Puzzle Agent is a must buy since the first game left more puzzles than answers(no pun intended). In fact, not one of my questions with the mystery of scoggins was answered, which added to the fun:D.
This was posted on AdventureGamers website. More Sierra games in the offing?
Telltale has entered into an agreement with Activision, current owner of the rights to the classic Sierra On-Line adventure franchises, to create new episodic games based on these series. The first will be King’s Quest. Few details were available at the event, but Adventure Gamers will be following up with Telltale to learn more about their plans for these old favorites.
If this is accurate, maybe A Gabriel Knight game could happen, among others.
GEEZ Telltale! I might as well just mail them my credit card and let them have their way with it! So many bits of gaming goodness coming from them during the last few years. Now I'm hearing Fables, Walking Dead..King's Quest?
That's exactly why I'm disappointed! The Hidden People are great, but Grickle's got a lot more to offer as well!
Though.. we haven't been to the school in Scoggins yet.. Skeleton Principal, anyone?
The skeltons are a bigger mystery then the hidden people by far. I'm also worried that the plot of it too. I pray that through-out the whole game you won't have to search for Issac Davner, that will dry up my hopes completely. Though who knows, telltale may suprise us.
I'm calling it. King's Quest will be a disaster. Telltale's style is no where near that of Sierra's. If they preserve death sequences and work with the original designers they may have a chance, if one or none of those things will be incorporated I'm writing it off completely. I've always said that Telltale taking on Sierra franchises would be something that could never work. I stand by it until I see that they're capable of doing more impressive and versatile work than what they've done lately.
I'm not optimistic.
Why does tell tale have to stick to one style? Just because they made their previous adventure games one way, does not mean the developers aren't capable of going out side that box and doing something different.
OMFG, Puzzle Agent2! And Hector series on PC! What a news.. Telltale just made my day!
I already played the first episode of Hector on Ipod and loved it, but since I sold my Ipod I felt sorry I won't be able to play the rest of the Hector games.
And Puzzle Agent is my second favorite TT game so far (right after Tales).
I'm also interested to see how will Kings Quest turn out (though Larry would be my very first choice out of Sierra legacy).
Another worry, Hector, that's a very, err, British style game, and was made in Northern Island, if TellTale are doing that in house, are they really going to be able to capture that same humour as the developers in these Isles have done?
Well it makes sense for TT to work with Activision since both like to release complete games in installments over a period of six months or so. The only diference is TT calls it "episodes" while Activision calls it "DLC"... and charges you an arm and a leg each time.
I really don't get all the pessimism. These are some great licenses with a lot of potential for fantastic games. And it varies from a straight-up puzzle game with gnomes to a character-driven drama with flesh-eating zombies and everything in between. There should be something in there for everyone. Just because Telltale made Sam & Max and Monkey Island games doesn't mean they HAVE to be Lucasarts 2.0 for the rest of their existence.
Another worry, Hector, that's a very, err, British style game, and was made in Northern Island, if TellTale are doing that in house, are they really going to be able to capture that same humour as the developers in these Isles have done?
I read that they're working with the original people on the new episodes.
Alright, I've let it sink in...and in order of preference...
1. Puzzle Agent 2. I think I'll get it. I wasn't going to if it was a whole season cause I didn't think the first was that great, but since it's just one episode, I think I'll get it. So at least the Telltale hasn't stopped here.
2. Hector. Looks really good from that preview, but that's not Telltale's work we're seeing. I'll get the first episode from this site, then most likely get the Telltale developed episodes too if they look up to the standard of the looks of Ep1.
3. King's Quest. This seems like a cool idea, but I haven't played King's Quest. Now might be a good time to start, actually. I have them all in that Adventure Bundle from last year. So at the moment, not a proper interest, but it's something to keep an eye on.
4. Fables. Not interested, but not familiar with the source material. My brother might want it, though.
5. The Walking Dead. Know nothing of the source material and have no interest.
In terms of Jurassic Park. Still undecided. I might get it during an offer or something. JP isn't a franchise I'd rush to play.
So on reflection, I'm not as disappointed as I was an hour ago. I just have to face the facts and accept that Monkey Island is done. Telltale are moving on to "bigger and better" things, now. But yeah, I don't think I'll vanish from the board after Back to the Future ends. I'll stick around, play PA2, see if Telltale do Hector well, and see how they handle the King's Quest license (and maybe play the originals in the process).
Another worry, Hector, that's a very, err, British style game, and was made in Northern Island, if TellTale are doing that in house, are they really going to be able to capture that same humour as the developers in these Isles have done?
