I gave it a look, and 90 seconds later stopped. It's the most incredibly basic drawings and animation and there's no way I'd be able to watch it for an entire episode. Even the Loose Cannon reconstructions would be more entertaining than this, and I should know - I've watched some of them.
But hey, if anyone else can sit through these, then more power to ya.
Wow. Sylvester was probably creeped out when he found out his boss had his old clothes displayed in a cabinet...
*edit* so, audible sorted it out. The great thing is, the UK site doesn't seem to recognise my account, meaning that I can re-register there (hopefully) and take advantage of their freebie offer.
I got "The Dalek Master Plan" and "Adventures in History" which contains "The Myth Makers", "The Massacre", and "The Highlanders". If I get the freebie with the UK version, I'll get "The celestial toymaker".
*edit 2*
What?! All the episodes are mashed together as one track?!
Looks like I'll be doing some editing over the weekend. Yay.
*edit 3*
Well, I managed to get a freebie out of the UK one too.
Bad news is that all the downloads have DRM and are obscure file types, so I won't be able to edit them. Bah. So jumping into a specific serial in "Adventures in History" shall be... difficult to say the least!
Hrm? Do they not have chapters? For Evil of the Daleks... it's just one track but with chapters to divide it up (oddly into eightchapters despite it being a seven part serial).That's odd.
So Zagreus was so brilliant and creative and beautiful and a wonderful anniversary special. Shame on those who dislike it.
Hrm? Do they not have chapters? For Evil of the Daleks... it's just one track but with chapters to divide it up (oddly into eightchapters despite it being a seven part serial).That's odd.
So Zagreus was so brilliant and creative and beautiful and a wonderful anniversary special. Shame on those who dislike it.
I haven't checked on my iPod, but on Itunes it just seems to be one thing. I've only had a casual glance, but even so, it's still annoying not to be able to easily jump into a specific episode/serial.
Also, Zagreus was pretty decent, but I always lose the plot a bit towards the end. That seems to happen with every single serial that features Gallifrey. Meh, I guess you could say that it's the curse of the timelords...
I haven't checked on my iPod, but on Itunes it just seems to be one thing. I've only had a casual glance, but even so, it's still annoying not to be able to easily jump into a specific episode/serial.
Also, Zagreus was pretty decent, but I always lose the plot a bit towards the end. That seems to happen with every single serial that features Gallifrey. Meh, I guess you could say that it's the curse of the timelords...
Start playing it in iTunes, the bar at the top with file, edit, etc.should say 'chapters'.
Oh yeah, I picked up "The brain of Morbius" today. Although I won't have a chance to watch if or a while, what with two boxets of Torchwood in the post to be watched before the 14th...
And I was just looking at the UK cover for children of earth, and I realised the hidden image in the clouds. Awesome.
Listened to first part of Jubilee - it's like Dalek but weird. Cool beans I guess.
Listened to all of 'The Emperor of Eternity' - possibly the most average CC I've heard yet. Sort of mundane, does some interesting things and the two people who are in it recorded on seperate days for some odd reason that breaks the chemistry.
Picking up a 12 CC sub soonish maybe, and Scherzo, Natural History of Fear, Twilight Kingdom, and The Last soon after. Because yeah.
Listened to first part of Jubilee - it's like Dalek but weird. Cool beans I guess.
Listened to all of 'The Emperor of Eternity' - possibly the most average CC I've heard yet. Sort of mundane, does some interesting things and the two people who are in it recorded on seperate days for some odd reason that breaks the chemistry.
Picking up a 12 CC sub soonish maybe, and Scherzo, Natural History of Fear, Twilight Kingdom, and The Last soon after. Because yeah.
Well, I only have 6 more McGanns that I plan to get after that before it's me shifting over to McCoy and Hex arc, which is like really short due to most of them being bad and skippable. I guess I could work on the EDAs... but meh. Depending on how I feel about the Divergent arc I might go back and get the two I skip from there. But I'm quite excited for the McCoy/Hex arc, so I'm rushing to finish this arc.
So Audible.uk let me take another trial, so I got a new series Audiobook, Autonomy, and this odd collection of abridged audiobooks that I instantly regret getting.
