River tried to shoot the astronaut and misses, with the exclamation "Of course not..." gave it away from the start.
I mean, really, was anybody here surprised?
Still, not a bad episode... at least it was funny and somewhat entertaining. Happy to see Craig return, he's really brilliant as an actor. ^.^
Question: After the Doctor
Wakes up after the cyberman knocked him unconscious
, why was the sonic Screwdriver's light blue? o.O That made no sense.
"There we are, it's EVERYTHING you thought was going to be the case Probably is, it was River in the spacesuit, uh, there's two of her but eh, it's a time travel show, easy enough for us. River is now off to kill the Doctor, which we've sort of known ever since those lines in Flesh and Stone all that time ago. We've sort of known the best man River's ever known was bound to be The Doctor. So, she's off to kill the Doctor."
, which makes me think we don't exactly know who it is who does the act yet. A bit to matter-of-fact, if you ask me.
Something is still nagging- since the doctor comes back in the Christmas special, I'm cLlin it that either-
A) it is the Ganger who gets killed
The Ganger will take over for the doctor, as they are functionally identical.
I hope its not somthing as stupid as that and its all been forshadowing of a "clone" dieing! It would be like that stupid Rose Tyler will fall in battle and shes just on the list of the dead.
I hope its not somthing as stupid as that and its all been forshadowing of a "clone" dieing! It would be like that stupid Rose Tyler will fall in battle and shes just on the list of the dead.
Or the "One will still die!" being turned into Donna losing her memories.
Anyway, I thought it was a good episode, only marred by the fact the cybermen were basically only there for the scene at the end. The cybermat was awesome, but I'm still waiting for an awesome cyberman-centric new who episode. Ever since I fell in love with them back in 2006.
On a slightly geeky note, I was pleased to hear one of the secret sounds from the toy version of the sonic made it into the show (press the button 3 times in quick succesion).
Oh, and the sonic's been blue before, inside the beast's mouth in "The beast below". Secret torch function?
Or the "One will still die!" being turned into Donna losing her memories.
I didn't mind that one as much cos It was dramatcly done with her screaming and begging Ten not to and Donna's charecter development died. But the Rose one just felt like a cop out.
- The Eleventh hour: The Doctor hates apples.
- God Complex: The Doctor happily eats an apple.
- Night Terros: The Doctor cant solve a Rubiks Cube.
- God Complex: The Doctor easily solves a Rubiks Cube.
I do believe that there are some kind of "two Doctors" walking around, but they cant be clones or Gangers, because they are two different persons (apple/cube).
- The Eleventh hour: The Doctor hates apples.
- God Complex: The Doctor happily eats an apple.
- Night Terros: The Doctor cant solve a Rubiks Cube.
- God Complex: The Doctor easily solves a Rubiks Cube.
I do believe that there are some kind of "two Doctors" walking around, but they cant be clones or Gangers, because they are two different persons (apple/cube).
This goes back futher
In Flesh and Stone Amy with her eyes closed was visted by a Doctor dressed diffrently telling her to remeber what he said when she was a little girl. And it wasnt the backwards travling Doctor from Big Bang because he wasnt wearing Rivers Time travling thing.
- The Eleventh hour: The Doctor hates apples.
- God Complex: The Doctor happily eats an apple.
- Night Terros: The Doctor cant solve a Rubiks Cube.
- God Complex: The Doctor easily solves a Rubiks Cube.
I do believe that there are some kind of "two Doctors" walking around, but they cant be clones or Gangers, because they are two different persons (apple/cube).
Night Terrors was written and shot to take place in the first half of the season. Based on that, my interpretation of the intention of the
Rubik's Cube is that he couldn't solve it before he leaves in the midseason break, and he can solve it afterwards, with the suggestion being that he's gone for a lot longer than is implied. Long enough to account for the age gap between the current and future Doctor in Impossible Astronaut (909 to 1103, so 194 years). What is he doing during all that time? Who knoooows... but learning to solve a Rubik's cube and starting to enjoy apples apparently among them.
In the final timeline as aired, I'm thinking that the Rubik's Cube may not turn out to be as meaningful, because it doesn't line up with his disappearance.
- The Eleventh hour: The Doctor hates apples.
- God Complex: The Doctor happily eats an apple.
- Night Terros: The Doctor cant solve a Rubiks Cube.
- God Complex: The Doctor easily solves a Rubiks Cube.
I do believe that there are some kind of "two Doctors" walking around, but they cant be clones or Gangers, because they are two different persons (apple/cube).
