I loved Okami on the wii and was overjoyed when I heard the sequal was coming. The art style is still just as gorgeous, the soundtrack is still just as beautiful, and the storyline still engaged me.
What with it being on the DS it was a lot easier to control the celestial brush, but I did find a minor niggle when trying to do 'bloom' and it picked it up as 'wind' instead. Controls were at first quite hard to get my head around, but after a coupkle of hours it all came naturally to me. I guess it's the same with any game though.
I loved all the characters, even the ones who I initially thought I would hate. They all grew on me. I was happy with the ending too. Although
I was saddened that I never got to see Amaterasu and Chibi reunite. I was expecting to see that. It would have been adorable.
Pretty cool game. It's like The Legend of Zelda, if instead of Hyrule you have the post-apocalyptic hellscape that once was Earth, instead of Link you have a Horseman of the Apocalypse, and instead of the hookshot you have... um, well okay, you still have the hookshot.
-It may be a more mature Zelda clone, but it does a pretty great job at it.
-Really cool environments, character and creature design, and just the premise of fighting off angels and demons after the end of the world is great.
-Mark Hamill is a creepy ghost guy!
-Great boss fights (mostly). Riding around on a flaming horse fighting a giant sandworm, or throwing train cars at a huge insecty thing, woo!
-Some enemies just take too many hits. Other enemies are going to hit you no matter how good/practiced you are. Playing on the hardest difficulty has enemies that go from being no threat at all immediately followed by something that can kill you in two hits.
-While the premise is really great, the voice acting was often not that spectacular, and story bits were sparse. You end up making a lot of assumptions about things that aren't really explained well.
-Not quite as good as a Zelda game, but then that's asking a lot!
Solid gameplay and combat interface
Fantastic voiceover work (bar none, it's excellent)
Highly customizable main character appearance and combat abilities
Unlockable achievements promoting multiple playthroughs
Story-affecting dialogue decisions
Quick-Save option makes manually saving progress near effortless
Cons Minor glitches (apparently fewer than on 360)
Repetitive appearance to sidequest areas
Mass Effect 2 for PC from Steam.
(see above)
Decisions from ME1 carry over to ME2.
Combat refined so powers are more effective / more fun
More team characters than ME1.
Cons Fewer sidequests than ME1.
Whereas ME1 has a defined ending, the end of ME2 has somewhat of an Empire Strikes Back feel to it.
Story of ME1 is more mysterious and sinister.
It started as a promising game, but then it kept going. And going. And going. It's too overly long with not enough difference between the cases to make it worth playing. Not a bad game, but... I'd wait til the price inevitably goes down.
It started as a promising game, but then it kept going. And going. And going. It's too overly long with not enough difference between the cases to make it worth playing. Not a bad game, but... I'd wait til the price inevitably goes down.
It just gets longer. When you replay after downloading new cases, all the DLC cases get put into the storyline. Personally, I think that's a pretty cool feature of the game...but for people that think it drags on... it just gets worse haha
Loved it. Just brilliant. The voices were great, the jokes were great, the puzzles were hard, but I could still get them (only used a walkthrough once). Sadly, that's the last of all the Sam & Max stuff I haven't yet seen...
It started as a promising game, but then it kept going. And going. And going. It's too overly long with not enough difference between the cases to make it worth playing. Not a bad game, but... I'd wait til the price inevitably goes down.
Part of me thought it was too short, but at the same time I understand what you're saying. It could've done with some variation in gameplay, the action sequences were a touch underdeveloped.
Red Dead Redemption - 10/10, and becomes my 2nd or 3rd favorite game ever.
But not because of the authored narrative. The cutscenes and linear story that Rockstar put in there are by far the worst parts of the game. It's amazing in spite of that (and it's not like many games get that right anyway).
It just gets longer. When you replay after downloading new cases, all the DLC cases get put into the storyline. Personally, I think that's a pretty cool feature of the game...but for people that think it drags on... it just gets worse haha
Can you play the DLC cases at any time if you download them after finishing the game, or do they actually have to come within the context of the game, meaning you have to replay the entire game when you get an additional DLC?
Can you play the DLC cases at any time if you download them after finishing the game, or do they actually have to come within the context of the game, meaning you have to replay the entire game when you get an additional DLC?
