirms those creatures will eventually die out I guess as there's one just lying their dead with no bullet holes etc.
Well, ever since yesterday, the Special Edition and Collector's Edition of Part II have appeared alongside the Base game on Amazon's Top 5 PS4 Bestseller list, all surpassing Ghost of Tsushima.
It's interesting how hype works.
(I'm not hating on Tsushima, It's just that since the leaks, I've been hearing a lot of "Tsushima would be the bigger seller this summer compared to TLOU".)
Out of interest, who's actually buying Tusuhima?
I've personally had zero interest in it since I heard about (not a fan of pointlessly big worlds), but I've not seen/heard much hype even with all the trailers etc.
I'm not buying it at launch (since I'll have just bought TLOU a month earlier. I usually space out my must-buy-day-one games), but I'll definitely pick it up later if there's a nice sale on it.
Sucker Punch's motive to make the game as HUD-less as possible looks really appealing, especially with how they seem to have incorporated tons of in-game guiding markers. Whisps of wind guide you to marked points. Foxes lead you to upgrade stations. Birds do similar things, too.
There's also a cool dual combat system where you can raid enemy camps intent on sword-to-sword samurai combat or go in stealthy and Batman-like.
Not to mention how gorgeous the game looks. My god, those shots of flowery fields or wilting trees is awesome. I'm half worried of this running smoothly enough on a Base PS4.
The HUD-less idea sounds good and from what I've seen it does indeed look pretty. I'm just not a fan of big open worlds. Rather have something more linear and story focused personally. I think Sony's internal studios tend to focus on the base PS4 first, so it should run fine.
Open world games are a cool idea, but put in motion I find you spend most of the game holding a direction to get from A to B for ages to trigger an action or collecting pointless meh stuff. When I do play them, I tend to just ignore it all and go for the objectives.
Considering the story in this game revolves around a war between two factions in Seattle, I'm sure there'll also be moments of Human NPC vs. Human NPC combat.
Heck, maybe there'll even be a three-way fight with both factions vs. the Infected, and if any members of the factions remain after the fight, they start fighting each other again!
Damn it, I really hope that happens now.
Also, that new Details video is awesome.
Friendly reminder that today was the first delay date -- May 29th 2020 -- and we would all have been playing the game by now had COVID not hit, slowing down things at ND and Sony.
Frankly, I'm just grateful that they've only delayed the game by 3 weeks, given the circumstances.
I seriously agree with that.
So many films that were supposed to release in the past 2 months have shifted their dates drastically because of the virus, moving it to the Fall or even Early next year.
Unfortunately I feel that we're getting a second wave later this year, and they'll have to either delay again or go with a digital release.
(C'mon, Marvel! Gimme that Black Widow film!)
Honestly, from what I seen the gameplay of TLOU part 2 playing as Ellie from the E3 2018 gameplay and state of play gameplay of this year, I have feeling I'm gonna like to play as Ellie more than Joel, I liked playing as Ellie in the first game (especially 'left behind' story) but this time... Holy cow
Why am I having nightmares of this game while sleeping?
Well actually it’s the second delay date. The game was originally scheduled for February, but was delayed until May, and then was delayed again to June because of Covid.