I don't think the Valeyard we saw in trial will happen anymore since he wasn't a fixed point in time and now The Doctor doesn't have a 13 regeneration limit for him to be a "potential" (not fixed) amalgamation.
Big Finish have the "best" releases of 2012 on sale this weekend, including the adaptation of Love and War, Gods and Monsters (which you absolutely should not listen to without hearing the preceding two releases), Destination: Nerva, The Last Post (Caroline John's final performance as Liz Shaw), and the First Sontarans (which explains the Sontaran's origins - though not in the way you may think!). I really, really recommend First Sontarans (Gods and Monsters is very good, too, but really will make no sense at all if you haven't been following since Angel of Scutari at least)
There was a convention to help raise money for Cancer research held by Janet Fielding yesterday, meaning we get some lovely photos of four Doctors doing a panel together:
And here's Paul McGann leaving the event:
Oddly, despite attending the event, Colin Baker wasn't on the panel!
the picture is of Paul Arriving at the event. which was NOT in aid of cancer research, rather for a project championed by Janet: http://projectmotormouth.org.uk/?page_id=45
Colin was unable to attend in the morning (when this panel was held) due to work commitments, however he arrived around 3.30 PM for the autograph session.
well, the report states that William Hartnell had died before the three doctors (1973), however, he passed away in 1975.
simple enough fact to check up on: quick google on his name and first entry will clear that one up.
aside from being VERY lazy a journalist, i sincerely doubt this will bear fruit (much as i'd like it to be true). what i WILL say is that something was slipped by one of the actors over the weekend which has kept me smiling, but i cannot tell you what he (or she) said, or if it was simply a well timed wind-up
I say we all insist that it's true. That way Moffat will have to change his plans and do this instead.
(Soooo, do I subscribe to "Destiny of the Doctor" or not? Wasn't impressed by hte first episode, but then it won't be the same writer or actor or characters in the later episodes)
(Soooo, do I subscribe to "Destiny of the Doctor" or not? Wasn't impressed by hte first episode, but then it won't be the same writer or actor or characters in the later episodes)
It's got a fairly great line-up of writers overall, the next one by Simon Guerrier who does the best (bar none) Companion Chronicles full stop, plus it'll have Frazer Hines doing his exemplary Doctor voice. That's then followed by a story by Andrew Smith (who wrote Full Circle, but also the fantastic The First Sontarans), featuring Yates' first meeting with Dr. Who. We don't know much except titles and authors for the next few (which are: Babblesphere by Jonathan Morris (4), Smoke and Mirrors by Steve Lyons (5), Trouble in Paradise by Nev Fountain (6), Shockwave by James Swallow (7)), but they're all good writers, and seeing as Nev Fountain did such a good job with Peri in the Picson Paradox (due to his -er, intimate relationship with Nicola Bryant), I'd say that one's at least going to be pretty good.
Then comes to more exciting stuff, which is the probably-time-war story by Alan Barnes and the NuWho audios, which are probably going to be worth it just for the new feel and the chance it'll encourage future collaboration between AudioGo and Big Finish on NuWho things. Cavan Scott and Mark Wright write the Ninth Doctor one, and they did the Project audios as well as the Peladon CC which are great.
I'm unsure about the recurring theme of the future Doctor providing valuable hints to help solve each release's "problem", as I'm afraid the November release (The Time Machine) will just be Matt Smith going around and solving each problem with little substance beyond that.
Plus, it's a fantastic price if you get the downloads. It's worth noting that Nigel Robinson, though fantastic in most other ranges and in novelizing, hasn't really had very fantastically recieved Companion Chronicles - I'd say, of the eleven authors, he's the one I was most cautious about not being able to do a good story. He did a fine job full of atmosphere this time around thats much better than his past efforts, but it's not a huge highlight in the grand scale of the CC style stories.
I'v been hooked on the lost stories since the feel like TV eps (well they where suppost to be) And I don't have to worry about feeling locked out cos I haven't followed the audios before.
Probably mentioned here but the next episode of Doctor Who is called Phantom of the Hex.
No, that's Episode 9.
Next one's called The Bells of Saint John by last report, but it's not been officially confirmed so it may well change.
As of right now, the next season is:
The Bells of St John by Steven Moffat
The Rings of Akhaten by Neil Cross
Episode 8 by Mark Gatiss
Phantom of the Hex by Neil Cross
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Stephen Thompson
The Crimson Terror by Mark Gatiss
The Last Cybermen by Neil Gaiman
Episode 14 by Steven Moffat
Is the Limited collector edition of Light at the End worth it? cos Id wana know what the special box would look like but I fear it might be sold out by the time we see it.:P
60 minutes for the anniversary episode is a rubbish amount. It should at least be a two parter! David Tennant effectively got a movie for his last two episodes (With bother parts added together), and the 50th anniversary should be even bigger. At 60 minutes, each doctor (assuming they decide to include all of them) is probably only gonna get 3 minutes of screen time. That means the plot will have to be rushed through or the opportunity wasted.
