Taumel, you don't seem to understand the concept of this thread. As much as I adore the games produced by Quantic Dream and as fantastic as that tech demo entitled 'Kara' is, it really doesn't belong here.
I found it entertaining at first, but in the end, it was Hollywood doing to the Punisher what they did to Spawn. It was made more entertaining and appealing to a wider market instead of appeasing a smaller fan base. Since, everything revolves around money, I can't really fault them for that. The movie still disappointed me though.
Funny thing - both recent Punisher movies only had a budget of around $30 million - according to the guy who directed the Thomas Jane one, that's around half the typical Hollywood action movie budget. It's also why that one was set in Florida - because it was cheaper than a New York substitute.
Looney Tunes Back In Action - 10/10. Ok let me just say that i love this movie come on Space Jam was ok but this movie feels like a true Looney Tunes Movie
Story-Ok i think the story that Daffy after reading what happens in the Bugs Bunny movie and gets annoyed seeing that its mostly Elmer Blasting him instead of Bugs during all the movie and then showing that he's sick of Bugs always being in the spotlight and one of the scenes that shows this the most is when the main characters DJ,Kate,Bugs and Daffy are camping in the Las Vegas and Daffy asks Bugs why is he talking to him when all Bugs has to do is eat a carrot and people love him. But the main story is that After Daffy and Dj is fired by Kate . Daffy and Dj finds out Dj's Dad is a spy and he has been captured by The Chairman of Acme who plans to find a jewel called The Blue Monkey Diamond (and Daffy wanting the diamond joins Dj and does not give up as Dj keeps throwing him out of the car) and after getting tracked down by Kate and Bugs after the Warner Brothers tell Kate ether she gets Daffy back or she will be fired. Dj and Daffy get into the spy car Bugs found at Dj's house and a car chase from Yosemite Sam starts until Daffy Says Mother and the car starts flying and starts heading to a place called Area 52 where a girl codenamed Mother builds spy stuff but Dj crashes the car into the ground so after Dj falls into Area 52 by mistake. Dj gets spy stuff but Marvin Breaks out from his prision and starts to try get this card Dj got from Las Vegas that helps find the Blue Monkey so after they escape they go to Paris to find out the mystery of this card and try to find out where the Blue Monkey is. So i think the story is great
Music- i can't remember the music from this but the song during the credits is great.
This movie stays true to the Looney Tunes And has loads of Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs, Daffy, Taz, Porky,Speedy,Tweetie,Granny,Willie,Elmer and more.
I think it's awesome. It was fun, entertaining, enjoyable, the horse Maximus is just PURE WIN. Oh, and 'My name's Flynn. - Rapunzel. - Gesundheit.' There are only two, two small gripes I have with the movie.
1. I feel like Eugene and Maximus had to have one additional bonding scene. They start to get along, and then the next time they see eachother, Maximus saves Eugene. Of course, Maximus apparently was worried about Rapunzel... And... well... it's NOT crucial.
2. Eugene could've let himself be healed and THEN cut Rapunzel's hair off. On the other hand, that would be like a selfish dick move (and Eugene was changing from selfish to selfless) and we wouldn't have a dramatic scene. I admit, that in my head I was thinking 'Wait... wait-wait-wait. This doesn't follow any traditional Disney conventions. ARE THEY GONNA LET HIM DIE?!?!?!' Of course, as soon as there a tear fell on Eugene, I instantly went 'Oh yeah, the tear is magical too'... well, it's a fairy tale.
And really, those two aren't even gripes... Tangled is awesome, if you've made the same mistake that I did (i.e. - haven't seen it) then fix that as soon as you can!
Also, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Got about halfway through before giving up. Either I have a really short attention span (possible) or the LotR films are S. L. O. W.
So, there's another animated movie that I wanted to see a long time ago, but for various reasons didn't... How to Train Your Dragon... and...
I saw it for the first time, like, 3 days ago, and I've already watched it 4 times. Damn, I'm... I love the movie. I LOVE Toothless, I like the story, I like the characters, I like the music, I like the script (it's so tight with huge amounts of set-ups and payoffs), and... there's just something about it... Damn. It's AWESOME. If I knew that I would love it so much I'd see it back in 2010... But, alas... Still... awesome.
Also, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Got about halfway through before giving up. Either I have a really short attention span (possible) or the LotR films are S. L. O. W.