Well, I only have 6 more McGanns that I plan to get after that before it's me shifting over to McCoy and Hex arc, which is like really short due to most of them being bad and skippable. I guess I could work on the EDAs... but meh. Depending on how I feel about the Divergent arc I might go back and get the two I skip from there. But I'm quite excited for the McCoy/Hex arc, so I'm rushing to finish this arc.
So Audible.uk let me take another trial, so I got a new series Audiobook, Autonomy, and this odd collection of abridged audiobooks that I instantly regret getting.
You should have gone for the torchwood audio plays.
Also: Sainsbury's now has different titles on sale. They are all worth all of your moneys:
"Revisitations 1" - £10 - Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, and Nicolas Briggs commentary on the Movie, in addition to more special features about the eighth Doctor then you could shake a twig at. Worth it for just the movie and it's features alone, in addition to the best story of all time and one of the top ten best stories of all time in addition to that.
"Peladon Tales" - £10 - Curse of Peladon is kinda my favorite story, so yeah. Monster is ridiculously overpriced here though, so have yet to watch that one.
"Dalek War" - £10 - No opinion.
Well, Dalek war and Peladon tales are both under £11 on amazon, so it's not that huge of a discount. Revisitations 1 is also only £15.75 there too. Interestingly, they're using coverart with the Blogtor who watermark.
Oh and Let's Kill Hitler's synopsis
In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities - and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.
Also: Sainsbury's now has different titles on sale. They are all worth all of your moneys:
"Revisitations 1" - £10 - Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, and Nicolas Briggs commentary on the Movie, in addition to more special features about the eighth Doctor then you could shake a twig at. Worth it for just the movie and it's features alone, in addition to the best story of all time and one of the top ten best stories of all time in addition to that.
"Peladon Tales" - £10 - Curse of Peladon is kinda my favorite story, so yeah. Monster is ridiculously overpriced here though, so have yet to watch that one.
"Dalek War" - £10 - No opinion.
Dammit, where are these Sainsburys you all keep going to?!
Dammit, where are these Sainsburys you all keep going to?!
No idea, but I saw someone on another forum mention it and spread the word. They apparently have restocked recently.
Also; have a Dalek dressed as the Eighth Doctor:
Also, the trailer for the First Season of Eighth Doctor and Charley from when it was on BBC7. "T-shirt and a leather jacket? No, that's definitely not me. I have more sartorial elegance than that."
Well, we don't get Torchwood for a few more days over here, so I'm currently in the middle of a rewatch of the previous series. I had a look at the episode list (for series 2) and found it pretty funny how series 2 was much better then the first, and RTD wasn't the writer of any of the episodes (although, he undoubtedly had a hand). I still wish Freema Agyeman (martha)would go back and do a few episodes. She was awesome in Torchwood.
Oh, and there's an iOS interactive applicationy-clip thing on iTunes (US). I think it's supposed to be background stuff, and they'll be updating it each week, the day after the episode. It's not available in the UK, which is more than annoying.
And that Artwork is awesome. I want it on a shirt, now!
Well, we don't get Torchwood for a few more days over here, so I'm currently in the middle of a rewatch of the previous series. I had a look at the episode list (for series 2) and found it pretty funny how series 2 was much better then the first, and RTD wasn't the writer of any of the episodes (although, he undoubtedly had a hand). I still wish Freema Agyeman (martha)would go back and do a few episodes. She was awesome in Torchwood.
But she's busy solving crimes with The Fifth Doctor on ITV!
Did you see what he did to his chest to make new Daleks.
Yeah, and look how well that turned out. What makes you think he'd want to give up his entire arm just so his new metal one would revolt and take command of his entire body?
I may not be entirely serious in my argument here. Just saying.
Hey guys! I just watched "the enemy of the world" Only 3 more arcs in season 5 and then almost no more missing episodes =D however this is the saddest i've been since the first regeneration to see missing episodes "The enemy of the world" was one hell of a story and it kills me that it's probibly been lost forever =(
I'm guessing you're watching the Loose Cannon reconstructions. Probably the best we'll ever get unless someone at the BBC realizes that the animated episodes they've done on DVD have gone down extremely well and are hugely popular.