This game is wayyy overrated. It's ultimately just as repetitive as AC1, which was the main complaint with that one. I noted "Deluxe Edition" because it included the 2 DLC episodes, Sequences 12 and 13 which cannot be skipped. Those added 3 more hours of boring gameplay at a point where I already just wanted the game to end, so it hurts my final opinion tremendously. The game took me 25 hours and could have been 10 hours shorter (or had less repetitive content).
I was definitely still having a lot of fun at the 10-15 hour point and was pretty addicted to it, but it falls apart so hard when you're forced to chug through those final 10 hours.
The Good
- Awesome drawings, with a lot of details
- Interesting concept. Will we destroy the world by trying to stop that?
- Finally a cute pet for the main character
- The music was nice, but nothing special
The Bad
- The voice acting in the German and the English version is not too good. (Especially the main character)
- The main character is constantly depressed which really got my mood down
- The graphics are too detailed. Often you just do not see an object you need to interact with.
- Some of the puzzles are horrible --> Click the right spot on a black wall.
- Some puzzles are just puzzling --> I had no clue I was searching for a mouse? Why would I do that?
- Puzzles I have seen in too many games. Oh the key is in the lock on the other side of the door but if I just let it drop it on the ground I will never get it. I know you know this puzzle if you played more than 3 adventure games that are not by TTG.
The Ugly
- The Ending of the game. I should have seen that coming after playing Edna some months ago but I didn't. I wish I could just erase the last 5 minutes of the game from my mind and settle for quitting at that point. That would not have resolved anything but it would have been a more satisfying ending.
- No real choice at the end even though you are meant to make one. Why present a fake choice when you only can choose one of them?
- Stuttering cutscenes are no fun
Without this end the game would have still been a 8/10. This game somehow made my appreciate TTGs style a lot more At least in their games I always know what I am looking for. A f***** mouse. GOD!
Everyone knows that LEGO games are pure fun. I got 100% in this one, and it was a huge pain in the ass to find the last few things, but I did it and I'm happy.
I can't remember the last game I beat, but here's the last few I remember.
Persona 4 8/10 - It was alright. I liked P3 more, but Persona series is still my least favorite of SMT.
Brutal Legend 7/10 - What gets this raiting so high is it's story. While the RTS parts were not as fun as the hack 'n slash parts it still had a very funny story.
Catherine 9/10 - A great game, but hard mode drops it a point for me. Simply because the need to be so precise in hard mode is a bit much.
Final Fight Double Impact for the PS3, I give it 10/10 :eek:
I don't normally give games such great ratings but Final Fight has always been my favourite beat'em up and I'd give the normal version 9 or 10 out of 10... so I had to give the PS3 version 10/10 for one simple reason - online multiplayer support!
Other than that, the game seems to be arcade perfect and I can't find anything to complain about.
But having multiplayer support really adds a LOT to the game, I love playing coop with people but hardly ever have people around... which is no longer a problem
Really, this has turned out to be the thing I like the most about the PS3 - the ability to play certain old classic games online, it's so damn cool.
The Good
- Awesome drawings, with a lot of details
- Interesting concept. Will we destroy the world by trying to stop that?
- Finally a cute pet for the main character
- The music was nice, but nothing special
The Bad
- The voice acting in the German and the English version is not too good. (Especially the main character) - The main character is constantly depressed which really got my mood down
- Puzzles I have seen in too many games. Oh the key is in the lock on the other side of the door but if I just let it drop it on the ground I will never get it. I know you know this puzzle if you played more than 3 adventure games that are not by TTG.
Without this end the game would have still been a 8/10. This game somehow made my appreciate TTGs style a lot more At least in their games I always know what I am looking for. A f***** mouse. GOD!
I really love this game so I'll comment on these three things
I hated the voice at first but grew to love it as I understood the character more.
That key puzzle had an interesting variation!
And lastly, when looking for objects, holding the space bar brought up all the interactive spots on the screen
Extremely fun
Fantastic stealth, combat and other gameplay mechanics
Interesting story
Excellent voice-over work taken from actors who starred in The Animated Series
Difficulty is reasonably accurate (not too hard/not too easy)
Solid controls
Challenge Modes for stealth or combat
Extra content with endlessly spawning enemies (to get my beat 'em up fix)
Unlockable Achievements
Stunning graphics
Several boss fights are simply variations on a theme
Games for Windows Live
Would like to have had more cool gadgets, but the given amount is still reasonable.
