I have yet to see Ghost Rider 2, but I heard it ranks right up there. While it may not have been an awful movie, that's right I'm actually saying it wasn't awful, Origins: Wolverine was by far, the most betraying of all. It started out right. Then it fell off a cliff. No. No. That's not right. What the fuck? No. What!? Stop! OH FUCK YOU MARVEL! FUCK OFF!
First let me start off by saying: if you haven't seen Twin Peaks until episode 16 don't watch Fire Walk With Me. Ever. They show you the murder of Laura at the end including the killer.
Also: the first 30 minutes of the movie are completely useless. Just skip those. The rest is focussing on the final days in Laura Palmers life. Quite interesting but I personally don't think it is needed. If you like Lynch & Twin Peaks watch it if not there is nothing for you to gain from this. But as I said: make sure to watch Twin Peaks up to Episode 16 first.
Haven't seen them, can't comment. Haven't heard good things though. If pushed, I'd side with Film Brain, the points he raises are pretty hard to overlook and really don't make me want to see it for myself.
The Incredible Hulk - 7/10 (and I'd like to retroactively change the original Hulk's 5/10 to a 3/10).
From an intro that instantly grabs your attention, we get a film that flows smoothly, has some great acting, natural dialogue (the reason I'm regrading the original) and a half decent plot. I enjoyed this film a hell of a lot more than I thought I would.
Watching this made me realize that, although this film isn't perfect, it is still much better than the original. In fact, it's made me realize my original score was too generous, which is why I've downgraded it. The Ang Lee version was bad, it just takes someone showing you how to do it right to make you realize just how bad it was.
The dialogue sounded like it was lifted straight from a comic - from the 70s, the acting was so dull it was boring, the action was anything but, the plot made absolute no sense and, again, the dialogue. I don't want to harp on about it, but there was barely a single line that felt even remotely natural. Such a bad film.
Heh. My Hulk movie scores are reversed. I can't understand how anyone could say TIH was good. It is physically impossible for my mind to grasp this concept. But hey, at least you guys get to be in the cool, popular kids club! The requirement for that is to hate the Punisher and Punisher: War Zone, Hulk, and Ghost Rider 2. I've only seen Hulk, though, so I can only really comment on that.
The original Hulk is an absolute mess. The plot was ridiculous and was so different from the comic they might as well not have bothered. Why did they make it about the Sins of the Father? It's a dude who gets huge when he's angry! And seriously, don't start me on the dialogue or the acting. Ugh.
I will admit the Abomination wasn't at all developed and the plot kinda half-asses it with the British guy, but otherwise I thought TIH was a pretty good film. It delivered everything you'd want - action, the human element, action, man fighting his demons, action, (relatively) impressive visuals, action, humour, action, references to the TV show that didn't seem forced and action. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.
I'd love to hear what you thought was wrong with it. Not to argue with you or anything - I'm just curious.
Also, I'm guessing the end scene with RDJ puts the film after Iron Man but before Iron Man 2. I think?
Also, I'm guessing the end scene with RDJ puts the film after Iron Man but before Iron Man 2. I think?
Actually, at the end of Iron Man 2 there's the news report from the battle between the military and the Hulk near the University in the background (when Nick tells Tony they want him only as a consultant and stuff, not as a direct member), so the ending scene apparently is after Iron Man 2.
I do hope that if The Avengers movie is good, then they can revisit these characters in other movies as well.
For the Hulk, I'd like it if he goes AWOL from The Avengers after a while because he's struggling to cope with controlling The Hulk personality, which is developing at an alarming rate.
(So he kind of gets like he does in the Animated series, with "hulk no like puny banner" ect.)
The whole film could then focus on Banner trying to suppress his mind, and trying to find somewhere out of people's way.
(So we get "The Wondering Hulk" phase)
Then the villian could be The Leader, who is working simultaneously with General Ross (who lobbying to get rid of The Hulk once and for all), and Betty Ross (who is still searching for a cure), obscuring his mutation in clever ways while speaking to both of them.
(Which ends up being the reveal at the end. Since it turns out he wanted the Hulk for his own purposes like in the animated series)
So basically The Hulk would be hunted down by three parties. Some of the Remaining Avengers trying to track him down to find out whats going on, General Ross and his new "weapon-off-the-day", and Betty.
Its simple, its been done in the comics, and I bet if made right, it would be a great watch!
The original Hulk is an absolute mess. The plot was ridiculous and was so different from the comic they might as well not have bothered. Why did they make it about the Sins of the Father? It's a dude who gets huge when he's angry! And seriously, don't start me on the dialogue or the acting. Ugh.
Hulk is more of a good drama than a good superhero movie. It's also completely atypical and that's what makes it fun for me to watch. It's not perfect, but it gets far too much hate for what it is.
