Besides, This was banjo three-ie.
And I'm reluctant to call Nuts and bolts a platformer, considering that what seemed like most of the missions involved racing. Or killing the enemies in a spot.
It's a good game, I just tired of it. It lacked the originality of the first three.
Besides, This was banjo three-ie.
And I'm reluctant to call Nuts and bolts a platformer, considering that what seemed like most of the missions involved racing. Or killing the enemies in a spot.
It's a good game, I just tired of it. It lacked the originality of the first three.
I think I could buy that as banjo-threeie... I still want a REAL banjo-threeie though...
Ok I just now got done watching Nintendos conference online.
3ds games we already knew-nice, want more info on Mario Kart
Eshop news-Booo we already knew all of that
Luigis Mansion 2-Woot. Multiple Mansions sounds interesting
Name-fail, I liked cafe better
look(they showed one pick of it in the background of the trailer)-fail, looks like wii
Controller-Win. Adds new stuff, but at the same time its easy for developers to just port the game over from the PS360 and add the ability to play it on the screen.
Graphics-Win. Not much else to say
Games-Dont know much
Smash Bros in development-HELL YEAH! And connectivity to 3ds and WiiU sounds interesting.
EDIT:Crap forgot pricing. We dont know much yet, but this does sound expensive, but nothing has been confirmed, so yeah.
I'm just super psyched for Zelda in HD graphics with more quality than that of the PS3 and 360...assuming it's not that stupid cartoon look. The Zelda tech demo for WiiU looked VERY nice.
Yeah I'm sold... I think the Wii U is going to be brilliant... My only concern is how massive the controller is... Imagine how much a second third and fourth one will cost you..
Along with Super Mario Mii, and Zelda.. I am looking forward to how Batman Arkham city uses that new controller screen... I can imagine all sorts of bat gadgets.
Yeah I'm sold... I think the Wii U is going to be brilliant... My only concern is how massive the controller is... Imagine how much a second third and fourth one will cost you..
Reading previews so far, it doesn't look like you'll need more than one, just the one and a few Wii remotes.
More than likely Arkham City will just be a port and won't take advantage of the extra screen in any way. It would be awesome if it did, though.
It would be interesting if you COULD use more than one, though. Each person could have their own view in a game. Split-screen without the splitscreen! And that's just off the top of my head. Actually, come to think of it didn't they demo a game at the press conference called Chase or something that showed that?
More than likely Arkham City will just be a port and won't take advantage of the extra screen in any way. It would be awesome if it did, though.
It would be interesting if you COULD use more than one, though. Each person could have their own view in a game. Split-screen without the splitscreen! And that's just off the top of my head. Actually, come to think of it didn't they demo a game at the press conference called Chase or something that showed that?
I dont think so.
I remember an FPS were the 2 people used splitscreen on the tv and wii remotes, followed by the third guy with the controller.
I gather that you only NEED one.. but I would be really disappointed in Nintendo if they didn't support the use of more than one.... It would be dumb if they didn't because there are people like me who WOULD buy more than one controller.. Meanwhile my wife would call me a nerd and my Son would think of me like some sort of superhero.
Most of the tech demo games use only one.... but they ARE only Tech demos.. and not examples of final products.
You'll probably just be able to play Arkham City on the controller and not much else.
Keep in mind they want Batman on all of the consoles, and having exclusive features would not be the best unless there are exlcusives for all.
I must say now, any developer that doesnt implement at the least the ability to play the game on the controller, then its a shame.
Console exclusives are really common... Batman is no exception the last game had the joker as a playable character on the PS3.... I could totally seeing an exclusive Wii U gadget using the new controller... like a remote batarang that you use the controller to navigate.
Console exclusives are really common... Batman is no exception the last game had the joker as a playable character on the PS3.... I could totally seeing an exclusive Wii U gadget using the new controller... like a remote batarang that you use the controller to navigate.
If that is the case than go ahead.
I just want developers to at least inplement the controler able to play games on its own feature.
Oh did they confirm that ability is on backwards compatible wii games?
Nintendo's Roundtable is going to start. Maybe they have something cool? Pikmin 3, Ocarina of Tiime 3D and Skyward Sword concept art were all revealed at E3 roundtables.
I hope the virtual console games I have bought carry over.
Well Im thinking if the 3ds had system transfer, then why wouldnt the WiiU have it.
And will Virtual Console be able to transfer to the controller?