Clever, but I don't think it's THAT easy.
I don't like the fact (I'm smiling as I type this) that Moffat is confirming stuff to us. "blabla yes we are in this point and we all know River is blabla".
I haven't seen the confidential, but I bet he's smirking.
Then again, he may be telling the truth and not hiding any plot twist... but that would be disappointing.
Clever, but I don't think it's THAT easy.
I don't like the fact (I'm smiling as I type this) that Moffat is confirming stuff to us. "blabla yes we are in this point and we all know River is blabla".
I haven't seen the confidential, but I bet he's smirking.
Then again, he may be telling the truth and not hiding any plot twist... but that would be disappointing.
I sort of feel like he's telling the truth but that there will be twists beyond it
That's the special edition packaging. Which is also in 3D. (the box art)
The normal edition is cooler.
Although it does come with some awesome 3D cards.
In other news, future boxsets will feature behind the scenes footage and interviews with the stars!
I don't get the reasoning behind cancelling it. Why not just cut out all the expensive filler stuff and have it at 15 minutes, so doctor who lasts an hour instead of 45 minutes. Boo.
Also, radio times has a slightly spoiler-y cover, so don't go to any supermarkets or news agents. Or any public places.
*edit* facebook-y type people have a petition-y thing.
I'm going to suggest that part of the reason "Confidential" is being scrapped is.... well.... because it's ... er....*boring*. The proportion of potential viewers who are going to get something out of a behind-the-scenes programme are probably pretty slim... and I have an idea that equivalent series for other shows (mostly reality shows) have been cut recently.
(That's not to say anything else on BBC3 is any better, of course).
You've also got to wonder about the budgeting for the show... remember when Dr Who got to sneak a few hours filming in New York purely because the people at Confidential had wrangled themselves a trip out there? The fact that the show is never repeated or released on DVD - only available in the 'cut down' editions - must be a factor, there must be a reason why they only go forward with these.
Of course, it's the end of an era. Once we had the main show, and Torchwood, and BBC3 shows for both, and "Totally Doctor Who" presented by that ex-Blue Peter girl who made it abundantly clear she didn't want to be there.... *On the other hand*, the year after next we're going to be up to our armpits with documentaries and looks back and what not.
I won't really miss the 40 minutes of filler, 2 minutes of the cast being genuinely funny and 2 minutes of Moffat being a giant tease each week.
The way I see it, it's like the end of Logopolis, only this time the Watcher is Confedential and instead of letting him regenerate is giving the Doctor all his money.
I agree there's a lot of filler in there, but if the episodes were smaller, that would be a non-issue. Plus, some of the episodes are, quite frankly, awesome. Such as the Doctor's Wife one with Neil Gaiman. Plus, there's only a small cost associated with producing the thing, as all the SFX is already being paid for as part of doctor who's budget. Plus it boosts the DVD feature set. I'm hoping that they will put something similar on future boxsets. For me, it just seem weird to watch a new episode of new-who without going straight to confidential afterwards.
Plus stretching it further, what about the likes of the proms, which were aired under the confidential banner? Will they cancel those too? It's bad enough that last years prom isn't on this years set, without them not airing any future ones either!
I agree there's a lot of filler in there, but if the episodes were smaller, that would be a non-issue. Plus, some of the episodes are, quite frankly, awesome. Such as the Doctor's Wife one with Neil Gaiman. Plus, there's only a small cost associated with producing the thing, as all the SFX is already being paid for as part of doctor who's budget. Plus it boosts the DVD feature set. I'm hoping that they will put something similar on future boxsets. For me, it just seem weird to watch a new episode of new-who without going straight to confidential afterwards.
Plus stretching it further, what about the likes of the proms, which were aired under the confidential banner? Will they cancel those too? It's bad enough that last years prom isn't on this years set, without them not airing any future ones either!
It's a few things, I imagine. Although it is reasonably succesful, having one of BBC 3's primetime shows be a making of is silly and looks bad. The budget to hire the cameramen for 14 episodes a year is considerable, seeing as they could be elsewhere, as are those who edit the show and the people who produce it. Relatedly, those extra people are all extra people who are on set and 'in-the-know' plotwise who could leak it onto the internet. Nonetheless, for all we know by axing next series of Confidential it's enough budget to produce another episode of regular Who for the interim between now and next series. Right now, there's only definately two episodes between now and Septembertime next year.