I'd love to hear what you thought was wrong with it. Not to argue with you or anything - I'm just curious.
The bad:
1. The CGI looks like a computer puked all over the screen. I watched the movie on Blu-Ray, and trust me, the HD shows just how puke-awful the animation really is. The Hulk was literally stretching his mouth so wide he was pulling manga faces, and the contrast was far too high. WHY WERE ALL THE SHADOWS ON THE CGI CHARACTERS SO BLACK. They didn't fit into the scenes they were in. It looked worse than The Polar Express.
2. The action was fun to watch, but only because it was completely unintentionally hilarious. Blonsky going all Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon all the time with wire-fu, getting Gmod kicked into the tree, the Inception-like chase sequence through the city, the fight scene at the end that looked awful because of the awful CGI, etc. There were too many elements that looked as if they were pulled straight from movies that came before and ended up done better in movies that came after.
3. Betty Ross- so bland and terrible. Scream, look shocked, scream, look shocked, scream, look shocked, rinse repeat. And I swear, if Hulk had put her on his back and ran with her there Twilight-style the movie would have been turned off so fast. There were serious Kristen Stewart vibes about her, and she looked like that stupid teenager from Thor.
4. Tony Stark's cameo makes no sense. He's only a consultant at this point, he's not even part of SHIELD yet, why would he go to Ross about Hulk, etc. And yes, it is supposed to be in continuity with Avengers.
5. Not exactly the most faithful adaption either.
6. The dialogue. "Leave me aloooooone....." Yeah, that fits Hulk, but it's so poorly executed. Every bit of dialogue is laugh-out-loud poorly executed. Don't get me started on Tim Blake Nelson....oh and I notice he was supposed to be turning into the Leader....no thank you, Marvel.
7. We never get a sense of why Betty Ross loves Bruce Banner. She just does. And she sure doesn't seem to understand him very well- shouldn't she know having sex with him is a bad idea already?
8. That stupid scene where Blonsky gets kicked into the tree. I'm sorry, but this deserves it's own spot on the bad list. How freaking terrible of a scene. It looks so bad. I swear that my friends and I rewinded it over and over because we couldn't stop laughing at how much like Garry's Mod it looked. I mean for CRYING OUT LOUD, WHY.
The Good-
1. The references. They were always funny, and always pulled off well.
2. Abomination. The CGI was bad, but the design was awesome and the voice work was great.
3. The score wasn't too bad.
4. Watching this movie after Captain America makes it better than it would be before Cap came out, as we now understand the super soldier program and the serum better. Good becomes greater.....bad becomes worse. Unfortunately, the serum combined with the radiation exemplified Banner's anger, and it was injected into his muscles. It exemplified Blonsky's desire to be bigger and better than the Hulk, and he injected it into his bones. The backstory in Cap makes much more of TIH make sense.
I had more fun rewinding and rewatching the scene where you see Tommy Wiseau's ass in The Room over and over than I did with this movie, and I'm straight.
I do hope that if The Avengers movie is good, then they can revisit these characters in other movies as well.
For the Hulk, I'd like it if he goes AWOL from The Avengers after a while because he's struggling to cope with controlling The Hulk personality, which is developing at an alarming rate.
No spoilers, but I can tell you that if they kept things in continuity with Avengers, this would be impossible.
No spoilers, but I can tell you that if they kept things in continuity with Avengers, this would be impossible.
True. But don't forget these movies don't follow the regular Marvel continuity.
I think it draws from the Ultimate comics here and there, (well Samuel Jackson = Nick Fury! XD).
Almost anything could really happen with The Hulk though, I mean, he's been colour-coded, transfered into other people, deported to space, seperated into his own form, refused with Banner, actually BEEN Banner, Possessed by otherworldly beings, ect.
I do hope that if The Avengers movie is good, then they can revisit these characters in other movies as well.
For the Hulk, I'd like it if he goes AWOL from The Avengers after a while because he's struggling to cope with controlling The Hulk personality, which is developing at an alarming rate.
We're definitely getting (minor spoilers)
Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Captain America 2 (which is set in the present day, apparently)
. No word on a new Hulk.
At the end of TIH, it's implied that Banner is somewhat in control of the Hulk, or at the very least can trigger it at will. It'll be interesting to see if that's explored at all in Avengers.
Iron Man - 7/10
Fun little film. Very funny in places, great acting, lot of good action (though not as much as you'd want) and a solid story. Obidiah was clearly the bad guy from the first moment you saw him, though. His name was a giveaway, as was the 'bald with beard' look. It could only have been more signposted if he were played by Jason Statham. But still. Enjoyed it.