I have to say that I don't really get a lot of the criticisms being presented ere. The assumption seems to be that Telltale cannot capture the style of any genre or franchise beyond what they have already done. I don't see the logic in assuming that because Telltale has done a lot of Lucasarts franchises, that this somehow makes them inherently incapable of doing anything else. Maybe we should wait and see what they do with these games before assuming they are incapable of it, or that they are destined to be failures.
Alright, I've let it sink in...and in order of preference...
1. Puzzle Agent 2. I think I'll get it. I wasn't going to if it was a whole season cause I didn't think the first was that great, but since it's just one episode, I think I'll get it. So at least the Telltale hasn't stopped here.
2. Hector. Looks really good from that preview, but that's not Telltale's work we're seeing. I'll get the first episode from this site, then most likely get the Telltale developed episodes too if they look up to the standard of the looks of Ep1.
3. King's Quest. This seems like a cool idea, but I haven't played King's Quest. Now might be a good time to start, actually. I have them all in that Adventure Bundle from last year. So at the moment, not a proper interest, but it's something to keep an eye on.
4. Fables. Not interested, but not familiar with the source material. My brother might want it, though.
5. The Walking Dead. Know nothing of the source material and have no interest.
In terms of Jurassic Park. Still undecided. I might get it during an offer or something. JP isn't a franchise I'd rush to play.
So on reflection, I'm not as disappointed as I was an hour ago. I just have to face the facts and accept that Monkey Island is done. Telltale are moving on to "bigger and better" things, now. But yeah, I don't think I'll vanish from the board after Back to the Future ends. I'll stick around, play PA2, see if Telltale do Hector well, and see how they handle the King's Quest license (and maybe play the originals in the process).
Nice work, Telltale.
You should be in for a treat if you haven't tried them yet . While you're at it, look into AGDI's excellent remakes of the first two games. They require some patience though, as you can die in them . Just save often.
Way more interested in Walking Dead and Fables. They could be seriously cool.
Puzzle Agent 2 = cool. I enjoyed the first one.
Hector was brilliant on the iphone and I hope that by joining Telltale they are not going to water down the language or subject matter. More of that would be good.
King's Quest can get lost. Wrong company and wrong licence.
Why does tell tale have to stick to one style? Just because they made their previous adventure games one way, does not mean the developers aren't capable of going out side that box and doing something different.
Because they've alluded to nothing different in their entire time as a thriving company. All their games are the same (with the only exception right now being Jurassic Park which we haven't even seen yet). And they're getting easier and easier with every release. Who's to say that they WANT to improve on these flaws? Who's to say that they WANT to make a truly Sierra style game? Like I said, they have a lot of impressing to do or I'm done with them.
I just heard this news and I just wanted to say that I love Telltale. I am excited about pretty much everything. This company has yet to let me down on any game and I don't foresee that happening. And great licenses! Walking Dead? Fables? King's Fucking Quest? More Puzzle Agent? Sign me the fuck up! Just keep doing what you do guys, and don't stop the rockin'.
So you are going to just write this off? Your loss I guess.
Yes. And it's not a loss if it's nothing like it was. Screw that. And I don't just mean Telltale's KQ reboot. I mean the whole company. Their games are getting easier and easier and increasingly boring with no challenges whatsoever. If it kept going like this I was going to jump ship anyway. It's nothing I'm interested in and so it's no loss to me.
Because they've alluded to nothing different in their entire time as a thriving company. All their games are the same (with the only exception right now being Jurassic Park which we haven't even seen yet). And they're getting easier and easier with every release. Who's to say that they WANT to improve on these flaws? Who's to say that they WANT to make a truly Sierra style game? Like I said, they have a lot of impressing to do or I'm done with them.
The fact that you don't know if they 'WANT' to or not or know anything about JP, just means exactly that...you don't know. That's no reason to assume it will be a failure or that they can't do it. The notion that they can't do it because they haven't yet, seems rather illogical.
Alright, I've let it sink in...and in order of preference...
1. Puzzle Agent 2. I think I'll get it. I wasn't going to if it was a whole season cause I didn't think the first was that great, but since it's just one episode, I think I'll get it. So at least the Telltale hasn't stopped here.
2. Hector. Looks really good from that preview, but that's not Telltale's work we're seeing. I'll get the first episode from this site, then most likely get the Telltale developed episodes too if they look up to the standard of the looks of Ep1.
3. King's Quest. This seems like a cool idea, but I haven't played King's Quest. Now might be a good time to start, actually. I have them all in that Adventure Bundle from last year. So at the moment, not a proper interest, but it's something to keep an eye on.