I love this game. Who the heck needs a gun when you have the ninja skills that Batman has? Certainly, various boss fights are extremely similar, but the game is still very fun. What's more, it looks fantastic, the controls are solid with either a keyboard/mouse or with a gamepad, and the overall feel is exactly what I envision Batman should feel like.
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is: By being a crappy storyteller. Apologies to Ragnar Tornquist, but he should have seen this coming. Dreamfall was "hell froze over" already, he could have never expected to do a sequel in due time.
But that reminds me: I'll have to replay Dreamfall now that I got it working.
Dungeons of Dredmor
The game is a roguelike so pick your character and play until you die. Which you will. And you have the choice. Either death is permanent or it isn't.
I took the pussy-mode (elvish easy without permadeath) and finished this game in about 20 hours. And all I want to do is start over and try the other abilities for my hero. some are more useful than others. Real men let the game choose 7 random skills out of the 34 skills the game offers. I picked them manually. You may call me Jenny from now on if you like.
Definitely worth the 5$ they ask for it and this game just runs on any toaster like my PC.
One major downer: If you defeat Dredmor you cannot reload a save and do it again as you will insta-win with that character.
-sweet drawings
-black humour muahaha...
-*coughcough*MONKEY ISLAND REFERENCES*coughcough* ^^
-funny puzzles Cons
-nice soundtrack, but it could've been more varied.
-great scott, lili, do you have to kill everyone who passes? I'm starting to feel bad!
anyway, a lovable main character and an intresting story. 9.5/10
nice extra: a soundtrack cd and a retro-copyprotection-code disc
Downloading the demo now.
Just the question. Since it's daedalic: how horrible and disappointing is the ending of the game? As bad as Edna? Horrible as TWW?
A friend on Steam (thank you Ted12) told me a few days ago that Portal was being given away on Steam. Naturally, I seized the opportunity and downloaded it. I finished it today, so... here's my two cents on Portal.
Graphics: Can't really complain. Everything looks realistic, so that's good enough for me.
Gameplay: Imaginative design. Who would have thought that making physics your personal bitch would be so hard, though? I died a few times before I got everything right, and the final fight with GLaDOS was such a pain to get right I was about ready to punch a hole in the keyboard. When I finally finished it, though, it felt surprisingly satisfying. Tough game, but worth the effort.
Story: We have absolutely no backgroung in this game about GLaDOS, Aperture Science Labs or even the mute protagonist Chell. All that you are told is "Stand back. The portal will open in 3...2...1..." and you just start the game. At first it seems like a simple physics game, but as the test gets noticably tougher and tougher, you become less sure of your success (and acquisition of cake), you see the darker side of GLaDOS, and your first thoughts as you near the end of the tests is "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE" When you finally get to GLaDOS, you know there's no turning back. Only one of you is going to survive, and you know it's not going to be you unless you move. When you finally fight her, you get to see her different personalities as she breaks down. Best of all, as a reward for all of your trouble, you finally earn your freedom.
AND your cake.
Final Conclusion: This game was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Seriously, though, I was WAITING for this Game to impress me. It did NOT disappoint.
A friend on Steam (thank you Ted12) told me a few days ago that Portal was being given away on Steam. Naturally, I seized the opportunity and downloaded it. I finished it today, so... here's my two cents on Portal.
Graphics: Can't really complain. Everything looks realistic, so that's good enough for me.
Gameplay: Imaginative design. Who would have thought that making physics your personal bitch would be so hard, though? I died a few times before I got everything right, and the final fight with GLaDOS was such a pain to get right I was about ready to punch a hole in the keyboard. When I finally finished it, though, it felt surprisingly satisfying. Tough game, but worth the effort.
Story: We have absolutely no backgroung in this game about GLaDOS, Aperture Science Labs or even the mute protagonist Chell. All that you are told is "Stand back. The portal will open in 3...2...1..." and you just start the game. At first it seems like a simple physics game, but as the test gets noticably tougher and tougher, you become less sure of your success (and acquisition of cake), you see the darker side of GLaDOS, and your first thoughts as you near the end of the tests is "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE" When you finally get to GLaDOS, you know there's no turning back. Only one of you is going to survive, and you know it's not going to be you unless you move. When you finally fight her, you get to see her different personalities as she breaks down. Best of all, as a reward for all of your trouble, you finally earn your freedom.
AND your cake.
Final Conclusion: This game was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Seriously, though, I was WAITING for this Game to impress me. It did NOT disappoint.
