Beyond the Alley of the Dolls Speculation Thread



  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Its possible but when would they reveal his idenitity?

    Possibly in the episode where they reveal his identity.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    Gordon Brain also repeated a lot of the same phrases. Maybe he's Norrington?

    I was just re-playing 301 and came upon this idea as well. (I figured someone would have thought of it already so I searched the forum on "Gordon" and sure enough.) One has only a first name, the other only a surname. They both appear as disembodied forms so the fact that their voices are different could easily be explained away. Gordon helps Sam & Max against Skunkape and Norrington helps against Sammun-Mak; Skunkape and Sammun-Mak seem to be the only parties who want the toybox for reasons having nothing to do with Yog-Soggoth. Plus Gordon said he and Sam & Max would meet again. :)
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, I think that's very plausible.
  • edited July 2010
    With all these Lovecraft references I began to theorise that Gordon is a Mi-Go.
  • edited July 2010
    thom-22 wrote: »
    I was just re-playing 301 and came upon this idea as well. (I figured someone would have thought of it already so I searched the forum on "Gordon" and sure enough.) One has only a first name, the other only a surname. They both appear as disembodied forms so the fact that their voices are different could easily be explained away. Gordon helps Sam & Max against Skunkape and Norrington helps against Sammun-Mak; Skunkape and Sammun-Mak seem to be the only parties who want the toybox for reasons having nothing to do with Yog-Soggoth. Plus Gordon said he and Sam & Max would meet again. :)
    Gordon also did a fun little chant to Yog-Soggoth at one point, and he's opposed to Skunkape (but not necessarily Papierwaite), so I figured that he was a villain from the start.

    Then again, he also died in the first episode,
  • edited July 2010
    I think this might have to do something to the third episode, they stole max's brain!
    if i recall, if you chose a certian option then Max would say if theres going to be a tube to send messages
    Sam would reply, no, there are going to be Slave that will send messages through the tubes.
    Maybe those Slaves are the Sam clones?
  • edited July 2010
    I think this might have to do something to the third episode, they stole max's brain!
    if i recall, if you chose a certian option then Max would say if theres going to be a tube to send messages
    Sam would reply, no, there are going to be Slave that will send messages through the tubes.
    Maybe those Slaves are the Sam clones?

    That was my first thought but then everything else in that altered reality vanished, so why should the slaves still be there?
  • edited July 2010
    Gordon also did a fun little chant to Yog-Soggoth at one point, and he's opposed to Skunkape (but not necessarily Papierwaite), so I figured that he was a villain from the start.

    Then again, he also died in the first episode,

    But then again, we don't really know that Norrington is "alive". ;)
  • edited July 2010
    lightingft wrote: »
    I just have a feeling that Dr. Norrington will be the main villain in Episode 304...

    He kind of HAS to be - Paperwaite has nothing to do with the Sams, and Skun-ka'pe has nothing to do with the occult (and has his own minions, anyway).

    As for Gordon being Norrington, it's a possibility - who says he can't pull a Mr. Spatula?
  • edited July 2010
    That.Would.Be.The.Coolest.Thing.On.Earth.And.Beyond. If Gordon was actually Norrington. It has already crossed my mind a few times, but I didn't reconsider it seriously, because of the following:
    1. Gordon and Norrington have got different voices. Of course, that doesn't make it impossible for them to be one and the same, but it does throw you off track a bit.
    2. I figured Dr Norrington must be evil, so in (oh, the human stupidity) contrast to Gordon who should be good, he can't be him.
    However, there are counter-arguments to this. Most of them have already been mentioned, but nevertheless, here they are:
    1. Once again, when you take the styles of speech into account AND think again, Norrington talks similarly both to the Narrator and Gordon.
    2. (paraphrasing) "Donut Button, Sam & Max, until we meet again!" Yeah, I believe Gordon was serious about that.
    3. Did anyone notice that the letters in Norrington's subtitles were GREEN? I don't think anyone had already mentioned this one.
    All this is based on AND produces the possibility that Gordon is infact evil. I guess being used as a jarred brain in a spaceship does make one look good in comparison to an OBVIOUSLY evil space ape. But that's just the catch, it's not the first thing you think of. Maybe he was reduced to his brain BECAUSE he was a threat. Although what about that chant? I don't remember it. Because of these details, Telltale has actually already done a MUCH better job than it thinks. Heck, it makes us play all the episodes again!
  • edited July 2010
    Just watched the trailer. The Sam clone hugging the rabbit doll was the cutest thing I've seen all day. It's like he subconsciously feels affectionate towards rabbits, even if they're too stupid to really understand. It's like they're babies.

