Even Yahtzee likes the Paper Mario games.
With the exception of Super Paper Mario.
Speaking of which, anyone notice the obvious error in that review where he talks about spinning the wheel for about an hour for the rubys needed, where as in game there actually is a puzzle involving avoiding it?
Don't ask me, I stopped liking Mario when 64 came out. 3 is still the greatest game of all time for when it came out. Considering the games around when it came out, nothing comes close. That was the giant leap.
Don't ask me, I stopped liking Mario when 64 came out. 3 is still the greatest game of all time for when it came out. Considering the games around when it came out, nothing comes close. That was the giant leap.
No. This is clearly just a silly joke.
To add to controversy, I liked Sunshine more then 64.
by the way, I'm not saying the newer ones suck...they're just not what I loved about Mario games.... I did beat 64, it's not like I didn't play it. I will add that Yoshi's island is a good game.... on mute. lol Since I'm clearing things up.... you know what I don't like about XBOX? The controller. That's it. It's just a bit bulky and isnt symmetrical. As a person with relatively small hands with long fingers(piano player hands I'm told) with OCD, it just bothers me. 360 and PS3 are so close it literally came down to that and I sold my XBOX last year. I'm happy with my PS3.
I love the 360 controller. The asymmetrical shape is much more comfortable for me. I can't stand the PS3 controller with both sticks at the bottom. I feel like I'm stretching my thumbs way down and I have no leverage with my fingers to anchor onto the controller. The 360 design is much more forgiving. I bought a third party Afterglow PS3 controller shaped like a 360 controller because it bothered me so much.
To add to controversy, I liked Sunshine more then 64.
What? I bought Super Mario Sunshine, played it for one day and returned it. In Sunshine, you can't punch, kick or jump. AT ALL. What you can do is use a water cannon to attack enemies and to propel yourself upward. It felt too much like Mario 64 but with a gimmick added and MARIO'S ABILITY TO JUMP REMOVED. I couldn't stand it. Give me Mario 64 over Sunshine any day.
What? I bought Super Mario Sunshine, played it for one day and returned it. In Sunshine, you can't punch, kick or jump. AT ALL. What you can do is use a water cannon to attack enemies and to propel yourself upward. It felt too much like Mario 64 but with a gimmick added and MARIO'S ABILITY TO JUMP REMOVED. I couldn't stand it. Give me Mario 64 over Sunshine any day.
We must have played different games, because you CAN jump in Super Mario Sunshine, and it's an essential gameplay mechanic O.o
It's a good game, and it's also a good Mario game. A bit difficult at parts, and there's "only" the beach locations, and not the variety you know from other Mario games and the blue coin quest can be a bit tedious after a while, but it's still a great game.
I liked it to, but it is my least favorite in the series.
That game should also win best plot in a Mario game.
And Darkest plot at the end.
And who couldn't love Mr.L?
Yes but Super Paper Mario stretched so far from the formula, the only similarities were the artstyle.
Paper Mario games aren't platformers.
Theyve always been in 3d, never 2d
It was always turnbased, not Super Paper Mario.
Mario was usually the only playable one with sidekicks to help him, wheras in this game you can play as other characters, and you use "pixls" to help you, which give powers Mario usually should have had.(there is a pixl that gives mario the ability to use hammers, you know the thing he has been able to do all his life)
I did like how the tattle ability was incorparated in the game though:D
When I specifically say "Super Paper Mario", I actually do mean that one Wii game that has the Super in front of it. And it's basically generally accepted Super Paper Mario is the worst of the Paper Mario games.
I thought I was bad in reading stuff in context, but apparently some people really stink in it.
When I specifically say "Super Paper Mario", I actually do mean that one Wii game that has the Super in front of it. And it's basically generally accepted Super Paper Mario is the worst of the Paper Mario games.
I thought I was bad in reading stuff in context, but apparently some people really stink in it.
Yeah the game is good, but it is the worst in the Paper Mario series.