On the plus side, we do have the off-air recordings, so we can at least hear what's happening. It's surprising how many of the earlier episodes work as essentially audio-only experiences. None of those finicky special effects to have to have someone explain.
I'm guessing you're watching the Loose Cannon reconstructions. Probably the best we'll ever get unless someone at the BBC realizes that the animated episodes they've done on DVD have gone down extremely well and are hugely popular.
On the plus side, we do have the off-air recordings, so we can at least hear what's happening. It's surprising how many of the earlier episodes work as essentially audio-only experiences. None of those finicky special effects to have to have someone explain.
yeah! Most of them I don't even need the sliding subtitles, however I watched this REALLY horrible reconstruction of the abominable snowmen (only one I could find) Most of the time I had no idea what was going on because the pictures were in such bad condition, and the intelligence was really hard to understand, they also didn't explain alot of stuff out loud, for instance I had absolutly no idea there was a board with yeti figures on it controlling the yeti until I went to wiki and read the synopsis...
yeah! Most of them I don't even need the sliding subtitles, however I watched this REALLY horrible reconstruction of the abominable snowmen (only one I could find) Most of the time I had no idea what was going on because the pictures were in such bad condition, and the intelligence was really hard to understand, they also didn't explain alot of stuff out loud, for instance I had absolutly no idea there was a board with yeti figures on it controlling the yeti until I went to wiki and read the synopsis...
Er, I'd like to say to purchase The Invasion on DVD if you want to support more missing episodes, as it's the only one to have such so far and the better it sells the more chance there is they'll start animating completely missing stories. It's an okay story too, although for some odd reason they changed it from a four parter to an eight-parter so it's really really overlong. Plus Nick Courtney is promoted to Brigadier in it!
I've been watching The Invasion of Time, and oh my it is the most evenly placed more then 4 parter I've seen. It's going by at quite a steady pace and hasn't felt overlong at all. But the tinfoil ghost sheets are a bit silly.
Probably the best we'll ever get unless someone at the BBC realizes that the animated episodes they've done on DVD have gone down extremely well and are hugely popular.
Is that the case? Much as I enjoyed "The Invasion", I gather it cost the Beeb a lot of money to do and they didn;t really feel it was worth carrying on with the project. And is it a coincidence that Cosgrove-Hall went bust not long after? Then, "The Reign of Terror" is a coproduction between two or three companies, and let's not even get onto the subject of Ian Levine's current projects.....
Is that the case? Much as I enjoyed "The Invasion", I gather it cost the Beeb a lot of money to do and they didn;t really feel it was worth carrying on with the project. And is it a coincidence that Cosgrove-Hall went bust not long after? Then, "The Reign of Terror" is a coproduction between two or three companies, and let's not even get onto the subject of Ian Levine's current projects.....
I can't understand why they don't just do it in computer animation... isn't that sopposed to be a lot cheaper then actual animation?
Heavens, no. Computer Animation averages for mediocre-quality at $25,000 a minute.
The new animation is going to be odd. Basically, they build templates for each character set to a particular puppet, enact the scene using said puppets, where it will render, custom animate anything that needs to be custom done. I'm waiting until we have footage to judge, but I doubt it will look as nice as The Invasion. Nonetheless, the reason they chose Reign over Ice Warriors and The Tenth Planet is probably so the animation looks excellent by the time they get to The Tenth Planet.
I also wanted to point out how wonderfully well the DVDs are done. In terms of simple restoration, here are screengrabs from the VHS Missing Episodes v the DVD Missing Episodes, and the Missing Episodes had minimal work applied to them compared to other releases.
Heavens, no. Computer Animation averages for mediocre-quality at $25,000 a minute.
Ah! I know next to nothing about the subject, i've just always heard people comment that the reason they no longer make hand drawn movies and tv shows is because it's cheaper or something...
to tell the truth, isn't it kinda their responsibility at this point to release the best representation of the original media that they can? purely based on the fact that this was their fault in the first place, and it's only by the grace of God, and the intelligence of the fan community to grasp what a great show this was, that the episodes still exist... I mean I can't imagine they'd LOSE money on animating the episodes(although as i said I'm no expert)...
