*edit 2*
Look at the price of this thing! Wow. I paid £10 from them for a new copy, not 6 months ago! I'm guessing it's out of print now, but to think someone thinks it's worth over £100!
Oh my, I still dont have volume 4! Better get that asap, only 10 books left.
Oh my, I still dont have volume 4! Better get that asap, only 10 books left.
Well, i still only have volume 1, so hands off!
Volume 2 is on sale at forbidden planet for a fiver. They charge shipping though, so I might just have to pick up a renaissance naked 11th doctor painting poster too...
*edit* found these.
*edit 2*
I forgot to mention: The next DWM freebie big finish audio is now available as a podcast. I have to say, this one is pretty awesome. It's a Peter Davison one, and stars probably cute bear armies.
Doin' a good job on the temporary hiatus from Who, there, eh Friar? :P
So it turns out Amazon has tons of Who on sale for less than $15 a piece, which means I'll be picking up pretty much every released Sylvestor McCoy title I have an interest in assuming the sale doesn't run out before I pay for the things over the weekend. Also The Keys of Marinus because it's only $14 :P.
Doin' a good job on the temporary hiatus from Who, there, eh Friar? :P
So it turns out Amazon has tons of Who on sale for less than $15 a piece, which means I'll be picking up pretty much every released Sylvestor McCoy title I have an interest in assuming the sale doesn't run out before I pay for the things over the weekend. Also The Keys of Marinus because it's only $14 :P.
Well, i'm using the excuse that I'll forget about them otherwise...
I also ripped them off the site and stuck them in my iPod. Using this cover art I pulled from Google.
My self-imposed drought will be even more in peril tomorrow. I have a five hour car journey to endure, and then I'm in the middle of nowhere for a week on holiday.
I really want to go back to the experience again. I regret not touching the displays. And some of my photo's came out pixelly, because I paid heed to the no flash-rule. I'm going to be such a rebel...
eh, maybe I'll wait until it moves to Cardiff. Then I can go on one of the filming location tours.
I really want to go back to the experience again. I regret not touching the displays. And some of my photo's came out pixelly, because I paid heed to the no flash-rule. I'm going to be such a rebel...
You should totally plan it out so you's go on the same day and stuff if you go back. :P
That would be awesome, but unfortunately I lack funds to make such a trip (around £60 including transport, and I have no income. And lots of stuff to buy. Gah.). I'm all for donations though! Screw college attendance!
I'm still a bit annoyed because Nicola Bryant went within a week of me going. It would have been awesome to see peri stood next to a headless, hand and footless sixth doctor.
That would be awesome, but unfortunately I lack funds to make such a trip (around £60 including transport, and I have no income. And lots of stuff to buy. Gah.). I'm all for donations though! Screw college attendance!
I'm still a bit annoyed because Nicola Bryant went within a week of me going. It would have been awesome to see peri stood next to a headless, hand and footless sixth doctor.
Oh god, if Billie Piper went she'd be standing next to the Doctor with no head. Can you imagine him with no head? :P
I resent that as A. There's no way Christopher Eccleston would return and B. it says Matt Smith will leave in 2013, presumably in that story. Russell has said on numerous occasions he'd liked to have had Paul McGann in the End of Time, but he realized there's no way to do a multi-doctor story and a regeneration story in the same story.
It's an awesome picture and a nice idea, but I like the idea of it far more than any actual story could possibly turn out. No matter how good it would be, it'll always be way more awesome in my head.
It's an awesome picture and a nice idea, but I like the idea of it far more than any actual story could possibly turn out. No matter how good it would be, it'll always be way more awesome in my head.
Besides, there's already a The Three Doctors!
Because they can't do 'The Next Three Doctors' as that would imply it's 4,5, and 6, I'd suggest 'The Other Three Doctors'.
Russell has said on numerous occasions he'd liked to have had Paul McGann in the End of Time, but he realized there's no way to do a multi-doctor story and a regeneration story in the same story.