Super Paper Mario was not as good as the first two, but is a very enjoyable game still even though it's radically different. One of the few Wii games I've played that wasn't a radical disappointment (alongside Twilight Princess (if you can call it a Wii game)). I relate it to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts N Bolts, which I really, really enjoyed, but everyone hates because it had a very cleverly done vehicle mechanic instead of ancient platforming mechanics.
Super Paper Mario was not as good as the first two, but is a very enjoyable game still even though it's radically different. One of the few Wii games I've played that wasn't a radical disappointment (alongside Twilight Princess (if you can call it a Wii game)). I relate it to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts N Bolts, which I really, really enjoyed, but everyone hates because it had a very cleverly done vehicle mechanic instead of ancient platforming mechanics.
You know what, I dont care. To me I still missed it.
That wasn't accurate enough; it needed 89 more minutes of "KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! KINECT!"
You're quite free to do so. I was just stating my opinion. I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me.
Is that because you know you're wrong?
Wait... Actually, no it's not possible. Let the criticism continue.
With the exception of Super Paper Mario.
Speaking of which, anyone notice the obvious error in that review where he talks about spinning the wheel for about an hour for the rubys needed, where as in game there actually is a puzzle involving avoiding it?
No, sorry.
No. This is clearly just a silly joke.
To add to controversy, I liked Sunshine more then 64.
That was initially released in 88... go look what games were around in 88 and compare.
Whoops. I didn't even think about recommending pre-owned because I don't buy pre-owned games, but YEAH GET THAT ONE.
Mega Man 2 was released in 1988. Now I'm not down on Super Mario 3 or anything, but... Mega Man 2 is awesomer than awesome.
NOBODY likes Super Paper Mario. Except for a select few.
Heck, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't sucker my brother into taking the game FOR FREE, I would have gotten rid of the game ages ago.
What? I bought Super Mario Sunshine, played it for one day and returned it. In Sunshine, you can't punch, kick or jump. AT ALL. What you can do is use a water cannon to attack enemies and to propel yourself upward. It felt too much like Mario 64 but with a gimmick added and MARIO'S ABILITY TO JUMP REMOVED. I couldn't stand it. Give me Mario 64 over Sunshine any day.
We must have played different games, because you CAN jump in Super Mario Sunshine, and it's an essential gameplay mechanic O.o
It's a good game, and it's also a good Mario game. A bit difficult at parts, and there's "only" the beach locations, and not the variety you know from other Mario games and the blue coin quest can be a bit tedious after a while, but it's still a great game.
That game should also win best plot in a Mario game.
And Darkest plot at the end.
And who couldn't love Mr.L?
Obviously this is not even close to being true... otherwise it would not have had so many sequels.
Super Paper Mario got a sequel? A mediocre platform game with some gimmicky 3D switch effect that doesn't do the RPG series justice got a sequel?
Its a sequal to the Paper Mario series, but technicaly not Super Paper Mario despite that game technicaly hinting at one.
Yes but Super Paper Mario stretched so far from the formula, the only similarities were the artstyle.
Paper Mario games aren't platformers.
Theyve always been in 3d, never 2d
It was always turnbased, not Super Paper Mario.
Mario was usually the only playable one with sidekicks to help him, wheras in this game you can play as other characters, and you use "pixls" to help you, which give powers Mario usually should have had.(there is a pixl that gives mario the ability to use hammers, you know the thing he has been able to do all his life)
I did like how the tattle ability was incorparated in the game though:D
When I specifically say "Super Paper Mario", I actually do mean that one Wii game that has the Super in front of it. And it's basically generally accepted Super Paper Mario is the worst of the Paper Mario games.
I thought I was bad in reading stuff in context, but apparently some people really stink in it.
Yeah the game is good, but it is the worst in the Paper Mario series.
Actually, no. The 3DS one a return to the RPG form of Paper Mario. Super Paper Mario is the only sidescrolling platformer in the series.
I couldnt have said it better.