Nintendo 3DS



  • edited July 2010
    Hideo Kojima's Exact Words

    "The thing is that it's hard to get a lot of feedback from players, because only so many of them could physically play the title at the event" he said. "I was hoping to shape our future direction for the game based on more of their opinions. Also, the maps and character models were all remade with a higher polygon count than before. The models are about the same quality as what we made for the PlayStation 3, but you really can't tell within the game. We could've made it look better if we had a little more time."
  • edited July 2010
    Err... Twilight Princess was a launch title, and MP1 and 3 were both within the first year of their console's launch.
  • edited July 2010
    Err... Twilight Princess was a launch title, and MP1 and 3 were both within the first year of their console's launch.

    I didn't see the Wii part... nevertheless... it had been in development for the Gamecube FOR YEARS prior to that. All they did for the wii was flip it & add motion controls, graphically they are the same. Not to mention that there are pleny of better looking wii games than Twilight Princess anyways.
  • edited July 2010
    I didn't see the Wii part... nevertheless... it had been in development for the Gamecube FOR YEARS prior to that. All they did for the wii was flip it & add motion controls, graphically they are the same. Not to mention that there are pleny of better looking wii games than Twilight Princess anyways.

    Actually, they spent an entire year, if not more, fine tuning the graphics for the Wii, and they are noticeably better in many ways, most notably, the lighting.
  • edited July 2010
    While I don't totally agree with this list, it does in fact show that Nintendo's first part games are not the best looking.

    I should also note that the lost is from (might as well say) August of last year
  • edited July 2010
    While I don't totally agree with this list, it does in fact show that Nintendo's first part games are not the best looking.

    I should also note that the lost is from (might as well say) August of last year

    I highly disagree with most of that list. A lot of those titles DO look great, but I don't think they hold a candle to MP3's visuals.
  • edited July 2010
    Actually, they spent an entire year, if not more, fine tuning the graphics for the Wii, and they are noticeably better in many ways, most notably, the lighting.

    This is true.

    [Now to dispute the list of games someone posted.]

    However, Darkside chronicles is way beyond MP3 in graphics (especially the Triology) but this is because it's an on rails shooter.
    The Conduit is at the start of the game then it gets obvious the developers started to get lazy as around the middle everything looks like cardboard.

    Silent Hill Shatter Memories was, but then again it was mostly snow and the game lagged due to it's visuals.

    HotD:OVERKILL had the same problem as Conduit but not as bad. Plus the game would lose track of the rail, which was fun[ny].

    Monster Hunter 3 is the best looking game on the Wii.
    RE4 and UC are not better then MP3. UC might be near or on par.

    RE: Archives I never played [forgot to buy] so I can't speak for those.

    The Grinder it's not even out but those're suppose to be early alpha and beta shots of the game.
    CoD4 I never played on Wii so I can't speak for it.
    W@W seemed to be a little under par of MP3 but that's because more was going on in W@W then MP3.

    Curse Mountain I've been meaning to buy but haven't.(It's $7 even if it's bad [looks good] still a nice deal)

    PoP: Forgotten sands never played, I dislike the series.

    Gladiator AD still hasn't come out they never announced which dev cycle those screens were from.

    Ju-Oh I never played.

    Skate It only looked good because you were the ONLY person in the entire game[except when you met a pro who showed you a move to do after that move they were gone.] and it still didn't look that good.

    Spyborg never even heard of.

    Cabela's Big Game Hunter neverplayed.
    Need for Speed Pro Street never played.

    Endless Ocean 2 is a Nintendo game that looks amazing but I never picked up.

    Past that the games were Nintendo's, never played, or launch titles and looked like poop.
  • edited July 2010
    I did read the rest of the article.... but who are you going to believe... a person who is actually DEVELOPING A GAME ON THE CONSOLE or some journalist trying to create controversy?

    First Party doesn't mean anything... I don't even know why you think it would. There are 3rd Party games that are better looking than 1st Party Sony & Microsoft games, so how is Nintendo any different?

    Ugly effect? I would like to point out that you have never actually used a 3DS, so how would you know it is an ugly effect. Most people at E3 who...

    Well, the developer wants their game to sell. To do that, many 3DS's need to be sold, so the dev is probably biased in that respect.

