The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited February 2012
    Giant Tope wrote: »


    They're so cuuuute! MUST HUG SQUISHY DINOS.
  • edited February 2012
    CM Punk defended his belt in the Elimination Chamber!
  • edited February 2012
    I don't think my kitchen door likes me very much as I've just now trapped a thumb in it, the same hand as my finger earlier incidentally.
  • edited February 2012
    Finally, my 6 day week is over(17/20 days overall). Time to booze it up.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm tired and i don't know why.
  • edited February 2012
    Grandpa's in the hospital. =/

    Best wishes for his recovery.
  • edited February 2012
  • edited February 2012
    I just had a scary thought...

    With major video game companies trying to get rid of the Used market in order to increase their profit margin, how the hell am I going to play AAA titles on a budget? I know it's stupid to play something for the first time like.... oh, I don't know, Portal 2 after a few years has passed and everyone has played it because it's cheaper.

    I mean, sure, there's TTG and smaller titles I can play for half the price of a AAA title, but I don't want to wait five years just to play Skyrim because I can't find it Used (and with a working security serial code that I bet it will ultimately have on it).

    Maybe I should just retire from gaming since it's clear the publishers only are interested in what makes them money (Day one purchases, DLC pre-order bonuses, etc.), and the Used Market doesn't really do that for them.
  • edited February 2012
    um... You can buy older games new in package, discounted. Publishers are only interested in what makes them money because that's what pays for future investment and money owed to produce new games. The age old excuse of "buying cheap games will peak interest and make me want to buy future releases" is lost on you as you are flat out saying that you have no intention what so ever of giving the developers any money at all by only buying used games.
  • edited February 2012
    Zeek wrote: »
    but I don't want to wait five years just to play Skyrim because I can't find it Used (and with a working security serial code that I bet it will ultimately have on it).

    What's wrong about that? I have been doing that for years. Skyrim is the third AAA-title I ever bought at full price.
  • edited February 2012
    I will add;
    As someone who is more than sympathetic with the gamers that cannot afford to buy brand new games(lets just say that even though I am old enough to have an original 80's Nintendo, I did not own a Super Nintendo until 1998), I am aware how buying games provides funds for said games. There are lots and lots of free or really really cheap games out there and a gamer can legally play many many games no matter how much money they have. Just like I've stated, I know more than well what it's like to be left out and not able to afford the games that everyone are talking about until years later. It is much easier to cope with as an adult, but as a child.... well you can imagine.

    If this happens, you will survive. If it doesn't, well then great for you.
    (I felt that my previous statement came off as preachy from someone who can afford the luxury of same-day I can afford them once in a while, I still can't buy everything I kind of feel like playing...shit, I just got Portal 2 early this month)
  • edited February 2012
    People should have more Metal Gear Solid character art avatars.
  • edited February 2012
    Good thing I'm a cow? But nah, I'll pass.
  • edited February 2012
    People should have more Metal Gear Solid character art avatars.

    Damn it.
  • edited February 2012
    I did it! I finally met a wonderful woman.

  • edited February 2012
    A quick image I cobbled together. More to come...
    I did it! I finally met a wonderful woman.


    You sly old fox, you.
  • edited February 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    um... You can buy older games new in package, discounted. Publishers are only interested in what makes them money because that's what pays for future investment and money owed to produce new games. The age old excuse of "buying cheap games will peak interest and make me want to buy future releases" is lost on you as you are flat out saying that you have no intention what so ever of giving the developers any money at all by only buying used games.


    Look. I've pirated games before, and I found out the hard way that doing that is a stupid idea. You get missing files from "hacked copies" of the CD image. You get missing asset files or key hidden files not installing properly that screw the game up even worse. The more complex the game, the larger the file, the higher the risk of a pirated version messing up.

    I buy my games now, even if I have to buy them use.