Ah! I know next to nothing about the subject, i've just always heard people comment that the reason they no longer make hand drawn movies and tv shows is because it's cheaper or something...
to tell the truth, isn't it kinda their responsibility at this point to release the best representation of the original media that they can? purely based on the fact that this was their fault in the first place, and it's only by the grace of God, and the intelligence of the fan community to grasp what a great show this was, that the episodes still exist... I mean I can't imagine they'd LOSE money on animating the episodes(although as i said I'm no expert)...
The thing is, the budget for every DVD release in the Classic Who range is ~£30,000, depending on the title (longer titles get more money of course). That is not enough money to animate missing episodes, create the amazing special feature documentary the DVDs have, record the commentarys (surprisingly expensive to book), uncover any lost advertisements, and upscale the picture quality so it is as close as it was on broadcast as possible after sitting in a shed degrading for 30 years. Animation would possibly take up the majority of the budget, possibly bringing it over budget. In addition, there is a big deadline to finish the Classic Range by November 2013 with all complete stories released by then. At best, we will only have 7 episodes animated at that point, 2 from The Invasion, The Ice Warriors, Reign of Terror, and one from The Tenth Planet. There is also The Moonbase and The Crusade with 2 episodes missing, but they've already been released with soundtracks on the Lost in Time DVD. All other stories have anywhere from three to nine episodes missing, and would require a high budget to produce the animation alone. Assuming there is only a slightly bigger interest in animated missing episodes v regular releases, sales cannot make up for the increased budget without a price hike, which in turn would cause less people to purchase. Unless animation costs get significantly cheaper or the animations start selling significantly better than other releases, there is very little chance we'll see official Missing Episodes releases unless more are found. Fans, however, have produced an animation of the Feast of Steven recently, and another high-profile fan has recently finished work on Mission to the Unknown (in HD, too! But he isn't sharing it ). Hopefully, fans will be able to plug the gaps and make stories we need to see to fully appreciate such as Fury from the Deep and The Space Pirates as time goes on.
tl;dr: Please, please, please purchase The Invasion if you haven't and be sure to purchase The Reign of Terror next year as well.
Well, I'm tempted to make 1st/2cnd doctor sock puppets now, and create a little puppet theatre. Complete with cheap cardboard explosions and sock-daleks...
Oh, the first Torchwood new radio play is up on the iplayer, and it's not that great. The acting isn't that great (as is usually the case with young actors used to TV), and the plot isn't up to much.
Oh, and I watched Children of Earth day two yesterday and spotted Captain Jack's Penis. Yay?
One thing I find stupid about Torchwood is the fact they're supposed to be top secret: even the name being classified and officially denied. But why the HELL do they have it emblazoned across the car?!
One thing I find stupid about Torchwood is the fact they're supposed to be top secret: even the name being classified and officially denied. But why the HELL do they have it emblazoned across the car?!
The first episode (only episode I've watched thus far) has a joke where it turns out they regularly have pizza delivered to them and charge it as "Torchwood," so the fact that they suck at being secret is presumably a running gag.
But hey, if anyone else can sit through these, then more power to ya.
*edit* so, audible sorted it out. The great thing is, the UK site doesn't seem to recognise my account, meaning that I can re-register there (hopefully) and take advantage of their freebie offer.
I got "The Dalek Master Plan" and "Adventures in History" which contains "The Myth Makers", "The Massacre", and "The Highlanders". If I get the freebie with the UK version, I'll get "The celestial toymaker".
*edit 2*
What?! All the episodes are mashed together as one track?!
Looks like I'll be doing some editing over the weekend. Yay.
*edit 3*
Well, I managed to get a freebie out of the UK one too.
Bad news is that all the downloads have DRM and are obscure file types, so I won't be able to edit them. Bah. So jumping into a specific serial in "Adventures in History" shall be... difficult to say the least!
So Zagreus was so brilliant and creative and beautiful and a wonderful anniversary special. Shame on those who dislike it.
Also, Zagreus was pretty decent, but I always lose the plot a bit towards the end. That seems to happen with every single serial that features Gallifrey. Meh, I guess you could say that it's the curse of the timelords...
Start playing it in iTunes, the bar at the top with file, edit, etc.should say 'chapters'.
I ordered it on eBay.