He could have had two regeneration stories in the same special, how messed up awesome would that be
But really just pull in McGann and then you have The Four Doctors and there you go
He could have had two regeneration stories in the same special, how messed up awesome would that be
Or have Matt Regenerate. Then you have four doctors.
I think Christopher Eccleston would return if he was paid highly enough, or if it was for a short sequence (say for example, to be regenerated into) as a cameo.
As for RTD saying a multi-doc plus regeneration episode wouldn't work, I think it would, if the episode were a lengthy special. Or two. Or even as a week-long event like Torchwood did, but with a focus on a different doctor eachday, trying to rescue the previous one or something, starting with Matt.
Plus that was RTD. Moffat can write anything and make it interesting. Besides, he managed to do a regeneration episode with a bucketload of companions. Two in fact. (End of Time Part Two, And The Stolen Earth)
Eccleston just doesn't do things more than once. He is very clear on that and that won't change at all for quite a while. Doesn't involve how much money he makes or not. Apparently some of the production staff treated him like dirt so he left only after a single season.
Eccleston just doesn't do things more than once. He is very clear on that and that won't change at all for quite a while. Doesn't involve how much money he makes or not. Apparently some of the production staff treated him like dirt so he left only after a single season.
Well, the original production team are gone now. I don't think it's overly likely that he'll decide to do it, but I think it's a possibility. Especially if they tie it in with a charity event (like with the five doctors. Although the less said about "dimensions in time" the better.)
I have nothing much to add but this montage thing (link starts 4 minutes in, as that's when it's a good amount of classic series and new series mixed in instead of mostly new series).
I especially love the bit where it's the bedside conversation from the Big Bang and then McGann turns around. He's slowly overtaking Colin as my favorite Doctor.
Egad, someone else voted for Colin! It's a miracle!
Hey everyone, look, it's the new promo poster that'll be everywhere!
Robots of Death - Very good. 9/10. Plopped it just above Smith and Jones on my chart of episodes I made for some reason.
Got my Lost in Time boxset today, watched the surviving first episode and a recon of the second episode of the Faceless Ones. Good story (so far). And now have finished said recon/story. Quite good. 9/10.
I have yet seen only two episodes, years ago, and actually wanted to stay away from yet another multi-season TV series (which also seems to be rather mainstream, judging from this forum ). But this week, out of the blue, an old friend - which I haven't seen for years - has just given me this for free:
It's Mainstream for Europe, certainly. But the Classic Series (which is far superior, in my opinion) is still a very cult show, as is the new series for other parts of the world.
The best way to describe the viewership: UK has an average rating per episode of 10 million, which is slightly under 1/6 of the population. US has an average rating per episode of 1 million, which is slightly under 1/307th of the population.
It's Mainstream for Europe, certainly. But the Classic Series (which is far superior, in my opinion) is still a very cult show, as is the new series for other parts of the world.
The best way to describe the viewership: UK has an average rating per episode of 10 million, which is slightly under 1/6 of the population. US has an average rating per episode of 1 million, which is slightly under 1/307th of the population.
Currently trying to determine whether that's a silent or an elephant at the top of that image...
Oh yeah, I just got back from on holiday (Angelsey, North Wales. It Rained. A lot.), and while we were there, completely out of the blue in a small seaside town we visite, we found a castle.
Spoiler tags, Majus. Some of us don't want to watch it because I'm avoiding anything NuWho until the show comes back because I have 48 classic episodes to watch before then.
I just finished my watching of 76 Classic!Who episodes over the course of Two weeks. This equates to roughly 32 hours of Doctor Who over the past two weeks. I've not watched any Nu!Who, mainly to get myself excited for Series Six Part Two (Electric Boogaloo).
Here's my thoughts on each individual serial as they were watched:
The Faceless Ones, with Youtube Recon. Really very good. First story I've ever reconned. I'd give the story a 9/10, and I've placed it at #20 of the 90 stories I've seen. Watching Adomidable Snowmen next. I'm excited for that one as well.
