I notice you didn't send them Yare. Or they didn't show him off.
And I notice the pictures they took have no hot guys in them! (Well, no full hot guys.)
(I sent the package over a week before I started little Yare, I think).
(Seriously, though, those are impressive! You could make some money off them if you could knit a lot faster....)
Aye, there is the rub, right?
I also find that I have a hard time parting with these things in exchange for money, while doing it to make people I like happy is all worth it.
Gravity! Thou art my enemy! Max's severed head's ears are falling to the sides I wonder if that's because nobody's wearing him. Mmh...
Here is a picture of me wearing the hat, by the way. (I took a few while I was making it.)
I'd also like to take this moment to thank Will for his help. Thank you, Will, you're awesome!
Does anyone have details to share about how it arrived and stuff? Was everything okay?
I wish I could have been there to see everyone's reaction ^_^ It's always the best part of giving someone something, seeing their reaction, and distance giving makes that slightly harder
No for more "technical" stuff: the plushes should be washable, all the materials I used are, although I'd wash them on a low setting and inside a pillowcase or something so the yarn doesn't get caught in the machine. Might cause the hat's shape to change though.
Strange Avistew didn't demand a pick of Yare with Max-head on though...
I actually, in my letter (there was a letter in there) I dropped hint about pictures of topless males.
I fear I was too subtle.
Would have loved to see them try the hat though. On the other hand I have a small head, so it's possible nobody can wear it.
Oooh, and a picture of Majus playing with the rocket would have been neat too xD
I think I just would have wanted to be there, really.
I received the package from our PO Box and honestly was frightened to open the box. You never know what someone might send! (Seriously, you never know....)
I handed them around and later went to the back of the office only to find many of the gentlemen in the office cooing over them
I'll probably steal them at some point and have them on display in our cool display case.
I received the package from our PO Box and honestly was frightened to open the box. You never know what someone might send! (Seriously, you never know....)
Well, I did sent a severed head and a rocket so yeah, I guess you were right to be worried.
I know I kept playing with it before I sent it. Going "weeee!" or "wooosh!" and flying it across the room and stuff. I also know I'm not the only overgrown kid here.
I received the package from our PO Box and honestly was frightened to open the box. You never know what someone might send! (Seriously, you never know....)
Maybe I should make a Sam & Max alarm clock and send it to you, if nothing else so that someone there can say: "My package is ticking!"
I'm still working on Trogdor, but knitting a 3D S is harder than it sounds. Hopefully this try will work. I'll keep you up to date, don't forget to suggest more things. I'm working on Abe's head after that, but after, I can't remember what else I said I'd work on. So suggestions are welcome, especially from the telltale team since it's for you guys. (Feels so much better being able to say so, incidentally!)
Okay, Hidden person, Sal (after we play episode 3 and see him some more), possibly old Sam&Max (I'd have to remember how I made the first ones :eek:) and as for Yare, it's really Lena's call what happens to him at this point.
I'm still working on Trogdor, and it's so boooring. k2t, k8, inc1, k10, next row p10, inc1, p8, p2, rinse, repeat.
(Don't actually rinse. You'd have to be crazy to want to knit with wet yarn).
But hey, I finished that boring part! Now it's inc1, k8, k2t, k10, next row p10, p2t, p8, inc1, rinse, repeat.
It probably wouldn't be nearly as boring if I hadn't already made out that turned out not curly enough. Anyways, I might start another project at the same time just so it's less boring.
Have you trying to use a cord of wire to make the S?
I don't have wire. When I'm done this, I'll see what it looks like. Then if it doesn't work, I guess I could knit a tube and put it around wires, after buying some that is. But 'd have to start over again, which would annoy me.
I also have an idea of making the body in 2 or 4 parts rather than just one.
If I make it in 4 parts, I can make two Ss and two strips and just sew them all together, and everything could be flat instead of being knitted in 3D from the start.
But I'll wait and see what this version looks like first. It's a bit nerve-wracking because I need to finish knitting it completely, take it out of the needles, and only then can I close it and see what shape it is. So I can't really correct it as I go.
Thanks, but my coat hangers are wooden or plastic, and they're all in use.
I'll check if buying one would be cheaper than buying wire, though.
It might be cheaper than buying wire but if you plan on making a lot of plushies that need wire then maybe a spool of wire would be the better choice. I guess it depends on your needs really.
