Oooh! I have that. It's cool. Happy Birthday, By the way!
This is the next one I want.
But it's not out yet..
In other news, I've discovered that a doctor who writer lives near me. Like less then a mile. He wrote Seasons of fear for big finish and the "Family of blood" two parter. Cool.
In other news, I've discovered that a doctor who writer lives near me. Like less then a mile. He wrote Seasons of fear for big finish and the "Family of blood" two parter. Cool.
Oh my, "Family of blood"? I love that two-parter so oh much!
In other news, I've discovered that a doctor who writer lives near me. Like less then a mile. He wrote Seasons of fear for big finish and the "Family of blood" two parter. Cool.
Oh, Paul Cornell? He created Bernice Summerfield and writes for Superman! And Karen Gillan wants him to write another episode!
I think Peter may be my new favourite Doctor, after watching "The visitation" which featured both
The destruction of a faithful companion
The great fire of London. And the Plague. And a Lizard man. And Death.
No, he's the worst of the JNT era Doctors! His companions do nothing but whine all day and die! The Master in his stories always wears a comical disguise for half the story with little to no reason for most of the time! Also, his costume pales in comparison to the Tom Baker Burgundy and Colin's S21 outfit (where it was a bit thinner then in S22). Also, he's not Paul McGann!
Unrelatedly, I saw this fanfic where someone asks how a recording of Eight that Nine has sounds like he's from Liverpool, and he goes "Every planet has a... liverpool..." PERFECT WRITING IS PERFECT
I just liked the fact that he seemed unique amongst the doctors. There's been plenty of shouty ones, clever ones, grumpy ones etc. but Peter is the only one who is peter. Plus I liked the fact that Nyssa/Tegan/Adric/the doctor formed a family of sorts. I even liked Adric for the most part. And I haven't seen any serials of his that I haven't liked (and I've only missing 3 I think. Possibly less). In fact, his last two were amongst the best of any of the ones I've seen. Planet of fire in particular. Plus, he sung the themetune to my favourite Childhood show.
As a side note: I paused Sherlock to read Ribs response. When I unpaused it, Peter's Voice started blaring out of the onscreen auditorium.
I'm of the opinion the Doctor shouldn't be a leading man, but a character actor. The show should be about the companions and the people the Doctor meets, which it did wonderfully in the Davison years. The new series marked a shift to the Doctor being the center of attention, but it did it in a completely satisfying way. My main problem with Davison (and Tennant) is that they are leading men. Great actors, but not the right choice for The Doctor. Although Peter is completely adorable.
Going to listen to the first part of Peri and the Picson Paradox in a bit. I am excite.
No, he's the worst of the JNT era Doctors! His companions do nothing but whine all day and die!
Surely the fact that Adric gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?! Surely the fact that Kamelion gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?!
Surely the fact that Nyssa almost dies of a fatal disease is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that there are copious publicity photos of the Doctor's most whiny companion ever (Peri) in a bikini is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that the Doctor runs off in the TARDIS while Tegan is looking the other way is a point in *his* favour?
Surely the fact that Adric gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?! Surely the fact that Kamelion gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?!
Surely the fact that Nyssa almost dies of a fatal disease is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that there are copious publicity photos of the Doctor's most whiny companion ever (Peri) in a bikini is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that the Doctor runs off in the TARDIS while Tegan is looking the other way is a point in *his* favour?
Not really helping yourself when every point you raise can be countered with 'but they were there in the first place'.
Indeed. My problem with the era is that Nyssa was rather stale character wise, Adric got turned from 'The Doctor's young person who is mostly an equal' to 'The Doctor's rude younger brother', Tegan was Tegan. Turlough is the only one who wasn't directly annoying, but he does virtually nothing in the serials he is in. Peri only showed up at the end.
It was because of how badly this TARDIS team worked that JNT stuck to one-companion-at-a-time for the rest of the series, which makes me sad.
Contrast with Six; he has Peri and Mel before Season 24 when people dislike her. There's nothing wrong with their dynamic, if the character arc hadn't suddenly skipped to the end between Revelation and Mysterious Planet. Mel had a new dynamic as a companion, and it was sad to see it lost with Sylv, who didn't really gel with peppy companion.
