On one of the dvd intivews it said in the classic era the team where scared that there was a mole telling the press spoilers so they lied and said an episode was gona be called the doctor's wife to see if it gets put in the papers.
On one of the dvd intivews it said in the classic era the team where scared that there was a mole telling the press spoilers so they lied and said an episode was gona be called the doctor's wife to see if it gets put in the papers.
That twenty-five years ago. It would appear that Neil Gaiman is riffing off this event, rather than repeating it.
I watched the special edition of Enlightenment today, and it was amazing. Not just the CGI effects, but the story as a whole (which I had never seen) was very fun and quite like The War Games if instead of every Army in time facing eachother it was every great civilization racing eachother. In space boats. Only problem is you have to see the other two ones before it in the Boxset (Mawdryn Undead and Terminus), one of which is an okay story with Five and the Brigadier and the other goes on for 90 minutes too long and you can watch it cut down to ten minutes here.
Next up is Resurrection of the Daleks from Netflix (waiting for SE release in the states), which is the only non-Colin classic story to be 2x45 minute episodes.
On a somewhat related note, the first Season 27 Lost Story came out, and I found it fairly enjoyable. There's a rather spoilerly debate about the nature of the Lost Stories in the Big Finish forums, as there's something they did that wasn't in the original plan back in 1990 so it'd keep continuity with the Monthly Series.
Ace didn't leave
. But, it did have the Ice Warriors, which are fun.
And the New Series sounds great from everything I've heard and/or seen. There areclips of several moments from The Impossible Astronaut available, but I really reccomend staying spoiler lite on this one.
I watched the special edition of Enlightenment today, and it was amazing. Not just the CGI effects, but the story as a whole (which I had never seen) was very fun and quite like The War Games if instead of every Army in time facing eachother it was every great civilization racing eachother. In space boats. Only problem is you have to see the other two ones before it in the Boxset (Mawdryn Undead and Terminus), one of which is an okay story with Five and the Brigadier and the other goes on for 90 minutes too long and you can watch it cut down to ten minutes here.
Ah yes, enlightenment is pretty awesome. I too have that boxset but have yet to watch the special edition. But for me, the villain in that serial will always beAuntie Mabel. She could fly a plane! And she had an awesome dog!
(in searching for those, one of the google suggestions was "Lynda Baron died", which spooked me a bit. But she's still alive! The dog isn't though. )
She's supposed to be in one of the episodes of series 6.
Oh yeah, I finished watching the key to time boxset yesterday(which was an entire season in box set form for £25 so is worth picking up on amazon. No idea on US price though.). It was pretty good. Well, there were a couple of dud ones, but "the pirate planet", "The stones of Blood" and "the power of kroll" are all worth seeing. Especially if you want to see what a 2 mile giant squid/octopus looks like on a 70's BBC TV budget! The same year as starwars, apparently. The series also featured the first appearance of the black/white guardians.
Now, I have two sets left over and one DVD from my spending spree. Now, do I go for "Kamelion Tales", "Mara Tales" or "Warriors of the deep"? All Davison stories.
Now, I have two sets left over and one DVD from my spending spree. Now, do I go for "Kamelion Tales", "Mara Tales" or "Warriors of the deep"? All Davison stories.
Warriors of the Deep is legendary for being the story that made the show worthy of being Cancelled.
Kamelion has a 2-parter that is cool because it has a sword fight, and Planet of Fire introduces Peri 'Has Breasts' Brown, so that's fun.
Mara Tales are considered the best Davison stories, so yeah.
All these in the US were released individually, so instead of $35 for two stories it's $20 for each.
Key to Time is ridiculously overpriced, (was $53 on sale) especially because four of them are available on Netflix streaming, which is code for really cheap buying them indivdually.
Whilst covering 'STORIES I STILL HAVE TO WATCH', I've got the aforementioned Resurrection of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks, The Invasion, The Time Meddler, and Trial of a Time Lord still to watch, with Battlefield (2 disc ), Mark of the Rani (Colin Baker ), and the Curse of Peladon (Jon Pertwee! ) on their way. In addition, I'll be using my 20 dollar amazon credit for Portal 2 to get INFERNOOOOOOO with it's amazing alternate universe Brigadier complete with Eyepatch.
I'm really wanting of more audio dramas now that I've finally heard one, and I'm really trying to decide on what to do. On one hand, I want a Colin Baker story, but on the other, I want a trilogy. Colin has had a few good trilogies, but all of them rely on hearing a trilogy or more(!) from previous Eighth/Fifth doctor stories. And the other trilogy is Colin with Jamie, but concludes in a story set in the Land of Fiction from 'The Mind Robber', meaning I should watch that first. Putting the trilogy thing aside, all the good Colins have some kind of gimmick which sort of irritates me or are adapted to the New Series. A good example of a gimmick is Dr. Who and the Pirates, which is a musical episode.