Yes I really like that idea.
Yeah they said it will be backwards compatible.. how far I wonder... will it drop the gamecube ?
I think I read somewhere Gamecube's being dropped. But I can live with that. i'll keep the Wii somewhere safe in case the urge takes me, its not like you'd get much for trading it in anyway.
Imagine the cost of replacing one of those Wii U controllers if you stood on it after coming in from a night on the tiles or something. also I think these things are gonna run out of battery fairly quickly. My other concern is the size, am I gonna get hand cramps holding this thing?
Otherwise though I love it, the tech demos really got me going, some people'll cry 'gimmick' but did you see that guy sniping the Mii version of shigsy in the concept video? It's the kinda thing that makes me have to cross my legs!
And the 3DS lineup, oh boy oh boy oh boy. I didn't catch Sonys conference but I think Nintendo are hands down my E3 winners.
I think we can all agree that Microsoft is in DEAD LAST, u0nless you're REALLY hyped by non-Bungie Halo or casual Kinect games.
For me, it's tough between
Between the two, it's hard for me to say. Nintendo's conference was definitely far better paced, and it never felt like nothing was happening even when nothing was happening. For sheer presentation of the news they had, without going into the details of what that news was, Nintendo takes home the cake.
Sony's console and 3D stuff was pretty dull, for me. Their Vita stuff got right to the games though, how those games are best helped by their console, AND they had time to go over tech specs and other important end-user information that Nintendo's WiiU unveil simply lacked. Though the Vita is much further along than the WiiU, which makes a direct comparison a bad idea, the two announcements will inevitably be compared directly simply due to their proximity.
It's hard for me to say who "won" this round, I guess? It's a toss-up between Sony and Nintendo for me, and it's not a MAJOR win either way. I think that Sony definitely stole a lot of attention for the Vita part of their show, especially the $249 aspect of it. If their whole show was like that, I'd call them the clear "winners", but their show was full of a lot of stuff that felt like filler to me and bored me as I watched it, and the huge number of desaturated shooters that all looked very, very similar had me bored throughout a lot of their show.
I suppose Sony "won" for me though, since I have more of an inclination to want their hardware launch than Nintendo's. Nintendo has a bit more time to sell me on WiiU though, so I guess they have another E3 to do a great show for it closer to launch.
I think we can all agree that Microsoft is in DEAD LAST, u0nless you're REALLY hyped by non-Bungie Halo or casual Kinect games.
For me, it's tough between
Between the two, it's hard for me to say. Nintendo's conference was definitely far better paced, and it never felt like nothing was happening even when nothing was happening. For sheer presentation of the news they had, without going into the details of what that news was, Nintendo takes home the cake.
Sony's console and 3D stuff was pretty dull, for me. Their Vita stuff got right to the games though, how those games are best helped by their console, AND they had time to go over tech specs and other important end-user information that Nintendo's WiiU unveil simply lacked. Though the Vita is much further along than the WiiU, which makes a direct comparison a bad idea, the two announcements will inevitably be compared directly simply due to their proximity.
It's hard for me to say who "won" this round, I guess? It's a toss-up between Sony and Nintendo for me, and it's not a MAJOR win either way. I think that Sony definitely stole a lot of attention for the Vita part of their show, especially the $249 aspect of it. If their whole show was like that, I'd call them the clear "winners", but their show was full of a lot of stuff that felt like filler to me and bored me as I watched it, and the huge number of desaturated shooters that all looked very, very similar had me bored throughout a lot of their show.
I suppose Sony "won" for me though, since I have more of an inclination to want their hardware launch than Nintendo's. Nintendo has a bit more time to sell me on WiiU though, so I guess they have another E3 to do a great show for it closer to launch.
What the crap. Me and Dashing agreeing on something? Except for the last paragraph where I call it a tie, but still.
Also, so apparantly a few more nintendo games were announced outside of the conference, but both youtube and the nintendo channel are being really slow right now so questions.
Mario Party 9-Oh I hope no big surprise was there, such as it being different than every other mario party game known to man:rolleyes:
Kirby Wii:What is it? Like normal Kirby or Epic Yarn? Any twists?
Other Kirby:I also dont know.
