The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • edited December 2011
    Poor guy:

  • edited December 2011
    I remember seeing the "live chess" leaked photo b4 the wedding of River episode with the eye patched Viking playing chess and assumed Fenric was returning. :p I was disappointed.
  • edited December 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    I remember seeing the "live chess" leaked photo b4 the wedding of River episode with the eye patched Viking playing chess and assumed Fenric was returning. :p I was disappointed.

    Hm, I had assumed it was the return of Professor Lazarus, due to Mark Gatiss playing said Viking. Which, to be fair, would have been an interesting concept to include in the Time-happening-at-once world.
  • edited December 2011
    How come in The Girl Who Waited Amy's lipstick last 40 years?
  • edited December 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    How come in The Girl Who Waited Amy's lipstick last 40 years?

    Compressed time. Same reason she didn't have to eat
  • edited December 2011
    In case you missed it somehow, here's the full week's worth of Colin Baker on Come Dine With Me via 40D:

    [ ]Colin namedrops a serial he starred in
    [ ]Colin's wearing a Sixth Doctor t-shirt
    [ ]Colin has Doctor Who Tapes on his shelf

    Also; The Tenth Doctor has now married his daughter.
  • edited December 2011
    You forgot the bust of him as the sixth doctor.
  • edited December 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Compressed time. Same reason she didn't have to eat

    But she aged so shouldn't the lipstick?
  • edited December 2011
    Wibbly wobbly timey wimey?
  • edited December 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    Wibbly wobbly timey wimey?

    Maybe the long lasting lipstick ads arnt a lie.
  • edited January 2012
    I've reached episode 10 on the series six boxset (The girl who waited), and I've just realised that the series seems to be lacking on the "OMG EPIC" speeches (If you're clever, if you're smart, there's one thing you never put in a trap: Llamas. Hello Stoned Henge! etc.)

    So far there's been a fair few epic lines ("Fear me I've killed them all", " *kablooey* Would you like me to repeat the question?). But nothing quite on the scale of last series. That's not to say there hasn't been plenty of awesome speeches (Pretty much all of rivers lines in AGMGTW were amazing, and the doctor's conversation with the kids dad in "Night Terrors" about how his sons thoughts had stretched across the universe). Something I didn't spot the first time round.

    Anyway, I rung in the new year by watching the TV movie. I was ill, so the worst parts of it just went straight over my head. So it was mainly just 50 minutes of listening to McGann's soothing voice...

    What? :p
  • edited January 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    I've reached episode 10 on the series six boxset (The girl who waited), and I've just realised that the series seems to be lacking on the "OMG EPIC" speeches (If you're clever, if you're smart, there's one thing you never put in a trap: Llamas. Hello Stoned Henge! etc.)

    So far there's been a fair few epic lines ("Fear me I've killed them all", " *kablooey* Would you like me to repeat the question?). But nothing quite on the scale of last series. That's not to say there hasn't been plenty of awesome speeches (Pretty much all of rivers lines in AGMGTW were amazing, and the doctor's conversation with the kids dad in "Night Terrors" about how his sons thoughts had stretched across the universe). Something I didn't spot the first time round.
    That's tied into the theme of the series. It's all a series of elements, some told out of order. In Forest of the Dead, River tells her friend that "She's seen whole armies turn around at the mention of his name", which we saw later in the story, but more importantly in The Pandorica Opens, when he says "Come and get me!" to all the armies and empires of the universe and all but one run away in fear. The Doctor then became known for being the big hero who saves the galaxy, and this crescendos in A Good Man Goes To War where the Doctor learns he's been hurting with this more than helping, and he has to 'tone it down' a little.
    Anyway, I rung in the new year by watching the TV movie. I was ill, so the worst parts of it just went straight over my head. So it was mainly just 50 minutes of listening to McGann's soothing voice...

    What? :p

    I still really want the TV Movie DVD, just because I like it so much as it's own entity for just being fun (like the McCoy years :P)
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    The fact that it's short sleeved ruins it.
  • edited January 2012
    The fact that it doesn't include Paul McGann ruins it.
  • edited January 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    The fact that it doesn't include Paul McGann ruins it.

    If you aren't aware, by the way, the Sixth Doctor t-shirt turned out awful according to reports. Pictures of it in action, and original shot (which has now been changed):

    The seven shirt isn't much better (and blatantly uses a seperate image as the base, too), either:

    However, this one doesn't look all too fancy and seems to be representative of some final product therein. Yay Paul McGann!
  • edited January 2012
    Why on earth would they change the cat of all things?!

    Both my fifth doctor shirts are fine (My sister spilt bleach on it before I'd even worn it, which stained it, so she bought me another one, and then the bleach stains vanished), so hopefully they've relearned not to change stuff.

    Also, Black Orchid is... wierd. And awesome. I love the 2-parter 24 minute episodes. Short and sweet. Unlike Attack of the cybermen (which I watched last night) which felt too long and dragged out.
  • edited January 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Also, Black Orchid is... wierd. And awesome. I love the 2-parter 24 minute episodes. Short and sweet. Unlike Attack of the cybermen (which I watched last night) which felt too long and dragged out.

    Ah, Black Orchid. A unique story, to be sure. It reminds me a lot of a classic Horror story, but oddly set in Christietime. And also Adric has like four lines total and spends the rest of the episode stuffing his face with food.

