Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    Bryko614 wrote: »
    Telltale is EVILLLLLLLLLL

    They ate my baby. Several times.
  • edited December 2010
    Bryko614 wrote: »
    Telltale is EVILLLLLLLLLL

    I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Work for a college textbook company. Then you'll understand the meaning of evil.
  • edited December 2010
    This is not a deal breaker for me but I'm still a bit annoyed, sort of like I'm annoyed when I plan on going to the movies and something happens to prevent it... Hardly a big deal but it sucks when plans don't work out. I'm a PS3 owner myself, bought ToMI on PC but it was prone to crashing on Chapter 4 so I bought it again on PS3. This time I was planning to just get the free episode on PC for Christmas and then buy the whole thing on PS3 later, that's not going to happen now so my quality time with hot cocoa, cookies and BttF on Christmas day are out the window. Again, not exactly the end of the world and probably a rather sad idea of Christmas day for some, I guess I will have to meet some people this Christmas :D

    On another note this makes sense, I was worried that the first episode was shorter or something since it was free, now it looks like this is not the case at all.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I have several options here:

    Also, I love the people who are griping and moaning in this thread and they only have ONE POST. Real nice guys. Sign up just to bash a business decision. Though I would like to hear from one of the TellTale guys what the deal is before I decide to throw down the gauntlet.

    Since I feel this comment is pointed directly at me, here is my response:

    I would like to point out that I have been a fan of Telltale since Sam and Max Season 1 and have never posted on these forums because a) I tend not to frequent gaming forums. b) When I am happy with a company's product I do not feel the need to engage in discussion about said products. c) I made an exception to voice my displeasure about an underhanded marketing move.

    I sit in the camp of those who feel misled. If the insert included with the 25 BTTF set had said mentioned you get the first episode for free at some point later than everyone else that would have been fine.

    If during the checkout process for the free episode it had mentioned that there would be a delay, that too would be fine. I still have the confirmation email from the order and there is no mention of any sort of delay.

    The issue is not so much the delay to me, but the marketing tactic employed. This is the same as the "console exclusivity" issue. I know from friends that console game that it drives then nuts when games get announced that become xbox only for six months as a marketing ploy.

    I was really looking forward to this series, but this leaves me somewhat annoyed.

    Well I have said my bit, and since the opinions of users with low post counts on forums apparently don't carry much sway I will leave it at that.

  • edited December 2010
    diskotekno wrote: »
    Since I feel this comment is pointed directly at me, here is my response:

    I would like to point out that I have been a fan of Telltale since Sam and Max Season 1 and have never posted on these forums because a) I tend not to frequent gaming forums. b) When I am happy with a company's product I do not feel the need to engage in discussion about said products. c) I made an exception to voice my displeasure about an underhanded marketing move.

    I apologize. I do frequent forums, and I've tended to notice that those who have only one post, and that one post is nothing but a gripe, they tend to have just signed up to bash things for no reason.
  • edited December 2010
    b) When I am happy with a company's product I do not feel the need to engage in discussion about said products.

    Which is messed up if you think about lol. Imagine a world where we only share our negative thoughts and never when we're happy. Owh wait...
  • edited December 2010
    Imagine you never go angry about things. Oh that would be unpleasant. In such a degree, one would call it a dystopia.
  • edited December 2010
    I guess you like to look at glasses that are half-empty. ;)

    What I mean is that we should also express when we're content with something.
    Same as with a lot of people that ask for God for help.
    They only ask him for help when they're in need and not thank him when something works out well.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I guess you like to look at glasses that are half-empty. ;)

    What I mean is that we should also express when we're content with something.
    Same as with a lot of people that ask for God for help.
    They only ask him for help when they're in need and not thank him when something works out well.

    Any glass that appears to be half empty is completely full. It's just that one half of it is air. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Any glass that appears to be half empty is completely full. It's just that one half of it is air. ;)

    Not necessarily. The other half could be a vacuum.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I already got the full season pre-ordered, and I still think it's kind of a cheap marketing trick as well.

    Nothing has indeed informed that the people who ordered this had to wait.

    EDIT: It is yet another smirk on their reputation, which was already declining following increased bugginess, Ipad/Nutric Spec/Earl Boen episode debacles and promotion-errors that crept all over the 30 days/free shipping deal...
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    It's FREE.

    So why was this a dickish move again?

    just because something is free doesn't mean people cant be upset over the delay...

    the dickish move is towards the blu ray buyers, "HEY HERE IS A COUPON FOR THE FIRST EPISODE FREE" then not even a week before its out "OH.. btw, you have to wait til Feb to play it for free... so why don't you just buy the whole thing now"

    THAT is dickish.

    that being said, i pre ordered, i paid 25 bucks, im fine with that, some got it for 15? some got it for 20... that's fine,

    i just feel the delay of the free episode by a month and a half less than week before it comes out seems odd and silly.

    but that's just me.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh yeah... Well, thanks for the Christmas gift of "NOT the first episode of BTTF" too, Telltale.
  • edited December 2010
    I have to say it's kind of odd that Alan or anyone else from the TT team has chimed in on this...maybe they don't know WTF happened either?
  • edited December 2010
    That is because it's weekend. They're not at their office.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    That is because it's weekend. They're not at their office.