(Plus I think people were annoyed at 2 Origin story Hulk movies)
But the Incredible Hulk is not an origin story. It takes place like, what, a year or two after the origin? With 6 months of going without accidents in Brazil - Bruce has already changed as a character before that, learning to control his heartbeat and all that stuff. It's not being developed during the movie, it's already there. The origin part was only in the beginning credits... but, for example, Spider-Man 2 recapped the origin story in the beginning credits. It's not like Spider-Man 2 is an origin story
Really, the Incredible Hulk is more like a sequel to a non-existing origin movie.
Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Captain America 2 (which is set in the present day, apparently)
. No word on a new Hulk.
At the end of TIH, it's implied that Banner is somewhat in control of the Hulk, or at the very least can trigger it at will. It'll be interesting to see if that's explored at all in Avengers.
No new Hulk movie is in the works. As far as Avengers-
it's explored there where or not Banner can control Hulk and the whys and hows
But the Incredible Hulk is not an origin story. It takes place like, what, a year or two after the origin? With 6 months of going without accidents in Brazil - Bruce has already changed as a character before that, learning to control his heartbeat and all that stuff. It's not being developed during the movie, it's already there. The origin part was only in the beginning credits... but, for example, Spider-Man 2 recapped the origin story in the beginning credits. It's not like Spider-Man 2 is an origin story
Really, the Incredible Hulk is more like a sequel to a non-existing origin movie.
Fair enough. My memory on the films is a bit fuzzy since I haven't seen them in years! XD
As for Spiderman, anyone thinking about watching the new one?
I'm personally tired out with Spiderman movies.
The new one looks pointless, and the third one was a bit of a mess, (mostly due to self-sabotage on Raimi and Sony's part).
In one of the animated Avenger "films", they explore the idea that Banner thinks he can control the Hulk, and to a degree he can, but the main flaw is that this Banner is quite crazy, and power hungry.
Its the man behind the monster he has to learn to control.
An interesting interpretation, but a pretty lackluster film overall...
EDIT 2: Ah yes! The Ultimate Avengers movies. I remember now.
As for Spiderman, anyone thinking about watching the new one?
I am. I'm actually quite curious about it. Plus, I need my Spider-Man fix. Since Spectacular Spider-Man was cancelled and the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon looks like it will be total garbage. (And, the Amazing Spider-Man movie pointless as it may be, doesn't actually look like garbage, it can turn out to be really good).
@Retrovortex: On Banner controlling Hulk in Avengers:
The idea in Avengers is that Banner keeps Hulk under control by being angry all the time. There's a clip out there of the movie where Banner scares Black Widow on purpose to see how she would react by screaming at her to stop lying to him. She's so unnerved she immediately draws her gun and aims it at his head. But he actually has it completely under control. It's actually really intimidating, and a better moment than any Norton ever got as Banner.
But yeah, I'm going to see the new Spidey. I love Spidey, and he actually wisecracks in this movie! YEAH! And I love The Lizard. If only they kept his labcoat....
@Retrovortex: On Banner controlling Hulk in Avengers:
The idea in Avengers is that Banner keeps Hulk under control by being angry all the time. There's a clip out there of the movie where Banner scares Black Widow on purpose to see how she would react by screaming at her to stop lying to him. She's so unnerved she immediately draws her gun and aims it at his head. But he actually has it completely under control. It's actually really intimidating, and a better moment than any Norton ever got as Banner.
hmmm interesting. So its sort of like Crank, where Chelios has to keep adrenaline going in order to stay alive and in control. Its sort of like when one gets really angry really quickly they kind of get into a blind rage, but the anger Banner is exploiting is the other kind. The calculated kind. Hmm... clever. Though that wouldn't rule out the possibility that he could lose control. After all its established that internally Banner's mind is like a battleground. He loses focus for long enough, then he would either start to calm or even rage out completely, which obviously weakens him, since his power is known to be linked to how angrier he gets, but also him having less control of his own mind and actions makes him a liability in the battleground.
Plus forcing oneself to be angry all the time could put some mental pressure as well.
Over time, Banner could develop that traditional "hulk" psyche as a way to easily anger and demonise himself, but it gets out of hand like people with Dissociative identity disorder can get to overtime with lack of treatment, and The Hulk increasingly wrestles control over Banner, putting himself and others in a lot of danger.
(So it wouldn't exactly rule out what I would like to happen next! XD)
It's nearly one in the morning, so I'll be brief. Not a terrible film, but a bit of a mess, with too many ideas not evenly explained or given enough time to really develop. The cast talking quickly over each other got pretty annoying (thank god for subtitles) and Black Widow and Nick Fury could easily have been written out of the film. Also, the villains were actually quite annoying, especially Justin Hammer. Ugh.
