@puzzlebox Oh, no, it's not a film, it's a TV series that ran from 1987-90. Even though I watched it as a kid, I don't know that I'd actually recommend it. It was very much a romantic/fantasy kind of a show set in Manhattan with a successful assistant DA as the female lead and Ron Perlman perlmaned up as the philosophical man-beast. Who lived in a sewer under Central Park with a bunch of homeless people. Imagine "Law and Order" mixed with "Superman" mixed with "The Gummi Bears" mixed with a ... dreamy kind of romantic show.
You could watch the original Cocteau film that kind of inspired it, though, "La Belle et la Bête" I've never seen it myself, but it's supposed to be very good.
You could watch the original Cocteau film that kind of inspired it, though, "La Belle et la Bête" I've never seen it myself, but it's supposed to be very good.
I've watched it a few times. I like Jean Marais so I watched lots of his movies as a kid. I still see it as "the real one", if that makes sense. It's pretty nice. I was always a bit weirded out about the end though but I'd rather not tell you why because I don't want to spoil anything.
For some reason it makes me very happy that someone, somewhere has knitted a double helix.
Actually, I had seen that I modified that pattern for Trogdor. It ended up pretty different but it's really useful to have a starting point.
I do think it's pretty cool. A big pain to knit though.
Oh, you know what TV series you should check out? "Jim Henson's The Storyteller" It is absolutely gorgeous It's probably the best adaptation of folktales made for television, and my favorite part is that they were able to incorporate aspects of traditional, oral storytelling into the show! I just remembered it because the pilot episode for the "series" was called "Hans my Hedgehog" and is a sort of Beauty and the Beast/Cupid and Psyche sort of tale.
You know, I'm always kind of sad when the Beast turns into a handsome guy, though. I always kind of wish he'd stay the same ... I think this partly because his eyes change color from beast to human. Like in the Disney version and "Hans my Hedgehog" he goes from having brown eyes to blue which is kind of disconcerting.
I think what I dislike is the message that "you can be loved even though you're ugly, but the happy end is that you stop being ugly" or something. Which I feel sucks. Even when Shrek did it backwards I was unhappy. I'd be much happier with two people going past their differences and staying the way they are.
Plus it's just weird that the heroine (it's usually that way) falls in love with someone and then that person changes and it's no biggie. I'd have a lot of trouble to adapt to someone suddenly changing completely, I can tell you that!
That hedgehog think reminded me (for no real reason) of a song in the musical Emilie Jolie. "Le Hérisson" is the song.
You know, I'm always kind of sad when the Beast turns into a handsome guy, though. I always kind of wish he'd stay the same ... I think this partly because his eyes change color from beast to human. Like in the Disney version and "Hans my Hedgehog" he goes from having brown eyes to blue which is kind of disconcerting.
I think they're blue the whole time in the Disney version! Belle is all weirded out by the handsome dude at first, but she recognises the Beast when she looks into his eyes... d'awww. Oh I still love this movie.
I think what I dislike is the message that "you can be loved even though you're ugly, but the happy end is that you stop being ugly" or something. Which I feel sucks.
Yes!! I could not agree more. The message seems to be that love is not enough to make you happy, for some reason it has to manifest in a physical change. Blergh.
The worst I've seen was the movie Penelope. It wasn't a great movie anyway, but that ending actually made me a little cranky, and I don't crank very easily at all. The last 5 minutes just went and contradicted the entire point of the movie.
I think that's why I prefer stories of "The Black Bull of Norroway" variety better. The "prince" starts off as an animal and the girl is frightened of him, but he shows her kindness which gains her trust. They then are separated, and he gives her directions to wait for him, but her impatience makes it so he can't come back for her. She then goes to find him, gets magical gifts from three helpful strangers who may or may not be related to the beast/prince, and finds a girl trying to wash a stained shirt (the Psyche influence). The true love washes the shirt easily, but the other girl takes the credit. The true love uses the gifts given to her to get three chances to get near the now always handsome prince, finally succeeding in talking to him and telling of her troubles in finding him and winning him back.
I like the idea that not only does the prince earn the girl's love, but she earns his back as well. I like to imagine that it symbolizes two people developing a friendship, the girl rejecting him as a lover only to later realize her true feelings, and then working to win him back. It's also interesting that many of the old folktales had more active heroines then you see portrayed in fairy tales today.
Edit: Oh wait, you're right; they are blue in the Disney version! It's just hard to see on smaller screen I guess. And I don't get Penelope. I mean, yeah she's kind of weird looking, but would grown men actually run in fear from her?
So the boot I made was much too big. I'll try again later, right now I'm making a scarf. Not for Yare.
Then I still have a backlog of started plushes to go through. I'd tell you which but it's supposed to be a surprise.
I hope you'll like them I'll take pictures before I send them so the TTG guys don't have to take pictures from all angles or anything, but I won't post them until they receive it. Which won't be for a while because 0% of the current plushes are done (4 different ones are works in progress though).