    As for my view, i'm staying neutral. I remember when some people were claiming the wii to be capable of 360 level graphics (conduit), and that turned out to be really bland looking, and full of jaggies.
  • edited July 2010
    I didn't see 'A Boy and his Blob' on that list. That makes me sad. :(. I thought it was (and still is) a seriously beautiful game.
  • edited July 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Well, the developer wants their game to sell. To do that, many 3DS's need to be sold, so the dev is probably biased in that respect.

    Do you realize how much money Nintendo makes off of each handheld they release ("Updated" rereleases & all)? Let's just say enough to virtually guarantee that the 3DS is going to be a MASSIVE commercial success.

    Near 360 quality graphics or not people will buy the system... they always have in the past & they always will as long as Nintendo is around. Developers know this, so I HIGHLY doubt that the developer in question was making false claims (especially after seeing screenshots of some of the games) for the sake of console sells.

    Hell... Look at Hideo Kojima's comments. He chose not to remain anonymous as the other person did... instead he just came right out & basically said "Hey.... This thing is a beast". I highly doubt that a developer as well known & respected as Hideo Kojima would give his stamp of approval to a piece of crap. So even if it isn't a graphical powerhouse in the end, it is a quality machine with quality games coming out for it... being on the fence because you don't know how good the graphics are going to be (as many of you have claimed to be) just seems lame. I mean missing a whole slew of awesome blockbuster games (MGS 3D, Resident Evil: Revelations, OoT, Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Paper Mario & Starfox just to name a few) just because they don't have PS3/360 quality graphics seems like a sad & stupid thing to do to me... but to each there own I suppose.
  • edited July 2010
    So even if it isn't a graphical powerhouse in the end, it is a quality machine with quality games coming out for it... being on the fence because you don't know how good the graphics are going to be (as many of you have claimed to be) just seems lame. I mean missing a whole slew of awesome blockbuster games [...] just because they don't have PS3/360 quality graphics seems like a sad & stupid thing to do to me... but to each there own I suppose.

    Basically you claimed that it nearly matches the PS3/XBOX360. Arguments against it and arguments to be a bit sceptic where brought up.

    I'm a nintendo fanboy as much as the next one, but degrading another opinion of someone as sad and stupid because it doesn't match yours is just wrong. Of course people should be on the fence about the graphics quality of the new thing.

    The whole premise of the 3DS is its graphics and the 3D thing. If there is no graphics update, or if the 3D gimmick looks aweful, then why the heck even releasing a new one so short after re-releasing the DS.
    Also Hideo Kojima, or at least the MGS series is one of the most known franchises ever. The game will not sell well because it is on the 3DS, the 3DS will sell well because the game will be on it (same goes for RE).

    And of course everybody that develops for a system sais its the best thing since sliced bread.
    I've never heard anything else in promotional interviews like that. Nothing wrong with that, but kkeep in mind that this interview is not ment to deliver information, its ment to get people hyped.
  • edited July 2010
    Great... just what I needed... ANOTHER person missing the ENTIRE point of one of my posts by claiming that I am here to rain hate down upon you meager mortals fools on any chance that I get.

    In reality, all I'm saying is that it is a shame that people are so concerned with the way the games look that they are "on the fence" about buying it. The reason you should purchase a console is because the games are fun... all the graphical power in the world won't make a crappy game fun to play.

    While it is true that even I was talking about the graphical capabilities of the system... in the end I (as many others) would have purchased it even if the graphics resembled those of the original DS... why? Nintendo are the king of handhelds & the games coming out for it seem like they would be fun. The power of the console is just an added (but welcomed) bonus.
  • edited July 2010

    I totally see where you're coming from. But the entire point of the 3DS is the updated graphics and the 3D view thing. And while this is neat, there is nothing else.

    Why should anybody get this handheld if it looks, plays and acts just like the DS if they already got an DS? The games would propably only run on the new system, but why if it would look exactly the same? I would feel cheated if a new system (not a re-release!) is sold as something new and revolutionary but still acts, looks and plays like a NDS.
    Same goes for every console. Why should I buy a 360 if the system isn't capable of more? Why should I get a PS3 if it is the 3rd update but still doesn't do more then a PS1? So of course it is important to tighten up the graphics (on level 3).

