The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    10:48 PM in Germany: I was so dead tired I thought I'd drop dead on the spot. Then the newly installed FUCKING FIRE ALARM WENT OFF.

    11:25 PM Very awake now and panicking that this thing goes off again. From a teensy bit of bug spray.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Woah. I just found out you could click and drag to expand or decrease the size of the quick reply window. It's funky when you drag it beyond the size of the toolbar.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Looking at stuff today to revise for the exam on Thursday.

    Realise I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing or how to do the exam.


    Oh well. Its not the end of the world right? I'll keep trying to revise tomorrow and wednesday, and I'll try my hardest on this exam.

    But I've pretty much cocked up this 3rd year module.

    I got till Tuesday to revise for the next one, and thats a 2nd year module, so I think I can prepare a bit better for that one.

    Got to try to be optimistic, right?
    (struggling not to beat myself up over my difficulty with revision/exams/coursework ect.
    Just need to try to focus on it)

    EDIT: *sigh* Videogames/tinkering is so much easier and fun.
    If I could get a job I'd find fun or at least engaging, I'd probably be able to do some amazing work.
    (Best hope would be to make that job. Once Uni ends, I think I should seriously start trying to commit myself to improving some skills, (well I have to deal with my anxiety first... Thats the main priority here) Just making and tinkering with stuff. Maybe I could deal with both by doing some kind of time-fixed project. Something small, something involving others maybe. Maybe do something like mojam.
    Expose myself to a bit of social pressure, but not too much that I beat myself up over failing
    Just make it very small at first, like "design a puzzle", or "write a short story", or "draw this", but then once I get more confident, I can build it up)

    EDIT 2: If I were to design a "game" out of making games, then that might motivate me.
    (Objective, goal-driven, steady difficulty curve. Throw in a few things to keep it interesting)

    EDIT 3: Some goals, some objectives, some direction is probably what I need right now.
    Structure is something I've always lacked, and I feel it might be good to try to start building some foundations at least.

    Well. I'm going to go to bed in a minute. Need to get up early, have some breakfast, re-look into what I need to know for the exam, and set myself a few small things to do for it, for X amount of time, and see how well it works for me.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    Just unpacked my new Dirt Devil handheld vacuum. There was a label on it stating the vital importance of reading the instructions before use, so I did.


    Glad I didn't miss out on those little nuggets of wisdom!
  • edited April 2012
    What? Is tonight sacred or something? Where is everybody?
  • edited April 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    What? Is tonight sacred or something? Where is everybody?

    Everyone is praying to the all mighty god of TTG!
  • edited April 2012
    They all want to sniff the cigar eh?
    That doesn't sound right... or maybe it just sounds too right.
  • edited April 2012
    sniff the cigar?
  • edited April 2012
    See, what I did there was take his avatar, apply a common gesture stereotypical of high class society, and turn it into perverted innuendo.
  • edited April 2012
    in other words, you cut his cucumber lengthwise? :D
  • edited April 2012
    The commenter is correct, that does look awful.
  • edited April 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    in other words, you cut his cucumber lengthwise? :D

    That sounds painful sick and wrong..I'm in.
  • edited April 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    The commenter is correct, that does look awful.

    She cut the cucumber lengthwise! xD
  • edited April 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    That sounds painful sick and wrong..I'm in.

    He should have did it lengthwise.
  • edited April 2012
    If I order something from USA that's $49.99 and $17.99 in post will I have to pay custom tax?
  • edited April 2012
    Just discovered MC Frontalot. BEST THING EVER

    The last video actually has a guy timetraveling in a phonebooth.
    And the first one warns you of the danger of grues.
  • edited April 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    If I order something from USA that's $49.99 and $17.99 in post will I have to pay custom tax?

    If you get caught... XD
  • edited May 2012
    I've ordered stuff from all over the world and the only time I've had to pay anything other than a normal tax was when I got something from... Germany I think. I could be wrong, but it wasn't the UK. Unless this tax is only a one-way sort of deal.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2012
    lovetodo22 wrote: »
    Just discovered MC Frontalot. BEST THING EVER

    I was lucky enough to see him live at PAX a couple of years ago (and hanging out with some of the Telltale dudes no less). Was very good times!
    Johro wrote: »
    I've ordered stuff from all over the world and the only time I've had to pay anything other than a normal tax was when I got something from... Germany I think. I could be wrong, but it wasn't the UK. Unless this tax is only a one-way sort of deal.

    It's the rules of the country you're importing TO that really matter. For example in the UK this stuff only applies if you're importing from outside the EU.
    coolsome wrote: »
    If I order something from USA that's $49.99 and $17.99 in post will I have to pay custom tax?

    This page from HM Revenue & Customs has what you need. Basically you won't pay customs duty but you WILL be liable for VAT at 20% of the value of the goods, i.e. $10 (or GBP equivalent I guess) on top of what you've already paid.
  • edited May 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    This page from HM Revenue & Customs has what you need. Basically you won't pay customs duty but you WILL be liable for VAT at 20% of the value of the goods, i.e. $10 (or GBP equivalent I guess) on top of what you've already paid.

