That sounds awesome! What language do you screen them in? Original english or dubbed german?
We don't have Doctor Who in Germany! First and second series were available in german, but the show got cancelled after the second, because nobody watched it (well, that channel failed by broadcasting an episode every saturday afternoon. Nobody wanted to watch SciFi on a sunny saturday afternoon.)
That said, we're watching it in english.
Unrelatedly: The Master has a puppy!
D'aww, it's so cute!
I ended up watching the prequel for some reason. I was watching this random interview question thing Karen and Matt were answering and it was next on the playlist so I figured whatever. Was smart.
Fun-fact: Matt Smith did the bedside conversation with Amy from The Big Bang in a single take.
We don't have Doctor Who in Germany! First and second series were available in german, but the show got cancelled after the second, because nobody watched it (well, that channel failed by broadcasting an episode every saturday afternoon. Nobody wanted to watch SciFi on a sunny saturday afternoon.)
That said, we're watching it in english.
Well, I can imagine the german broadcasters would probably have had an issue with next week's episode anyway, depending on how brash it is.
Oh yeah, the BBC announced that there will be a mini-episode airing in october, the one that was written by school kids. It'll be shown on the 1st of October.
Well, I can imagine the german broadcasters would probably have had an issue with next week's episode anyway, depending on how brash it is.
That depends. Sometimes we can cope quite well with Hitler story trash, and it pops up a lot in German comedy. For a series like Doctor Who, it probably would have been OK.
That depends. Sometimes we can cope quite well with Hitler story trash, and it pops up a lot in German comedy. For a series like Doctor Who, it probably would have been OK.
People are berating Moffat thinking he'll treat Hitler like they've treated Agatha Christie and the like, as opposed to a silly parody similar to his portrayal of Nixon.
October 1st is the same day the Finale is airing!
Moffat confirmed next year will be a full series in the Autumn.
Discovery of the Day: Nov 23rd, 2013 is a Saturday. As is December 21st 2013 (which is the 50th anniversary of the Daleks)!
People are berating Moffat thinking he'll treat Hitler like they've treated Agatha Christie and the like, as opposed to a silly parody similar to his portrayal of Nixon.
Eh? People have seriously said they think Hitler will be the famous-ally-from-history of the week?!
And it should be noted that Nixon was actually presented in a comparatively positive light. I mean, have you seen him on The Simpsons or Futurama?
So excited about spending my Saturday nights with the Doctor again!
This weekend I'm getting together with a bunch of nice nerdy people for a marathon run of series 6 so far, leading up to "Let's Kill Hitler" when it airs on the BBC. Should be good times!
That depends. Sometimes we can cope quite well with Hitler story trash, and it pops up a lot in German comedy. For a series like Doctor Who, it probably would have been OK.
Someone should tell my old history teacher that. As far as he's concerned any mention of the guy or the nazi's in public in germany is a punishable offence! He used to get paranoid every time the foreign exchange students visit, taking down the nazi flag and repeatedly reminding us not to mention the war. Other than that, he was a fantastic teacher though. Really enthusiastic. Enthusiastic enough to encourage a class of 16 year olds to roleplay as cavemen, and do healing dances.
I'm getting sidetracked...
As for hitler being portrayed as having good aspects, there's nothing wrong with that. Afterall, despite all his unexcusable evils, he did do some good. Like bringing germany out of the horrendous depression it was in and vastly improving the infrastructure (building the likes of the autobahn's for example). I wouldn't mind too much if those were mentioned, and he was still portrayed as a short old shouty-boots. Which is an insult I shall never use again.
As a side note, I'm currently eating jelly babies. Would anyone like one?
And yes, people think Hitler may be portrayed positively.