It's a few things, I imagine. Although it is reasonably succesful, having one of BBC 3's primetime shows be a making of is silly and looks bad. The budget to hire the cameramen for 14 episodes a year is considerable, seeing as they could be elsewhere, as are those who edit the show and the people who produce it. Relatedly, those extra people are all extra people who are on set and 'in-the-know' plotwise who could leak it onto the internet. Nonetheless, for all we know by axing next series of Confidential it's enough budget to produce another episode of regular Who for the interim between now and next series. Right now, there's only definately two episodes between now and Septembertime next year.
But they're replacing it with reruns. Reruns!
In other news, the second Eighth doctor comic collection is much better than the first. And I'm only one and a half serials in!
In other news, the second Eighth doctor comic collection is much better than the first. And I'm only one and a half serials in!
Well, reruns are cheaper then making new content. The problem being that DWC as is has no rerun potential, and never made direct DVD sales, so therein made no money as it isn't aired proper overseas (BBC America have put cut-downs on their site, recently, though).
Unrelatedly, I have a surge of reinterest in BF after a few months of holding out on that CC subscription (Which I all greatly enjoyed, aside from A Town Called Fortune (because, although Evelyn is amazing, it really was sort of unmemorable) and The Sentinels of the New Dawn (because it was boring and Liz Shaw isn't all that great to me and also they set it during Season 8 even though it was Liz for no good reason other than to add maybe 30 seconds of explanation)). I'm going to pick up the Company of Friends this week or next (because my Sub starts in mid-late October with Paul McGann and Mary Shelley and I don't want to miss her introduction story!) and I'll pick up an ongoing CC subscription too (partly because all the CCs are announced AND OH GOD THE NEXT SIX SOUND LIKE A REALLY GOOD LOT I MEAN STEVEN AND ONE VERSUS THE VARDANS AND THE FIRST DOCTOR IN EAST GERMANY ALSO SEASON FOUR TROUGHTON YES THE BEST). So yeah. But it's a shame how expensive the Lost Stories subscription is, because a new story with a concept by the writer of my favorite high-concept story, Enlightenment!
I also forgot to mention I picked up the Seventh Doctor Comic Reprint's first issue (out of five). It has the great talking bird! All hail the great talking bird!
Well, reruns are cheaper then making new content. The problem being that DWC as is has no rerun potential, and never made direct DVD sales, so therein made no money as it isn't aired proper overseas (BBC America have put cut-downs on their site, recently, though).
Unrelatedly, I have a surge of reinterest in BF after a few months of holding out on that CC subscription (Which I all greatly enjoyed, aside from A Town Called Fortune (because, although Evelyn is amazing, it really was sort of unmemorable) and The Sentinels of the New Dawn (because it was boring and Liz Shaw isn't all that great to me and also they set it during Season 8 even though it was Liz for no good reason other than to add maybe 30 seconds of explanation)). I'm going to pick up the Company of Friends this week or next (because my Sub starts in mid-late October with Paul McGann and Mary Shelley and I don't want to miss her introduction story!) and I'll pick up an ongoing CC subscription too (partly because all the CCs are announced AND OH GOD THE NEXT SIX SOUND LIKE A REALLY GOOD LOT I MEAN STEVEN AND ONE VERSUS THE VARDANS AND THE FIRST DOCTOR IN EAST GERMANY ALSO SEASON FOUR TROUGHTON YES THE BEST). So yeah. But it's a shame how expensive the Lost Stories subscription is, because a new story with a concept by the writer of my favorite high-concept story, Enlightenment!
I also forgot to mention I picked up the Seventh Doctor Comic Reprint's first issue (out of five). It has the great talking bird! All hail the great talking bird!
But does it have a ninja-cyberman and explain away some of the ridiculous stuff from the TV movie?
No. I did see the Classics Comics Omnibus Volume Two at a comic store today, and was considering picking it up, because COLIN BAKER IS ON THE COVER as the lead. It excited me. Also it's $25 and I want to get Planet of the Spiders sometime soon so unlikely.
So you don't get the "nth doctor complete collection Volume x" things?
I don't believe so, as our classics omnibus look like every classic omnibus set ever and have this sort of whiteout design. However, the book I was looking at was only Volume Two, and had the late fourth Doctor-the full Sixth Doctor, so they have a lot more content/volume then yours.
My first thoughts when reading your post: "Late fourth doctor".. OHMIGOSH WHAT HAVE I MISSED?! Oh right, you don't mean dead.
