That's sweet. It's also sweet that you apparently failed again, only this time in front of the whole forums (Although you obviously did that on purpose so that the rest of us wouldn't feel so bad when we fail at our guesses, I'm sure )
I'm also beginning to sense that maybe Yare isn't Avistew's favorite anymore ... !
Yeah, it's so weird that they'd assume you had a thing for Yare just because you were creating his likeness in yarn :rolleyes:
Haha it's the other way around I created this likeness in yarn because of the stalker thing. Come on, it's funny! Right? Although I guess I pushed this thing into creepier territory than I should have. But hey, it was all Pale Man's idea + your idea! I completely accidentally knitted it.
Don't get me wrong, I do think Yare is handsome. But... we don't really have a connection. Hey, that's why the stalker joke worked to begin with.
Jeez, I can't believe I'm actually explaining that. It's obvious, right? I bet you're just trying to tease me.
Lena is a Meanie.
Moving on, here is the first picture I sent to Will for him to guess what it was. Some background: it's just part of the plush I was making at the time.
I'm sending the exact same picture out of fairness.
Also, I've told some people I was knitting it, so to these people, please, don't "guess". You already know!
This being said I'll stay true to my word and not tell anyone if they're right or wrong in their guesses.
Okay, last picture of the Will batch, then we'll return to our regular programming.
I'm knitting something for my neighbours downstairs and I'll post pics of that next so you can try guessing. Except the people who I've told it to already, of course.
Hopefully, what it is is obvious. So instead, I'll ask you to guess what the whole plush will be (this is just an accessory) and what occasion I am making it for.
I've been thinking of having some kind of contest... I'd post pictures, people would PM me, the person who guesses what it is gets the plush.
That would be neat, but every time I think about that, the idea I might end up needing to ship stuff at the other end of the world dissuades me...
Oh well. This is still fun, right?
Hopefully, what it is is obvious. So instead, I'll ask you to guess what the whole plush will be (this is just an accessory) and what occasion I am making it for.
I've been thinking of having some kind of contest... I'd post pictures, people would PM me, the person who guesses what it is gets the plush.
That would be neat, but every time I think about that, the idea I might end up needing to ship stuff at the other end of the world dissuades me...
Oh well. This is still fun, right?
How about the person who gets it right chooses a name for it (if it doesn't have a name)?
It sure is! Ok, that's a bucket of water. The whole plush will be a fireman... and... sorry, what was the rest of the question? I'm sidetracked by thoughts of the hunky fireman!
Ooh the fireman will be Winslow and he's saving a map from a burning building. *swoon*
Probably only by a little bit, but enough that the building manager came banging on our door wondering what was happening. What was happening is that the washing machine's hose had slipped from the sink and poured water on the floor in the kitchen. We turned it off and mopped up everything, but obviously, some went downstairs. We were just done when the manager arrived.
Hehe, we did that too. Only it affected flats up to 5 floors below us...
Oh Dear O.O
You probably weren't very popular in the building afterwards
Well, would probably be better than the guy who caused our apartment building to catch fire back in France. We were all out of electricity for a while, not to mention the material damage and stuff.
All because he threw his cigarette in the garbage without turning it off. I also got a raise once because a different guy did the same thing at work, then left, and the store burnt down. So he was fired and I got his job.
I'm always baffled how people can do that. It's fire, people! Of course you should make sure it's out, and not just throw it as is in the garbage! I mean, seriously.
Working on a Hidden Person. I filmed myself from my shoulder so you could see what I see when I'm knitting (kinda). The first vid is probably boring, I'm just getting started. On the second one I'm working on the face (the black markings) and that might be slightly more interesting.
Still going to be boring for someone who doesn't care about knitting or doesn't know much about it.
I might upload knitting lessons if there is enough of a demand for it, for know I'll keep filming the more relevant steps of making the Hidden Person.
I finished the rocket. It was less straightforward than I though, and I had to do all but the main piece a couple of times before I got them right, but considering the lack of details and small number of parts it was still rather simple.
My jaw dropped when i saw this. Just thinking "The time and effort, the hours long sewing for her abstract idea. The dedication and sweat for a a a..... OMG what was going wrong with your hormones!!!!
Hey, I fixed it afterwards!
And that was totally accidental. Seriously, you have no idea what stuff is going to look like until you sew it together and stuff it. I don't think I could have planned for it to look that way if I had wanted (which I did not!).
In addition i dont take any points off your talent, since i wouldnt never be able to do something as artistic as what you have done. I also saw the later product. I just wanted to make u smile or chuckle a bit lol since it really looked funny. I entered this topic just to see the plushies you make.
So in all fairness i will post the TNT you made later
In addition i dont take any points off your talent, since i wouldnt never be able to do something as artistic as what you have done. I also saw the later product. I just wanted to make u smile or chuckle a bit lol since it really looked funny. I entered this topic just to see the plushies you make.