Portal reminds me quite a bit of Cube, the 1997 film. A group of people are trapped in a massive series of cube-shaped rooms with deadly traps all over the place. They have no knowledge of how they got there and very little background is given. It's stuck with me for way longer than most films have.
The good:
- 2 difficulty settings for puzzles
- about 8 hours of playtime at this price
- It runs on my PC
- No cooking minigame
- auto-saves before possible deaths, instant retry option
The bad:
- One of the weaker stories in the series
- car-driving scenes
- at least 90 ,minutes were spent doing a minigame
- to get another "achievement" I would have to spend at least another 60 minutes with that minigame
The ugly
- people asking when will you be finished when you just started solving a longer puzzle. That was annoying!
- repetition of some "puzzles" (catching mice)
- as usual no task list when playing as senior detective.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary, as part of the Tomb Raider Trilogy on PS3.
The Good
- Graphics were nice
- Updated Lara model looks better (and they fixed the odd thing with her shirt when she shoots that guy with the shotgun)
- Controls are good... mostly
- Core gameplay suitably Prince-of-Persia like
- 'Full health when loading Checkpoints' design flaw still works
The Bad
- Controls can just plain fail on occasion
- Hidden artifacts are hidden stupidly well in places
- I've played it through half-a-dozen times already and I'm sick to death of it, but that's not exactly the games fault, so I don't really know why I'm mentioning it
- Several trophies are pretty harsh
The Ugly
- The camera hates you with a passion unrivaled, and will be the cause of countless deaths, especially whenever you need to use your grapple on a wall-hook to do a wall-run and then jump away from the wall. It will fail you every single time you need to do this. Seriously, fuck the camera. Fuck it hard with a rusty chainsaw.
Score: 7/10. Might be higher if I weren't fed up of it.
What a cool game. Basically a Super Metroid clone set in the modern day, but it does the whole Super Metroid thing... well... almost as good as Super Metroid.
Greed: Black Border - A top down Hack’n’Slash/Action-RPG in the style of Diablo, set in the future.
I found it quite fun despite it's bad reviews, but I agree with most of them.
There is no real story and the places and monsters you fight are the same over and over.
The graphics are really nice though, and the music is really good although it's put on continuous repeat, but you can always mute it and put on your own music.
But as I am a fan of Diablo type games, I quite enjoyed it so it's a shame it's kinda short. And it was left with an open ending that could lead on to a second game, but because it hasn't sold well I don't think that will happen.
So my personal rate will be 7/10 - Quite enjoyable despite it's flaws.
The game is awesome! Gameplay, choices, good fun! the minus 2 points are for a few errors I found (
How do they have a body for Malik when she EXPLODED! And how is her body with no wounds on her at all
) AND THE FREAKING BOSS FIGHTS!!!! They are all(except for the final boss ironicaly) incredibaly cheap and frustrating, the third boss only hard though if
you get the stinking chip
and easy otherwise.
Other than that, great game! Already replaying it:D
I haven't finished it yet, but so far it's a great game with wonderful atmosphere, a solid compelling story, and a sad but interesting protagonist.
The only problem I have with it involves the voice acting. Though solid, at times the voice actors seem to have an accent that shows on rare occasion. More importantly, the speech seems to at times have the first or last letter of a line cut off. When I have the subtitles turned off, it becomes all the more apparent because I'm not reading what the first word was.
I can. But I did not. Because I did not rate the episodes yet.
And I don't want to have to replay the season again just to rate them. That's how much I didn't like most of the season.
I can. But I did not. Because I did not rate the episodes yet.
And I don't want to have to replay the season again just to rate them. That's how much I didn't like most of the season.
I will correct my sentence to How can I give it any les than 10/10.
Don't feel so good putting words into other peoples mouths.
I loved Okami on the wii and was overjoyed when I heard the sequal was coming. The art style is still just as gorgeous, the soundtrack is still just as beautiful, and the storyline still engaged me.
What with it being on the DS it was a lot easier to control the celestial brush, but I did find a minor niggle when trying to do 'bloom' and it picked it up as 'wind' instead. Controls were at first quite hard to get my head around, but after a coupkle of hours it all came naturally to me. I guess it's the same with any game though.
I loved all the characters, even the ones who I initially thought I would hate. They all grew on me.
Overall, it's my new favourite DS game.