I decided I'd watch them in a semi-chronological order, so I've started with kinda. So far (just finished part three) it's just a big "wtf?".Still, it looks pretty in upscaled HD. Very bright. And he trees only look a little bit fake!
As for good colin baker stories, I don't really have many, but I suppose you could give Bloodtide a go. It's a one off CD with the silurians and Charles Darwin. I can't remember too much of it, but it was quite good. Also, jubilee is still a great one on its own, even if it was partially adapted into "Dalek". Probably my favourite 6th serial. Again, I can't remember much of it, but it had its fair share of twists. Oh, and "davros" is pretty good too. It's included in the davros DVD boxset, if you get that over there. It's actually pretty good value for money, having all 3 davros main range audios, the I, Davros spin off series (which goes into the kaled war, and davros' childhood. It's rather good, actually), as well as all the davros classic episodes, and some documentaries. And just to make you jealous, its about £35 ($50ish) over here now! The only downside is that the audios can't be taken off and stuck on your mp3 player. Although recording the dvd and converting it to an mp3 file sorted that out...
If you want to save money and import uk dvds, you could always change an old computers dvd region to region 2 (just put in a UK disc and it'll do the rest. It can only be changed a few times before the change is permanent though. (Usually around 3-4 times.)). Worth thinking about anyway. A friend of mine changed his to play US dvds so he could watch anime dvds.
I decided I'd watch them in a semi-chronological order, so I've started with kinda. So far (just finished part three) it's just a big "wtf?".Still, it looks pretty in upscaled HD. Very bright. And he trees only look a little bit fake!
As for good colin baker stories, I don't really have many, but I suppose you could give Bloodtide a go. It's a one off CD with the silurians and Charles Darwin. I can't remember too much of it, but it was quite good. Also, jubilee is still a great one on its own, even if it was partially adapted into "Dalek". Probably my favourite 6th serial. Again, I can't remember much of it, but it had its fair share of twists. Oh, and "davros" is pretty good too. It's included in the davros DVD boxset, if you get that over there. It's actually pretty good value for money, having all 3 davros main range audios, the I, Davros spin off series (which goes into the kaled war, and davros' childhood. It's rather good, actually), as well as all the davros classic episodes, and some documentaries. And just to make you jealous, its about £35 ($50ish) over here now! The only downside is that the audios can't be taken off and stuck on your mp3 player. Although recording the dvd and converting it to an mp3 file sorted that out...
If you want to save money and import uk dvds, you could always change an old computers dvd region to region 2 (just put in a UK disc and it'll do the rest. It can only be changed a few times before the change is permanent though. (Usually around 3-4 times.)). Worth thinking about anyway. A friend of mine changed his to play US dvds so he could watch anime dvds.
Anyway, off to part four!
Davros set isn't available here because they couldn't get the rights to the Davros audio for release over here. Besides, I own one and have seen/am about to see all but two of the Televised stories.
As for Gimmick's, Davros' gimmick is that it's basically the Doctor arguing with Davros for two hours. Despite how cool that might be, it isn't the kind of audio drama I'd be interested in.
I am too excited for the Ace box set, mostly because the Happiness Patrol is just that one story I really wanted to see but has yet to release for some odd reason. THE VILLAIN IS MADE OF CANDY FOR GOODNESS SAKE
Davros set isn't available here because they couldn't get the rights to the Davros audio for release over here. Besides, I own one and have seen/am about to see all but two of the Televised stories.
As for Gimmick's, Davros' gimmick is that it's basically the Doctor arguing with Davros for two hours. Despite how cool that might be, it isn't the kind of audio drama I'd be interested in.
I am too excited for the Ace box set, mostly because the Happiness Patrol is just that one story I really wanted to see but has yet to release for some odd reason. THE VILLAIN IS MADE OF CANDY FOR GOODNESS SAKE
It took me some time to realise that you meant out of the davros boxset, rather than the whole classic series. The issue with the davros set is that you get a little sick of him by the end of it. It's the same with the sontaran set too.
I'm trying to remember a 5th serial I saw a while back. It was only a two parter, but featured a church and this weird (and actually pretty scary!) giant face that appeared in the wall, apparently from hell or some such place. Any ideas? I want to rewatch it, and I can't remember whether or not I own it. I really need to make a spreadsheet to keep track of which ones i've seen, own or have yet to watch. Anyway, I really am off to watch the rest of kinda now. I got as far as Peter's face in the intro before I got sidetracked. Darn you facebook!