The Abominable Snowmen; 8/10. I greatly enjoyed the first few parts, felt Episode Five was a bit slow and Episode Six is the kind of episode I'd prefer to have seen in motion.
Just finished the Daleks' Master Plan for the first time. Aside from the Recon not working in the best fashion at the end, it was absolutely stunning. The only episode I didn't enjoy was Episode 5, and the one I most enjoyed was probably Volcano. The whole Monk storyline was great as a padding device and made a neat little story on it's own. But that Last Episode - it was just as good as people set it up to be. 10/10. My new third favorite story of all time.
Enemy of the World. I am really conflicted for rating this. Half of it was not well-paced and rather unentertaining, and the other half was excellent action-film material. The high point was Episode Six, although I greatly enjoyed the surviving episode. I guess a high 7/10 will do.
Black Orchid. Wowzers. That was great. The first part especially. The best part about a mystery is putting the pieces together, which I did just a few moments before the unveil towards the end of the Second part. 9/10.
The Web of Fear. 6/10. Highly disappointing. After the stellar Adominable Snowmen, I was expecting it's sequel to be just as good, if not better for introducing Lethbridge-Stewart. I was sad to see it as a mediocre story that was 4 episodes too long.
Paradise Towers: Well, that was a good fun story, wasn't it? I'd have changed some things, but it most certainly doesn't deserve the absolute slander it gets from some. For one, I'd have somehow done it so the Chief Caretaker redeems himself and Kroagnon became Pex instead, but either way works, I suppose. 8/10
The Space Pirates. Er... yeah. I was hoping it'd be one of those cases where fans hate on an otherwise good story because they don't like the costumes or something like that, and I was dead wrong in the assumption. This was so tedious and boring. Badly written, badly directed. I would have fired Robert Holmes on the spot if I were in charge. 2/10. Now my third least favorite story of all time.
The Celestial Toymaker. This story has a reputation for being one of the most sought-after stories, based on the novelization and the basic premise, and then once we got soundtracks joined the rankings of among the worst of the worst. This was actually very enjoyable. There wasn't much plot, but I barely even cared that Hartnell took a week off and I found it a very satisfying story. 8/10.
The Underwater Menace. Well - it was... uneventful. Just sitting here having finished the final part having watch the serial over the course of eight hours or so, I can barely recall the plot. Jamie was great, as is to be expected. But, overall, it failed to gather interest. Still far better than the wretched Space Pirates I watched yesterday. 4/10
The Crusade. Well. That was very good. For a while. The first three episodes were great, 9/10 stuff. The last one, however, bored me greatly, and earns a 4/10. I dub this story a high 7/10 then.
Delta and the Bannermen. Like Paradise Towers, I've seen a lot of dislike for this story and it really was okay. Could have done with a small edit, removing three-five minutes and making it a bit more fast-paced, but it was on the whole very enjoyable. I actually really like the Music, and that's odd as I've heard a ton of people slander the story for that reason alone. A low 8/10.
The Wheel in Space. Very enjoyable adventure. Didn't feel like any filler, which is rare for a six-parter. Cybermen were used effectively, and the story as a whole was very nice. 9/10.
The Keys of Marinus - Another hated story that I very, very enjoyed. A high 9/10. I didn't even realize Hartnell took two weeks off. Disappointed there isn't much of an Extras package on the DVD, although the Cover Art did a great job with putting a fake-spoiler, so I was genuinely surprised when the cliffhanger to Episode One, or rather, what happens just before it, occurred.
The Moonbase. Erm... a cyberman story. There's really nothing special about it. I liked the last episode, the others were okay. Slightly disappointed in this one. A low-to-medium 7/10.
