Which plush should I make?
The preorderers among you might be aware of the fact that I made Sam and Max plushes. I shared pictures there as a preordering bonus thing. I'll add them here after the Devil's Playhouse is out.
Now I want (no, I need) to work on other characters. But I've decided I can't knit every single character of every series so I'm going to go with other series for now.
So I'm asking you: which character do you think is iconic of telltale games (by which I mean, not someone we see for 3 seconds in one episode) and would make a good plush? (looking humanoid would be a great help).
I'm thinking of starting with the main characters of each game, and then moving to telltale-exclusive characters if any. But really, my point is which should I work on next? I have no clue.
Telltale team, you're encouraged to share your opinion too, by the way. Any character apart from Sam&Max (the OP retains all discretion not to follow advice given in this thread).
Oh, and before anyone asks, all these plushes already have owners (yes, even those that haven't been made yet). And I'm only making one of each (most of the fun is in figuring out how to make them, it would feel boring making the same one a second time). So I'm not making one for you. But you'll get to see pictures.
Now I want (no, I need) to work on other characters. But I've decided I can't knit every single character of every series so I'm going to go with other series for now.
So I'm asking you: which character do you think is iconic of telltale games (by which I mean, not someone we see for 3 seconds in one episode) and would make a good plush? (looking humanoid would be a great help).
I'm thinking of starting with the main characters of each game, and then moving to telltale-exclusive characters if any. But really, my point is which should I work on next? I have no clue.
Telltale team, you're encouraged to share your opinion too, by the way. Any character apart from Sam&Max (the OP retains all discretion not to follow advice given in this thread).
Oh, and before anyone asks, all these plushes already have owners (yes, even those that haven't been made yet). And I'm only making one of each (most of the fun is in figuring out how to make them, it would feel boring making the same one a second time). So I'm not making one for you. But you'll get to see pictures.
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It's not humanoid at all but now I have to do it.
At least the TNT will be easy to make >.>
You say that as though it's easier to knit one tail than two legs :P
Legs are just rectangles that you roll and stuff.
Tails are a whole different story though.
It's always very helpful when someone has created a pattern already, although going "blind" is a lot of fun. It's a lot of work, too, though, nearly every detail of Sam's outfit has to either be made twice because the first time didn't turn out (for small things) or partially unmade and remade (for big things).
Max on the other hand was done right from the first try, since it's basically a template made in white, with an extra-wide head and bunny bits (ears and tail).
Sometimes something seems simple but need to be remade several times before I get it right (like Sam's scarf) or something that might sound tricky end up right from the first try (like Sam's hat).
It's interesting. I'm sure if I was better at geometry and modeling and other 3D-related stuff I'd get a faster idea of what shape in need to make to get what I want, but I'm managing so far.
I'm working on the screaming Narwhal. Or rather the rocket/fireworks thingie. You know, the thing I called TNT earlier with total disregard to the fact that TNT explodes screaming narwhals instead of launching them.
I just wanted to update saying that it shall be red. Just red. No yellow. No diagonal stripes. NEVER AGAIN!
So, I realise people will be disappointed with my lack of respect for the original work, and wanted to warn you ahead of time.
Also, I have no clue how the make the texture on the horn so it might be smooth. Oh, the infamy!
And finally, you're allowed to keep suggesting, you know? When I'm done with this one, I'll look back at all suggestions to decide which to do next.
Ooooh yeah that's a really good idea you guys
Oh hey look! That person way over there agrees with me!
Oh, hey mister lumbering giant! Is "cromulent" a good thing to be?
Well, isn't that dandy! I'm agreed with by a person way over there and a giant that is right here, and neither of them is a weakly characterized farce concocted by my limited imagination!
If you're going to do Lincoln, What you need is a full Abe Lincoln, whose head is velcro'd to the body, or otherwise attached in an easily-removable way. That way, you can reenact the entirety of 104.
Happiest Narwhal in the Galaxy.
I will settle for happy narwhal.
Admit it, you just want revenge because I haven't made Rather Dashing yet.
I think the head of Abraham Lincoln, if I don't make it just a sphere with eyes, would be pretty tricky. But I'll put it on the waiting list.
Put a dinosaur in the games and I'll make one :P (There isn't one yet, is there? That we know of).
Yes, that's right, I'm taking all suggestions, except Rather Dashing's!
I don't think I'd want to make a lincoln with removable head, especially with velcro, though, since it would just stick to the rest of it (since it's yarn) and potentially damage the whole thing.
Anything that's removable (accessories, etc) would need to use safety pins or something similar. People have been talking about giving Sam & Max guns, for instance.
Also, I'm making all plushies about the same size, but for the head of AL, I'd probably make the whole head that size. So if I make a whole AL statue, it would either be huge and take much too long, or be the same size as the others but the the head alone would look like it's Murray or something.
So although your idea sounds nice, I don't think I'll do it.
And I heard you (rather, read you) with Rather Dashing the first time
Other people voting the same might, though. Other people who aren't alternate accounts, that is
I think they've received enough compliments as it is
Not for lack of trying, I assure you.
(Why is it no longer your avi though?)
Or boobies.
Oh God, a brand new IP completely based around Dinosaurs. That'd be fantastic.
This was ace, even if the resemblance to Dinosaurs was only slight.
You need to try harder. Please.
See also: an entry from last year's Halloween contest:
How did you not vote for Treasure Crab??
This stuff is very cool avistew, I'm looking forward to seeing them no matter which character you make next.
I also think that bosco with a working put onable hats would be much fun.
cute. new drawing, or old?
Also, i vote for strong bad, winslow and... rather dashing. I would like to see a 2D plushie.
in my mind or a fone bone plush
Anyway, I'm taking a break from knitting because oh boy do my hands hurt. But I've started the rocket. Here is a picture with a Sissi kitty for scale (Disclaimer: I did not knit the cat)
As you can see it's missing the top. I'm still trying to figure out how to make a cone without using double-pointed needles but I think I'll end up having to. I hope I have some the right size.
Also, in not too long I'll be able to post the Sam&Max pictures here! yay!