4. Fables. Not interested, but not familiar with the source material. My brother might want it, though.
5. The Walking Dead. Know nothing of the source material and have no interest.
In terms of Jurassic Park. Still undecided. I might get it during an offer or something. JP isn't a franchise I'd rush to play.
So on reflection, I'm not as disappointed as I was an hour ago. I just have to face the facts and accept that Monkey Island is done. Telltale are moving on to "bigger and better" things, now. But yeah, I don't think I'll vanish from the board after Back to the Future ends. I'll stick around, play PA2, see if Telltale do Hector well, and see how they handle the King's Quest license (and maybe play the originals in the process).
Nice work, Telltale.
There is still possibility for Monkey Island 6. If I were you I'd check the forums to see if there is anything new.
I'm not frothing but I am really looking forward to these games. However this time I a unfamiliar with many of these properties. I have heard of all of the previous properties Telltale has made games about (even Bone) but I have only heard of King's Quest out of these.
Puzzle Agent 2: I loved the first, hated the cliffhanger, easy buy.
King's Quest: I've seen this series before and played its spoof, Peasant's Quest, so I would like to see what these games are about and a reboot seems like a good time to jump in -instead of the eighth or so game in the series.
Walking Dead: I haven't heard of this series before this topic but it seems to get a lot of praise. I'll give it a try. A continuing zombie comic/TV show can't be too cheesy. I hope it sets itself apart from the other zombie games on the market now.
Fables: Also new. I hear great things about it. The concept seems pretty interesting. I might read the comic before the release of the game.
Hector: I will give the first episode a try since it's already released.
Jurassic Park: Not new for me or for today's announcement but the trailer looks nice. I will pick up the season.
I am a little sad at the lack of Monkey or Inventory but I look forward to these games. I hope they do have a stronger difficulty than Back to the Future.
So.... a computer game I won't be able to complete (!) to add to a computer game based on a tv show we dont get on Freeview; a computer game based on a comic that I don't have any interest in reading; a computer game I've never heard of; and a single measly episode of "Puzzle Agent". I'm afraid that I'm going to go with "disappointed" to describe my reaction to these announcements.... I was hoping that there would be *something* more obviously aimed at the Sam and Max/Monkey Island following.
(Mind you... I don't suppose there's any chance of hoping that these [plus the continuing BTTF game and the forthcoming Jurassic Park game] are not necessarily EVERYTHING Telltale have got on even a hypothetical horizon? And it's not as if they're HAVE to be just Lucasartsesque all the time. I mean, if they were, they'd've just announced a bunch of crappy Star Wars games, right?
I'm very dissapointed as none of the new games TTG are going to make next few years interests me. Monkey Island and Sam & Max are the only games I like from TTG, so if there won't be more of the games, TTG has lost one customer.
This is why we can't have nice things. Are you adventure game fans or Lucasarts fans? If the only things you like from TTG are Monkey Island and S&M, then you don't really like TTG or the stuff they're making, you just like the holdovers from the Lucasarts era.
It has been 23 years since the last proper Kings Quest game. Telltale will do a super job modernizing it. I can't think of anyone else who could.
The others... Ill see.
That's exactly why I'm disappointed! The Hidden People are great, but Grickle's got a lot more to offer as well!
Though.. we haven't been to the school in Scoggins yet.. Skeleton Principal, anyone?
Telltale has entered into an agreement with Activision, current owner of the rights to the classic Sierra On-Line adventure franchises, to create new episodic games based on these series. The first will be King’s Quest. Few details were available at the event, but Adventure Gamers will be following up with Telltale to learn more about their plans for these old favorites.
If this is accurate, maybe A Gabriel Knight game could happen, among others.
the only one of these 5 i will buy is puzzle agent 2
You've just stated better than I did why it will be a disaster.
I am looking forward to Puzzle Agent 2, though!
1) The game do well, Activision buys TellTale and becomes another corporate rehash studio and never speaks to fans again.
2) The game does ok-ish, Activision buys TellTale, decides they arn't doing well and shuts down TellTale Games.
The skeltons are a bigger mystery then the hidden people by far. I'm also worried that the plot of it too. I pray that through-out the whole game you won't have to search for Issac Davner, that will dry up my hopes completely. Though who knows, telltale may suprise us.
Dear lord... this day has just turned into the beginning of a nightmare.
Why does tell tale have to stick to one style? Just because they made their previous adventure games one way, does not mean the developers aren't capable of going out side that box and doing something different.
