Trailer PSBlog Post
The pace is only going to pick up from here, so keep an eye out for more exciting news as we count the weeks, days… more, and hours until The Last of Us Part II launches. Lastly, since many of you have asked, we’re happy to say pre-orders are back up, including digital versions of The Last of Us Part II on PlayStation Store and physical copies at participating retailers around the world. Physical copies will also be available to purchase at launch, but may vary by region and retailer. Check with your local stores to find out more.
Alright! So physical copies should be up and running for mid June! Finally!
Also, the promo images released at the start of April (and then taken down) are back now, along with a few new pictures. (not spoilers just big pics)
Full Promo Gallery
Beyond frustrating. Since when did people start treating the cesspool of shit that is 4chan as a beacon of truth? Only believe what you see in the gameplay.
Abby's not a trans and i don't know why so many people actually believe that you can't be a trans in the apocalypse it wouldn't be possible.
her model is based on a female body builder i thought that was obvious but i guess not.
Yeah I'm very interested in the execution of all this but I thought it was always about making the most money and getting the most fans, and this isn't going to work. I mean on reddit there are people saying Joel should've died a heroic death and shit but that is stupid and what we're getting here is essentially him dying for Ellie anyway, since it's a continuation of his first choice. I'm not trying to say "people who won't like this are just dumb and probably don't understand the world of TLOU", no not at all, as it's a very real concern for ND here. If people don't enjoy playing as Abby (bearing in mind I doubt that's what they're going for, you're meant to be miserable and "questioning everything") and if the leaks are right and you play as Abby for a significant amount of time then there'll be a lot of players who just can't be bothered to continue. Anyway I still believe in ND's execution, they managed to make Joel a very complicated and morally grey character and I hope they don't make Abby an angel (wasn't there a level titled "saving kids"?). Sure, the characters aren't black and white but that won't matter when players are going to be forced to play as Abby and play darts and save kids and work out and have sex etc. It could all just fall flat and not feel good. Also they should've made the scene where you shoot the doctor in Part 1 a cutscene because I shot his foot and he straight up died lmao
Just gotta say, that trailer is really misleading to what the actual plot is and if anything it feels like they doubled down on trying to ac… moret like the plot is something else even after the leaks and many people knowing this trailer is very misleading.
Gonna post real and heavy spoilers in the spoiler tag below here, so do not open it if you are avoiding them as I will say a hardcore spoiler
All that said, the overreaction to this is really stupid. Overall this game is probably going to be really good, but it is 100% going to suffer from having a plot that isn't that great. However this is leagues better over something like ANF even if it is pretty similar. The biggest problem with Last Of Us 2 is what I said in the spoilers, it actually is going to expect the player to be invested with this story, which was an issue with ANF as well. At least with TLOU2 even though the overall plot isnt that great, at least the characters s… [view original content]
Deku, you really need to stop assuming forum members have beef with you. Forias was annoyed at how people keep saying she's trans, he is on your side, he's agreeing with you.
Abby's not a trans and i don't know why so many people actually believe that you can't be a trans in the apocalypse it wouldn't be possible.… more
You do realize I put "Making her trans SUPPOSEDLY."
her model is based on a female bodybuilder I thought that was obvious but I guess not.
That is not what I meant at all, there are also other reasons people think that.
Plus, the trans thing being true or false wasn't part of my point. I was talking about the homophobes on the subreddit and on the YT comments for the leaks.
@Ghetsis I technically made a mistake by clicking that, but I'm kinda whatever on what very little I saw.
Not sure I'm equipped to really talk, though.
Following up on this sentiment, not only is Abby not trans as Ellie is also not getting killed by her. This "leak" is 100% unconfirmed as there's 0 footage to back it up (and you'd think Ellie's death would be the first thing that'd have leaked). Other "leakers" have also claimed the game ends shortly after Ellie leaves Dina at the farm and that the game ends as a sequel hook (but even this should be taken with a grain of salt).
We really shouldn't be giving any attention to 4chan users who make up quote lists of what they think the game will be, but this leak appears to have snowballed its way into existence.
4chan is, as always, looking for excuses/making up stuff to hate LGBT people and blame them for "ruining their games". The agendas they claim are being pushed into games exist more in their heads than they do in the real world.
Beyond frustrating. Since when did people start treating the cesspool of shit that is 4chan as a beacon of truth? Only believe what you see in the gameplay.
@Ghetsis I technically made a mistake by clicking that, but I'm kinda whatever on what very little I saw.
Not sure I'm equipped to really talk, though.
You know what makes this recent trailer even scarier?
There were no infected present in there. No runners, no clickers, no bloaters and no stalkers. It gives me the feeling that most of the enemy variety is going to be humans and there aren't going to be any new types of infected or the same number of infected sections as the human ones.