It's made all the more annoying by the fact that We still only get 10 episodes this year. So the year that "Doctor who will barely be off our screens"was a complete lie. It's barely on. We get less than a full series.
Oh well, at least we have Big finish's anniversary to look forward to.
This is it! Sensational reappearance of the Sleeze Bros!
This one's good too.
I figured the
EDIT: Iv bought the download version now.:p
I like The Lost Stories Audio's so far.
No complications.
There was a convention to help raise money for Cancer research held by Janet Fielding yesterday, meaning we get some lovely photos of four Doctors doing a panel together:
And here's Paul McGann leaving the event:
Oddly, despite attending the event, Colin Baker wasn't on the panel!
Colin was unable to attend in the morning (when this panel was held) due to work commitments, however he arrived around 3.30 PM for the autograph session.
simple enough fact to check up on: quick google on his name and first entry will clear that one up.
aside from being VERY lazy a journalist, i sincerely doubt this will bear fruit (much as i'd like it to be true). what i WILL say is that something was slipped by one of the actors over the weekend which has kept me smiling, but i cannot tell you what he (or she) said, or if it was simply a well timed wind-up
And Bleeding Cool's take
I say we all insist that it's true. That way Moffat will have to change his plans and do this instead.
(Soooo, do I subscribe to "Destiny of the Doctor" or not? Wasn't impressed by hte first episode, but then it won't be the same writer or actor or characters in the later episodes)
"If I did the Meddling Monk teaming up with Mavic Chen’s daughter and the Krotons then yeah, that’s too much, because no one gives a toss."
Damn! there goes my 50 anniversary dream ep.
I sort of find this hard to believe since he just brought back the
It's got a fairly great line-up of writers overall, the next one by Simon Guerrier who does the best (bar none) Companion Chronicles full stop, plus it'll have Frazer Hines doing his exemplary Doctor voice. That's then followed by a story by Andrew Smith (who wrote Full Circle, but also the fantastic The First Sontarans), featuring Yates' first meeting with Dr. Who. We don't know much except titles and authors for the next few (which are: Babblesphere by Jonathan Morris (4), Smoke and Mirrors by Steve Lyons (5), Trouble in Paradise by Nev Fountain (6), Shockwave by James Swallow (7)), but they're all good writers, and seeing as Nev Fountain did such a good job with Peri in the Picson Paradox (due to his -er, intimate relationship with Nicola Bryant), I'd say that one's at least going to be pretty good.
Then comes to more exciting stuff, which is the probably-time-war story by Alan Barnes and the NuWho audios, which are probably going to be worth it just for the new feel and the chance it'll encourage future collaboration between AudioGo and Big Finish on NuWho things. Cavan Scott and Mark Wright write the Ninth Doctor one, and they did the Project audios as well as the Peladon CC which are great.
I'm unsure about the recurring theme of the future Doctor providing valuable hints to help solve each release's "problem", as I'm afraid the November release (The Time Machine) will just be Matt Smith going around and solving each problem with little substance beyond that.
Plus, it's a fantastic price if you get the downloads. It's worth noting that Nigel Robinson, though fantastic in most other ranges and in novelizing, hasn't really had very fantastically recieved Companion Chronicles - I'd say, of the eleven authors, he's the one I was most cautious about not being able to do a good story. He did a fine job full of atmosphere this time around thats much better than his past efforts, but it's not a huge highlight in the grand scale of the CC style stories.
Golly, that may be the least spoilery spoiler I've ever seen!
Thanks, that was a very detailed and persuasive argument.
So long as Big Finish don't do any more special offers this year, I *might* be OK....
Don't mean to alarm you, but there'll be another on unknown titles... very soon...
No, that's Episode 9.
Next one's called The Bells of Saint John by last report, but it's not been officially confirmed so it may well change.
As of right now, the next season is:
The Bells of St John by Steven Moffat
The Rings of Akhaten by Neil Cross
Episode 8 by Mark Gatiss
Phantom of the Hex by Neil Cross
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Stephen Thompson
The Crimson Terror by Mark Gatiss
The Last Cybermen by Neil Gaiman
Episode 14 by Steven Moffat
Er.. the only thing I can find about this is what you've posted online yourself. Could you do what journalists in Brum can't, and provide your source?
I'm not convinced that it is, no. Cheaper option for me.
Big Finish's main marketing guy said so on their forum.
Oh, yeah, and then there's this over on the SFX forums -
Why bother? Roll on 2014.
(OK, that's a massive and completely unfair exaggeration. But still.....)
It's made all the more annoying by the fact that We still only get 10 episodes this year. So the year that "Doctor who will barely be off our screens"was a complete lie. It's barely on. We get less than a full series.
Oh well, at least we have Big finish's anniversary to look forward to.