Included is this summary with 2 sentence summaries of each episode:
The Doctor returns, alongside newly weds Amy and Rory, to face monsters and mysteries and adventures all across time and space, in a thrilling new series of Doctor Who. Together they'll find themselves in sixties America, battling the invasion the world forgot, then journey on the high seas of 1696 aboard a pirate ship, to solve the mystery of the Siren.
In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor will meet an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future, an industrial accident will take on a terrible human shape. And waiting for them, at the end of all this, is the battle of Demon's Run, and the Doctor's darkest hour. Can even the truth about River Song save the Time Lord's soul?
Only two things are certain. Silence will fall. And a good man is going to die...
Well, I just got back from the Doctor who experience, and it was Fantastic! You couldn't take any photos in the actual experience part, which was awesome, but you could in the mini-museum afterwards. I've included some random ones below.
They started of playing a short series 5 trailer via a projector on a wall, which basically showed who the doctor was etc (It was actually pretty awesome. There was a part where they played lots of shots of him popping up out of nowhere in time with the music). Then a crack appeared and widened into a gaping whole. We then stepped through it into the museum aboard the Starship UK, where a robotic statue (from silence in the library) pointed out a few exhibits. She was then interepted by the TARDIS materialising, and the doctor Hijacking the screen to reveal that the daleks had trapped him in the Pandorica again (apparently they had a spare), and that we had to save him. We then walked through the TARDIS doors, and circled round the console, where the small children (lucky sods....) got to control it (complete with the room shaking and smoke effects. We materialised and exited through a back door onto a dalek spaceship, where we walked into the control room, and the daleks threatened us with extermination after scanning us. The doctor interrupted and told them we weren't human, we were shoppers. He was then interrupted by an armada of dalek ships loyal to davros opening fire on the ship. The daleks retreated, and we walked through a time corridor, past the weeping angels and into a 3D cinema, where the doctor thanked us for saving him and then trapped various daleks/cybermen/angels in the time vortex somehow.
After that we visited the museum.
(that's the inside of a dalek by the way. You could move the arms around, which my friend, who was stood in front of it when I discovered it, wasn't expecting, and promptly let out a small scream. )
Believe it or not, thats the Dalek emperor from the 2005 series behind him. It's the same size (and I think they exact same one. The rest of the exhibits are) as the one they used in filming!)
(For ribs :P)
Woah, image overload! Oddly enough, my camera had no issues detecting the faces of some of these exhibits, such as the slitheen!
Awesome pics, Friar! And the Experience sounds amazing! I definitely have to get there.
Yeah, it was fantastic. Its just a shame the actual experience was short (around 30 minutes). But it was well written, and very funny. If you do go, its probably worth pre-buying tickets, and paying an extra tenner for a "silver package". They give you a free t-shirt, a free programme and a souveneir ticket.
It's In london until Septemeber I think, but it's moving to Cardiff next year sometime.
There was actually a big puddle of puke behind that TARDIS. Apparently some little kid threw-up. Too many TARDIS cakes I think.
Oh yeah, and we bumped into someone wearing a fez on our way there. I got all excited, expecting them to be sold in the gift shop, but alas they weren't. It was mainly a large overpriced DVD collection, some dalek bubble bath, sonic screwdrivers, sonic toothbrushes, lots of figurines and some shirts and books. I Wanted a scarf goddamit!
Well, Boo. BBC America has unveiled that the US will see Episode Two on the 30th, whilst all signs point to Episode Two airing on the 24th in the UK. Therein, US would be on a one week delay. Le sigh.
Well, look on the bright side - it's only one week. That's way better then the earlier series. You guys had to wait ages for those.
But I still feel lied to. Since November we were told we'd have airings merely 8 hours after it first airs on BBC One, but now it's 7 days and eight hours. It'd last at least until the midseason break, so that's a whole six episodes that we get at a distance where it's worth pirating it instead of waiting for it.
My mum tried to make me one once. She used a whole bottle of blue colouring, and it came out grey!
Well, at least you'll probably get Torchwood first! Ours will probably be interrupted at some point by eurovision or some other garbage, so it may even out mid-series.
As a side note, yesterdays trip has made me hungry for new doctor who episodes, so I've ordered three boxsets...
I may even order a fourth tomorrow. Although I lack the room...
My mum tried to make me one once. She used a whole bottle of blue colouring, and it came out grey!
Well, at least you'll probably get Torchwood first! Ours will probably be interrupted at some point by eurovision or some other garbage, so it may even out mid-series.
As a side note, yesterdays trip has made me hungry for new doctor who episodes, so I've ordered three boxsets...
I may even order a fourth tomorrow. Although I lack the room...
The problem beings the fact that Starz has a total of one other shows ever I had interest in, and Netflix's deal with Starz is content gets put up ninety days after it airs from now on. (ie, 10 weeks, so I start the series exactly when it ends)
I still have hope! We never saw the changeover from 8th-> 9ths TARDIS, so eight could have had that interior at the end of his life! Plus, they did bring back Davison. Albeit for a short mini-episode. Also, they've been focussing a lot on the shows history lately (loads of references to past doctors in the last series, as well a sequence showing all the doctors in the stage show, and having the costumes (and a brief history) outlined in the experience.
