Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    They force you to wait until it's free yes, but nobody forces you to buy it.
    It is your decision how much you want the game and if it is worth for you to pay for it.
    You can still wait.
  • edited December 2010
    All this talk about forcing is a bit misplaced.

    Have you ever heard someone go into a store and wanting to buy milk and say: "I have been forced to pay the price for it."
  • edited December 2010
    But I've been told before the episode was f...

    You know what? I explain the same thing over and over and raise the post count of this thread for just NOTHING. Everything I want to say has been already said. I was never disappointed by Telltale before but everything has a first.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    But I've been told before the episode was f...

    You know what? I explain the same thing over and over and raise the post count of this thread for just NOTHING. Everything I want to say has been already said. I was never disappointed by Telltale before but everything has a first.

    Can I comfort you with a 'What a story, Mark'? :)
  • edited December 2010
    I can comfort you a cup of something if you don't know the decency and ethics behind the sentence "let's not turn this into a flame war".
  • edited December 2010
    Are you guys even serious ?

    They did everything they could to make people excited for it. They never told us BEFORE there was going to be such delay !

    Otherwise we wouldn't have been hyped about it ! Now it's like they're putting a candy right in front of our faces and just remove it all of sudden.

    You're hungry. You could have been pretty fine without the candy but since they said they'd give it to you, now you want it.

    It's called marketing. We have the right to feel bad about those mind tricks BS.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I can comfort you a cup of something if you don't know the decency and ethics behind the sentence "let's not turn this into a flame war".

    Actually, if you read the previous posts, you might notice that I was baffled by this TellTale's move myself and am on your side in this matter. Just tried to make a joke that would unstress things (seems it was an epic fail). Sorry if I insulted you in any way.
  • edited December 2010
    If anything, people advising others to stop complaining are hungrier than me so that they already paid for the game and now they try to act cool with price changes and everything just not to feel stupid.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Can I comfort you with a 'What a story, Mark'? :)

    Everybody betray me! I *fed up* with this whirald!
    Strayth wrote: »
    It's called marketing. We have the right to feel bad about those mind tricks BS.

    I agree. There wasn't *technically* any false advertising, and it's true that nobody's forcing you to buy anything, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to complain. If it's clear that everybody's unhappy about this, Alan will pass the info along, and we'll see what happens from there.

    Falanca wrote: »
    If anything, people advising others to stop complaining are hungrier than me so that they already paid for the game and now they try to act cool with price changes and everything just not to feel stupid.

    Price changes, I have no problem with. I knew it would happen, but I preordered when I did because I wanted access to the private forum. The reduced price from the facebook game is akin to getting a reduced price on a concert ticket when you mention the sponsoring radio station, or something like that. It's an age-old marketing strategy, and I have no complaints about that. But I still think pushing back the free episode release is really, really, really stupid.
  • edited December 2010
    That is a bold assumption to make Falanca. :)

    I think my value of 25 dollars is skrewed. I shouldn't be partaking in these discussions I think.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Actually, if you read the previous posts, you might notice that I was baffled by this TellTale's move myself and am on your side in this matter. Just tried to make a joke that would unstress things (seems it was an epic fail). Sorry if I insulted you in any way.

    Well... after all the chain of "stop complaining" I just went into that phase again. It's okay and I'm sorry, sometimes I can't just tell what's sarcasm and what's not.

    And well, being referenced of a line off of The Room also always gets me pretty mad :l
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I have several options here:

    1) Buy the full season for PC now, not knowing how well, or even IF it'll run on my laptop

    2) Wait a month or more for the PS3 version, though I have a sudden sinking feeling that the PS3's release will happen the same time as the free episode

    3) Wait until Day one and see if there's gonna be a demo for episode 1 before buying anything

    4) Going over to a friend's house and playing it on his computer :p

    Honestly...I'm half tempted to just buy the full season. I mean, if it doesn't work, no big deal, I can download it on any computer period, right? My only problem with that is that I was still planning on getting it on PS3, so I'd be paying twice for the same game. Now, BTTF is relatively cheap, so it's less of an issue. It's just that I hate paying more than once for the same game...

    Also, I love the people who are griping and moaning in this thread and they only have ONE POST. Real nice guys. Sign up just to bash a business decision. Though I would like to hear from one of the TellTale guys what the deal is before I decide to throw down the gauntlet.
  • edited December 2010
    Sign up just to bash a business decision.

    Not sure, if they had the first episode order, they were already registered.

    But, DON'T pre order it. It's too late to get anything from it (insider forums will die in less than a week). So at least wait for episode 1 to get a demo. (or to try it another way)

    And if it runs, get it on PC. Or maybe Telltale will be nice enough to consider PSN users and announce an actual release date.
  • edited December 2010
    Buy Ep 1 with a speculated price to be around 5,99 dollars.
  • edited December 2010
    Buy Ep 1 with a speculated price to be around 5,99 dollars.

    We don't know if we can do that.

