Yeah, I've always thought the audios were overpriced in general. Sure they're awesome stories, but they're more expensive than the DVD's, which have video and a ton of extras too. Given that I haven't seen the vast majority of the original TV run, they have a priority. Them and the Paul McGann episodes (as I love his doctor. And the audios (especially the individual EDA series') sound remarkably like the new doctor who series', complete with awesome soundtrack, and overarching plotlines.
Well, the conversion price makes it slightly more acceptable in the US. Most individual stories go for $20 on Amazon, and the audios are $13 a piece, making it around halfprice. However, for Doctors like McCoy and the second Baker, the vast majority of the Televised stories had absolutely terrible writing, which has been fixed thanks to stories by people like Mark Gatiss and Christopher H. Bidmead acting as what could have been if they hired people with talent as opposed to just making do witht he fact your show is a kids show and doesn't need fancy writing.
And I'd want the Eighth Doctor Adventures, but I really prefer the serialized format found in his 20+ monthly series as it just works.
Well, the conversion price makes it slightly more acceptable in the US. Most individual stories go for $20 on Amazon, and the audios are $13 a piece, making it around halfprice. However, for Doctors like McCoy and the second Baker, the vast majority of the Televised stories had absolutely terrible writing, which has been fixed thanks to stories by people like Mark Gatiss and Christopher H. Bidmead acting as what could have been if they hired people with talent as opposed to just making do witht he fact your show is a kids show and doesn't need fancy writing.
And I'd want the Eighth Doctor Adventures, but I really prefer the serialized format found in his 20+ monthly series as it just works.
Yeah, i have to admit I prefer his main range audios. They're longer. I only completed his first EDA series as i'd bought the first episode as my first McGann audio. The majority of the stories are great, and probably around the right length, but the price is just a little too high. I'll probably go back to them if they're ever on sale for a decent amount off, or whenever I finish his main range series'.
As a side note: I scanned Matt smith into my 3DS on faceraiders, and it said he had a baby face!
Yeah, i have to admit I prefer his main range audios. They're longer. I only completed his first EDA series as i'd bought the first episode as my first McGann audio. The majority of the stories are great, and probably around the right length, but the price is just a little too high. I'll probably go back to them if they're ever on sale for a decent amount off, or whenever I finish his main range series'.
Well, Big Finish day is in early June, which is when 'tons of audios' go on sale according to Big Finish itself.
As a plus, with the Eighth Doctor Adventures done, one can assume that Paul McGann will join the rotating seasons in the monthly series. Right now, we know it's 5 for next three months, 7 for 2 months, 6 for christmas, 7 for another month, and it could either be a season of 6 stories or a season of 8 stories following.
Doctor who is dead, she saved her father and now the doctor is DEAD. It's my third doctor who episode and I'm sad even so. The Doctor is gone. She shouldn't have messed with history. He needs to go in front of that car, and die, it's the only way!
Umm... yeah. That episode is pretty messed up and sad.
Still, you should probably um... watch the rest of the episode? Sometimes the writers are able to find ways to resolve that sort of issue in the last act of the show
Umm... yeah. That episode is pretty messed up and sad.
Still, you should probably um... watch the rest of the episode? Sometimes the writers are able to find ways to resolve that sort of issue in the last act of the show
I think he did.
Also, doodo, You said it's only your third episode, so here' some advice: Try to watch in order. Skip Love and Monsters in season two for all that is good and holy.
Yeah, I've always thought the audios were overpriced in general. Sure they're awesome stories, but they're more expensive than the DVD's, which have video and a ton of extras too.
That's because the BBC is a big company, and Big Finish is a small company; the BBC are releasing archive material, and Big Finish releasing new material; the BBC have got most of the stuff already in place, Big Finish have to pay for everything in advance of sales.
One thing I do find odd about them is that a lot of the ideas seem to crop up in the new series. Parts of the Colin Baker drama "Jubilee" for instance were very remininscent of "Dalek". Only more indepth and with lots of extra stuff.
That's because "Dalek" is a remake of "Jubilee", and those Cybusmen episodes were specifically inspired by "Spare Parts".
That's because the BBC is a big company, and Big Finish is a small company; the BBC are releasing archive material, and Big Finish releasing new material; the BBC have got most of the stuff already in place, Big Finish have to pay for everything in advance of sales.
That's because "Dalek" is a remake of "Jubilee", and those Cybusmen episodes were specifically inspired by "Spare Parts".