(I'm amazed, and somewhat saddened, by the fact that I know that.)
Not really, as other then the Colin Baker ones, there are only five 2 parters, The Edge of Destruction, Sontaran Experiment, Black Orchid, The Awakening, and The King's Demons.
Also: Steven Moffat says if the master were to return, he'd like it to be John Simm again instead of a new person as him regenerating with the Doctor wouldn't really make sense.
Also: Steven Moffat says if the master were to return, he'd like it to be John Simm again instead of a new person as him regenerating with the Doctor wouldn't really make sense.
Hrm. Good news, Friar, Paul McGann starts a new season with new companion starting in October for three months in the main range! It's set 'at a very different point in his long, long life', meaning chances are it'll be long before or long after his times with Charlie and/or his times with Lucie. I'd much rather have it set earlier in his life, but whatever.
Interestingly, Colin Baker gets a season of Monthlys next year for the first three months when at the same time he has a threesome of Lost Stories for the same three months. ITS 2X THE COLIN BAKER!
And: John Simm's Master has been in two terrible episodes out of two episodes he was in, so I'm not as happy about him allegedly sticking around.
And: John Simm's Master has been in two terrible episodes out of two episodes he was in, so I'm not as happy about him allegedly sticking around.
I think Simm did a great job... I loved him in Life on Mars though so I may have been biased from the start.
"Sorry. Sorry, I have this effect, people just get obsessed. Is it the smile? Is it the aftershave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself? I don't know, it's crazy!"
It's not the actor, it's that RTD penned both episodes he was in, meaning they have a 24/25 chance of being terrible, which they were. And now I can't think about that Master without htinking how terrible his two episodes were.
Paul McGann starts a new season with new companion starting in October for three months in the main range! It's set 'at a very different point in his long, long life', meaning chances are it'll be long before or long after his times with Charlie and/or his times with Lucie.
Wow, my screen didn't refresh properly. the below comment is aimed at ribs and marsden over the naming of the face in the wall episode:
Either way, you two still probably know the classic series better than me! I think that serial is probably my favourite 5th story I've seen so far, along with the cybermen one where
adric dies
. Is 30 years long enough to avoid the use of spoiler tags? Meh, I put it in anyway.
Oh yeah, kinda was kinda cool (pun intended). The mara at the end was rather awesome. It was a giant inflatable puppet.
Hrm. Good news, Friar, Paul McGann starts a new season with new companion starting in October for three months in the main range! It's set 'at a very different point in his long, long life', meaning chances are it'll be long before or long after his times with Charlie and/or his times with Lucie. I'd much rather have it set earlier in his life, but whatever.
Interestingly, Colin Baker gets a season of Monthlys next year for the first three months when at the same time he has a threesome of Lost Stories for the same three months. ITS 2X THE COLIN BAKER!
And: John Simm's Master has been in two terrible episodes out of two episodes he was in, so I'm not as happy about him allegedly sticking around.
Yeah, i read that in my twitter feed this morning. The new companion will be playing Mary Shelley (author of frankenstein). I'll look forward to listening to it in three years time when I finally catch up to that point! (I reckon I have around £250 worth of McGann audios to buy before then though, with no job to finance it, and a full-time college course which would reduce my salary. Bah.)
Oh yeah, one half of one of McGanns audios is on the iplayer now (the second half of The cannibalists). Hopefully they'll put some more up, but I think they did this last year, and stopped with that one.
Wow, my screen didn't refresh properly. the below comment is aimed at ribs and marsden over the naming of the face in the wall episode:
Either way, you two still probably know the classic series better than me! I think that serial is probably my favourite 5th story I've seen so far, along with the cybermen one where
adric dies
. Is 30 years long enough to avoid the use of spoiler tags? Meh, I put it in anyway.
Oh yeah, kinda was kinda cool (pun intended). The mara at the end was rather awesome. It was a giant inflatable puppet.
What's sadder is I can tell you specifying what happens in the Cyberman one is redundant as all of the last few classic Doctors (4 and beyond) only met Cybermen once in their tenure. During Colin's he fixed the Chameleon Circuit .
Aand re: still have to buy McGann's...
It's set at a very different point in his life. I'm guessing far before he meets Charley, but the point of introducing a new companion is so it specifies a new starting point, as both Charley and Lucie have been written off fairly well apparently.
Aha! According to TARDIS Eight says in Neverland he went on adventures with Mary, meaning they take place before he meets Charley and therefore require no catching up.
What's sadder is I can tell you specifying what happens in the Cyberman one is redundant as all of the last few classic Doctors (4 and beyond) only met Cybermen once in their tenure. During Colin's he fixed the Chameleon Circuit .
