Stuff to fix in Episode 1 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited December 2010
    saluk wrote: »
    *When talking to artie through the window, young emmet refers to marty as "marty" instead of his fake name. He shouldn't know anyone named "marty".
    When was that? I don't remember that happening. Are you sure he didn't say "Artie"?
  • edited December 2010
    The only audio problem I had was when Marty got the Rocket Drill, and was drilling into the wall of the jail, there was no sound of drilling or anything. In the animation Marty was shaking pretty violently, so I assume there should be SOME sort of sound to accompany it...?
  • edited December 2010
    I encountered this one incredibly strange glitch where Young Doc completely disappeared for a brief moment during a conversation with him in the town center. Marty was talking to empty space for a few seconds (which was responding) but like 2 camera angle changes later, he was back and it resumed like nothing ever happened. Weird...

    And yeah, the audio cutout when Kid chases Marty on top of the gazebo seems to be a problem for everyone, so I won't even bother to detail that.
  • edited December 2010
    In the subtitles Einstein's nickname is spelt both "Einy" and "Einie" eg In the opening cutscene it is spelt "Einy", but when you are in 1931 and click on Einstein the subtitles show Marty call him "Einie"
  • edited December 2010
    Mac31 wrote: »
    I had the same problem. Turns out I had to disable my Ad Blocker in my Norton Antivirus settings.

    Although I use Windows XP.

    Thank you very much. FINALLY someone suggested a solution that actually worked. My PC Tools Firewall program was blocking the program from pulling up all its advertisements and whatnot, so the .exe was not running properly. As soon as I told that program to allow Back to the Future to do whatever it wanted, everything started working right again.

    That said, why in the world, Telltale, did you have to design your new Back to the Future series to launch with something that computers would flag as spyware? :confused:
  • edited December 2010
    Cyphox wrote: »
    anyone else having this little graphical glitch in 1931? when you walk around the courthouse place, theres pretty often a kind of a square in form of thin black lines visible around marty.

    tried to turn of aa, doesnt help. haven't tried to reduce the graphic quality (and i dont want to)

    I'm getting this on mine too, really distracting as I'd like to enjoy playing.
  • edited December 2010
    When Marty has to get his grandfather out of the apartment, Emmet is standing right behind him as he uses the tape recorder message. This obviously seems very out of place, simply removing Emmet from that scene would be the easy thing to do. Though you could also have gotten a gag in their about Marty doing a good Kid Tannen impression while hiding the tape recorder.

    Also the loading glitch at startup ruins the BTTF jingle were you hear it almost twice, this has been in Telltale games a while now (in Sam & Max titles as well) but the it's way more obvious now.

    Marty's walking animation seems a bit Guybrush Threepwood and his facial animation was a bit wooden as well.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Never mentioned here, but elsewhere a lot: Upon downloading the english version, German gamers still get German subtitles and text (if they don't fiddle with their system language). There absolutely MUST be an option to change that in-game, this is SO annoying.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm getting this on mine too, really distracting as I'd like to enjoy playing.

    Have you updated your graphics card driver? That solved the shadow issue for me.
  • edited December 2010
    Not gonna search for it but:
    When Marty is climbing up unto the soapbox area, Kid's lines are muted
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    Have you updated your graphics card driver? That solved the shadow issue for me.
    Shadows or the lines around marty's legs that are in the shape of a square?
  • edited December 2010
    Shadows or the lines around marty's legs that are in the shape of a square?

  • edited December 2010
    Don't know if it's really a glitch, but it took forever and a day for Cueball to go over and activate the lift.

    It just happened randomly and I was running back and forth aimlessly until it happened.