Better not let them read "TimeWyrm: Exodus" or "The Shadow in the Glass", then (the two novels where the Doctor teams up with Hitler. There's also a line in another novel in which the Doctor and one of the other top Nazis worked together on Kristalnacht to stop the Master)
In "Exodus" (Terrance Dicks), the Doctor discovers history has changed, and the Germans won the Second World War. He gets in with Hitler in order to have access to the top Nazi command and stuff in order to identify what the change was, and to stop it. I can't remember much about "The Shadow in the Glass" (Justin Richards & Steve Cole, I think), but there I think the Doctor and the Brigadier win Hitler's trust so they can investigate a plot surrounding Hitler's son or something.
I just bought "the horror of Fang rock" and "the visitation" for £6.50 for the two of them, brand new from eBay. Bargain. Of course, when I get round to watching them is another thing entirely...
Of, and 8 hours to go... but I'm watching it on iplayer, so that'll be 9 hours for me.
I just bought "the horror of Fang rock" and "the visitation" for £6.50 for the two of them, brand new from eBay. Bargain. Of course, when I get round to watching them is another thing entirely...
Of, and 8 hours to go... but I'm watching it on iplayer, so that'll be 9 hours for me.
Horror of Fang Rock has the blandest cover art and I refuse to buy if for that reason alone. Also it's on Netflix Streaming, albeit in rubbish VHS-rip quality.
BBC America has LKH in a 50-minute slot, so one would could assume we're getting it commercial-free, but the official Tumblr mentioned a commercial break, so maybe there's a cut down!
Horror of Fang Rock has the blandest cover art and I refuse to buy if for that reason alone. Also it's on Netflix Streaming, albeit in rubbish VHS-rip quality.
BBC America has LKH in a 50-minute slot, so one would could assume we're getting it commercial-free, but the official Tumblr mentioned a commercial break, so maybe there's a cut down!
Aren't the episodes usually 45 minutes (or under, with 42 being 42 minutes)? Unless this is a special extended one, that leaves room for a 5 minute break in the middle.
As for the horror of fangrock, I only got it because that was the only other one the seller had that I didn't already own. And I think they complete seasons for me as well, but I'll have to check on that.
In other news, colin baker messaged me on twitter. Squee! (in relation to this.)
Apparently, the actual episode is pushing 48 minutes and the time slot has been extended to 54 minutes. I'm going with 'Limited Commercial Interruption' with no cuts for my final answer.
Also, silly Friar, that's not how commercials work over here, nor over there! :P
The average length of episodes is 45 minutes, but recent episodes have been getting more flexible. Most of Grand Moffat Tarkin's episodes prior to him becoming showrunner were under 45 minutes, but since then several episodes have been over. Vampires in Venice was 50 minutes, as was The Pandorica Opens, while The Eleventh Hour was 55 minutes. It's not uncommon for 'season premiers' to be longer then normal.
The average length of episodes is 45 minutes, but recent episodes have been getting more flexible. Most of Grand Moffat Tarkin's episodes prior to him becoming showrunner were under 45 minutes, but since then several episodes have been over. Vampires in Venice was 50 minutes, as was The Pandorica Opens, while The Eleventh Hour was 55 minutes. It's not uncommon for 'season premiers' to be longer then normal.
To be fair, that was Russell "Hey, let's turn a 45 minute slot into a 63-minute episode, and an hour long special into 72-minutes!" T. Davies' ingenius idea to start.
Fun fact: Journey's End had something like 20 pages cut from it and was still overlong by nearly 20 minutes. It's a shame we missed out on Paul McGann and The Rani's cameos.
Exciting news: A Doctor Who film print previously unseen was found a few weeks ago! Sadly, it was of the already existing third episode of The Romans, but the plus side is it's higher quality and had minimal degradation, meaning it'll look substantially better by the time it is re-released! Gives hope to someone finding Episode 12 of the Daleks' Master Plan...
Exciting news: A Doctor Who film print previously unseen was found a few weeks ago! Sadly, it was of the already existing third episode of The Romans, but the plus side is it's higher quality and had minimal degradation, meaning it'll look substantially better by the time it is re-released! Gives hope to someone finding Episode 12 of the Daleks' Master Plan...