Aand re: still have to buy McGann's...
It's set at a very different point in his life. I'm guessing far before he meets Charley, but the point of introducing a new companion is so it specifies a new starting point, as both Charley and Lucie have been written off fairly well apparently.
Aha! According to TARDIS Eight says in Neverland he went on adventures with Mary, meaning they take place before he meets Charley and therefore require no catching up.
Yeah, they may need no catching up, but i'm part way through Charley and Lucy's arcs. I want to get to a point wear they can end nicely
So when the doctor dumps charlie somewhere and 6th picks her up, rather than the current cliffhanger that i'm on which involves 8 going off to sulk in an alternate dimension, with charley sneaking along for the ride after confessing their love for each other
, and the end of the EDA series. Although I don't think there is much of a cliffhanger at the end of Human Resources Part 2. (The final episode of the first series)
Oh, i decided to put together a spreadsheet to track which classic episodes i've seen. It seems I've seen more than i'd thought. (all barring two of Colin's and none barring two of Patricks, along with others, of course)
Also, John Simms master is awesome. Or for the most part. He was awesome in "The sound of drums", and in the "End of Time" (if you ignore his super powers and food addiction.) I think he could do well with Matt Smith under Moffats writing. Personally, I was quite fond of Professor Yana, when he was the master, but I don't see how he could come back.
Oh, and Nicola Bryant (peri) visited the doctor who experience today. Now that would have been an awesome surprise. Wish I'd gone today instead of two weeks ago. Although, I probably wouldn't have recognised her at first.
I am too excited for the Ace box set, mostly because the Happiness Patrol is just that one story I really wanted to see but has yet to release for some odd reason. THE VILLAIN IS MADE OF CANDY FOR GOODNESS SAKE
I just gotta say that the Happiness Patrol is pretty much my favorite 7th Doctor episode and way up there on favorite Doctor Who episodes. It's just such a twisted story in so many ways. Everything in that episode is so happy and cheery to the point where its disturbing. Which is something that I love.
Well, the Kings demon was a bit rubbish. Its only purpose was to bring back the master and to give the doctor a new companion. Neither of which are seen nor heard of again until Davisons penultimate serial "the planet of fire", which wasn't even in the same season! The Kings demons just felt like it randomly ended. Basically the doctor pinched the masters robot and ran away. That was it.
Well, the Kings demon was a bit rubbish. Its only purpose was to bring back the master and to give the doctor a new companion. Neither of which are seen nor heard of again until Davisons penultimate serial "the planet of fire", which wasn't even in the same season! The Kings demons just felt like it randomly ended. Basically the doctor pinched the masters robot and ran away. That was it.
Aand I'm afraid to say I'm planning on subscribing to A. The Monthly Range starting wiht the McGann Season for at least six months. B. The Lost Stories Season 3 C. Fourth Doctor Adventures and D. Fourth Doctor Lost Stories, which means for the month on January I'll end up with 5 stories encompassing 10 discs. Gulp.
Also, As per Friar's suggestion I too am making a Spreadsheet of Classic Stories of Doctor Who I have seen.
Aand I'm afraid to say I'm planning on subscribing to A. The Monthly Range starting wiht the McGann Season for at least six months. B. The Lost Stories Season 3 C. Fourth Doctor Adventures and D. Fourth Doctor Lost Stories, which means for the month on January I'll end up with 5 stories encompassing 10 discs. Gulp.
Also, As per Friar's suggestion I too am making a Spreadsheet of Classic Stories of Doctor Who I have seen.
You can have my spreadsheet if you want. It's all formatted and stuff, so just delete the contents of the seen/ own column. Don't delete the whole column though, as you'll lose the conditional formatting.
With the McGann audios, Do you mean you're starting with the new series that isn't out yet? The first main range series can be bought as a boxset (well almost. They swapped over the last story of the season with one from the second season). They sell it on their site somewhere. I bought it last year from them for £15, which is great considering its 9 discs long! It may have been discontinued now though.
As for the Kings demons, I was a tad unimpressed by the swordfight. Given that there were sword fights in some of the previous DVDs i'd bought recently (Pertwee VS the master was pretty awesome).
There's a huge number of them, and they tend to do some rather interesting stuff with the template. It's still not that great, I'll give you that, but they're typically better than the official ones.
one half of one of McGanns audios is on the iplayer now (the second half of The cannibalists). Hopefully they'll put some more up, but I think they did this last year, and stopped with that one.