Deku, you really need to stop assuming forum members have beef with you. Forias was annoyed at how people keep saying she's trans, he is on your side, he's agreeing with you.
You know what makes this recent trailer even scarier?
There were no infected present in there. No runners, no clickers, no bloaters and n… moreo stalkers. It gives me the feeling that most of the enemy variety is going to be humans and there aren't going to be any new types of infected or the same number of infected sections as the human ones.
Well, it does make sense that there wouldn't be a whole lot of new types of Infected. In the first game, it's been explained it takes years for Clickers to turn into Bloaters, which is why the were pretty rare. Only 5 years passed since then. Aside from the new type of Infected that we've seen a while ago, I wouldn't many more. Still, I see why only a single exclusive type of infected can seem low for a game that people have been expecting for years.
As for the number of infected sections...I, personally, don't actually don't see the issue with it being as many as human sections. The issue with the Infected is that they don't have the agency we have, which makes fighting them not as interesting in my opinion. Especially in a game which has revenge has a theme. What I would have liked to see, however, is ND showing off the possibility to have humans and infected fight each other more often. That was an interesting strategy introduced in Left Behind that I would very much like to do.
Given the circumstances, I kind of understand your concerns about the game ("kind of", because I was lucky enough to avoid running into the leaks so far), but I wouldn't worry too much because of the absence of infected.
You know what makes this recent trailer even scarier?
There were no infected present in there. No runners, no clickers, no bloaters and n… moreo stalkers. It gives me the feeling that most of the enemy variety is going to be humans and there aren't going to be any new types of infected or the same number of infected sections as the human ones.
I'm starting to lose my respect for Naughty Dog. Ever since the leaks hit the internet, they done nothing but decrease the hype for The Last of Us Part 2 by filing a copyright strike on each youtube video that discuss TLOU2 leaks, even the ones that are spoiler free. I recently just watched this video and it really made me feel bad for this girl who did absolutely nothing wrong.
They also do a strike on the memes with those leaks. Then, they recently said they weren't involved with the copyright and I'm not buying it. ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
I feel like Naughty Dog is starting to becoming worse (although that depends on who is worse than Bethesda or EA right now) over this handling of memes or even copystriking ppl over just a photo. Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
It doesn't work out for any company. When you do that especially small YouTube channels. Who are just trying to get subscribers. Only just reporting on what needs to be reporting. Like no gameplay or anything just literally chatting about the leaks and game itself.
Like right now
Bethesda-We are the worst when it comes towards our fans
I'm starting to lose my respect for Naughty Dog. Ever since the leaks hit the internet, they done nothing but decrease the hype for The Last… more of Us Part 2 by filing a copyright strike on each youtube video that discuss TLOU2 leaks, even the ones that are spoiler free. I recently just watched this video and it really made me feel bad for this girl who did absolutely nothing wrong.
They also do a strike on the memes with those leaks. Then, they recently said they weren't involved with the copyright and I'm not buying it. ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
Definitely sucks for them, but if it's not officially released by ND or Sony, wouldn't the leaked images be considered... illegal in a way? We're talking about a commercial product that still isn't supposed to be in anyone's hands until mid-June, so...
That's my view on it. They're right in taking those things down. Though punishing people for doing so is wrong. Especially in the above case, since there was no malicious intent through spreading this, and even then, she didn't even show any leak. My heart is breaking watching that video.
ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
I feel like Naughty Dog is starting to becoming … moreworse (although that depends on who is worse than Bethesda or EA right now) over this handling of memes or even copystriking ppl over just a photo. Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
It doesn't work out for any company. When you do that especially small YouTube channels. Who are just trying to get subscribers. Only just reporting on what needs to be reporting. Like no gameplay or anything just literally chatting about the leaks and game itself.
Like right now
Bethesda-We are the worst when it comes towards our fans
Naughty Dog-Hold My Beer
wouldn't the leaked images be considered... illegal in a way? We're talking about a commercial product that still isn't supposed to be in anyone's hands until mid-June, so...
Well I was looking at a video on YouTube saying that about Sony and Naughty Dog copyright striking channels about that. If the images are from the leaks? The sure it is illegal. But,some of the small YouTube channels have only shown nothing related to the leaks other than just talking about it or even showing one frame from the trailer they just released. Yes they showed a simple image but it was unrelated to the leaks and only showing videos about the leaks. So it is kinda difficult to find out how this helps Naughty Dog other than ruining ppl's lives over discussions about the leaks.
So it depends like I said before that naughty dog's history hasn't been good from all the stories we have heard from ppl like harassments and crunching time.