Hadn't heard that. Any source for the story?
(And why do you want Episode 12 of The Monk's Dalek Plan to be found before, say, any of "The Power of the Daleks"?)
(And why do you want Episode 12 of The Monk's Dalek Plan to be found before, say, any of "The Power of the Daleks"?)
I'm of this bizarre mindset that completely missing stories will be animated in full-color 16:9 eventually, and knowing we'd most likely never find more of them we'd be stuck with 1 existing and 5 4:3 black and white animations. Also, Episode 12 is probably one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever made.
I think most people are of the opinion that, if it was shot in black and white, any recreations or animated episodes should be black and white as well. The reconstruction of Marco Polo is one of the few exceptions I can think of, and that featured hundreds of photos painstakingly recoloured, so it's highly unlikely we'll see any such endeavourer again.
I think most people are of the opinion that, if it was shot in black and white, any recreations or animated episodes should be black and white as well. The reconstruction of Marco Polo is one of the few exceptions I can think of, and that featured hundreds of photos painstakingly recoloured, so it's highly unlikely we'll see any such endeavourer again.
The thing is you have to look at the possibility of attracting viewers by syndicating the animations, which would help add to the budget. If it's a completely missing story,I think it'd be fair to animate it in 16:9 in Color, much more attractive to the children randomly flipping through the channels then a 4:3, B+W Animation, with the option to crop to 4:3 and view in Black and White for the purists. Whereas if there's an existing episode, it'd look wrong if it suddenly went color to B+W and back, so they have to animate it correctly.
well, the classic episodes are very rarely aired on TV anymore. If they are, they are without fail Tom baker ones. If you're lucky, maybe Peter Davison. Never anyone else. They're usually Omnibus versions, so partially animated serials wouldn't work for that.
And the kinds of people who buy the serials don't care if they're colour or not. Afterall, none of the other Hartnell/Troughton ones were in colour, and they still sold well enough. Having animated episodes won't increase sales much (perhaps only if people are persuaded to buy to help ensure future animations. Support the cause.)
well, the classic episodes are very rarely aired on TV anymore. If they are, they are without fail Tom baker ones. If you're lucky, maybe Peter Davison. Never anyone else. They're usually Omnibus versions, so partially animated serials wouldn't work for that.
And the kinds of people who buy the serials don't care if they're colour or not. Afterall, none of the other Hartnell/Troughton ones were in colour, and they still sold well enough. Having animated episodes won't increase sales much (perhaps only if people are persuaded to buy to help ensure future animations. Support the cause.)
I don't mean shown alongside existing episodes, I mean turning it into a program for a few evenings on BBC4 or something, leading up to the DVD release. It'd still attract more children if it were in color as opposed to Black and White.
Animated episodes should increase sales. It's two episodes or whatever you can't watch anywhere else. More people would be interested in that.
I don't mean shown alongside existing episodes, I mean turning it into a program for a few evenings on BBC4 or something, leading up to the DVD release. It'd still attract more children if it were in color as opposed to Black and White.
Animated episodes should increase sales. It's two episodes or whatever you can't watch anywhere else. More people would be interested in that.
I don't think it would increase sales much over the normal DVD sales. After a week or so, the animated episodes would be up on piratebay and the like, just like all the other releases.
Also, I'm all for them airing them on the TV, but BBC 1/2 are too mainstream, BBC three is too teenager/college student-y (family guy being the most watched thing there) and BBC 4 is seen as a posh channel, one for pensioners mainly. It's seen as having mainly classical programming, or history documentaries, which may or may not be the case. Unfortunately for the BBC, it wouldn't get the audience share required for the two main channels, so they most likely won't do it. I don't think there experiment with "Hand of fear" was overly successful on BBC 4, and that was widely publicized as a tribute to Liz, which, along with it having TB in it, would have been more likely to get viewers then a Hartnell/Troughton one.