Oh yeah, I picked up "The brain of Morbius" today. Although I won't have a chance to watch if or a while, what with two boxets of Torchwood in the post to be watched before the 14th...
And I was just looking at the UK cover for children of earth, and I realised the hidden image in the clouds. Awesome.
I love that episode.
A Much Better Take on the Ninth Doctor's Regeneration
Listened to first part of Jubilee - it's like Dalek but weird. Cool beans I guess.
Listened to all of 'The Emperor of Eternity' - possibly the most average CC I've heard yet. Sort of mundane, does some interesting things and the two people who are in it recorded on seperate days for some odd reason that breaks the chemistry.
Picking up a 12 CC sub soonish maybe, and Scherzo, Natural History of Fear, Twilight Kingdom, and The Last soon after. Because yeah.
Well, I only have 6 more McGanns that I plan to get after that before it's me shifting over to McCoy and Hex arc, which is like really short due to most of them being bad and skippable. I guess I could work on the EDAs... but meh. Depending on how I feel about the Divergent arc I might go back and get the two I skip from there. But I'm quite excited for the McCoy/Hex arc, so I'm rushing to finish this arc.
So Audible.uk let me take another trial, so I got a new series Audiobook, Autonomy, and this odd collection of abridged audiobooks that I instantly regret getting.
or the Torchwood Audiobooks; in fact, I could write one!
'Torchwood: Fall of Innocence; By Ribs
Chapter One
Captain Jack Sexed Everyone.
The end.'
But yeah, I should have gotten the historical audio thing. oh well
An actually watchable animation of 'The Feast of Steven'! The commitments of some fans are quite remarkable.
Also: Sainsbury's now has different titles on sale. They are all worth all of your moneys:
"Revisitations 1" - £10 - Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, and Nicolas Briggs commentary on the Movie, in addition to more special features about the eighth Doctor then you could shake a twig at. Worth it for just the movie and it's features alone, in addition to the best story of all time and one of the top ten best stories of all time in addition to that.
"Peladon Tales" - £10 - Curse of Peladon is kinda my favorite story, so yeah. Monster is ridiculously overpriced here though, so have yet to watch that one.
"Dalek War" - £10 - No opinion.
Oh and Let's Kill Hitler's synopsis
Dammit, where are these Sainsburys you all keep going to?!
No idea, but I saw someone on another forum mention it and spread the word. They apparently have restocked recently.
Also; have a Dalek dressed as the Eighth Doctor:
Also, the trailer for the First Season of Eighth Doctor and Charley from when it was on BBC7. "T-shirt and a leather jacket? No, that's definitely not me. I have more sartorial elegance than that."
So I just watched Torchwood because I have nothing better to do and that was much better then any of tghe rest of it I saw, mostly because 85% of the Torchwood team is dead and buried and the show doesn't really focus on any old stuff and is mostly starting new. If you're in the US, you can watch it at http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/tv/Torchwood%3A-Miracle-Day/171389/2023446129/Ep-101---The-New-World/videos
I made this because I was bored:
Oh, and there's an iOS interactive applicationy-clip thing on iTunes (US). I think it's supposed to be background stuff, and they'll be updating it each week, the day after the episode. It's not available in the UK, which is more than annoying.
And that Artwork is awesome. I want it on a shirt, now!
But she's busy solving crimes with The Fifth Doctor on ITV!
...because he'd need to cut off his arm to do that?
Did you see what he did to his chest to make new Daleks.
I may not be entirely serious in my argument here. Just saying.
On the plus side, we do have the off-air recordings, so we can at least hear what's happening. It's surprising how many of the earlier episodes work as essentially audio-only experiences. None of those finicky special effects to have to have someone explain.
yeah! Most of them I don't even need the sliding subtitles, however I watched this REALLY horrible reconstruction of the abominable snowmen (only one I could find) Most of the time I had no idea what was going on because the pictures were in such bad condition, and the intelligence was really hard to understand, they also didn't explain alot of stuff out loud, for instance I had absolutly no idea there was a board with yeti figures on it controlling the yeti until I went to wiki and read the synopsis...