    It was annoying, but I persevered. xD
  • edited December 2010
    -I hope they include a line that expresses Marty's surprise about seeing the DeLorean again after it got destroyed.
    -I hope they include a little scene of George and Biff leaving Doc's Lab before the DeLorean popping up.
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »

    Thanks for that m8, worked! Thanks a million ;)
  • edited December 2010
    I have another problem, i have to activate the Game everytime i start it.
    Tried it in Admin-mode but still need to activate it, really annoying.
  • edited December 2010
    Wesk89 wrote: »
    Another glitch: Strickland calls me Corleone even though I told her that my name is Harry Callahan.
    Well, at least Marty told Emmett that his name is Callahan. :D EDIT: Now he called me Michael, wth.
    I wanna be Harry Callahan! :(

    Having the same problem here. It began happening after I loaded up my saved game. I was at the part where I told young Doc the solution to the formula he was trying to solve. After that happened I saved the game. When I went back, both Doc and Ms. Strickland began calling me Corleone instead.
  • edited December 2010
    First of all i would mention, that the German Voices are not so bad.
    Of course it would have been perfect if at least Marty and Doc had there original Voices, but the new Speakers do a good Job.

    My only Complain is that, at the End some phrases, the Voices cut suddenly. Indeed you know what they want to say, but it ruins the Atmosphere.

    I hope TellTale will fix this in the coming Parts, or maybe in a Patch for Episode One too.

    By the Way: I had the same Problem in the German Version of Sam & Max Season One
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale, did you have to design your new Back to the Future series to launch with something that computers would flag as spy-ware?

    Marty's animation was a bit wooden. is it me but did not Marty seam to float when he walked

    i to had square in form of thin black lines visible around Marty, turning down the shadow quality helped thanks linorn and i did the up date on my drivers as well
  • edited December 2010
    Oh... theres one more thing. :rolleyes:
    Did anyone saw the shaky Tires of the Delorean?
    Right after Marty jumped back to 1931 you can see them.
    I really dont want to be picky but its looking so goofy.
    Any other Vehicle in this Game doesnt suffer of this Problem.

    Ok enough complaining :p
  • edited December 2010
    I'm not sure if this is a bug, but sometimes if I went to talk to someone at more than walking distance (clicking on them when they are far away) I'd just instantly teleport to them and start talking, maybe it's a feature to save time, but usually you have to just walk up to them and no teleportation happens :o
  • edited December 2010
    Just a quick one (Bit of a rookie mistake actually), but in the credits it claims that the next episode is due out in February 2010. Probably just due to them wanting to get the game out on time. Unless of course it's some sort of time travel joke.

    This is neither. The next episode it meant to come out Feb 2011. This is a text bug that there tested did not catch. They should hire some new testers.
  • edited December 2010
    Thank a lot :)
  • edited December 2010
    Just before going to 1931 Marty says:

    flux capacitor... fluxy

    instead of:

    flux capacitor... fluxing

    also if you choose continue from the main menu, in the animation of the DeLorean driving off, the digital speedometer doesn't work (it doesn't show the numbers changing up to 88)
  • edited December 2010
    There's actually nothing wrong with that, it's not a line from the movies or anything. He's just changing it up a bit.
  • edited December 2010
    There's actually nothing wrong with that, it's not a line from the movies or anything. He's just changing it up a bit.

    Actually, it is from BttF 1, Marty says it just before he is sent back to 1985.
  • edited December 2010
    I do not mind him changing it up a bit.....
  • edited December 2010
    No, "Fluxing" is from BTTF1. "Fluxy" is a new line from the game and therefore not necessarily a mistake. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    ok, I see what you mean.
  • OetOet
    edited December 2010
    You can still click on the barrels of bootleg alcohol when they are already dropped. Good thing Cue Ball doesn't look at the now leaning shelf with no barrels when you talk about them.
  • edited December 2010
    Another spelling mistake:

    During young Docs experiment (getting the alcohol fuel for the rocket drill) one of the times young Docs father calls him the subs say "Emmet" instead of "Emmett"
  • edited December 2010

    Game Breaking Bugs:
    • It seems it’s possible that the elevator is never activated for the cellar at the soup kitchen, so when you need to do it later. Marty just goes, "This pipe leads to the basement" therefore halting the story and causing one to have to restart the chapter.