    Did anyone else notice that
    Bluster Blaster
    sounded like he was saying "I'll find Mortimer?" If that wasn't it, does anyone know what he actually WAS saying?

    Who's Mortimer? Mortimer Norrington? :confused:
  • edited July 2010
    Maybe the CLONES were sent by some villain from the past episodes... Maybe HUGH BLISS has returned! Or even Brady Culture...
  • edited July 2010
    homsar8 wrote: »
    Magic, or someone. I still say that Charlie Hotep is alive and is controlling the clones/dolls as a villain.

    You sound like my brother.

    ...waitaminute, ARE you?! :eek:
  • edited July 2010
    Why do You think that?
    I'm from CROATIA :D
  • edited July 2010
    Player 2, if your last message was for homsar8, then I'm sorry... I thought that You are talking to me...;)
  • edited July 2010
    Okay. Am slowly reading over the posts, because I just discovered the trailer and this thread and people have been posting way too much for me to catch up. So it might take me a while for me to catch up.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Wait: If there's an actual Anubis which was friend of Sammun Mak AND it's actually Sam's Relative, that must mean the psychic powers are fault of Sam's Family OR Sam's bloodline is atracted to people with the Gift for whathever reason, probably for become a some sort of servant or best friend or right hand or something. OR Sam is Anubis, the god, reencarnation (Or relative) and he's in earth for something.

    Basiaclly, reincarnation.

    Every generation, there's a version of Max who's in a position of power and has The Gift, and a version of Sam who's basically supposed to be his servant, to make sure he doesn't majorly screw up and break reality.

    They're always drawn together for whatever reason, and become best friends so that they can act out this relationship for whatever purpose the universe has in mind, with Sammun-Mak and Anubis being the earliest known versions of the two of them. This is why Sameth and Maximus were basically a generation xerox of the two of them.

    I'm picturing a Haruhi Suzumiya-esque situation. Max has the power to destroy the world, and he's crazy enough to do it if the world pisses him off enough. Sam's only purpose in being there is to make sure it doesn't happen, by keeping him happy enough to want the world to stay the way it is.

    Which would ALSO explain why they always seem to attract such weirdness. Whenever Max starts getting bored, something ridiculously improbably happens to them that they get to have the fun of dealing with. This is because he subconsciously creates these situations to deal with his boredom.

    ...but how does Yog-Sogoth enter? :confused:
  • edited July 2010
    Player 2, if your last message was for homsar8, then I'm sorry... I thought that You are talking to me...;)

    Lol, that's okay. I didn't even see your last post because I was too busy typing up a too-long response. :D
  • edited July 2010
    Is General Skunkape dead?
  • edited July 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    I'm picturing a Haruhi Suzumiya-esque situation. Max has the power to destroy the world, and he's crazy enough to do it if the world pisses him off enough. Sam's only purpose in being there is to make sure it doesn't happen, by keeping him happy enough to want the world to stay the way it is.

    Which would ALSO explain why they always seem to attract such weirdness. Whenever Max starts getting bored, something ridiculously improbably happens to them that they get to have the fun of dealing with. This is because he subconsciously creates these situations to deal with his boredom.

    ...but how does Yog-Sogoth enter? :confused:

    Oh god. Max IS god and he doesn't know it. No, please, no.
  • edited July 2010
    I mean, not that it didn't happen before ( I mean that Sam & Max have actually KILLED the villain , like Brady Culture and Hugh Bliss... even the INTERNET :D )
    And Skunkape looked pretty dead to me... what do You think about it?:confused:
  • edited July 2010
    max is god or ad least elder god or something
  • edited July 2010
    I mean, not that it didn't happen before ( I mean that Sam & Max have actually KILLED the villain , like Brady Culture and Hugh Bliss... even the INTERNET :D )
    And Skunkape looked pretty dead to me... what do You think about it?:confused:

    No idea. I thought he was dead last time, but BAM, then he comes back. So...yeah...:(
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Oh god. Max IS god and he doesn't know it. No, please, no.

    Search your heart, you know it to be true.

    ( has that idea not occurred to anyone else yet?)

