For the first time, I felt that I had to take a picture of something still being worked on, to express how much of a pain in the fundament working on Little Robert's hair is.
The sad thing is, I fear it's only going to get worse as I reach the bottom of it.
Just realised it's not clear from the picture, but they're all straight needles, not double-pointed.
Avistew, you should totally ask Yare to send you some of his hair so you can weave it in the plush! That'd be extra awesome.
Then only something from the dead, something from the thread and something from the body...
(I'm just seeing how far she can go before she gets that restraining order.)
Avistew, you should totally ask Yare to send you some of his hair so you can weave it in the plush! That'd be extra awesome.
Did you miss the part where I showed I had already started knitting supremely multi-needly hair? And you want me to just dismiss all of my hard work? I say no, sir, I am not who you take me for.
Also, it's much better when you harvest it yourself, fresh and all, with the smell still lingering. If he sent me some... it just wouldn't be the same.
And the fact that I've tried weaving thread into the plush (of a thickness equivalent to hair, incidentally) and it didn't work has nothing to do with my refusal, honest.
And the fact that I've tried weaving thread into the plush (of a thickness equivalent to hair, incidentally) and it didn't work has nothing to do with my refusal, honest.
Yeah, but Narwhal hair is totally different than human hair.
Just so you know, Gene Kelly is the guy in the green hat and brown vest. (It suddenly occurred to me you may not be that familiar with American classic film actors.)
Just so you know, Gene Kelly is the guy in the green hat and brown vest. (It suddenly occurred to me you may not be that familiar with American classic film actors.)
Gene Kelly is amazing... and he looks somewhat like Yare/Robert...
No, no, you don't get it. I want it to be so that if someone sees the plushie, then crosses Robert on the street, they'd stop him and go "hey, you're the guy from the plushie!"
And he'd go "Why yes, yes I am", and they'd get his autograph, and he'd feel all famous and stuff.
I guess he'd have the option to go "What the hell are you talking about, creepy person Avistew just made up?" too, but I like mine better.
No, no, you don't get it. I want it to be so that if someone sees the plushie, then crosses Robert on the street, they'd stop him and go "hey, you're the guy from the plushie!"
And he'd go "Why yes, yes I am", and they'd get his autograph, and he'd feel all famous and stuff.
I guess he'd have the option to go "What the hell are you talking about, creepy person Avistew just made up?" too, but I like mine better.
Well, this way, when they see Robert on the street, they'll say, "Weren't you that guy that did The Three Musketeers?"
Then he can lie and say, "Yes, I am."
Then, the tabloids will go crazy with stories that Gene Kelly is back from the dead!
Well, this way, when they see Robert on the street, they'll say, "Weren't you that guy that did The Three Musketeers?"
Then he can lie and say, "Yes, I am."
Then, the tabloids will go crazy with stories that Gene Kelly is back from the dead!
But then none of that has anything to do with my knitting!
Can one, lone programmer clear the Queen's PC of bloatware, defeat Richelieu's army of codemonkeys at TF2 and win the heart of the fair-shooting nikasaur, all while paying off his student loans? Watch, "y' Artagnan" coming this Fall.
Hey Merl, can I call you Merl? Merl! Listen, let me just say thank you for giving me this appointment today. You're a busy man, I know, but I just want you to know how heartfelt my gratitude is. This chance is a great chance, I appreciate it, and I want you to know that I appreciate it.
Anyway, the game. Merl, this game is great, it's got everything, action! Adventure! Love, sex, romance! And it'll reel in that 15-55 year old female demographic your series have been missing until now. You know why? 'Cause it's got Yare, and Yare is pure charm in a can. This guy is the kind of guy girls go nuts over! They love him! They worship him! They knit miniature versions of him to perform bizarre Voodoo rites over! This guy has got "It", and he's got it in spades! We think it's the hair.
Anyway, you've got him, let's use him, stick him in a funny hat opposite a smart and sassy girl who the teenagers can relate to, and whose hair and clothing style they can imitate, and boom! You've got a hit! We'll have the designers work out the details later, but Merl, you can see the big picture, am I right? So, I know our time's up, you're busy, you've got my number, call me, you know you gotta do this project. Merl, you'll be printing money, I promise you.
