I got a 50% off Valve items coupon for my free gift. Does that mean if I use it in conjunction with the current 50% off deals I get a free Valve game? So far I've only gotten coal for everything else, though.
Unless it's a Golden Coupon, you can't use it until the 2nd of January. And the golden ones don't stack that way, instead you pay 50% off whatever the sale price is.
Well, I got a 33% coupon for any Valve game, and a 50% coupon for a game called Solar 2. This is in addition to the 1C Complete Pack that I won, which has a $680 value (crazy) I think I'll be trading that last one, next month when it becomes trade-able. I wanted to gift some of them to friends, but you can't separate games from a pack on steam :P.
This is MADDENING. I've had FIVE trades get cancelled in either negotiating or in the trade window itself. UGH. This thing is a CURSE.
It's currently half off on STEAM right now, but when the sale ends, it will go back to $20, so you might be able to get someone to trade then. Then again, I'm no business man, so don't listen to me
(I think to get the devil rooms you have to beat the boss without damage, at least, thats how its happened for me...)
The devil rooms appear randomly, though there is a greater chance if you take less damage during the boss fight and(to a lesser extent) the rest of the level. I've been in several devil rooms, but Krampus hasn't been in any of them. Won the full game(minus Sheol) twice today, no Krampus.
The devil rooms appear randomly, though there is a greater chance if you take less damage during the boss fight and(to a lesser extent) the rest of the level. I've been in several devil rooms, but Krampus hasn't been in any of them. Won the full game(minus Sheol) twice today, no Krampus.
He was literally in the first one for me! XD
He's not a tough miniboss. A lot of health, but he's easy.
He only has 2 attacks.
Two quick waves of spitballs, that you can just run around and dodge.
And a 4 way beam attack, (like those vagmonsters but 4 directions).
I made quick work of him, and got the lump of coal, which I swear makes the game harder, as the enemies seemed a little more agressive...
Edmund tweeted that the lump of coal is just a tear that does more damage the farther it travels.
Just me then! XD
EDIT: Ok! I've given up on Toki Tori's achievement. Its just freakin' frustrating!
(But some are total cakewalks like The Polynomial's one...)
So whats left for me:
Beat Hazard
Bit.Trip Runner
Frozen Synapse
Hard Reset
Killing Floor
Left4Dead 2
Poker Night at the Inventory
Serious Sam 3
Super Meat Boy
Worms Reloaded
Hmmm... I guess Hard Reset is next, followed by Serious Sam 3, Magicka and Worms Reloaded.
Those should be relatively easy to do...
It would seem that many here mentioned having (so I assume everyone does) a 33% coupon off any one Valve title. However, I also have a 50% coupon off the Fallout Collection (which includes Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics) and no one here has mentioned that yet.
Batman: Arkham City - 50% off
Defense Grid: The Awakening - 75% off
Formula 1 2011 - 50% off
Grotesque Tactics franchise - 75% off
Jurassic Park: The Game (no comments about how much it sucks, please!) - 50% off
Monday Night Combat - 75% off
Mount and Blade franchise - 75% off
Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum - 75% off
Payday: The Heist - 50% off
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise - 75% off
Sherlock Holmes franchise - 75% off
Swords and Soldiers - 75% off
With several Telltale games being included in these achievements, I have to admit it feels like a bit of a kick in the pants that my decisions to purchase deluxe editions and support Telltale are working against me. No Steam copy of the games means no Jurassic Park or Puzzle Agent 2 achievements for me. I have Poker Night at the Inventory thanks to the deal Telltale did with that game, enabling everyone who pre-ordered here to get a Steam key, but I guess that's not likely to happen with these other games.
EDIT: There was a thread on the first page of the customer support forums asking about Steam, so instead of making a brand new thread, I've bumped it up and posted about these concerns. Hopefully someone from Telltale will listen and take pity on us.
You guys are probably going to rage at Steam about this, but instead of a coupon in my inventory, steam gifted me THE ORANGE BOX for the signing up for the group achievement.
first: if you get 7 you can re-craft them
2. Coal is good. It gives you 1 entry per coal for the great price that EVERYBODY wants. Every single game on Steam.
You guys are probably going to rage at Steam about this, but instead of a coupon in my inventory, steam gifted me THE ORANGE BOX for the signing up for the group achievement.