The reason it is on the iplayer is because it was on BBC Radio 4 extra (BBC7 as was) but didn't buy in any more episodes from Big Finish as they have a policy of steering clear of arcs (the arc in the original comission of brand-new stories - the first to feature Lucie - was unusual). Heaven knows whether they will buy any more, which is what all fans have been saying every time a McGann series broadcast comes to an end....
The reason it is on the iplayer is because it was on BBC Radio 4 extra (BBC7 as was) but didn't buy in any more episodes from Big Finish as they have a policy of steering clear of arcs (the arc in the original comission of brand-new stories - the first to feature Lucie - was unusual). Heaven knows whether they will buy any more, which is what all fans have been saying every time a McGann series broadcast comes to an end....
Ah, that sucks.
Also, @ ribs: I like the UK covers. It makes them stand out in the shops a bit more. The US spines also look a bit too much like the spines of some of the books. Some of the cover art is better over here (on the boxsets anyway)
Although i find it just a little annoying that the TV movie still has that top part on them. And that they include a flier with all the plot details on. Goddammit, now i know the villain is really the master!
The only thing that annoys me about the covers is that in Region One there was this period where they decided every cover needed the TARDIS on it so they always made sure a tiny TARDIS was in the background.
Also, David Tennant is 40 today.
Also, apparently this month's UK releases are out today. Planet of the Spiders is only £11ish with free shipping here. It's notable as A. Petwee's regeneration story and B. A whole episode is a really long car chase.
And another thing: It might be best off to buy Big Finish stuff through a proxy for the US, as it ends up converting to GBP anyway and ends up 3/5ths of the price due to wacky conversions.
The only thing that annoys me about the covers is that in Region One there was this period where they decided every cover needed the TARDIS on it so they always made sure a tiny TARDIS was in the background.
Also, David Tennant is 40 today.
Also, apparently this month's UK releases are out today. Planet of the Spiders is only £11ish with free shipping here. It's notable as A. Petwee's regeneration story and B. A whole episode is a really long car chase.
And another thing: It might be best off to buy Big Finish stuff through a proxy for the US, as it ends up converting to GBP anyway and ends up 3/5ths of the price due to wacky conversions.
Planet of the spiders is also free on MSN video (and I assume legal too. There was an advert for it on a sidebar on the iplayer).
As for the US/UK dvd debate, i think the boxsets are a nice compromise between the two. Completely ruined, however, by the key to time set!
My collection below.
All the stuff on the bottom shelf were gifts. And yes, that is an autograph of Paul McGann.
Planet of the spiders is also free on MSN video (and I assume legal too. There was an advert for it on a sidebar on the iplayer).
As for the US/UK dvd debate, i think the boxsets are a nice compromise between the two. Completely ruined, however, by the key to time set!
My collection below.
All the stuff on the bottom shelf were gifts. And yes, that is an autograph of Paul McGann.
Dear lord, how can you stand all the Box sets? I mean, blargh! The US/UK share mostly the same design for the Boxsets, except Key to Time matches but they're in a folding case instead of individual discs.
Also; the Kamelion Tales boxset is fugly.
In other news, my filling out of the spreadsheet made me quite sad face. Mainly because you clearly don't own enough Colin Baker (it's true), but also because there are so much I haven't seen, me owning only 15 stories, but with 3 more on the way, and another 10 or so after that because a friend lost a bet and owes me money.
Aaanyway, Big Finish Podcast later this month will include the first half of 'Situation Vacant', an Eighth Doctor Adventure from this season, inwhich the Doctor is on the hunt for a new companion. Giddy face goes here.
I've decided to get the Marion Conspiracy because everyone loves Evelyn as a companion so might as well start from the beggining.
Dear lord, how can you stand all the Box sets? I mean, blargh! The US/UK share mostly the same design for the Boxsets, except Key to Time matches but they're in a folding case instead of individual discs.
Also; the Kamelion Tales boxset is fugly.
In other news, my filling out of the spreadsheet made me quite sad face. Mainly because you clearly don't own enough Colin Baker (it's true), but also because there are so much I haven't seen, me owning only 15 stories, but with 3 more on the way, and another 10 or so after that because a friend lost a bet and owes me money.
Aaanyway, Big Finish Podcast later this month will include the first half of 'Situation Vacant', an Eighth Doctor Adventure from this season, inwhich the Doctor is on the hunt for a new companion. Giddy face goes here.
I've decided to get the Marion Conspiracy because everyone loves Evelyn as a companion so might as well start from the beggining.
Ah, so that's her first story? As i've only really grabbed non-eighth doctor audios when they are on offer, i've only had random ones with her in it, and it's been a little confusing.
Also, Snakdance (the second mara tales DVD) is absolutely awesome. It's actually pretty scary for a change. Talking snake skulls FTW.