    Also, having a system which is capable of high quality stuff makes it way more interesting for third party developers, which also kind of directly impacts on how successful a console is. The power of a console is nowadays everything else but a bonus. Also ellipses.
  • edited July 2010
    I also understand your point, but the screenshots prove without a doubt that it is much, much, much more powerful than an original DS. The problem I have is that people are still acting as though it is not powerful enough to justify purchasing it (which is a statement that I wholeheartedly disagree without... I mean it is at THE VERY LEAST capable of Wii caliber graphics *seeing as Kid Icarus was guaranteed gameplay footage*). They are basically saying that if the thing is not capable of PS3/360 graphics then they aren't sure if they are getting it... which is a shame that they prioritize graphics so much that they would miss out on such great games.
  • edited July 2010
    Actually, my main issue is that in order to process the 3D image, they had to sacrifice a great deal of processing power. And honestly, I'd rather have a really powerfully rounded system, than one that was gonna constantly try to pop things in my face.

    Though I don't have the funds to buy any new consoles in the near distant future, so its not like this is competing for my love anyways.

    Edit: You know what? I kinda wish Nintendo would actually pick up, for once in its life, and make something that's at least remotely as powerful as the other systems. And not suck about online play. For once.
  • edited July 2010
    I never said I wasn't going to buy one, I just said I don't care about the 3D effect and I'm highly skeptical about the level of power people are talking it up to have.

    I get every new platform that comes out because I dislike missing out on good exclusive games.
  • edited July 2010
    Why haven't you guys seen the Nintoaster link I put up??!

  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    Why haven't you guys seen the Nintoaster link I put up??!


    We saw it... it just adds nothing to this discussion.

    Besides, everybody & there mother has seen that thing thanks to AVGN.
  • edited July 2010
    We saw it... it just adds nothing to this discussion.

    Besides, everybody & there mother has seen that thing thanks to AVGN.

    Sometimes I wonder if there's anything that doesn't make you argue.. :confused:
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if there's anything that doesn't make you argue.. :confused:

    That isn't arguing... that is me being honest. It added nothing, so we ignored it to talk about what this thread was started to talk about. I'm sorry if I offended you.
  • edited July 2010
    @Katsuro it also gets motion sensors put in and the Analog stick which can add new elements, the least. But, to some that's not good either. Problem is we're about to start reaching apoint where consoles do just become graphics update.
    I'll be getting a 3DS no matter what, as I said I'd get a DS when people told me it's nothing but an updated GBA.

    @Robert you do seem to just be attacking people now even if it didn't add discussion all you had to say was "We saw it."
  • edited July 2010
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    @Katsuro it also gets motion sensors put in and the Analog stick which can add new elements, the least. But, to some that's not good either. Problem is we're about to start reaching apoint where consoles do just become graphics update.
    I'll be getting a 3DS no matter what, as I said I'd get a DS when people told me it's nothing but an updated GBA.

    @Robert you do seem to just be attacking people now even if it didn't add discussion all you had to say was "We saw it."

    Believe me kiddo, you would know if I was attacking.... that most certainly was not an attack.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010
    Let me draw your attention to this thread...

    THIS is me attacking somebody... but to be fair, I still feel that I was provoked into it. I mean I have got into real life fights over the kind of stuff that was said to me in that thread... & what was all of it for you may ask? I questioned Telltale's release schedule.... No... Seriously. Funny thing is that I'm considered the uncivil one around here... Well this thread has alot to do with what made me that way.

    Nevertheless, enjoy this trip down memory lane... you will see tons of swearing from me, bonafide rage at being told I basically suck as a family man, my transformation into the bitter forum goer that you all know & hate today (I'm actually quite mellow outside of this forum believe it or not...) & what it is that really made Palefreeman & I hate one another to the extent that we do today.... once again... all because I questioned the release schedule...
  • edited July 2010
    Yes, you do have a knack for getting threads locked when something pisses you off, the likes of which I've never seen around here.
  • edited July 2010
    I can't argue with that... simply because it is true... but it usually has to be something that either makes me rage to the point that I feel my heart is going to burst or something that incredibly offends me (such as making fun of dead people for dying... but in retrospect I didn't actually get that thread locked, I was suspended at the time *The stupidest suspension I have ever received*). I also feel that the last thread I was in that got locked wasn't my fault. I tried MULTIPLE times to squash things before they ever got out of hand (which is a first for me ON HERE I do believe) & then, just as I had regained order, it got closed for some god forsaken reason. I think in all I have gotten (at least partially) 4 threads closed. Which is more than it should be, but at the same time not entirely outrageous. I have also noticed a recurring theme of Palefreeman also being in those threads.... hmmm...

    But once again this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Lets just get back on topic now.
  • edited July 2010
    Do you realize how much money Nintendo makes off of each handheld they release ("Updated" rereleases & all)? Let's just say enough to virtually guarantee that the 3DS is going to be a MASSIVE commercial success.