Some damn good action though, some pretty funny humour (I liked the kid with the Iron Man play suit) and... uh... well, that's about it, really. It's OK, just a bit all over the place.
Also: loved how the ending tied into Thor. VERY nice.
hmmm interesting. So its sort of like Crank, where Chelios has to keep adrenaline going in order to stay alive and in control. Its sort of like when one gets really angry really quickly they kind of get into a blind rage, but the anger Banner is exploiting is the other kind. The calculated kind. Hmm... clever. Though that wouldn't rule out the possibility that he could lose control. After all its established that internally Banner's mind is like a battleground. He loses focus for long enough, then he would either start to calm or even rage out completely, which obviously weakens him, since his power is known to be linked to how angrier he gets, but also him having less control of his own mind and actions makes him a liability in the battleground.
Plus forcing oneself to be angry all the time could put some mental pressure as well.
Over time, Banner could develop that traditional "hulk" psyche as a way to easily anger and demonise himself, but it gets out of hand like people with Dissociative identity disorder can get to overtime with lack of treatment, and The Hulk increasingly wrestles control over Banner, putting himself and others in a lot of danger.
(So it wouldn't exactly rule out what I would like to happen next! XD)
I'd say he's still dangerous considering he almost kills one of the heroes after losing control and Hulking out- not saying who.
I actually enjoyed War Zone more than Punisher. I didn't like how Punisher was just a direct story of revenge...and nothing else. War Zone, at least, was similar to the comics, while admittedly, this did not flow well in a film.
Go see this. Now. Seriously, it is the most awesome thing you will see all year. Go and fucking see it.
To elaborate (with minor spoilers):
The plot of this film is surprisingly basic ('big bad guy wants to take over the world' pretty much sums it up), but the reason this film works so very well is down to four main elements.
1) The cast. Every major player is a holdover from previous films and they're all so perfectly cast it's almost painful. I don't think there's a single bad performance between them and it's an absolute joy to watch them at work. Speaking of...
2) The conflicts. The characters don't really trust each other until the last third of the movie, and until then they have a lot of snappy and snippy dialogue between them. They argue, they threaten, they even out-and-out fight, and it's just glorious. Think the stuff from Iron Man, though not quite so fast-paced (though no less entertaining).
3) The combat. The effects in this film are amazing, and the fight sequences are fists-in-the-air punch-ups you won't soon forget. Some of the shots are breathtaking and the two big action scenes - on in the middle and the absolutely massive one at the end - are just jaw-droppingly awesome. My personal favourite was one long take that pans across a huge chunk of the city as we briefly focus on one (or two) of the heroes in action before moving on to the next. Words really do fail me trying to describe how impressive the visuals in this film are. Basically, this film needs to win awards for them. NOW.
4) The comedy. This, I feel, is one of the areas Green Lantern failed in, but there is a surprisingly large amount of humour in this film, despite all the death and destruction. We're not just talking smile-on-your-face moments, there's several genuinely hilarious moments... usually involving the Hulk. The film's careful not to let them overshadow the entire film, but when these moments do come, they're perfectly timed and very, very funny.
There are issues with the film (the bad guys are so completely generic I'm surprised they even bothered naming them, there's a good 20 minute section that's nothing more than people talking, the sheer amount of continuity required to get into this film is off-putting to new viewers [though it'd be hard not to be, in the film's defence], Captain America's outfit still looks stupid and the character that dies will be very sorely missed) but they are tiny, insignificant problems that ultimately don't detract from the overall experience.
This is an amazing movie and I really do recommend everyone here go and see it. Like, right the fuck now.
This movie is great. It has a good mix between comedy and action with my 2 favourite characters being Iron Man and Hulk because cause of how funny they were in this movie (To be fair i am a fan of Iron Man's character since Iron Man) One of my favourite moments was when
When Hulk and Thor are finished fighting some enemies towards the end of the movie and after they beat them. Hulk just punches Thor for no reason
and again Iron Man is always great.
My top 3 Marvel characters
3.Fantastic Four
2.Iron Man
The Pirates! Band of Misfits - 7/11 - The weakest of Aardman's films, but still way ahead of the game in regards to most animated films this year.
Walt Disney's Fantasia - 10/11 - A beautiful experiment in the experience of music and film. If I have one complaint, I felt the animators got a little too ecstatic in a couple of the shorts and the animation overshot the music a little bit. Still a minor complaint in regards to one of the most gorgeous animations America has ever produced.
Full Metal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos - 7/11 - Takes everything Brotherhood tried to do, and does it right with actual effort. If I have a complaint, I wish this movie's title country had been explored in a series, and Roy Mustang had no purpose whatsoever in this movie. At all.