I figured as much. But you've got to think, given both are original story lines (to me anyway), you can see why I am reluctant to pay the extra for the big finish audios. I do enjoy listening to them on the way to college though, so thats a plus in their favour.
As with audio similarities, its happened with quite a few others too. Cracks in the web of time (Neverland)? Doctor/assistant love (Zagreus)? Beings you can't see in the dark(Embrace the darkness)? Trying to figure out what is dream and what is reality (the Minds eye)? Words that have power? (ish...). Those are just the ones i've come across. It's not a complaint, its just an observation. There are significant differences between them and their TV counterparts, but certain concepts are the same.
On another note, there will be a 60 second trailer on primetime BBC one tomorrow. It was going to be today, but was rescheduled. It'll be repeated throughout the week (just cut down a bit).
I figured as much. But you've got to think, given both are original story lines (to me anyway), you can see why I am reluctant to pay the extra for the big finish audios. I do enjoy listening to them on the way to college though, so thats a plus in their favour.
As with audio similarities, its happened with quite a few others too. Cracks in the web of time (Neverland)? Doctor/assistant love (Zagreus)? Beings you can't see in the dark(Embrace the darkness)? Trying to figure out what is dream and what is reality (the Minds eye)? Words that have power? (ish...). Those are just the ones i've come across. It's not a complaint, its just an observation. There are significant differences between them and their TV counterparts, but certain concepts are the same.
On another note, there will be a 60 second trailer on primetime BBC one tomorrow. It was going to be today, but was rescheduled. It'll be repeated throughout the week (just cut down a bit).
Is that 9/10s Tardis i spy?
Indeed it is. With what seems like a regeneration effect. Wild fanboy speculation here but... McGann regeneration? PLEASE?
(ignore the brightness gadget, that's what I have to use to change my brightness after sony screwed up my computer and wanted to charge me £45 fix it...)
Is that 9/10s Tardis i spy?
Indeed it is. With what seems like a regeneration effect. Wild fanboy speculation here but... McGann regeneration? PLEASE?
(ignore the brightness gadget, that's what I have to use to change my brightness after sony screwed up my computer and wanted to charge me £45 fix it...)
Moffat said no plans for McGann especially, and also no plans for other doctors. I may remind you they've filmed almost all the episodes by now, with only two I believe left to film.
Moffat said no plans for McGann especially, and also no plans for other doctors. I may remind you they've filmed almost all the episodes by now, with only two I believe left to film.
Yeah, I would imagine they'd leave that sort of thing until the 2013 50th anniversary episode/inevitable movie. Still one can only dream. Besides, Moffat has said he would love to write for mcGann's doctor previously. And head writers have been known to lie about the plots of the seasons (RTD said that there wouldn't be any daleks returning in series 4 for example).
I doubt its anything quite as extravagant as Paul's regeneration, but one can hope...
That's really creepy. Anyone else think they look a smidgeon like Cybermen? Especially the brow?
Also, a friend of mine, kindly provided me with this link. It seems there's a mini convention next week just down the road from me! No-one major, apart from these guys
I think I may have to don my 11th doctor costume again...
So I recently came into contact with 20 dollars at Barnes and Noble with no idea which classic Who to get (don't yell at me about reading, I have too large a backlog of things to read anyway). Here's the list, I'm currently considering either The Time Meddler or Arc of Infinity, although Mark of the Rani and Revelation of the Daleks really pique my interest as a Colin Baker fan. Arc of Infinity because it's apparently a good story, and the Time Meddler so I'd have a Hartnell story in my Doctor Who drawer and not just tons of everyone else.
If you do get a Colin Baker one, Revelation of the Daleks is probably one of his best. It's got a lot of very dark humour, which appealed to me no end. Mark of the Rani is all right, but there's better out there.
Arc of Infinity is somewhat up for debate. I haven't seen it myself, but reports are mixed. Some says it's good, some say it's not. I'd suggest trying to watch an episode or two online (no suggestions about how you might do this, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more) before buying it - it's rather polarizing and I wouldn't want you to waste your money!
Personally, of the four choices given, I'd recommend either The Time Meddler or Revelation of the Daleks, though if you do go for the former, bear in mind it's from the 60s, so it's black & white and very slow paced.
Speaking of Hartnell, in the UK there's a box set of his first three adventures (An Unearthly Child, The Daleks and The Edge of Destruction). I don't know if they do that set in the US, but if they do, it's an interesting trilogy.