I vote for both. I liked the movies, but I have to admit they wore on my patience at times.
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn. 7/10.
The good:
- Very rapid pace. Didn't get at all bored like I usually do with films.
- Captain Haddock. Just... Captain Haddock.
- Dialogue was pretty good and felt like what the characters should sound like.
- The chase scene that's one long take. Technically amazing and impossible to stop watching.
The bad:
- Very poor introduction to Tintin for new audiences. He's just sort of... there, with little explanation or such.
- The character animation seemed odd. People's heads didn't seem to sit right on their bodies.
- Jamie Bell is remarkably bland. Poor characterization or a poor performance? Who cares?
- The chase scene that's one long take. Impressive as it was, I could barely understand what the hell was happening half the time. Would probably have worked better in a more Indiana Jones style movie.
The 'wha..?'
- The ending seemed kind of blasé, especially so coming after the
crane fight
- Thompson and Thompson didn't really do anything. Not that they did in the comics, but...
- The pickpocket was nothing more than a pointless plot device to occupy the T&T duo. Also seemed oddly familiar, but it's been a while since I read the comics, so maybe I'm just getting confused there.
Overall, it was an entertaining film, but I don't know if I'll be in a massive rush to watch it again.
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn. 7/10.
I found it quite satisfying. I went in not knowing what I was going to get. I knew it wouldn't be as bad as the press and sales in North America as Tintin has little to no following in the USA(I don't even know if they got the dubbed show). It could have been better, the movie as a movie wasn't too great, but I felt that they didn't screw up the characters either. Tintin was the closest to being lost though. I knew going in that he would be more of an action hero than a detective/reporter, they didn't want to completely bomb in the USA after all. Here's a movie about an animated reporter you've never heard of... doesn't really make a lot of people want to line up. The criticism you can find by reading the great many negative fan reviews are still valid(Haddock's behaviour sober vs drunk, annoying Snowy, the Thom(p)sons pointlessness and yes, bland Tintin), but I didn't feel any of them ruined the movie for me.
saw ghost rider 2, was it ever awful! I actually liked the first one but there was nothing redeemable about this one; crappy story, acting and the worst 3-d effects i've ever seen.
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn. 7/10.
- The pickpocket was nothing more than a pointless plot device to occupy the T&T duo. Also seemed oddly familiar, but it's been a while since I read the comics, so maybe I'm just getting confused there.
I saw Tintin recently as well and I really enjoyed it. I'm a huge Tintin fan and I thought it done a terrific balancing act between the original books and blockbuster appeal. The animation was also excellent I thought, it was never uncanny valley, whilst it wasn't 100% faithful to Hergé's style I don't think i'd have wanted it to be as it gives it that little bit of wiggle room to do its own thing.
Now if they'd ever make an Asterix film I can tolerate I would be on Cloud 9, 10 & 11.
Now if they'd ever make an Asterix film I can tolerate I would be on Cloud 9, 10 & 11.
I think the closest they ever got was Asterix Conquers America, sadly. That said, it did have one thing going for it, though who'd have thought Lister would make a good Asterix?
I found the French Asterix movies with Gerard Depardieu funny and enjoyable (well, the first two, haven't seen the third one). Granted, they're not 'AWESOME CLASSICS!', but I remember re-watching them a few times.
Although, I saw them in Russian and haven't seen the English translations, so... maybe the English versions suck, that could happen.
The French talk really, really quickly, so the English dub has everyone speaking their lines really fast. It does a surprisingly large amount to draw you out of the experience when you can't relax and just watch the thing, since you have to be really paying attention in order to understand everything.
Also, the third one - Olympic Games - was kinda meh.
Watched Taken with Liam Neeson. I'm used to the fact that 90 minute movies are usually animated features or comedies or something like that... so I was sceptical at first, 'A 90 minutes action movie? Hm...' But holy hell, was it intense! I mean... it was MORE than intense, I literally couldn't move. So, yeah... it's some awesome intense action and I enjoyed the experience. Will I ever rewatch it? ... I don't think so. Maybe in 20 years when I will have my own 17-years old daughter Just in case.
The "Twin Peaks" pilot movie.
What the hell did I just watch there? 90 minutes of meh that should have been 60 minutes max. But I want to torture myself with the whole series so why not start with the pilot...
