If you make a plushie of me I want cat ears, mustache, monocle and top hat accessories. And a cup of coffee that's half of my height, for authenticity.
If you make a plushie of me I want cat ears, mustache, monocle and top hat accessories. And a cup of coffee that's half of my height, for authenticity.
What about the flower in your hair? Let's not forget it.
But I'm not going to be making any forumite for a little while I'm a slow worker.
Note to Self: Get hired by Telltale so avistew will do your plushie first.
Also, I don't actually wear a flower in my hair. I just have one on my avatar to symbolize my return to San Francisco. (I suppose that I technically don't have a top hat or monocle either, but I'm working on it!)
Also also, I just realized that if you make Shauntron you'll have to give him a kung-fu grip.
I like this one. Although it's in French, so you probably will have no idea what it's about.
Using every ounce of my highschool French that I have left I'd guess that he's talking about a blue house without carpets where everybody is partying and then the next morning they get up? And ... that's all I've got.
Googling "kung fu grip" gave me some sexual results. What exactly did you mean? Just that he's strong, or something else?
I was referring to one of the original lines of G.I. Joe dolls, actually, and Shauntron's martial art prowess. He could have other kinds of prowess, but I wouldn't know about that, and I think the both of us hope that I never shall, frankly.
Using every ounce of my highschool French that I have left I'd guess that he's talking about a blue house without carpets where everybody is partying and then the next morning they get up? And ... that's all I've got.
I'm not sure where you got the "without carpets", but it's a blue house on a hill where they gather together, and they just walk in without knocking after years of traveling because it's never locked. (Doesn't sound like the US incidentally xD)
I was referring to one of the original lines of G.I. Joe dolls, actually, and Shauntron's martial art prowess.
Oh, okay. I missed the G.I. Joe reference.
I was just thinking, if you've got a D'Artagnan fetish , you might enjoy this ice-skating performance by Candeloro. My favourite part is when he's swordfighting (starts at 4:08, slow motion starting at 6:24).
I'm finally done with Yare's body! Phew, I was on it all evening!
Without further innuendo, let me share some picture of my work so far, placed in an appropriate decor.
You'll notice he's missing his arms, hair and facial features (and, well, clothes). I'll be working on that tomorrow.
The mark on his face is a guide for adding the facial features. It will be removed afterwards.
Yeah, I fail to see why I wouldn't be crazy enough. I should be differentiated by the "French" adjective. I think "scary, crazy, stalking French fan" is probably specific enough at this point.
Psst, avistew! If you say someone is scary ____ it's another way of saying they're very ____, like "He's scary smart!" or "Have you seen his videos? He's scary talented!"
Oooh! I would have said "scarily X". Anyway, I'm scary too, right? I mean, I'm stalking him and stuff. It has to be scary.
In other news, I tried lots of facial hair and they all turned out badly. I'm a bit sad because one of them involved using thread and putting each hair in place individually, and that took a long time but didn't look good so I had to take it all apart
I'm working on the arms right now, and then I'll try the (non-facial) hair. Still got the same hairstyle, Robert?
Incidentally, the threads are guides for later. I had pins originally, but for this specific picture, since the point was to have a heart-shaped pin into his heart, having other heart-shaped pins in his face kinda defeated the point, so I put yarn instead and removed them.
(All my pins are heart-shaped. It's a practical shape, the heads are much too big for a pin to slip between stitches and get lost inside).
Yeah, and it's inaccurate. We're totally not anonymous.
I'm totally anonymous. The Telltales have no possible way to find out my true name, address or physical appearance, and it's not like I live within driving distance of their office!
Note to Self: Never, ever piss off Shauntron the Magnificent.
I'm totally anonymous. The Telltales have no possible way to find out my true name, address or physical appearance, and it's not like I live within driving distance of their office!
Stop bragging!
I'm totally going down there someday.
Unannounced so Robert doesn't take a day off. Unannounced to him, at least.
Honestly, when I realized that people in real life were actually recognizing me from the forum it kind of freaked me out a little. I thought, "Oh shoot, people are actually reading the drivel I spill out here?! They must think I'm an absolute idiot!" I then realized that I'm probably not the only forumite they'd recognize, I just happen to be the only one they've met, which made me feel better. I also realized people don't mind idiots as long as they're funny and don't talk about politics!