So Amazon skyrocketed the Price for Sapphire and Steel, so I'll now have 25ish dollars to do with as I please that I guess I'll use on Doctor Who. Now to decide whether to get a six-part TV episode or 2 audios...
Heh, you can always tell when doctor who's on because the whole estate goes quiet. I'm just about the only one NOT watching it, it seems. Bah. Roll on 20:02!
That said, we're watching it in english.
D'aww, it's so cute!
I ended up watching the prequel for some reason. I was watching this random interview question thing Karen and Matt were answering and it was next on the playlist so I figured whatever. Was smart.
Fun-fact: Matt Smith did the bedside conversation with Amy from The Big Bang in a single take.
Well, I can imagine the german broadcasters would probably have had an issue with next week's episode anyway, depending on how brash it is.
Oh yeah, the BBC announced that there will be a mini-episode airing in october, the one that was written by school kids. It'll be shown on the 1st of October.
That depends. Sometimes we can cope quite well with Hitler story trash, and it pops up a lot in German comedy. For a series like Doctor Who, it probably would have been OK.
People are berating Moffat thinking he'll treat Hitler like they've treated Agatha Christie and the like, as opposed to a silly parody similar to his portrayal of Nixon.
October 1st is the same day the Finale is airing!
Moffat confirmed next year will be a full series in the Autumn.
Discovery of the Day: Nov 23rd, 2013 is a Saturday. As is December 21st 2013 (which is the 50th anniversary of the Daleks)!
Eh? People have seriously said they think Hitler will be the famous-ally-from-history of the week?!
And it should be noted that Nixon was actually presented in a comparatively positive light. I mean, have you seen him on The Simpsons or Futurama?
I mean the tiny bits of parody, like the Doctor telling him he should record everything. And yes, people think Hitler may be portrayed positively.
Doodo: As nonsensical as always. Never change.
This weekend I'm getting together with a bunch of nice nerdy people for a marathon run of series 6 so far, leading up to "Let's Kill Hitler" when it airs on the BBC. Should be good times!
Thank you, Secretary of Transportation.
Someone should tell my old history teacher that. As far as he's concerned any mention of the guy or the nazi's in public in germany is a punishable offence! He used to get paranoid every time the foreign exchange students visit, taking down the nazi flag and repeatedly reminding us not to mention the war. Other than that, he was a fantastic teacher though. Really enthusiastic. Enthusiastic enough to encourage a class of 16 year olds to roleplay as cavemen, and do healing dances.
I'm getting sidetracked...
As for hitler being portrayed as having good aspects, there's nothing wrong with that. Afterall, despite all his unexcusable evils, he did do some good. Like bringing germany out of the horrendous depression it was in and vastly improving the infrastructure (building the likes of the autobahn's for example). I wouldn't mind too much if those were mentioned, and he was still portrayed as a short old shouty-boots. Which is an insult I shall never use again.
As a side note, I'm currently eating jelly babies. Would anyone like one?
Better not let them read "TimeWyrm: Exodus" or "The Shadow in the Glass", then (the two novels where the Doctor teams up with Hitler. There's also a line in another novel in which the Doctor and one of the other top Nazis worked together on Kristalnacht to stop the Master)
Where the authors insane or awesome trolls?
Terrance Dicks, I believe.
In "Exodus" (Terrance Dicks), the Doctor discovers history has changed, and the Germans won the Second World War. He gets in with Hitler in order to have access to the top Nazi command and stuff in order to identify what the change was, and to stop it. I can't remember much about "The Shadow in the Glass" (Justin Richards & Steve Cole, I think), but there I think the Doctor and the Brigadier win Hitler's trust so they can investigate a plot surrounding Hitler's son or something.
if you care to dig deeper
Calling it the Kristallnacht is actually not considered politically correct anymo...
ah, forget it. Carry on.
Uh? Is it the appropriate term or not? It's been sixteen years since I studied this period of history at school.