The biggest thing that will hurt Nintendo is how they will be finally catching up to the power of the other systems but Sony and XBOX are not going to just sit around their next systems will more than likely make Nintendo the weaker of the three once again before too long. Seems like Nintendo is hoping that they will get the same mob of people to buy their new system that bought their last that just is NOT likely.. most of those people are people who thought "oooh Wii looks fun I cant wait to play it with my family I can not wait to see grandma bust a hip playing Wii boxing." But you know after about 2 months of owning the thing they remembered they are not gamers and that the Wii is pretty much the only system they will ever want to buy.
Electronic Entertainment Expo, not 'Video Game' expo. And Microsoft offered the best variety of Electronic Entertainment, unlike Sony which focused entirely on Hardcore audiences and Nintendo which spent nearly no time with devices that the majority of the people watching already own. (Was Skyward Sword the only Wii game they showed?)
Electronic Entertainment Expo, not 'Video Game' expo. And Microsoft offered the best variety of Electronic Entertainment, unlike Sony which focused entirely on Hardcore audiences and Nintendo which spent nearly no time with devices that the majority of the people watching already own. (Was Skyward Sword the only Wii game they showed?)
There was also only one DSi game. Speaking of which, free 4 swords, thats pretty good.
And since I still have my DSi, I can get it from that store, use the 3ds online DSi store, then Ill have makeshift multiplayer:D
I hope the virtual console games I have bought carry over.
I'm the type to hang onto all my consoles (even if it means I can't afford the new one until later because I refuse to do a trade-in), so as much as I'd like that stuff to transfer over, I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't, because I'll still have my Wii.
So will I camp out for the Wii U launch the way I did for the Wii? Maybe. Maybe not. On the one hand, the Wii was very hard to get for a very long time, so even if there wasn't much out for it at launch, I was still glad to have one when games did start coming out for it. On the other hand, I've become very jaded towards Nintendo after the way the Wii was treated, which is why I'm perfectly happy not owning a 3DS right now. But the Wii U launch is way in the future, so we'll see where my opinions and I are at when the time comes.
Also, considering I still want to add a PS2 and a PS3 to my collection, I'm running out of room for consoles.
The battery charger is gone, so maybe I can put the Wii U there, and maybe I can put the PS3 where my NES games are and find someplace else for those...
Kirby Wii:What is it? Like normal Kirby or Epic Yarn? Any twists?
Other Kirby:I also dont know.
Wii: Your usual Kirby platformer with 4p co-op (Metaknight, DDD, and a Waddle Dee are the other 3 players)
DS: You platform with Kirby, and I think you eat stuff and multiply into an army of Kirbys
Oh yeah, Pikmin 3 got moved to WiiU btw.
Announced on the internet:
-Mario Party 9
-Kirby Wii
-Fortune Street (Dragon QuestXMario board game crossover)
-Rythm Heaven (did we know about the localization of this before E3?)
-Rolling Western (eshop only I believe)
-Picture Lives (same)
I think I read somewhere Gamecube's being dropped. But I can live with that. I'll keep the Wii somewhere safe in case the urge takes me, its not like you'd get much for trading it in anyway.
That's kinda sad. Seeing as their whole stance on preserving backwards compatibility in the past went as far as adding the Virtual Console to have most of everything Nintendo's systems have ever supported. Now they're cutting that out. Unless GameCube games are coming to WiiWare for the WiiU.
Console exclusives are really common... Batman is no exception the last game had the joker as a playable character on the PS3.... I could totally seeing an exclusive Wii U gadget using the new controller... like a remote batarang that you use the controller to navigate.
The PS3 version of AA's Remote batarang was controlled through motion, so I'm assuming the WiiU's will as well. Throwing the first person view on the screen shouldn't be too hard.
There's a PS3 exclusive on Arkham Asylum? I'm going to have to pick up another copy...
It's not really great. You can play as the Joker in the combat challenges. Not in-game and not in the predator challenges. I played with him a few bored... never did again.
Evolution instead of revolution. A noticeable amount of the casual market is eaten by smartphones and tablets. Now Nintendo tries to get core gamers as well as a chunck of the casual market back via a tablet-controlled, more HD specced (the net says: AMD 770 @776Mhz 32nm process GPU, IBM Power 6, 4 SMT cores @3.5Ghz, 32nm process CPU) console. Like with the 3DS the Wii U more builts on gimmicks which should place it above other gadgets whilst Sony tries to go the classic higher specced raw power route. The success of these strategies will be limited as the consoles are still not cheap, the games probably will be too expensive again and you still need to feed these devices with batteries.