Remember the rule of caricatures: If it's notable, exaggerate it.
Maybe there's something you can exaggerate to add to the Yare-ness of it?
I'm not comfortable making a super-sexy version of something that, proportion-wise, is closely related to a little kid.
(But giving it facial hair is A-okay )
Also, I tried making his hair messier than in real life, but I now believe this is impossible.
@Lena: I think they'll go for it. I mean, how could they not? It's got TF2, romance, and Yare in it! That's almost as good as putting bacon and katanas together!...hmm, I gotta write that down...
No? Really?
The sad thing is, I fear it's only going to get worse as I reach the bottom of it.
Just realised it's not clear from the picture, but they're all straight needles, not double-pointed.
This would be fundamentally incorrect.
Ah, Dashing... Always ruining the moment
Then only something from the dead, something from the thread and something from the body...
(I'm just seeing how far she can go before she gets that restraining order.)
I'm talkative. That was the joke.
Did you miss the part where I showed I had already started knitting supremely multi-needly hair? And you want me to just dismiss all of my hard work? I say no, sir, I am not who you take me for.
Also, it's much better when you harvest it yourself, fresh and all, with the smell still lingering. If he sent me some... it just wouldn't be the same.
And the fact that I've tried weaving thread into the plush (of a thickness equivalent to hair, incidentally) and it didn't work has nothing to do with my refusal, honest.
Yeah, but Narwhal hair is totally different than human hair.
You're still up? :eek:
I don't think he'll ever sleep soundly at night again.
Programmers don't get to sleep.
True story.
They just programme their minds to think they've had sleep.
I'm not sure how I like it. It's kinda not Robert, you know? Looks more like Robertagnan. Which should make Lena very, very happy.
Anyways, here you go:
That's the plan, yes. Several outfits, even. Not at the same time, of course.
I fail at making resemblant humans, I guess
I figured. But he's not Robert!
At least mine is alive. Na.
Gene Kelly is amazing... and he looks somewhat like Yare/Robert...
No, no, you don't get it. I want it to be so that if someone sees the plushie, then crosses Robert on the street, they'd stop him and go "hey, you're the guy from the plushie!"
And he'd go "Why yes, yes I am", and they'd get his autograph, and he'd feel all famous and stuff.
I guess he'd have the option to go "What the hell are you talking about, creepy person Avistew just made up?" too, but I like mine better.
Well, this way, when they see Robert on the street, they'll say, "Weren't you that guy that did The Three Musketeers?"
Then he can lie and say, "Yes, I am."
Then, the tabloids will go crazy with stories that Gene Kelly is back from the dead!
But then none of that has anything to do with my knitting!
Any moment now, he'll be asked to star in a swashbuckling movie! I can't wait!
I would totally watch that show. Or maybe it could be a game! We should pitch it to the pilot program people.
Anyway, the game. Merl, this game is great, it's got everything, action! Adventure! Love, sex, romance! And it'll reel in that 15-55 year old female demographic your series have been missing until now. You know why? 'Cause it's got Yare, and Yare is pure charm in a can. This guy is the kind of guy girls go nuts over! They love him! They worship him! They knit miniature versions of him to perform bizarre Voodoo rites over! This guy has got "It", and he's got it in spades! We think it's the hair.
Anyway, you've got him, let's use him, stick him in a funny hat opposite a smart and sassy girl who the teenagers can relate to, and whose hair and clothing style they can imitate, and boom! You've got a hit! We'll have the designers work out the details later, but Merl, you can see the big picture, am I right? So, I know our time's up, you're busy, you've got my number, call me, you know you gotta do this project. Merl, you'll be printing money, I promise you.
Maybe there's something you can exaggerate to add to the Yare-ness of it?
I'm not comfortable making a super-sexy version of something that, proportion-wise, is closely related to a little kid.
(But giving it facial hair is A-okay
Also, I tried making his hair messier than in real life, but I now believe this is impossible.