Stuff to fix in Episode 1 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited January 2011
    One more from me:

    The digits on the DeLorean's time circuits are wrong: the numbers 6/9 are displayed differently in the movie (without the upper/lower line).

  • edited January 2011
    Annoyance (in the dream sequence, but still...):

    Doc puts the seatbelt on Einstein when he gets in the DeLorean, but there's no seatbelt model.
  • edited January 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Annoyance (in the dream sequence, but still...):

    Doc puts the seatbelt on Einstein when he gets in the DeLorean, but there's no seatbelt model. :D
  • edited January 2011
    The next game really comes out in February, It's because of Jurassic Park in the making as well.

    edit* I feel stupid now, I always notice things after i announce the wrong thing publicly :P
  • edited January 2011
    I'm playing through this game to review for a podcast I host and I believe I have come across a glitch and is not allowing me to progress further in the game. *Spoiler* I'm in the soup kitchen. I've looked what what is suppose to happen with Que ball banging on the pipes revealing that you can then do the same to tip the cart and get the booze, however for the life of me I cannot get that cut scene to trigger. I've already propped the door with Emmetts help, and I've already subpoena'ed Arthur (If that matters). From the Guides I've read I'm suppose to walk to the left around the corner and QueBall will bang on the pipes but I'm not able to trigger this event. Am I missing something or did my game glitch? Please help I really don't want to restart as I'm almost done with the game. Thanks
  • edited January 2011
    Have you talked to Cueball yet? If so, it's probably a glitch. I don't know how to fix it besides reverting to a past save or starting over. At least you have something bad to say in the review, right?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    As you can see, the problem in question is on page one of this thread. It's a bug - you'll have to start at a previous point... :(
  • edited January 2011
    leon101 wrote: »

    Err... why such weak settings?

    My computer and graphic card both suck.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey all,

    To those of you stuck in the soup kitchen, here is what I did to fix it. Talk to Cue Ball and select the first option "So this place used to be a soup kitchen". After he finishes, walk around to young Doc, Cue Ball should get up and bang on the pipe.

    That should allow Marty to bang on it after he distracts him again.

    Hope this helps!
  • edited January 2011
    Animation bug:

    - After you finish the alcohol fuel puzzle, Emmett starts cranking the generator but, in a moment, the handle stays still while Emmett still moves (his hand goes through) and the handle continues moving when his hand reaches it again.


    Graphical bug:
    - In the first sequence, after Marty says "out of a DeLorean?", his head jumps to another position.

    - Moving re-entry point (The three sonic booms move with both 1931 cars instead of happening in the same place the DeLorean disappeared), although I could understand it was made for a more dramatic effect.

    And, another pretty-please, can you put the "double wormhole emitter" issue as a graphical bug and not as an annoyance?. It only happens in that particular shot.
  • edited January 2011
    Ok I added them, but I put the animation bug you listed in the graphic bug section.
  • edited January 2011
    O.k., thanks :)
  • edited January 2011
    Hi, I didn't want to start a new thread for this so I've picked on this one to post my rather random question...

    When can I save games? How does the game decide when to Auto Save? I'm mid play and would to save to carry on later!

    Any help greatly appreciated, lol
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    There are already a LOT of savegame trouble threads in here. If you hit Escape in the game, you should be able to save your game in the menu. If there's no Save option there, you have a problem.

    In fact, many of the earlier posters who could in fact not save because the save option was missing from the menu were using a pirated copy of the game. It's what they got for stealing this game, so to speak. If you have a legit copy of the game, please refer to the Game Support forum.

    Again, I'd like to say that there is no official confirmation that this only occurs with pirated versions of the game. Last time(s), this was pretty much a flame war and it could not be sorted out if this is a "real" bug.
  • edited January 2011
    There are already a LOT of savegame trouble threads in here. If you hit Escape in the game, you should be able to save your game in the menu. If there's no Save option there, you have a problem.

    Hey thanks for the info - much appreciated. I never tried ESC when playing the game, lol!!

    I just waited until the Auto Save kicked in, haha
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Phew. ;)
  • edited January 2011

    -Just one flash on the 1931 re-entry: We only see the last flash of light as the DeLorean reappears. In the movie (first re-entry, as the developers have said that they're following the effects from Einstein's 1-minute trip), with each boom and faint DeLorean image, there's a subsequent flash; which is not present in-game until the last sonic boom.

    Bonus (Minor) annoyance:
    -DeLorean's wheel-drive: All 4 tires spin (in front of Doc's lab) even when only the rear ones should spin/burn.
  • edited January 2011
    I have only had a few small glitches, nothing that was really too noticeable unless I was really focused. Thanks for this thread though because i gained a lot of info :)
  • edited January 2011
    Way too many people seem to have missed the dialogue options where Doc explains the reappearance of the DeLorean and where Clara and the kids are. I've seen too many reviews written by too many confused people who missed the explanations entirely and call these things plot holes, hoping they'll be explained in future episodes. And if website reviewers are missing them, lots of people playing the game must be as well. Telltale might want to change the initial conversation with Doc in jail so that it doesn't automatically end when Doc gives you the phone number, instead continuing on with the choices to ask Doc those questions, or else have the choices available immediately.

    I guess you can list this under Annoyances.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    The scroll-down button in dialogue options is rather small, at least compared to the overwhelmingly big "clocktower dialogue line pointer". This does lead to confusion.