Either you introduce a feature which is so strong and powerful that people really want it - in my opinion this could be a enhanced Kinect which is properly supported in great games beside of a classic controller - or you also significantly reduce the costs for the games. Otherwise it doesn't make a lot of sense for a noticeable amount of people considering the already existing and upcoming gaming options.
So...there's a gold Classic Controller pro available with GoldenEye, and now Skyward Sword is coming with a gold Wii Remote Plus. I hope they make a gold Nunchuk available somehow for the full set.
Like with the 3DS, the Wii U will be more built on gimmicks which should place it above other gadgets whilst Sony tries to go the classic higher specced raw power route. The success of these strategies will be limited as the consoles are still not cheap, the games probably will be too expensive again and you still need to feed these devices with batteries.
The Wii U controller looks to have a rechargeable battery out of the box. Notice the metal contacts at the bottom:
Also, I bet it's still in the earlier stages, but I wish I could get a picture of the side of the console to see if it had a door behind which GameCube controller ports were hidden, like the Wii does.
And I'm reluctant to call Nuts and bolts a platformer, considering that what seemed like most of the missions involved racing. Or killing the enemies in a spot.
It's a good game, I just tired of it. It lacked the originality of the first three.
I think I could buy that as banjo-threeie... I still want a REAL banjo-threeie though...
This wasn't a terrible game, but it didn't work as a sequel to Tooie. It was an alternate sequel to Kazooie.
3ds games we already knew-nice, want more info on Mario Kart
Eshop news-Booo we already knew all of that
Luigis Mansion 2-Woot. Multiple Mansions sounds interesting
Name-fail, I liked cafe better
look(they showed one pick of it in the background of the trailer)-fail, looks like wii
Controller-Win. Adds new stuff, but at the same time its easy for developers to just port the game over from the PS360 and add the ability to play it on the screen.
Graphics-Win. Not much else to say
Games-Dont know much
Smash Bros in development-HELL YEAH! And connectivity to 3ds and WiiU sounds interesting.
EDIT:Crap forgot pricing. We dont know much yet, but this does sound expensive, but nothing has been confirmed, so yeah.
Along with Super Mario Mii, and Zelda.. I am looking forward to how Batman Arkham city uses that new controller screen... I can imagine all sorts of bat gadgets.
Iwata Says- "I'd like to help with any confusion - Wii U is an entirely new console, the controller makes it unique"
Reading previews so far, it doesn't look like you'll need more than one, just the one and a few Wii remotes.
It would be interesting if you COULD use more than one, though. Each person could have their own view in a game. Split-screen without the splitscreen! And that's just off the top of my head. Actually, come to think of it didn't they demo a game at the press conference called Chase or something that showed that?
Im hoping you are right on only needing one of those things.
I dont think so.
I remember an FPS were the 2 people used splitscreen on the tv and wii remotes, followed by the third guy with the controller.
Most of the tech demo games use only one.... but they ARE only Tech demos.. and not examples of final products.
here is a pretty good vid demonstrating the tech demos
Keep in mind they want Batman on all of the consoles, and having exclusive features would not be the best unless there are exlcusives for all.
I must say now, any developer that doesnt implement at the least the ability to play the game on the controller, then its a shame.
If that is the case than go ahead.
I just want developers to at least inplement the controler able to play games on its own feature.
Oh did they confirm that ability is on backwards compatible wii games?
If so then can THAT be transfered to the controler?
....oh my. This is a great question that I want an answer to. Luigi's Mansion (1) on a controller? DO IT.
Well Im thinking if the 3ds had system transfer, then why wouldnt the WiiU have it.
And will Virtual Console be able to transfer to the controller?
Yes I really like that idea.
I think I read somewhere Gamecube's being dropped. But I can live with that. i'll keep the Wii somewhere safe in case the urge takes me, its not like you'd get much for trading it in anyway.
Imagine the cost of replacing one of those Wii U controllers if you stood on it after coming in from a night on the tiles or something. also I think these things are gonna run out of battery fairly quickly. My other concern is the size, am I gonna get hand cramps holding this thing?
Otherwise though I love it, the tech demos really got me going, some people'll cry 'gimmick' but did you see that guy sniping the Mii version of shigsy in the concept video? It's the kinda thing that makes me have to cross my legs!
And the 3DS lineup, oh boy oh boy oh boy. I didn't catch Sonys conference but I think Nintendo are hands down my E3 winners.