    Audio Bugs:
    • Characters calling Marty the wrong name, e.g. Player chooses “Harry Callahan” as their name but characters call Marty “Michael”.

    • When Kid Tannen chases you up onto the gazebo, there is a close up of his face and you can see his lips move like he is yelling but no sound. (there is no subtitles either, but he is obviously supposed to be yelling).

    • If you get chased onto the gazebo twice after you get Einstein to attack just after Matches says "look its that crazy mutt again" there is another part where their lips move but there is no sound. (there is no subtitles either, but they are obviously supposed to be speaking).

    • The first time Marty walks up to Kid and Matches before they chase him up onto the gazebo, their lips move but there is no audio.

    • When talking to Edna about letting Marty do the deliveries, she does not have an audio reply, though her lips move.

    • In young Docs lab when making the fuel, Docs father yells "EMMETT" (can tell because of the subtitles) there is no audio.

    • When Emmett gives Marty the subpoena, Marty reads his grandfather's name, his lips move, the subtitles show "Arthur McFly", but there's no sound, only "I got to subpoena my grandpa?" is heard.

    • In the german version at the beginning when Doc is reading his notebook, Doc's voice is done by the dubber of MARTY.

    • Sound effects for background noise continue into next scene. e.g. After Marty first travels into the 30s he hides the time machine behind a sign, when the cutscene goes to Hill Valley in the daytime the night sound effects (insects and such) stay. This also occurred at the end of the game when the end credits rolled, there was still the night scene sound effects.

    • In the German version almost every second sentence stops before the whole sentence is spoken. Without the subtitles the game is unplayable because you often just dont´t know what the characters are saying.

    • Some people have had problems with no audio while Marty is drilling through the jail wall.

    • There are some audio imbalances throughout the episode where one character's voice is noticeably louder than another's or where it's louder than the previous things said by the character (pretty obvious in Doc's Lab at the beginning).

    • When in the DeLorean cicking on the "Time Circuit Display" and clicking on the "Time Circuit Keypad" give the same line of dialogue. (Possibly not a bug)

    Graphical Bugs:
    • Double wormhole emitter on the DeLorean when the steam gets the police car off the road in 1931.

    • Often there is a kind of a square in form of thin black lines visible around Marty.

    • When the DeLorean first arrives in 1986 and Marty is inside, if you click on the time circuits, after the line of dialogue, Marty will kind of "jump" back into his seat.

    • When the Delorean first appears and the camera does a slow pan down the car, there is a sort-of halo around its edge that smoke effects don't work in.

    • During a cut scene, Emmett wasn't walking but sort of hovering in his set path from the courthouse to the lawyers' building.

    • The back wall of Emmett's lab disappears after finishing the experiment.

    • After you finish the alcohol fuel puzzle, Emmett starts cranking the generator but, in a moment, the handle stays still while Emmett still moves (his hand goes through) and the handle continues moving when his hand reaches it again.

    • The brick texture on the jail is upside-down (look at the shadows)

    • After doing the making rocket fuel puzzle for a while the bellows stay pushed down.

    • Someone had a problem with Young Doc completely disappearing for a brief moment during a conversation with him in the town centre.

    • In the first sequence, after Marty says "out of a DeLorean?", his head jumps to another position.

    Language Bugs:
    • Upon downloading the english version, German gamers still get German subtitles and text (if they don't fiddle with their system language). There absolutely MUST be an option to change that in-game.

    Launching Bugs:
    • Double download problem (download starting again after clicking play) I know there is a work around (run as administrator) but would like a proper fix.

    • The launcher doesn’t seem to load (stays black) for some people with Windows 7.