    But if publishers are releasing old games in new packages, then show me a copy of Katamari Damacy, the first one, that I can find that I can actually PLAY. Because last I am aware of, the original Katamari was a PS2 title, and most of the PS3s out there don't play those titles anymore.
  • edited February 2012
  • edited February 2012
    God damn it, Johro! This whole thing has got me all hot and mad now to the point where I went to my Amazon Wish List to see what "new games" I still want but can't afford right now.

    And surprise, surprise! The reason I can't afford them is because I still don't have a PS3 or a XBOX360. And with the console cycle coming to an end in the next year or two (as projected, but who the hell really knows), I bet that will be the only time I can afford the $300 price tag for both systems (if I'm not spending that much already on my loans).

    As far as titles go? Arkham Asylum is $20. New, and from the publisher. But that's because nobody is playing it. Everyone else is playing Arkham City, which is still $55 new. Red Dead Redemption is $30 new from the publisher now.

    Right now, given my economic state, the only games I could buy are BioShock 1 and 2, which total out to $30 for both of them! ($20 for BioShock 1, $10 for BioShock 2), but I wouldn't be able to play it. It'd be like the Penny Arcade comic where Gabe bought Uncharted for the Vita a week before the Vita even gets released for the US. So what would be the point? To have it sit on my shelf until I can afford a used Xbox?

    BLAAHRGHG!! Why does this bother me so much?! Maybe it is because I can't take my rage out on virtual people anymore because I don't have aggressive shooters like Saint Row 3 because I don't have a computer powerful enough to run it! I guess that's what I get for investing my personal savings into a graphics card and RAM isntead of actual gaming systems, so there's only myself to blame.

    I'm going to go back to facebook and play Frogger Pinball, since these are the only games I can play these days. And then once I'm bored, I'm going off to and play that game where a luchador beats up gummie bears.
  • edited February 2012
    Zeek wrote: »
    Johro wrote: »
    um... You can buy older games new in package, discounted. Publishers are only interested in what makes them money because that's what pays for future investment and money owed to produce new games. The age old excuse of "buying cheap games will peak interest and make me want to buy future releases" is lost on you as you are flat out saying that you have no intention what so ever of giving the developers any money at all by only buying used games.


    Look. I've pirated games before, and I found out the hard way that doing that is a stupid idea. You get missing files from "hacked copies" of the CD image. You get missing asset files or key hidden files not installing properly that screw the game up even worse. The more complex the game, the larger the file, the higher the risk of a pirated version messing up.

    I buy my games now, even if I have to buy them use.

    But if publishers are releasing old games in new packages, then show me a copy of Katamari Damacy, the first one, that I can find that I can actually PLAY. Because last I am aware of, the original Katamari was a PS2 title, and most of the PS3s out there don't play those titles anymore.

    Wait, when did anybody even mention piracy? From what I can tell, this post has absolutely nothing to do with the post it quotes.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Heart attack. He seems fine now and is mostly worrying about other people, and they'll be doing a cardiac stress test in the morning to see if he should go to his specialist or get extra care.

    My grandmother had a heart attack three years ago... but that woman is indestructible. IN-DE-FUCKING-STRUCTIBLE. Flew to the States again only months after. Wishing your granddad an equally impressive constitution and all the best!
  • edited February 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    I know more than well what it's like to be left out and not able to afford the games that everyone are talking about until years later. It is much easier to cope with as an adult, but as a child.... well you can imagine.
    Zeek wrote: »
    God damn it, Johro! This whole thing has got me all hot and mad now to the point where I went to my Amazon Wish List to see what "new games" I still want but can't afford right now.

    And surprise, surprise! The reason I can't afford them is because I still don't have a PS3 or a XBOX360.

    I have not bought a 360 nor PS3 because many games I wanted for same have reasonable PC (read:Steam) ports.

    However, on the topic of affording the games themselves, I bought the Skyward Sword bundle (with gold Wiimote Plus) in November for $70 and still cringe when I think about it. I have thus not yet bought L.A. Noire, Saints Row The Third, Arkham City nor Skyrim, because of the price at which I bought Zelda, the prices at which said games still remain on Steam, and recently most of all... because I'm going to buy Mass Effect 3 for Steam the very day it's released if not preorder it beforehand.