Though punishing people for doing so is wrong. Especially in the above case, since there was no malicious intent through spreading this, and even then, she used footage from already released footage
Yea I mean that was probably right but others didn't do that at all.
Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
Definitely sucks f… moreor them, but if it's not officially released by ND or Sony, wouldn't the leaked images be considered... illegal in a way? We're talking about a commercial product that still isn't supposed to be in anyone's hands until mid-June, so...
That's my view on it. They're right in taking those things down. Though punishing people for doing so is wrong. Especially in the above case, since there was no malicious intent through spreading this, and even then, she didn't even show any leak. My heart is breaking watching that video.
That's alright.
It's just that the spoiler tag without text took us off guard. I got used to that formating being for a joke. Won't be making that mistake again, for a while.
While I can certainly understand the company being frustrated that their game, which they have been working on for years, was leaked to the public, the response by ND and Sony has been deplorable, and they have targeted a lot of people, some of which unfairly, for stuff that anyone, if they wanted, can easily just go and find online somewhere else. Go after the people responsible, don't go after people who are simply talking about it.
I'm starting to lose my respect for Naughty Dog. Ever since the leaks hit the internet, they done nothing but decrease the hype for The Last… more of Us Part 2 by filing a copyright strike on each youtube video that discuss TLOU2 leaks, even the ones that are spoiler free. I recently just watched this video and it really made me feel bad for this girl who did absolutely nothing wrong.
They also do a strike on the memes with those leaks. Then, they recently said they weren't involved with the copyright and I'm not buying it. ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
Their response has just been over and above what could be considered understandable. Take down stuff that hasn't been released, okay, but now they're going to the point where they are targeting a lot of people for just talking about it and even ruining some people's livelihoods.
Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
Definitely sucks f… moreor them, but if it's not officially released by ND or Sony, wouldn't the leaked images be considered... illegal in a way? We're talking about a commercial product that still isn't supposed to be in anyone's hands until mid-June, so...
That's my view on it. They're right in taking those things down. Though punishing people for doing so is wrong. Especially in the above case, since there was no malicious intent through spreading this, and even then, she didn't even show any leak. My heart is breaking watching that video.
Yeah... I take back my previous comment defending Sony/ND/whoever's lawyers are hunting people down.
With how widespread this leak blocking has been, they've definitely gone too far with taking down and punishing both the guilty parties spreading the details intentionally, and the innocent doing the opposite.
One guy simply talked about his opinions about TLOUII's leaks on a stream, and it was immediately shut down. Like... you think people can't click away from a video on their own?
Sony did similar DMCA takedown practices near the release of No Man's Sky. A couple stores in the UK broke the street date a few days early, and some people had copies on hand, streaming and posting videos about it. With the sub-par gameplay seen and mediocre reviews coming in at that time, Sony hired all their assassins to take down and punish a majority of the early footage.
Their response has just been over and above what could be considered understandable. Take down stuff that hasn't been released, okay, but no… morew they're going to the point where they are targeting a lot of people for just talking about it and even ruining some people's livelihoods.
Haven't seen a company response this bad since the Blizzard/Hong Kong fiasco, where a live streamer was banned for an entire year and his winnings revoked because he sided with the Hong Kong protestors in response to a proposed extradition bill. Seriously, does anyone remember the shitstorm that followed after that, and Blizzard's "apology."
Or how Blizzard's response in China was vastly different from its response in America, saying stuff like it would "defend the pride of our country," openly siding with the oppressive communist government of China and against freedom of speech and human rights.
Yeah... I take back my previous comment defending Sony/ND/whoever's lawyers are hunting people down.
With how widespread this leak blockin… moreg has been, they've definitely gone too far with taking down and punishing both the guilty parties spreading the details intentionally, and the innocent doing the opposite.
One guy simply talked about his opinions about TLOUII's leaks on a stream, and it was immediately shut down. Like... you think people can't click away from a video on their own?
Sony did similar DMCA takedown practices near the release of No Man's Sky. A couple stores in the UK broke the street date a few days early, and some people had copies on hand, streaming and posting videos about it. With the sub-par gameplay seen and mediocre reviews coming in at that time, Sony hired all their assassins to take down and punish a majority of the early footage.
Ironically I think reading the spoilers has kinda made me want to actually play the Last of Us 2 on launch day. I was never really planning on playing it until a few months after release when it was on sale or something as Im not really a big fan, but now I kinda want to play it as soon as I can just to see how it all plays out. Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story. I remembered hearing so much bad talk about LIS2 about how it wasnt as good as the first game which turned me off to it for a while and then when I played it I actually liked it a lot. Granted I didn't have most of LIS2's story spoiled for me like I do for TLOU2 so I do have a lot more of an idea on why TLOU2 isnt being received that well, but if anything I think it grabbed my curiosity about it now that I know how controversial its going to be.