Ah, so that's her first story? As i've only really grabbed non-eighth doctor audios when they are on offer, i've only had random ones with her in it, and it's been a little confusing.
Also, Snakdance (the second mara tales DVD) is absolutely awesome. It's actually pretty scary for a change. Talking snake skulls FTW.
The most recent Davison season of Audios (not counting the one currently running) is the best recieved one, has Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough, and concludes with a conclusion of the Mara trilogy.
And I decided to go way back because they're nearly half price of newer ones when you go to the first 25.
That twenty-five years ago. It would appear that Neil Gaiman is riffing off this event, rather than repeating it.
Next up is Resurrection of the Daleks from Netflix (waiting for SE release in the states), which is the only non-Colin classic story to be 2x45 minute episodes.
On a somewhat related note, the first Season 27 Lost Story came out, and I found it fairly enjoyable. There's a rather spoilerly debate about the nature of the Lost Stories in the Big Finish forums, as there's something they did that wasn't in the original plan back in 1990 so it'd keep continuity with the Monthly Series.
And the New Series sounds great from everything I've heard and/or seen. There are clips of several moments from The Impossible Astronaut available, but I really reccomend staying spoiler lite on this one.
Aaand finally, Big Finish has been doing it's april podcasts with Tom Baker, which as any Whovian would know is heaven for the ears.
EDIT: I published a small essay without realizing it.
Ah yes, enlightenment is pretty awesome. I too have that boxset but have yet to watch the special edition. But for me, the villain in that serial will always beAuntie Mabel. She could fly a plane! And she had an awesome dog!
(in searching for those, one of the google suggestions was "Lynda Baron died", which spooked me a bit. But she's still alive! The dog isn't though.
She's supposed to be in one of the episodes of series 6.
Oh yeah, I finished watching the key to time boxset yesterday(which was an entire season in box set form for £25 so is worth picking up on amazon. No idea on US price though.). It was pretty good. Well, there were a couple of dud ones, but "the pirate planet", "The stones of Blood" and "the power of kroll" are all worth seeing. Especially if you want to see what a 2 mile giant squid/octopus looks like on a 70's BBC TV budget! The same year as starwars, apparently. The series also featured the first appearance of the black/white guardians.
Now, I have two sets left over and one DVD from my spending spree. Now, do I go for "Kamelion Tales", "Mara Tales" or "Warriors of the deep"? All Davison stories.
Series 5 was awesome!
Kamelion has a 2-parter that is cool because it has a sword fight, and Planet of Fire introduces Peri 'Has Breasts' Brown, so that's fun.
Mara Tales are considered the best Davison stories, so yeah.
All these in the US were released individually, so instead of $35 for two stories it's $20 for each.
Key to Time is ridiculously overpriced, (was $53 on sale) especially because four of them are available on Netflix streaming, which is code for really cheap buying them indivdually.
Whilst covering 'STORIES I STILL HAVE TO WATCH', I've got the aforementioned Resurrection of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks, The Invasion, The Time Meddler, and Trial of a Time Lord still to watch, with Battlefield (2 disc
I'm really wanting of more audio dramas now that I've finally heard one, and I'm really trying to decide on what to do. On one hand, I want a Colin Baker story, but on the other, I want a trilogy. Colin has had a few good trilogies, but all of them rely on hearing a trilogy or more(!) from previous Eighth/Fifth doctor stories. And the other trilogy is Colin with Jamie, but concludes in a story set in the Land of Fiction from 'The Mind Robber', meaning I should watch that first. Putting the trilogy thing aside, all the good Colins have some kind of gimmick which sort of irritates me or are adapted to the New Series. A good example of a gimmick is Dr. Who and the Pirates, which is a musical episode.
Your comment has been noted and ignored
If you are the devil reincarnater disliked Steven Moffat's direction of the season, he himself says you probably won't enjoy this season either.
As for good colin baker stories, I don't really have many, but I suppose you could give Bloodtide a go. It's a one off CD with the silurians and Charles Darwin. I can't remember too much of it, but it was quite good. Also, jubilee is still a great one on its own, even if it was partially adapted into "Dalek". Probably my favourite 6th serial. Again, I can't remember much of it, but it had its fair share of twists. Oh, and "davros" is pretty good too. It's included in the davros DVD boxset, if you get that over there. It's actually pretty good value for money, having all 3 davros main range audios, the I, Davros spin off series (which goes into the kaled war, and davros' childhood. It's rather good, actually), as well as all the davros classic episodes, and some documentaries. And just to make you jealous, its about £35 ($50ish) over here now! The only downside is that the audios can't be taken off and stuck on your mp3 player. Although recording the dvd and converting it to an mp3 file sorted that out...