Anyway, our compilations tell story arcs that span multiple comic serials. The first 8th doctor one had a summary of one of the 7th doctors arcs (it was built up as his last serial before he went to san francisco and was killed). And then had a mixture of standalone four part comics, and comics with overall overarching theme-y-bits in them. They feel much more like individual series'. Plus the one I read had loads of extras at the back on character design, getting the rights, etc. The second compilation seems to be standalone though (so far, no having to have read previous ones. And there isn't a giant 3 page summary of one of the past plots at the front, so so far so good!)
I'm already pricing up the third volume of 8th's, on the promise it's in colour.
Is there a episode where there is a old doctor on the show, I'm watching David right now, they are at the edge of the universe, there is some old dude on the show. Anyways, I love this show.
The old guy is the master, he's getting a re birthing right now.
Well that ep was...well I have a lot of mixed feelings.:p
The Doctor using the small cross people robot was annoying. Also when will the Silence storyline end!!!! I like a running story as much as the next guy but another series of Silence will fall!!!
Why did the Doctor have to marry River? Just to sell the hes dead lie to Amy and Rory? and she tells them anyway.
So. Predictable, eh? I was holding out for the big twist that the
Also; the Melody theme (the one heard at the end of AGMGTW, among other places) is rapidly becoming among my favorite pieces of incidental music.
By story standards, the simple fact that
I mean, really, was anybody here surprised?
Still, not a bad episode... at least it was funny and somewhat entertaining. Happy to see Craig return, he's really brilliant as an actor. ^.^
Question: After the Doctor
A) it is the Ganger who gets killed
I hope its not somthing as stupid as that and its all been forshadowing of a "clone" dieing! It would be like that stupid Rose Tyler will fall in battle and shes just on the list of the dead.
Or the "One will still die!" being turned into Donna losing her memories.
Anyway, I thought it was a good episode, only marred by the fact the cybermen were basically only there for the scene at the end. The cybermat was awesome, but I'm still waiting for an awesome cyberman-centric new who episode. Ever since I fell in love with them back in 2006.
On a slightly geeky note, I was pleased to hear one of the secret sounds from the toy version of the sonic made it into the show (press the button 3 times in quick succesion).
Oh, and the sonic's been blue before, inside the beast's mouth in "The beast below". Secret torch function?
I didn't mind that one as much cos It was dramatcly done with her screaming and begging Ten not to and Donna's charecter development died.
- God Complex: The Doctor happily eats an apple.
- Night Terros: The Doctor cant solve a Rubiks Cube.
- God Complex: The Doctor easily solves a Rubiks Cube.
I do believe that there are some kind of "two Doctors" walking around, but they cant be clones or Gangers, because they are two different persons (apple/cube).
This goes back futher
Also Prequel for next ep.
Night Terrors was written and shot to take place in the first half of the season. Based on that, my interpretation of the intention of the
In the final timeline as aired, I'm thinking that the Rubik's Cube may not turn out to be as meaningful, because it doesn't line up with his disappearance.
Clever, but I don't think it's THAT easy.
I don't like the fact (I'm smiling as I type this) that Moffat is confirming stuff to us. "blabla yes we are in this point and we all know River is blabla".
I haven't seen the confidential, but I bet he's smirking.
Then again, he may be telling the truth and not hiding any plot twist... but that would be disappointing.
I sort of feel like he's telling the truth but that there will be twists beyond it
I've seen the most bonkers theory that also happens to be the kind fo thing I'd expect Moffat to do.
Linky to the bit of Confidential I mentioned.
Look out! A three-headed package art for Series Six!
The normal edition is cooler.
Although it does come with some awesome 3D cards.
And spoilers from next episode: McGann/Smith metacrisis!
Rory's nose in it's full greatness!
OHMAHGAWDWHATIS-Why is there a if of an em-OHMAHGAWDWHATIS-Why is this picture em-OHMYGODWHATIS-*Ad Nauseum*
In all Seriousness, this is my favorite.
It probably has special powers.
In other news, future boxsets will feature behind the scenes footage and interviews with the stars!
I don't get the reasoning behind cancelling it. Why not just cut out all the expensive filler stuff and have it at 15 minutes, so doctor who lasts an hour instead of 45 minutes. Boo.
Also, radio times has a slightly spoiler-y cover, so don't go to any supermarkets or news agents. Or any public places.
*edit* facebook-y type people have a petition-y thing.
(That's not to say anything else on BBC3 is any better, of course).