I think they do do that set in the us, ive seen it listed on amazon(why amazon uk lists some us sets as well i have no idea...) it also has a cut down audio/still image version of marco polo, as the full version was lost.
I quite like the arc of infinity. But i got it as a boxset with timeflight.
Also, if tge arc of infinity is the episode I think it is, it has colin baker in it too. Just not as the doctor.
If you do get a Colin Baker one, Revelation of the Daleks is probably one of his best. It's got a lot of very dark humour, which appealed to me no end. Mark of the Rani is all right, but there's better out there.
Arc of Infinity is somewhat up for debate. I haven't seen it myself, but reports are mixed. Some says it's good, some say it's not. I'd suggest trying to watch an episode or two online (no suggestions about how you might do this, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more) before buying it - it's rather polarizing and I wouldn't want you to waste your money!
Personally, of the four choices given, I'd recommend either The Time Meddler or Revelation of the Daleks, though if you do go for the former, bear in mind it's from the 60s, so it's black & white and very slow paced.
Speaking of Hartnell, in the UK there's a box set of his first three adventures (An Unearthly Child, The Daleks and The Edge of Destruction). I don't know if they do that set in the US, but if they do, it's an interesting trilogy.
I actually own said set, but it's outside of my drawer for some odd reason.
I'm currently considering either The Time Meddler or Arc of Infinity, although Mark of the Rani and Revelation of the Daleks really pique my interest .
"The Tiime Meddler" was shwn to represent the Hartnell years in 1993, I enjoyed it. "Arc" is a sequel to a story from ten years ago, and isnt really very good.... "Mark" is so-so, nothing to get excited about... "Revelation" is generally accepted as on the worthy side but there's not much from our heroes in it.
Friar - you are right, Colin Baker does appear as someone other than the Doctor. He appears as Commander Maxil, and shoots Peter Davison at the end of Episode I. Don't worry, he gets better!
Friar - you are right, Colin Baker does appear as someone other than the Doctor. He appears as Commander Maxil, and shoots Peter Davison at the end of Episode I. Don't worry, he gets better!
I love the DVD commentary on that ep with Baker Davison and the others is hilarious
Wait, Baker and Davison are both on the commentary? OH GOD I WAS SO SURE ON THE TIME MEDDLER
Yes, but "The Time Meddler" has got the Doctor and Steven arguing over a Viking helmet with horns on it. Steven doesn't believe it's the genuine article - the Doctor retorts "I suppose you think that it's a space helmet for a cow!"
I've just realised: Maybe I should watch these commentaries! I watched a few on the new series, and they were pretty awesome (Noel clarke pointing out his beard growing in between shots, scenes which were half shot in london, half in wales, and a scene which looked like a cyber-disco are the parts which stick in my mind most)
Well, the conversion price makes it slightly more acceptable in the US. Most individual stories go for $20 on Amazon, and the audios are $13 a piece, making it around halfprice. However, for Doctors like McCoy and the second Baker, the vast majority of the Televised stories had absolutely terrible writing, which has been fixed thanks to stories by people like Mark Gatiss and Christopher H. Bidmead acting as what could have been if they hired people with talent as opposed to just making do witht he fact your show is a kids show and doesn't need fancy writing.
And I'd want the Eighth Doctor Adventures, but I really prefer the serialized format found in his 20+ monthly series as it just works.
Yeah, i have to admit I prefer his main range audios. They're longer. I only completed his first EDA series as i'd bought the first episode as my first McGann audio. The majority of the stories are great, and probably around the right length, but the price is just a little too high. I'll probably go back to them if they're ever on sale for a decent amount off, or whenever I finish his main range series'.
As a side note: I scanned Matt smith into my 3DS on faceraiders, and it said he had a baby face!
Well, Big Finish day is in early June, which is when 'tons of audios' go on sale according to Big Finish itself.
As a plus, with the Eighth Doctor Adventures done, one can assume that Paul McGann will join the rotating seasons in the monthly series. Right now, we know it's 5 for next three months, 7 for 2 months, 6 for christmas, 7 for another month, and it could either be a season of 6 stories or a season of 8 stories following.
Still, you should probably um... watch the rest of the episode? Sometimes the writers are able to find ways to resolve that sort of issue in the last act of the show
I think he did.
Also, doodo, You said it's only your third episode, so here' some advice: Try to watch in order. Skip Love and Monsters in season two for all that is good and holy.