    • If the application is renamed on Mac, the launcher just quits when "Play" is clicked. If the original name, (BackToTheFuture101) is used, it works fine, but if changed to a prefered name eg “1 - It's About Time..." it just quits when play is clicked.
    • When Edna introduces herself in 1931, she says she writes for the Hill Valley Herald, but in 1986, she says she wrote for the Hill Valley Telegraph. Doc reads off Edna's byline in the Hill Valley Telegraph as well.

    • It's possible to ask Young Emmett in the town square where Arthur is even after you've found him. Emmett answers that he doesn't know, while he obviously should.

    • Marty parks the DeLorean behind the "Car of the Future" billboard when he arrives, but then, when Doc and Marty get to the DeLorean again, there's a fence going along the road which wasnt there when Marty parked it.
    Spelling Mistakes:
    • In the Prologue (Marty's Dream) "square" is spelt as "sqaure".

    • Before Einstein attacks young Edna she says "etiquette", but it's subtitled as "ettiqutte".

    • When you talk with Doc and ask him where he's been all this time, “Unpredictable” is spelled as “Unpredicatble”.

    • When you ask Doc about Edna for the first time, he says they never "socialized" much, but it's spelled "soicalized" in the subtitles.

    • When talking to Doc in jail “Dimensional” is spelt “Dimenionsal”.

    • When talking to Doc about Barrels, “Barrels” is spelt “Barrles”.

    • During young Docs experiment (getting the alcohol fuel for the rocket drill) one of the times young Docs father calls him the subs say "Emmet" instead of "Emmett".

    • In the subtitles Einstein's nickname is spelt both "Einy" and "Einie" eg In the opening cutscene it is spelt "Einy", but when you are in 1931 and click on Einstein the subtitles show Marty call him "Einie".
    • Please allow an option to remove the buttons at the top of the screen (Goal, Hint etc) to allow for more screen space.

    • Please make "hints off" actually mean "hints off", even in the first scenes, when Twin Pines Mall and Doc's Lab's interior are literally obstructed by these hints most of the time.

    • In the German Version, When talking to Cueball about chilli powder, salt etc, he mentions the 2nd World War, he shouldn't know about the 2nd World War since it had not occured yet in 1931.

    • The 6 & 9 digits on the DeLorean's time circuits are displayed incorrectly (in the movie the 6 doesn't have the upper horizontal line and the 9 doesn't have the lower horizontal line) here is a comparison picture

    • When using the tape recorder on Artie to get him to come downstairs Marty and Emmett are under the balcony, then Marty walks out from under it, then in the following cutscene Marty and Emmett are seen walking under the balcony as if they are coming from the sidewalk.

    • If you choose continue from the main menu, in the animation of the DeLorean driving off, the digital speedometer doesn't work (it doesn't show the numbers changing up to 88)

    • When Marty and Doc get out of the paddywagon and Kid is about to crash into the manure truck, he turns the wheel left, but the paddywagon turns right and crashes on its left side.

    • Shaky Tires of the Delorean, right after Marty jumped back to 1931 you can see them.

    • The ClockTower doesn't have gargoyles and the ledge seems too wide (Doc could walk on it without fear of falling).

    • Marty should be more surprised about seeing the DeLorean again after it got destroyed (add a line of dialogue).

    • George and Biff should leave Doc's Lab before the DeLorean shows up or at least act surprised by the noise of the DeLorean appearing.

    • If right click is already held down when audio starts it will skip audio, for example, if using the right click to run up to Kid Tannen and Matches (at the point where they chase you) since it enters the dialogue automatically if right click is still held down when the dialogue starts it wll skip the dialogue.

    • The DeLoreans cooling vents should not steam.

    • Moving re-entry point (The three sonic booms move with both 1931 cars instead of happening in the same place the DeLorean disappeared)

    • Just one flash on the 1931 re-entry: We only see the last flash of light as the DeLorean reappears. In the movie (first re-entry, as the developers have said that they're following the effects from Einstein's 1-minute trip), with each boom and faint DeLorean image, there's a subsequent flash; which is not present in-game until the last sonic boom.