Might have been better if there would have been better music (main theme was alright but throughout the whole thing "Laura's Theme" played almost all the time and that has to be one of the most boring pieces of music I ever heard. 4/10
Perfect Blue: 9/11
The Ring (Verbinski): 6/11
Demons III: The Church: 7/11
Chronicle: 9/11
The Artist: 10/11
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood: 9/11
Lost in a Harem: 7/11
Noroi: The Curse: 8/11
Bloodrayne: The Third Reich: 3/11
Double Dragon: 1/11
Legend of the Lost: 8/11
Beneath Loch Ness: 3/11
Croc: 2/11
Xtinction: Predator X: 0/11
Who's Minding the Store: 6/11
Timerider: 5/11
How to Frame a Figg: 9/11
Rubber: 9/11
Futurama: Bender's Big Score: 10/11
A wonderful documentary revolving around the "best worst movie" ever made; 'Troll 2'. It's funny, sad, intriguing and poignant in equal measures. Essentially it's the bad filmmakers equivalent of 'The King of Kong'.
So, to get this movie, I imported the DVD from the US, not cheap. No subtitles, no additional languages, no animated menus ("WB archive collection"). It was a great purchase nonetheless.
I'm not particularly one for Branagh's Shakespeare film adaptations. But this movie, presented in black and white in 1995, treats Shakespeare right. A motley actor crew, each with their own traits and problems (among them unemployed, suicidal, alcoholic, uncreative, unstable, selfish, overwhelmed and plain weird) come together in a not-too attractive church to rehearse, play and live Hamlet. At Christmas.
Apart from very few city/landscape scenes, this scenario is almost treated as a play as well. Most scenes play out in the church, and the rehearsals are great fun to watch.
I want a proper Blu Ray of this movie... fat chance.
This movie is extremely good. If you walk in understanding that you're about to watch a film which is a meta-narrative about horror film, I don't think you'll be disappointed. This movie has some really big ideas and it executes them brilliantly.
The Raid: Redemption - 8/10
If you distilled The Raid into its core parts, you would find the perfect action movie pacing in there. The film often feels less like a narrative than it is a dissertation on perfect action film pacing. This is not an overtly intellectual film, that is, the intelligence and artistry of this film does not come from a deep and thoughtful screenplay or dramatic character development. Rather, this is a movie which utilizes the bare bones requirements of an action film and creates something with an amazing pace and strength that really should be seen.
If you like good movies with acting and a well written story then avoid this! Its slow boring it makes up the characters skills as it goes along (IE the guy with glasses can hack the police data base from a very old computer because he is a nerd.)
The main actress is way older then the character and the producers daughter. And the other producer is an ex EastEnders villian. Also the most anticlimatic ending ever.
Ray Winston's charecter who has no relation to the main cast other then one scene shoots the bad guy b4 he can kill Elfie. Then disperses..
It's a mess, frankly. A bizarre script with terrible dialogue, bizarre direction and lacklustre acting, the only real highlights are the somewhat impressive CGI, but even those scenes aren't particularly exiting. It's a slog to get to that through, this film. A real slog.
While neither were great movies, I don't think I could score The Incredible Hulk lower than Hulk. Personally, I would give Hulk a 3. I'm sorry but it was garbage, I would go as far as to say it might be the worst Marvel movie ever. Incredible, I'd give a 5. It was...okay. I liked the cast and that might have saved it from getting a 3 as well.
While neither were great movies, I don't think I could score The Incredible Hulk lower than Hulk. Personally, I would give Hulk a 3. I'm sorry but it was garbage, I would go as far as to say it might be the worst Marvel movie ever. Incredible, I'd give a 5. It was...okay. I liked the cast and that might have saved it from getting a 3 as well.
I think Punisher: War Zone is worse. It IS close though.
Taumel, you don't seem to understand the concept of this thread. As much as I adore the games produced by Quantic Dream and as fantastic as that tech demo entitled 'Kara' is, it really doesn't belong here.
I will be back later to tell you all what I think.