That's because the BBC is a big company, and Big Finish is a small company; the BBC are releasing archive material, and Big Finish releasing new material; the BBC have got most of the stuff already in place, Big Finish have to pay for everything in advance of sales.
That's because "Dalek" is a remake of "Jubilee", and those Cybusmen episodes were specifically inspired by "Spare Parts".
I figured as much. But you've got to think, given both are original story lines (to me anyway), you can see why I am reluctant to pay the extra for the big finish audios. I do enjoy listening to them on the way to college though, so thats a plus in their favour.
As with audio similarities, its happened with quite a few others too. Cracks in the web of time (Neverland)? Doctor/assistant love (Zagreus)? Beings you can't see in the dark(Embrace the darkness)? Trying to figure out what is dream and what is reality (the Minds eye)? Words that have power? (ish...). Those are just the ones i've come across. It's not a complaint, its just an observation. There are significant differences between them and their TV counterparts, but certain concepts are the same.
On another note, there will be a 60 second trailer on primetime BBC one tomorrow. It was going to be today, but was rescheduled. It'll be repeated throughout the week (just cut down a bit).
Also, this.
I am looking forward to seeing Weeping Angels decribed as 'bad'
Also, please include a rude Ood controlling the mood of the nude! JUDOON PLATOON UPON THE MOON
Indeed it is. With what seems like a regeneration effect. Wild fanboy speculation here but... McGann regeneration? PLEASE?
(ignore the brightness gadget, that's what I have to use to change my brightness after sony screwed up my computer and wanted to charge me £45 fix it...)
I know right.
Moffat said no plans for McGann especially, and also no plans for other doctors. I may remind you they've filmed almost all the episodes by now, with only two I believe left to film.
Yeah, I would imagine they'd leave that sort of thing until the 2013 50th anniversary episode/inevitable movie. Still one can only dream. Besides, Moffat has said he would love to write for mcGann's doctor previously. And head writers have been known to lie about the plots of the seasons (RTD said that there wouldn't be any daleks returning in series 4 for example).
I doubt its anything quite as extravagant as Paul's regeneration, but one can hope...
The Doctor: Fear me... I've killed all of them.
The music from the trailer.
Good old TSFH!
This is you.
Where? I can't see? You and Guru are standing in the way.
I raise you with a gif.
Also, a friend of mine, kindly provided me with this link. It seems there's a mini convention next week just down the road from me! No-one major, apart from these guys
I think I may have to don my 11th doctor costume again...
Arc of Infinity is somewhat up for debate. I haven't seen it myself, but reports are mixed. Some says it's good, some say it's not. I'd suggest trying to watch an episode or two online (no suggestions about how you might do this, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more) before buying it - it's rather polarizing and I wouldn't want you to waste your money!
Personally, of the four choices given, I'd recommend either The Time Meddler or Revelation of the Daleks, though if you do go for the former, bear in mind it's from the 60s, so it's black & white and very slow paced.
Speaking of Hartnell, in the UK there's a box set of his first three adventures (An Unearthly Child, The Daleks and The Edge of Destruction). I don't know if they do that set in the US, but if they do, it's an interesting trilogy.
I quite like the arc of infinity. But i got it as a boxset with timeflight.
Also, if tge arc of infinity is the episode I think it is, it has colin baker in it too. Just not as the doctor.
I actually own said set, but it's outside of my drawer for some odd reason.
"The Tiime Meddler" was shwn to represent the Hartnell years in 1993, I enjoyed it. "Arc" is a sequel to a story from ten years ago, and isnt really very good.... "Mark" is so-so, nothing to get excited about... "Revelation" is generally accepted as on the worthy side but there's not much from our heroes in it.
Friar - you are right, Colin Baker does appear as someone other than the Doctor. He appears as Commander Maxil, and shoots Peter Davison at the end of Episode I. Don't worry, he gets better!
I love the DVD commentary on that ep with Baker Davison and the others is hilarious
Wait, Baker and Davison are both on the commentary? OH GOD I WAS SO SURE ON THE TIME MEDDLER
Yes, but "The Time Meddler" has got the Doctor and Steven arguing over a Viking helmet with horns on it. Steven doesn't believe it's the genuine article - the Doctor retorts "I suppose you think that it's a space helmet for a cow!"
Yea the episode is so-so but the commentery is epic.
Also, wait - we have some weird tags. "coolsome is cool"?
I didnt make the C I wear coolsome one...that kind of scares me. Who wants to wear me!?