Stuff to fix in Episode 1 (Possible Spoilers)



  • edited February 2011
    ehm.... in the first sequence Marty is sleeping full dressed... very strange.
    And the voice of his mum sounds too close, I think it was coming from outside the room... or not?
  • edited February 2011
    That's Marty's habit: sleeping with his clothes on. Dave notes that at the end of Part I.
  • edited February 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    That's Marty's habit: sleeping with his clothes on. Dave notes that at the end of Part I.

    And in a deleted scene in BttF 2. lol

    I honestly have a question about all of these we expect any of them to be fixed? I mean, maybe in the DVD version, but does TellTale do patches?
  • edited February 2011
    And in a deleted scene in BttF 2. lol

    I honestly have a question about all of these we expect any of them to be fixed? I mean, maybe in the DVD version, but does TellTale do patches?

    Instead of patches, they sometimes release an updated full download, available from the My Games page. From what I can recall, they did this for TMI 102 and Poker Night but they were within a month of initial release, so chances are if there were one, it would be out already. I've never known them to fix anything for the DVD version, unless you count the voice files for TMI 101 being replaced once they had the original LeChuck actor aboard.
  • edited February 2011
    And the voice of his mum sounds too close, I think it was coming from outside the room... or not?

    Probably standing outside his room. ^^
  • edited February 2011
    HI Guys

    Well I have given up and am not sure what TTG Support (Amy) can do to assist. Their latest recommendation is to disable my Firewall each time that I try to launch the game as even when in offline mode and providing an unlock code EACH TIME the Launcher tries to communicate with the TellTale Servers.

    As noted by others TTG rarely patches their games and I have verified this problem with 2 other members of the Forum who contacted me privately. So I must play in Online mode only <Sigh!>.

    Don't know why TTG wrote a Launcher that needs to communicate online since their previous approach (enter the serial number) worked fine for MI, S&M1, S&M2, etc worked fine for legitimate users. I guess that is their new approach to their games, but it acts like DRM, and made (for me) offline mode play impossible

    Any suggestions from your guys would be appreciated...
    Prof Glen wrote: »

    Well I have been working with Telltale Support to get the game to Launch and run in Offline mode. TTG Support sent me the unlock code (actually two over several days) and the code would unlock the game the first time and played fine (as far as I got anyway). But when I returned to play later Launcher re-requested my unlock code and it would not work (thus I was sent the second unlock code - same outcome). I have narrowed the problem down to Launcher "probably" trying to contact the TTG server farm (so it is a DRM sort of issue), even after an unlock code has been presented to it on the previous occasion.

    Has anyone replicated this offline mode problem. TTG "thinks" it is my security software blocking Adware that TTG has embedded in the launcher (as others have reported, and Prizna has summarized), but this seems unlikely to me for offline mode. The previous approach for offline mode wherein you could enter your serial number was MUCH superior, IMO.

  • edited February 2011
    Continuity: It's possible to ask Young Emmett in the town square where Arthur is even after you've found him. Emmett answers that he doesn't know, while he obviously should.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know if this has been mentioned nor do I have a screenshot, but did anyone else notice the short red-haired lady right when Marty gets to Edna' appt. and than she (I believe it's the same person) brushes past him again in 1931 (right when he arrives)!
  • edited February 2011
    Weeeeee wrote: »
    I don't know if this has been mentioned nor do I have a screenshot, but did anyone else notice the short red-haired lady right when Marty gets to Edna' appt. and than she (I believe it's the same person) brushes past him again in 1931 (right when he arrives)!

    She's also in Doc's lab when Marty arrives. Also, the truck that Marty uses to get there is a 1931 one.

    - Graphic glitch: Doc's eyes get googly when he says "I know!" in the paddywagon, after Marty tries to open the doors without the key. Also: Doc's eyes remain looking up while talking to Marty about the "spectacularly miserable failure" at the Hill Valley Expo.

    In fact, I've seen the character's pupils get inside the eye's sockets while some part of the iris is still viewable (most notably when Kid fails to grab Marty at the gazebo).

    - Annoyance: Some polys in the DeLorean's electric window trim are not shaded properly (seen from the interior) and, before Marty gets in the car for the first time, you can see some part of the door that didn't move up with the armrest, as if those polys weren't cut properly from the interior.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I'm taking this thread off-sticky to make room for the episode 2 threads; please keep posting things concerning episode 1 in here so that Telltale might actually, hopefully, finally, eventually FIX them.
  • edited February 2011
    Well at least the launcher seems to work better as I've not had to run it as administrator like I did for the first episode. Also, it'll let you play again upon quitting.
  • edited February 2011
    Has this happened to anyone else? I just finished the game, but when I was using the rocket powered drill, after it fell apart the flame animation in the cutscene was kind of like floating in midair.
  • edited February 2011
    Not really a fix, but after I saw the ending of the episode I just now went back to my last save to look at the picture of Marty's dad, expecting it to be changing too.
    Instead Marty just says that it's fine, so he must not have messed anything up yet.
    I understand the changes could have just not started happening yet, but it would be a nice little touch to see some differences as you look at it anytime after delivering the message to Arthur.
  • edited May 2011
    Very late, but I found another issue:

    - Continuity: Marty says Biff's born in 1938 and Doc said Biff was conceived in 1937, but in BTTFII, we learn he'll turn 21 (legally old enough to gamble) in March 26, 1958, when he wins his first million; so, Biff's born in March 26, 1937 in BTTFII, and not 1938.
  • edited May 2011
    For the French translation, I have just "seen" two mistakes (but I wasn't looking for translation mistake, maybe some other could have been done.)

    - On the before last scene, the gun's name is "Pistolet jouet" or so, meaning "toy gun". Here is a mistake with "Kid's Gun" which, I think, have been interpreted as "The gun of a kid", so a toy, instead of "The gun of Kid Tannen".
    On the next scene, the gun as a proper name.

    - I'm not sure of this one, because I wasn't listening at her, but Edna says something with Jam and the News papers (like, "Don't touch newspapers, you young only put jam everywhere"). I must listen at it again, but I think that they translate it in French by "Confiture" which states for "Jam" (the sweet fruit dish) and not buy "Bordel" (like in "what a mess !").I will check as soon as possible this part.

    By the way, this game is really great ! Thanks to you !
    But please, please, if you make a French version of that game (an audio one I mean), please contact the one who already have given their voices to the originals films ! ("Luq Hamet" for Marty Mac Fly, and "Pierre Hatet" for Doc Emmet Brown)
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