Silver Nemesis. Often put among the worst of the worst. Like every single other McCoy I've seen, I not only think it doesn't deserve to be among the worst, I think it should be among the best. Fun, mysterious, well-paced, and full of charming characters and dialogue. 8/10
And so ends my marathon of every story I own I had yet to watch. In the context of the marathon, I have come to the conclusion that right now, the Seventh Doctor's era is my favorite era on television. Colin and Paul still fight out for my favorite Doctor, but in terms of consistent quality and enjoyment, and most of all creativity, the Seventh Doctor shines brightest. The marathon has made me also look down a bit more on Two, having seen a number of Serials I did not like from him as well. Overall, I'm just glad to be done with these blasted recons - there are some which grip me (Celestial Toymaker), and some where I find staring at a blank wall more enjoyable (Space Pirates).
Average Score (1st Doctor): 8.5
Average Score (2nd Doctor): 6.5
Average Score (7th Doctor): 8
Average Score (Overall): 7.4375
Next up: The Three Doctors, although I'll be going exclusively nuWho for a bit after this as I work my way through Sapphire and Steel.
I still won't watch the prequel. I've made it this far, eh?
Prequels are sooo... evil.
They are like teasers...but not like teasers, no no.
A teaser teases you. Gets the job done right.
A Prequel is like a piece of an episode... and just when you started to get comfortable in your chair (or at the edge of your chair) BAM blabla Doctor Who coming soon blabla
I just finished with the time monster and started the three doctors, I gotta say, I'm thoroughly enjoying sergeant Benton... He's not the average military lackey... I couldn't help cheering for him when the master was trying to lure him away in the time monster, and in the three doctors I couldn't help but laugh at the dumbfounded look on his face when he enters the tardis, the scene was made even more perfect with his response to the doctors quiery of why he wasn't commenting on the TARDIS' size... "it's pretty obvious isn't it"
So glad Doctor Who is coming back. Every week a bunch of students and I meet up in one of the projector-rooms at the academy and watch a new episode together. We create an event on facebook every time, and I make tiny micro posters for it. This is the newest one:
So glad Doctor Who is coming back. Every week a bunch of students and I meet up in one of the projector-rooms at the academy and watch a new episode together. We create an event on facebook every time, and I make tiny micro posters for it. This is the newest one:
Well, i still only have volume 1, so hands off!
Volume 2 is on sale at forbidden planet for a fiver. They charge shipping though, so I might just have to pick up a renaissance naked 11th doctor painting poster too...
*edit* found these.
*edit 2*
I forgot to mention: The next DWM freebie big finish audio is now available as a podcast. I have to say, this one is pretty awesome. It's a Peter Davison one, and stars probably cute bear armies.
So it turns out Amazon has tons of Who on sale for less than $15 a piece, which means I'll be picking up pretty much every released Sylvestor McCoy title I have an interest in assuming the sale doesn't run out before I pay for the things over the weekend. Also The Keys of Marinus because it's only $14 :P.
Did you see The Sixth Doctor's coat? Was it AMAZING? The coat, I mean.
Well, i'm using the excuse that I'll forget about them otherwise...
I also ripped them off the site and stuck them in my iPod. Using this cover art I pulled from Google.
My self-imposed drought will be even more in peril tomorrow. I have a five hour car journey to endure, and then I'm in the middle of nowhere for a week on holiday.
I really want to go back to the experience again. I regret not touching the displays. And some of my photo's came out pixelly, because I paid heed to the no flash-rule. I'm going to be such a rebel...
eh, maybe I'll wait until it moves to Cardiff. Then I can go on one of the filming location tours.
You should totally plan it out so you's go on the same day and stuff if you go back. :P
I'm still a bit annoyed because Nicola Bryant went within a week of me going. It would have been awesome to see peri stood next to a headless, hand and footless sixth doctor.
Oh god, if Billie Piper went she'd be standing next to the Doctor with no head. Can you imagine him with no head? :P
Besides, there's already a The Three Doctors!