Uh? I was going to give him two boots, but I started by making just one because I can't really knit two at the same time. Well I guess there are ways, but... Anyways, then I tried it on before making the second one, and it was too big, so I'll try again later, and I decided to switch to non-Yare related stuff.
My new bikini top arrived! I wanted to share pictures (especially since several members from this board voted... they deserve to know what the final result looks like) but I didn't want to resurrect the boobs thread (I mean, it was awesome because it wasn't forced) and I figure posting in the "What do you look like?" is silly because everyone knows what I look like now. Plus I don't want to hijack it.
But this is my own thread and I can't hijack it! Voodoo Yare helped in keeping it on topic though. So behold! Pictures of a French girl wearing a bikini top! And a plush.
Okay, that's one more thread that has pictures of my breasts in it. I wonder if a good or a bad thing.
Oh, and Yare, if you're feeling squished between two giant soft, warm things, that's why. Sorry about that.
Actually, I had seen that I modified that pattern for Trogdor. It ended up pretty different but it's really useful to have a starting point.
I do think it's pretty cool. A big pain to knit though.
so, wait, are you doing trogdor or have already done him?
so, wait, are you doing trogdor or have already done him?
I made one that didn't turn out, and went as far as halfway through the second one. Then I snapped and decided to work on something else. Not sure if I'll finish it, hopefully at some point.
Right now I'm working on a tiny sweater. I also have a dino for nikki. The rest is a surprise. Oh, except the Hidden Person, I already said I was working on that.
I made one that didn't turn out, and went as far as halfway through the second one. Then I snapped and decided to work on something else. Not sure if I'll finish it, hopefully at some point.
Right now I'm working on a tiny sweater. I also have a dino for nikki. The rest is a surprise. Oh, except the Hidden Person, I already said I was working on that.
I'm glad you didn't mention that you were "Working" on Yare...
That was just an excuse to show off my bikini. Apparently, I don't grow tired of that. I shared picture though IRC, MSN, PMs and emails. Then I felt like I had freaked them out when most people didn't get back to me ^_^'
Anyways! Finally plushing again. I don't know why I haven't worked at it as much lately. Well I do know why: I miss sharing pictures. But I want it to be a surprise for all the guys at TTG so I'm keeping them for myself...
But it's hard. I'm not good at keeping stuff for myself. I like sharing and making people happy.
Maybe I'll just release partial pics and people need to guess what I've made, and I won't tell anyone if it's true or not? Could be fun. What do you think? If people like the idea I'll do it in the trickiest way I can so you have a low chance to guess.
Maybe I'll just release partial pics and people need to guess what I've made, and I won't tell anyone if it's true or not? Could be fun. What do you think? If people like the idea I'll do it in the trickiest way I can so you have a low chance to guess.
Me too. I recommend releasing images in 500x optical zoom. or 1 pixel at a time, starting with the top left and working to the right, going down 1 pixel, going left, going down 1 and repeating! then we can assemble the image!
Okay, here goes! I hope you suck at it as much as Will does (no offense Will, you know I love you).
As I said, I won't confirm or deny anything. Kinda like episode speculation, you'll have to wait for the plushes to arrive before you know if you were right or completely off the mark.
Here is the first one. I'm not sure how long it will be before I post another one. Whenever I'm feeling like it I guess!
I can't tell if it's hard or easy... I hope you won't guess right away! But if you do... you won't know it
Okay, here goes! I hope you suck at it as much as Will does (no offense Will, you know I love you).
As I said, I won't confirm or deny anything. Kinda like episode speculation, you'll have to wait for the plushes to arrive before you know if you were right or completely off the mark.
Here is the first one. I'm not sure how long it will be before I post another one. Whenever I'm feeling like it I guess!
I can't tell if it's hard or easy... I hope you won't guess right away! But if you do... you won't know it
It's Santa! For Christmas this year, I want a face. A REAL, HUMAN face!
You are going to create a voodoo doll for each member of the company, right?
Of course, there are only 80 or so of them and counting! Or is it more already? No, I am not going to make a doll for every single member of the company.
I totally failed at guessing this one because I failed to think laterally.
Either you're defending your honour or you're trying to give people a hint.
Case A: I'm sorry if I sounded insulting, I was just teasing. I had a lot of fun when you tried to guess and I'd do it again but a) I feel you're too busy for silly stuff like that, so I try (emphasis on try) to leave you alone and out of my craziness and b) It seems unfair to ruin the surprise for you.
Case B: If it's meant as a hint, it's nice of you to try and help people, but the picture here isn't of the same thing you failed to guess, so the hint is totally useless
You could watch the original Cocteau film that kind of inspired it, though, "La Belle et la Bête" I've never seen it myself, but it's supposed to be very good.
I've watched it a few times. I like Jean Marais so I watched lots of his movies as a kid. I still see it as "the real one", if that makes sense. It's pretty nice. I was always a bit weirded out about the end though but I'd rather not tell you why because I don't want to spoil anything.
I'm intrigued! Added it to my list, thanks guys.
Avistew, someone showed me this today and I immediately thought of you.