Of, and 8 hours to go... but I'm watching it on iplayer, so that'll be 9 hours for me.
Horror of Fang Rock has the blandest cover art and I refuse to buy if for that reason alone. Also it's on Netflix Streaming, albeit in rubbish VHS-rip quality.
BBC America has LKH in a 50-minute slot, so one would could assume we're getting it commercial-free, but the official Tumblr mentioned a commercial break, so maybe there's a cut down!
As for the horror of fangrock, I only got it because that was the only other one the seller had that I didn't already own. And I think they complete seasons for me as well, but I'll have to check on that.
In other news, colin baker messaged me on twitter. Squee! (in relation to this.)
Also, silly Friar, that's not how commercials work over here, nor over there! :P
Also, I raise you a Christopher Hamilton Bidmead.
Just kidding, he's a writer, no? He looks surprisingly like terry pratchett.
Well, my mother was being followed by Lady Gaga's fiancé at one point.
Anyway, to rope it back into the subject, moffat's decided to re-redesign the dalek's to appeal to the male audience.
To be fair, that was Russell "Hey, let's turn a 45 minute slot into a 63-minute episode, and an hour long special into 72-minutes!" T. Davies' ingenius idea to start.
Fun fact: Journey's End had something like 20 pages cut from it and was still overlong by nearly 20 minutes. It's a shame we missed out on Paul McGann and The Rani's cameos.
To google!
Unless of course my satire detector is malfunctioning.
Yeah, I figured as much. They were about the only people that didn't have cameo's. But I had hope!
Hadn't heard that. Any source for the story?
(And why do you want Episode 12 of The Monk's Dalek Plan to be found before, say, any of "The Power of the Daleks"?)
I'm of this bizarre mindset that completely missing stories will be animated in full-color 16:9 eventually, and knowing we'd most likely never find more of them we'd be stuck with 1 existing and 5 4:3 black and white animations. Also, Episode 12 is probably one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever made.
At least you didn't ask about The Tenth Planet...
I think most people are of the opinion that, if it was shot in black and white, any recreations or animated episodes should be black and white as well. The reconstruction of Marco Polo is one of the few exceptions I can think of, and that featured hundreds of photos painstakingly recoloured, so it's highly unlikely we'll see any such endeavourer again.
The thing is you have to look at the possibility of attracting viewers by syndicating the animations, which would help add to the budget. If it's a completely missing story,I think it'd be fair to animate it in 16:9 in Color, much more attractive to the children randomly flipping through the channels then a 4:3, B+W Animation, with the option to crop to 4:3 and view in Black and White for the purists. Whereas if there's an existing episode, it'd look wrong if it suddenly went color to B+W and back, so they have to animate it correctly.
And the kinds of people who buy the serials don't care if they're colour or not. Afterall, none of the other Hartnell/Troughton ones were in colour, and they still sold well enough. Having animated episodes won't increase sales much (perhaps only if people are persuaded to buy to help ensure future animations. Support the cause.)
I don't mean shown alongside existing episodes, I mean turning it into a program for a few evenings on BBC4 or something, leading up to the DVD release. It'd still attract more children if it were in color as opposed to Black and White.
Animated episodes should increase sales. It's two episodes or whatever you can't watch anywhere else. More people would be interested in that.
Also, I'm all for them airing them on the TV, but BBC 1/2 are too mainstream, BBC three is too teenager/college student-y (family guy being the most watched thing there) and BBC 4 is seen as a posh channel, one for pensioners mainly. It's seen as having mainly classical programming, or history documentaries, which may or may not be the case. Unfortunately for the BBC, it wouldn't get the audience share required for the two main channels, so they most likely won't do it. I don't think there experiment with "Hand of fear" was overly successful on BBC 4, and that was widely publicized as a tribute to Liz, which, along with it having TB in it, would have been more likely to get viewers then a Hartnell/Troughton one.
I'd love to be proved wrong though!