Because they can't do 'The Next Three Doctors' as that would imply it's 4,5, and 6, I'd suggest 'The Other Three Doctors'.
But really just pull in McGann and then you have The Four Doctors and there you go
He could have had two regeneration stories in the same special, how messed up awesome would that be
Or have Matt Regenerate. Then you have four doctors.
I think Christopher Eccleston would return if he was paid highly enough, or if it was for a short sequence (say for example, to be regenerated into) as a cameo.
As for RTD saying a multi-doc plus regeneration episode wouldn't work, I think it would, if the episode were a lengthy special. Or two. Or even as a week-long event like Torchwood did, but with a focus on a different doctor eachday, trying to rescue the previous one or something, starting with Matt.
Plus that was RTD. Moffat can write anything and make it interesting.
What are you talking about? Tom Baker did very well in his role as a mannequin although William Hartnell looked a little different.
I especially love the bit where it's the bedside conversation from the Big Bang and then McGann turns around. He's slowly overtaking Colin as my favorite Doctor.
Oh yes, it was a fantastic coat of many colours with teddy bear buttons and a cat badge.
Hey everyone, look, it's the new promo poster that'll be everywhere!
Robots of Death - Very good. 9/10. Plopped it just above Smith and Jones on my chart of episodes I made for some reason.
Got my Lost in Time boxset today, watched the surviving first episode and a recon of the second episode of the Faceless Ones. Good story (so far). And now have finished said recon/story. Quite good. 9/10.
That's quite a treasure box! Now I know what to do in my vacation, starting next week.
The best way to describe the viewership: UK has an average rating per episode of 10 million, which is slightly under 1/6 of the population. US has an average rating per episode of 1 million, which is slightly under 1/307th of the population.
Currently trying to determine whether that's a silent or an elephant at the top of that image...
Oh yeah, I just got back from on holiday (Angelsey, North Wales. It Rained. A lot.), and while we were there, completely out of the blue in a small seaside town we visite, we found a castle.
Unfortunately, there were no timelords in sight.
Also, this.
So that is now a thing.
It's not actually that bad. Better then most of the prequels.
Here's my thoughts on each individual serial as they were watched:
The Faceless Ones, with Youtube Recon. Really very good. First story I've ever reconned. I'd give the story a 9/10, and I've placed it at #20 of the 90 stories I've seen. Watching Adomidable Snowmen next. I'm excited for that one as well.
The Abominable Snowmen; 8/10. I greatly enjoyed the first few parts, felt Episode Five was a bit slow and Episode Six is the kind of episode I'd prefer to have seen in motion.
Just finished the Daleks' Master Plan for the first time. Aside from the Recon not working in the best fashion at the end, it was absolutely stunning. The only episode I didn't enjoy was Episode 5, and the one I most enjoyed was probably Volcano. The whole Monk storyline was great as a padding device and made a neat little story on it's own. But that Last Episode - it was just as good as people set it up to be. 10/10. My new third favorite story of all time.
Enemy of the World. I am really conflicted for rating this. Half of it was not well-paced and rather unentertaining, and the other half was excellent action-film material. The high point was Episode Six, although I greatly enjoyed the surviving episode. I guess a high 7/10 will do.
Black Orchid. Wowzers. That was great. The first part especially. The best part about a mystery is putting the pieces together, which I did just a few moments before the unveil towards the end of the Second part. 9/10.
The Web of Fear. 6/10. Highly disappointing. After the stellar Adominable Snowmen, I was expecting it's sequel to be just as good, if not better for introducing Lethbridge-Stewart. I was sad to see it as a mediocre story that was 4 episodes too long.
Paradise Towers: Well, that was a good fun story, wasn't it? I'd have changed some things, but it most certainly doesn't deserve the absolute slander it gets from some. For one, I'd have somehow done it so the Chief Caretaker redeems himself and Kroagnon became Pex instead, but either way works, I suppose. 8/10
The Space Pirates. Er... yeah. I was hoping it'd be one of those cases where fans hate on an otherwise good story because they don't like the costumes or something like that, and I was dead wrong in the assumption. This was so tedious and boring. Badly written, badly directed. I would have fired Robert Holmes on the spot if I were in charge. 2/10. Now my third least favorite story of all time.