If you want to save money and import uk dvds, you could always change an old computers dvd region to region 2 (just put in a UK disc and it'll do the rest. It can only be changed a few times before the change is permanent though. (Usually around 3-4 times.)). Worth thinking about anyway. A friend of mine changed his to play US dvds so he could watch anime dvds.
Anyway, off to part four!
Davros set isn't available here because they couldn't get the rights to the Davros audio for release over here. Besides, I own one and have seen/am about to see all but two of the Televised stories.
As for Gimmick's, Davros' gimmick is that it's basically the Doctor arguing with Davros for two hours. Despite how cool that might be, it isn't the kind of audio drama I'd be interested in.
I am too excited for the Ace box set, mostly because the Happiness Patrol is just that one story I really wanted to see but has yet to release for some odd reason. THE VILLAIN IS MADE OF CANDY FOR GOODNESS SAKE
It took me some time to realise that you meant out of the davros boxset, rather than the whole classic series. The issue with the davros set is that you get a little sick of him by the end of it. It's the same with the sontaran set too.
I'm trying to remember a 5th serial I saw a while back. It was only a two parter, but featured a church and this weird (and actually pretty scary!) giant face that appeared in the wall, apparently from hell or some such place. Any ideas? I want to rewatch it, and I can't remember whether or not I own it. I really need to make a spreadsheet to keep track of which ones i've seen, own or have yet to watch. Anyway, I really am off to watch the rest of kinda now. I got as far as Peter's face in the intro before I got sidetracked. Darn you facebook!
(I'm amazed, and somewhat saddened, by the fact that I know that.)
Not really, as other then the Colin Baker ones, there are only five 2 parters, The Edge of Destruction, Sontaran Experiment, Black Orchid, The Awakening, and The King's Demons.
Also: Steven Moffat says if the master were to return, he'd like it to be John Simm again instead of a new person as him regenerating with the Doctor wouldn't really make sense.
And John brings sexy villainy to the table.
Interestingly, Colin Baker gets a season of Monthlys next year for the first three months when at the same time he has a threesome of Lost Stories for the same three months. ITS 2X THE COLIN BAKER!
And: John Simm's Master has been in two terrible episodes out of two episodes he was in, so I'm not as happy about him allegedly sticking around.
I think Simm did a great job... I loved him in Life on Mars though so I may have been biased from the start.
"Sorry. Sorry, I have this effect, people just get obsessed. Is it the smile? Is it the aftershave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself? I don't know, it's crazy!"
Details have now been released at www.bigfinish.com
Either way, you two still probably know the classic series better than me! I think that serial is probably my favourite 5th story I've seen so far, along with the cybermen one where
Oh yeah, kinda was kinda cool (pun intended). The mara at the end was rather awesome. It was a giant inflatable puppet.
Yeah, i read that in my twitter feed this morning. The new companion will be playing Mary Shelley (author of frankenstein). I'll look forward to listening to it in three years time when I finally catch up to that point! (I reckon I have around £250 worth of McGann audios to buy before then though, with no job to finance it, and a full-time college course which would reduce my salary. Bah.)
Oh yeah, one half of one of McGanns audios is on the iplayer now (the second half of The cannibalists). Hopefully they'll put some more up, but I think they did this last year, and stopped with that one.
What's sadder is I can tell you specifying what happens in the Cyberman one is redundant as all of the last few classic Doctors (4 and beyond) only met Cybermen once in their tenure. During Colin's he fixed the Chameleon Circuit
Aand re: still have to buy McGann's...
It's set at a very different point in his life. I'm guessing far before he meets Charley, but the point of introducing a new companion is so it specifies a new starting point, as both Charley and Lucie have been written off fairly well apparently.
Aha! According to TARDIS Eight says in Neverland he went on adventures with Mary, meaning they take place before he meets Charley and therefore require no catching up.
Yeah, they may need no catching up, but i'm part way through Charley and Lucy's arcs. I want to get to a point wear they can end nicely
Oh, i decided to put together a spreadsheet to track which classic episodes i've seen. It seems I've seen more than i'd thought. (all barring two of Colin's and none barring two of Patricks, along with others, of course)
Also, John Simms master is awesome. Or for the most part. He was awesome in "The sound of drums", and in the "End of Time" (if you ignore his super powers and food addiction.) I think he could do well with Matt Smith under Moffats writing. Personally, I was quite fond of Professor Yana, when he was the master, but I don't see how he could come back.
Oh, and Nicola Bryant (peri) visited the doctor who experience today. Now that would have been an awesome surprise. Wish I'd gone today instead of two weeks ago. Although, I probably wouldn't have recognised her at first.