Pretty cool game. It's like The Legend of Zelda, if instead of Hyrule you have the post-apocalyptic hellscape that once was Earth, instead of Link you have a Horseman of the Apocalypse, and instead of the hookshot you have... um, well okay, you still have the hookshot.
-It may be a more mature Zelda clone, but it does a pretty great job at it.
-Really cool environments, character and creature design, and just the premise of fighting off angels and demons after the end of the world is great.
-Mark Hamill is a creepy ghost guy!
-Great boss fights (mostly). Riding around on a flaming horse fighting a giant sandworm, or throwing train cars at a huge insecty thing, woo!
-Some enemies just take too many hits. Other enemies are going to hit you no matter how good/practiced you are. Playing on the hardest difficulty has enemies that go from being no threat at all immediately followed by something that can kill you in two hits.
-While the premise is really great, the voice acting was often not that spectacular, and story bits were sparse. You end up making a lot of assumptions about things that aren't really explained well.
-Not quite as good as a Zelda game, but then that's asking a lot!
Mass Effect 2 for PC from Steam.
(see above)
Decisions from ME1 carry over to ME2.
Combat refined so powers are more effective / more fun
More team characters than ME1.
Fewer sidequests than ME1.
Whereas ME1 has a defined ending, the end of ME2 has somewhat of an Empire Strikes Back feel to it.
Story of ME1 is more mysterious and sinister.
Its good but not a very long game, theres not much to do after you complete it
Bad things are that unlike gta you cant drive trains, no cars even thought you see them around every now and then.
Its a good way to teach people whats acceptable and whats not...
Abusing animals is the thing i hated the most, (kicking dogs, Skinning animals etc)
It started as a promising game, but then it kept going. And going. And going. It's too overly long with not enough difference between the cases to make it worth playing. Not a bad game, but... I'd wait til the price inevitably goes down.
It just gets longer. When you replay after downloading new cases, all the DLC cases get put into the storyline. Personally, I think that's a pretty cool feature of the game...but for people that think it drags on... it just gets worse haha
Loved it. Just brilliant. The voices were great, the jokes were great, the puzzles were hard, but I could still get them (only used a walkthrough once). Sadly, that's the last of all the Sam & Max stuff I haven't yet seen...
Part of me thought it was too short, but at the same time I understand what you're saying. It could've done with some variation in gameplay, the action sequences were a touch underdeveloped.
But not because of the authored narrative. The cutscenes and linear story that Rockstar put in there are by far the worst parts of the game. It's amazing in spite of that (and it's not like many games get that right anyway).
Can you play the DLC cases at any time if you download them after finishing the game, or do they actually have to come within the context of the game, meaning you have to replay the entire game when you get an additional DLC?
No, there's a Case Select screen.
This game is wayyy overrated. It's ultimately just as repetitive as AC1, which was the main complaint with that one. I noted "Deluxe Edition" because it included the 2 DLC episodes, Sequences 12 and 13 which cannot be skipped. Those added 3 more hours of boring gameplay at a point where I already just wanted the game to end, so it hurts my final opinion tremendously. The game took me 25 hours and could have been 10 hours shorter (or had less repetitive content).
I was definitely still having a lot of fun at the 10-15 hour point and was pretty addicted to it, but it falls apart so hard when you're forced to chug through those final 10 hours.
The Good
- Awesome drawings, with a lot of details
- Interesting concept. Will we destroy the world by trying to stop that?
- Finally a cute pet for the main character
- The music was nice, but nothing special
The Bad
- The voice acting in the German and the English version is not too good. (Especially the main character)
- The main character is constantly depressed which really got my mood down
- The graphics are too detailed. Often you just do not see an object you need to interact with.
- Some of the puzzles are horrible --> Click the right spot on a black wall.
- Some puzzles are just puzzling --> I had no clue I was searching for a mouse? Why would I do that?
- Puzzles I have seen in too many games. Oh the key is in the lock on the other side of the door but if I just let it drop it on the ground I will never get it. I know you know this puzzle if you played more than 3 adventure games that are not by TTG.
The Ugly
- The Ending of the game. I should have seen that coming after playing Edna some months ago but I didn't. I wish I could just erase the last 5 minutes of the game from my mind and settle for quitting at that point. That would not have resolved anything but it would have been a more satisfying ending.
- No real choice at the end even though you are meant to make one. Why present a fake choice when you only can choose one of them?