Er, I'd like to say to purchase The Invasion on DVD if you want to support more missing episodes, as it's the only one to have such so far and the better it sells the more chance there is they'll start animating completely missing stories. It's an okay story too, although for some odd reason they changed it from a four parter to an eight-parter so it's really really overlong. Plus Nick Courtney is promoted to Brigadier in it!
I've been watching The Invasion of Time, and oh my it is the most evenly placed more then 4 parter I've seen. It's going by at quite a steady pace and hasn't felt overlong at all. But the tinfoil ghost sheets are a bit silly.
Is that the case? Much as I enjoyed "The Invasion", I gather it cost the Beeb a lot of money to do and they didn;t really feel it was worth carrying on with the project. And is it a coincidence that Cosgrove-Hall went bust not long after? Then, "The Reign of Terror" is a coproduction between two or three companies, and let's not even get onto the subject of Ian Levine's current projects.....
I can't understand why they don't just do it in computer animation... isn't that sopposed to be a lot cheaper then actual animation?
The new animation is going to be odd. Basically, they build templates for each character set to a particular puppet, enact the scene using said puppets, where it will render, custom animate anything that needs to be custom done. I'm waiting until we have footage to judge, but I doubt it will look as nice as The Invasion. Nonetheless, the reason they chose Reign over Ice Warriors and The Tenth Planet is probably so the animation looks excellent by the time they get to The Tenth Planet.
I also wanted to point out how wonderfully well the DVDs are done. In terms of simple restoration, here are screengrabs from the VHS Missing Episodes v the DVD Missing Episodes, and the Missing Episodes had minimal work applied to them compared to other releases.
Ah! I know next to nothing about the subject, i've just always heard people comment that the reason they no longer make hand drawn movies and tv shows is because it's cheaper or something...
to tell the truth, isn't it kinda their responsibility at this point to release the best representation of the original media that they can? purely based on the fact that this was their fault in the first place, and it's only by the grace of God, and the intelligence of the fan community to grasp what a great show this was, that the episodes still exist... I mean I can't imagine they'd LOSE money on animating the episodes(although as i said I'm no expert)...
The thing is, the budget for every DVD release in the Classic Who range is ~£30,000, depending on the title (longer titles get more money of course). That is not enough money to animate missing episodes, create the amazing special feature documentary the DVDs have, record the commentarys (surprisingly expensive to book), uncover any lost advertisements, and upscale the picture quality so it is as close as it was on broadcast as possible after sitting in a shed degrading for 30 years. Animation would possibly take up the majority of the budget, possibly bringing it over budget. In addition, there is a big deadline to finish the Classic Range by November 2013 with all complete stories released by then. At best, we will only have 7 episodes animated at that point, 2 from The Invasion, The Ice Warriors, Reign of Terror, and one from The Tenth Planet. There is also The Moonbase and The Crusade with 2 episodes missing, but they've already been released with soundtracks on the Lost in Time DVD. All other stories have anywhere from three to nine episodes missing, and would require a high budget to produce the animation alone. Assuming there is only a slightly bigger interest in animated missing episodes v regular releases, sales cannot make up for the increased budget without a price hike, which in turn would cause less people to purchase. Unless animation costs get significantly cheaper or the animations start selling significantly better than other releases, there is very little chance we'll see official Missing Episodes releases unless more are found. Fans, however, have produced an animation of the Feast of Steven recently, and another high-profile fan has recently finished work on Mission to the Unknown (in HD, too! But he isn't sharing it
tl;dr: Please, please, please purchase The Invasion if you haven't and be sure to purchase The Reign of Terror next year as well.
Well, I'm tempted to make 1st/2cnd doctor sock puppets now, and create a little puppet theatre. Complete with cheap cardboard explosions and sock-daleks...
Oh, the first Torchwood new radio play is up on the iplayer, and it's not that great. The acting isn't that great (as is usually the case with young actors used to TV), and the plot isn't up to much.
Oh, and I watched Children of Earth day two yesterday and spotted Captain Jack's Penis. Yay?
One thing I find stupid about Torchwood is the fact they're supposed to be top secret: even the name being classified and officially denied. But why the HELL do they have it emblazoned across the car?!
The first episode (only episode I've watched thus far) has a joke where it turns out they regularly have pizza delivered to them and charge it as "Torchwood," so the fact that they suck at being secret is presumably a running gag.