I just gotta say that the Happiness Patrol is pretty much my favorite 7th Doctor episode and way up there on favorite Doctor Who episodes. It's just such a twisted story in so many ways. Everything in that episode is so happy and cheery to the point where its disturbing. Which is something that I love.
But they have a sword fight!
Aand I'm afraid to say I'm planning on subscribing to A. The Monthly Range starting wiht the McGann Season for at least six months. B. The Lost Stories Season 3 C. Fourth Doctor Adventures and D. Fourth Doctor Lost Stories, which means for the month on January I'll end up with 5 stories encompassing 10 discs. Gulp.
Also, As per Friar's suggestion I too am making a Spreadsheet of Classic Stories of Doctor Who I have seen.
You can have my spreadsheet if you want. It's all formatted and stuff, so just delete the contents of the seen/ own column. Don't delete the whole column though, as you'll lose the conditional formatting.
With the McGann audios, Do you mean you're starting with the new series that isn't out yet? The first main range series can be bought as a boxset (well almost. They swapped over the last story of the season with one from the second season). They sell it on their site somewhere. I bought it last year from them for £15, which is great considering its 9 discs long! It may have been discontinued now though.
As for the Kings demons, I was a tad unimpressed by the swordfight. Given that there were sword fights in some of the previous DVDs i'd bought recently (Pertwee VS the master was pretty awesome).
Region 2 decides A. Half the cover should be used to show the TARDIS wall and the other half has episode content.
Region One
Region Two
And the spine kills it too:
Compare the Region 2 Spines:
To the Region One spines:
(holding as I google for some region one spines)
(holding as I take a picture of my collection upon unsuccessful googling)
There's too much color! Not enough consistency!
There's a huge number of them, and they tend to do some rather interesting stuff with the template. It's still not that great, I'll give you that, but they're typically better than the official ones.
The reason it is on the iplayer is because it was on BBC Radio 4 extra (BBC7 as was) but didn't buy in any more episodes from Big Finish as they have a policy of steering clear of arcs (the arc in the original comission of brand-new stories - the first to feature Lucie - was unusual). Heaven knows whether they will buy any more, which is what all fans have been saying every time a McGann series broadcast comes to an end....
Ah, that sucks.
Also, @ ribs: I like the UK covers. It makes them stand out in the shops a bit more. The US spines also look a bit too much like the spines of some of the books. Some of the cover art is better over here (on the boxsets anyway)
Although i find it just a little annoying that the TV movie still has that top part on them. And that they include a flier with all the plot details on. Goddammit, now i know the villain is really the master!
Also, David Tennant is 40 today.
Also, apparently this month's UK releases are out today. Planet of the Spiders is only £11ish with free shipping here. It's notable as A. Petwee's regeneration story and B. A whole episode is a really long car chase.
And another thing: It might be best off to buy Big Finish stuff through a proxy for the US, as it ends up converting to GBP anyway and ends up 3/5ths of the price due to wacky conversions.
Planet of the spiders is also free on MSN video (and I assume legal too. There was an advert for it on a sidebar on the iplayer).
As for the US/UK dvd debate, i think the boxsets are a nice compromise between the two. Completely ruined, however, by the key to time set!
My collection below.
All the stuff on the bottom shelf were gifts. And yes, that is an autograph of Paul McGann.
Dear lord, how can you stand all the Box sets? I mean, blargh! The US/UK share mostly the same design for the Boxsets, except Key to Time matches but they're in a folding case instead of individual discs.
Also; the Kamelion Tales boxset is fugly.
In other news, my filling out of the spreadsheet made me quite sad face. Mainly because you clearly don't own enough Colin Baker (it's true), but also because there are so much I haven't seen, me owning only 15 stories, but with 3 more on the way, and another 10 or so after that because a friend lost a bet and owes me money.
Aaanyway, Big Finish Podcast later this month will include the first half of 'Situation Vacant', an Eighth Doctor Adventure from this season, inwhich the Doctor is on the hunt for a new companion. Giddy face goes here.
I've decided to get the Marion Conspiracy because everyone loves Evelyn as a companion so might as well start from the beggining.
Ah, so that's her first story? As i've only really grabbed non-eighth doctor audios when they are on offer, i've only had random ones with her in it, and it's been a little confusing.
Also, Snakdance (the second mara tales DVD) is absolutely awesome. It's actually pretty scary for a change. Talking snake skulls FTW.
The most recent Davison season of Audios (not counting the one currently running) is the best recieved one, has Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough, and concludes with a conclusion of the Mara trilogy.
And I decided to go way back because they're nearly half price of newer ones when you go to the first 25.