- Stuttering cutscenes are no fun
Without this end the game would have still been a 8/10. This game somehow made my appreciate TTGs style a lot more At least in their games I always know what I am looking for. A f***** mouse. GOD!
Its a fun game, but it needed more puzzles really.
Well, I guess since it is a Gameboy game, that can be forgiven mostly, but I was expecting a bit more out of it.
Thats one game beaten, just 467 left to go!
Everyone knows that LEGO games are pure fun. I got 100% in this one, and it was a huge pain in the ass to find the last few things, but I did it and I'm happy.
It's pretty awesome. Though it's definitely frustrating at times, it's a very good game. And for $15? It's worth it.
Persona 4 8/10 - It was alright. I liked P3 more, but Persona series is still my least favorite of SMT.
Brutal Legend 7/10 - What gets this raiting so high is it's story. While the RTS parts were not as fun as the hack 'n slash parts it still had a very funny story.
Catherine 9/10 - A great game, but hard mode drops it a point for me. Simply because the need to be so precise in hard mode is a bit much.
Oh my God.
I don't normally give games such great ratings but Final Fight has always been my favourite beat'em up and I'd give the normal version 9 or 10 out of 10... so I had to give the PS3 version 10/10 for one simple reason - online multiplayer support!
Other than that, the game seems to be arcade perfect and I can't find anything to complain about.
But having multiplayer support really adds a LOT to the game, I love playing coop with people but hardly ever have people around... which is no longer a problem
Really, this has turned out to be the thing I like the most about the PS3 - the ability to play certain old classic games online, it's so damn cool.
I really love this game so I'll comment on these three things
I hated the voice at first but grew to love it as I understood the character more.
That key puzzle had an interesting variation!
And lastly, when looking for objects, holding the space bar brought up all the interactive spots on the screen
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 9.5/10
Extremely fun
Fantastic stealth, combat and other gameplay mechanics
Interesting story
Excellent voice-over work taken from actors who starred in The Animated Series
Difficulty is reasonably accurate (not too hard/not too easy)
Solid controls
Challenge Modes for stealth or combat
Extra content with endlessly spawning enemies (to get my beat 'em up fix)
Unlockable Achievements
Stunning graphics
Several boss fights are simply variations on a theme
Games for Windows Live
Would like to have had more cool gadgets, but the given amount is still reasonable.
I love this game. Who the heck needs a gun when you have the ninja skills that Batman has? Certainly, various boss fights are extremely similar, but the game is still very fun. What's more, it looks fantastic, the controls are solid with either a keyboard/mouse or with a gamepad, and the overall feel is exactly what I envision Batman should feel like.
Wonderful game. Can't wait for Arkham City.
I think that's cheating.
1) Even though it's controls were crappy, I greatly enjoyed it.
It happens... a lot.
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is: By being a crappy storyteller. Apologies to Ragnar Tornquist, but he should have seen this coming. Dreamfall was "hell froze over" already, he could have never expected to do a sequel in due time.
But that reminds me: I'll have to replay Dreamfall now that I got it working.
The game is a roguelike so pick your character and play until you die. Which you will. And you have the choice. Either death is permanent or it isn't.
I took the pussy-mode (elvish easy without permadeath) and finished this game in about 20 hours. And all I want to do is start over and try the other abilities for my hero. some are more useful than others. Real men let the game choose 7 random skills out of the 34 skills the game offers. I picked them manually. You may call me Jenny from now on if you like.
Definitely worth the 5$ they ask for it and this game just runs on any toaster like my PC.
One major downer: If you defeat Dredmor you cannot reload a save and do it again as you will insta-win with that character.
Rating: Thrusty out of Diggle points (9.5/10)
What Other People Are Saying
Total Biscuit asks: WTF is Dungeons Of Dredmor
-sweet drawings
-black humour muahaha...
-*coughcough*MONKEY ISLAND REFERENCES*coughcough* ^^
-funny puzzles
-nice soundtrack, but it could've been more varied.
-great scott, lili, do you have to kill everyone who passes? I'm starting to feel bad!
anyway, a lovable main character and an intresting story. 9.5/10
nice extra: a soundtrack cd and a retro-copyprotection-code disc
Just the question. Since it's daedalic: how horrible and disappointing is the ending of the game? As bad as Edna? Horrible as TWW?
Graphics: Can't really complain. Everything looks realistic, so that's good enough for me.