    Thanks ^^ I also found a code online to get about $10 off of the price.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Steven Tyler sounded completely different in the 1970's than he does now.
  • edited May 2012
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Steven Tyler sounded completely different in the 1970's than he does now.

    That was before he had a lot of...problems.
  • edited May 2012
    They're advertising "Wild Turkey Honey" here. I'm trying to imagine if that would be good or disgusting.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2012
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    They're advertising "Wild Turkey Honey" here. I'm trying to imagine if that would be good or disgusting.

    Weird coincidence, tonight I tried a cocktail containing both bourbon and jasmine honey. It was interesting because the initial alcoholic hit of the bourbon segued very nicely into a long honey finish. "Wild Turkey Honey" might have a similar effect? I'd want to try a bit before buying a whole bottle.
  • edited May 2012
    So Black Ops II was announced...I was thinking to myself..I wonder if they can ever go back to what made call of duty awesome. Then some customer came in and went. "Yo Dawg! Call O Duty is awesome! BRAH!" then...I was like no...
  • edited May 2012
    Yo Dawg. I herd you like COD so we put a gun in yo gun so you can pwn while u pwn.
  • edited May 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Yo Dawg. I herd you like COD so we put a gun in yo gun so you can pwn while u pwn.

    Now only if you could replace him with activision and you'd be all set.
  • edited May 2012
    I saw the new Black Ops 2 trailer too. I can't wait for the upcoming storm of "U GETTIN BLACK OPS?" again...

    If they don't pull a "CoD Elite" thing and make us pay $50 for maps that TF2/Tribes put in for free while the game IS free(TF2 and Tribes I mean), I might get it...
  • edited May 2012
    New card arrived today.

    After re-installing the drivers it appears to be working great! :D

    Got Dreamcast emulation running much better now.

    Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Soul Calibur run at an excellent framerate, (though Soul Calibur still has emulation glitches).

    Needs just a little more tweaking to get to the level I'm fully satisfied with, but its performance is much better than with the other card.

    This card also has VGA input, (the others use the old screen type which the machine needed an adapter for), so I plugged the VGA from the screen straight into the card, and it looks a bit better, brighter.

    (Also re-upped the quality in hyperspin to max with smoothing (since this card doesn't lag with it)

    So all in all. Very satisfied. :D
  • edited May 2012
    This is a song about a whale. NO!


  • edited May 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    This is a song about a whale. NO!



    I don't think your happy enough...
  • edited May 2012
    In Metal Gear universe do people root for the New England La-li-lu-le-los
  • edited May 2012
    So I just sent a message off to the head of year.
    (I've spoken to him before. He's a pretty nice guy, but he is obviously biased towards the uni (since he's working for them! XD))

    Just saying I think the reason I've been doing poorly might be linked to social anxiety, and that I plan to see a psychiatrist about it for some advice or something.

    That makes me feel a little better, getting it off my chest, but I still haven't bothered to tell my older brother or dad about it. I don't think they really care, (especially my older brother who is seemingly incapable of understanding other people's feelings, or he can but he's a malicious bastard! >:/).

    I got the exam today. I'm going to do horribly at it. Just too much to cover in such a short space of time, especially by oneself.

    But I have to keep reminding myself not to panic, (I'm getting a bit flustery being here at uni near the time of the exam), and that I can always resit it, or do the module again next year, (assuming I do go back to uni and get a placement, which looks unlikely).

    My best friend has been pretty supportive over this, saying stuff like "yeah, I'd agree that you match a lot of the symptoms", and inviting me over for the weekend, which makes me feel a little better, (though I worry I might have made him feel a little guilty or responsible, though that definately wasn't my intention, I just wanted to get it out there in the open).

    I will take him up on that next week I think, once my parents are back home from their holiday.

    Well. I best be off. Got to put some effort into revising right?

    EDIT: I'm also pretty irritated about laptops.
    Don't you think it sucks how hard it is to find a good laptop these days.

    Most of them have that crappy, cheap, intel GMA/HD intergrated graphics that can't perform for toffee.
    In fact my Mobility Radeon 5450 outperforms them (and my laptop is abaout par with a lower-end core2duo), just proves how crap they are.

    The only good laptops that are decent for gaming I have found run in excess of £700.
    And even then its a mixed bag.

    Damn money grabbing scrubs. Just give us properly upgradable laptops, and sell the parts on retail.

  • edited May 2012
    Where is everybody going?

    These forums seem much quieter/more inactive than usual, and it makes me wonder if people are hanging around somewhere else instead.

    Is everyone going over to the Double Fine forums or what?
  • edited May 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Where is everybody going?

    These forums seem much quieter/more inactive than usual, and it makes me wonder if people are hanging around somewhere else instead.

    Is everyone going over to the Double Fine forums or what?

    TWD forums have been pretty crazy. Also, I have midterms.
  • edited May 2012
    Well, considering I'm not the least bit interested in The Walking Dead...
  • edited May 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Well, considering I'm not the least bit interested in The Walking Dead...

    Don't worry your not alone.
This discussion has been closed.