Ironically I think reading the spoilers has kinda made me want to actually play the Last of Us 2 on launch day. I was never really planning … moreon playing it until a few months after release when it was on sale or something as Im not really a big fan, but now I kinda want to play it as soon as I can just to see how it all plays out. Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story. I remembered hearing so much bad talk about LIS2 about how it wasnt as good as the first game which turned me off to it for a while and then when I played it I actually liked it a lot. Granted I didn't have most of LIS2's story spoiled for me like I do for TLOU2 so I do have a lot more of an idea on why TLOU2 isnt being received that well, but if anything I think it grabbed my curiosity about it now that I know how controversial its going to be.
Yeah it's certainly going to be one hell of an experience, that's for sure. With all the uncomfortable violence. I can't wait. I hated LiS 2's execution but I thought the premise was very good. I have faith in Naughty Dog to deliver.
Ironically I think reading the spoilers has kinda made me want to actually play the Last of Us 2 on launch day. I was never really planning … moreon playing it until a few months after release when it was on sale or something as Im not really a big fan, but now I kinda want to play it as soon as I can just to see how it all plays out. Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story. I remembered hearing so much bad talk about LIS2 about how it wasnt as good as the first game which turned me off to it for a while and then when I played it I actually liked it a lot. Granted I didn't have most of LIS2's story spoiled for me like I do for TLOU2 so I do have a lot more of an idea on why TLOU2 isnt being received that well, but if anything I think it grabbed my curiosity about it now that I know how controversial its going to be.
Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story.
That's very true right there.
While I am disappointed that what was said in that one spoiler (allegedly) occurs, if the scene/lead up to it is executed well, I'm sure I'll be okay with it. Heck, I kind of expected it to happen, but maybe not in the way described.
In my view though, even if the story is disappointing or bad, if there's one thing Naughty Dog is definitely good at, it's making fun games. If the last 13 years are of any indication (or 11 years if you didn't like Uncharted 1), the gameplay and presentation are going to be tight and fun, and there's going to be some segments that you'll want to replay over and over again. The Winter section in Part 1 is my favourite. New snowy environments, Gameplay changes with Ellie, Having to go through a labyrinth of a town, a Stealthy boss fight with David. Really well executed chapter.
Ironically I think reading the spoilers has kinda made me want to actually play the Last of Us 2 on launch day. I was never really planning … moreon playing it until a few months after release when it was on sale or something as Im not really a big fan, but now I kinda want to play it as soon as I can just to see how it all plays out. Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story. I remembered hearing so much bad talk about LIS2 about how it wasnt as good as the first game which turned me off to it for a while and then when I played it I actually liked it a lot. Granted I didn't have most of LIS2's story spoiled for me like I do for TLOU2 so I do have a lot more of an idea on why TLOU2 isnt being received that well, but if anything I think it grabbed my curiosity about it now that I know how controversial its going to be.
Anybody else see that TLOU II on the PSN store already has 1k reviews? This game isn't out yet, yet it has 1k five-star reviews... These reviews are totally legit, right? NaughtyDog isn't making fake reviews at all, right? Right?
Naughty Dog has hit the bottom of the barrel, at this rate. First, they've got one of their own voice actors to admit the game is bad and that they need to have an open mind. And then, they've got their entire game leaked because they used an amazon database. And then they prove that they have the worst damage control by copy striking anyone who has one screenshot of their game, even if it was an officially released screenshot.
And, that's already bad by its self.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
These "reviews" are likely real people. Just a bunch of fans suuuper hyped for the game.
When you pre-order a game, it automatically appears as a title in your library. You can also rate titles 1-5 stars in your library with the click of a button.
Really, it doesn't matter. Who the heck cares about a meaningless rating system on a game that's not even out yet.
I've never used nor cared about the rating system on the PSN to judge purchases. Even if this is Naughty Dog... Why the hell does this matter?
Anybody else see that TLOU II on the PSN store already has 1k reviews? This game isn't out yet, yet it has 1k five-star reviews...
These re… moreviews are totally legit, right? NaughtyDog isn't making fake reviews at all, right? Right?
Naughty Dog has hit the bottom of the barrel, at this rate. First, they've got one of their own voice actors to admit the game is bad and that they need to have an open mind. And then, they've got their entire game leaked because they used an amazon database. And then they prove that they have the worst damage control by copy striking anyone who has one screenshot of their game, even if it was an officially released screenshot.
And, that's already bad by its self.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
Anybody else see that TLOU II on the PSN store already has 1k reviews? This game isn't out yet, yet it has 1k five-star reviews...