I like the Fifth Doctor. His stories, when good, are very good (ie, Enlightenment, my second favorite). But when they're bad, they're very bad (WARRIORS OF THE DEEP, TERMINUS). But it's this inconsistency that bugs me. Most people like or hate the Sixth Doctor, but you must agree it is rather consistent in quality 9 times out of 10 (save for the 'Revelation is the only one I like!' or 'I really don't like Timelash!' people). Seven, although considered to have 4 of the worst serials ever in a row, then in S25 and S26 makes a ton of loved stories (and Silver Nemesis).
Also; the Fifth Doctor's stories are so unbelievable depessing. I recall reading that something like 60 people die onscreen during Resurrection.
Speaking of the Fifth Doctor, Peri and the Picson Paradox is as good as ir's reputation. Excited to listen to part two tonight.
Not really helping yourself when every point you raise can be countered with 'but they were there in the first place'.
Uh? What do you mean by that? Kamelion and Peri were both introduced during the Peter Davison era, and Tegan and Nyssa and Adric were all introduced after JNT's appointment as producer.
the Fifth Doctor's stories are so unbelievable depessing. I recall reading that something like 60 people die onscreen during Resurrection.
It's long been pointed out that this was what pushed Tegan to leave the TARDIS because "its stopped being fun", whereas presumably "Warriors on the Cheap"'s 100% kill-score was deemed laugh-a-minute.
Well, there was the Myrka, and the Doctor's super-strength sequence.* They're both quite funny. Just not intentionally.
*Tegan is trapped under rubble. Baddies are coming. Turlough and the Doctor can't free her, it's all too heavy to lift. The Doctor tells Turlough to run. Now the coast is clear, the Doctor uses his secret super-strength to single-handedly lift the debris and rescue Tegan.
Uh? What do you mean by that? Kamelion and Peri were both introduced during the Peter Davison era, and Tegan and Nyssa and Adric were all introduced after JNT's appointment as producer.
Yes, but there were still there in the first place. Just because they get rid of something doesn't instantly make it fine that it was there at all!
Indeed. My problem with the era is that Nyssa was rather stale character wise, Adric got turned from 'The Doctor's young person who is mostly an equal' to 'The Doctor's rude younger brother', Tegan was Tegan. Turlough is the only one who wasn't directly annoying, but he does virtually nothing in the serials he is in. Peri only showed up at the end.
It was because of how badly this TARDIS team worked that JNT stuck to one-companion-at-a-time for the rest of the series, which makes me sad.
Contrast with Six; he has Peri and Mel before Season 24 when people dislike her. There's nothing wrong with their dynamic, if the character arc hadn't suddenly skipped to the end between Revelation and Mysterious Planet. Mel had a new dynamic as a companion, and it was sad to see it lost with Sylv, who didn't really gel with peppy companion.
I like the Fifth Doctor. His stories, when good, are very good (ie, Enlightenment, my second favorite). But when they're bad, they're very bad (WARRIORS OF THE DEEP, TERMINUS). But it's this inconsistency that bugs me. Most people like or hate the Sixth Doctor, but you must agree it is rather consistent in quality 9 times out of 10 (save for the 'Revelation is the only one I like!' or 'I really don't like Timelash!' people). Seven, although considered to have 4 of the worst serials ever in a row, then in S25 and S26 makes a ton of loved stories (and Silver Nemesis).
Also; the Fifth Doctor's stories are so unbelievable depessing. I recall reading that something like 60 people die onscreen during Resurrection.
Speaking of the Fifth Doctor, Peri and the Picson Paradox is as good as ir's reputation. Excited to listen to part two tonight.
Oddly enough, Turlough was the only assistant of his that I don't like. And I quite like Nyssa, although I don't think she works that well as a stand-alone companion (like in the audio's).
For me, Peter's serials were unique in feeling semi-modern. The doctors before him feel a little dated now, whereas the doctors after him seem to have a reliance on computer graphics (which often date horribly. Although I was amazed at hoe decent the ship looked in "Rememberance of the Daleks". ) His episodes just seem nicer. They feel like classic doctor who, without feeling too old.
Also, I liked Warrior's of the deep when I first saw it several years ago.:o
And I appear to be missing doctor who. I'd actually forgotten it was on today (shame on me!)