Just so you know, I am going to re-make that knitting video and post it (the first one was pretty bad, only kept some parts, you can see them in the boobs thread it you want), but I need Ian to be here and he's working.
Starting Monday at 7 though, he's got a week off. We'll do some filming then.
I was thinking of doing some kind of tutorial, like showing how I knit, would anyone be interested in that or not at all?
Just so you know, I am going to re-make that knitting video and post it (the first one was pretty bad, only kept some parts, you can see them in the boobs thread it you want), but I need Ian to be here and he's working.
Starting Monday at 7 though, he's got a week off. We'll do some filming then.
I was thinking of doing some kind of tutorial, like showing how I knit, would anyone be interested in that or not at all?
Yes! A friend of mine in college, who was very good at knitting, started an unofficial club with a few of us. But it didn't last very long, and I forgot almost everything. But a nice how-to video would be great!
Yes! A friend of mine in college, who was very good at knitting, started an unofficial club with a few of us. But it didn't last very long, and I forgot almost everything. But a nice how-to video would be great!
I will try then! But I knit in my very own way, didn't learn "officially" so it might be a bit tricky. Still, I'll try and go slowly and explain everything.
I will try then! But I knit in my very own way, didn't learn "officially" so it might be a bit tricky. Still, I'll try and go slowly and explain everything.
Time to find my knitting needles! And yarn, I should stop at the store and pick some out. I gave the last of it away to a friend who was making Doctor Who dolls for someone's birthday.
Okay, then maybe I'll make a Max or something, it's the same colour the whole way.
If so, though, I might need someone with video skills to fast-forward a LOT.
Although I'm just thinking, I don't have rights to the patterns. I'll find a free pattern instead, maybe. And adapt that. Or I could show you how to make the Max hat but that would take a really long time.
Sorry guys! I'm totally unreliable.
So, as you can see, we didn't film anything. Couldn't agree on what to knit, where to film, etc. Maybe we'll do that another time.
Also, I still haven't sent the second package, which is very mean of me. Sorry, TTG people! Even though you've been giving me great suggestions, I've been low on inspiration.
I just don't want to let this thread die, though.
Oooh, and about little Yare... Robert, you're a poo-head! Why are you so hard to knit, eh? Why can't you be all cartoony like fictional characters do? As a result, I'm putting you aside and not giving you clothes.
I think right now I'm in need of something fast and easy to make to cheer myself up. If any one has a suggestion, you go right ahead. If you have a complicated suggestion go ahead anyways, I might get inspired.
And my apologies to everyone who suggested something that I ended up no making (so far. I might still make them at some point).
Oh. I thought it meant "not too many". I'm so used to picking meaning from context, I forgot it was Strong Bad we're talking about.
(Seriously, though, those are impressive! You could make some money off them if you could knit a lot faster....)
Little Robert is not finished far I know.
I don't know you or anything, but I can still congratulate you right?
And I notice the pictures they took have no hot guys in them! (Well, no full hot guys.)
(I sent the package over a week before I started little Yare, I think).
Aye, there is the rub, right?
I also find that I have a hard time parting with these things in exchange for money, while doing it to make people I like happy is all worth it.
Gravity! Thou art my enemy! Max's severed head's ears are falling to the sides
Here is a picture of me wearing the hat, by the way. (I took a few while I was making it.)
I'd also like to take this moment to thank Will for his help. Thank you, Will, you're awesome!
Does anyone have details to share about how it arrived and stuff? Was everything okay?
I wish I could have been there to see everyone's reaction ^_^ It's always the best part of giving someone something, seeing their reaction, and distance giving makes that slightly harder
No for more "technical" stuff: the plushes should be washable, all the materials I used are, although I'd wash them on a low setting and inside a pillowcase or something so the yarn doesn't get caught in the machine. Might cause the hat's shape to change though.
Well, I guess I'd better go back to work now.
Strange Avistew didn't demand a pick of Yare with Max-head on though...
I actually, in my letter (there was a letter in there) I dropped hint about pictures of topless males.
I fear I was too subtle.
Would have loved to see them try the hat though. On the other hand I have a small head, so it's possible nobody can wear it.
Oooh, and a picture of Majus playing with the rocket would have been neat too xD
I think I just would have wanted to be there, really.
I handed them around and later went to the back of the office only to find many of the gentlemen in the office cooing over them
I'll probably steal them at some point and have them on display in our cool display case.