These re… moreviews are totally legit, right? NaughtyDog isn't making fake reviews at all, right? Right?
Naughty Dog has hit the bottom of the barrel, at this rate. First, they've got one of their own voice actors to admit the game is bad and that they need to have an open mind. And then, they've got their entire game leaked because they used an amazon database. And then they prove that they have the worst damage control by copy striking anyone who has one screenshot of their game, even if it was an officially released screenshot.
And, that's already bad by its self.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
It doesn't look like Naughty Dog or Sony know wtf they are doing right now. Like these fake reviews aren't going to help them out when waiting for the game to come out.
Like this is going to be a dumpster fire(I can definitely feel it cause why TF would they do fake reviews?)
Anybody else see that TLOU II on the PSN store already has 1k reviews? This game isn't out yet, yet it has 1k five-star reviews...
These re… moreviews are totally legit, right? NaughtyDog isn't making fake reviews at all, right? Right?
Naughty Dog has hit the bottom of the barrel, at this rate. First, they've got one of their own voice actors to admit the game is bad and that they need to have an open mind. And then, they've got their entire game leaked because they used an amazon database. And then they prove that they have the worst damage control by copy striking anyone who has one screenshot of their game, even if it was an officially released screenshot.
And, that's already bad by its self.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
Now hold on a minute. As someone else pointed out, it's definitely possible for anyone who spent money on a game to review it without even playing it. Of course, I'm not going to blindlt defend ND. It's not to say that the copyright strikes and strawmans against legit criticism makes me all that optimistic about the game.
All the same, I disagree with pointing fingers at them about anything that happens around the game, especially if there is no proof that they could be behind those reviews. I find it more likely that thousands of people among the thousands who pre-ordered the game rated it at 5 stars than the ND team wasting their days making thousands of reviews themselves.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to … morecome out.
It doesn't look like Naughty Dog or Sony know wtf they are doing right now. Like these fake reviews aren't going to help them out when waiting for the game to come out.
Like this is going to be a dumpster fire(I can definitely feel it cause why TF would they do fake reviews?)
All the same, I disagree with pointing fingers at them about anything that happens around the game, especially if there is no proof that they could be behind those reviews. I find it more likely that thousands of people among the thousands who pre-ordered the game rated it at 5 stars than the ND team wasting their days making thousands of reviews themselves.
Right. I'm more confused at why we're mad at them for this, of all things. We're talking about an easy-to-use 1-5 rating scale that has no bearing on how or where the game shows up in the Playstation Store. It's not like there's a bunch of fully written reviews displayed in the store saying "This game is the best game ever made for Playstation, and the story is unlike any other. Naughty Dog is the best Developer.", because there can't be written reviews. It's not in the system. It's just a meaningless rating scale displayed on the game's page. Regardless, whoever it may be, the people rating the game highly/lowly aren't doing it to boost the impression that the game is good -- because seriously guys, the game is not out yet!
No one is able to make a truthful impression of whether the product is deserving of 5 stars or 1 star since no one is allowed to get their mitts on the game, so why make this out to be a way bigger issue than what it simply is? Someone is hyped for the game, or has a deep appreciation of Naughty Dog, or was just fiddling with the Playstation menu and they rated it 5 stars. This isn't Naughty Dog trying to make their game look good because right now that score means nothing with the game still a month away. Even if it was ND, I highly doubt that people take the rating score on PSN to heart when buying a title through their store. I know I never have, and I've never heard of someone who has.
You'd be surprised how many massive, big-budget-AAA smash-hits with hundreds of thousands or millions of players only have a small fraction of Ratings on the PSN. Very few people care or probably even know about the ability to rate games, and at the end of the day, rating it does nothing for you or for the company. It doesn't tailor your store page, it doesn't cause the game to pop up more, it's meaningless.
Now hold on a minute. As someone else pointed out, it's definitely possible for anyone who spent money on a game to review it without even p… morelaying it. Of course, I'm not going to blindlt defend ND. It's not to say that the copyright strikes and strawmans against legit criticism makes me all that optimistic about the game.
All the same, I disagree with pointing fingers at them about anything that happens around the game, especially if there is no proof that they could be behind those reviews. I find it more likely that thousands of people among the thousands who pre-ordered the game rated it at 5 stars than the ND team wasting their days making thousands of reviews themselves.
All the same, I disagree with pointing fingers at them about anything that happens around the game, especially if there is no proof that the… morey could be behind those reviews. I find it more likely that thousands of people among the thousands who pre-ordered the game rated it at 5 stars than the ND team wasting their days making thousands of reviews themselves.