    EDIT: So it would seem that ME3 may not be coming to Steam at launch. If that is the case, I will wait until it is available on Steam before I buy it.
  • edited February 2012

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    I did it! I finally met a wonderful woman

  • edited February 2012
    Wait, when did anybody even mention piracy? From what I can tell, this post has absolutely nothing to do with the post it quotes.

    Sorry. I have a Trigger Phrase. Specifically, in that post, the part about how I clearly don't want to give game developers any of my money if I want to buy their work used.

    RE Steam: The only game I have from that distributor is AudioSurf, and I still play that with every new MP3 I get from OCRemix. I tried to play the Bastion Demo off of it and was surprised that I couldn't run it very well. I also know for a fact that my PC can't handle Akrham Asylum without a serious hardware and software upgrade that would ultimately cost as much or more than just buying the console to play the console version of the title. And, yes, I know there's this big mentality going on about how "If you are going to play games on the PC, then you need to be able to keep up with the hardware and software demands." But guess what? I can't right now financially. And by the time I'm able to, everyone will have already moved on to the next hot title while I'm still sitting here waiting to see if anyone still plays Mario Kart Wii online.
  • edited February 2012
    Zeek wrote: »
    RE Steam: The only game I have from that distributor is AudioSurf, and I still play that with every new MP3 I get from OCRemix. I tried to play the Bastion Demo off of it and was surprised that I couldn't run it very well.

    Steam does have its advantages. It has a good sized community, reasonably helpful support (albeit with some issues), automatic patch updates, excellent sales, possible cloud syncing between machines, a legitimate compromise to the issue of DRM, and the ability to store shortcuts (whether Steam or not) to all your games in one single library.
  • edited February 2012
    I didn't say "want". I don't think anyone here(well, except maybe Pants) sets out to purposely NOT give people money for their products. The fact sadly remains that developers do not gets sales from used games. Hey, I would love to see that change, but as of right now, they do not. It's hard to blame them for trying to stop it. While they do make you feel left out and I see that this specific topic is a sensitive one here, there is nothing wrong with playing older games. I dusted off my 64 and played RE2 the other day, I played SoMI on steam yesterday, and by the way, I still play Arkham Asylum :P
  • edited February 2012
    Davies... I don't know what you're doing, but... please stop doing it.
  • edited February 2012
    For the record, I watched a bit of a Saints Row The Third LP on Youtube, and found that I really wanted to buy it for myself. However, the price was still too high for me to justify getting it, so I bought Saints Row 2 from Steam instead, which is also a good game and considerably cheaper.
  • edited February 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    EDIT: So it would seem that ME3 may not be coming to Steam at launch. If that is the case, I will wait until it is available on Steam before I buy it.
    So you will wait until Origin is dead? This may take forever. But fear not. I am waiting with you. I will never play ME3 unless it is on Steam.
    I would love to try the Saints Row games but I don't want the German version. Especially the German version of SR2. It's censored to an untolerable state.

    worst example this is what you see in some cutscenes instead of the cutscene:

    We are very sorry - very bad
    things are happening behind this screen!
  • edited February 2012
    Grandpa needs catheterization and probably is going to need another quadruple bypass. :(
    Zeek wrote: »
    With major video game companies trying to get rid of the Used market in order to increase their profit margin, how the hell am I going to play AAA titles on a budget? I know it's stupid to play something for the first time like.... oh, I don't know, Portal 2 after a few years has passed and everyone has played it because it's cheaper.
    Look at what happened to music prices when iTunes came about. Look at what happened to game prices on PC when Steam became a standard. Look at Netflix and other streaming options. Face it, digital distribution as a standard rather than as a side business drives prices down.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    So you will wait until Origin is dead? This may take forever. But fear not. I am waiting with you. I will never play ME3 unless it is on Steam.