The Celestial Toymaker. This story has a reputation for being one of the most sought-after stories, based on the novelization and the basic premise, and then once we got soundtracks joined the rankings of among the worst of the worst. This was actually very enjoyable. There wasn't much plot, but I barely even cared that Hartnell took a week off and I found it a very satisfying story. 8/10.
The Underwater Menace. Well - it was... uneventful. Just sitting here having finished the final part having watch the serial over the course of eight hours or so, I can barely recall the plot. Jamie was great, as is to be expected. But, overall, it failed to gather interest. Still far better than the wretched Space Pirates I watched yesterday. 4/10
The Crusade. Well. That was very good. For a while. The first three episodes were great, 9/10 stuff. The last one, however, bored me greatly, and earns a 4/10. I dub this story a high 7/10 then.
Delta and the Bannermen. Like Paradise Towers, I've seen a lot of dislike for this story and it really was okay. Could have done with a small edit, removing three-five minutes and making it a bit more fast-paced, but it was on the whole very enjoyable. I actually really like the Music, and that's odd as I've heard a ton of people slander the story for that reason alone. A low 8/10.
The Wheel in Space. Very enjoyable adventure. Didn't feel like any filler, which is rare for a six-parter. Cybermen were used effectively, and the story as a whole was very nice. 9/10.
The Keys of Marinus - Another hated story that I very, very enjoyed. A high 9/10. I didn't even realize Hartnell took two weeks off. Disappointed there isn't much of an Extras package on the DVD, although the Cover Art did a great job with putting a fake-spoiler, so I was genuinely surprised when the cliffhanger to Episode One, or rather, what happens just before it, occurred.
The Moonbase. Erm... a cyberman story. There's really nothing special about it. I liked the last episode, the others were okay. Slightly disappointed in this one. A low-to-medium 7/10.
Silver Nemesis. Often put among the worst of the worst. Like every single other McCoy I've seen, I not only think it doesn't deserve to be among the worst, I think it should be among the best. Fun, mysterious, well-paced, and full of charming characters and dialogue. 8/10
And so ends my marathon of every story I own I had yet to watch. In the context of the marathon, I have come to the conclusion that right now, the Seventh Doctor's era is my favorite era on television. Colin and Paul still fight out for my favorite Doctor, but in terms of consistent quality and enjoyment, and most of all creativity, the Seventh Doctor shines brightest. The marathon has made me also look down a bit more on Two, having seen a number of Serials I did not like from him as well. Overall, I'm just glad to be done with these blasted recons - there are some which grip me (Celestial Toymaker), and some where I find staring at a blank wall more enjoyable (Space Pirates).
Average Score (1st Doctor): 8.5
Average Score (2nd Doctor): 6.5
Average Score (7th Doctor): 8
Average Score (Overall): 7.4375
Next up: The Three Doctors, although I'll be going exclusively nuWho for a bit after this as I work my way through Sapphire and Steel.
I still won't watch the prequel. I've made it this far, eh?
Episode 12 Title:
They are like teasers...but not like teasers, no no.
A teaser teases you. Gets the job done right.
A Prequel is like a piece of an episode... and just when you started to get comfortable in your chair (or at the edge of your chair) BAM blabla Doctor Who coming soon blabla
... in the words of LeChuck: D'AAARGH!!
Oh, warning, this contains a spoiler about the title of the episode. Dont click Ribs
And this is our group-picture:
That said, I just spent two weeks catching up, meaning that I watched four Doctor Who seasons or 55 episodes in that time.
Damn, I loved
That sounds awesome! What language do you screen them in? Original english or dubbed german?