Story-Ok i think the story that Daffy after reading what happens in the Bugs Bunny movie and gets annoyed seeing that its mostly Elmer Blasting him instead of Bugs during all the movie and then showing that he's sick of Bugs always being in the spotlight and one of the scenes that shows this the most is when the main characters DJ,Kate,Bugs and Daffy are camping in the Las Vegas and Daffy asks Bugs why is he talking to him when all Bugs has to do is eat a carrot and people love him. But the main story is that After Daffy and Dj is fired by Kate . Daffy and Dj finds out Dj's Dad is a spy and he has been captured by The Chairman of Acme who plans to find a jewel called The Blue Monkey Diamond (and Daffy wanting the diamond joins Dj and does not give up as Dj keeps throwing him out of the car) and after getting tracked down by Kate and Bugs after the Warner Brothers tell Kate ether she gets Daffy back or she will be fired. Dj and Daffy get into the spy car Bugs found at Dj's house and a car chase from Yosemite Sam starts until Daffy Says Mother and the car starts flying and starts heading to a place called Area 52 where a girl codenamed Mother builds spy stuff but Dj crashes the car into the ground so after Dj falls into Area 52 by mistake. Dj gets spy stuff but Marvin Breaks out from his prision and starts to try get this card Dj got from Las Vegas that helps find the Blue Monkey so after they escape they go to Paris to find out the mystery of this card and try to find out where the Blue Monkey is. So i think the story is great
Music- i can't remember the music from this but the song during the credits is great.
This movie stays true to the Looney Tunes And has loads of Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs, Daffy, Taz, Porky,Speedy,Tweetie,Granny,Willie,Elmer and more.
I think it's awesome. It was fun, entertaining, enjoyable, the horse Maximus is just PURE WIN. Oh, and 'My name's Flynn. - Rapunzel. - Gesundheit.'
2. Eugene could've let himself be healed and THEN cut Rapunzel's hair off. On the other hand, that would be like a selfish dick move (and Eugene was changing from selfish to selfless) and we wouldn't have a dramatic scene. I admit, that in my head I was thinking 'Wait... wait-wait-wait. This doesn't follow any traditional Disney conventions. ARE THEY GONNA LET HIM DIE?!?!?!' Of course, as soon as there a tear fell on Eugene, I instantly went 'Oh yeah, the tear is magical too'... well, it's a fairy tale.
And really, those two aren't even gripes... Tangled is awesome, if you've made the same mistake that I did (i.e. - haven't seen it) then fix that as soon as you can!
Never heard of it? My next review will enlighten you all. Needless to say, it's not very good.
Excellent! Not that you didn't enjoy the movie but because now we get another amusing video review.
Also, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Got about halfway through before giving up. Either I have a really short attention span (possible) or the LotR films are S. L. O. W.
I saw it for the first time, like, 3 days ago, and I've already watched it 4 times. Damn, I'm... I love the movie. I LOVE Toothless, I like the story, I like the characters, I like the music, I like the script (it's so tight with huge amounts of set-ups and payoffs), and... there's just something about it... Damn. It's AWESOME. If I knew that I would love it so much I'd see it back in 2010... But, alas... Still... awesome.
I vote for both. I liked the movies, but I have to admit they wore on my patience at times.
The good:
- Very rapid pace. Didn't get at all bored like I usually do with films.
- Captain Haddock. Just... Captain Haddock.
- Dialogue was pretty good and felt like what the characters should sound like.
- The chase scene that's one long take. Technically amazing and impossible to stop watching.
The bad:
- Very poor introduction to Tintin for new audiences. He's just sort of... there, with little explanation or such.
- The character animation seemed odd. People's heads didn't seem to sit right on their bodies.
- Jamie Bell is remarkably bland. Poor characterization or a poor performance? Who cares?
- The chase scene that's one long take. Impressive as it was, I could barely understand what the hell was happening half the time. Would probably have worked better in a more Indiana Jones style movie.
The 'wha..?'
- The ending seemed kind of blasé, especially so coming after the
- Thompson and Thompson didn't really do anything. Not that they did in the comics, but...
- The pickpocket was nothing more than a pointless plot device to occupy the T&T duo. Also seemed oddly familiar, but it's been a while since I read the comics, so maybe I'm just getting confused there.
Overall, it was an entertaining film, but I don't know if I'll be in a massive rush to watch it again.