King Kong 1933 - 10/11 - Far better than most monster movies. I can't believe I'm actually tempted to put this ahead of Gojira, and I love Gojira. Having seen this, I no longer feel the Peter Jackson movie has any real value or originality, except for the first fourth on the boat and the atmosphere there and at the beginning of the island. Some of the racial stereotyping, while of the period, felt a bit jarring, but the stop motion animation is gorgeous and ahead of most I see today. How can I give Pirates a low score? How can I not when it doesn't rise to these heights, the heights a film 90 years old established. The fur animation on Kong, especially at the end on the ESB puts the motion capture of Jackson's Kong to shame, and by the end I had forgotten I was watching a model. I didn't really feel I was watching a gorilla though...but I did feel I was watching a breathing creature, in spite of the jittery animation. I still can't get over that they managed to animate his fur flowing in the wind with stop-motion. In 1933.
The Iron Man movies, Captain America, and Avengers are roughly equivalent to me. Their flaws are all different ones and so it probably comes down to personal preference about which flaws are more acceptable. My personal favorite of the bunch is probably Captain America, though that stems less from the quality of the movie than my affinity for the period setting.
Well, that was definitely a bit better than Iron Man II. The point is taken off for the art design, which wasn't the best on the Chitauri. Also, they were significantly dumbed down from the comics, but overall I feel like that only really detracts a point in light of what the movie delivered to me personally.
I actually wasn't overly fond of Iron Man II, I had one little, big problem with it(I never read the comics, so I have no opinion on adaptation)... When what's-his-nuts got hit by a car head full speed at the beginning...and was fine. I know these are comic book movies, but still. That was a bit ridiculous and really removed me from it.
I actually wasn't overly fond of Iron Man II, I had one little, big problem with it(I never read the comics, so I have no opinion on adaptation)... When what's-his-nuts got hit by a car head full speed at the beginning...and was fine. I know these are comic book movies, but still. That was a bit ridiculous and really removed me from it.
The guy has armour designed to take hits from The Hulk!
Iron Man 2 was more a bunch of nice ideas thrown into a mixing pot and then left there, rather than being baked at 180 degrees for an hour. So the ingredients were there, they just didn't quite finish making the cake and we're left with a sticky mess that's still fun to eat, but nowhere near as nice as a proper cake.
...did I stretch that metaphor too far? I can never tell.
Yeah, that'd be him. It was right at the beginning when he showed up on the race track. He gets nailed by a car into a fence or something.
...This is really dragging too far :P I just didn't like the fact he got smoked by a car(Iron Man kicked it at him or something) right into his bare skin...and he shrugged it off. I just felt it was a bit too much. Just my opinion.
So, I watched Avengers. It was fun and cool. The second after-credits scene was especially awesome.
However, honestly... After thinking about the movie on my way home... I think I prefer any 'single hero' movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the Avengers. Except Iron Man II. And maybe the Incredible Hulk. I don't know. Maybe it's partially because 95% of human beings who watched Avengers were saying how incredibly awesome it is in the thing we know as internets and it somehow skewed my impressions and/or expectations, but I left the theatre really unexcited and underwhelmed.
EDIT: Oh, and also, I accidentally laughed out loud in the theatre during one moment, and was the only to do so because I'm probably the only one who was there with Russian as his native language. That establishing shot in Russia? There were some signs there and there, and, if you'd translate them in English language, they'd mean 'GFJSSAKKFLFJSL' and 'vcxjsl' and 'ADSLF' and whatnot. Just random letters. Although the Russian dialogue in the interrogation scene was actually correct and well-formed, but spoken with an accent sometimes so heavy that it's hard to believe that any of those people is actually a native Russian speaker.
What about Ghost Rider movies?
First let me start off by saying: if you haven't seen Twin Peaks until episode 16 don't watch Fire Walk With Me. Ever. They show you the murder of Laura at the end including the killer.
Also: the first 30 minutes of the movie are completely useless. Just skip those. The rest is focussing on the final days in Laura Palmers life. Quite interesting but I personally don't think it is needed. If you like Lynch & Twin Peaks watch it if not there is nothing for you to gain from this. But as I said: make sure to watch Twin Peaks up to Episode 16 first.
The Incredible Hulk - 7/10 (and I'd like to retroactively change the original Hulk's 5/10 to a 3/10).
From an intro that instantly grabs your attention, we get a film that flows smoothly, has some great acting, natural dialogue (the reason I'm regrading the original) and a half decent plot. I enjoyed this film a hell of a lot more than I thought I would.
Watching this made me realize that, although this film isn't perfect, it is still much better than the original. In fact, it's made me realize my original score was too generous, which is why I've downgraded it. The Ang Lee version was bad, it just takes someone showing you how to do it right to make you realize just how bad it was.