I may be grasping at straws, but the episode title does sound a little bit like
A good man [the 8th Doctor] goes to [the time] war
Yeah, its unlikely, but if it does happen I shall be incredibly happy.
I still have hope! We never saw the changeover from 8th-> 9ths TARDIS, so eight could have had that interior at the end of his life! Plus, they did bring back Davison. Albeit for a short mini-episode. Also, they've been focussing a lot on the shows history lately (loads of references to past doctors in the last series, as well a sequence showing all the doctors in the stage show, and having the costumes (and a brief history) outlined in the experience.
I may be grasping at straws, but the episode title does sound a little bit like
A good man [the 8th Doctor] goes to [the time] war
Yeah, its unlikely, but if it does happen I shall be incredibly happy.
...and River therein
killed the eighth doctor
... What? My head hurts.
Also; there's a good amount of speculation as to who 'Idris' is in Gaiman's episode, the
Doctor's Wife
. The obvious time people would be
the Rani, Romana, and Susan
, but there's also the chance that it'd be someone obscure ish like
Oh yeah, I watched/listened to the commentry on The arc of infinity yesterday, and it was hillarious. It involved Colin Baker repeatedly making chicken noises, and making jokes at Janet fieldings expense.
Press Screener literally just wrapped. Pretty big things:
This is possibly the most important. "Re 50th anniversary [Steven Moffat] says 'yes, there are thoughts'. But says nothing more than that." and "Matt says The Doctor isn't a part he's planning on giving up [anytime] soon."
A fun factoid was also shared; "Alex Kingston says weirdest theory she's heard about who River is is that River's the Doctor.". I TOTALLY DIDN'T THINK THAT
And "BTW so many things happen in two episodes. Try and stay spoiler free. So much stuff can be given away that will lessen enjoyment of ep."
These can get pretty spoilerly, including some huge information as to the nature of the season and how involved the Silence is to the overall storyline.
"The Silence Will Fall storyline will cover all 13 eps says Steven.""Matt says they read Ep 6 and all said OMG when they reached end!""Episode 6 has biggest cliff hanger says [Steven Moffat] bigger than 7!""Very strong eps, american stuff looks great. New monster(s) very terrifying. Story poses lots of questions, some of which not yet answered.""Great two parter. Scary and exciting in equal measure. New trailer too. With Cybermen, more fighting with Amy. Extra pirate stuff..."
A fun factoid was also shared; "Alex Kingston says weirdest theory she's heard about who River is is that River's the Doctor.". I TOTALLY DIDN'T THINK THAT
OMG WUT. That would explain how she knows so much about him, and why people would think she killed him.
She probably wouldn't be sharing that if it was true though... right?
Hilarious! And look at them, all eleven Doctor would NEVER fit into the Tardis if it wouldnt be bigger on the inside.
Hey Majus, I would assume you've heard that they'll be releasing a second series of "Doctor Who: The Adventure Games", the episodic video game however a date hasn't been confirmed. You could do for each episode a "I wonder what happens in Doctor Who: The Adventure Games?" series.
The last series was 4 episodes so supposably the next one will be the same.
Oh I'd love to do a Doctor Who Flashmovie, though I don't have time to do these right now. I have a small TARDIS-Usb-Hub on my desk, but it doesnt give me "all the time in the World" the Doctor is always talking about
If they just did a plain shirt with that Cybus logo on it, I'd totally buy it.
If they did a plain grey shirt with the cybus logo on it, i'd buy two!
Also, the cover for the doctor who magazine has a rather large spoiler on it, so now we'll have to starve and avoid supermarkets until easter...
Also Also, as for the River-Tardis abomination, it maybe shows why she has such a knowledge of her inner workings...;)
Also also also, just read part of a daily mirror article (blame twitter) and thought I should share this sentence: "The next season of Doctor Who will premiere on April 8 on BBC3 with the first episode, The Hungry Earth."
Amazon UK put up this a few hours ago.
Included is this summary with 2 sentence summaries of each episode:
In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor will meet an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future, an industrial accident will take on a terrible human shape. And waiting for them, at the end of all this, is the battle of Demon's Run, and the Doctor's darkest hour. Can even the truth about River Song save the Time Lord's soul?
Only two things are certain. Silence will fall. And a good man is going to die...
Also of note this is due for release June 11.
After that we visited the museum.
(that's the inside of a dalek by the way. You could move the arms around, which my friend, who was stood in front of it when I discovered it, wasn't expecting, and promptly let out a small scream.
Believe it or not, thats the Dalek emperor from the 2005 series behind him. It's the same size (and I think they exact same one. The rest of the exhibits are) as the one they used in filming!)
(For ribs :P)
Woah, image overload! Oddly enough, my camera had no issues detecting the faces of some of these exhibits, such as the slitheen!