I already played the first episode of Hector on Ipod and loved it, but since I sold my Ipod I felt sorry I won't be able to play the rest of the Hector games.
And Puzzle Agent is my second favorite TT game so far (right after Tales).
I'm also interested to see how will Kings Quest turn out (though Larry would be my very first choice out of Sierra legacy).
And before you know it they'll get into an agreement with EA and be bought out by them instead and end up like Valve and never have a say.
I read that they're working with the original people on the new episodes.
1. Puzzle Agent 2. I think I'll get it. I wasn't going to if it was a whole season cause I didn't think the first was that great, but since it's just one episode, I think I'll get it. So at least the Telltale hasn't stopped here.
2. Hector. Looks really good from that preview, but that's not Telltale's work we're seeing. I'll get the first episode from this site, then most likely get the Telltale developed episodes too if they look up to the standard of the looks of Ep1.
3. King's Quest. This seems like a cool idea, but I haven't played King's Quest. Now might be a good time to start, actually. I have them all in that Adventure Bundle from last year. So at the moment, not a proper interest, but it's something to keep an eye on.
4. Fables. Not interested, but not familiar with the source material. My brother might want it, though.
5. The Walking Dead. Know nothing of the source material and have no interest.
In terms of Jurassic Park. Still undecided. I might get it during an offer or something. JP isn't a franchise I'd rush to play.
So on reflection, I'm not as disappointed as I was an hour ago. I just have to face the facts and accept that Monkey Island is done. Telltale are moving on to "bigger and better" things, now. But yeah, I don't think I'll vanish from the board after Back to the Future ends. I'll stick around, play PA2, see if Telltale do Hector well, and see how they handle the King's Quest license (and maybe play the originals in the process).
Nice work, Telltale.
They did fine with Wallace & Gromit.
You should be in for a treat if you haven't tried them yet
Puzzle Agent 2 = cool. I enjoyed the first one.
Hector was brilliant on the iphone and I hope that by joining Telltale they are not going to water down the language or subject matter. More of that would be good.
King's Quest can get lost. Wrong company and wrong licence.
Because they've alluded to nothing different in their entire time as a thriving company. All their games are the same (with the only exception right now being Jurassic Park which we haven't even seen yet). And they're getting easier and easier with every release. Who's to say that they WANT to improve on these flaws? Who's to say that they WANT to make a truly Sierra style game? Like I said, they have a lot of impressing to do or I'm done with them.
So you are going to just write this off? Your loss I guess.
Yes. And it's not a loss if it's nothing like it was. Screw that. And I don't just mean Telltale's KQ reboot. I mean the whole company. Their games are getting easier and easier and increasingly boring with no challenges whatsoever. If it kept going like this I was going to jump ship anyway. It's nothing I'm interested in and so it's no loss to me.
The fact that you don't know if they 'WANT' to or not or know anything about JP, just means exactly that...you don't know. That's no reason to assume it will be a failure or that they can't do it. The notion that they can't do it because they haven't yet, seems rather illogical.
There is still possibility for Monkey Island 6. If I were you I'd check the forums to see if there is anything new.
It'd be sad to see you go completely...
I'm Italian.
Care about me.
Puzzle Agent 2: I loved the first, hated the cliffhanger, easy buy.
King's Quest: I've seen this series before and played its spoof, Peasant's Quest, so I would like to see what these games are about and a reboot seems like a good time to jump in -instead of the eighth or so game in the series.
Walking Dead: I haven't heard of this series before this topic but it seems to get a lot of praise. I'll give it a try. A continuing zombie comic/TV show can't be too cheesy. I hope it sets itself apart from the other zombie games on the market now.
Fables: Also new. I hear great things about it. The concept seems pretty interesting. I might read the comic before the release of the game.
Hector: I will give the first episode a try since it's already released.
Jurassic Park: Not new for me or for today's announcement but the trailer looks nice. I will pick up the season.
I am a little sad at the lack of Monkey or Inventory but I look forward to these games. I hope they do have a stronger difficulty than Back to the Future.
We all care about you
This is why we can't have nice things. Are you adventure game fans or Lucasarts fans? If the only things you like from TTG are Monkey Island and S&M, then you don't really like TTG or the stuff they're making, you just like the holdovers from the Lucasarts era.
Again, sticking your neck in a hole is a great way to let the world pas you by, but not to make games people want to play .
No new strong bad
No new monkey island
No new Sam and Max
No new poker night
Wouldnt have been so bad if I had Strong bad or Back to the future to play on my ps3, but since i live in the UK thats just not on the cards now.
Well in that case Nope:D