The dialogue sounded like it was lifted straight from a comic - from the 70s, the acting was so dull it was boring, the action was anything but, the plot made absolute no sense and, again, the dialogue. I don't want to harp on about it, but there was barely a single line that felt even remotely natural. Such a bad film.
The original Hulk is an absolute mess. The plot was ridiculous and was so different from the comic they might as well not have bothered. Why did they make it about the Sins of the Father? It's a dude who gets huge when he's angry! And seriously, don't start me on the dialogue or the acting. Ugh.
I will admit the Abomination wasn't at all developed and the plot kinda half-asses it with the British guy, but otherwise I thought TIH was a pretty good film. It delivered everything you'd want - action, the human element, action, man fighting his demons, action, (relatively) impressive visuals, action, humour, action, references to the TV show that didn't seem forced and action. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.
I'd love to hear what you thought was wrong with it. Not to argue with you or anything - I'm just curious.
Also, I'm guessing the end scene with RDJ puts the film after Iron Man but before Iron Man 2. I think?
Actually, at the end of Iron Man 2 there's the news report from the battle between the military and the Hulk near the University in the background (when Nick tells Tony they want him only as a consultant and stuff, not as a direct member), so the ending scene apparently is after Iron Man 2.
For the Hulk, I'd like it if he goes AWOL from The Avengers after a while because he's struggling to cope with controlling The Hulk personality, which is developing at an alarming rate.
(So he kind of gets like he does in the Animated series, with "hulk no like puny banner" ect.)
The whole film could then focus on Banner trying to suppress his mind, and trying to find somewhere out of people's way.
(So we get "The Wondering Hulk" phase)
Then the villian could be The Leader, who is working simultaneously with General Ross (who lobbying to get rid of The Hulk once and for all), and Betty Ross (who is still searching for a cure), obscuring his mutation in clever ways while speaking to both of them.
(Which ends up being the reveal at the end. Since it turns out he wanted the Hulk for his own purposes like in the animated series)
So basically The Hulk would be hunted down by three parties. Some of the Remaining Avengers trying to track him down to find out whats going on, General Ross and his new "weapon-off-the-day", and Betty.
Its simple, its been done in the comics, and I bet if made right, it would be a great watch!
The bad:
1. The CGI looks like a computer puked all over the screen. I watched the movie on Blu-Ray, and trust me, the HD shows just how puke-awful the animation really is. The Hulk was literally stretching his mouth so wide he was pulling manga faces, and the contrast was far too high. WHY WERE ALL THE SHADOWS ON THE CGI CHARACTERS SO BLACK. They didn't fit into the scenes they were in. It looked worse than The Polar Express.
2. The action was fun to watch, but only because it was completely unintentionally hilarious. Blonsky going all Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon all the time with wire-fu, getting Gmod kicked into the tree, the Inception-like chase sequence through the city, the fight scene at the end that looked awful because of the awful CGI, etc. There were too many elements that looked as if they were pulled straight from movies that came before and ended up done better in movies that came after.
3. Betty Ross- so bland and terrible. Scream, look shocked, scream, look shocked, scream, look shocked, rinse repeat. And I swear, if Hulk had put her on his back and ran with her there Twilight-style the movie would have been turned off so fast. There were serious Kristen Stewart vibes about her, and she looked like that stupid teenager from Thor.
4. Tony Stark's cameo makes no sense. He's only a consultant at this point, he's not even part of SHIELD yet, why would he go to Ross about Hulk, etc. And yes, it is supposed to be in continuity with Avengers.
5. Not exactly the most faithful adaption either.
6. The dialogue. "Leave me aloooooone....." Yeah, that fits Hulk, but it's so poorly executed. Every bit of dialogue is laugh-out-loud poorly executed. Don't get me started on Tim Blake Nelson....oh and I notice he was supposed to be turning into the Leader....no thank you, Marvel.
7. We never get a sense of why Betty Ross loves Bruce Banner. She just does. And she sure doesn't seem to understand him very well- shouldn't she know having sex with him is a bad idea already?
8. That stupid scene where Blonsky gets kicked into the tree. I'm sorry, but this deserves it's own spot on the bad list. How freaking terrible of a scene. It looks so bad. I swear that my friends and I rewinded it over and over because we couldn't stop laughing at how much like Garry's Mod it looked. I mean for CRYING OUT LOUD, WHY.
The Good-
1. The references. They were always funny, and always pulled off well.
2. Abomination. The CGI was bad, but the design was awesome and the voice work was great.
3. The score wasn't too bad.
4. Watching this movie after Captain America makes it better than it would be before Cap came out, as we now understand the super soldier program and the serum better. Good becomes greater.....bad becomes worse. Unfortunately, the serum combined with the radiation exemplified Banner's anger, and it was injected into his muscles. It exemplified Blonsky's desire to be bigger and better than the Hulk, and he injected it into his bones. The backstory in Cap makes much more of TIH make sense.
