Ha! I saw the episode last night where the evil primitive dalecks try to make human Dalecks.
Rest assured that all our sympathies are with you! Actually, I'm watching "Battlefield" at the moment and for some reason it's not quite as good as it was when I was about nine years old. Rather, it seems to be as bad as everybody said it was!
Aaaand, I know this was posted before. But now it has the cool music behind it.
Sylvester McCoy actually does the scene really nice. I would like to hear more former Doctors doing their own take on that scene. I think that could be very interesting.
I haven't seen many episodes with the seventh Doctor, maybe I should fix that. Any suggestions where to start?
I haven't seen many episodes with the seventh Doctor, maybe I should fix that. Any suggestions where to start?
Seven is hated for most of his stories; I think he's the best TV era (based on the 1/3 of it I have seen). Different strokes...
He starts out as this very fun, court-jester-like Doctor, and is that for most of Season 24 (this is the worst season of all time according to fandom, but I rather liked Paradise Towers and Delta and the Bannermen). Then, he turns into the mischevious manipulator everyone loves (Season 26 in it's entirety is one of the most beloved seasons of the show). The only ones to definately avoid are Silver Nemesis (I liked it, but I sort of liked it not because of the story but because it reminded me a lot of early 90's American TV) and Time and the Rani (the single stupidest plan in Doctor Who ever is executed by the Rani).
I like Battlefeild, Revelation of the Daleks and Survival.
Revelation of the Daleks is arguably the first Doctor-lite ever. Although I'd argue Toymaker qualifies as well, seeing as the Doctor is gone for 2 episodes... then again, Keys of Marinus fits that crietria as well...
I do think you meant Remembrance though, or perhaps you consider Revelation a Sylv story for some reason.
Well, I just watched Curse of Fenric, and I thought that one was also pretty good, simply for the ending. Reminded me a lot of today's Doctor Who story, actually.
Revelation of the Daleks is arguably the first Doctor-lite ever. Although I'd argue Toymaker qualifies as well, seeing as the Doctor is gone for 2 episodes... then again, Keys of Marinus fits that crietria as well...
I do think you meant Remembrance though, or perhaps you consider Revelation a Sylv story for some reason.
Its hard to remember which R something of the Dalek belongs to which Doctor.
I liked this episode. Then again, I tend to like the creepy, slightly melancholy episodes where
nearly everyone dies.
Though, I do wonder what the Doctor saw behind the "Do Not Disturb" door.
Personally, I think he saw
Being confronted with his sixth incarnation suddenly in a darkened room is enough to scare anyone!:p Also, it's sad to see Amy/Rory go. Although from what I gather from various comment threads, a lot of people hated her. I liked her. And Rory: series 6 edition.
In unrelated news, Dan Hall (chief person of DVD range) confirmed at an event that there will be more missing episode animations if Reign is critically recieved in a positive manner, but right now they only are definately going to do one more after Reign right now. Tomorrow, they're apparently showing a clip from Reign at an event in Australia. Exciting days!
Being confronted with his sixth incarnation suddenly in a darkened room is enough to scare anyone!:p Also, it's sad to see Amy/Rory go. Although from what I gather from various comment threads, a lot of people hated her. I liked her. And Rory: series 6 edition.
I agree. Very much so on the Rory front. Completely awesome by the end of this episode.
In unrelated news, Dan Hall (chief person of DVD range) confirmed at an event that there will be more missing episode animations if Reign is critically recieved in a positive manner, but right now they only are definately going to do one more after Reign right now.
Cue the speculation as to which! There's already the "Shada" controversary.
Cue the speculation as to which! There's already the "Shada" controversary.
Well, he also said Shada would be released most likely alongside any other animated reconstructions they get the permission and license for (ie, Levine's Mission to the Unkown if they take Shada from him and the CGI Web of Fear trailer on Youtube would seem like the kind of thing they mean) and 'More than 30 Years in the TARDIS' as a sort of 'Lost in Time 2' set.
Most likely is Tenth Planet, although perhaps they'll use one of the CGI Youtube recreations and put it in aforementioned set and instead do Ice Warriors...
Heh, that looks awesome. And for some reason, the first comic divisionten posted left me in hysterics. lezlie Fartz indeed.