And if you do come, A) Let me know so we can hang out and Bring smarties.
What about the flower in your hair? Let's not forget it.
But I'm not going to be making any forumite for a little while
Also, I don't actually wear a flower in my hair. I just have one on my avatar to symbolize my return to San Francisco. (I suppose that I technically don't have a top hat or monocle either, but I'm working on it!)
Also also, I just realized that if you make Shauntron you'll have to give him a kung-fu grip.
I still wouldn't make it first
I like this one. Although it's in French, so you probably will have no idea what it's about.
Googling "kung fu grip" gave me some sexual results. What exactly did you mean? Just that he's strong, or something else?
Yes, but at least I'd be made before the other forumites, now, wouldn't I?
Using every ounce of my highschool French that I have left I'd guess that he's talking about a blue house without carpets where everybody is partying and then the next morning they get up? And ... that's all I've got.
I was referring to one of the original lines of G.I. Joe dolls, actually, and Shauntron's martial art prowess. He could have other kinds of prowess, but I wouldn't know about that, and I think the both of us hope that I never shall, frankly.
I guess so
I'm not sure where you got the "without carpets", but it's a blue house on a hill where they gather together, and they just walk in without knocking after years of traveling because it's never locked. (Doesn't sound like the US incidentally xD)
Oh, okay. I missed the G.I. Joe reference.
I was just thinking, if you've got a D'Artagnan fetish
Without further innuendo, let me share some picture of my work so far, placed in an appropriate decor.
You'll notice he's missing his arms, hair and facial features (and, well, clothes). I'll be working on that tomorrow.
The mark on his face is a guide for adding the facial features. It will be removed afterwards.
Life is weird.
You doesn't know the half about it.
I'll just leave you lot to it...
What you can't see in the picture are the voodoo pins Avistew has at hand...
np: Autechre - known(1) (Oversteps)
Case in point:
Well... if someone HAD to make an effigy of me and then jam a pin into my chest, I'd probably want it to be a pin with a tiny pink loveheart on it.
Actually, to turn people on, you need to aim for a different area.
You're right that I was going for the whole cupid effect though.
Bet you never thought you'd see your co-worker NUDE in dollform either did you?
Things are probably gonna get weird in the office now...
Hahahaha... "point"
July 2009 - Caused an internet flamewar by suggesting the iPhone was more powerful than the Wii, proving I know how to create a "buzz".
Ausust 2009 - December 2045, Explained why company moved away from point n' click to direct mind control on the company forums.
April 2010 - Miniature yarn simulacrum of myself was created, proving that I have the potential to be franchised out.
Also April 2010 - A scary fan who's appearantly been stalking me puts some of my highlights online and spells August wrong.
I also think you should list me as his scary, crazy fan to differentiate me from avistew.
In other news, I tried lots of facial hair and they all turned out badly. I'm a bit sad because one of them involved using thread and putting each hair in place individually, and that took a long time but didn't look good so I had to take it all apart
I'm working on the arms right now, and then I'll try the (non-facial) hair. Still got the same hairstyle, Robert?
Amazingly, this is exactly what Robert looks like when he hasn't trimmed his beard in a while.
His arms fall off? :eek:
Yes, and he forgets to dress himself and removes his face.
(All my pins are heart-shaped. It's a practical shape, the heads are much too big for a pin to slip between stitches and get lost inside).
Yes. But my mother-in-law (I got all my supplies from her since she taught me how to knit) didn't happen to have any in stock, go figure.
You know I have searched for those before its not as easy to find as you would think.
Yeah, and it's inaccurate. We're totally not anonymous.
That is the proper way to say it, but saying "scary X" is what the cool kids do these days.
I love this part.
That is so weird considering what sewing freaks pirates are. Seriously, if they're not pillaging or scrubbing the deck they're fixing the sails.
Hmm ... I smell a business opportunity!
I'm totally anonymous. The Telltales have no possible way to find out my true name, address or physical appearance, and it's not like I live within driving distance of their office!
Note to Self: Never, ever piss off Shauntron the Magnificent.
Stop bragging!
I'm totally going down there someday.
Unannounced so Robert doesn't take a day off. Unannounced to him, at least.
And if you do come, A) Let me know so we can hang out and