I had more fun rewinding and rewatching the scene where you see Tommy Wiseau's ass in The Room over and over than I did with this movie, and I'm straight.
No spoilers, but I can tell you that if they kept things in continuity with Avengers, this would be impossible.
True. But don't forget these movies don't follow the regular Marvel continuity.
I think it draws from the Ultimate comics here and there, (well Samuel Jackson = Nick Fury! XD).
Almost anything could really happen with The Hulk though, I mean, he's been colour-coded, transfered into other people, deported to space, seperated into his own form, refused with Banner, actually BEEN Banner, Possessed by otherworldly beings, ect.
At the end of TIH, it's implied that Banner is somewhat in control of the Hulk, or at the very least can trigger it at will. It'll be interesting to see if that's explored at all in Avengers.
Iron Man - 7/10
Fun little film. Very funny in places, great acting, lot of good action (though not as much as you'd want) and a solid story. Obidiah was clearly the bad guy from the first moment you saw him, though. His name was a giveaway, as was the 'bald with beard' look. It could only have been more signposted if he were played by Jason Statham. But still. Enjoyed it.
No suprise there. Its really hard to make a Hulk movie, let alone a good one.
(Plus I think people were annoyed at 2 Origin story Hulk movies)
But the Incredible Hulk is not an origin story. It takes place like, what, a year or two after the origin? With 6 months of going without accidents in Brazil - Bruce has already changed as a character before that, learning to control his heartbeat and all that stuff. It's not being developed during the movie, it's already there. The origin part was only in the beginning credits... but, for example, Spider-Man 2 recapped the origin story in the beginning credits. It's not like Spider-Man 2 is an origin story
Really, the Incredible Hulk is more like a sequel to a non-existing origin movie.
No new Hulk movie is in the works. As far as Avengers-
Fair enough. My memory on the films is a bit fuzzy since I haven't seen them in years! XD
As for Spiderman, anyone thinking about watching the new one?
I'm personally tired out with Spiderman movies.
The new one looks pointless, and the third one was a bit of a mess, (mostly due to self-sabotage on Raimi and Sony's part).
In one of the animated Avenger "films", they explore the idea that Banner thinks he can control the Hulk, and to a degree he can, but the main flaw is that this Banner is quite crazy, and power hungry.
Its the man behind the monster he has to learn to control.
An interesting interpretation, but a pretty lackluster film overall...
EDIT 2: Ah yes! The Ultimate Avengers movies. I remember now.
(Watched them on Netflix a while back! XD)
I am. I'm actually quite curious about it. Plus, I need my Spider-Man fix.
But yeah, I'm going to see the new Spidey. I love Spidey, and he actually wisecracks in this movie! YEAH! And I love The Lizard. If only they kept his labcoat....
Plus forcing oneself to be angry all the time could put some mental pressure as well.
Over time, Banner could develop that traditional "hulk" psyche as a way to easily anger and demonise himself, but it gets out of hand like people with Dissociative identity disorder can get to overtime with lack of treatment, and The Hulk increasingly wrestles control over Banner, putting himself and others in a lot of danger.
(So it wouldn't exactly rule out what I would like to happen next! XD)
It's nearly one in the morning, so I'll be brief. Not a terrible film, but a bit of a mess, with too many ideas not evenly explained or given enough time to really develop. The cast talking quickly over each other got pretty annoying (thank god for subtitles) and Black Widow and Nick Fury could easily have been written out of the film. Also, the villains were actually quite annoying, especially Justin Hammer. Ugh.
Some damn good action though, some pretty funny humour (I liked the kid with the Iron Man play suit) and... uh... well, that's about it, really. It's OK, just a bit all over the place.
Also: loved how the ending tied into Thor. VERY nice.
Sleepy time is now.
Go see this. Now. Seriously, it is the most awesome thing you will see all year. Go and fucking see it.
To elaborate (with minor spoilers):
1) The cast. Every major player is a holdover from previous films and they're all so perfectly cast it's almost painful. I don't think there's a single bad performance between them and it's an absolute joy to watch them at work. Speaking of...
2) The conflicts. The characters don't really trust each other until the last third of the movie, and until then they have a lot of snappy and snippy dialogue between them. They argue, they threaten, they even out-and-out fight, and it's just glorious. Think the stuff from Iron Man, though not quite so fast-paced (though no less entertaining).