So, it's DW-day again! And this episode features the beloved auntie mabel. Although searching for images of her returns some disturbing results. I'm betting more than one child has been horrified.
Heh, that looks awesome. And for some reason, the first comic divisionten posted left me in hysterics. lezlie Fartz indeed.
So, it's DW-day again! And this episode features the beloved auntie mabel. Although searching for images of her returns some disturbing results. I'm betting more than one child has been horrified.
Calling it: Captain Wrack and the rest of the Eternals have returned and intend to steal the secret of true love from Craig!
Ah, 'The Daleks Take Manhattan'.
Unrelatedly, neat animated telesnap recon of Power of the Daleks 1.
Rest assured that all our sympathies are with you! Actually, I'm watching "Battlefield" at the moment and for some reason it's not quite as good as it was when I was about nine years old. Rather, it seems to be as bad as everybody said it was!
That's the one where they graduate from college and try to get their musical played on broadway, right?
And then take some kind of illegal drug called "manhatten"
Also, its Dw-Day! woo!
You sir failed to get the joke.
Also; Battlefield, like the rest of the McCoy era (that I have seen) is easily a great story and deserves any praise it can be thrown at.
Yeah, I noticed. And then I deleted the post 10 minutes before you posted...
To avoid the shame. Alas, I failed.
Wait... It took you 10 minutes to type 3 lines?
*edit* well, the iPlayer is SLOWLY downloading the episode. 1Mb/s. Gah. The timer has gone UP by three minutes in the past 20. ¬_¬
Aaaand, I know this was posted before. But now it has the cool music behind it.
Sylvester McCoy actually does the scene really nice. I would like to hear more former Doctors doing their own take on that scene. I think that could be very interesting.
I haven't seen many episodes with the seventh Doctor, maybe I should fix that. Any suggestions where to start?
Seven is hated for most of his stories; I think he's the best TV era (based on the 1/3 of it I have seen). Different strokes...
He starts out as this very fun, court-jester-like Doctor, and is that for most of Season 24 (this is the worst season of all time according to fandom, but I rather liked Paradise Towers and Delta and the Bannermen). Then, he turns into the mischevious manipulator everyone loves (Season 26 in it's entirety is one of the most beloved seasons of the show). The only ones to definately avoid are Silver Nemesis (I liked it, but I sort of liked it not because of the story but because it reminded me a lot of early 90's American TV) and Time and the Rani (the single stupidest plan in Doctor Who ever is executed by the Rani).
Revelation of the Daleks is arguably the first Doctor-lite ever. Although I'd argue Toymaker qualifies as well, seeing as the Doctor is gone for 2 episodes... then again, Keys of Marinus fits that crietria as well...
I do think you meant Remembrance though, or perhaps you consider Revelation a Sylv story for some reason.
Its hard to remember which R something of the Dalek belongs to which Doctor.
That is all.
Though, I do wonder what the Doctor saw behind the "Do Not Disturb" door.
Personally, I think he saw
Michael Grade.
Russell T. Davies.
The list goes on...
My theory:
My proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6REa8sZjOrE
GASP! I never thought about it that way!
Looks like I'll have to rewatch all of Doctor Who, looking for clues.
I think it's likely that one could have been planned or shot for this episode, and then cut for time. Dunno.
That was my thought as well.
I agree. Very much so on the Rory front. Completely awesome by the end of this episode.
Cue the speculation as to which! There's already the "Shada" controversary.
Well, he also said Shada would be released most likely alongside any other animated reconstructions they get the permission and license for (ie, Levine's Mission to the Unkown if they take Shada from him and the CGI Web of Fear trailer on Youtube would seem like the kind of thing they mean) and 'More than 30 Years in the TARDIS' as a sort of 'Lost in Time 2' set.
Most likely is Tenth Planet, although perhaps they'll use one of the CGI Youtube recreations and put it in aforementioned set and instead do Ice Warriors...
It stars Matt Smith, alongside
"Thats what she said!"
Yeah hahah-- what?
I thought something similar, but I was laughing too hard to really care.
and one more by the same person for good luck:
Check out more at http://loldwell.com
So, it's DW-day again! And this episode features the beloved auntie mabel. Although searching for images of her returns some disturbing results. I'm betting more than one child has been horrified.
Calling it: Captain Wrack and the rest of the Eternals have returned and intend to steal the secret of true love from Craig!