Gameplay: Imaginative design. Who would have thought that making physics your personal bitch would be so hard, though? I died a few times before I got everything right, and the final fight with GLaDOS was such a pain to get right I was about ready to punch a hole in the keyboard. When I finally finished it, though, it felt surprisingly satisfying. Tough game, but worth the effort.
Story: We have absolutely no backgroung in this game about GLaDOS, Aperture Science Labs or even the mute protagonist Chell. All that you are told is "Stand back. The portal will open in 3...2...1..." and you just start the game. At first it seems like a simple physics game, but as the test gets noticably tougher and tougher, you become less sure of your success (and acquisition of cake), you see the darker side of GLaDOS, and your first thoughts as you near the end of the tests is "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE" When you finally get to GLaDOS, you know there's no turning back. Only one of you is going to survive, and you know it's not going to be you unless you move. When you finally fight her, you get to see her different personalities as she breaks down. Best of all, as a reward for all of your trouble, you finally earn your freedom.
Final Conclusion: This game was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Seriously, though, I was WAITING for this Game to impress me. It did NOT disappoint.
Portal reminds me quite a bit of Cube, the 1997 film. A group of people are trapped in a massive series of cube-shaped rooms with deadly traps all over the place. They have no knowledge of how they got there and very little background is given. It's stuck with me for way longer than most films have.
The good:
- 2 difficulty settings for puzzles
- about 8 hours of playtime at this price
- It runs on my PC
- No cooking minigame
- auto-saves before possible deaths, instant retry option
The bad:
- One of the weaker stories in the series
- car-driving scenes
- at least 90 ,minutes were spent doing a minigame
- to get another "achievement" I would have to spend at least another 60 minutes with that minigame
The ugly
- people asking when will you be finished when you just started solving a longer puzzle. That was annoying!
- repetition of some "puzzles" (catching mice)
- as usual no task list when playing as senior detective.
Overall score: 7/10
The Good
- Graphics were nice
- Updated Lara model looks better (and they fixed the odd thing with her shirt when she shoots that guy with the shotgun)
- Controls are good... mostly
- Core gameplay suitably Prince-of-Persia like
- 'Full health when loading Checkpoints' design flaw still works
The Bad
- Controls can just plain fail on occasion
- Hidden artifacts are hidden stupidly well in places
- I've played it through half-a-dozen times already and I'm sick to death of it, but that's not exactly the games fault, so I don't really know why I'm mentioning it
- Several trophies are pretty harsh
The Ugly
- The camera hates you with a passion unrivaled, and will be the cause of countless deaths, especially whenever you need to use your grapple on a wall-hook to do a wall-run and then jump away from the wall. It will fail you every single time you need to do this. Seriously, fuck the camera. Fuck it hard with a rusty chainsaw.
Score: 7/10. Might be higher if I weren't fed up of it.
What a cool game. Basically a Super Metroid clone set in the modern day, but it does the whole Super Metroid thing... well... almost as good as Super Metroid.
I found it quite fun despite it's bad reviews, but I agree with most of them.
There is no real story and the places and monsters you fight are the same over and over.
The graphics are really nice though, and the music is really good although it's put on continuous repeat, but you can always mute it and put on your own music.
But as I am a fan of Diablo type games, I quite enjoyed it so it's a shame it's kinda short. And it was left with an open ending that could lead on to a second game, but because it hasn't sold well I don't think that will happen.
So my personal rate will be 7/10 - Quite enjoyable despite it's flaws.
The game is awesome! Gameplay, choices, good fun! the minus 2 points are for a few errors I found (
Other than that, great game! Already replaying it:D
I haven't finished it yet, but so far it's a great game with wonderful atmosphere, a solid compelling story, and a sad but interesting protagonist.
The only problem I have with it involves the voice acting. Though solid, at times the voice actors seem to have an accent that shows on rare occasion. More importantly, the speech seems to at times have the first or last letter of a line cut off. When I have the subtitles turned off, it becomes all the more apparent because I'm not reading what the first word was.
And as I do feel embarrassed about that, it was a total blast.
How can anyone ever give it less than 10/10.
I can. But I did not. Because I did not rate the episodes yet.
And I don't want to have to replay the season again just to rate them. That's how much I didn't like most of the season.
I will correct my sentence to How can I give it any les than 10/10.
Don't feel so good putting words into other peoples mouths.
*raises hand*