    D'oh! I didn't even think about the day...god, staying home sick half the week really messes up my sense of time. I sure hope I'm over this crud soon. :(
  • edited December 2010
    It's kind of hard to justify strong-arming your potential customers with barely a word about a different date(and nothing indicating a wait of up to TWO MONTHS).
  • edited December 2010
    The episode title is an asshole.
  • edited December 2010
    That is because it's weekend. They're not at their office.

    Wait...they don't take shifts?

    And how come that Fawful guy hasn't posted here yet?
  • edited December 2010
    No more discussion of piracy.
  • edited December 2010
    I thought aspartham was a sweetener that's only used by low-quality carbonated beverage companies until Coca Cola started to use it in Coke Zero.
  • edited December 2010
    Back to the Future Episode 1: We pissed off a lot of possible customers!
  • edited December 2010
    Joining the conversation a bit late, but yeah I just got around to read the email and it's pretty disappointing...

    But since I was going to buy all the episodes anyway, I'm going to purchase it.

    I couldn't possibly wait 'till February to play, so I guess I'll consider this my Christmas gift to myself (and a pretty nice gift too!)
  • edited December 2010
    I can't buy anything this month and the next month I'll have exams. So I'm not buying and/or buying anything for a long time.

    That is just shit.
  • edited December 2010
    I was going to play the demo episode, and if it was GOOD, buy the rest of the episodes on the spot before the 2nd episode even came out. But seeing as telltale decided to pull a fast one on everyone, they will NOT be getting my money now or possibly ever. Despite what everyone says, announcing barely a week before release that the free episode won't be available for 6 weeks is a huge low blow to the community. This decision should have been made and ANNOUNCED at least month ago, in which case I probably would have spent the money then. I don't appreciate being manipulated.

    I don't care about all this bs that "oh its free don't complain." If this is how telltale wants to treat its potential paying customers I don't want any part of it.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, this is.. unfortunate.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, it looks like you guys....


    ...Could use a time machine.

  • edited December 2010
    But it misses a .jpg
  • edited December 2010
    Phew, good thing I pre-or--
    *sees volume of complaints*
    *looks at banner*
    Hey, this isn't an Activision board...
    *reads increasingly frustrated posts*
    *examines banner again*
    Hmm...doesn't seem to be for Electronic Arts, either.
    *slowly backs out of topic*
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    No more discussion of piracy.

    WHAT!?!? we cant talk about Guybrush anymore? :p
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    WHAT!?!? we cant talk about Guybrush anymore? :p

    ^^You sir deserve one free internets for that comment.

    BTW offtopic, but anyone else notice that the Guybrush costume in Force Unleashed 2 always looks depressed?
  • edited December 2010
    ^^You sir deserve one free internets for that comment.

    BTW offtopic, but anyone else notice that the Guybrush costume in Force Unleashed 2 always looks depressed?
    It's a modern video game by a major studio. It's pretty much expected.
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    WHAT!?!? we cant talk about Guybrush anymore? :p

    And Jack Sparrow.
  • edited December 2010
    It's a modern video game by a major studio. It's pretty much expected.

    Awwww, I'd call it low, but it's rather funny. :p I just found it amusing that Lucasarts would reference itself like that. Though the funniest thing is that you can have an ingame cutscene where General Kota is literally talking to himself. lol
  • edited December 2010
    It's a modern video game by a major studio. It's pretty much expected.

    LOL like his heart isn't in it... Like he had a contract for one more game and Lucasarts wasted it on that game and not another MI game.

  • edited December 2010
    The thing I really don't understand about this is that they have a whole month space between episode one and episode two, so why not just make the freebies wait until mid-January? That way, the people who actually paid for it get it on time and the freebies get it in time to know if their computer can play it. I already bought the season a while ago, but this is just confusing to me. I don't think it would be that big of a deal to me if it hadn't come packed in the 25th anniversary edition. It kinda seems like "hey you can get this for free, but you should really buy it, so come to our site and claim your free episode and hopefully you'll decide to buy it while you're at the site." Oh well, I honestly was really surprised the episode was ever advertised as free in the first place, I feel like a simultaneously released demo would suffice for those who really want to just see if the game will run on their computer.
  • edited December 2010
    That does bring up a good point though when you refer to the wait between Episode 1 & 2. What about PS3 players? I mean, I assume that the PS3 version of Episode 1 is going to be available sometime either in the last week of December or the early part of January(unless my bad feeling that it's being held off until February too is true). So, is the PS3 version going to have a whole month to wait before Episode 2 as well, or will it also come out shortly after the PC version?
  • edited December 2010
    I won't be getting this game anymore.
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    LOL like his heart isn't in it... Like he had a contract for one more game and Lucasarts wasted it on that game and not another MI game.

    That's what you get for basing Guybrush on his crappy CoMI design. He's always depressed there :p

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    That's what you get for basing Guybrush on his crappy CoMI design. He's always depressed there :p

    His girlfriend has turned to gold! What would you expect?? :D
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