I know! I got the 1C Collection just for signing up . It's got some interesting looking RPG's and strategy games, but a bunch of other war shooters and racing games that look less interesting. Still, It's got a $600 value when not on sale, and I got it for free . I'll probably try to trade it when I can. I also have two coupons and a lump of coal! I think steam is doing at least one achievement every day that is from a free game, or something else that is free, like joining a group, so everyone gets a chance . Hopefully, they will have a challenge from a game I own, like L4D or Portal or something!
get 1 more coal and craft it. Then you NEVER get coal again.
Sadly, the games I own have yet to appear. I have
Worms Reloaded
Frozen Synapse
Meat Boy
Bit Trip Beat
for the achievement
and Im sure more, and none have yet to appear. Hopefully I get my 7 coal ASAP and get that over with.
Go to store page on Steam, click Great Gift Pile, and the first achievement should say you just have to sign up to their Christmas steam group and includes the link. Go to the page, click join group, and check your inventory.
Also, the entire Steam library isn't the only prize you can win with the coal collection. You can also win the top 10 games on your favorites list, or, if you're less fortunate, the top 5 games.
Cashed in for.... "50% OFF Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga" I am disappoint.
Well, at least it's a coupon for a good game Remember though, you can keep your coupons, and trade them with other people. There are 1,151 prizes, but that is still a small number compared to the number of people playing, so the odds of winning anything are extremely slim. I'd say it's best to cash in .
This is MADDENING. I've had FIVE trades get cancelled in either negotiating or in the trade window itself. UGH. This thing is a CURSE.
It's currently half off on STEAM right now, but when the sale ends, it will go back to $20, so you might be able to get someone to trade then. Then again, I'm no business man, so don't listen to me
Lucky that!
(I think to get the devil rooms you have to beat the boss without damage, at least, thats how its happened for me...)
He was literally in the first one for me! XD
He's not a tough miniboss. A lot of health, but he's easy.
He only has 2 attacks.
Two quick waves of spitballs, that you can just run around and dodge.
And a 4 way beam attack, (like those vagmonsters but 4 directions).
I made quick work of him, and got the lump of coal, which I swear makes the game harder, as the enemies seemed a little more agressive...
Just me then! XD
EDIT: Ok! I've given up on Toki Tori's achievement. Its just freakin' frustrating!
(But some are total cakewalks like The Polynomial's one...)
So whats left for me:
Beat Hazard
Bit.Trip Runner
Frozen Synapse
Hard Reset
Killing Floor
Left4Dead 2
Poker Night at the Inventory
Serious Sam 3
Super Meat Boy
Worms Reloaded
Hmmm... I guess Hard Reset is next, followed by Serious Sam 3, Magicka and Worms Reloaded.
Those should be relatively easy to do...
Also: Chyron, that sucks. Why do you have to go to Steam support every other day?
Batman: Arkham City - 50% off
Defense Grid: The Awakening - 75% off
Formula 1 2011 - 50% off
Grotesque Tactics franchise - 75% off
Jurassic Park: The Game (no comments about how much it sucks, please!) - 50% off
Monday Night Combat - 75% off
Mount and Blade franchise - 75% off
Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum - 75% off
Payday: The Heist - 50% off
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise - 75% off
Sherlock Holmes franchise - 75% off
Swords and Soldiers - 75% off
EDIT: There was a thread on the first page of the customer support forums asking about Steam, so instead of making a brand new thread, I've bumped it up and posted about these concerns. Hopefully someone from Telltale will listen and take pity on us.
These frickin' achievements are hard to get.
I got 7 achievements, 6 coal. -.-
first: if you get 7 you can re-craft them
2. Coal is good. It gives you 1 entry per coal for the great price that EVERYBODY wants. Every single game on Steam.
I know! I got the 1C Collection just for signing up
get 1 more coal and craft it. Then you NEVER get coal again.
Sadly, the games I own have yet to appear. I have
Worms Reloaded
Frozen Synapse
Meat Boy
Bit Trip Beat
for the achievement
and Im sure more, and none have yet to appear. Hopefully I get my 7 coal ASAP and get that over with.
Go to store page on Steam, click Great Gift Pile, and the first achievement should say you just have to sign up to their Christmas steam group and includes the link. Go to the page, click join group, and check your inventory.
Cash it in. Odds are you wont win the drawing.
Cash it in and then buy me Jurassic Park. :P
Also, the entire Steam library isn't the only prize you can win with the coal collection. You can also win the top 10 games on your favorites list, or, if you're less fortunate, the top 5 games.
Well, at least it's a coupon for a good game
I think Steam is trolling me.
But you can never get coal again.