Warrior's of the Deep is a good idea ruined by the script editor and the budgets. You can see the good bits (most notably in the last line), but it was turneed into generic space adventure #31 for some odd reason instead of what Johnny Byrne (who wrote the excellent Keeper of Traken, in addition to THE FIFTH DOCTOR IN SPAAAAAAAACE) intended.
Also; Seven was Doctor CGI. And I really like the effects on his stories, too! The only lame one was the ship landing in Delta and the Bannermen! At least they're not Vardans!
That was pretty much what I was thinking during "The Doctor's Wife".
I'm also slightly annoyed because iPlayer bugged out telling me the download wasn't available. So I go on the site after waiting 2 hours, only to find it is... So I have 20 minutes to kill!
That is what the show should be like. None of this complicated series arc-style stuff, just... really clever, well-written, fantastically performed and (relatively) straight-forward episodes. Far more effective.
Not ashamed to admit I had a tear in my eye by the end of this. Very powerful episode.
That is what the show should be like. None of this complicated series arc-style stuff, just... really clever, well-written, fantastically performed and (relatively) straight-forward episodes. Far more effective.
Not ashamed to admit I had a tear in my eye by the end of this. Very powerful episode.
I respectfully disagree. I think the episode as a whole was uncreative (see; Peri and the Picson Paradox), and the paradox basically just ruined every problem in the show by saying they can go back and change things. By this logic, why didn't they just go back and time and take the real baby Melody from Kovarian?
I'm just mad because this episode should have been 'The Mind Robber 2: Escape the Holodecks!' but was instead 'Emotional Drama With Obvious Ending; The Sequel'.
I respectfully disagree. I think the episode as a whole was uncreative (see; Peri and the Picson Paradox), and the paradox basically just ruined every problem in the show by saying they can go back and change things. By this logic, why didn't they just go back and time and take the real baby Melody from Kovarian?
There was some technobabble about using the temporal fields in the Two Threads (or whatever it was called) facility. Half explained, half hand-waved, but basically they could only go back on Amy's time stream because... she had to make the connection with her earlier self? Something like that.
If you have a problem with the episode being uncreative, that's your prerogative and I won't question it. But if you think too hard about the mechanics of time travel, then not only will your brain melt, but you miss the point of the episode. They can do it but just this once. Accept it, appreciate the episode for what it is (or don't, that's your call) and move on.
I was making a silly joke, and everyone started agreeing with me, and before you know it...! Mob Mentality! Let's go burn down town hall!
I just got this poster for my birthday
This is the next one I want.
But it's not out yet..
In other news, I've discovered that a doctor who writer lives near me. Like less then a mile. He wrote Seasons of fear for big finish and the "Family of blood" two parter. Cool.
Oh, Paul Cornell? He created Bernice Summerfield and writes for Superman! And Karen Gillan wants him to write another episode!
sooo good
what do you guys think?
Ask the guy who fixes your computer if he moonlights as a Doctor Who writer! If nothing else you'll get a laugh.
What's that
It's a question-asking site. You submit questions, they read it, and then they record a video answer back. Or they ignore it.
If I had lots of money, I'd totally commision all the new series actors to redub the show to constantly bring up Paul McGann.
Like Let's Kill Hitler;
'River, I want you to find him. Find Paul McGann.'
No, he's the worst of the JNT era Doctors! His companions do nothing but whine all day and die! The Master in his stories always wears a comical disguise for half the story with little to no reason for most of the time! Also, his costume pales in comparison to the Tom Baker Burgundy and Colin's S21 outfit (where it was a bit thinner then in S22). Also, he's not Paul McGann!
Unrelatedly, I saw this fanfic where someone asks how a recording of Eight that Nine has sounds like he's from Liverpool, and he goes "Every planet has a... liverpool..." PERFECT WRITING IS PERFECT
As a side note: I paused Sherlock to read Ribs response. When I unpaused it, Peter's Voice started blaring out of the onscreen auditorium.
And in other news, this was filmed near me.
Going to listen to the first part of Peri and the Picson Paradox in a bit. I am excite.
Surely the fact that Adric gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?! Surely the fact that Kamelion gets killed off is a point in the era's favour?!
Surely the fact that Nyssa almost dies of a fatal disease is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that there are copious publicity photos of the Doctor's most whiny companion ever (Peri) in a bikini is a point in the era's favour?