Right. I'm more confused at why we're mad at them for this, of all things. We're talking about an easy-to-use 1-5 rating scale that has no bearing on how or where the game shows up in the Playstation Store. It's not like there's a bunch of fully written reviews displayed in the store saying "This game is the best game ever made for Playstation, and the story is unlike any other. Naughty Dog is the best Developer.", because there can't be written reviews. It's not in the system. It's just a meaningless rating scale displayed on the game's page. Regardless, whoever it may be, the pe… [view original content]
What's with this guy's (or girl's) face? He looks like someone who would run away if his whole group gets killed before him/her.

Beyond frustrating. Since when did people start treating the cesspool of shit that is 4chan as a beacon of truth? Only believe what you see in the gameplay.
Yeah I'm very interested in the execution of all this but I thought it was always about making the most money and getting the most fans, and this isn't going to work. I mean on reddit there are people saying Joel should've died a heroic death and shit but that is stupid and what we're getting here is essentially him dying for Ellie anyway, since it's a continuation of his first choice. I'm not trying to say "people who won't like this are just dumb and probably don't understand the world of TLOU", no not at all, as it's a very real concern for ND here. If people don't enjoy playing as Abby (bearing in mind I doubt that's what they're going for, you're meant to be miserable and "questioning everything") and if the leaks are right and you play as Abby for a significant amount of time then there'll be a lot of players who just can't be bothered to continue. Anyway I still believe in ND's execution, they managed to make Joel a very complicated and morally grey character and I hope they don't make Abby an angel (wasn't there a level titled "saving kids"?). Sure, the characters aren't black and white but that won't matter when players are going to be forced to play as Abby and play darts and save kids and work out and have sex etc. It could all just fall flat and not feel good. Also they should've made the scene where you shoot the doctor in Part 1 a cutscene because I shot his foot and he straight up died lmao
Deku, you really need to stop assuming forum members have beef with you. Forias was annoyed at how people keep saying she's trans, he is on your side, he's agreeing with you.
That's probably the point.
But yeah, uncanny valley
@Ghetsis I technically made a mistake by clicking that, but I'm kinda whatever on what very little I saw.
Not sure I'm equipped to really talk, though.
Big ass spoilers, do not open:
Following up on this sentiment, not only is Abby not trans as Ellie is also not getting killed by her. This "leak" is 100% unconfirmed as there's 0 footage to back it up (and you'd think Ellie's death would be the first thing that'd have leaked). Other "leakers" have also claimed the game ends shortly after Ellie leaves Dina at the farm and that the game ends as a sequel hook (but even this should be taken with a grain of salt).
We really shouldn't be giving any attention to 4chan users who make up quote lists of what they think the game will be, but this leak appears to have snowballed its way into existence.
4chan is, as always, looking for excuses/making up stuff to hate LGBT people and blame them for "ruining their games". The agendas they claim are being pushed into games exist more in their heads than they do in the real world.
Same, started reading it without thinking too. Luckily caught myself before finishing the sentence.
You know what makes this recent trailer even scarier?
There were no infected present in there. No runners, no clickers, no bloaters and no stalkers. It gives me the feeling that most of the enemy variety is going to be humans and there aren't going to be any new types of infected or the same number of infected sections as the human ones.
Yeah, I noticed that last night. I apologize, I read stuff wrong sometimes.
Whatever the case, this person looks young.
Shiiiiit. This is going to be freaking dark. Ellie be murdering teens/young adults.
How the hell did I not notice that? It looks like the purpose of the sequel is going to be making the world of TLOU even darker than ever.
Holy smokes, you're right! Heck, they should be one of the things people know the game for.
Isn't that usually how these things go?
Well, it does make sense that there wouldn't be a whole lot of new types of Infected. In the first game, it's been explained it takes years for Clickers to turn into Bloaters, which is why the were pretty rare. Only 5 years passed since then. Aside from the new type of Infected that we've seen a while ago, I wouldn't many more. Still, I see why only a single exclusive type of infected can seem low for a game that people have been expecting for years.
As for the number of infected sections...I, personally, don't actually don't see the issue with it being as many as human sections. The issue with the Infected is that they don't have the agency we have, which makes fighting them not as interesting in my opinion. Especially in a game which has revenge has a theme. What I would have liked to see, however, is ND showing off the possibility to have humans and infected fight each other more often. That was an interesting strategy introduced in Left Behind that I would very much like to do.
Given the circumstances, I kind of understand your concerns about the game ("kind of", because I was lucky enough to avoid running into the leaks so far), but I wouldn't worry too much because of the absence of infected.
I'm starting to lose my respect for Naughty Dog. Ever since the leaks hit the internet, they done nothing but decrease the hype for The Last of Us Part 2 by filing a copyright strike on each youtube video that discuss TLOU2 leaks, even the ones that are spoiler free. I recently just watched this video and it really made me feel bad for this girl who did absolutely nothing wrong.