For some reason it makes me very happy that someone, somewhere has knitted a double helix.
Actually, I had seen that
I do think it's pretty cool. A big pain to knit though.
You know, I'm always kind of sad when the Beast turns into a handsome guy, though. I always kind of wish he'd stay the same ... I think this partly because his eyes change color from beast to human. Like in the Disney version and "Hans my Hedgehog" he goes from having brown eyes to blue which is kind of disconcerting.
Plus it's just weird that the heroine (it's usually that way) falls in love with someone and then that person changes and it's no biggie. I'd have a lot of trouble to adapt to someone suddenly changing completely, I can tell you that!
That hedgehog think reminded me (for no real reason) of a song in the musical Emilie Jolie. "Le Hérisson" is the song.
I think they're blue the whole time in the Disney version! Belle is all weirded out by the handsome dude at first, but she recognises the Beast when she looks into his eyes... d'awww. Oh I still love this movie.
Yes!! I could not agree more. The message seems to be that love is not enough to make you happy, for some reason it has to manifest in a physical change. Blergh.
The worst I've seen was the movie Penelope. It wasn't a great movie anyway, but that ending actually made me a little cranky, and I don't crank very easily at all. The last 5 minutes just went and contradicted the entire point of the movie.
I like the idea that not only does the prince earn the girl's love, but she earns his back as well. I like to imagine that it symbolizes two people developing a friendship, the girl rejecting him as a lover only to later realize her true feelings, and then working to win him back. It's also interesting that many of the old folktales had more active heroines then you see portrayed in fairy tales today.
Edit: Oh wait, you're right; they are blue in the Disney version! It's just hard to see on smaller screen I guess. And I don't get Penelope. I mean, yeah she's kind of weird looking, but would grown men actually run in fear from her?
Then I still have a backlog of started plushes to go through. I'd tell you which but it's supposed to be a surprise.
I hope you'll like them
But this is my own thread and I can't hijack it! Voodoo Yare helped in keeping it on topic though. So behold! Pictures of a French girl wearing a bikini top! And a plush.
Okay, that's one more thread that has pictures of my breasts in it. I wonder if a good or a bad thing.
Oh, and Yare, if you're feeling squished between two giant soft, warm things, that's why. Sorry about that.
Because he never asks to be a mod.
(Can I be a mod?)
Great choice with the bikini top.
so, wait, are you doing trogdor or have already done him?
I made one that didn't turn out, and went as far as halfway through the second one. Then I snapped and decided to work on something else. Not sure if I'll finish it, hopefully at some point.
Right now I'm working on a tiny sweater. I also have a dino for nikki. The rest is a surprise. Oh, except the Hidden Person, I already said I was working on that.
I'm glad you didn't mention that you were "Working" on Yare...
I grew tired of that joke.
What about Yare? Did he gr-
Ok, ok, ok. But that photo urged the comment!
That was just an excuse to show off my bikini. Apparently, I don't grow tired of that. I shared picture though IRC, MSN, PMs and emails. Then I felt like I had freaked them out when most people didn't get back to me ^_^'
Anyways! Finally plushing again. I don't know why I haven't worked at it as much lately. Well I do know why: I miss sharing pictures. But I want it to be a surprise for all the guys at TTG so I'm keeping them for myself...
But it's hard. I'm not good at keeping stuff for myself. I like sharing and making people happy.
Maybe I'll just release partial pics and people need to guess what I've made, and I won't tell anyone if it's true or not? Could be fun. What do you think? If people like the idea I'll do it in the trickiest way I can so you have a low chance to guess.
I like the idea.
Me too. I recommend releasing images in 500x optical zoom. or 1 pixel at a time, starting with the top left and working to the right, going down 1 pixel, going left, going down 1 and repeating! then we can assemble the image!
As I said, I won't confirm or deny anything. Kinda like episode speculation, you'll have to wait for the plushes to arrive before you know if you were right or completely off the mark.
Here is the first one. I'm not sure how long it will be before I post another one. Whenever I'm feeling like it I guess!
I can't tell if it's hard or easy... I hope you won't guess right away! But if you do... you won't know it
It's Santa! For Christmas this year, I want a face. A REAL, HUMAN face!
Of course, there are only 80 or so of them and counting! Or is it more already? No, I am not going to make a doll for every single member of the company.
That plush looks like either Santa or a Hidden Person.
Definitely, if I can pull it off
Either you're defending your honour or you're trying to give people a hint.
Case A: I'm sorry if I sounded insulting, I was just teasing. I had a lot of fun when you tried to guess and I'd do it again but a) I feel you're too busy for silly stuff like that, so I try (emphasis on try) to leave you alone and out of my craziness and b) It seems unfair to ruin the surprise for you.
Case B: If it's meant as a hint, it's nice of you to try and help people, but the picture here isn't of the same thing you failed to guess, so the hint is totally useless
Then yeah, you don't suck. You're awesome. There was a trick to it and I let you assume things. And I'm sorry for loving to tease you so much
You know what, maybe I'll post the pictures here and you can watch everyone struggle worse than you did.