Surely the fact that the Doctor runs off in the TARDIS while Tegan is looking the other way is a point in *his* favour?
It was because of how badly this TARDIS team worked that JNT stuck to one-companion-at-a-time for the rest of the series, which makes me sad.
Contrast with Six; he has Peri and Mel before Season 24 when people dislike her. There's nothing wrong with their dynamic, if the character arc hadn't suddenly skipped to the end between Revelation and Mysterious Planet. Mel had a new dynamic as a companion, and it was sad to see it lost with Sylv, who didn't really gel with peppy companion.
I like the Fifth Doctor. His stories, when good, are very good (ie, Enlightenment, my second favorite). But when they're bad, they're very bad (WARRIORS OF THE DEEP, TERMINUS). But it's this inconsistency that bugs me. Most people like or hate the Sixth Doctor, but you must agree it is rather consistent in quality 9 times out of 10 (save for the 'Revelation is the only one I like!' or 'I really don't like Timelash!' people). Seven, although considered to have 4 of the worst serials ever in a row, then in S25 and S26 makes a ton of loved stories (and Silver Nemesis).
Also; the Fifth Doctor's stories are so unbelievable depessing. I recall reading that something like 60 people die onscreen during Resurrection.
Speaking of the Fifth Doctor, Peri and the Picson Paradox is as good as ir's reputation. Excited to listen to part two tonight.
I asked if he wanted a jelly baby. I didn't get an answer.
It isn't live, he may still answer!
Uh? What do you mean by that? Kamelion and Peri were both introduced during the Peter Davison era, and Tegan and Nyssa and Adric were all introduced after JNT's appointment as producer.
It's long been pointed out that this was what pushed Tegan to leave the TARDIS because "its stopped being fun", whereas presumably "Warriors on the Cheap"'s 100% kill-score was deemed laugh-a-minute.
Well, there was the Myrka, and the Doctor's super-strength sequence.* They're both quite funny. Just not intentionally.
*Tegan is trapped under rubble. Baddies are coming. Turlough and the Doctor can't free her, it's all too heavy to lift. The Doctor tells Turlough to run. Now the coast is clear, the Doctor uses his secret super-strength to single-handedly lift the debris and rescue Tegan.
Oddly enough, Turlough was the only assistant of his that I don't like. And I quite like Nyssa, although I don't think she works that well as a stand-alone companion (like in the audio's).
For me, Peter's serials were unique in feeling semi-modern. The doctors before him feel a little dated now, whereas the doctors after him seem to have a reliance on computer graphics (which often date horribly. Although I was amazed at hoe decent the ship looked in "Rememberance of the Daleks". ) His episodes just seem nicer. They feel like classic doctor who, without feeling too old.
Also, I liked Warrior's of the deep when I first saw it several years ago.:o
And I appear to be missing doctor who. I'd actually forgotten it was on today (shame on me!)
Also; Seven was Doctor CGI. And I really like the effects on his stories, too! The only lame one was the ship landing in Delta and the Bannermen! At least they're not Vardans!
Edit: Also is it me or that video ask Matt a question thing only coming out of one speaker?
That was pretty much what I was thinking during "The Doctor's Wife".
I'm also slightly annoyed because iPlayer bugged out telling me the download wasn't available. So I go on the site after waiting 2 hours, only to find it is... So I have 20 minutes to kill!
Not ashamed to admit I had a tear in my eye by the end of this. Very powerful episode.
I respectfully disagree. I think the episode as a whole was uncreative (see; Peri and the Picson Paradox), and the paradox basically just ruined every problem in the show by saying they can go back and change things. By this logic, why didn't they just go back and time and take the real baby Melody from Kovarian?
I'm just mad because this episode should have been 'The Mind Robber 2: Escape the Holodecks!' but was instead 'Emotional Drama With Obvious Ending; The Sequel'.
If you have a problem with the episode being uncreative, that's your prerogative and I won't question it. But if you think too hard about the mechanics of time travel, then not only will your brain melt, but you miss the point of the episode. They can do it but just this once. Accept it, appreciate the episode for what it is (or don't, that's your call) and move on.
Heh... I just HAD to click that link...
Couldn't resist...