    I will of course support your decision, but here comes the surprise. I for one am about to buy ME3 and use it with Origin (but intend to go on to never buy an EA product ever again in my entire life).

    At present, Origin only needs one online activation for ME3. So, it does at least look like a less invasive platform than Steam. But don't get me wrong here. With the shit EA was trying to pull off with their first Origin EULA version, it's absolutely clear that Steam is the service to trust with your data and Electronic Arts explicitly is not. These guys have no shame and have proven that they don't.

    Judging from the demo, Origin will allow offline play, but will suggest every fucking step of the way that this was never its original intent. The sheer number of things you have to deactivate, deselect, hide or plain ignore to get this thing to run in solo offline mode and keep Origin's dirty fingers from EA's servers is mind blowing.

    Steam may survive although I might never use it, but Origin absolutely MUST DIE.
  • edited February 2012
    Grandpa needs catheterization and probably is going to need another quadruple bypass. :(

    Oh wow. That doesn't sound good at all.
    Look at what happened to music prices when iTunes came about. Look at what happened to game prices on PC when Steam became a standard. Look at Netflix and other streaming options. Face it, digital distribution as a standard rather than as a side business drives prices down.
    Over here music prices are the same. We actually still buy a quite large amount of CDs. I personally never bought anything from iTunes. The only digital music I own is on Steam.

    I will of course support your decision
    I would have never guessed.
    but here comes the surprise. I for one am about to buy ME3 and use it with Origin (but intend to go on to never buy an EA product ever again in my entire life).
    Judging from the demo, Origin will allow offline play, but will suggest every fucking step of the way that this was never its original intent. The sheer number of things you have to deactivate, deselect, hide or plain ignore to get this thing to run in solo offline mode and keep Origin's dirty fingers from EA's servers is mind blowing.
    Steam is kind of the same though. Even though the offline mode works fine if you know how to enable it properly.
    Steam may survive although I might never use it, but Origin absolutely MUST DIE.
    Agreed. So what makes ME so special that you would act against your principles in such an extreme manor?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Grandpa needs catheterization and probably is going to need another quadruple bypass. :(

    Ewww... best of luck. If bypasses work, they work! And I hope the catheter will only be temporary. Do the doctors at least speak of a possible 100% recovery?

    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Agreed. So what makes ME so special that you would act against your principles in such an extreme manor?

    What I desperately want in video games... is closure. A story with an ending. ME3 might supply it (DLC notwithstanding). And that probably is the whole story. It also explains why I don't have to worry wanting another EA product. I won't start a new story with THIS company.
  • edited February 2012
    What I desperately want in video games... is closure. A story with an ending. ME3 might supply it (DLC notwithstanding). And that probably is the whole story. It also explains why I don't have to worry wanting another EA product. I won't start a new story with THIS company.

    What if they make you your puppet though. Something like a screen that says: Go online now to play the final 5 story missins and experience the epic conclusion of ME3 or stop now and we delete your savegame.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Actually, the state I'm in right now, I'd welcome EA to provoke me even more. The anger release would be more cathartic. As you will understand, using Origin needed a huge portion of resignation on my part. And I want my anger back.
  • edited February 2012
    using Origin needed a huge portion of resignation on my part.
    I DO understand that. I was already shocked to hear you played the demo to be honest.
  • edited February 2012
    ScummVM unneeded HD Curse of Monkey Island with widescreen support seems like a dream that will never come true in my lifetime.
  • edited February 2012
    Davies... I don't know what you're doing, but... please stop doing it.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    ScummVM unneeded HD Curse of Monkey Island with widescreen support seems like a dream that will never come true in my lifetime.

    As long as LucasArts is making a whole lot of money without actually making games, you might very well be correct. Why milk your oldest cow if milk is sprinkling all over you anyway?

    And Davies, do keep it up. But maybe in the general art thread? You would even get your post count up... :D :D
This discussion has been closed.