    Still, if Max was god, I'd definitely become a religious woman. What kind of name would Max's church have? The Church of Maximization, or something? :D
  • edited July 2010
    Remember before, back to EPISODE 202, on Easter Island, when Sea Chipmunks taught that Max is some kind of GOD because he brought the BANANG?
    It could be related... couldn't it?:)
  • edited July 2010
    I mean, not that it didn't happen before ( I mean that Sam & Max have actually KILLED the villain , like Brady Culture and Hugh Bliss... even the INTERNET :D )
    And Skunkape looked pretty dead to me... what do You think about it?:confused:

    Far I do know, he's back. Somehow. I think Mr. Stemmle confirmed in the private forum. I THINK.
    Remember before, back to EPISODE 202, on Easter Island, when Sea Chipmunks taught that Max is some kind of GOD because he brought the BANANG?
    It could be related... couldn't it?:)

    He's the priest of the Sea Chimps.
  • edited July 2010
    And even before, on SAM & MAX FREELANCE POLICE - animated series - in one episode, some hamster dudes thaught that MAX was a GOD... and the molemans - the SAW statue on the wall in the MANHOLE on the street...
  • edited July 2010
    He (and Sam, technically) have starred in a dozen prophecies of the apocalypse. He's been the chosen one too many times to count, apparently.

    It's implied that he may actually be the high priest of the ocean chimps, too, and Sam and Max didn't just scam then, since that clam was waaaaaaay too close to fitting the bill to possibly be just a coincidence. The ocean was trying pretty damn hard to show his face in rock.
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Far I do know, he's back. Somehow. I think Mr. Stemmle confirmed in the private forum. I THINK.

    He has returned from THE PENAL ZONE... but is he dead now? When Sam " killed " him ? THAT is the real question...
    I don't know, but I have some feeling that we are about to find out...
  • edited July 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    He (and Sam, technically) have starred in a dozen prophecies of the apocalypse. He's been the chosen one too many times to count, apparently.

    It's implied that he may actually be the high priest of the ocean chimps, too, and Sam and Max didn't just scam then, since that clam was waaaaaaay too close to fitting the bill to possibly be just a coincidence. The ocean was trying pretty damn hard to show his face in rock.

    OK, at least there's a new episode coming soon :D I can't wait for it...
    The round is about to get TWISTED ! :D:D
  • edited July 2010
    I'm going now...but I0m sure that we can take this mastery whit us and think about it... I have a hunch that Sam & Max will separate in this episode... maybe even become an ENEMIES... sad:(
  • edited July 2010
    all hale the unholy and holy religion of the white hare share tooth demon bunny
  • edited July 2010
    If Bluster Blaster is back, does that mean... Bosco?
  • edited July 2010
    I doubt we'll be that lucky.
  • edited July 2010
    He has returned from THE PENAL ZONE... but is he dead now? When Sam " killed " him ? THAT is the real question...
    I don't know, but I have some feeling that we are about to find out...

    Sam didn't kill Skunkape, he just knocked him out so it's possible that he's up to something.
  • edited July 2010
    Sammy wrote: »
    Sam didn't kill Skunkape, he just knocked him out so it's possible that he's up to something.
    Wouldn't it be too much if Skunkape is the villain again... I mean, he is already the bad guy in 2 episodes... I think that there will be someone besides Skunkape and Papierwaite... A villain from the past ( which was my theory before ) who was hiding so his power can rise and now he's back, stronger then before...
  • edited July 2010
    Like Ted. E. Bear MAFIA, they are in the end of episode 102, and during the whole episode 103, then Hugh Bliss, he is actually in a lot of episodes, so it wouldn't be so weird if Skunkape will be too. I'm just wondering if Skunkape will die at the end. I think that he will, but not Papierwaite, he will live for the SEASON 4... :D
  • edited July 2010
    A villain from the past ( which was my theory before ) who was hiding so his power can rise and now he's back, stronger then before...
    I don't think it will be anyone from earlier seasons (if that's what you meant), since this season seems to be mainly aimed at new players (and it wouldn't make much sense for the narrative to suddenly include a very important character who hasn't been mentioned yet, this late in the season).

    So I'm guessing any of the new villains will have to be people we've met in this season, such as Norrington, Sal, Gordon or Obediah/Jebediah.
  • edited July 2010
    Good point! Sal might be a villain, cuz he was "friendly" with Sam & Max. Maybe he was pretending, and he is evil in fact. I know just one thing...
    We are about to fin out in BEYOND THE ALLY OF THE DOLLS.
  • edited July 2010
    If Bluster Blaster is back, does that mean... Bosco?

    Bosco might have another failed invention, he may have missed Sam in Vegas so he attempted to clone him. He failed so he returned to New York to help.

    Just a theory.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think that Bosco would actually invent a CLONE MACHINE.
    I mean, he had a dozen inventions, but none of them was so complicated and actually useful... so, I think that Bosco is not the one ...
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