I found it quite satisfying. I went in not knowing what I was going to get. I knew it wouldn't be as bad as the press and sales in North America as Tintin has little to no following in the USA(I don't even know if they got the dubbed show). It could have been better, the movie as a movie wasn't too great, but I felt that they didn't screw up the characters either. Tintin was the closest to being lost though. I knew going in that he would be more of an action hero than a detective/reporter, they didn't want to completely bomb in the USA after all. Here's a movie about an animated reporter you've never heard of... doesn't really make a lot of people want to line up. The criticism you can find by reading the great many negative fan reviews are still valid(Haddock's behaviour sober vs drunk, annoying Snowy, the Thom(p)sons pointlessness and yes, bland Tintin), but I didn't feel any of them ruined the movie for me.
I think you're right on that count.
Now if they'd ever make an Asterix film I can tolerate I would be on Cloud 9, 10 & 11.
The Sea Hawk - 8/10
Barton Fink - 7/10
Although, I saw them in Russian and haven't seen the English translations, so... maybe the English versions suck, that could happen.
Also, the third one - Olympic Games - was kinda meh.
What the hell did I just watch there? 90 minutes of meh that should have been 60 minutes max. But I want to torture myself with the whole series so why not start with the pilot...
Might have been better if there would have been better music (main theme was alright but throughout the whole thing "Laura's Theme" played almost all the time and that has to be one of the most boring pieces of music I ever heard. 4/10
The Ring (Verbinski): 6/11
Demons III: The Church: 7/11
Chronicle: 9/11
The Artist: 10/11
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood: 9/11
Lost in a Harem: 7/11
Noroi: The Curse: 8/11
Bloodrayne: The Third Reich: 3/11
Double Dragon: 1/11
Legend of the Lost: 8/11
Beneath Loch Ness: 3/11
Croc: 2/11
Xtinction: Predator X: 0/11
Who's Minding the Store: 6/11
Timerider: 5/11
How to Frame a Figg: 9/11
Rubber: 9/11
Futurama: Bender's Big Score: 10/11
A wonderful documentary revolving around the "best worst movie" ever made; 'Troll 2'. It's funny, sad, intriguing and poignant in equal measures. Essentially it's the bad filmmakers equivalent of 'The King of Kong'.
Essential viewing.
So, to get this movie, I imported the DVD from the US, not cheap. No subtitles, no additional languages, no animated menus ("WB archive collection"). It was a great purchase nonetheless.
I'm not particularly one for Branagh's Shakespeare film adaptations. But this movie, presented in black and white in 1995, treats Shakespeare right. A motley actor crew, each with their own traits and problems (among them unemployed, suicidal, alcoholic, uncreative, unstable, selfish, overwhelmed and plain weird) come together in a not-too attractive church to rehearse, play and live Hamlet. At Christmas.
Apart from very few city/landscape scenes, this scenario is almost treated as a play as well. Most scenes play out in the church, and the rehearsals are great fun to watch.
I want a proper Blu Ray of this movie... fat chance.
I was gonna write a review but I don't feel good....maybe later.
The Sentinel - 5/11
This movie is extremely good. If you walk in understanding that you're about to watch a film which is a meta-narrative about horror film, I don't think you'll be disappointed. This movie has some really big ideas and it executes them brilliantly.
The Raid: Redemption - 8/10
If you distilled The Raid into its core parts, you would find the perfect action movie pacing in there. The film often feels less like a narrative than it is a dissertation on perfect action film pacing. This is not an overtly intellectual film, that is, the intelligence and artistry of this film does not come from a deep and thoughtful screenplay or dramatic character development. Rather, this is a movie which utilizes the bare bones requirements of an action film and creates something with an amazing pace and strength that really should be seen.
If you like good movies with acting and a well written story then avoid this! Its slow boring it makes up the characters skills as it goes along (IE the guy with glasses can hack the police data base from a very old computer because he is a nerd.)
The main actress is way older then the character and the producers daughter. And the other producer is an ex EastEnders villian. Also the most anticlimatic ending ever.
D'OH! :mad:
Yuck I hate those kinds of films, so I'll be sure to watch this one.
Altered States (1980) - 8/10
Fire and Ice (1983) - 7/10
Baraka (1992) - 9/10
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011) - 7/10
It's a mess, frankly. A bizarre script with terrible dialogue, bizarre direction and lacklustre acting, the only real highlights are the somewhat impressive CGI, but even those scenes aren't particularly exiting. It's a slog to get to that through, this film. A real slog.
And that ending is just stupid.
The Incredible Hulk - 4/11
Wanna know why? This.
I didn't know Marvel approved Gmod as a tool for CGI-ing characters in this movie.