    And while I'm here, 16 days into the new year, I'd REALLY appreciate an official TTG word on how this ambitious list was received and which injuries will be cured immediately.
  • edited January 2011
    i would like to know why can i to play with the game when i ingresed the username and the pasword in the video game?
  • edited January 2011
    It's kinda weird to suggest this, but I suppose TTG's next ep should have a prompt to encourage people to, you know, *talk* to significant characters in an adventure game if they want background. I'm genuinely surprised at how many people are unhappy that they missed what they consider to be important dialogue.
  • edited January 2011
    Here are a few other things I noticed:

    - The brick texture on the jail is upside-down (look at the shadows)
    - I saw a floating pencil the first time Marty was chased onto the roof
    - I'm playing with a controller. When I used the toolbox in the last scene, the marker didn't disappear (stayed the one shown for unfocused items when pressing RT).

    (Windows Vista x64 with Nvidia GTX 280 on 1920x1200 with all settings on maximum, Steam version)

    Apart from that, this game really needs normal maps. Most of the walls look really awful.

    Well, at least the main character doesn't have a giant seam in the middle of his face this time...
  • edited January 2011
    After traveling back in time and speaking to Edna, an info box appears stating "While walking, hold down your right mouse button to make Marty run."

    However holding down the right mouse button does not make Marty run, for me the default run button seems to be the shift key.
  • edited January 2011
    RainKing wrote: »
    After traveling back in time and speaking to Edna, an info box appears stating "While walking, hold down your right mouse button to make Marty run."

    However holding down the right mouse button does not make Marty run, for me the default run button seems to be the shift key.

    If you use Click N' Drag: to run, you hold the Right mouse button while you're still pressing the Left mouse button.

    If you're using WASD: Pressing Shift makes Marty run.
  • edited January 2011

    Well I have been working with Telltale Support to get the game to Launch and run in Offline mode. TTG Support sent me the unlock code (actually two over several days) and the code would unlock the game the first time and played fine (as far as I got anyway). But when I returned to play later Launcher re-requested my unlock code and it would not work (thus I was sent the second unlock code - same outcome). I have narrowed the problem down to Launcher "probably" trying to contact the TTG server farm (so it is a DRM sort of issue), even after an unlock code has been presented to it on the previous occasion.

    Has anyone replicated this offline mode problem. TTG "thinks" it is my security software blocking Adware that TTG has embedded in the launcher (as others have reported, and Prizna has summarized), but this seems unlikely to me for offline mode. The previous approach for offline mode wherein you could enter your serial number was MUCH superior, IMO.

  • edited January 2011
    Don't know whether this is reproducible or not but I was really stuck on the pipes thing and did everything else first then went back to it. All I did was go round the corner by the kitchen door and stay there until something happened, which took about two minutes.
  • edited February 2011
    i have downloaded the game back to the future episode 1 and i registered here but when the game opens it says to enter a username and a password.i put the ones i made here but it says that "it doesn't look like you own Back to the future The game." What can i do???Please help me guys!!!!!!Thank you!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Did you BUY the game?
  • edited February 2011
    no.i downloaded it
  • edited February 2011
    please help me someone if can...
  • edited February 2011
    please help me someone if can...

    when you say you downloaded it do you mean you gave telltale games money, then they gave you a dowload link in you account details and now it doesn't work?
  • edited February 2011
    If you have a PicKit3 PIC programmer from microchip plugged in your system, the game fails to launch. This isn't a specific problem of BTTF though. Just so you know should anyone run into this. Took me a while to realize I needed to unplug it from the USB port.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Please contact TTG's support in this issue if you:
    • have downloaded the episode following a link TTG sent you in an e-mail;
    • actually paid 24.95$ to play this game;
    • have a download link in your "my games" section.

    There is no way for you to play this game now if you:
    • have registered for the free episode with the "Blu Ray"-Code (will work sometime in February, but not yet);
    • downloaded the episode without a link in your "your games" section;
    • haven't sent money to TTG.

  • edited February 2011
    Error / Annoyance:

    - The DeLorean's tachometer is not working (you can see the needle at "0 RPM" at the analog speedometer's close-up before Marty goes back to 1931).

    However, it works in the animation before loading a game (in which the needles are off-centered, by the way, which can be taken as a bug by itself).
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    • The 6 & 9 digits on the DeLorean's time circuits are displayed incorrectly (in the movie the 6 doesn't have the upper horizontal line and the 9 doesn't have the lower horizontal line) here is a comparison picture

    This is fixed here.
  • edited February 2011
    The link doesn't work.
  • edited February 2011
    Darksole03 wrote: »
    This is neither. The next episode it meant to come out Feb 2011. This is a text bug that there tested did not catch. They should hire some new testers.

    Does anyone know the exact date of the 2nd episode release?

    Im a newbie on here so Hello Time Travellers :D

  • edited February 2011
    The link doesn't work.
    It used to, now it doesn't due to Telltale's patch policy.
    The digits are going to be fixed in the next episode officially though.
  • edited February 2011
    I think the fact that so many people were running the game made it play slower at times and yeah it had glitches but I'm very happy with the game... it's Back to the Future... it's awesome.. so let it happen.. unless you're gonna make it.. don't mock it... sorry.. my own opinion..
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