Well, I did sent a severed head and a rocket so yeah, I guess you were right to be worried.
Neat! My plan is working perfectly!
I wasn't talking about that! (No, really).
I know I kept playing with it before I sent it. Going "weeee!" or "wooosh!" and flying it across the room and stuff. I also know I'm not the only overgrown kid here.
No idea what you're saying either...*goes to play with Legos*
Nope. Nu-uh.
Are too!
Went to the Supermarket with my mom. Stoping in the Condiments Rack.
Mom: Do you remember when you were little and you stole and eat those condiments?
Me: I'm still doing it
Maybe I should make a Sam & Max alarm clock and send it to you, if nothing else so that someone there can say: "My package is ticking!"
Awesome work, Avistew!
I'm still working on Trogdor, but knitting a 3D S is harder than it sounds. Hopefully this try will work. I'll keep you up to date, don't forget to suggest more things. I'm working on Abe's head after that, but after, I can't remember what else I said I'd work on. So suggestions are welcome, especially from the telltale team since it's for you guys. (Feels so much better being able to say so, incidentally!)
Sorry >_>
(Seriously, do whathever you want. It's your free time, so, yeah ^^!)
I'm still working on Trogdor, and it's so boooring. k2t, k8, inc1, k10, next row p10, inc1, p8, p2, rinse, repeat.
(Don't actually rinse. You'd have to be crazy to want to knit with wet yarn).
But hey, I finished that boring part! Now it's inc1, k8, k2t, k10, next row p10, p2t, p8, inc1, rinse, repeat.
It probably wouldn't be nearly as boring if I hadn't already made out that turned out not curly enough. Anyways, I might start another project at the same time just so it's less boring.
I don't have wire. When I'm done this, I'll see what it looks like. Then if it doesn't work, I guess I could knit a tube and put it around wires, after buying some that is. But 'd have to start over again, which would annoy me.
I also have an idea of making the body in 2 or 4 parts rather than just one.
If I make it in 4 parts, I can make two Ss and two strips and just sew them all together, and everything could be flat instead of being knitted in 3D from the start.
But I'll wait and see what this version looks like first. It's a bit nerve-wracking because I need to finish knitting it completely, take it out of the needles, and only then can I close it and see what shape it is. So I can't really correct it as I go.
Thanks, but my coat hangers are wooden or plastic, and they're all in use.
I'll check if buying one would be cheaper than buying wire, though.
It might be cheaper than buying wire but if you plan on making a lot of plushies that need wire then maybe a spool of wire would be the better choice. I guess it depends on your needs really.
Starting Monday at 7 though, he's got a week off. We'll do some filming then.
I was thinking of doing some kind of tutorial, like showing how I knit, would anyone be interested in that or not at all?
Yes! A friend of mine in college, who was very good at knitting, started an unofficial club with a few of us. But it didn't last very long, and I forgot almost everything. But a nice how-to video would be great!
I will try then! But I knit in my very own way, didn't learn "officially" so it might be a bit tricky. Still, I'll try and go slowly and explain everything.
Time to find my knitting needles! And yarn, I should stop at the store and pick some out. I gave the last of it away to a friend who was making Doctor Who dolls for someone's birthday.
If so, though, I might need someone with video skills to fast-forward a LOT.
Although I'm just thinking, I don't have rights to the patterns. I'll find a free pattern instead, maybe. And adapt that. Or I could show you how to make the Max hat but that would take a really long time.
So, as you can see, we didn't film anything. Couldn't agree on what to knit, where to film, etc. Maybe we'll do that another time.
Also, I still haven't sent the second package, which is very mean of me. Sorry, TTG people! Even though you've been giving me great suggestions, I've been low on inspiration.
I just don't want to let this thread die, though.
Oooh, and about little Yare... Robert, you're a poo-head! Why are you so hard to knit, eh? Why can't you be all cartoony like fictional characters do? As a result, I'm putting you aside and not giving you clothes.
I think right now I'm in need of something fast and easy to make to cheer myself up. If any one has a suggestion, you go right ahead. If you have a complicated suggestion go ahead anyways, I might get inspired.
And my apologies to everyone who suggested something that I ended up no making (so far. I might still make them at some point).
I could say Noir Sam, but, you already did Sam, so, why again...
And I can't think in something simple! booo...