So in all fairness i will post the TNT you made later
I just realised that now it just looks like a more dangerous penis
That's sweet. It's also sweet that you apparently failed again, only this time in front of the whole forums
I'm also beginning to sense that maybe Yare isn't Avistew's favorite anymore ... !
I know, right?
Yare wasn't my favourite >.> I never started the stalking rumour, I only rolled with it.
Yeah, it's so weird that they'd assume you had a thing for Yare just because you were creating his likeness in yarn :rolleyes:
Haha it's the other way around
Don't get me wrong, I do think Yare is handsome. But... we don't really have a connection. Hey, that's why the stalker joke worked to begin with.
Jeez, I can't believe I'm actually explaining that. It's obvious, right? I bet you're just trying to tease me.
Lena is a Meanie.
Moving on, here is the first picture I sent to Will for him to guess what it was. Some background: it's just part of the plush I was making at the time.
I'm sending the exact same picture out of fairness.
Also, I've told some people I was knitting it, so to these people, please, don't "guess". You already know!
This being said I'll stay true to my word and not tell anyone if they're right or wrong in their guesses.
Wow, you're making it so easy I almost bad about teasing you. Good thing my conscience has a sleep mode!
And I'd guess that thing is a foot, since it looks a lot like a pink sock.
Then my work is done!
And before I get any juvenile "which head?" jokes...
I blame the excitement I have for Epic Yarn, but my thought is Kirby
This is the second pic I sent Will. Have fun guessing!
I'm knitting something for my neighbours downstairs and I'll post pics of that next so you can try guessing. Except the people who I've told it to already, of course.
Hopefully, what it is is obvious. So instead, I'll ask you to guess what the whole plush will be (this is just an accessory) and what occasion I am making it for.
I've been thinking of having some kind of contest... I'd post pictures, people would PM me, the person who guesses what it is gets the plush.
That would be neat, but every time I think about that, the idea I might end up needing to ship stuff at the other end of the world dissuades me...
Oh well. This is still fun, right?
How about the person who gets it right chooses a name for it (if it doesn't have a name)?
Oh, and is it
It sure is! Ok, that's a bucket of water. The whole plush will be a fireman... and... sorry, what was the rest of the question? I'm sidetracked by thoughts of the hunky fireman!
Ooh the fireman will be Winslow and he's saving a map from a burning building. *swoon*
Yep, broom from Fantasia. Now go guess why I'm making one for my neighbours downstairs
(Sorry, puzzlebox). us >.>
Probably only by a little bit, but enough that the building manager came banging on our door wondering what was happening. What was happening is that the washing machine's hose had slipped from the sink and poured water on the floor in the kitchen. We turned it off and mopped up everything, but obviously, some went downstairs. We were just done when the manager arrived.
Anyway, that is an awesome bucket.
Hehe, we did that too. Only it affected flats up to 5 floors below us...
I should probably live in a concrete bunker in Greenland. Things would be safer that way.
Oh Dear O.O
You probably weren't very popular in the building afterwards
Well, would probably be better than the guy who caused our apartment building to catch fire back in France. We were all out of electricity for a while, not to mention the material damage and stuff.
All because he threw his cigarette in the garbage without turning it off. I also got a raise once because a different guy did the same thing at work, then left, and the store burnt down. So he was fired and I got his job.
I'm always baffled how people can do that. It's fire, people! Of course you should make sure it's out, and not just throw it as is in the garbage! I mean, seriously.
I feel shame every single time I see someone in the elevator. And hope they don't know which apartment I live in.
I reckon! That's nuts. Seriously, burning ember + dry garbage, what do you think is going to happen??
well said
Still going to be boring for someone who doesn't care about knitting or doesn't know much about it.
I might upload knitting lessons if there is enough of a demand for it, for know I'll keep filming the more relevant steps of making the Hidden Person.
Oh, and link.
My jaw dropped when i saw this. Just thinking "The time and effort, the hours long sewing for her abstract idea. The dedication and sweat for a a a..... OMG what was going wrong with your hormones!!!!
And that was totally accidental. Seriously, you have no idea what stuff is going to look like until you sew it together and stuff it. I don't think I could have planned for it to look that way if I had wanted (which I did not!).
In addition i dont take any points off your talent, since i wouldnt never be able to do something as artistic as what you have done. I also saw the later product. I just wanted to make u smile or chuckle a bit lol since it really looked funny. I entered this topic just to see the plushies you make.
So in all fairness i will post the TNT you made later
Has anyone asked for Bone plushies yet?
I just realised that now it just looks like a more dangerous penis
Shhh! i didnt wanted to say that man, its suppose to be a TNT!!
The half-beard is messy right now, and I haven't started on the hair. Oh, and, er, the other half hasn't been started yet, as you can see here:
Still, I'm happy with how it's coming along.