Yeah, it was fantastic. Its just a shame the actual experience was short (around 30 minutes). But it was well written, and very funny. If you do go, its probably worth pre-buying tickets, and paying an extra tenner for a "silver package". They give you a free t-shirt, a free programme and a souveneir ticket.
It's In london until Septemeber I think, but it's moving to Cardiff next year sometime.
oh god the doctor has been replaced by an auton kill it kill it now
There was actually a big puddle of puke behind that TARDIS. Apparently some little kid threw-up. Too many TARDIS cakes I think.
Oh yeah, and we bumped into someone wearing a fez on our way there. I got all excited, expecting them to be sold in the gift shop, but alas they weren't. It was mainly a large overpriced DVD collection, some dalek bubble bath, sonic screwdrivers, sonic toothbrushes, lots of figurines and some shirts and books. I Wanted a scarf goddamit!
I had one for my Birthday once
But I still feel lied to. Since November we were told we'd have airings merely 8 hours after it first airs on BBC One, but now it's 7 days and eight hours. It'd last at least until the midseason break, so that's a whole six episodes that we get at a distance where it's worth pirating it instead of waiting for it.
My mum tried to make me one once. She used a whole bottle of blue colouring, and it came out grey!
Well, at least you'll probably get Torchwood first! Ours will probably be interrupted at some point by eurovision or some other garbage, so it may even out mid-series.
As a side note, yesterdays trip has made me hungry for new doctor who episodes, so I've ordered three boxsets...
I may even order a fourth tomorrow. Although I lack the room...
The problem beings the fact that Starz has a total of one other shows ever I had interest in, and Netflix's deal with Starz is content gets put up ninety days after it airs from now on. (ie, 10 weeks, so I start the series exactly when it ends)
Anyway, the first two series 6 episodes premiered in London today at a press event. Anyone who posts spoilers may have to answer to my sonic hammer...
Dammit Friar, I require advance notice of these things so I can try to blag my way in!
And tell us about it.
No matter, only a few weeks now before we all get to see it!
Starz is one of those premium channels that make you do so.
Also; Midseason episode named.
Secondly, sorry to Burst your Bubble Friar, but no Paul McGann appearances in Series Six.
I still have hope! We never saw the changeover from 8th-> 9ths TARDIS, so eight could have had that interior at the end of his life! Plus, they did bring back Davison. Albeit for a short mini-episode. Also, they've been focussing a lot on the shows history lately (loads of references to past doctors in the last series, as well a sequence showing all the doctors in the stage show, and having the costumes (and a brief history) outlined in the experience.
I may be grasping at straws, but the episode title does sound a little bit like
Yeah, its unlikely, but if it does happen I shall be incredibly happy.
...and River therein
Also; there's a good amount of speculation as to who 'Idris' is in Gaiman's episode, the
Also, Poor peter still has no votes on the poll
Oh yeah, I watched/listened to the commentry on The arc of infinity yesterday, and it was hillarious. It involved Colin Baker repeatedly making chicken noises, and making jokes at Janet fieldings expense.
This is possibly the most important. "Re 50th anniversary [Steven Moffat] says 'yes, there are thoughts'. But says nothing more than that." and "Matt says The Doctor isn't a part he's planning on giving up [anytime] soon."
A fun factoid was also shared; "Alex Kingston says weirdest theory she's heard about who River is is that River's the Doctor.". I TOTALLY DIDN'T THINK THAT
And "BTW so many things happen in two episodes. Try and stay spoiler free. So much stuff can be given away that will lessen enjoyment of ep."
These can get pretty spoilerly, including some huge information as to the nature of the season and how involved the Silence is to the overall storyline.
OMG WUT. That would explain how she knows so much about him, and why people would think she killed him.
She probably wouldn't be sharing that if it was true though... right?
What is this I don't even?
Actually, I have no idea how River and the TARDIS could possibly be similar.
I don't even want to contemplate how the Doctor would get in... GERONIMO!! o_O
I will never be able to watch Doctor Who again without horrifying mental images now. Thanks a bunch.
You and me both, kid. Series 6 just got a whole lot scarier.
Well, at least I'm not alone.
Doctor Who nesting dolls!... I think I have a physical need for them.
Hey Majus, I would assume you've heard that they'll be releasing a second series of "Doctor Who: The Adventure Games", the episodic video game however a date hasn't been confirmed. You could do for each episode a "I wonder what happens in Doctor Who: The Adventure Games?" series.
The last series was 4 episodes so supposably the next one will be the same.
This one is available today only:
Also; I hate how the Cybusmen look like they're advertising microsoft points.
If they did a plain grey shirt with the cybus logo on it, i'd buy two!
Also, the cover for the doctor who magazine has a rather large spoiler on it, so now we'll have to starve and avoid supermarkets until easter...
Also Also, as for the River-Tardis abomination, it maybe shows why she has such a knowledge of her inner workings...;)
Also also also, just read part of a daily mirror article (blame twitter) and thought I should share this sentence: "The next season of Doctor Who will premiere on April 8 on BBC3 with the first episode, The Hungry Earth."