You've also got to wonder about the budgeting for the show... remember when Dr Who got to sneak a few hours filming in New York purely because the people at Confidential had wrangled themselves a trip out there? The fact that the show is never repeated or released on DVD - only available in the 'cut down' editions - must be a factor, there must be a reason why they only go forward with these.
Of course, it's the end of an era. Once we had the main show, and Torchwood, and BBC3 shows for both, and "Totally Doctor Who" presented by that ex-Blue Peter girl who made it abundantly clear she didn't want to be there.... *On the other hand*, the year after next we're going to be up to our armpits with documentaries and looks back and what not.
I hope.
The way I see it, it's like the end of Logopolis, only this time the Watcher is Confedential and instead of letting him regenerate is giving the Doctor all his money.
Plus stretching it further, what about the likes of the proms, which were aired under the confidential banner? Will they cancel those too? It's bad enough that last years prom isn't on this years set, without them not airing any future ones either!
It's a few things, I imagine. Although it is reasonably succesful, having one of BBC 3's primetime shows be a making of is silly and looks bad. The budget to hire the cameramen for 14 episodes a year is considerable, seeing as they could be elsewhere, as are those who edit the show and the people who produce it. Relatedly, those extra people are all extra people who are on set and 'in-the-know' plotwise who could leak it onto the internet. Nonetheless, for all we know by axing next series of Confidential it's enough budget to produce another episode of regular Who for the interim between now and next series. Right now, there's only definately two episodes between now and Septembertime next year.
But they're replacing it with reruns. Reruns!
In other news, the second Eighth doctor comic collection is much better than the first. And I'm only one and a half serials in!
Well, reruns are cheaper then making new content. The problem being that DWC as is has no rerun potential, and never made direct DVD sales, so therein made no money as it isn't aired proper overseas (BBC America have put cut-downs on their site, recently, though).
Unrelatedly, I have a surge of reinterest in BF after a few months of holding out on that CC subscription (Which I all greatly enjoyed, aside from A Town Called Fortune (because, although Evelyn is amazing, it really was sort of unmemorable) and The Sentinels of the New Dawn (because it was boring and Liz Shaw isn't all that great to me and also they set it during Season 8 even though it was Liz for no good reason other than to add maybe 30 seconds of explanation)). I'm going to pick up the Company of Friends this week or next (because my Sub starts in mid-late October with Paul McGann and Mary Shelley and I don't want to miss her introduction story!) and I'll pick up an ongoing CC subscription too (partly because all the CCs are announced AND OH GOD THE NEXT SIX SOUND LIKE A REALLY GOOD LOT I MEAN STEVEN AND ONE VERSUS THE VARDANS AND THE FIRST DOCTOR IN EAST GERMANY ALSO SEASON FOUR TROUGHTON YES THE BEST). So yeah. But it's a shame how expensive the Lost Stories subscription is, because a new story with a concept by the writer of my favorite high-concept story, Enlightenment!
I also forgot to mention I picked up the Seventh Doctor Comic Reprint's first issue (out of five). It has the great talking bird! All hail the great talking bird!
But does it have a ninja-cyberman and explain away some of the ridiculous stuff from the TV movie?
I don't believe so, as our classics omnibus look like every classic omnibus set ever and have this sort of whiteout design. However, the book I was looking at was only Volume Two, and had the late fourth Doctor-the full Sixth Doctor, so they have a lot more content/volume then yours.
Anyway, our compilations tell story arcs that span multiple comic serials. The first 8th doctor one had a summary of one of the 7th doctors arcs (it was built up as his last serial before he went to san francisco and was killed). And then had a mixture of standalone four part comics, and comics with overall overarching theme-y-bits in them. They feel much more like individual series'. Plus the one I read had loads of extras at the back on character design, getting the rights, etc. The second compilation seems to be standalone though (so far, no having to have read previous ones. And there isn't a giant 3 page summary of one of the past plots at the front, so so far so good!)
I'm already pricing up the third volume of 8th's, on the promise it's in colour.
The old guy is the master, he's getting a re birthing right now.
I hope they bring back the idea of a penguin as companion for future episodes of the new series
There was a brief charity special where the tenth Doctor met the fifth Doctor
Sir Derek Jacobi is *not* just "some old dude"!!
bah, he's not a penguin! He's a shape shifter who chooses to look like a penguin!
Or a penguin who chooses to be a shapeshifter...
Have a thingamajig.
*edit 2*
Oh god.
Doctor Who and the mysterious ticking noise.
Hey, they announced more costume t-shirts:
...We're getting close to the point where they have to give us a Paul McGann shirt!