For me, it's tough between
Between the two, it's hard for me to say. Nintendo's conference was definitely far better paced, and it never felt like nothing was happening even when nothing was happening. For sheer presentation of the news they had, without going into the details of what that news was, Nintendo takes home the cake.
Sony's console and 3D stuff was pretty dull, for me. Their Vita stuff got right to the games though, how those games are best helped by their console, AND they had time to go over tech specs and other important end-user information that Nintendo's WiiU unveil simply lacked. Though the Vita is much further along than the WiiU, which makes a direct comparison a bad idea, the two announcements will inevitably be compared directly simply due to their proximity.
It's hard for me to say who "won" this round, I guess? It's a toss-up between Sony and Nintendo for me, and it's not a MAJOR win either way. I think that Sony definitely stole a lot of attention for the Vita part of their show, especially the $249 aspect of it. If their whole show was like that, I'd call them the clear "winners", but their show was full of a lot of stuff that felt like filler to me and bored me as I watched it, and the huge number of desaturated shooters that all looked very, very similar had me bored throughout a lot of their show.
I suppose Sony "won" for me though, since I have more of an inclination to want their hardware launch than Nintendo's. Nintendo has a bit more time to sell me on WiiU though, so I guess they have another E3 to do a great show for it closer to launch.
What the crap. Me and Dashing agreeing on something? Except for the last paragraph where I call it a tie, but still.
Also, so apparantly a few more nintendo games were announced outside of the conference, but both youtube and the nintendo channel are being really slow right now so questions.
Mario Party 9-Oh I hope no big surprise was there, such as it being different than every other mario party game known to man:rolleyes:
Kirby Wii:What is it? Like normal Kirby or Epic Yarn? Any twists?
Other Kirby:I also dont know.
There was also only one DSi game. Speaking of which, free 4 swords, thats pretty good.
And since I still have my DSi, I can get it from that store, use the 3ds online DSi store, then Ill have makeshift multiplayer:D
I'm the type to hang onto all my consoles (even if it means I can't afford the new one until later because I refuse to do a trade-in), so as much as I'd like that stuff to transfer over, I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't, because I'll still have my Wii.
So will I camp out for the Wii U launch the way I did for the Wii? Maybe. Maybe not. On the one hand, the Wii was very hard to get for a very long time, so even if there wasn't much out for it at launch, I was still glad to have one when games did start coming out for it. On the other hand, I've become very jaded towards Nintendo after the way the Wii was treated, which is why I'm perfectly happy not owning a 3DS right now. But the Wii U launch is way in the future, so we'll see where my opinions and I are at when the time comes.
Also, considering I still want to add a PS2 and a PS3 to my collection, I'm running out of room for consoles.
The battery charger is gone, so maybe I can put the Wii U there, and maybe I can put the PS3 where my NES games are and find someplace else for those...
Wii: Your usual Kirby platformer with 4p co-op (Metaknight, DDD, and a Waddle Dee are the other 3 players)
DS: You platform with Kirby, and I think you eat stuff and multiply into an army of Kirbys
Oh yeah, Pikmin 3 got moved to WiiU btw.
Announced on the internet:
-Mario Party 9
-Kirby Wii
-Fortune Street (Dragon QuestXMario board game crossover)
-Rythm Heaven (did we know about the localization of this before E3?)
-Rolling Western (eshop only I believe)
-Picture Lives (same)
-Layton 4
That's kinda sad. Seeing as their whole stance on preserving backwards compatibility in the past went as far as adding the Virtual Console to have most of everything Nintendo's systems have ever supported. Now they're cutting that out. Unless GameCube games are coming to WiiWare for the WiiU.
It's not really great. You can play as the Joker in the combat challenges. Not in-game and not in the predator challenges. I played with him a few bored... never did again.
Either you introduce a feature which is so strong and powerful that people really want it - in my opinion this could be a enhanced Kinect which is properly supported in great games beside of a classic controller - or you also significantly reduce the costs for the games. Otherwise it doesn't make a lot of sense for a noticeable amount of people considering the already existing and upcoming gaming options.
Weren't there only like, 100 of those made, or something ridiculous like that?
The Wii U controller looks to have a rechargeable battery out of the box. Notice the metal contacts at the bottom:
Also, I bet it's still in the earlier stages, but I wish I could get a picture of the side of the console to see if it had a door behind which GameCube controller ports were hidden, like the Wii does.