    • DeLorean's wheel-drive: All 4 tires spin (in front of Doc's lab) even when only the rear ones should spin/burn.

    • The scroll-down button in dialogue options is rather small, at least compared to the overwhelmingly big "clocktower dialogue line pointer". This does lead to confusion

    • You can still click on the barrels of bootleg alcohol when they are already dropped. Good thing Cue Ball doesn't look at the now leaning shelf with no barrels when you talk about them.

    • The preview at the end of the game says episode 2 will be released in February 2010.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Prizna, great! Thanks for the great effort, I am now very proud to have stickied this. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    I don't see how they could fix most of these problems.

    Since I had none of them (besides design, continuity, and spelling errors) on my system.

    They would need to retest the whole thing, on various systems, it's not possible now that the game has been launched.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Your system surely is the only relevant one, and problems which do not occur on all systems surely are impossible to identify and fix. ;)

    They probably won't be able to fix ALL of them.
    But I'd like to see one hell of an attempt at that!! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Your system surely is the only relevant one, and problems which do not occur on all systems surely are impossible to identify and fix.

    Do you think, for once, you could try to read something else that what you want to read ?

    I'm not sure what you're trying to get at. I mean, you're not stupid. You couldn't possibly deny that glitches and bugs are a pretty well known issue in the gaming industry, and that a bug can happen in a game, for everybody. The second a bug doesn't appear on most systems (and obviously it didn't, otherwise they would have already noticed it during the beta testing), it requires a lot of testing.

    Sure, a company might very well do it as soon as possible. Though, for a company like telltale, which is selling an episodic game, due each month, I'm really not sure they have the time to.

    The only thing I could see being fixed is the basement thing, which is game breaking. And probably not based on one's system.

    Also, they pretty much won't redo audio, nor changing the story just because there's a few errors. (there are errors everywhere ...)
  • edited December 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    • Characters calling Marty the wrong name, e.g. Player chooses “Harry Callahan” as their name but characters call Marty “Michael”.

    After complaining about it in another thread, and then reading it is just a glitch I had an idea and I was right: This happens on windows if the game is unable to write to the registry. The chosen name is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Telltale Games\BTTF in a value called "Player Alias". So this can be fixed by running as admin. By the way, I don't think the registry is the best place to store such information.

    EDIT: The key is from a Windows 7 64 Bit Version. It might be different if you use XP or 32 bit Win 7 or Vista.
  • edited December 2010
    I know that some of the problems don't happen to everyone and are probably system specific, I just thought id update the list to all the problems everyone has posted.
  • edited December 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    I know that some of the problems don't happen to everyone and are probably system specific, I just thought id update the list to all the problems everyone has posted.

    And what you've done is great because at least it has different categories. I wasn't saying anything else than just how hard it will be for Telltale to fix all of this.

    Since they're already working on episode 2 and 3 right now, I'm not sure they can afford the time needed to test even more systems.

    Cauz right now, we don't even know what was the audio chip, the graphic card, those who encountered those glitches had.

    So really they would have to start from 0. :/ My bet is that, the older your system is, better are the chances that you will have some bugs.
  • edited December 2010
    Prizna, great! Thanks for the great effort, I am now very proud to have stickied this. ;)

    Thankyou :)
    Strayth wrote: »
    And what you've done is great because at least it has different categories. I wasn't saying anything else than just how hard it will be for Telltale to fix all of this.

    Since they're already working on episode 2 and 3 right now, I'm not sure they can afford the time needed to test even more systems.

    Cauz right now, we don't even know what was the audio chip, the graphic card, those who encountered those glitches had.

    So really they would have to start from 0. :/ My bet is that, the older your system is, better are the chances that you will have some bugs.


    I understand about the system specific bugs but mainly it would be good to fix up the non system specific bugs in time for the DVD release.
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