They also do a strike on the memes with those leaks. Then, they recently said they weren't involved with the copyright and I'm not buying it. ND really tries to earn back its fans but everything they do is just make it worse.
I feel like Naughty Dog is starting to becoming worse (although that depends on who is worse than Bethesda or EA right now) over this handling of memes or even copystriking ppl over just a photo. Like literally one simple frame of a video or even a image of that game. They just false copyright claim over it.
It doesn't work out for any company. When you do that especially small YouTube channels. Who are just trying to get subscribers. Only just reporting on what needs to be reporting. Like no gameplay or anything just literally chatting about the leaks and game itself.
Like right now
Bethesda-We are the worst when it comes towards our fans
Naughty Dog-Hold My Beer
Definitely sucks for them, but if it's not officially released by ND or Sony, wouldn't the leaked images be considered... illegal in a way? We're talking about a commercial product that still isn't supposed to be in anyone's hands until mid-June, so...
That's my view on it. They're right in taking those things down. Though punishing people for doing so is wrong. Especially in the above case, since there was no malicious intent through spreading this, and even then, she didn't even show any leak. My heart is breaking watching that video.
Well I was looking at a video on YouTube saying that about Sony and Naughty Dog copyright striking channels about that. If the images are from the leaks? The sure it is illegal. But,some of the small YouTube channels have only shown nothing related to the leaks other than just talking about it or even showing one frame from the trailer they just released. Yes they showed a simple image but it was unrelated to the leaks and only showing videos about the leaks. So it is kinda difficult to find out how this helps Naughty Dog other than ruining ppl's lives over discussions about the leaks.
So it depends like I said before that naughty dog's history hasn't been good from all the stories we have heard from ppl like harassments and crunching time.
Yea I mean that was probably right but others didn't do that at all.
@Zombiekiller3121 @DabigRG sorry guys
It's fine Dennis.
I don't really care about the game, but I'm not out to know more about it then I should, y'know?
That's alright.
It's just that the spoiler tag without text took us off guard. I got used to that formating being for a joke. Won't be making that mistake again, for a while.
While I can certainly understand the company being frustrated that their game, which they have been working on for years, was leaked to the public, the response by ND and Sony has been deplorable, and they have targeted a lot of people, some of which unfairly, for stuff that anyone, if they wanted, can easily just go and find online somewhere else. Go after the people responsible, don't go after people who are simply talking about it.
Their response has just been over and above what could be considered understandable. Take down stuff that hasn't been released, okay, but now they're going to the point where they are targeting a lot of people for just talking about it and even ruining some people's livelihoods.
Yeah... I take back my previous comment defending Sony/ND/whoever's lawyers are hunting people down.
With how widespread this leak blocking has been, they've definitely gone too far with taking down and punishing both the guilty parties spreading the details intentionally, and the innocent doing the opposite.
One guy simply talked about his opinions about TLOUII's leaks on a stream, and it was immediately shut down. Like... you think people can't click away from a video on their own?
Sony did similar DMCA takedown practices near the release of No Man's Sky. A couple stores in the UK broke the street date a few days early, and some people had copies on hand, streaming and posting videos about it. With the sub-par gameplay seen and mediocre reviews coming in at that time, Sony hired all their assassins to take down and punish a majority of the early footage.
Haven't seen a company response this bad since the Blizzard/Hong Kong fiasco, where a live streamer was banned for an entire year and his winnings revoked because he sided with the Hong Kong protestors in response to a proposed extradition bill. Seriously, does anyone remember the shitstorm that followed after that, and Blizzard's "apology."
Or how Blizzard's response in China was vastly different from its response in America, saying stuff like it would "defend the pride of our country," openly siding with the oppressive communist government of China and against freedom of speech and human rights.
If a certain comment is true, then...wooooow.
Ironically I think reading the spoilers has kinda made me want to actually play the Last of Us 2 on launch day. I was never really planning on playing it until a few months after release when it was on sale or something as Im not really a big fan, but now I kinda want to play it as soon as I can just to see how it all plays out. Even if the story 100% turns out to be as crappy as what's been confirmed in the leaks, at least you still get a high quality game in terms of gameplay and game engine. And who knows maybe playing the whole thing may make a compelling story. I remembered hearing so much bad talk about LIS2 about how it wasnt as good as the first game which turned me off to it for a while and then when I played it I actually liked it a lot. Granted I didn't have most of LIS2's story spoiled for me like I do for TLOU2 so I do have a lot more of an idea on why TLOU2 isnt being received that well, but if anything I think it grabbed my curiosity about it now that I know how controversial its going to be.