    Attack, on the other hand, suffers from the 2x45 format. It'd be a much stronger story at 4x25, I feel (I do wish they'd have edited them to 4x22 or whatever for R1 as an extra, as that's how they were broadcast over here!). Then again, I can't not like a story that has the Doctor attack an army of Cybermen with a machine gun.
  • edited January 2012
    I think the next series of Torchwood should focus on Jack and his mysterious past. Like the missing 2 years the aliens that attacked his home world and other things mentioned in his passing backstory.
  • edited January 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    I think the next series of Torchwood should focus on Jack and his mysterious past. Like the missing 2 years the aliens that attacked his home world and other things mentioned in his passing backstory.

    Russell's retired from writing for the forseeable future, as his partner has Brain Cancer. So no Torchwood for a bit, then.

    Also; new favorite ship: Eight/Daleks
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    *eyes pop open*
  • edited January 2012
    The plot of the 2013 anniversary special revealed! :p

    Anyway, since nothing seems to be happening in the near future in the whoniverse, [aside from the SWP tribute], I figured I'd create a discussion thread. The best serials for each doctor to watch (or listen if the episodes are missing), if you were only going to watch one. The aim is to create a taster list, for people who haven't seen a particular doctor in action to jump into. Of course this idea will become flawed when we get to McGann, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    So, week one: William Hartnell.

    For me, it's a toss-up between the original "Unearthly child" (which layed the foundations for the show, but is actually a little dull), The Aztecs (which is an excellent historical adventure which is mildly educational, deals with ethics and has no aliens.) and "The keys of Marinus" (which is essentially what "The keys to time" series would be like if it was made in new who. A six episode treasure hunt dealing with everything from wolves to brains in jars.)

    I think i'd probably say "the Aztecs" are the better choice for a 1st doctor newb. "The keys of Marinus" do provide a lot of variety, but suffers from blatant sexism, and a super-annoying Susan. And as mentioned before, The unearthly child I found decidedly dull.
  • edited January 2012
    I second the Keys of Marinus on the condition it is watched an episode a night, perhaps with an exception for episodes five and Six (which are more or less just a 35 minutes story and 15 minute resolution anyway). The Dalek's Masterplan is the best Doctor Who story until the Curse of Peladon, in my opinion, due to it just being so damn creative and telling just a beautiful story. And I really do like 'The Daleks' as well - just a very good fun story. Will be watching The Space Museum and the Chase soon, and have high hopes for those as well.

    In the audio department, the Sara trilogy, Steven trilogy, and The Transit of Venus are all pretty much perfect.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    Ribs, is there a high res version of the Fan Fiction comic above??
  • edited January 2012
    Ribs, is there a high res version of the Fan Fiction comic above??

    This appears to be the highest resolution from the Source I got it from:
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    "ta"! :D
  • edited January 2012
    How many of you have seen this yet?


    The first picture of the new game Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock for PS3. What do you think, maybe we'll finally get a good DW video game for once?
  • edited January 2012
    * and PC. Everyone forgets the PC!
    Matt looks cool and real!

    Nothing else does though.

    Also, the game has Daleks. Yay.
    And then there's this rather pointless screenshot with some arches in it.
  • edited January 2012
    I'd have more hope for this Doctor Who game if the developers had experience in making anything more complex than 'Start the Party!'.

    Which they don't.

    'cause that's what they're best known for.


    I'll second The Aztecs. As entertaining as the original story was, The Aztecs shows early Doctor Who at its finest. The Keys of Marinus fluctuates in tone so radically from episode to episode that I wouldn't really be comfortable recommend it to anyone new to the show. Maybe after The Aztecs, so they knew who everyone was and weren't struggling to adapt to the concept of the show in its early days.
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    I'll second The Aztecs. As entertaining as the original story was, The Aztecs shows early Doctor Who at its finest. The Keys of Marinus fluctuates in tone so radically from episode to episode that I wouldn't really be comfortable recommend it to anyone new to the show. Maybe after The Aztecs, so they knew who everyone was and weren't struggling to adapt to the concept of the show in its early days.

    I dunno, 'drastic changes in mood and tone' sounds like Doctor Who to me. :p
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    Wait who is the doctor on syfy he is my fav, but can't think of the name
  • edited January 2012
    Wait who is the doctor on syfy he is my fav, but can't think of the name

    Er... Doctor Who hasn't been on SyFy for years now...
  • edited January 2012
    I'll list 'em all anyway.

    William Hartnell
    Patrick Troughton
    Jon Pertwee
    Tom Baker
    Peter Davison
    Colin Baker
    Sylvester McCoy
    Paul McGann (he counts, dammit!)
    Christopher Eccleston
    David Tennant
    Matt Smith (the latest)
  • edited January 2012
    There is a picture with all their faces on on the first page, (first at the top left, 11th at the bottom right), so you can compare that with the list Darth Marsden posted.

    @SWP: that is an awesome photo. I'm actually looking forward to your tribute more than I was series 6. Make of that what you will!
  • edited January 2012
    Someone's recreating the TV Movie Console for Gallifrey One next month! Let's hope someone gets Paul McGann in his coat and wig and takes a few photos with it, huh?
  • edited January 2012
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