3) The combat. The effects in this film are amazing, and the fight sequences are fists-in-the-air punch-ups you won't soon forget. Some of the shots are breathtaking and the two big action scenes - on in the middle and the absolutely massive one at the end - are just jaw-droppingly awesome. My personal favourite was one long take that pans across a huge chunk of the city as we briefly focus on one (or two) of the heroes in action before moving on to the next. Words really do fail me trying to describe how impressive the visuals in this film are. Basically, this film needs to win awards for them. NOW.
4) The comedy. This, I feel, is one of the areas Green Lantern failed in, but there is a surprisingly large amount of humour in this film, despite all the death and destruction. We're not just talking smile-on-your-face moments, there's several genuinely hilarious moments... usually involving the Hulk. The film's careful not to let them overshadow the entire film, but when these moments do come, they're perfectly timed and very, very funny.
There are issues with the film (the bad guys are so completely generic I'm surprised they even bothered naming them, there's a good 20 minute section that's nothing more than people talking, the sheer amount of continuity required to get into this film is off-putting to new viewers [though it'd be hard not to be, in the film's defence], Captain America's outfit still looks stupid and the character that dies will be very sorely missed) but they are tiny, insignificant problems that ultimately don't detract from the overall experience.
This is an amazing movie and I really do recommend everyone here go and see it. Like, right the fuck now.
This movie is great. It has a good mix between comedy and action with my 2 favourite characters being Iron Man and Hulk because cause of how funny they were in this movie (To be fair i am a fan of Iron Man's character since Iron Man) One of my favourite moments was when
My top 3 Marvel characters
3.Fantastic Four
2.Iron Man
Walt Disney's Fantasia - 10/11 - A beautiful experiment in the experience of music and film. If I have one complaint, I felt the animators got a little too ecstatic in a couple of the shorts and the animation overshot the music a little bit. Still a minor complaint in regards to one of the most gorgeous animations America has ever produced.
Full Metal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos - 7/11 - Takes everything Brotherhood tried to do, and does it right with actual effort. If I have a complaint, I wish this movie's title country had been explored in a series, and Roy Mustang had no purpose whatsoever in this movie. At all.
King Kong 1933 - 10/11 - Far better than most monster movies. I can't believe I'm actually tempted to put this ahead of Gojira, and I love Gojira. Having seen this, I no longer feel the Peter Jackson movie has any real value or originality, except for the first fourth on the boat and the atmosphere there and at the beginning of the island. Some of the racial stereotyping, while of the period, felt a bit jarring, but the stop motion animation is gorgeous and ahead of most I see today. How can I give Pirates a low score? How can I not when it doesn't rise to these heights, the heights a film 90 years old established. The fur animation on Kong, especially at the end on the ESB puts the motion capture of Jackson's Kong to shame, and by the end I had forgotten I was watching a model. I didn't really feel I was watching a gorilla though...but I did feel I was watching a breathing creature, in spite of the jittery animation. I still can't get over that they managed to animate his fur flowing in the wind with stop-motion. In 1933.
The Incredible Hulk - 4/10
Iron Man 2 - 6/10
Thor - 3/10
Captain America - 6/10
The Avengers - 6/10
Well, that was definitely a bit better than Iron Man II. The point is taken off for the art design, which wasn't the best on the Chitauri. Also, they were significantly dumbed down from the comics, but overall I feel like that only really detracts a point in light of what the movie delivered to me personally.
The guy has armour designed to take hits from The Hulk!
He's basically a wizard! XD
...did I stretch that metaphor too far? I can never tell.
...This is really dragging too far :P I just didn't like the fact he got smoked by a car(Iron Man kicked it at him or something) right into his bare skin...and he shrugged it off. I just felt it was a bit too much. Just my opinion.
However, honestly... After thinking about the movie on my way home... I think I prefer any 'single hero' movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the Avengers. Except Iron Man II. And maybe the Incredible Hulk. I don't know. Maybe it's partially because 95% of human beings who watched Avengers were saying how incredibly awesome it is in the thing we know as internets and it somehow skewed my impressions and/or expectations, but I left the theatre really unexcited and underwhelmed.
EDIT: Oh, and also, I accidentally laughed out loud in the theatre during one moment, and was the only to do so because I'm probably the only one who was there with Russian as his native language. That establishing shot in Russia? There were some signs there and there, and, if you'd translate them in English language, they'd mean 'GFJSSAKKFLFJSL' and 'vcxjsl' and 'ADSLF' and whatnot. Just random letters. Although the Russian dialogue in the interrogation scene was actually correct and well-formed, but spoken with an accent sometimes so heavy that it's hard to believe that any of those people is actually a native Russian speaker.
I also saw the Avengers and I agree with this sentiment. If we got a Joss Whedon written/directed Hulk movie I would go see it many times.