This is probably my favorite comment on this discussion thread so far.
Yeah it's certainly going to be one hell of an experience, that's for sure. With all the uncomfortable violence. I can't wait. I hated LiS 2's execution but I thought the premise was very good. I have faith in Naughty Dog to deliver.
That's very true right there.
While I am disappointed that what was said in that one spoiler (allegedly) occurs, if the scene/lead up to it is executed well, I'm sure I'll be okay with it. Heck, I kind of expected it to happen, but maybe not in the way described.
In my view though, even if the story is disappointing or bad, if there's one thing Naughty Dog is definitely good at, it's making fun games. If the last 13 years are of any indication (or 11 years if you didn't like Uncharted 1), the gameplay and presentation are going to be tight and fun, and there's going to be some segments that you'll want to replay over and over again. The Winter section in Part 1 is my favourite. New snowy environments, Gameplay changes with Ellie, Having to go through a labyrinth of a town, a Stealthy boss fight with David. Really well executed chapter.
I'm thinking this one might be more divisive than the first game, in a very exciting way - Neil Druckmann

Anybody else see that TLOU II on the PSN store already has 1k reviews? This game isn't out yet, yet it has 1k five-star reviews...
These reviews are totally legit, right? NaughtyDog isn't making fake reviews at all, right? Right?
Naughty Dog has hit the bottom of the barrel, at this rate. First, they've got one of their own voice actors to admit the game is bad and that they need to have an open mind. And then, they've got their entire game leaked because they used an amazon database. And then they prove that they have the worst damage control by copy striking anyone who has one screenshot of their game, even if it was an officially released screenshot.
And, that's already bad by its self.
But, now they've faked reviews for their own game. And people are taking notice of it. That'll be really fun while we wait for this game to come out.
These "reviews" are likely real people. Just a bunch of fans suuuper hyped for the game.
When you pre-order a game, it automatically appears as a title in your library. You can also rate titles 1-5 stars in your library with the click of a button.
Really, it doesn't matter. Who the heck cares about a meaningless rating system on a game that's not even out yet.
I've never used nor cared about the rating system on the PSN to judge purchases. Even if this is Naughty Dog... Why the hell does this matter?
Wouldn't it be some shit if the game is actually better than even the non negatives think?
It doesn't look like Naughty Dog or Sony know wtf they are doing right now. Like these fake reviews aren't going to help them out when waiting for the game to come out.
Like this is going to be a dumpster fire(I can definitely feel it cause why TF would they do fake reviews?)
Pretty much accurately describes what many other gamers know what might happen. Those leaks and now this? Wow
Now hold on a minute. As someone else pointed out, it's definitely possible for anyone who spent money on a game to review it without even playing it. Of course, I'm not going to blindlt defend ND. It's not to say that the copyright strikes and strawmans against legit criticism makes me all that optimistic about the game.
All the same, I disagree with pointing fingers at them about anything that happens around the game, especially if there is no proof that they could be behind those reviews. I find it more likely that thousands of people among the thousands who pre-ordered the game rated it at 5 stars than the ND team wasting their days making thousands of reviews themselves.
Right. I'm more confused at why we're mad at them for this, of all things. We're talking about an easy-to-use 1-5 rating scale that has no bearing on how or where the game shows up in the Playstation Store. It's not like there's a bunch of fully written reviews displayed in the store saying "This game is the best game ever made for Playstation, and the story is unlike any other. Naughty Dog is the best Developer.", because there can't be written reviews. It's not in the system. It's just a meaningless rating scale displayed on the game's page. Regardless, whoever it may be, the people rating the game highly/lowly aren't doing it to boost the impression that the game is good -- because seriously guys, the game is not out yet!
No one is able to make a truthful impression of whether the product is deserving of 5 stars or 1 star since no one is allowed to get their mitts on the game, so why make this out to be a way bigger issue than what it simply is? Someone is hyped for the game, or has a deep appreciation of Naughty Dog, or was just fiddling with the Playstation menu and they rated it 5 stars. This isn't Naughty Dog trying to make their game look good because right now that score means nothing with the game still a month away. Even if it was ND, I highly doubt that people take the rating score on PSN to heart when buying a title through their store. I know I never have, and I've never heard of someone who has.
You'd be surprised how many massive, big-budget-AAA smash-hits with hundreds of thousands or millions of players only have a small fraction of Ratings on the PSN. Very few people care or probably even know about the ability to rate games, and at the end of the day, rating it does nothing for you or for the company. It doesn't tailor your store page, it doesn't cause the game to pop up more, it's meaningless.
This really isn't something to get mad about.
Awesome (literally). They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.