    Near 360 quality graphics or not people will buy the system... they always have in the past & they always will as long as Nintendo is around. Developers know this, so I HIGHLY doubt that the developer in question was making false claims (especially after seeing screenshots of some of the games) for the sake of console sells.

    Hell... Look at Hideo Kojima's comments. He chose not to remain anonymous as the other person did... instead he just came right out & basically said "Hey.... This thing is a beast". I highly doubt that a developer as well known & respected as Hideo Kojima would give his stamp of approval to a piece of crap. So even if it isn't a graphical powerhouse in the end, it is a quality machine with quality games coming out for it... being on the fence because you don't know how good the graphics are going to be (as many of you have claimed to be) just seems lame. I mean missing a whole slew of awesome blockbuster games (MGS 3D, Resident Evil: Revelations, OoT, Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Paper Mario & Starfox just to name a few) just because they don't have PS3/360 quality graphics seems like a sad & stupid thing to do to me... but to each there own I suppose.

    When i said i was neutral, i meant i'm holding judgement on the graphical capabilities. Not that thats a leading factor in my purchase. Heck, the Wii was my main console for 3 years! I just don't want to get hyped up thinking it's PS3 level graphics, and then turning out it's just above wii-level.

    Currently my status on the console is "I will undoubtedly buy it eventually, but not full price at launch" (currently the only games i've seen that intrest me are Zelda, Star fox, paper mario and mario kart. Two of which i already own, so forking out £200 ish for a new console plus £30 ish for the games doesn't seem right for me at the moment) I'll either wait and buy a new model when thats released, or wait for a price drop.
  • edited July 2010
    PS: I don't know why you assume I hate you. I just happen to disagree with you on a regular basis.
    Friar wrote: »
    When i said i was neutral, i meant i'm holding judgement on the graphical capabilities. Not that thats a leading factor in my purchase. Heck, the Wii was my main console for 3 years! I just don't want to get hyped up thinking it's PS3 level graphics, and then turning out it's just above wii-level.

    Currently my status on the console is "I will undoubtedly buy it eventually, but not full price at launch" (currently the only games i've seen that intrest me are Zelda, Star fox, paper mario and mario kart. Two of which i already own, so forking out £200 ish for a new console plus £30 ish for the games doesn't seem right for me at the moment) I'll either wait and buy a new model when thats released, or wait for a price drop.

    I was planning on getting a DSi XL within the next few months, but now I'm just putting that off indefinitely (forever?) and getting a 3DS.
  • edited July 2010
    Shodan, was a smart idea. As someone who has a DSi (it's nice and I love it) you can't use most of it's features to it's fullest. Most games didn't add support for WPA internet (post DSi launch I'm talking about) so I had to revert my wireless back to WEP. The DSi market place is nice but can be lacking in certain aspects. I see the DSi as a test to see how to better perfect the 3DS. Plus this has also given me a reason to pull my old GBA out of retirement.
  • edited July 2010
    I was planning on getting a DSi XL within the next few months, but now I'm just putting that off indefinitely (forever?) and getting a 3DS.

    I actually was going to get a dsixl(and yes i do own a dsi but it was busted at the time) but then the 3ds was announced and this is a WANT!!!!

    Also did anyone noticed the ds lite's big feature was being lighter and smaller, while the xl's big point was being BIGGER.
  • edited July 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Also did anyone noticed the ds lite's big feature was being lighter and smaller, while the xl's big point was being BIGGER.

    Different markets?
  • edited July 2010
    You know what WAS a "3D" and a "Handheld Console"?

    The Virtual Boy.

    Only difference is that the 3ds is not a pair of goggles and everything isn't red and black.
  • edited July 2010
    The Virtual Boy was about as handheld and portable as a submarine's periscope.
  • edited July 2010
    It was also seizure inducing if I remember correctly
  • edited July 2010
    And made you lose to ability to see the color red for perdiods of 5 minutes-3 hours depending on time spent playing.
  • edited July 2010
    Hehehe. This reminded me of the Angry Video Game Nerd video reviewing the Virtual Boy and the part where he duct-taped it to his head.
  • edited July 2010
    I'll not lie. I'm not a fan of AVGN. Yelling and constant swearing over nothing (mostof the times) isn't funny to me.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010

    My thoughts exactly.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    Only difference is that the 3ds is not a pair of goggles and everything isn't red and black.

    That's a pretty big difference
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