    The email does say "pre ordering people can play it on 22 december !!!" which DOESN'T mean "You can buy the first episode on 22 december if you don't want to wait"
  • edited December 2010
    Owh then 'someone' misled me. >.>
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Buy Ep 1 with a speculated price to be around 5,99 dollars.

    There is that...I just don't know.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Buy Ep 1 with a speculated price to be around 5,99 dollars.
    Telltale hasn't been selling its games as individual episodes lately (it didn't for Tales of Monkey Island and The Devil's Playhouse). The only thing you could do, I think, would be to buy the full season of BTTF.
  • edited December 2010
    BTW Shadowknight you can buy the full season for 20 dollars instead of 25, you know that already right?
  • edited December 2010
    This is a really weird decision. Wasn't the whole point of the free episode to generate hype and to allow people to try the game before they buy it? And doesn't it make more sense to generate that hype earlier than later? The pre-orders would have started flooding in as soon as those people who were on the fence about the game got a chance to play it and decide whether they wanted more. By delaying the episode two months, you're just giving people more time to forget about or lose interest in the game.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    BTW Shadowknight you can buy the full season for 20 dollars instead of 25, you know that already right?

    Just did so. The way I see it, at the very least I can try running BTTF at lowest settings, and I'll be able to take it everywhere, unlike my PS3. One downside to the PS3, it's not exactly...portable. :p
  • edited December 2010
    Borrow a friends laptop. I am aiming to do that. :p
  • edited December 2010
    This is a really weird decision. Wasn't the whole point of the free episode to generate hype and to allow people to try the game before they buy it? And doesn't it make more sense to generate that hype earlier than later? The pre-orders would have started flooding in as soon as those people who were on the fence about the game got a chance to play it and decide whether they wanted more. By delaying the episode two months, you're just giving people more time to forget about or lose interest in the game.

    Its not weird at all actually. Everyone here is thinking of it from a fans standpoint, not a business standpoint. From a business prespective, its dumb to release the first episode free the same day the first episode goes like for purchase. They wouldn't make a dime on the game until february because everyone would just take the free version (excluding pre-orders).

    By making the first epsiode free when the second one goes live, they've at least had a chance to make money off the first episode.
  • edited December 2010
    Spykes wrote: »
    its not weird at all actually. Everyone here is thinking of it from a fans standpoint, not a business standpoint. From a business prespective, its dumb to release the first episode free the same day the first episode goes like for purchase. They wouldn't make a dime on the game until february because everyone would just take the free version (excluding pre-orders).

    By making the first epsiode free when the second one goes live, they've at least had a chance to make money off the first episode.

  • edited December 2010
    All I can tell from this thread is that there were a lot of people assuming that the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid-for episode, and now they're pissed off that their assumption has been proved incorrect. I can certainly understand people's disappointment that they're not getting the free episode right away, but seeing as Telltale never explicitly said when the free episode was coming until the e-mail, all of the outrage in this thread is ridiculous.
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Telltale hasn't been selling its games as individual episodes lately (it didn't for Tales of Monkey Island and The Devil's Playhouse). The only thing you could do, I think, would be to buy the full season of BTTF.
    All of "Tales of Monkey Island"'s episodes are available for sale separately. "The Penal Zone" is also available in the store for $8.95. I don't know if those came out during or after the seasons, though.
  • edited December 2010
    Then... they shouldn't have given the first episode for free in the first place!
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    All I can tell from this thread is that there were a lot of people assuming that the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid-for episode, and now they're pissed off that their assumption has been proved incorrect.

    Well, you know the old saying about assuming things, right? I was a bit saddened, but as I just said, I'm still planning on buying it on PS3, so having two systems to play it on isn't necessarily a bad thing. It'll look better on my PS3 of course, but oh well.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    All I can tell from this thread is that there were a lot of people assuming that the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid-for episode, and now they're pissed off that their assumption has been proved incorrect. I can certainly understand people's disappointment that they're not getting the free episode right away, but seeing as Telltale never explicitly said when the free episode was coming until the e-mail, all of the outrage in this thread is ridiculous.

    If this deal differs from all the previous free episode deals, it should've been told THAT time. Otherwise, it's a cheap trick. Because they knew we would be tricked into believing that we would be able to play the game the first day it came out.
  • edited December 2010
    I can certainly understand people's disappointment that they're not getting the free episode right away, but seeing as Telltale never explicitly said when the free episode was coming until the e-mail, all of the outrage in this thread is ridiculous.

    Well, let's face it, 'not getting the episode right away' and 'getting it in February' is two different things. I mean, it could've been at least January. Or something like two weeks after the release of the first episode (I think most people would be fine with the latter variant. I know I would've, it's not that big a difference between release dates; and that way 'but it's free' could've been counted as a valid argument).
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    If this deal differs from all the previous free episode deals, it should've been told THAT time. Otherwise, it's a cheap trick. Because they knew we would be tricked into believing that we would be able to play the game the first day it came out.
    True or false: You assumed the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid episode?
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    True or false: You assumed the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid episode?


    Because it wasn't made CLEAR. I am not to be blamed.
  • edited December 2010
    All I can tell from this thread is that there were a lot of people assuming that the free episode would come out at the same time as the paid-for episode, and now they're pissed off that their assumption has been proved incorrect. I can certainly understand people's disappointment that they're not getting the free episode right away, but seeing as Telltale never explicitly said when the free episode was coming until the e-mail, all of the outrage in this thread is ridiculous.

    We still do not know if we can buy the first episode only. The email seems to indicate that the only way to play it on 22 december is to buy the full season. And that, my dear friend, was stated NOWHERE.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Because it wasn't made CLEAR. I am not to be blamed.
    But it wasn't made clear either way. It wasn't made clear that it would be coming out at the same time as the paid episode, and it wasn't made clear that it would be coming out later. You just chose to assume the former. :cool:
    Strayth wrote: »
    We still do not know if we can buy the first episode only. The email seems to indicate that the only way to play it on 22 december is to buy the full season. And that, my dear friend, was stated NOWHERE.
    That is correct: The only way to play the first episode on day one is to buy the game. But you are still getting a free episode down the line. You don't ever have to buy the game if you don't want to.
  • edited December 2010
    For 6 pages it just has been the unending argument between "I haven't preordered because I'm cheapskate like that, and Telltale has just ruined my plans" and "I preordered and I won't feel regretful even if they give the whole season for free".

    Maybe we just can't form an empathy.
    markeres wrote: »
    But it wasn't made clear either way. It wasn't made clear that it would be coming out at the same time as the paid episode, and it wasn't made clear that it would be coming out later. You just chose to assume the former. :cool:

    No, there has been many free episode deals coming from Telltale and it was always their unspoken policy or rule to unlock the free game right away, UNTIL NOW. So they just broke their own rule without giving any warning whatsoever, making people think that it was going to be the same as other free episode deals.

    A change in rules demands an explanation beforehand. Therefore customers can manage their own schedule while the company manage theirs.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Maybe we just can't form an empathy.
    That's right. I have no empathy for someone who is getting something for free and is complaining about it. Telltale never even had to give a free episode in the first place. They were generous to do so. And to see so many people throwing it back in their faces like that is kind of disgusting, to be quite honest. :cool:
    Falanca wrote:
    No, there has been many free episode deals coming from Telltale and it was always their unspoken policy or rule to unlock the free game right away, UNTIL NOW. So they just broke their own rule without giving any warning whatsoever, making people think that it was going to be the same as other free episode deals.

    A change in rules demands an explanation beforehand. Therefore customers can manage their own schedule while the company manage theirs.
    I don't ever remember a "Free episode on the first day" deal before. Free episode deals have always come later, usually with purchase of another game.
  • edited December 2010
    That is correct: The only way to play the first episode on day one is to buy the game. But you are still getting a free episode down the line. You don't ever have to buy the game if you don't to.

    Excuse me but... I thought the whole point of episodic release was... Well, EPISODES. >_>

    Can't we have the right to play just one episode ? O_o

    We're forced to buy the full game even though we're not getting it "full" till may ?

    Why should we buy it ? I mean, we are assuming it's good, otherwise we wouldn't, right ?

    Also, the whole concept of "anticipation" and "hype" is that they make you WANT to play it (if you care about it). Knowing that it's available and that you can't access it unless you're doing what THEY want, sorry but I call that BS mind trick.

    edit :

    Why did they announce a free episode in october for a 2010 release ? Answer that. Couldn't they just keep their mouth shut till febuary ? No, cauz they wanted us to feel the "need" to buy it ...
  • edited December 2010
    Can't we have the right to play just one episode ? O_o

    We're forced to buy the full game even though we're not getting it "full" till may ?

    No, you are 'forced' to wait till february to play it.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    That's right. I have no empathy for someone who is getting something for free and is complaining about it. Telltale never even had to give a free episode in the first place. They were generous to do so. And to see so many people throwing it back in their faces like that is kind of disgusting, to be quite honest. :cool:

    I don't ever remember a "Free episode on the first day" deal before. Free episode deals have always come later, usually with purchase of another game.

    Amen to that.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    That's right. I have no empathy for someone who is getting something for free and is complaining about it. Telltale never even had to give a free episode in the first place. They were generous to do so. And to see so many people throwing it back in their faces like that is kind of disgusting, to be quite honest. :cool:

    I don't ever remember a "Free episode on the first day" deal before. Free episode deals have always come later, usually with purchase of another game.

    As soon as it's on your My Games list, if it's out, you should be able to play it. It had been like that and people "assumed" that it would be the same, but "assumed that because other possibilities would be just too unexpected to come from Telltale".

    "It's free, so just suck it" is a wrong claim to make. It's only a part of the full game that's free. It's more like a demo version. And it's my right not to like a demo version. Or, say, a full flash game. It's free. But I may not like it. I may not like its delivery. I may not like the way a company I love tricks me that way. It's in my rights as a human.

    I want to advice you not to use coolshades smiley in between an argument. It gives the feeling of "I'm totally right and whatever you say is shit", and that holds a huge possibility to tick off whoever you're arguing against.
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale is EVILLLLLLLLLL
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